Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1899, p. 4

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tacnberawlio do MM r*tiv lbn 1*1*1 reiaianjr will plea** notify ui t one*. Apply at tbl* ufllc* lur advertUliiK rat**. 1I1K ADVANCE' FLKS11KK ION. ONT. POINTED PAKAGRAPHS. Nine excuses out of a possibl* ten are lies. Talk \it chea|i and much of it needs to be discounted. The less a woman tries to be irresis- tible the more she in. Trouble drives fewer men to drink than drink drive* to trouble, A fair exchange is no robbery and a fair robbery is no exchange. The man who hesitates before reply- lug to a query is always doubted. Yon have probably noticed that only level-headed people agre* with yon. Some men are like cigars the mor* yon puff them the smaller they be- come. Make it an object for them and some men can plainly see that black i* white. The man who says something every time he speaks is not cut out for a society idol. A man who has been treated to a coat of tar and feathers naturally feel* stock up. Thos never was, and never will be, a anlvtrul panacea. In one reniedv, for all llli tu wiilcta tlenb u Iteir the very nature ef nisiijr curaiivri >>riiig kii.-ii that were the grrm* of other and differently seated disease* rooted in the v-'cm of th atieui wbal would reli one ill in turn would aggravate th* other. We are, however, In Quiuin* Wine, when obtainable in a kound iiuudulieraied state, a remedy for many an<lgrviousi!U. By It* gradual and ludiciou* usn, the frailest lytiemi arc led into convalescence and trcngth, by the influence whlcb yn.- Dini exeru os Nature'* own reittoratives. It relieves tht drooping >pirit of tbuse with whom s chrome state of raorlild de- pondcncy and lack of interevt in 'life U a el*ae, and, by trauquiliiciiig ths nerve*, 4nuo to aound and rrfrnhlug alerp Ina parts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being limulated, course* through- out the vein*, streugtlienitiK the bra. thy aalaiai functions of the cystetn, thereby akisg activity a neccuary re*ult, strengthening tbe franit. and giving life t* tbe digestive organ*, which naturally demand increased *ulmtiiii.-n -result, im- proved appetlt*. Northrop It Lrman of Toronto, hav* given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion nf scientists, thli wine approaches nean-it |>cr[e<-i lull of any In ths market. AH .IrtiKuiai* aell . t. Soldier ml I'ourtle-r. Lord Kitchener, of Khartoom, i* a traitforward soldier, but be does not corn the art of turning a compliment gracefully. It has Ions' been said of him that be is proof against all 'uiinine charms, and when be waited upon Her Maj- esty at Windsor, the Queon was curi- ous enough to put a pointed question. "Is it tme, my lord," him ns'-.,-d, "that yon hav* never yet cared for woman?" "Ye*, Your Majesty," replied th* Birdar, "quit* true with on* \ p tion. ' "Ah," said tbe Queen, "and who U Hhe?" The Sirdar bowed. "Your Maj- sty," said he. When cfcildren ar* paU-, pe*rl*h and reatleai t night tbej require I|<MC - two of Miller'* Worm Powder*. They are ple*wnt to take; no physic re- quired. n . Keener It.-* ' I / .. |.,n "If Nl>* wer* a youug girl," said th* plump juryman with the metropoli- tan air, "I wonld bn in <avor of ajwn*- slng tit* damages you wish. But it eejuis to me thai a widow is. not en- titled to qnile 'so much for the dam- age To h*r feelings by breach of prom- Ise. " "I don't look at it in that way, at all," said tli young juryman with th* red clay on his boot*. "I tak* it that a widder's feel HIM' 'mi b* hurt the wnst, 'cans* she realizes wbat she U losin'." Hsd I* (Jrlppr Mr A. Nlcksrson, Farmer, Duttou, writes: "l.ait winter I ad !< (>rip|M and it left me with a ever* pall in th* smnll of my back aud hip tbat used to mtcb me whenever I tried to climb a ft-nre. ThU luted for bout two month* when I I. -Might a bottle of l)r. Tbomn.' Kcletanc Oil anil use.) u both Internally ud externally, morning and evening, for three. ilay, at threipira- tlon of which lime 1 w* oomplrtely surod." Mrs. Lofty (proudly) "Thee* ipoon* war* handed down to me iy my great grandmoili.-r, who died and went to heaven twenty years ago." Mrs. Sticker "Goodness met And do yon really mean to tell me that they use plated goods up there?" Health for th* Worm Powders. chiltlrtn. Miller's With II,-. till. Mrs. Browne "Are yon satisfied with the results of your daughter'* oonrse at college?" Mrs. Whyte "Quite so; she is going to marry one of the professors." MOULDER'S FORTUNE Geo. Barkley, of Hamilton, finds a Cure for Rheumatism. He Mitki<* ii'iS 'i-i-fi ttlMHit It l.\ i- 1 \ i...l v mi llavnthe Ht-ii.-ili ol III* I M ,, i ,- eiixv - I>oildi Kidney I'lllt are Within i.,. II-... n of All. Hamilton, Dec. 11. George I'nrk ley, a moulder of this city, is Miti-ti<-<l ho has found a snre cure for Hiicuina- tism at last. HP, ax is well known among hid friends, IIIIK txi-n st-an-li- ing for such a -UK- for tin. last ff\v years ami until rr.-rntly <iiut.- vainly. He has MIK-C IH-.-M nin-<l of his own case ami !>< rriiMinnUy intVrs that the remedy that cun-d him will cure others. Hlii-iimiitiMii in well kti'i\Mi to 1m a diseane resulting from .liMir kiilncys. That 18 nowadays ..n m-- knowlf.l^'f.l f;n t. I'nc ai-nl. whii li should \<f lillcn-.l <nit of tln> blood l>y the knhii'vs, roimutiK in thi< systi in when tlmsc orcatis arn nnhoaltliy. and 1. >!( in the joints, i-utisini; riu-niua- MMII. The reasonable argument n-- therefore to cure Rlit'iiiiiutisiu i-urtng the ki'lnrvs. Thin i>- aotlr what Mr, I'.iirkli-v did. H> nw-d Dodd's Kidnev l'ill> the U-st kulii.-y medicine in the world- mid is to-dny ftnirclv fri-ci from his old complaint. He writes as fo'l.iws: Dixld's Medi'-iti" t '<>. Gentlemen I havn l.i-.'ii fur t)ir'e yrars IrouMr.l with Hli. -11111111.^111. I have trn-d --\.-rnl n-in.-ili.-s but to no use. I rnuld not ir. i nnv r.-huf. I li.-aril of Dod.r-, Kiiltii'V 1'ilU and the wonderful i-ui. iln v dad inn le anil dcridi-ii to try .In in. I got one box and aft.-r I u- . -.iif-hnlf of this box I foutul I was getting bettor. I have nwd (iix IMIXI-., nt'il now 1 can walk without my ..'. I .-on^idor I am cured. I n-tiiiiiii. voiirn, ft'-., I'.nrklcT, Miiniilton, Out. KiilM-r riciisi-il M llh n Ho) ' I . n. i. It T- The i ;,-i iii.-in KIIIMT luul the other day a rui IOIIK advi-ii'nre uitli one of his muiii-roti* godi-liildii'ii. Kvery seventh Ixiv in the same fnniily, if the par.-ntH are in humble cin-iiniHtances, is named after and pilnrated at the exjiense of the kaiser. On the kaier's arrivnl at Keiii'-heid, one of these frodi-lllldren was deimleil to offer him a lHini|iift. The small U>y, however, at tho lust minute utterly rnfnwHl to part with i he rlou.Ts. The kainfir, however, only linichi-il and pattod him on tlie hcml. ami said: "Yes, whon a ( ieriimn OII.-H lny> hands on anything, lie >\iM-t not readily give it up," and In- or.liTi-.l titty murks to be given to tin' i.iitiiiat.> youngster. 80 r|ii.hy .!.>- 11114 ,n, .!..) ami <lre|H-n, tlini nfii-n in a fi-w wrrkn it siniplf rough i ii'iiitiinip- in tnbitrrulHr ennniiinption. Uive liri-.l to nm^ti thern m alwny* dioigrr 111 <lcl*y. _.-; * bcittli* of BwkU'i An: i i '.iiiti"i|ii iv Syrup, iind ' ur>- vonr-'-.f. It in M cine misiirii issol for .-ill Hi root an-l unit trouble- It i< fiiiii|Hiuiiilri| from wverarl on of wlm-ii . 1.1111)4 HI i lie Ill-mi .'( i In- lim M cxrrtmir M \nunliTfii1 Influence HI curing cciu* impu.iti utl ail lung iniutilcs. Not .n-llaff" After All. In the village of T. there is a clerk who ix known ax "Daft Johnay," ow- iiu 1 to In- having IMMMI routined in a lunatic asylum several years. Th* other day, shortly after his, with a document Mating that he was now Mine, he was having an argument with several of his fellow clerks, when one of them suddenly exclaimed : "Look here, Johnny, you'd better bold your tongn. You've only just coiun out of the luuutiu asylum, and we all know yon are daft." "Daft?" eiclaiined Johunr, with sarcasm. "Why, I'm the on!v man nuioiiL' the whole lot of yon who ha* a certificate for bring Haae!" In tke -..n... i I..... "Go away I" said the cook wrath- fiilly. "Yon are a tramp. " "Aye, let it be so!" said Thirsty Hannigan, dramatically. "Yet, never forget that yon, too, madam, are bnt a panhandler I" A new back for .V) rents. Ki.ln.-j Pills snd Plaster. Ulllsr's n ..! f .... ...I br Cat*. Fifty cats took jxwsession of a Llr- it II-M.I man's hon-.ii while hit family was away, and the human beingi' at tempt to evlot them was repulsed. THE BRIGADIER-GENERAL YULE. Commanding- 4th Dit I. Ina la Plxx of Hlr Vt I', v, ,,,,.,,, Briga<lipr-ncneral Ynle, who made the brilliant march from Dundee to effect a junction with the lintish for- ce* at Iji'lvMiutli, wim through tlie Tirah cain]iiu^ii. lie ha almj iteen active S.TVH- m India. He WHS in Lord Rolx-rts' famous march to Kandahar, after he was ap- pointed Colonel of tho First Devon- sljir.-s ami Matimicd at i'eslmwnr. I.H-I var Ins limn limit of four in command of his battalion ex- pircd. and the War Oflice offered him an i Ati u.siou of one vear. He was rath-r unwilling to accept the offer as ho wa* only just married, bnt he was ixTbuaded to accept it, and when the Indian contingent was decided on for South Africa his regiment was chosen, and be was appointed to com- mand a brigade. He come* of a military family. His father, who was Colonel of th* 9th C.TS in the Indian Mutiny, and was killed when leading his regiment into action, was one of three brothers who are mentioned in Sir Herbert Ed- wards' Life as the illustrious Yul* Brothers. On* other. Sir George Ynle, was British Resident at Hyder- abad De^an. and the other was Sir Henry Yule, Member of th* Indian Council. Ale^Porter JOHN LABATT, London, ArmndeubU-llyTIIK IIKHF. Toillmnnlalii from 4 i-lirmlM*. 10 medilt, II 4l|iloui>i Thr m*l li"l- -me ot bexrac**- l(<-<-nininnd*d by I'hytli-iani for laU every- wlirf. Something More Than a Purgative.- u purge i the only eflVcl of niHiiy pills now on the market. Parmele'i Vrge- tnhle Pills are more than purgative. They strengthen tlie Hiomach whrr* other ti.lls weaken It. Thry cleuuM tb* blood In regulating the liver and kidners, and they utimulata where other pill com- pound* deprees. Nutliingofsa injurious iiiii nre, UMM! for merely purKBtivs powers, uteri into their coui|>o-.uions. Am Et-clUh l- . i..r' F.I.. An Eaatbonrn* doctor has been th* victim of hi* own m.-ai.-ine. He mad* up a draught for a ]>at ient, putting in by mistake strychnine instead of choloform, and when she complained that it mad* her sick, got angry, and, to prove that th* medicine was all right, swallowed half th* content* of the bottle himself. H* immediately recognized the symptom* of strych- nine poisoning, used a stomach pump and other means to destroy th* ffecta, but died soon after. No worm medtrlnt sets to nicely M MU> ler's Worm Powder*; no ;thy*io requires!. Bird \ I. il.... ,.| I Ion. Th* bird* so rutblenaly slaughtered for their plumes are th* whit* heron* and egrets, of winch several piece* have lately been quit* destroyed. They are natives of tropical countries, South America and India furnishing th* most specinieim. TbJkl hot, dry .-< uf th -klm will .V , |,, ,.f Mlllrr'sCompound 5O dos,- L'.S crnts. I i Hcrp nt *ap. Scrapn of soup fhonld neve be ed, but U- .-n-efnlly collc<-t...i nnd put away. Wheu wanted tor :lannels, etc., they can : u! in pieces aiul boiled to B jelly After- wards diliilo with rainwater, and thin will make a bean t it'll 1 lather. Small pieces of toilet HO8J) .should I* collec- ted and kejit by theniM-lvcs. Th'-n tin-in up again wifii alit'b- milk and form into .-.i - - Sworn Testimony 'I ho-o I'ti,i.-i il, 1'i.npli- e;ui U- entire IT removed by th* ti< of Mill.-r > i .1111- ]H)lllld IrilU l > il!^. .Vl ' ril. llfr ....!!- Mint. "This room," he said, "in rather "That's not all that's close," she returned somewhat point. -dly. Then he recaUtxl that slie had _-ht up the HUbject of ice .-r-am s.sla three times in the la.-t t.-u i i ! he had failed to rc..]>onii as became a man. In I'nion County, Georgia, there is a bar room, ami ?."i \>T .-eiit. of the |K>opl<. ov. n tliir own homes. ' om liead of a family in the connty seat does not own ins home. The tramways, omnibus** and un- derground railway* in and aronml L.cidnn. within a radios of live mile*, carry each year, it is calculated, about iU.OOO.OOO pafwengerg. To walk through all the street.*, avpiiues, lanes aud alleys of London, never traversing the fame one twice, wonld re<|nir>> a ten mil* walk ev> :> day for nine y< In Rome parts of Holland a birth is announced by fattening a Bilk tun cushion on the .loot- knob. If th* ]>.n .-'-!r.n is !.-.! the baby is a boy, and if white a girl. Dominion of Canada, frevlno' of Ontari*. Oountv of Wcntworth, TO WIT: ^lUnit. -.f Dund^Ont I. 1'ATRICK JAMES WILLIAMS of. h*Town of DunilM, tilth* County of YWntwurtb. tho*- maker, il'i olemnly d*- t lar* anil (wear tbat tb* statcmr..! I bav* mad* tii day U true and cor- rect. P. J. WILLIAMS Boot and Shoe Uanufao- turrr. A(**t yrara, I have been trouUed with kidney and blailder duwa* for flv* years, Ifr .wnr wone, m.dl- cine* Ulllna; to reliev* me, gi T '"(f np hope of r*- lief. AuiriMt 1Mb a am- 61* of Klectinx Kidnay ean wa* I- ft at my place of buMnr**. I took them. Th* burning, caldlnir n*ation which wa* M painful wtitu I made water b. gan to * relievM, allbongh I had tuOtrtd In tbat war (or a year, aad in* pain In my U> k tbat I c aid I tlmicarcly turn ..ver iu )<*d- I b u*ht foir boze* of 'b* Kidnev aWni from th* Du- du DrngCoaipasv, and Buw feel that I am sor*d n* uukacfM. BO <ins wben I urlaaU. 1 cheerfully r*c*nunend Elaottni- Ki.lni-y a>*an* to all infli-rn ,,f kidney and bladder ditraa* wblfh prevail* among mn 'f my atre. Tour remedy 1* a ur*, ^ulck and great cur*. not Whore t). y Fall*. Patient That sign of yours i* Tery enconrugin^. Deutut \Vhv so? I guarantee to extract leeth without pain. 1 'at lent Yes but I want the pain extracted. I'd rather keep tbe tooth. Doolarad befor* m* at th* T.. if Dunda*, la th* Oonaty of Wentworth, t'.i* th day of Kov n A D. 1*4S. A. 11 WAKUELL. Kl*rtln* Klsney Bean* for aal* at all droa> s-lit*. tie. pr box. If your druririat ha* not got thB In tteck. take n - other. >end cm* i direct, sic. per hoa, or five boxes one dollar. The Electine Medicine Company (Usmltesl) Ite Adtltld* Street Wett. Toronto. Te ear* a eo!4 in three bourt u*e Electtao Fnesma Broatbe Tablets. AJI Drutg lu, or all. Me. a kex. "Tea." she said. "Miss Wllllngloa [>oke of yon at our party yesterday afternoon." "Did *h*r he asked, utralgbtenlng up and taking an interest In thing*. 'What did she tuiy about me?" "She ssld your countenance si way* reminded her nf an o|*n car on a frosty day." Chi. :i go Times-Herald. Nothing; *ucOd Ufce ueB." >>*> * 30c pay* * for a DOLLAR MONTHLY MAQAZINB for one year, to any a\ddrav i Catching Subscribers 18 EASIER TO US THAN- Catching Butterflies IMPLY BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW AND HAVE SOMETHING TO ATTRACT THEM. Lait wrck we offered DolUr Magaitne Monthly for j^c per year. We had uch rush of subteriberi that th* November and December i**ue* were quickly exhausted. We mad* thi* extraordinary offer (olely to reach a cer- tain litrure in circulation lefor* tlie end of the year. W have reached that point already. We now raise the price to 30 cents and next week we mar raise to .151-. )'ou tumid Mcure th* iJi'Minf r*M, r tnd Jh nanm witH 91.60 ana) a* eon /"ft *JL TArry mU *Wy 6y potto! or trprut i */ yur 'at'tr. The LADIES' JOURNAL I* a brilliant up- to-date monthly ma^.tzlna of 3d large pages, fashion* beautifully illustrat- ed, attrnctiv*), original and selected toriea, article* and poems soma- thlnfl to interest ovary member of the family. ordtr, ir This is a Veritable Twentieth Century Offering In High-Class Reading Matter. The regular price of The Ladies' Journal is $1.00 per year, But if you send at once you will only have to pay 30 cent*. The Ladies' Journal, 79 WEST ADELAIDE STRUT. TORONTO, DMT. Vr * *W . tb*i , TIIEBIPIItEATSTiH Noble and Patriotic Words of Right Hon. H. H. Asquith. O*. Lord Kitchnr. th Suuii tu Sirdar, ( Go a* Chiff of ->t jff to Hro of, Irinble I lt of I. <> tM liulr' Uatue-Uor* of < i|>e Colony, and the attitude of th* l>u ten farmers it turbulent. Mortal <'p i iil.niy in RbllioD. Sterkstroom, Cape Colony, Friday, Dec. 15. As a result of the British reverse*, the whole country to the northward is virtually In a state of rebellion. The natives there, as well as those in Basutoland, are said to be much disturbed and to be losing LORD ROBERTS TO BE SUPREME heart regarding th. strength of th. British. Am Kxample of Hutch Dlljltr Cap* Town, Dec. 13. O*n. French Is gradually advancing towards Colesburg. A party of carbineers visited tho house of a Dutch farmer and were assured that UILTB wer no enemy in the neighborhood. When they were leaving thi- 1 . \\ere fired on from the house. The Hnrs* Artillery shelled the house, killing several of the enemy. It is stated that General Oatacre London. 1>. I>; Kiiftit Hon. U. H. A*- < u'ltlit >..i tlit* i > u>i*lde Liberal A*. uC'atloa ai -V .. i-iai." tl.i.-t turning, laid; "Nothing ii> ni'.n- ttian tu aeek 10 ULiKrru.iu.- tin- .Hin.l.-u.i- of the country and tbe anuj iu a iguil.iut geu.-ral on the has fallen back to his original posi- trti.stii of a - u, ! iiiur ot judfiui-iu or a tion. It Is the general opinion here ingle .. v,r t it a time when It that he should occupy Cypher Gat. SKSSfT ; '"""J U tK w?rM where there Is a very strong post- wttb exuii< tiou* uf freaks of uvw diplum- tion called Bushman a Kraal. cy. Tb s.i.iaii iu i-xufroatluc us, aft: Hr. Seymour, adv t-ing engineer to tha^'lf u' b^nl'y't^ f -'u.." 'tu S 'ituk ofT" tha Ecksteins, offered to raise an en- other topic, u. e*j*aw! afford to upend glnter volunteer force of 2.OOO to time la ,!... .,..; . -.i-t.-.. Sterner and assist th* regular*. Th* offer was more urg-ni I'm. -, ar.- laid upon u. We acc< mted must noi > ..w -rjir th.- revenes and dls* a*ti-r* "f MORE BUTTER FRAUDS. :ir.- laid upuu tu. We r*te jr. Thfjr may become vic- tories of t.. AI ibe uiue tluie let OS cot un-ter -tin ..lie ibe gravity of tbe task b^foro u-. i'be ba* develoMal prcportiMU* wiiii-h ui.iy m ike It th- turning point In i * of tbe Kiuplre. It ha* twH-'-m-- i IMF uu.l dt-vper than the que*- tlnn ot .r (Motion In South naissance this mornlnp, supported by Modder Hlver, Friday, Dec. 15.-Th* 9th Brigade, under Col. Pole-Caruw; the Grenadier Guard* and a squad- ron of the 12th, made a recon- _ nee this mon Africa. I: i.- our title t.. : . .nwn sa the 75th Battery howit/ers on the orld power ilKii U n.. upon trial, snd. If <x > n tr* and right and four naval 12- .r'.i.J'ni'aju'uuue'of^ttie task pounders on th. left. A 4.7 naval not to GENERAL SIR REDVERS BULLER, Oenerai Buller, the British commander In chief in t'.i^ war with tbo Boer*. I" a vrternn s,,l.lier and has had eiperler, f war*. H. Is a big. gruff flu'.iter. \vho U more renowned ss a military 'jatr.-ring ram than M a strn-esiaf. H,- is <*> years of age and. b*oau*v of his sever* discipline Is heartily hated by his officer*. THE MAGEKrt>XTKIM DEAD. en ouh' not to have been a (juMtiiui wbk-h will bava 1 lnTfaficr. but now It la . it.-. It 1* M "i all parties that -i-il to give cite nty. Tiowerer -j- he rj oerl , umna sked two guns, one solved, the country of which WM dlamanlled by ^ naval guns, and the second of which it wo* Inpossible to touch. No one was killed. All th* troop* returned to camp. There were no casualties. General Me'huen directed the opera- tions from horseback. Hi* wound i* almost well. bar* unilertu Men soon<-r i to be clear tii at M tb* universal whatever ac< army great tbe *. wll readily a, -Ion. "Tbe iiatioii cunndratljr expect! the Gov- ernment to do wbat 1 neceuary. It 1* our duty a* a uat'ou to tw and calm and to e.-.i... iitnte all our rewurce*. ma- terial (ml i'-..r.u upon a taik which we cannot lay ilo\> . incomplete, with- ooi deallUj: a lilow al.k* at tbe bouor snd mttij of uur Umpire." TIIU.MH ih. >iinatloo. London. i>-. 1& The Time*, comment- Inf on tb >. iitlon. says: "Neither tbe Crimean war or tb* Indian tut; 1 T f< ri--- i" .- . r danfer* ' Eniplro tli.iu Unit with blcb ? are now aena-.-d: tmr ut eni.,T of tb*e c: perl'n!-. wn i;n-:it lint. mi so Uulited csll.T. .,r regirled with s oli UUtruat aud nipi --v almost everywhere ppa nucM which Itn- pre**e* tb- from apathy, ..r a want of t;' gtnti.>n to rsallsi to tbe w Treat c ~ i w jn nrely be nn.l- n too Inte to re- trier* thi- u - nre flgbtlDg nt Bierely for :n ., ,cy 1,1 s,, u :b i:rl-, but ' i.t-T \V.- know we : , f tmct& of onr f..v. ml ^ ,,.- :.-,iT*d to make tbat iui.-M.-a.. n..iti.iB jood." cun on the right opened fire at 5.30. While the brigade deployed across the plain the howitzers shelled the Boer trenches and searched the ridgca.the naval guu* doing tho seme OFFICERS'_DEATH LIST. ea. Ball*r'* xt.<tmeui ! the Ufle* huw They \\mrm pll Mark* for Boer*. LORD ROBERTS TO GO. Will Ha < >iim*uU>r-in-< hlrf ! onlh Afno-<..-n. klt.-lien.r Will It* Hit CbUf of -i .IT London, Dec. 18. Duron Roberts Of Kandahar and Waten'.ird. com- mander of Uis force* iu Ireland, ho,s been appointt-d to the chief com- mand in South Africa, with Gen. Lord Kitchener of Khartoum as hi* Chief of staff. 1 lie Offln.l Hull. tin. London, Pec. IS v hortly before midnight yesterday the following no- tice was pouted at the War t) "An the c-impalrn In Natal. In the opinion of II, T M.ij>-<ty' <;orernment, I* likely to require tbe pri'senee iiu,| uu dlvlilrd attention of i:<-n Sir KiMvers Buller, It liai bfrn >)> t-li>.l to send Baron Rol,.-rt nf Kandahar and Water- ford as coiiiiiiamler lu eblef In Smith Africa, wllb Lord Kitchener at chler of tad. A CALL_TO ARMS. All th* Km. !<,,, Army K...TT... !. ladla* >rtln !>. Are Called Oat inh-r Troop* t I... London, I eo. IS. Tlie rt'ar OiTU-a yesterday issued the following nounccnicnl : "Acting upon the advice of the Londor, Dec. 18. ^Th* War Otfice late on Saturday issued the follow- ing lit >( *ieueral Buller's casuaitie* .!.. 'tig the ollicer* at the Tugela OFFICERS KILLED. Captain A. II. tiOLMi;. ri. l.l Artillery. I .lenant C. B. SCHUIEUKlt. Held Ar- tllli-ry. iln A. IL BACON, Dublin Kusllle. Lieutenant H. C. i>. H--nry, L'uudn l'ul -r J. F. W. CHAULEY, Iniilakllllac ' . . '-Iln FUANK C. LOFTUS, Innlnkining BS> Captain U. L. nUUHKS. Medical Corps. Lleiiti-t; ui C. II. Jt.NKl.NS, TUorn..-y croft'i Mounted Infantry. Ueuti-u.iu; K. 11 -S. KOBERTS. son ot Barou Uobvrt* of Kandabar. >i i n i u> \MII MM:II Culunvl I. li. BUOOKB. Colonel LONC. Colonel U. Ill N'T. Major K. U. C. Hfyj-jte. U..JOT A. \^ Major F. A. B. 1; v ;S';TON. Captain N I. c WN Captain J. F. RAlw I.IFKB. Captain IV .N. W. \ U.K11S. Captain tb Hon. ST. I l.UBtt JAHVIS. Captain A. J. II AN K. raptain W. F. Ill K- Captaln U. J. Bl' Kl.KT. Captain J, F. 8. 1'KOBYN. Cnptaln H. M. S. I.KWAN. ..u J. i:. R. I'.Ul SH Captain H. 1>. WII1TK-TUUMAS. Capuln PON8ONBT, Tborneycroffl Mounted Infantry. Captain H. I. KKKH. Captain F. A. U. Kl. TON. Captain \v. li. ( OM;UI-:VE. I I i.l HI BV Kl i.l>ll N|-4 The** corp bad officer* wonu<l>-d. fol- low*: iiblre Ueeini>-nt Klfle Urlicde il'riuce Conaort's Own) Brlitade Staff military authorities, Ik-r lljjestj s Government luis approved Uic lol- lowing Die-usurp "All the remaining portions of the army reserve, including section "1>," are called out. The seventh ilui.-,ii.n, which is being mobilised, \\ill proceed to South Africa without delay. "Nine balt.ilio.iB of miini.i. in ad- dition to tho two hnttulions which have already vi>liiin.-, i cd for K r Tice at Malta and one for service in the Chuiuirl Isliiiuls, will lj allow. 'il to vohinti'.T for service ont>.,i- the Umti-il Kiiujiloin, and an oqi lent nuinlier of mili'ia h.i'.tiilions will bo ptntitMluHl for Si-r\ ic "A strong force of voluntivr- *cted from the yeomanry remm will be formed for service in South Africa without delay. The conimauilcr-in-chief in South 'Africa ho* hec-n authori.-ed to con- tinue to raise at its troops, mount..! "Arran^i'im-nts are being mu<te and will shortly he announced for th- t I K. r.lrr UeKinii-nt . I Conuaught Kunxers -. Dublin Kti-IMer* 1 IrNh Knsil.rra i II, rif Artillery . Fli'ld Artillery M-.ll.-al Corp* Mounted Infantry Natal CarlOnc.-rn South Afrl.-m l.litht Tl-r-w l-lll..\l H OK Th follow-In^ officer* were taaeu prl*on em or nil- Kl.-ld Artllli-rv 5 I', v.insii;-.- Regiment.... K-S4-X Keginicnt I i; il So.. I* Ku*Illers ( Rnjal Artillery i i>'iil*r' I ..t. i Total killed wounded * wounded s missing .. 83 |-,i,7 j' ' I '.I 18 ploy men t in South trong contingent of cted voltinleers. "The patriotic offer* which ar* being received from the Colonies w ill, as far as possible, be accepled. I.M-- ference bciti^ j;iven to oUer* of mounted contingents." Duller'* total casualties 1,097 T* Ascertain th* I o-. Durban, Saturday, Dec. 16. Th* Natal Government Gazette announces that Gen. liuller ha* appoiutexl a commission to enquire into the loss- es of tho people of Cape Colony re- dlting from 13oer invasions. O*od New* Fr.m Mafkin c . London, Pec. 18. An undated des- V at. ill Arrangement Htw*n BrltUh uud Boer Allow* of Their Burial. : l.-r Kiver, Dec. 15. Mutual arranKeuients were made by the British ami Do-r commander* by which the British dead were to be on Wedne*xls and Thursday. The Boer* sMpulalol thai the D shoiil.l not come within 6OO yards of th-ir lines. '.en. Cronje, the Beer | ympaiby, commandant, cent a message r- ^r- i- tine i hat he could not come person- the burial party, but I lie said that . . :rs engaged I bis atlention . ' - and Field Cornet Will* to assio- - . rison in ng the A few of the Boers cast fanatic glances at the . but the nut 'hem co- ted with the . !s of tbe ' ind.xl and i furnished ready. ItrlOT.I Ml I W t -lain Ro' ' ' 32 on . Th* that their .isualtie*) 'hat ' and the War n" - of tU-lr ri.-H|iouaililai>' ami 01 ibe :. it tb .1. uud tbe pupen unani- r batt it tbat tbe i|uet>tHn ' nu.Iy breu at Hi-- IH ttoui of tb ba-f ,. d u.i- i:ir, b. brrio u.loptt.l, and It la not uuiikvly tu.. Chuiireilur of tb* Eit-'btv, 'Lh-r ni of ibe < :i - '\t.i .--M-ifu. Hie traj; :: of tii,- ippolnt- aivtit of Lurd i;.- ,::-, a.iiioit l ly wltb tbe anii li of tin pnitnlalng sou eiutv tb* dtepeit public it.,ert was an only tn aad bad .;dlt >f failantry on re*cue tbe guu* '--. n and In tbe Chltrul -;; a wa bis dlaplsy r In an attempt to as recumoiended oil, , uu lh> H^rk.-i Still another butter fraud is abroad in Ohio. State Dairr and Food Com- missioner Blackburn has s-ut oat A warning that a preparation called Lautibutn is oil the market to b* nsed to ren<ivatf ur rework old butter, and iin-n-aii* its bulk. This preparation hati beea analyzed and found to con- tain chrornafe of lead, a po.-onou* suoHranre injurious to health. Any* one nxmi; it anei offering the product for sale, will render himself liable to prosecution for riolation of th* olemar^arine law. It isn't likely that this stuff is confined to Ohio. Ther* seems to ba no end to these fraud." and hnrohnz*. The whole foul brood should to wipec onr with a (pong* dipped in '-arboiic arid. The N.-.V York State Department of Agriculture has made sone investiga- tion as to the use of paraffin in adul- terating olemargarine. It i* said that paraffin is used qnite freelr in adulter- ating chocolate and candies, but it did not seem possible that rach indigesti- ble stuff would be aited in a batter It was first observed in and since that time has been con- stantly ned. The amount of paraffin found in samples *xamiin<d by the de- partment ranges from 5 to nearly U per cent, whu-h means from 3 to orr 6 pounds in a tSO pound tub of oleo. A large per cent, of paraffin was found in a one pound print which had b**B sold for butter at .' cent* a pound. It is impossible to tell how much of thi* tuff is used a* butter. There is no doubt that much of the oleo in \ew York market is sold under th* gui** of butter, but few of th* sample* taken are tested for adulterants. Th* rhances are. however, tbat a very large prooorti< I oleo sold la thin market contains thi* indigestible paraffin. om- tbe tit !i h flrst v ha- wn. nrtouU tu ' procerd to I'ort "n n > .-"tr<l re- vim* n-ir:. v -hat the - -MtU 'inler. under a - i f., r 1 li.-U. d at liianua- ne.1. The otb.'- irrtaonaand poe*- tlona are it. out. CANADA'S TRADE RETURNS. .1 '' they had only 03 killed. This must .ike. its the Firitish buried I.'. Iln.-r-. .iti.l .l-.rinn th.. ' rst search of th.- on Tuesday many : corpses were seen tinder tho Oushcs. These been removed on Thursday, when the 1'riMsh burial party returned. Several Boers had been kili.-il \\ith the butts of rifles. Some of the Highlanders got so clos* to the trenches that their kilts wer* torn off in the confusion. H..r. ( , 84 Hritl.b. The Boers have 62 British prison- ers, of whom 45 are members of th* "Black Watch." Chaplain Robertson says that what seemed like deserted kopjes and ridfres swariiifd with men as hi* party appro.n-hfil. Commandant Ver- mas treated him in the kindest man- ner, fie returned twice to see if h* could b* of any further assistance, and shook hands with Mr. Robertson on parting. HOT Kore 1S.OOO It I* stati-d that the floer forces numbered 1'he Boers are al- most in\i.iil>le from Modder Kiver. Occasionally they are noticed round- ing Uie side of a kopje. 1 h. ( M.ulllr. nt M .Jfr.f.iatoln. London, Dec. IS. The revised list of the British casualties at the battle of M.ic"rsfritein shows the total to tin '."'>.'!. of which number 70 wore otti. lilack Watch were th* heaviest * - Of the rank and file 42 were killed, 1SU wounded and 111 are w tb A HUH I I ANT TI< TORT." ir lrpi. h .| urn... .! or vi Africa of a patch from Mafeking to the 1'all Mall carefully *el- Gazette say*: "The siege will prob- ably be rnised in a few days, when the townspeople will tender their thanks to Col. Baden-Powell. Tho enemy's lire has slackened Our casualties are conlined to natives al- CAI'K DDICH IN KRBKLL1OM. etlngn of lloer >ympthlsr* Caatlnei- ulljr Meld In the ..!..,., Cajie Town. Thursiluy, l\-c. 14.- moot entirely. Thero are a few wounded in the hospital. There is much sickness in tho women's laager, where the death rate U high, chioily the children." Th* Spanish (Government ha* for- mally recoi^nl/ed General Ciprinno Secret mOeiitiK* of Boer symp.ithi ,, ro a. President of tb* Republic continue to be hold in various parts o f Venezuela,. 1'retoria, Wednesday, IVc II! -An despatch from the Modder River says : "Tbe Bours captured a great quan- tity of loot, including '-UO Loe-Met- forda. coses of cat t. id^us. and hund- reds of bayonets, ilr. ,i.t,numbers of British have n-ii.ed from Tweo- Rivuren In the direction of Belmont. The loss of ItriMsh was very great. Ther* wore heaps of dead on the field. Th* wounded are being attend- ed to temporarily at Bissct's Farm. The sappers and miners must ha\e suffered severely. The Boers suffered heavy losses in horses. I en otherwise .!. ., ribf the bati). than as a sad and terrible slaughter Monday was for us a brilliant vic- tory. It has Infused new spirit in- to our men and will enable them to achieve greater det-d*." THE AWAKENING. .Trnrant and V r Office Nuw to full Sen** of Ui.ipoiiaib.lilv- l.l.i. l.ol.ert.' Ulh4 London. Dec. 18. (4.46 s.m.) "Black week, ' lal wwk i* unlvenwilly call*4 now. BX* etldvutl> aroused tbe 'ioremmeot MORK OOKK TIIKACHKRI. Lieut. < h.n.lui. I .,,, i . P by B*r* C'liier a rlws "f t r-^. London. Dec. IS. Tlie War Office bsa r*> ; tbe following .l<tp*teh .Uted Dec. 17 lien, i .Vjlker at C*J> Town : "Methnen report* tbat Lieut, rhando*- Pole w. t^ken prl>. 11, -r la*t Thursday wben gulag i uj.->-t > tliz of truce. U* in of Animal* and Arrlcaltvrml "i I lie I i -1 mr Canada's trn :s to grow, especially in -f th* exporta- tion of animals aud agricultural pro- duct*. The imports m < h-tober rotall- d lU.-'iTT.W!. the Cte.1 b*- irg- f-, Itil.-ttt, wli r last year tbe imports were fll.T'jy. >ll5. and tho duty collections, I For h* four months -r 31, ih* figures were 1 *:> Imports. 163,- etions, f' [mjx>rtB. $.Vi.'J20. OWJ; duty col- $S,59,9S-J. The ex;x,rt in er amounted to $1 \ 7:17, 012. a* urainst ti'j.'.'j..M5a in >t <ber last rear. For the tirst four mouihs of th* litcal yiir the ticv-r^i are: 1*9!) 169,- 17. Tbe aggr*- _-Ht trad* for the first four months of 'he two years was as follow* : 1888 S119.3T.J.013; 1899 $i:i: ;,'. 3T5. b*>- iuj{ au increase of $ "Uatacre bun remored hi* tpx>p and tore* to Stcrlutroom from IMitti-r ' Kraal. Kn-n.-h ban Cfttalillabea beadquaner* at AmndeL Vandermrwe. with rommnn.lo. Is r*- ported moving *ontb from Jaeolimltl." 1 h >inl..rllii In Dublin. The troopM are pouring Into South Africa by transport loads. Two troopships arrived at Capo Town th* oth.-r day, raising the r-infurcement* it. or irvi.-md. and Cadocan, th-- I. .ml I. r..nn >n. pr lain rei-ehinx u decree Ity on M.uiiliij. Hi*r% Hav* >' Seaport. New York. Pec. 17. When the Union MetaU'C CiiPtrl.i|{.' r,-iii|>any of Bridi;-p..rt. Cunu., sbii>i-l - -M tbiH port rtjNNi.inK) round* of .Ku.nuiiliiuu to Knglund on Tu<*ii- dar la*t Dr. H. mlrn k Mui>r. i-nruy i>\tra- oiulnarr Df h. Hied, tl'tvugb. O>nwil <;.-IKT| Cbarle* U. Pierce, prutest wltb 8 v of State II IT Other orders of Knt.iln for ammunition ar<> hflnK tiili-.l > ts |.,rt .-.impan/ and Dr. Muller n.:nli- tho proteit with tb* bipe of pr-vMM'ing tbe itblpm<*nt of th-fw. CunRiil (Jt-ueral I'leio- received r.-ply from 8*TP - ~tTday. He rcfu-<e to mterf.T*. >.t.itlni{ In CSM of war, b< !i:giTfiit h.ive tb>> rUbt to purvna.< any 1 Ind of S'MHH iu neutral countries, *ubje*7t to ei>nt1ent.nn after iblpnjeut. An the Born bare no euport, th* advantaKe lie* er.fUvljr wi.h Knuinnd. \\lieii Mr. I'-er- \\.n ron it tho -.mmn- te be -ui.l tbat no i-omment should be try HIT'* letter, as It cswrereU all protest* completelj. ,>,,,.., Mill N..t I ...T- I ..,...,,,. London. Dec. is.- Tlip ( mirt News make* the f,.|;lne niin"i!ii-< nt : "'ntr ar- rnntffin.-nts ma. I,- fur tbe ijueea's depar- ture fmin WrodsOT have been postponed nntll after ctirt^tmiix. as, onlni: to the ni wiMe of nffnlr* In 'ri.-a, tho Qnfvn Is nnwliltng to be a ,-rpiit dlo tanro from r.ondon." Not for v.-iiri l>.-f..rc has the (Jneen ile- rl.loil to ,.,.>.,) Chrlstmns away fmm r>- Iwrno. ll.-r ,|.-.-,-<:.iii t.> r.'iniilD at \vi-i. '.r In touch with th.- i':i'i.ii.-t l< a nifn-<iir- of the tfravltyof the crhls and of the anxlty Her M'ljosiy feU for the welfare of th* country. fjorenno Mnrqiiea, Pec. IB. It l rnmorwl tbat Wlns|..ii I'hiir.-hlil. the n'-w|.nper cor- re*pondeui, who rvc'-- < fr->m Pre- toria, has l.i-eu cspturcd at Wnt-rfnllwiven. hout b.-tlf wT between Pretoria sad Pe> iuj(ues territory. Toronto. Junction, 1W. 13 Mr*. I. men. fourlli H 11 of \ ork, near K. -,:iel to ;>olice tho theft of $24 from her bureau dr.iwer. aliout 3 o'clock IB the morintiK. Her husband is away, and noises 'n the house awakened her and her children She had a re- volver in the house and em .\ery cartridge at two men of I.'.N<K). Nine more troopship* with about 11.000 men are duo shortly. When these come in and reach th* front, the balance of numbers, which at the opening of hostilities wa* dis- tinctly in faror of th* Boors, will have turuod to th* British side. 67 running count, the regular troops in South Africa, including th* 11,000 whose arrival is expected any day, show an aggregate of 48,546 men, to which 30,000 may be add p.'. for th* volunteers raised in th* colonies. In all about 68,000. From this number, perhaps. 6,000 should b* deducted for the killed, wound<>d and prisoner*, leaving a force of 63.000 men to tak* the field. Thi* is a larger muster than the Boers can make from th* population of the two'Dutch republic*, witb a liberal allowanc* for foreign volunteers. And hardly mor* than half of the reinforcement* from Eng- land have come in. By running count, there are still nbont 23.000 troops of th* flrst army corp* which are hurrying to the Cap* in troopship*, and in addition 10,000 men of the sec- ond corps are getting ready for em- barkation in England. It is a mighty muster. Boston Herald. A De-rnrntlve- . "General White can't expvt th* Tie- tftrln creis " "No. he's got her cross already" Cleveland Plain lv : ii,.p. .-lit that she hit one of them, . s there nre ' ins on Ui% ground where the men wer* itaud- Ing ..rill II This i* an expression tbat w* often hear, bnt few pooplr, reali,o il* antiq- uity or its original meaning. It i* handed down to us from ancient ' Roman davs whon tho n.>l<!ii rs used ' to receive a porti.m of salt as part of their pay. "Sul" is tbe Latin for salt, and when 1-1 the COITM of tim* tbe salt wa* ccinr'ii e,i f .r money th* i amount wa ra'i.-d "sn,xrimn," or ' salt money. Hoin-o our word salary, and hence also the expression, worth his salt."

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