Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1899, p. 3

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DECEMBER I4 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Merchants' Bank Of CANADA Capital paid up ....$6,000,000 3,600,000 Off HE MONTKKAL KOAltD OK IHUKCTOH8 MM** ALLAN. I .., I',..- i.t,.,,t i. \l, kivviiK., Kq.. Vie-Preiden Jooathan K , l, ,n. l >] Jainea P Dai i-Nile. Kr..| Koli.-rt Mackv. KK,| Tliov l*>nu. I ; Omieral Manatfxr Juint lien. \Ianut-r Hupt n( llrani-liiia -M'll hs l\ OMTARIU AM. yCKBK,'. tnuutit'.n. yu.-l,..,- l..,ii<1oa. Out ItonffW Mark Htietl.rnokii.Qu Hhawvill-. i, Mai No 'Jii sirmiit- s, 1,'lin'H, One Xlr,l St.lIOlll, Qtie Mil I, ,'||. StTIi, .!>, Nilpw,,.,- Tllliury Out Ottawa t , al<viiU-.O,)t \Valk,-il,,n. .K.. TTioi Fyahc. 4 " lM> " JUrliii. tMlptO !rv, '>' > 'I la--i .,.] ''*' > i " \\iihl.r. Out. MtaWnr,!. ,,K r-. UAMTOBA >. Brtndon. I' 'Jt i.:.. I,* Pniiri.. i.. , iri.. 4mr.oton.Alu Mtxllelnc Hat. Abilu. '''nt ;al litntunn HHIHI^KS T'an i ><ii 1 1. 1~. ,H ',t Curr nut Hkit-n. n . <]-i-itiirtUd. jl auri-i. Ni,lel'ollcted. SSranck \V. A. IK KUOU H Manager WKKKLV AT THK orrii'K, sVl. ENHAM NTUIICT, Kl.MHEHToN, O.M., BY W. M THlJUrtON. Cl per annum htrirlly in adtanrr Adrertising Rates: Column. 1 year. *M . half eol.. 1 rat. quarter eol , o*e y*r, (IS. Ttaoiient alT*rtl>ein*nt cbarRxl ttlm rat* eBt per llaa for flrat inm-rtion an 1 aeeut cli iubaquent iDwrtloo. Not one of the Oweu Soand papers Las a word to uy, ood, bad or iu- lifTercnt, on M-. (lordou'g hi Thoit silence in i lo.-,, u ni. Vro-nuT (iiiciiwit) met liis \Vator- loo in Manitoba last week. The lat- act information gives Hugh Joliu Macdouald a majority of seven or Th. nriliah sntfeicd another tcmp> defeat in Natal on Sunday when, through treachaty or ignorance, guides upon whom tley placed their Uat I<1 <Jl*ci< into a bad trap with rcinlting (osi of a larg* nnmbcr of won. Our Canadian contingent is with Metliuen at M odder river and are T|KClod to participate very shortly in -jae of tin' fiercest battles of the war, (uobablyat Mtgertfontein. II. .in. i KltllH Vl.KSUKKTON SCmL KrrilRT FOR OlTuRKK AHI) NoYKMHrtt Nth I'liiHH Ti.lnl MnrU, 854) llert ^.niilioiuu !;, .Sam lUnion 4!4, Steel.- Vn'il)uen IMi'. NU.|s VV,,r,i 441). l-li I'lii-s Toul Mrt< 1000 WiM Cr..Kley 7<K), ('hell* Mr('*lnii,n 7L'J. W1U IUrniiouet.H(i, IVrry Itellninv <<~~, 'i- vviuon, M,:;, .\iex. (iii,.,,,, r,:, , Kiii'im >47, Millu- Cr.wi.lHy r,jr, IVelet U.W, KUiel Whllton ifl), l!eo. \V. .SUuifhter, Pri>oi|L KMHII II Sr. Ill ( DMi-wull, A. Patch, I. .I.HltKI.. W. lUli-K. Mr. II- Totiil A/rk 570 K. I, .ii,-ks 4W, II. Ui.y.l ::!:. K. H, 4 I,., :IHS |-; lUratati* au, W. Wrkhl MS, M. \\ai.l HA K :U2. .Ir II A. TiiiirHtim 43fi, E. S|M.IK; a*t, I Lver :CO, K. L,.-ard .'{.'U, K F. I. Irwin, Ti>. her. I'.ir' II CUM--6,);, or vr Kh.rrie IV.IUmy Hi), O.hell WhitltMiHO, <i..o ri? ip MrT.vihh 7, Inly It, .yd 7, Uur lu.'ii 7 i, MyrtU UUktily 74, Kttie LBKHH! t;!l *>ii Level iS. r. rrt I rliui* llul.y Tnml.le HH. fttairrila Xhonif wn 5, Kendl Mitchell SH.'Olndyii HUkely 74, Fred-lia MrTnvub 7-', Alonr. VVr<lr,.lio yH, fte^uie lUht.m Jj-', Froddiu Flo!ior 112. /I. Merixluh, Tench or. 8r. Niulinliui Aliii-criinil>i. C'lau V Jr. -Dlin.H. Siimrl, Knla > ,11. OUm. IV, l.nU l.niter. CUsi III -Elmer .Stafford, Kll.i Knott, 1\ UJIM Lnei, Llxxio \,,,',-, I,., me .'iiuy, K'.lil. \ I >IM < i. mi In,-, Oernld Wall.,,', Vi.ilet (JilUrt,, Wittrwi Wlt.eiH. &ut Knot), Iliiiion Wirkiiiis, yum. I ill. .s<4in KuwuiU,, Lyuum Kaw.utt. h -M Knntt, Nullie Hradliiiry, Hui(liie Ham wand, Hartly Liiwrence, Frixl Wickenn, li I ill III. W. Will taut, Te.i, hrr /TfcFarland : cf D1UKCT IMl'OIJTERS-WHOLKSALE MANUFHS j Dundalk, Markdale & Toronto Our CHRISTMAS Iti'lli ,,',1 ami young look fom.ird t,, thetime ,,f yi-.-ir, Xnus. m reutuonatbaaUkapkMMdpMMnteantlM >,r,l.-r' ,.f the ,U\. wur to thought* :ue U|H.II what we shall K, t f,,i Knoii'ls. \Ve ,sh for something ^. nubble fur a XnajU gift ami tin- VUIH- time S, m.-c.-il,!.-. (,nr Si,,r,- iilioundx with Kensihle. s.-1-vir, 1,1,. ;ihd lovi-ly p!>-.ents. S|,,icc ill i,,, t permit u.-, t., iin-ntinii the l,,n K list. V,.ur ins|-etioii inviti-,| MANTLES Hiivm,. Ix ,11^1,1 a l.,t-r ,,v,-i mak,- of .la, keis .linvt from Mntiiif.-i.-t- '"' '". "'' Jiiv Ill n |>siti,,n t,, OIM !,!' inducements t,, thos,. H.-infin-' Jitt-k. BrKOIAU , hiMivns felt l.titt, ,iu,l ,,\, i.,li,,,.,, sizes 6 to ll regular pi-iee *] I'.',. s|,,.|.-,l ;;. : Indies' K, ,1,1,, is i,-ular I,,-, only l" , .!, .!J. h|H- ml L'.. Vfeiu Corduroj Vert*, well ma,le. well lined, tun onion, regular price 13.00, .pedal *1 7.Y Men's T,-.d |,.,nt, weight, 90cta. and !is,,, |>e, (Mlr . Men's hca\v weight, k ~l,ir:~ r,-,il.-.i ,,ii,, :;., t, Special 60eU. Ladies Fancy felt alippen mum iv<d durmblu, pi-,,-,-., 7:,, -is, ?! .mi.,,,,! ||..^i ,.',. |ir l: \",'''. : .' VI "' K ' '"VKKKS i-eyulai- ,,. ,.<>,! -. .special U. 9" '' ""-il>". -'illis t,,i _:., t* ; ( lioi.e em-rants J'.ll.s !'" -'"''",; f* *%. 1H ** -''- -''"Kilt.-. ,,,i\,,| MadiM at .N t, (NT II, .N,, Xin.-is dinner mnpleted without a ,-np ,.f ,,;ir L'.V < '|Y.i Logs Wanted We want unlunired HOCKS at both MarLdale n<l K-., kv.ile n,ilU t| M FLESBEBTOK FIIBKITI1RE W A R E ROOM S W'e are carrying newvat style of winti-r. Especially desired, m.ft H n<l r,H:k ulni, Iwuwood and lare,e maple loirs. at advan.-id pric. s. also will du pleased to purchase iiny ,,r all othur kinds of .....I*, th.t ,,,,r patrons wi.h I,. dfapOM SEASONABLE GOODS of at the holiest market value. Term* cash. For specilicAtiniii anil prices en- In all lines of ,|uire at Ko,-k\Hlu niillnor our head office, ! .MatkilAl. AltMKThoMi liKOe. \ had accident occured on the To*t- water of the C. I'. K. .-,i uf Mount Forest on M,,nday ovenini;. The frtiKlit tram left here going went alo.ut ix o'elmk. About hall pust nine in I,.,, king up at LI, i, HI, i, ,n, near NVin- haui, onu of the earn seoui to have se|,ar uted from the iel In cnnunu t.^.tli.i the sli,<k threw both the hrakeinen They were iliakenien Harry I'm- chin and Brakeman (irimes, both of TV- onto. Tliu former won very Ht>rioaly in- jured. NIIIU earn ran over him and he found under the engine. The enuine had t,. b*, jack,-, I up U'fore the uafortini- tu man could be removed, and whun this had Inieti done it was found that nu of Ini lex* had I.een cut off and thtt he wan otherwise avrioualy injure<l. The in- 1 jured niw, was taken to a Toronto hoapital by apecial tram which left Tees- water at onu o'clock Tuemlay m, ,1111114 and arrived in tho city four hour* later. Itrakcnuui (Jrinu-H wan liadly cut aU.ut the head. Biakumaii Pinchin was one of tho I,,-M known and Most popular traui- ni, n on the ii,l. i ..i,i, , n ii,-. Consisting of Sartor and Bedroom Suites, jCounyas. iSi'dc- Sioards, jttfn- aion and Cfntrt &a6/*s. Chairs, Window <ShadfS and Curtain y*ots, Pictures, Casits, otc. - Which we offer at - Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairing I ndenakm.' ill all its (tranche* Satisfaction Quaranteod W H. BUNT, PROPRIETOH PLB*HBKVS>N BOAR FOR SERVICE TtiorniiKbbrwl Itarkihlre Rntr (or rvic on lolJO, ODD. 4, Artnlnl Tnn 7". ceiitn. w. J M:\NK Y i'in|.ritor Bonn FIB w,([ '!.,..,(, -r white anil iiii|>n>i-<t Ynrkil.lrp , |.<tll|ri<o<l lw.r li.r smvii-u on li.l IHI, >IH, 177 I' * rt K.. ArteniMia rnrni-. T ,,,-nir,. ' HODSS aid Lot for Sale Holld brlok bonMaodfrd aTM In Ki ton, liuiiHf itiutitllM H,,V in IOMIIIH. ^,.,,1 Hloue ,,-iUi. H,,rt an, l I.KiV Huttr. U iU b n,,|,| ,!,,,]> ami .11 uaay lriii. A|,|ilv t, I il I. U TVILLK. 1'rtton Station. Nov i!. ls'.w iot 147 to 141). 2nd ranifa W. T. & H. II . UK a.T,-vl,,,,it hUaniriK-.lvarml, thn rent lianlwiH.,1, crrlai itc . MJIKII ,,r,'linr,l. riliawell Katmil ijimrtor mil,- from railway italii.n : 1 mllu fruin Klokburtou. KOI tvnnn ntc . ai.iily to MO1IT lit 1 1.1 |,,, l Fluhorton. "Light of Life." The New Tetnient Hxplninod and tho I. n,- , f tin, ApimtltM : two booki in one. KII,|..I-.--,| by nil cleriryinen. Itonnnxa fur cnviuier>. Agents taking orJcr tr, m three-fourtliH call* nude, If you wnnt a -1, ne in tin- uold mine, IIIIM], . 1 < K A I) L K Y -C. A U K KTS< ) S Co. . Limite.l, Hi iint f, ,n!. Out. Farm for Sale I.,,U 1 :i and 14 Con. 9 H D. Ii, Townahlp of Aitorroiii. l,i t,<n, ni,i],i ui Ica^. lou ham, rniigh rat <IWHlMni:. 'Ilii-, valuable farm >ffn,l fur falc on favorpl I*. tvnn of i.ayment l,ut 32 inllei it}) ton Hiati ,! la a . fYoni Vi ic.-Tiit^ and 4 miles , V U. About HO >! ,n, ,..! n.| rnltlvatuil. halatia^ju litixeil tilnl,er. Kor ti.rln* ailU i'r- lloulan ,.|'Fv tu l>ni,J Mnii or W.J.BBLLAMT lull rton. In tlir nisttoi ol thn etto of llulwi i Mrl.onn PlllilV lain ,.f the VHIniji- nf Kinii'ina ilea>,|. N,.t i,-u !- l,,-r,-l,v tiiveii |,urHiiant l', Uavittufi xiatiitn of iiniaii,., 11i(7, chaptor ia. ,, i-ii, .u :IM. a, i,1 MnCndtDH a,-l,. that all croilitoitaiKl oth,,' x-rnoiiH liavh.K clalux Huaiii't tin. n-tat,, of Uoliuii M, l,en l'ur<l>. lut of Iba Vlllaue of Cuci'iiia in Couuty of Gn-v. ,;.-nl I.-IOIIM rtWMAMd, who fluxl oil 01 about tlie fifth .lav of Haul,. l^) i-H,|ir*il to ii'l In |>,Mt pr*- pai'l ordalivnrto thw nnilHr>,iKne<l *<, t'lp diurton or Owen So, i, i I Hohoitoi for Jamax M Thiiriton ,u I.I. It. |!OK. Ka,| . uVM.-iitni of the last vti , I u.,,1 t ,,> ainnn t ( tin. tin, HaifHl. on or Woi th UN ilay of Uniinrv. imm. ilmir nanitw, ,l,li-,mx,s and duMriplluu ami a lull rtt-- n.o.ii of partlaulara of thxii ,ttaim> pi,,),. ii> v^i ifu, i. 4i,'l thu tuitiire of the iMuritv lit any) IK-.I I hv tli in .iixl that after tin- XM 4th dar ,4 Jiiiiuarv lm. the Bald iacutoiwill |.iori<il t ittti iiiutH the aKBiiu nl the naiil dweawt aa<.*uu th 1'nrtn'i, until!,', 1 thr,-to. having rHar,l to theulainK of wnin'i thv ilmll lihen hvBii,.tin, and that thm-wil not l> liahl,, for Mi,, aKHelp ao i. nti'itiutbd or auvpait iheraof to in \ |>,.ron or |vHrm. of uhumi ,l,,h- 01 ,-lam, the) thall not thru hn>a u, ,,, Datodat Henhertou ttou (Hh day if Bv i" J8MO, J W. Kroul < )won Houud Riocut*r Executors' r^tlce To Creditors J. B. Sloail & Son P i*opi?iet.o]?8 tzf (JKT YiU'K -% Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Hailing, Corner DlQcks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and 1'ittings, Sidings, etc. Turning of all Kinds Done to Oriir !ichardson&Co. Flesherton ~ *Dunctctlk Most likelv you're thinking ai out Xmas con- sidering \vhut voa'll buy where you'll buy it anil so on wdl, we've prepared for j &i -at XinaF trade od CAB give you a few seasonable suggestions th;it may help. You know our immense assortment of season- able goixh ,vi '11 t.i Is about them Liter on and men ticn only the lines more particularly suitable Xmas Presents roH W f)ioai (r Chopping. m ah tmr 'in*. Thfrc r.- fi-\v ni '! I'l-i-i.-nt-, thiin I'urx > li..)'r,'o a>Mlili> .tn, I v -n i -ini,- ji.i-t-s .,!> r,--i> 'imlilu to" c iH.iijliT irt.'ic 1 1,,- :i-!v ui , : , . ,-,\ v,,u tin- l"',.rlil. <*truk<it, ",l-n>llr f't-tnn - *- .MUD-. ;, :'.-, (Hi l,<i<liri' linn ///* j'rom MI-II'* fur liiiimtl'-tii front 'f < (I/O /CO/11 - $ I ,~>O f /..><> New Xmas Neckwear ,, l i;;;;.: 1 n: hl "f New York Nifkwuir t,, show \n. speeiully purchased for the Xuut* season. Silk ,,r Sutui Knot-. I'utf*. Deri.ys, Tecks. Four-ill hiuvls. Flow liiU Kinls - in-w -mlors new |uittern-> - new sli;ip.-s right up-t,,-,l. Uralid selection ."><(ct.s \\e\e always I., en no, ,,1 for the Excellence f our -iVt. line f <;, -tits' Ties this siMsoti e, lipses any pi'i-vioiis slmwiti,;. \MiiN, Hrtns stitch \Vhite l'r,,< 1,1,, I UtlsWABfeMMM Silk Hnndkerchiefs Silk H.-indkcicliiefs Silk H:uidki-r--hief-i ^'i><^ Kroin 'J.">cts. From 23ct8. Lidn-K 1 Kinliroiilered Hanilkcrcluefs. We've :in elejjaiit riinge thut will surprise ),,u. I'n, , ff'tii 7>' to '.'.V. A XMAS Silk Dress for $6.50 \ Special Cash purchase enables us lo offer a nnmlxT of Brocaded Silk Dres Lengths at $<i.50. come in different colors and are regular HIM -..sis nd AI.LSILK. d Qlcves. Our I iii.-hess Kid Glove makes a nice Lady's Present handsome shades of tan 4 dome fasteners lined delicate shades of silk all sizo Special $1.25. Tfice vlippers. Warm and comfortable goatskin very durable --natural color flexible Hole wool fleece lined trimmed fur or bound edges all size*. Ladies |1.2o Cents*!. 10 Hardware Depart. A wide choice in Xmas presents! We've tnado special preparations for tbe Holiday trade and can promise you a big assortment of entirely New goods all very suitable for Xmas Presents. Prices in all lines just right ! Handsome Carvers. Genuine Sheffield goods, m fancy cases. Prices from T.Vt i to $3.00 tin- sett. New Silverware. Silver Knives, Forks, Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, Syrup Spoons. Silver Plated Cliildrens ivlugs from asc Japanese Ware. A Special Imported Line very handsome and artistic Fruit Dishes, Teapots, Biscuit Jars and Boxes Japanese 5 O'clock Tea Sotts $1.60 and $1-75 E mboased and Painted China. Novel patterns and lovely color- ing* Fruit l)ishs, Plateti, Toilet Trays etc. etc. Hand Painted Toilet Setts $1-75 New Glassware. Hyacinth Glasses, Vases, Flower Holders etc. Lemonade Setts $1.50 Fancy Glass Ornaments from sets. J>ancy China FANCY CUPS and SAUuERS from... MOUSTACHE CUPS from... SHAVING MUGS from .. FANCY TEA PLATES PORHIIX1K SKTTSf,-om25cts. to CHINA FIGURES (torn 20cts. to lOCtS. Seta, locts. a doz. $1.50 5a pair 'Dinntr 3+tts Uoi/st Setts 44 pieces !7 pieces 10 pieces From $-'.75 to $7.00 From $5.75 to 15.00 From $1.25 to $7.50. NEW LAf1PS. Hanging, Table or Library Handsome, and artistic ew styles special prrees all the way from $1 00 u $o.OO Pretty Presents for Everybody's Xmas Richardson & Co. FLESHERTON THE F L E S H E R T O *i ADVANCE Winte- term begins Jan. 2, 1900 TportAfrn Siusenoss Coileye . Oicrn *<inntl, (int. This institution has unsiirpiiMSud : acilui"s t',,r ^ivni'^ thrr>u>_'h in J Htruerioii in ;ill l,,-s-< siil.jeetx. of --,ilid progress. It ii.-i-, tin- 'most Collljlleti- eipiipnii-'lt III ( ',-ln:i,l:i ,ui:l is tin- only l.nsiiu-s., roll, i (',-iii. i.l.i owniiii; tin- l,;iii,lniL! if J riip'ts. Wnto far CataJogiu and _! l.'oll,"/ij .I,.iirn:tl ( whie.h ,u'i- sent J i a. Fl.KMINC. IVineip;,!. W ( > W 1-. X !S( ) I .N I i */%.=, -s^ Vicinity Chips Week <'arofi!lly 1'iirtoi of the PasC Tulled for tti Fresh .< ;ir W. HrnhimMf's. Til" ptrlri.l.'-' ."! ha-e IMHI rii; s. olnses un f''ri.lay, I.'.th inst. Get weil.iiiij; linj from .1. Y,inI>us.Ti. 1'retty hiiir t . F. chain.H V:tnl> i<..!u'>. m! The t.. unship c- UI.CI|M will meet ,,. Kri.lny to win,l iij. the l,ntiu . of tht year. M'.ney tu loan on farm properly (ivo per cent, free ..f rosts. Hell my Henderson. After mi eclipso of nioniliK Uie Tli-.m- Tiury Stantljinl rea|.nviteil , lire ni'iru thiM week. Su the uttiH. alarm clneks tit J. K. VanDuMHi'*, ring intermittently for twenty minute*. M. Richard*. n & Co. .ire making sjieciHl nlitiwinv of C'hrixnnaH neck . ir. See their window. Saturday lust wax the larifiiit dny'N liaBineiB in the hidtory of McKarlaml Kichnnln, Ihindalkt If you aru porpluxed wliat i<> yivo for Xmax pr-weiits, roml M. A Co'g nJveniHenient.. It is helpful. the >alilMith nch.H.1 eiitertninniHtit on Krulny evening of tins week, 15th mst . for h'ltnlsoine an.) appropriate Xinan pn-sei.ts make ymr sel.-e: i..n at M. Kich- ard)ii 4 Co'g. PricuH quite ruiunmable. Dr. Lilt!.- h;w drnposed of his DuiiUnlk >i*nt*l [inictice and ICIIVC-K for Owen Sound next week, where he will open tin office. Cedar for Sale KUitnblu for raiU, Htukeo an I fence p"tH. Apply to Auxiin 8hucklef.ini, Flhrrton. The Owon Sound Tunes cainu to hanJ lut week very much enlarge!, TheTimen lia -ilway.s been an up ti. date paper ami it (till leades the 4i JUT cunt priv.te Money loaned on ey terms <jl repayment tiy (Jen Htither- f'Hil, Sh.-iliunn- K\p.-n.s.-i low. r, in 'iiiiiucat ions receivt; prompt attention. FOR SALE OR RENT, H,me and two lots for sale or runt in KlusliHrton, J|ud home and cheap rent. For infor- iiMtioit apply at thin office. D. D. !'!". llanl.iuy , f Diiii.lalk will n\eet the A. <). I'. W. brethren in the linl^e loom on Monday, I'.tth in^t.. at 8 p. m. All mem hem are requuate.l to bo jiresent. W. Sharp, i>), '.V. Watches atid movonieiits have ad- vanced from I') to IJO per eent. in the last three months. My stock *aa bought previous to lint tune ami I am sollnm -it old prices whik it lusts. Don't wait, buy now. \V. A. Armstrong. TBACHKR WAXTBD for I900--E.\|ien encvd male. hol<lii.^ Hist or second class cert i li rate, f, r S.S. No. 9, AnemeHia. Apply with ti'stnnonia's. atnti.ig Halary. and experience, up to Dec. 2-">. IS'.W, to ThonipMon, See., 1','rt L^w, Out. KntertiiniiiHiit S S. N.. 3, Arte mem*, li niil8 south of Flesherton, will jjivo itw annual entertainment Krii'ay night, Deo. &.'. A gniij pn;rini is boitiK .pri'iuireil, ooiMm'ini; of vocal anil ini'tru- ineiil''*.' inline, dinloiiui.-H, redlHtioiiN n<l tlrilli. A. In-, s.. !! I0c. Rveryln:dy indebted to U. Pedlar is leqiiesteil to nettle without further notice an I have nol.l mv |iiH.nerty and am leiiv- inu town.- R Pedlar. For Christ man presents in watchen, ]..eks, jewellery, neiitlennn' pipes, ivT p a:e, etc., go to J. F. ViuiDuHell, Sproulc's black. \\a ...... I. LTitHJOIIw. Turkeys f<T the Kn^lisli mark >-tH f,<r which w.- will pay the highest price. N'..w paying lOc per p ain.l. Mch'arlaml & Richards OundaJk . Two rather iui|Hirtaiit property trntm fers tx.ok place in town ,1m in; the paot week. Dr. Carter has puruhaxed the house and lot owned by Mr P. Munshaw on Peter ntroet, a.,d W. M.'Thuraton h*i purclmsed Mr. U. Pedlar* premise*, kuown formerly n the C. -J. Ltitch n Collinijwood slreirt.. \\.it.-lieH il v:ilu-- and Waltha Strollir, Kie for ChrUliiniN .s 111 15 and 1H jw-. m.iv.'iiiimts. U presents .-lleil K:L;III . A. Arni- BpMod Xiiinn piicuM on rel'ahle watch mov.'iiie'its Appleto.i TYao-y. \\'illiam S. Kl'ery. I'. S. Itartlft t -- easel !> unit silver. lnl.-.| ..r s., lid '_,!. 1. \V. A. Arm.stiiif{, ju<',-lcr, Flesheft,,n. F*r. R. H. KenderHOR of Toront, is viihtntly iic,|iir.ii,a an enviahle practice at thecnriiur nf Carltun mi-l P.irliiinmnt streets, jiidumg from n .ne\vs|uiper item whioh aiatw tlmt he has been ohlifiwl U* Hiv., ip his ouf'4 f town \>sitii in o*der to u'frnd ti i' Our W.-ii,-;:.. c.ingi-atulatM Mr. C. A Klem- Prii.eipal ol tli-.. N..rt horn li'i-nn-ss CullH-_'.-, ()well S I'lnd, upon tile gom- 'i ,,t his emht, cntli ,-c l!"^e y.-.r. Ph.- N. I'.. I '. wan never in MH-!I a pr-s- I : :n ax at. pr.'iMiit. Mr Ed. Mrt Jee "f Saiein returned from the Northwest, where ho bus ' -en for th" past tw.i years, u MOI..I.IV last. He iiituinis The A.ivance Th..t lie will re- turn w,-l in the Kpriiia. He likes ihe nniH an-this week l.r ( l.r stina.s aiiouncelii.'lits. They iro all interi-H'inj and will rvirfiy p'THHul. Lv-ryLndy S.uys gonU at Chrmtnuut tune and "iir adv . i tmers knowing thin place a eli.u 111.114 array ..I pnssiblu purchw.s b- fr the eyes of our readers. Mr. C. C. Wlmle, oruan'Ker in the I. O. F., IN in town this week working tor the gtw^l of Court Fleiihurton. Eight initiations wa* the for Tuesday evening's meeiin..'. An oyster supper wan ;.IBO indulged in. Mr. Whale will remain in town fora week or HO. place Sproule, Croaxley & C. of thin enc,,iii"ii:cd by the very pleading they have hail since opening their gio ,-ci y. contert loiu-ry and station. -iy busi- neKS, j-e u,. w preparing to open a full line of Hour, In-.ui i,d feed, and ny sell- ill'.' for cash only at lowest r, niiinerativu pnt'-siinst t . receive a liberal share of patronage. lt.-v. A. li .lans.'ii of Hamilton has been seenreil by the Ladles A -d o,-let 1, s of Kii.'enia ai-al Kl.sln-i' m I'reslivtenan congre'jations to lecture on " 11, llan.i and the Hollanders ' \i Kiigenia in t lie Pi-eshvleiiaii chiircli on Thurcday even ing 14th inst . at H p.m.,, adulis l-.c each. L'.'.c- i couple, under 14 yrs. 10c. In Kl.-sliei'toii 1'iesi. \ti-naii chuivh Thnri- d.lV elei 111 ', I -I'll inst ., I 1 8 p.m.. coil iinuation ,,f former le, -tine here, and re- tr. slnneii's will be served at the close. Admission. .!<ih.s 15.; each, mi n-r 14 vis. 1H-. These lectures are interemnii! and a big turnout in hoped for at placei. The \ Sun of Toronto nlfers a splendid lint of preinmms to tli ne who t;ut up clubs A WHtt'h is olfere.1 for ten subscription* and a Hilver plated tea set for forty Huhacnpiiom. Thone who do not CIIIH to coinpete for a premium are'. r,d lib.'ial catih coiiiniiniioiis. Send t Sun i itrii 1 .-, Toronto, for a full lis' f rii -i' .1 for all particular- an to Mr .loHiah (iainey of Maxwell wa a caller mi Monday. Mr. (i. nays he ro- c.-ivi-d ,i letter (ant week from hi* two MIUS living .-it Newiiale. Manitohii, on the Manitoba >V Nortli'vi-stern railway, con- v. yum the iiifornmtion that om< t the sons lias this year 70I | <> bushels of ,-i.-an grain and the other IHIUO UUH|IC!S. This reprc-cnts a nice little ine>>nie. Due son farms nection and the other threx- <|uarter of a ti,>n. Mr. Alex. Mi-ltae of Ceylon wan a caller mi Sat unlay, and while in, Ins eye caught the Star's premium picture, the Hal tie of Alma, which we have had framed for our sanctum. Mr. McRae saya it is i-.-i-y true tu life. He wan con- nected with t he Htitish fleet, which lay ort' shore at tins battle, and witne.-d t.lw whole affair. Mr. McRae immediately Bubscrihed for the Star in order tn get a copy .,f the picture as a memento Twenty ..itfht head of dairy cows were sold at the Station on Saturday These animals were the property of a Mr Pro, isr of I o-ersoll, who brought them up into this county beU8e feed win scarce in IIIH district. Mr. Priiuxe wax not Mtisfi,-,! with the prices paid, but those win. know say they were gin id when the quality of the goods is taken into consideration. Pricos riur.-d fr.Hii -*J'J to $3^, Hveia^ing ahvut 928. "Slap liiiPkj, here w are Hin, what jolly In.yn art- we." In the market with the caxli f"r tirat claw aawl <vs. any quitn- tity rock elm. soft elm, maple, baxwnod and lurch. Musi he tirat olaax timber for merchantable lumber ; the laruur tho I, , us th,- licit. -r. t,'ut rock elm 12 and 14 fi-e.i I"HK- m-'iple 10 and 12 feet, lnHWuod \-2 and 1-t ft., hiroh 1L ft., Sofl^lm 111. 1-' ,n,l 14ft., luit. mostly 14 ft. E|>ecUllv lurye \"^t wanted. K,,unh, knoiiy culU no UHC. Kest market prices fur ijood r.rirlioi.'ihle limber. Eugenia wiwinill - F. T. Curr i Co. Tl^e Event of ti)e Season A tea and oiil.Ttarneent will !.e ;tvon Under the allspices it the Cevl.ui I'llloll Sabhath s, ho. 1, lormerly known as Flesh,.rt.on Station. ',,n Dec. l,"itli. Tea will beberved from ."> to 7. in the hall- The cnteitaiiiinent will comineiic,' it N ..clock sharp in the school house. Pro. eraai lo umismt of niiiifinx by the school. duelM, solos. reeitHtions. dialoi'UeN, drill and upeeches. T > IIIIKS it is to regret it. AdultH liftc, children 15c. Personals Win. Miss Nellie Armstrong of wan the L'tiest, of her aunt, Mrs. Strain, lact week. Mis (iertiu Buhner has returned from the city where ahe spent eight weeks with friends. Miss Clara Hantoti of Toronto m visit- ing her mother. M s A Armsroiig returned last weak from an extended visit with friends in Toronto and elsewhere, Mr. Kob Richardson of Ileaihcote IK upending a tew day with bis parents here. Mrs .). W. Henderson of Toronto attended the funeral of her nephew, Mr. W. Bellamy, and returned home on Mini day. MiH Oahorn.- of Lady Bank and .lfis P.-rigo of Kcv ersluin are the gu.-at-, of Mrs. Albert Stewart, Executors' Sale of R. ricLean Purdy Estate fniler limtruclum* f-nui tlm Hxecutor* of tll RnUt of tlie ltc H,ili,-rt MI-I.NIII I'unly tlmra wrll u itir-.r'-'! fr HflluAt puhllo auction by H. J Spriiul,,, KM|inro, Auctionncr, |al Muntbaw's H-'U'l in thn VILLAGE 01 OS S M.I Ml The home ,,f Mr. John Bellamy was a 'IOIIIH of nioiiriiini( (hiring the past week. \Vonl was received on WedncHdny of lant week that Ml. Hellamy's eldest son. Will, wan dangerously ill at Parry Sound, where hu lieeii working t hit trtdc ,t ' shiKimakur. Hi brother (ieor/i.- took he li ist, train f,,r Parry Sound, but ar- ivu,l tiifi-i! only tu fin, I that his brother .-is deii'.l. Tim corpse wns hriii(lii to 'lehliei t,in mi Saturday mid itiNjrred in he cemetery here Sunday afternoon. The \onii'.' 111:111 wa ill only tin-,-,' ,|;iys 'f something like wppHiidicitis. TTis age IKS 'JH yuara. A particularly snd teat ur f tho UOHU WHS tliu fact that the yoiini; inn WHK to li.-ive bci'i, nun ried on Christ ins and died in the anna of his Hltiancvd. X-ceacd w;v 11 ni.'inber ,'f the din-Mian itle.ivor nf Parry S'.und, which , in/ani- mation placed upon the liier a beautiful wreath ,,f tii.wers. The youni( man's uftiiiiicfd also preHented a lively Mower crMS which, us per her rc,|'icst. WHR cm ried to tliH grave ovor bin henrt. Other friends also present,! HIIWI.TN. At tie hoiiii- "irSiindiiy Hw. ,I,,Kuph Ward ({.i' o a NnMbitiK addrsjM. The deo,'in,'d Icnrneil his trade of HhoemaJter with Mr. Ham- ln'iise. lie wax , ,>i side] e,l l.y .ill wll* knew bun -is an vxuuiplary ytvumi man, hoiiorah'eand upxiKht Muck sympathy in felt t >,' the bernaved p.-xrentn. lir, tlu-rs 4 | and sim,ri in Uheir sore trial. JUKI twu j ; yeni ajfo the y,iuni< man made ,,nc of a I I Jiapiiy fiimly rouiimn at liia \\tme here ; J pin taker in -AIIO|)H* hafipy 1 TIIIR.HU4Y. JANUARY II. tN At half pa*t nno ,, , I, , k in Iho afternoon t following ^,r',|Miiti,-M, . oiiM-.tiui; of town lo faniiM. mill renvrve, iai,loi,cu and p<,raoi ufTucte. TOWN PLOT OP EUOCNIA "nrr,-l No 1 Lot Jfl Zouave st . Kuuth, one half ncr,t. patuntwl. Parcel N,, " Ljta 'li and 2H lloxinat Street. North, ouu half acre na<:l). pt,rnt'rf. rarci-l No. I Lot 24 Mluipaon Street, one I'm col No. 4- Lot 18 corner rllini,-r ami Kvann StisielH, O,IH half acrna,-li. pat<'nt,-,l.wll r,-,,, ,',!. Vi,,rt frtrt ami Allude U'uert, ^ud lamlaud UXOulUtlb loCHtloll. Paroel No. :> Lot7 t" 1.1 Co,lrinioli Strout. South, ,-lrareil in, I ,i,,l land. I'an-rl Let f. l-ot v'JCaiinilwi t Htreet, South, one half acre, ;,,int,,iito,l, feucml. *c' l "l lan>l and aitiiation I'arcul No. 7 ..otn 30 to :i. Uniilao Htreut, South, (.mi half a^r-i na,-li. natei.ti-.l, I'arcul No. L il Hnfilau Streut. Niwtli, ina half acr,,, pnlont*,!. I'arcel So. 9 Lot:n to J.'. Napoleon ,ti.-,-t, North.ollH half ,,,-ro ,-,:ll. paten lu,l. 1'arct'l N,. in l>t WNapoluon Struet. South. three n'-riw, patented. l'arci-1 No 1 I Lot 19 Napoleon Stinet. South, I'arwl N,>. li! L,,t 19 South nide of North sti'-ft, three and oue half acrH. pHtuuitid, imstiirw lanil, ,Mnitainnantron llviuit aprlng. 1'arci'l No. l.'. . l pai u of houihol'ly portion f MiU lU'Hcrvx No .1. pn:ii:,,,l. nuar Kails Ki.od tiuil'hiiK lots, about one acre. I'arcul N,,. U Lota -y to II Hainan Htreet North, nno half nope each, patent iippliuil for. l'arm-1 No. 1 i 1'art of Mill Kettoi v,. No. :i n Catara,:t antl 1'unlv StreetH upon which is th,, rexldvni-fl and ntoru of tha InM, Mr. K. Mcl.nan I'urdy, nl-o a poo,l frainn Hlnliln and ham ,,nd aHuiall fratao <lwellinij,)oiiA half acre, patentud PARnLAND5. Parcel Mo. 1ft- -1. ,.t sli, t'on. M. In the Town- nhip ,il Ai Lfiii,"-i,i, lOOacrnH, iinimtcntml, nuhject to (iovoi ni.,i,t cluiin to t),i mad,, known at time of nale and Miil.ject to an agreement for the removal of tint),, M* tli,<r,mn. and road allowiwicu. 1 ins lot. irt Mtimli-il it) Meavtr Valley an<l tbe lienvnr KH--I la Haiil to nun throiiuh ,>r near the weal }>urt of Haid lot. It in Haid to have Mvuritl Kpi'inKA nn,l Hitiull stream* <>f ex- o, llont wawr a/ToralDgea>y nn-aiiH of inftcatlon Tin, larm IK ,list>int lion, Iviinl.i-i luy U miles, from Maik'tn ,: miluh aud frum Klei%hrtou .', mi !.-. ggrrcl No. 17 1'art of eaht half of Lot Xo, 7, Conoeiwiou .1, In tn Towimltij'o' K.iipnia.ia, .",7 acroa, pat,,i:ti,d, sulijcrt to a iu-ie, ration <>f t iiilmr to he made known at tint., of MI). Tills lot laoil the Tiillnv rand a-ljolnili . tlin vi!liuj of Khiibo, ley. 'I'lio heavei 1 river runs thruugh tt Parcel No. IK- Mill Rmmvn No. .',, 09 acrmi, unp,itnnttf<l, Aiil>jetit to an aKreomeiit made be- txotntholato H. McLean l'ui,u and Jacob PI, Mine an lo water power to hu mak , known at tin, time nf al. At the clone, 'f aald Hale there will be offnt-,,,1 the pvrMonal pffocfcaof tho (1oct(ised conniNtiiiK of abo|, Axtilr* *, Mtntloiiurv, tove, a Hleigh. a> .a lot of cnrioKititm, larf{(, qumitity of very old nu-wflpaporn an,) other, artlrluH. CeiidltloiM of Sale : All pormm il propmtv will beaoidfor naah. hi tin, sal-. f rntl etato lift percent will % r,|uirml to be ),aid down, l In, l>alan,-e within a month without iutainir. All'uf Parcel No. 17 will be ,iC-<i,l t\rt io,d Ir I. . *"* nimL K<<4 - FALL & WINTER We have a nMid supply of nil kinds of F-iotwrfor the Seaon lha will keep your t,-,-t comfortable. Also full Inn-.s of Overshoes, Rubbers and heavy SOCKS ^t'rst quality and at pricas to suit, TRUNKS and VALISES Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended To Win. CLAYTON f.'i- I > .nun i. .n Minify oi-ilfi- i r |SHEPPARD'S * COLUMN OF FACTS ! It is not -vhat we say so much as what wo do that counts, but when we always do exactly what ' t we say we'll do, you learn to put full confidence in our word. In i i We are giving as big values as can be found. In i|i this department we have gathered together nearly l|j everything you could think of for male wear and we fjk ili are offering some * Grand Opportunities FOR 01 Or Especially Reasonable Buying Right now is when you need the Winter suit or over- coat, and so right now is when e make our closest prices Youdcn't want a bargain in a winter coat next May, but you can have one here any day ol the week. Isn't that the better way 1 Just now we y. are going to make a J Big Enlarging Sale ij^ This week. We are in our new department and i|y now we have room to look around and see what we i|i have, and we find we hav6 raanv lines we want to l|| clear, so we will place a great many of these on the l|jf Bargain Table to clear, regardless of cost. Our ||f stock is very lar^e and we want to reotice it by lj^ clearing many lines, and these lines must go no ii matter at what prices, so it will pay vou to call and i|i see some of the bargains. We are now in a better ij^ shape to show you our stock, as we have room to ijyr get around. It will be a great pleasure for us to ii show you through the store and quote prices. The = New = Store ! Christmas is fast Coming upan utt iigiiin und tho amount of MumneHs we ar-- ,i,,nn: m.ikcs it appear t<i como more ijiiiokly We are iloino; a Canh and Pro- duce HiiNinesti, mid whxn you gut HtiHine-/. donu tins way it is ceiiain that you are getting your good* at right j.n, e. AAJBN'S BOOTS We are offering 75 Pn : r DRESS OOOD5 :> I'M lengths Twee,l u Felt, four buckle very htwivy stock, nevonty cuut* S(OO<!H ' t,,i price 2.M selling for | Sergca in IJluok, Blue Ure'pn, Ked, ; Umwn. Christmas Presents Boots, PorfunioH, <;i,iv,, ChiKlN Ums Cn|w, Tmn, Fancy Hnndk<<r- .loot inliAiid it car, if Windiwr line nd c,nit' suit which will lio Hold .n. Onvu-ro, n4 Citron Pool ; Knmiim, Cmrrnnts, *!> fur IfttMl. Six 5ct <Jrv UN H cull nd g.-t i.nrl'riics. prioo paid for Fowl urxl j. E. DOWDLE PHOTON

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