Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1899, p. 2

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Hulxu rlh. MI who do not receive their, paper iy will plnte notify u at once. ___ Apply at thli office for advertising rate* THE ADYAM'K- KLKsllKKTON. ONT. THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. A fool hates good advice. Trouble* were given to teach us our need of ( !od. Live right anil Cod will see to it that yon die right. Hoarding up money never makes anylxxly like JPISUS. The mail who wrong* a brother strikes a blow at God. If we follow Christ somebody will be sure to follow us. The only people who live right are those who love right. The devils sugar-coated pills always have JKUKUU in them. Tho head is never regenerated until God gets into the heart. N T o one ever found the cross who did not take a burden to it. The devil has a tight grip on the man whot<e god is money. If all Christians would keep wide awake no sinner con Id leep. Knowledge can help us toward God, but it cannot bring us to Him. Everything in the Christian's life that is not good ili-lmnors God. One use God makes of a good man Is to prove that the devil lies. If yon want your children to love Jesut>, show them His face in your life. Whenever the devil comes in right f Heaven he begins to hate himself. No gift is precious in God's sight that does not have a grateful heart lie- hind it. The serpent's head IH to be bruised, o matter bow big or little it may look. The devil's cause prospers when OhriKtians quarrel among themselves. Giving as God wants us to is the only way by which we can ever be- eome truly rich. There is no religion in saying that ther people are not as good as they ought to be. Fellowship with Christ cannot be enjoyed by those who seek happiness lu their own way. An Ktul to Hiluen MiM.lncliP. M %. whl.-h In d < lair in the at, 'in. i. the verves, and > itself hy MVtre hrmlni IK- II" 1 i !!* ,. are hiMd.ii ->-l. limn from iitln-i i at Ing i .f ,-i 1 1 - melf' V.- . It almoat limm i! I aa io.ui u nothing Mirrr ill Ilii? in-ai ni.-ni ul ' beodui IIP. Vfvtgtlt 'if Son,* lt,l,l,. The queen ol Italy is ktill a verv handsome woman, mid certain! m -I sympathetic in manner and s| <-. h. But she is growing too IIC:>.VN. Her majesty is heavier thaii any oilier qiinen in Europe, her weight lici 176 pounds, while (jneen Victoria does not weigh more than 171 pounds. Next in weight comex the ipie.-n of Bpaln, who weighs 147 ponndH, and then the queen of the Belgians, who weighs Mil pound*. The EmpreHs of RuHsia does not weigh tnior* than 120 pounds. Th* Public Hhnulil li-nr lo hat Dr. Thomas' K. .- ric Oil basDotlilnalD common with Hie impure, iletcrnn -.1 : ing elan of siii-Mlli'd ineili.-iiiiil nils h i-, eniinently puir Hint rmlly ertii.u -nmi Nil* VlDB pM B mill iHinene^. Mill ness uf iae Jon. i s HI id mu~ci. -, .1 ml SUITS or hurls, alilea liemg un < xn-llent sprcillo for rheuinatiam, i-uui(h-< iind brunchlal com- plain la. Row He M .... Her. First Girl On thing that druuf me to him was his extreme simplicity. Second Ciirl You had no difficulty, hen, in understanding him T First Girl hidi-iil, no. He propos- ed almost exclusively la words of three syllables. PLAN FOR MOBILIZATION. S*h*ifieOalllii<l vtl.lrh Mould KiiKpU Ul to rut 3S.OOO Mlllllmn In Ih* r irl.l . Three davs the district offic'erH com- manding have been in Hesnion. and the work which i now concluded has been of a most Manufactory character The qnetition of inohili/ation in n- of war was givon considerable atten- tion. Regiments of cavalry, batteries of artillery, and battalions of infantry must be of uniform strength, and an attempt will be made to carry out tins idea- gradually, existing battalion-, weak and varying in si/.e as they are, being at first coinhimd iiiio provis ional regiments without interfering with their present identity, having a fixed peace emalilisliment, which would, as required, be iu< n-nsed to a predetermined war establishment. The units thus or^mii/i-ii could I* combined into brigades mid ili\ i-ioiis. The general has outlined the follow- ing plan : Two .-mall companies of infantry ar* formed into a larger single company, who will thus u|Hiti amal^'aim" "m sHCKs a double nnniU-r uf olticerHand a double uumlpi-r ol M-II cotuinisMoncd ol!i< ers over ami aUjve the establish- ment luid down in necessary in the War Olh'co scheiliiles. This extra italT of officer* mid nun nmniKsioned otti- cers thns available will be retain.-d at the headquarters of each of the bat- talions forming the provisional re^-i iiient, and will there raise by volun- teer enlistment or by Imllot. us direct- ed, tlie KPcoiul liuttalions to rais.- the ovi-iiuial reserve infantry regiim-n' A similar sys'eni m the ca<>e of tlu> cu\:tlry will gi\e at Hi" lieadqiiartrrs h regiment nearly nil tin- olUcem and all tin- statT of non-ciiintiiissioued oHleors rei|ini-eil for tin- p-i of a pro\ iMoiuil re-. iv regi- ment. Tuc iictive inilitiii force, which at present jiro\ iiie a ;o.':il si r-ngth of, on IH ace fool inn. <i. coulj thus be iucreii- 'lish- mi-Hi i.f approximately 50.<XK> men. An additiom.l ..o i-i m . n could be ^e.l from tlie population, and a siilti. lent iitinilM-r ol traimsl otHc*rs would bo nuiiluble ( ii-n.-ral Hiiitim MI the nieciins; of district ofHcers n ,|i . colonels present all to pru\ nle theniseUcs v.ith the in w diit tupp.- i i lernuiii forsgn cap in plnce ot the style pr. worn. R* II. .in l Conilni; diiun mi a Kin-lnl car the other day a man with a high col- lar of au old fashioned shape, a gray cbln whisker nml a derby hat a size too small fur him occupied the extreme front seal lie u:is i nervous U1AD and attracted tlie nitentiiiu of the pas- sengera mi the scut I'pp.isite by bis queer KIMits nml - At Ciisr avi-nue t n- car stopped t* let a \Viidi- pi: 1 . '. suing l>y and then Ktiirte.l up :i,-i n with a very uu plejsHIlt JlTk. When Hi* jrrk cum.-, (lie man on the front eat u.| -!.;iped ui hand lushle his cost, an e\|ncsslun of .siiarp pain crossed his fa. -,-. he breathed heavily and seemed to crow pale. An alarmed and sympatln/aii; man the opposite seat leaned forward. "Heart trouble? ' lie anxiously asked. The other man glared ut him. "Heart trouhl* noihiu." he growled. "I busted th - point .cT my lead pon- ell!" 'lT*land Plain Dealer. If your every-day duties arc a burden, U Isbaoaussyou araniit well Miller < <>m pound Iron Pllliwill correct thia comn- faoo Jlulldlnir on San.l. Freddie What is circumstantial vldenoe Oobwlgger An a general thing it's ih* theory of an e\|iert which is prov- ed te be entirely wrong when the truth conies out. in s., More I .. "Why did you discharge that cut- ter?" "Ob, w* can't uxe him any more," answered the tailor. "Now that box coats have gone out of style w* have to make things to tit." An Kvittlv* AnftWur. Hunker Before I accept yon as a Minor for my daughter, 1 should like to know how yon stand politically. Now, I inn for gold. Suitor That's what I'm after, sir I M.iilicr (irHYfT Worm Kxterminator aaa the Urgent Bale of nuv siiioi.ii- prrpitr- alimi Bold In lUin.i:.! It limn--, givea aalitfiie! ion hy reaUirinu bli.h to the little folk. Nnt Allooili. i %Vrnn(. llr. Green Bill.son's Imv has got t*> be an oftlcer in the navy. Mn. Green Well, well! I s'pose he'll wear eplthst* on his shoulders ow. BEWARE IN TIME The Kirst Amite I \\ nun of Sciatica N the \Yaniiiitf to I sn Mi-la) anil Tliose M i\ Twist Your .I Miape. ' "ut A H.I urn i. Palae Hair. An era of false hair seems to be upon U8, if one is to jndge by the pre- sent ili^plavH in the leading bairdres- sers' \viiuluw8. Such an array of friugeM and pompadour pads and puffs and IOIIK rurls and wary switches and \vi at not we have not had since the : tlntt ti-rrible fact, the water - .til. Vounjf girls affect the Newport .o 1 nml single IOIIK curl, and riplit .. i-iiinin^ it is. The pompadonr with 1 _ it . urliiiK fringe is doomed and tin- ilixniiii'it part is to be revived Wi'h it the low coil and the fancy M.-- of chenille, a la Trelawney, as it IS l.illlU'il. A PARALLEL CASE. The Case of R. A. Wade, tht Criminal Lawyer of Chicago, Duplicated by that of an Ontario Lady. Wade'e Blarh* W Hr.tor-d by n<xld'a Kidney Pllle -Mm. .... Barnea Was Oiily NhnrlklKliled but llrof Part of u Hi. i of II.Hld'e k lilney rtlle ll.ilh Hlfht nil II.-. nine. Smith's Falls, Dec. 4. Th* case of R. A. Wade, the great criminal law- yer of Chicago, is at present exciting considerable attention in the United States, many of the papers of that country haying devoted considerable space to it. A similar case has occurr- ed on our own side of the line, in that of Mrs. George Barnes ef this town. R. A. Wade is the lawyer who de- fended Preudergat.t the first time he stood trial for murdering Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago. He bad been retained in a number of sensa- tional trials before and has been since, and is one of the U -; known lawyers in America. He contracted Kidney Disease and the une acid, always pre- sent in the system %\ lien ths kidneys are deranged, attacked his *yes and Mr. Wade went blind. He started to take LKxtd's Kidney 1'ills and gradu- ally the Kidney Tronble disappeared and his sight returned. Now read Mrs. I'.ornee' letter and see how what \\tut almost considered a miracle by the ix-ople ef Chicago has been duplicated -u Canada. Smith's Falls. Dodd'a Mnlicme Co. Gem lemon, I hove been troubled for over a year with Female Weak- ness and Urinal Trouble resulting from Kidney L>iscnse. I have consult- ed a doctor who cave me medicine that seemed to make me worse. At times I would be deaf and shortsight- ed. I was told of Dinld's Kidney 1'ills anil I got one box. 1 have used part of the box aud am completely cured, ami strung" to say both my hearrng uml eyesight is now unaffected. Von may publish tins if it will be the means of assist m^ others. I remain, yours, etc., Mrs. George Barnes, Miller's NVorm Powders ar* the best laxative medicine for children; as alee * i'.. Improved II I* Opiorlullle>. Hook I understand that your neighbor, Tockmau. has read and traveled extensively. .-shook Oh, yes ; he is a blamed fool iu several language* aud upon a great uiauy subjects. Severe oolds are easily c >.rexl by the use of Bickle'a Auti-C'iinsumptive Syrup, a medlclo* of extraordinary pnet rut ing anil lii-iling properties. It in acknowledged by those who have usrd .t a bruin 'h* best medicine .sold fur coughs, colila, in- flammation of the lu:iKn, mid all affections of the throat and clie-.l Us agreeableuess to the t.isie m.-ik.-s it a favourite wltb laditu and children. W hat Illil si,. >l a n. Mrs. Styles Didn't I see yon at the bargain counter at (ir id ley's yester- day? Mrs. Myles Yes; I was looking for something real cheap, bat I didn't > yon, though. Health for the Worm Powders. children. ililler'i T4TS 1>F Olllip I'lIT , ToLBDO,\ I.ri-AN C'ol N IT FBANI J. I'linNkT m.ikr* i*th that he la th* aenlor |i IIIBI i>f Hi.- kiui >l K J i HVNM 4 i'n . d'ping l,ui ini*M In Hit Cit> of Tol.-.l > i anJ Bui.- ("i,--u.l, 'nl fiat *aid nun th* aum ot uNK HI \HKK1) LXiLl.AK> fi.r each anil every i-a* m rt.rh that eannoi be euitd U, th* ua* ,-( lUi i - I'* i AKRH Ci UK I- li \S"K J CHKNEY Swum to m* n..l inhecrlbed In mr raaeni-*, thit tth day of U.-o*inber, A. D., i*M A. W. OLE A SOX, Notary Hall'a I'atarrh Our* U Uken Internally and act* SUn-etly oa th* 61 >il a -I muruua mrfacfi* ut in* *\ item. Scinl for t-llmoniala frw I'.lll > I- V * CO., Toledo, a JBTSolJ hy Drug-ill- Mother Wornhtp la Taraej, PC> The strongest sentiment of th* Turk is his reverence for his mother. He always stands in her presence until invited to lit down, a eomplimnt ae pays t no one els*. The-y Ar* Not Violent In Action. Some persona, when they wi.h to cleans* th* atomach, resort to Epsom and other purg- ativ* salts. Throe itr* apeexly in their ac- i ii,u. but serve no permanent good. Their uie produces incipient chills, and If pr listed in they injur* th* stomach Kef do they act upon the intestines in a brue- ttcUl wav. Parmelcw's Vegetable 1'UU answer all purposes in this rrspect, and have uoauiwrior Hh... for ih- < Children's shoes should be entirely flat iu the sole, but pliable enough to give slightly with the motion of the foot. What is known as the spring heel U suitable for children. Heels, whether low or high, cause many ac- cidents, and are more or less injuri- ous otherwise, because they throw the whole body out of correct balance. That tired feeling will disappear, four appetite will improve, your digestion will be jperfeot. If you will take Miller's Com- pound Iron 1'illa. A Mai-Tclnna Man. 1 Marvelous man that Simpson. I tell you, he's a regular wouder. " "i never knew he did anything great. ' ' "Von didn't eh? Why, he succeed - ed in holding a charity fair that cleared expense*." A sw back for TO cents. Miller's Pills and Fluster. l i.i .'i i.i, MI, i.t la. The Judge Now, then, my rood man, please be explicit. At what point did yun enter the altercation? \Vitin--s I didn't get into the alter- cation. 1 bail only got as far as the anteroom when d.n red-nosed feUer ever there hit me with On Ih, -.41, Hid*. Mrs. MascotBut, and, is it richt ta tak' saa bounie a gift? The Gad* Book says: "It's better tae srire than tae receive." .-.mdy Then, dinna ye ken. Mar- (."t, that for me tae deprive a moa o' givin' wad be au uwt'u' sin. It is only necessary to read th* _ irooials to be ooviuoad that Holloway's ' lire is unpi| for tua removal :iis, warts, etc. limit coiuplut* tiu^uuher. I'li'iinc Him i.i th rC Poor But Honest Snitor I would do anything in th* world for yoa, darling. Rich But Elderly Maiden Them kiss me, love. If your child Is pale, poerlsh, and do** nutthrivo a dour of Miller's Weraa Pew- den occasionally will cur*. Art-.. I. nt- \\ uh Lamp.. Any table on \\ln,-h lamps are placed should be of linn - "list ruction, large top, and of suihc.'-nt weight at the base not to tip easily or jar when touched. A great many so-called acci- dents with lamps are caused by placing them on light, rickety tables. That ttrvd feellDK will disappear aad *u H ill b able to rut well and slvp well Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Mew III* tor a quart**, on** Irca PU1*. killler'i Fnil l.h 1 ,,l- ,,, ltipl,t-r. Although oue-hnlf of the rubber product of the loiests along the Ama- zon goe to the I'liittsl State*, most of the steamers, wharves and Kinking houses in the regum belong to the English. Collen I.. .o-li FitetorloB In Hrarll. In the course of the last decade the manufacture of eottnn goods baa be- come a lirnily established industry in Brazil. Callow All the world loves a loves, they say. Rounder Yes, indeed. Everybody appreciates a good thing. Mr. John Ash worth, of Manchester, who has been investigating the) con iition of the colony of Doukhobon r.' eutly settled in the North West* says: "In the spring, assistance will, IB all probability be required in order t* provide the new settlers with uorsee, cattle, agricultural implements and seed. Whatever money is nssded to assist the settler.. .-.Uunld be in tae form of loans, at a small rate of ia- teretit, and repayable as may be ar- ranged in each particular case. These loins sliould be iHsned under th* oar* of the Government. Sine* coming to this decision, I have learued that the ( ..ivp-rtimeut is preparing a scheme of loans to the Donkhobors. If this U ei.ri--.-t, it will relieve thus* who are interested in their welfare from the necessity of subscribing private funds, winch would be la the nature of gifts." _ F.nclUh r, Thi illy. The men of the English navy are not by any means the spendthrifts that they ar* represented to 1 by some waiters; at least not all of them. There is an increasing number wh*> put by money in the uuval savings bank. \ 'ig to the last return there is f I.MIll.MiO standing to the credit of liluojackcts in ships' books or at the dockyards. The number of depositors is 23,000. It w ill be that each man, on the average, over $oO to his credit. PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS l Ii. H, .1 M<l,. -..ii.l lur ' t.l,,,..- -LOW ro.. Hn*NiVi>ao. A doe* of Miller s Worm Powders occa- sionally will ki-op '.I- h'i.ln-n healthy. llnti >ik. f ..i.i thoOalUry. Maggie Ain't dat villun Just orfnl ! Jimmie Dat's only in de play. I seen dat feller give a nickel to a blind man once. NEW HOPE FOR CANCER SUFFERERS. A New Method of Treatment That Cures a Large Percent- age of Cases. Caiicar Il.ts (nr MI many aK* l*en con- Siilfi-i-ii .ni liMombU illsMM, ;, to talk aeriiiualy about it si'i'ina like mockery. Bui such U th* Kilvani'c uf ineilical koleucc in tlies* latter days, tlntt lliiiiKa lliat \\<-r* impnsiibl* in 0111 i.t' liern' ilui* ar* quit* pOHailil* now. Th* knife, th* CRUIIM-V. th* pla'er an4 Ih* pant* have luul fieir turn, aud all hava proreil ili-tni u fai urea, itnd their failure ia du* to the f.u't tlmi cancer In not a IOCH! but a rinisiii uiioniil dlaeaae. Th* advent of our Venlablt Cmnn- Cure marked a new era in th* Iraat meiit ef malignant growtln. It hrotight new hop* ; iilreil* who ahnink from th* aur- U.-,.'.\ knife, with its iliingera and ita uis apiPiuQluieiila. I'ln- ninny w* have cured her* m Canada. KM.I ,i-.s nainca anil au<lresMS w* will i -in-i-n ully KIT*, ia de- onut ration that n ninves every ahaduw of a doubt aa to th* efticat-y ef our trat- ment. Scud your nnme itinl adilreaa, enol*alnc, tr.o atampa, ami >- will mall you ID plaia Dvel<'l>e our iiiMtise and tcatlmonlala. Di> nut deiiiy in this matter forevei y day'* de'av nmkes yimr r 'se lianler t* our*. 'Mi'lT & JURY, HiPwmanTllla, Out. JUG ICAS. STEELE & BRISTOL, ^ , . > Write OS. HAMILTON. Tircl* Taa L. s. A H. i .. IT... I..s. * M. Eilrao* I .-. * H. HploM BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO HIMii u I'WI>B CO., Union Station Areiul*. I urontu. HUTCH AHSdlllKI.V FREE. warn. IMA 1 M rant-.i p.-rlwt tlma-kMpw, ( V j ' BOT* and GIRLS distributing A Jw . tlalng Matter. Won't ,.,>-t % on a cant. Send addraaa for particular*. SMITH Uao*., LoiiDoa. F ITS TOPPED FKKK. rrmann. ly Cureil. DR. KLINR'I URBAV carva RKNruaita. Po!iti i-ur* tor all Neiv.iii Dmeanri, Flta, Kpll|y.Spaaiiiiaiiil st Viiua'Danra. N* KlU or Nervouiiii.ii ' rtrat day'a . I r.-MtiM anil B)2 trl.i botll* aenl uaa. . e through Canadian Airt-ni-y KRKK to Kit iiatten the|>aylngipraiii-hrKeaonlv when r^ceUed. Send loDr Kline. 8*1 Archal . Phlladl|.hl,P, ~ EUROPEAN aixf NORTH AMERICAN UNCLAIMED MONEY & ESTATE AGENCY, H..l <im. I IIMHIN. I N..I 4>l> NORTH AMERICAN OFriCE. DUCALD Mt-FARLANE, MANAQKM. LOCK BOX 145. 1RURO. NOVA SCOTIA. Mnd lOc. for Korliitif Huuh. MECHANICS 7 : 111 A ilTTn W AMI r 1 1 f Hll J tiii ii k.*^ I'' 1 "-'" <"fin*na. l r" ai '<-"">'i > e li| ""rkun marine ndautmilc,inoul*> Brantforl In a live i,,i : watorworka. . i-n i<- liliiln K . - ,-ntJ low, living choap \V.itrri.ii.. Hi M if,, r j era. nanny eoturnMn, Brl(ht city of eighteen ili., eU.-lrii- I \ I Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS Slael M* K SIIT. <rln 1. 1 in. I. IK. Iron Mini \\ I'u i. U.K. I'.f. Kupllllr*. a4 r r >w Oaa. Gen. Gatacre Surprised by the Boers and Forced to Retreat. w Inii. Nina Oflean and 596 Man Are MiMlnc MtMlBK Troops Uml.iulitritU Ul III- I- iirlll ) ., .1 .. I. \\ *m ta Vlouui ol Trhroa>t i;uld" -u. ..--I. ii sortl* I i. .MI I Multi-Mi), Cape Oil- ouy, live, lu. Uen. i;.ii:irre U-ft I'utt. r'-i Kraal by train for M,P|:.-II<>. :onl th.-u S'r.i.-e.-ili'tl by forced,, ll 1- lllll>- w:,r\l .Slormlwrg. H* bad -1HIO men, tin-l'iil Ing tbe Nonhuuiln-r l-inil Kinsilii-ra. Hie It.iyiil Irlstli Kilt.-s and two batterlea of ii.-l,l artilli-ry. Tbe Urn 1 "1 were unin.i- I.-^I.H! by the H<> r-i until the II.KT |N1- tluu wan reach. -d, wh. n a hot in.- uuexpeciedl y oni-iu-4 w,)on .iii-iiin J .1 mill i-.- i-n Sjat;enii.|il liei;an al I 15 a.m. At 7 a. in . after u sharp artllli-ry duel, the lint ish retired. They are BOW man-limn towards Mol 1 General (..itacre found the enemy's position ini|>i-i-i;iiul li- lt waa impossible for tho Uritish Infantry to t,i-i ut Uie Doers. .ea M.T... GATACRE'S REVERSE. Att.iaplr.l to AU...L siormhrrj With S.OOO 1 r.iu|iM II \\ m Impregnable London, Doc. 11. The War Office publishes t.he follow mtf despatch from Gen. 1-oiu.-.' ler-Walkcr, at Ca[>e Town Gatarro reports : "Deeply regret to inform yon that I nn-t with a scr- loua mver-,1' in the attack on Slorui- berg. "I wna misled aa to tho enemy's, position liy the nuuies, and found lni[n ground." ..-.- so far us known aro : becoml J'... i.ilnm K,'.. .il Irish Kilti-s Wouinli'il. i 1 a^ -r, Beaton, i .;,' r.i'i). i . Kolly, Lieut. Btepli.'ns. I .i.-iit. Itiirn.irilson. Suffolk I:.. i:iii-nt \\iiiinded. Second Uont M.n n. nl unit 11! m.-n. Miss-inn < .ipt . Weir, l.ieut. l.'hns- tle, Sis.nn I i -nt lioilliuv, UO 8e\.- ever,- .1.. l.i-wis, n ;. two men. 8ev, ,| Iluttery Kllli-il. ont inner; wounded, M.I or Pen-mil Nortliiinil'i-rl. mil I-'nsiliers Miss- ing, Major Sti-ithens, r.ipt. r'leleln-r, Mi>rli-v, Second l.ieut. Wake. Second I ' nt M . I'onl.soii, 1 i.-ut K.i.l- dlft; nn--i-ii;. .'liiii iion-coinmission.-d Qfnceri) ami iiu-n Rnvul Berkshire KeKiment Killed, ODi- private. The reinuiiiiU-r of my casualties will IM wired as soon a" ascertained." ltrili<>ll I ..-.i .I-, .' London, Pi-e. 11 Tho Times pub- lished the following from M.-.i.-n.. "Uneriil l.'utucre attempted to os- amult, the liner position at Storm- erg at .lawn to-. lay (Sunday.) Thu guides led IIH wronif and wo were urpris -d while in fours, and after a Very tr.\ inn march. Our retirement, wnfi eil.-i-teil ill uMi-llent order, there bein n ><o hurry, even at tho most Critical I inn-. The Northumberland!" and Irish KiiJcs bclia \.-il as if on re- view. 1 In-. i- our losses are heavy. One of il-.* nuns we had to aban- don." CAPTURED BOER GUNS. -...n.. From I ,.n-,,, il, 411.1 Muliiitit .. -pp. ..-., I'Mrrlwd I iliur.l K.III. Her I). r. i .ui . .nnth, Frl- il. i.\ . D.-e. 8. Th llriiish have stoinii-il and eapturud l.oinliard's Kop, pu'titiK a IIILT Creusot t, r >m and one lio\\it/er out of notion and cap- 1 tlirinir: a small Maxim. Jwiti-r -The Uriiish troops made a sortie lu -i \Mt*n 1 2 o'clock In the niorinni; I lie- crawled up a ravine and and captured l.oniliani'.s Kop, whirh was held by the Doers', and on which wcro placed i rn-nsot (jun and a ho\vit.i-r These HUns were destroyed with d> nuinile. 1 In- liiitisli raptured a Maxim gun and then retired. The l-aiioers. Hussars and Guards maili- a sortie west of l^uiysmiUi at daybreak, under cover of a lu-.n ar- tillery. !iro, which the Hoer- i.-tnrned briskly. The British afterwards re- turned to Lady smith. The Iloer loanes are reported to have been slight. i. II* Court- u artlaled. Boer Head I-unner. Ladypiiuth, Fri- day. I>ei-. S. Uujor Erasmus and l.ieut. Mala ii will he Lrieil hy eourt- mar'ml in connection with iho loss of Uie (i u "- s - i;.,.-i stury i .. II i U.KII. London. I'ec. 11. The War Office on Saturday, ni^lit ibsned tJm follow- inf desp.ui-li froui <U-in-ral Buller, ilaii-d l-'rei-e l .imp, IN-.-. '.(. aii.-rnoon: "Lust ni?ht sent (ieneral Hunter with ."ltd) N.itai Volunu-ers. under Kipy.ston. and H'H of the Imperial Liirhl Horse, inidi-r l-:d\\arda, to sur- prise a K" on a lull. Tho enterprise was aalmiraiili- earned out, and was niitin-ly sia-eessful, the hill being .-apt ilivil and a si\-ineh mill and a hoit/.or hi inn .1. : \\ilh gun cotton, by i.ipt. l-'ovi ke and I.u-ut. I'liriier. A \l.i\n \\.is i-apiured and brounht to I .nl -.nntli. DM- loss was on* killeil anl Nia.ior lli-n.lerson of the l-'irst lalion of the Argyll 1 linltlanili-i . -A i.ilj-ilifl . \t the .same time '"' l\no\ -.1 l lie hill, one sipiailniii of tbe HMfi Hussars nnie round I'.-pworth ! Hill, biirninn kraals and runt' I?in-r ti-l.'^i aph line-s. They had no 1 casual t lee." AIIVAM IM; UN < oi.Ksin ui,. UK1.4II.S OK IHK COLLISION. Otrl- , !.,,..- M .,.!... I All ltnrn H <l 1* i.-lon*. lilllta. Haltrnii. I'M; . Coliiny, Sunday, Dec. 10, S.S* a. in l, .-n - in. PII-III. -ill in.i> ternicil n r ...... iiii-nss.-oii-e In force. Its hj.s't .. ,iii ti.e mri'iiKih o' Ihf focltlon of ih, Boera, !i.> i-re -tr.uiii,y almiK Hie St.irinlii'ig'-. He left I'utter's Knuil slmrily afl<>r iiimn rratpnlMT. .ili a llglitbiK force sllifliilv Snr^r 4INMJ in, u l.iimiii; Multcno nl U luat evenluf. hi- innili- a uieiimriilili- ilium mnreh >.\"r MIP- r.ckH onl veiilt. 'I'lnTi- M :o* BK> auuinl. r\.'i'|il 11 Rle.nly tr.-uup. iiml tln-n* wnc no dlatloculsblaf ilKhis. Hn- hri K ut noon kavliiK guue il.iwii about half-paat COL. AYLMER ON THE WAR. LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIR GEORGE S. WHITE General White \ a veteran ampalgnw; hiu. .iiiMitiiMlit-r the Uoers, !il r:iinpninn aniuucl l.ailymultb WHH practically when It wai IM-K-III. When UoitUititi opened, tiw was lu British troop* in Natal. "Halt I" -lusi la I'liin-. Tke ciXiiinn arrived safely within a eoua>lr of iiiili-M of Its ili-mlmillon, tin- -.nlv Ineiilrnis of i lie ninn-li IH-IIIK un iii-i-.i-i ui aJ avdilrn .-nil of 'II. ill." under the belief tkat tli.' MiM-rm worn iii-xr opi-n.-.l n r.'i-i HI.- Fire. Plnddrniy a terrllli- tire npiMn-.! slnnil- i tanrualT i the l^-nisli fnini nn.l rl^lit Bank. n.,- -; :1 | lri*li liltlrs. whi.-h form 4 rfc." n.|\:incp, aointht shelter In lihnl a ii,,|iii-, .-mil ui-n- -.(n- .lilt julmsl tile r^Miiiiiidcr of (Ui- column. It nag r.pi ii.l. h,. \V.-\IT. thtit this poslii'iu. aiao, w.-i. .,..,. r,., | IIT Koer nns. whleh were mure powerful thim h:nl h*i-n sup- imed. Thi- tr<ip-. t In-refore, Hoiiifht a Safer BAKU Inn :ihi>ut half a mile -iwn.r. two baltirii'*, In the meantime, engiiixfinf the fl.n-if i'i,l c, iv. -ring the tniupit lu iheir 3.000 Urm.h l-r..-.,,l.-.t l>r Arm,..l Irani I N.I.IIIWII..I-I. London. Dec. 11. A speciul dea- i :itrh from I 1 !, -i M ..I. il., M I nlav. i.M-r 9th, ~.i.'. s :i.<>OO Uritisli mi. pa, |iri- by on armored .tin inn on Colusliurg, troin -Vi.iuu [""" ' i ' i n.. -i Hi Frer** l'Y,-ri- I'.i'np,, Moc. 6. (0 aphic ciiiiiuiiinii-aiiiin \\ith I .iiKsinuli rum Minea dully, i., n- ,tnii-|.>i.-r and ('i>iiiiiianil(*r I.IIIH lli.i :i.i ,ii.- in ' nnnmnil nf the iiui-r (oroas -it I ..ul\ smith. I In- horses .ire .saul to In' in poor cumiiuon. A i-.i- v ri'pppii un.s hi'uril in thu tlir- .'.ion of i 'oleiiHo to-<Iu.v. The sound WHM follow i'il liy a liitf cloud of sinoki-. III.- supposition is thut tho ii'iny iil.iAn up Uio highway bridge. All Hoar Camps Located. Tho Hi r ,s)i have now accuraU'ly locnti-d all i in' r.ii.T camps in tho p ipity of t' I hu posinoim . </ iipntl are of natural strength. I'he place \\hcn' tne heuvioHt ti/;lit vill riTt.uinly occur is a lar^o en- i r.'iii -heil posit IDII near Fort Wylio, .vlii-ro tlie HOI-IS are in great force. i '.mill's to the number of 234, whom White refused to W'ive i.t . I , have arrived hire In a. i oniiii iun. 18th II ii.., i- tin, lr Kite I on. loii, Dec. 11. A despair)! from l.,ol.\ sniil h by \\ay of Fri-n-. ,nlils to tho War Oitn-e account ciililtnl Salnr- ilny of the capture of the Boer guns l'e|l\M>rlh Illil II s.i i.i-ni'ial Itrocklclini -si-, \\Hlicaval- r.v anil artilic:\, ri-roiinoii.-rod in the dint-lion of I Vpu ort.ii Hill. \vith a view of ciitliiiK oil tho Boer retreat, but ho found the position still strongly held. The 1 *t h Hussars, pushing lor i\ aid, drew a furious lire and H tillered severely, losing 4 killed anil 17 Wounded. "Tho Hoers lired ince,ssaiit ly JIB Mm British slowly relintl. At a apecial pur.i'ln afterwards. l.riii'inl White thanltitl '.encriil llunt..-r and all en- KUK'**', e|>m-ially Major Hem:, for In-ill ni n I work." than tl.e or'iinar\ m omi.n is inci- dent to a c. imp. nun. The censoi ,i.,p upon news i "in the front is MTV sin. iicro In I. p.' for OUT ideas of \vhat i- I of ua on the in- - rumors of Mm Kallir Imys Ii mil mil .surprise us to be inovi-d to the front at any moment. nor would it -.lime if we wen- to lie ilrlir. i'il here for several lint - hinlc tint our li.ipi i -in ot tir- uoar. i ...... u . % i / .1 ..H.'e Itn.-r. Saiurda>. 1'i-c. '.). \ll I in men of I In- ill .1.111 con- tniL'i-nt !i nil-ward Like the Australian OOntiOfl iiave been pill to -i "I work lillCfl their arrival, and li.i i- ln-eu hnil'linn sidinn-i, er- artim: plat forms and rendi'ttnn the roii'ine s.-r\ n e They are niox- iii.ii n and very /.uuloua. IIK1TAI> TO AltM NATIVES. Wt Cirlquvi lu it- I'm >n -n iiii. inr sue* . n. .... I ondon. Dec. 11. A de-;.al. h to JT)o Tiim-s from Cape Town says H is reported that the Imp. run tyo~- rnmeut has lntrui till Sir H O. Elliot, coinmundur of Uie Juitish forces In Grlnmilainl l-'iist. to rm the names for defensive pur|)ose. WAll OKKU K \UVll.K8 e Think* On* Huiidreri Thii>iid Will be Mreil.'d In Alrl.-a. Colonel Hon. Mult hew Arlmer, Ad- Jntant-tieneral, who is still snfforing from i In- iicciilont to his foot, gives tbe following view of the Transvaal war. He says: "I was in England durum' the critical pvriotl preceding the outbreak of hostilities, and while peai e WHS desired aud diplomacy did ita ut most to avert war, it was thought that from the attitude of the Boers sueh was the only solution of the trouble. When it ufisnuiod a seri- ous ati]x-rt they enmmcnced to mobo- lize and equip the troops. We had 85,000 moboli/.od at Aldershot. The valise equipment was need and the clotliniK was of khaki, even the boot* being yollow aud i-orroKpouding to the uniforms." Continuing, Col. Aylmer said that the war occasioned the most intense ezcitoment all over th* Mother Conn- try. Nothing else was talked of. "I was there, "he taul, "when intelli- gence was first received of Canada's intention to Bend out aoontingent, and the aunnnncemont :ius*d great de- light. It merely 'ended to show the reality of Great Britain. Tliose wh attended the .,lueeu's Jubilee, how- ever. m -tronger evidence ef Colonial loyalty and unity iu th* Em- pire's interest. The embarkation of troops was intruded by great outbursts of enihuhiuhui. all hough the men went off in coin parti i r. .ly small detaoh- menrs whenever a -'up was ready. How loug will the war last 1 ?' WM asked. "In Knglaiul it was thonKht that the lioers i-otild be wiped out in a few weeks, but ufti-r the recent develop- ments. I think they have changed their tnne. The country is quite large and full of rocky fastnesses and al- most impervious passes. To my mind at least HKi.OOO men will be required to bun!,' the ibsuu to a snooemful ter- mination." Asked if there was a likelihood of ft second continj." tit going out from Canada, i 'ol. Aylmer thought that by th* tiiiiw the ono whu-li was now en the wuy was m linining trim, there would likely not be a necessity for morn. "Do yon think the Canadian contin- gent will be i-all'-d un u> ughi " "That is what they've gone ont for, but it will 1> somii time !x>fore they are ready. They're a fine lot of men, well olVu-ered ami evi-ry way a oredil to the ivmntry. but they miil ft month's systemtttic drill and practice in ritli- sliiHiting bel'nre U-mg called into action." "That story alwut the oontingen* bmiiK i lei in led for garriHon duty ex- clusively is all bosh, " i-oiitiiiued CoL Aylmer. Th* War < Mlice, if it ever entertained mu-li an idea, would never give it ont. If you went on your knees for such information you would never get it from the War Office. There is surely nothing iu such a minor. , death In a coal ramor - Th. men will probably spend .lamp ..\plovion in tbe Carbon Mill th* llrst mouth in ( ape Town in dis- i mil roinp.iii> s mn n the Northern ciplinnry and other drill. " ' What will likt-ly be the outcome of tbe war?" There is .-il as he was b.i ui'iiu-d to fiillurf couiuiuud of al' HIII..II \llrk Lore- "-laKoa Bur. lire. t'n-iurta ilui.M 9. A I. -! ii frimi sm?e>, U.-II.T-- II-IM- '..I'M r ..... ir.d bit . ih. i:r ;i-ii attacklni: ' -Illllll! I- li-'i ft']. ..tttil til Imv.- reil lu Hi- illr-.-tl'in Klml.eiie.r. It II |jri-uft.'.l iln- l~ in 't'u-r Morile." AN ARMY CORPS I o Mr U .i-.i 1,1 ill. fi.n.rtnr mid I ol- )* >if I. .tun i ii \\ . v Taylor !>- clitifu! (tuvrriiur of IkvniurUi. The Election t'liijiimnaioners decided .at rt. a. Re- publican, had .10-11 ducted l.uvemui 01 Kuli, .. Signur ' s uporated on ut \.ipli \sterday lor e.,i.,:ait. I he Mnul operation will be pcrlormud a .. Itlil^hl IL \n ch from M.iml.i says that --'.' >p.iinurds, who \\uie ...inu-ii.' .PI -......-. 111 tin. hands of Hie I, ii.!.,- airiv.^l I'he N. PI i n i. .-Jin. in l.loyu kiHtiiigin I. ins. wlnrh Ki'oiuideil l-'ri- iiay 111 tin- l-'\.r S,heldl. hiiM been d and ha.s p: ocooded oil her voy- TTie \. lo.n Became i.. n.-nii ncllon now li.'i-iinn- ^.-n.'ni] nt long .inil n detachment of mount. M! Ilifan- trr mnviii imrt invar.l. llh n vlw "f <r''t- tlnj *a <he enemy's right think. Siiildonly. a Btroiic riiiiini i tnlo \\ii-. si'i-n mining fr.iln tb* anrth. .-HI iti.. Itoral Irish It'tli-a nml the Nnnhini lierlnnil K.-Klinent were arm St to meet It Boer* Iiml Miirhlne i.un It WHU i..,n ills.-o\ i.r.'il. how-..\pr. fhnT th* Boer hnl ninchlno u-uns well plnceil, ami the Urltisli were compi'llitl in fc* H terrible lire. l. inn. r.- i ....I.I Mo( u, ,i,i |, Fl<lhiir It inip.psiiipi.. t,i in, i, | thp n""'- tton In ihi> f.iee nf un IMIIMIIV npnnreni l)r In i..i-li|..n. nuinliers anil arlli- l*rT. thn llnuvii reilnsl mi M-plimo. i '!> Boera follinviin; up Iho reiii ..... nut i-l.iselv. an. I Srci: ciz i wo big guns to hear im the retlrlnc i.ilumn. A K ell 1SII ri -m N.llo It I* li.-iii.v.-(l h.-r.' thai the Brlllah caHDal- (aes wore not aerinus. OUIl HOTS MAT sOON BK IN IT. lilt. I ..i.loi^.-i.l .. NW It.llilillv I. .Hint lillo I i > - Ii . |.^ Montreal, l>cc. U. Sjiecinl hy cable from V. Kichmoiid Snntii, I he Stars Canadian correspondent, attached to the Canadian lon'im.iml: Oruime Ki\cr, Capo Colony, Dec. 0. Via Cape Town, Dec. S. Tho Highland Unmade, to which the Ko.Mtl Canadian l!ei;iiiiunt is attach- ed, arrive*! hero to-da.v (Wi.-dne>day) and wi; are now cue. imped here awaiting orders- to iim\i! forward to I assist, t.em-ral Lord Mel linen's col- umn In their advuncu upon Kimlier- ley . We are all v*cll and military ex- perts say tho Canadian Hiv;iiuent is rapidly eel t iuj.; \eiy lit. Our a.-MPcia I ion with old Mini niienl s i.s hvmn ii marked eiiecl up. .11 i he mor- ale of the men, and t hoi is e\ ur.v indicaiion that, \\iieii ll-.o hour of battle does come, our bo\s will do credit both to 111. i. LSI U is and to their i\o land. The wo.ilhcr unit limes .\ci.isliii(jly hot, but \\c an- not. suiiei iinj mora State That th liner* Uitd sii l.i4>Kr> storm hit rff* Lonilon. Dec. 11. -The War Oftlr* ha re- c*lvi'il tin- fnllu \vlni.- Ufsimirli from Cp Town, tliii.-i| Siiiiiriluy uuou: The poKilloii of tlie ein'iiiy In Stonnlierc dlmrli-i hi-i ulK-lii was tin- fiilliiwing: At tormberf. i. laaiti'm; m Dor. In-. 'in. 00 men; 'J.'! mile v .mn ..i SterkKipnn. '."-'i men. Mnjiir i:illnii n-iMir's linn DiiK'-ity. wltB force, lais gun.- i "\. mis Uonlr. cln to co- opent \\ it h .. . i. ,.-. The rallnii.v Uri In.- ttt Mutliler Klvir was C0lll|lll'li'il .ill lire. 7 MI-I linen ri-piirm Hint he ni'i li- :i ili'nion- iriiilon up ihv line of ilu> rnllwH.v at day- IlKhl in iln\ \MI)J arilller). The nieiuy aid out rt'Bpuiiil. Mi-lliiieii 1- n-ci-ivhik' the ri'iiuihuiiT of bit rslnforcemeoti ami sii|M>lle. lie has UhlMie.i ,|eiai lieil p. .-is on bin In.-s of column. lla/eklUK reports nil well on Nov. 30. I:. Hi,, I mil Ki.l M 1C. I i - London, Dec. 10. A iicspnich to Tho Tim from I'ti'(ermitrli7.|pin ^ >ay : "Thive ImiliiB loiimi after tin- Moo' Ulvi-r IlKhl |ini\ei| to Iw the reiinmis .if Iliroe m-.iiis lie|.pn^lii){ to Thorne\ ' i "I t s l.iu-ht llorsi'. Tin y Inn) liefn CHinnri'il In- the Boeni, nmi w'llle liound bin) 1"-. n r dilleil with bulli i III. M.M>P in- ni.lUiiiiiu orer 'hl outriiKi'iaii in MIII IMII." Boer l.tmii ! Klnnillnnu<e. A e.i|iy i>f Ttie .lliiiniipliiiri; "tniiilnril and Diggers' News, r'eel\i'il hi ri>. . ..;iiiiiii'* a INt of Mi. r.i.i-i- ."isnnlileK m Klninlliiiii!te. This lilt uliipws the I'.niT lo* In tlnti llglit wat 48 killed anil Iln n.uiiiilpil. sir, II II, ...,,,.- I ,l |...|PlllMr London, Dec. in \ ,|i's|p,i,ii in The Tlnn-ii fr<im Moililer Klver s.iis he ntipupii- lrlty of Prmlili'in ^i.-vn of tln>* l-'rec State Is K r..un.i; IUKPIIH the Kree SUt- en and Cape Dm. ii. I.I-...I . i I - V ..,,.!.. r I.. IL!. ..i, I'. l II it .-hiteil to-ulgnt lllHI Hie Ijinci-illlli-lll lias .leelile.l .ill I 111' tipl-lllilllppll nf the M.iuiil. II U ekpei ieil linn half ii million vol will join tie- new ontanlaitlon. I!, . l.lll, li;, llmvt- Ills. II A di>K|inn-li frmn Ciipe Town 10 The Unlly Mall, ilale.l Tlnirs.Li.i. Pee. 7. M \iu- " Cln.-l- Kiniinii, l.lnchwe. Itnlllo.'ll nil. I S.. hell, \\illi their pe.iple In Mei-lniiuitilanil. li:t^, r.s.-n to attack tho l \l-^\ . , n, i'il. .in'* the situation. It IK probable that tli>- linauioi nml other l i ilpi-.-im n will foll.p>\ I hen- i'\nin|iir." Itiiiiior.-.l \lin. l on K lmlierli-> C:i|ii' TIIHII. Sill iinlny. lire. II. It Is rn- her.' thin It.-.-i- -itiaekpil K!ml>< rlpy MI .ins,- .junriiiK in i m_lit, but were re- IMilse.l \\iih h.ii\.v ii'Huea. Rlvpr i.iiiiln.iiis for \frli-ii. i.oiiiion. I'ec. ii. r\\o -luiilow iiraiiEht river uiili.. i >; ,! lulled ut Chat- ham for service In Soinii \frien. Knell will carry two alx-i-onndfr .piick tlrvn and (out Hai'luia, 'ui-llic K.nlw.i\. Hi miles from pin. i. , on Saturday. .nil on mill employe* .started in it HI per cent 111 w.i);os. i.' mi ruase p.i.d siu.-i.(MK) m \\ Wiis .inn. urn ed .MI.II.I.I-, l hi- nt Kail Hiver. ui mi re. i This means a nut weekly of Dm Pope, who, it -i'\ i-l .ll ila. -, anil, ii ,1111 "1.1 ami expel ic. 1. dl ,01111- illiln in In cat limn, lias,,im- pli-ii-ly 1 1-1 i'v .-n-il Ins usual health. Urv. llr I i .. u of Washington, 11. C.. pre.n -lii-n in tin- \l.-i:.ip... ' in I'liiiri-h, Toionio. un Suinhiy troin tlie t\t I he slat utes i ,n.i an- i 'L;|II V crowd \VU8 in at ii-ndiini .- linlimi ions .ire that the Toronto 1'onlt \ '. it ion's show n ,'.>- ronto from tin- ISIb lo UL'nd lust., i inclusive), \\ill lit- a nrand sin ll. mil IK- held at oti and .VS West 1\ inn si M,.:I . I he I'c.-p Wat.-rways I'oinmission- ors, who have In-cn nn-einiK in lie- irmt to con-iil. r meaiiH of sustaining hinh'-r lakn leM-ls, \\ill, it is mud. recommend a s\sn-m of diuns in the I ppcr Niagara UIMT. At AiiKu.sia, lieornia, on Sunday lire sUirtinl m the bin dry goods St.. re of .1 U Wlnti- and htiitn-.l the whole Stook, including the Arlmnlon llol.-l. Masonic Hall and other buildings Loss, s I .IHIU.OIHI. Annii ('. 1-' Miiarihy, 66 yearn of ilnsl at Uir-ie on Saturday inorniiiK of heart ilisease. She dimchti-r of tho Into I'nlion Mc- Carihy, NI-., and si-ii-r of the late II Alton Mi -Carths . t.he \voll-kiiowii law. Mir and Piirliiiiiienlarinu of To- I-OIIIO. Mis I-AI -.-llein \ I Mimo on Sun- dnv nnvi-ili-il the mcmorinl t m l lie .irmniiricH at, Toronlo in ini-nioiv of the otllcers and men of the Ita i lefurd coliiiiin, \\lio were killed or \\oiinded in tin Norlh- -A.--I IM I--... 1 inns. mils of cil i. ens \\ 1 1 ni-ssi>il tin n a I . I'ln- season - ion IIIIH closeil at Pepot ll.irlior. and I hi- Paii> Sound Kaihvay will heuceinri h have .liiiiinish.'d Inisiiii's.s. A '. .-en employed .ill season, nnd .1 1 -J. inn'. (Km bush, -Is of lieen sent from t| )8 harbor. u ii- million hushuls being still In the eli v .,' no doubt hut what the British will ultimately win. In the first plaoe, we'll have the cream of the army there, lots of experienced fncera. and then the army to-day ll in its most perfect shape, equipped as never before anil one of tho great- est generals of the time, Sir Uodvers Buller, is at its head. The Boers will likely lose everything, but their fran- chise. They will never be wholly re- formed from their customs. They'll always be Boera. "Another and very important out- come of the war will likely be the de- velopment of Africa by the construc- tion of a railway from Cairo to Cape, Of course in thu work Germany would have to be taken into consider- ation, as it has a possession iii Africa, but the amicable relations now exist- ing between those two countries aug- urs well for the nuocess of the pro- ject." A llearlle.. Millar n. There Is a irl ID town who, being both brlclit anil pn-tty. lias a good many ailmlrera, but the most ardent of all ImiipiMiH to ln> a pudgy old grass widower, with two grandchildren and red UP'-.- Naturally she has to stand a good deal of Rtiving on his account and skips him as aiuoh as possible. So much. In fact, that tin- poor uui had no chance to plead his canne In private and alone uml no wnx at last driven to the use of pen uml piippr. Here Is Ills prmlnrtlnn. It Is recom- mended to all biisiiftil lovers for Its brevity and hen my. as well as busW neesllko congtrui'tinii: Nfttlf, 1 wnt lo I M" mr 'ite. Too that 1 love you. .iirry mef If M, peak te nir ilnut It. I Hunk ihr world ol yoa, Qivt me a chanc*, Nfllif. Vourn tnily. HiisKFTT Diaa. And would you ln-lii-vc it? That ht-artlrss inaiili-n linsn't "spoken t* him about It" yet Cleveland I'lalu Dealer.

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