Ijertmt How is Your Label ? 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. rn. NO 970 Fleshcrton, Ont., Tliui sday, December 14 181 K > W. H. THDRSTON, EDITOR * 1'uol'ltIETon V Bounty's pOOK, T.K. ETC, M assortmaat rural district schools of Sroy Co. i V. V're , mi.; to nnik-: you .111 "ifer \\ MM4 ' i' 1 : |ji i|U.ili.r -'ti'-e of i\ery h..y anil (jirl ill the co.n.t . I'l-'.l to J* otr, r - v ie pr.iei s I. el .w for the t.esi , nv wri" 'iiliv ptihlic ; ; 1 pupil, mi out new HtoiB, iis I'lipiueiri .unl Iceor it s Pupils | wiii nx t i coiiipeie have - ; i he st..re from t>ascment up We will be | leased to ;ii-,rer all i|U.-sii,.ns ni,t --\\ . all neceHSiir iiiformatiuo. Ifiaaim' o..i irud colont THE PRIZ E S : IV WON P,Y A HOY IK \\'N 1^ \ CIUL : 1st prizt) A hoy'* l'"ii' Silver Watch anil Cham, wi'.'li i< ..pen I. ice. s'.-ni wino mid s. t anil A uuaraiileecl tiiiivkeupvr, valuo #* -nU -Your choH-i- of tiunil Twoej | Suit MI Overcoat or mnUTial fur inak iiii- nuit or overc.iat, va'iie $5. ::.! (i.HHl Kur C'*p. vuluo|3. 1th (i,....l I'liiliri-lk. |Mir ..vr hopH ur luHthur hlnwn, your choice, vuluo $1.50. PriK- Soliil ,'..in nilver \Vatoli ;* M.'in wtinl an. I net, lieantl ;JJJ fully r:irnl. \\.iltlian. move- ;; ...... il. oiiarttiiteiil for '^0 yr. : with silv.-r foil an. I chain, '.t 1st J'nl Luiiirtli "f bniHdolotli. -my ' i'.il..r ynii in av rlinum'. val. ?.") :!r.l C !> laiuli niff. ..r lilack j . ..... RSIIIII rutf, worth .(. ; 4th- Piiir itauii'leis ..r I-<HH| um- ; l.n-l.a. worth |l 5U. 4 .h./. children. I. ni - I nils, ren. puce 4 d.-/.. K.incy lloiHls. l.-irje MZe*. Pretty P term 7-< ' .- ' do/.. >|.s fm children, I'lllk, P.llli',1 'icaiil i-tc .") do.'.. Kincy lob.. ";-m cap* with [hilta's Kisses' and Ladies' OVKRGAITERS Piettcr .Hid inmter tllull overshoes ami just ;ix warm, in tine >K)th fel', buttonwl nml bound with l.r-iid. > only (Qnclitions Tour Eiway or Story munt roach us not later than 20th DecemlxT ;;; N m mu.st hav it signed by your teacher, showing you are a pupil.::; r>s,i\s will lie pid.'eil bv .'.impotent |II.|L"-S and i he pri7.es awarded at '.li nur Btorw on t.hn evening of December 'JUrd, so you will have your '.' pri/.e for Clms'tna*. ;;JJ ' Rsofars, ('liililrell'.i reelers Ml h l.v.e. seme .in.l iweeiU. very newcBt Kt>le< anil lieht. col"is ^;.-- S years to iTiyi-n:-. .'.-:., '-'.r-o. .-J.IHI ..... Iv^i.sli Coney c.,ru,tlu ......... Aitraclntn liaui.tleis ......... (ir, enUnU GaQntlets H.ncv chlni and itlnn in the h... mrnl c elery or biscuit holilers in lireyLamb 4.25 4.00 :(..'il BERLIN WOOL5 |'?9 i All Shades and cloudedSc oz. cut ulast, I I in. high .......... In Kanev I il.iss ii!i pretty hand pamteJ (leeorilion ,.n siilen. . . . sets, con.siHtini; of I, utter ili.-h, suc'ir lioivl. cream MKrlier ami .s|M,ii holilur per s,-t .3(1 .75 Jffcfiarland & Jffar&daL* Beifcf " '-'-" ' Ti ^ J^ ^^^ ; McPorland & Co.* orrtqpsndmt l.iuli'ft was lutlil >i\--r Ebony and Silver Good.- for S ,nt,i Clause i? just mound the c< rntr. Soon we shall hear the jingle oi his bells .mil al.iiost hear tin: li - ot his prancing steeds. In a few ilays we will be in nuta nf the whirl and rash of the holiday trade, ABld as a favox* -we as3* all wHo can tosHop early. We've made extra ii"iti<-'<i> to ms-etiiu' w. uits "i" shiewil buvcsan.l v<>u will find that our stock will appeal jii-.l as t'orcibly tohejn 1 rment ot those who want the useful for holiday nif'.s as well as those w!iost> ,)rci r.nce is the pretty an 1 jmamental articles. We're ready at cvcrv point. t ., O | Pin- following !a*t Week. I < lii<- dark tiiylit lasi week an Mr. ami Mi- Koln Uee.i were ivturiiint; frmu tllo \Va llnci coliivr' -nine iillc snalclled , i In' liiiiii-n. which wan ;i:ni<jiii<_> behind 111* .-art and mail, '"If witli it. (Jivinu i In- linn t.. ins*.:,. Uoiicrt pursued tiir mis, leant Jibony Curling Tongs from $1.25 N't nicer prcxeiits- Novel -handsome, Useful < nuine ebony i.o! -Milled cherry -sterlini; silver mounting's - price* reaNtinable >>. home t!,e laiitein as t here ahead of them tbonj BlittOn HflokS ffOm 3DClS. v "" ""' "i""' 1 '- Ebony Brushes from 75cts. \\atson-llallhas been the scene ..I J ^t.'ii e\. itemeii' iluriiiL* thu last week ii i ** n I owi., L . ... the aoMWU _M,en nmhily by H ^nOSO IMG /\P1(IS L/IOCKS. the \V.i H,.., C mpany. Mitho.list 8.8, do not in- n.l Fancy Oak and \\alnnt (.'.iieai holding Xman Tree entertainment 'h,- ceiel.r.uil I iilliert movement s day ^ houi cathedral iton,; reliable tin,. IT- wor'h sreint; wnrtli Iniym.: 'I'lilaliie \inas presents. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTIC .*M FLESHCRTON. .Ml M Misses M.'.el ................... .."Ml I. ailles M/.e .................... 75 81 Silc.'ii .11 fur laney^vnrk bnll.... ..i Furs for Christmas (Jifts N"Mi MdKK AtCKl-l'AKI.K (irey l.unl) UulfM. ................ 2.85 Hlack opi'oHuiii IT . \.Hlracliun Kuitn. a (Ml Mlack ()|.poniiin Kutf, 10 lailv ...... 4,-j;, (!ry L'linli Kutf, 1O tailn .......... i, ; ., P. ack AMtmchiiii Uuff, 10 tail* ..... 5 '.'4 Aliuka Sable Unit' ................ :i mi KiiMMaii Mar.- Kulf. Hlack or Crown Color, 4 ,Vil talk 50. T.'I. I (HI. 1 u;, ^ancy jCinens Celltri'pleces, cllnllioll ^op lloylie*, tray i-l..ths, ate, St .ni| e.l wn!i the nenest ahil laieit .1 !". I.'' ......................... -JO year. Many . i i he lnt.e In.ys in. I will b.' ^i. at v diaaupuintvd bu* we :nit >.inla Cl.iut. will Visit :llelll 111 tlunr holm llisT,- 1.1 Last Knilay M ' i i .1 un.-- umler- i-rntion .n !M Mil ll..-pital. 'I'. ! lit... .\t the litnt lepuri she was >ery we.k but llieie 11 hop. arc !! IT*'. The I O K. Sneieiy n. the village . Tlnn .i.Tiial So III th:s ai'e w.-il M \ : . i,,. \1, |l.,na:.l is liein.; initiate.! nit,, Mr .1 V. Crown's eslalnlslillii'l.t. \Ve wisll III IIM new |..<it|.in. Mr Li-, liner ..I lluniUlU upeut Snn- ila\ it lio mi'. I I;,n Mr ami Mm Itilelmimn "f Diiimalk W.T.- the quests ..f I lie I lev. Mr. and Mi-.. Mai; !i. -son ilu- ..k. Mr. Hiuliaililll >*cll|lleil the plllpll "I 'lie I'r,. u. h liotli iiioriiiui; .in. I cvellilli!. Ill* >ciiiiuii* were Very much appi . eiate.l. Still th.-y c .me. Mr. Charlie Tryoii artiv.-il home '-ist week. He put III the summer neai Ci un| ion. There was no >eivice in the Haptmt chur. h IIM Sumlay on .ici-.'Ullt of i he 1.011- of a iiiiniMur. put The sudden appeii. mee -.I winter ill i lid t.i tall pinttllii:. The thrill) farmer IIHH smwed iw.-iy his im- plements iiinler r.n.-r |.,r Hie winter, while Hie .- is\ niiine. .m. i -lein in ten. e ,- .1 in-rs u .1 !;, ., .-lathe handiest place to -1-1 it hem when m -\' wanleil for use. Mr K.IWCIF. i. -cully ii'turnud from the Kuiliy Kiver disliict. lia\ my r.Mni'ii his position ,i .-lief and piiiclm.scd i larm in the canti-in pail "I the tnwiisliip. M,-. Annie Harrow will take a , tn.v, of inniructi.m in the Owen Sound t'olle- 4 -.''-. . inmeiiiini; nh tin- New Years term. Mini Aninu is very bright and a useful and i'i.i;i> i "ii- uuvr l.illi" ili-l. i'rnm <>, (in, f,,,,, .i,,,,l,nt. Ne s ol iiileient i rather scarce at |.reM.|it. the bush, hai tetuitieii to Poiiioch to resume wi.rk. U caret nl, Henny. mu ' don't depeud too much on leti^ih ,mi lirendth. The Hazz/ird buys have Keen hu:-v fur "iiiedays past as>istllii{ then new t ive in erect in^ ' lions., mi Ins newly- M.-Ki t !'"lesh, itmi is visiting puiehaseil pr. -j..-i >\. Mr m.l Mrs U. lier dauyhlei, Mr-- Madill intend seltlini; .low n 1(1 a,;Mcultun- and M. Thomaa McKe of Collingwood m dmryini; pmsiius >me. - ui.ini thci;uisi -I Mi . .. ii;.- Mehlruiii. \ii-.A K. ri;iioii ..I Protmi \- M -v H..V ..!" M.-ifoiii and Miss Cam- her nwlur, Mrs. T. Mi Arthur, IR( week. .Ton ..I > i.. m ue Clients of Miss Klith 1;.-| uniiiii; home she ;.s aceompamed !> .Misn l.i/./.n- MrArtliui, uln> will -p. mi Mr. .1. II. Pin kett contemplates hold part <n' tin- micr with her aunt. Mis* nit; i -.;i.u.il shooting 'oiiriianu nt .m I i/./,/ie C:iuiplHtll. Chriftmas da\ ai ins hiime. I 'limn liunior. spe.kmi; Hi l.er IK.UH! r |'.i\ C,,| i-et..i- l.atimer has put a hustle I,. ml wlii*pvr. sajs ihat yet another Innle rm UlU yar, aod ha skan IB aa high " is like, y t.. be mki-n frmn this neiylitmr. nine hundred dollars in una .iav litlu- hood in thu near future. Nous Thei ,,-ioar old hoifiw. rn.l anil wlillo, harm tariMdAown ; caU with h.-r in/,,, iimu,, r , . >H to their wlioi-ol>.,iit will l> Ui.nkfliUv , reoeivoil hj- W. J. Pickell. MarkOala, or Cjlon. Nov. *, w ;.i ice .-I i.n in pi..iiin-e ui'iild "n'.y a Uance as t I-T as the taxes, larmers . -nlu th'H nlfont some of tiie luxuriuK dun mil them it pies 1.1. Mi. .1 II. Puck. -t t bus Ins \. i It IS liei'ollilllll .pipe eMilelil that iMIf. I'llhllc fcllool will linant eli.se th,, vein- -'r (lie \nnis li.liu.i\s without thu viixhed for Chi isl inns 'ue or I'lllell:. n m. -lit 1. 1 any kind f.<r the In nein --i Old and wornont Enifiues ottr hunled and rebuilt by us, are practically as good aa new for use. Hoilers also repaited and tesUd on short notice. Sw and Uri^t Mill Machinery repairing a spocialty. Kolls refaced and cotugat- d. Circular and cross cut Suws Guniiuiug done. Old Iron Wanted R. P. LEGATE <& CO. Ceylon . . - Ontario Cklf ItEIjTC : Our ChriitniM hookn r nutnij_ now rwtlly Fr ,, m p. ifty Cvntaiip. K.nir bonki explkine<l in on* l'ro( ivtnu. Oneii "Faninua Men ftiiri <)nw\t. Event" of the Niiiutoentli Oentiury." Orcwt lUttl.'t, Great Men. (irett In- ventions and Uiscovarioi, l'r,.^i- of Natioim, -Try i;ruat event of th century. If you havu a slow nelliuff >H>ok or on- v,"V'sl in othnr un<-y husim-sN jmi line money bo oon'mup, hero is lliu bent >p|K>rtunity for tiiakiiiK money v.>u evr had H'u profit, %*> time, new jiUii. get our offer aure BRADLEY (URRKTSOX Co, tniiJ ilrant'ord Strayed from tin. pramlM* of Oaa Johnston i>t HO. 01)11. :i. Artemmia. one uprlnij bull If. i rd with wliltonimt In fac. Am [aforuiaMot he "l' will b* thankfullv n- O. .'OHJJHTON. Port I.. Sheep Estray : K*,niciVsi,i,n.,i other ioduitriouspenoiifi of fair mlucatioii to whom 94U.OO miMith Houhl )>< an in- I c iulrt also en^a^e a fw at ihwir own homn*. T. H. LINSCOTr, Hrantfonl \VLlllted: Bri K lit m-n and w..|iin who ar nut t<. proud t.x. work and would like to make >ine money dui ing the i.rxt three nmntha handling tin- wonderful 'Liuhi nf Lif>." $3 00 a Hay sura ; MHIIO in.'ikit twice that. Kn jwHence ..r capital tinnccvtrary. Sarrffion Co. , BttAXTFOKlt. < kinn lo tint of tb, th m.lrrK cnu runi, o.i. m,l on* r.m rim nwnor can hnv nam* hy pr..vin K pmiwrty tu.l |,.vl I1K .,,..,. Kunenla Nor. "' T CAR " F1HS Tl LET Lot 0. Ton IV Omprev Town.lilp. 1M I acre ln.i.intihlB forH.xu< ..r k'ini. . .>nt|, ,(,., .or*, of o<xl working U...I ^ , ,,, . i.ontH. ulari.. Il Im. afrn,i. hon.o ami l..rn MM i ood orchard and In ooiiraiil <n t to Mlloo kin) |>i>-t ml.i Alsoljot:.. Con.;, a lt acre farm .inUl.l. fortotk .. K-mn. nnntaiiUni! W ormi ,.f U o,,^ wnrklox lan.l. Above Karmi will b* runt ml el) .,r totc-ther. Ani.lv t,, PBTKII oMitnn Ilai..ll P.O. Oct. tiv im new n s'.il, nee almost tlinslled and intends children. Tilings used to be .III', vitllj .lltll It till: plescl.t weel,. The M. lli'.dists are innkinu i;reat prep aratioiiH for their Sninl n sdiool I'nier- tainnient and intend tn make It a veiy |... i-ani allnli-. Mr. Richnnl Park has moved into the pimtottice stuns whure he UKendit slurting in and we hope that a ^reiilcr inteic-i will .- Taken III future to rentier tin- \inai holidays more gratifying to thu pupils. Tlaxwcll Vaiulcleur Our (him CorrrtfM>n<l> nf Mrs. W. J. Holley IB vory ill at pres- ent. Dr. Sproiile IH in atiLiiiliiiice. Mr. .Incob Holloy ha leaned the farm formerly ownud by the late J. C. Hu- clm'ian, and will Inke ]ISSCKSIOII shortly. Miwi \A7-fM: Amlron is visiting with her miter. Mrs. t!eo MuichiiiHoii, jr. A iiieetn. i" the interes; of a proponed poi k packing estHblmlllnellt at Markdale \\>.s held m tin- hall heir on Satupluy ev- oniiiK lat, when iliere was a g.-iid attend mice. MU"M I'tckell and Pavis. pro m, !er', nacli unve an inter- niinu address rvgartli"|{ C'*t, inaiiHtfuuient, etc. As Mr Uavm sniii, it it ood for farmers t*. met-t touother and " deimrt " ko..lwlK to each oilier. Ah'-ut 8>V)() in slmres waa nbs..rib'il ami ino'O pMinised if (he achenie should Mi.vced. /' mu (;!! CHII ('mrrt)Hiiulti.t Mrs. Itamrose hss been ill of h.te. Mr. Andrt-w McCauluy. cKdh-buyer Klufhurton Station, was in town, Monday. MIK.S Liuiu Guy spent .Sunday at home. The teem; do nut think much of the O'Hiiuruiun around hum. Inn the i 'i iiiye- men like the ueese. TneMlhy will b their annual fowl supper ; we In pe lo Hive It full account next week Mr. Win. Fleming has yone to Parry Sound, where ho will till it situation 1m- : lie winter. MIH* Kate SuniiTM has hail anoilier r-- lapsr. \\ e hope lliw will >> the lal m.d that iho will rapidly gain hinltli i-m-u more. Kev. P. FleiiiiiiKpinac! ! hi* -e.-fi U annual Hernion nu Sunuuy last Mi. ' pHBt work ban i ee.i mxrknd Sonio tiiin- auo IMSII'I IIH wen- c reulnted nml lnri;elv si: d nnliii.ii for I ho relenne of A. lam l,.iii.loii, "f Melnnoili'in, l'.. wna cimvi t<il of i el-jury in C.II:I.OH.II with the trial of I- hn Hami'lon for forgery Tn.' ninliorilie at Dtlnwa have heed 'o pie |ii-ti:i..ii, a. id .n Kri.l'iy Lou. I. n r. turned to Ins honie.-- wilh (fraud succean and nmy u lull), coii- tinue. Thu concert of the suarmi, which ix to be heid mule r the auspices of thoC ' '. K. .m the IXth of thix inoiitli, | roil i>s 1.1 I. e i uraini success. In ndditi.ni to Mi. .lar.ien K..\ ai.il Miss M^.i y \\ i list. . I Ifu Km;. -Ilia ^t ling I'HIi'l will tui in -li IIIIIMC. .vli lie... tilnssl. id >-pi in M..|ni:iy iu Mnrkdale, aa i!ld H)HH K.i. l.inlej The Caiiitdiaii Ooiitinint ii in Afriu* l.r.gadeil with the bluck \\.ittl. nmt Ne.it. .nil Highlanders. Theo are - u ut thu Ime-l ii-tyum-iits n thu '