NOVEMBER g THE FLESHERTON ADVANCZi Card* M'CULLOUUH A YOUMO tie*Tkra. M.rk.UI. |>u ft i o.ara) beuklnit rutnett. Money leeaaa 4ft ruaaouaule rale t.tll uu A 8 VASDCHKN. J P a.rk Mb tin Court, Co Oref e.uer uf MairiK" utary. I'ublic .Auctio foui i to 8 per ceul Lteeatea. Coove eer ljgBy to Cbarfe* mxWrt* vau ljgBy to leaned * mxWr H t f > r, ,-. f 1) f|EHTrt COL.LKCTKL * The Ii prepared to pdartake tbe collection of all Uode ef dekta. ITotee bought, accounte collected, etc It N HKSI'KHBOM. ftokerton If 1-H18LETT 1 Klehertoi> rHalixn )*uat in tiler <'o:mii>iir in It C ), Coirrn- anr-r DffOde. ruort4tMe. lri-i and will. rwn. MOD*) t<> lead at &< per rit eovl up- li*bii collected. Cbeviee m.-Urale RJ HPHOI'LK Po>tii>a.t.-r. Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery an done in ftrti craat ttyle and at l..wet rate*. ftpvcial attention i! it m to copy hm. Babiea' |>h<t( apecialty. Pictoret framed. Jrw= MRS. BULflER Uomuiltiloner In H.C.J., Auction**) Va>aoor, Appralaer and Money atoal Kttate and Inturance Agent. '.. Con- tender Deedt Kee, IMU an*t wlllt carefully drawn 91' ail valuation* made ou IKII lean nctloe. toil', to loan at Inwutt rat of iiilarett. Col le i. n. at Kintal to witli in-oraptanii Ctiarua* low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Steam. bip Company- A oall eotidMd. AO U W DieeUnery Oit mad third Monday in each mouth, in .nitr lodge room, <3ir.l> block. Ploinerton, at 8 p a A. K. Lxlarl. M ; A M ....... Kaor<Jr ; W. IWIIaiuy.Klnaacinr. Vlxliog bribr iLTlUd PHI Ml ARTHTH LODUK. No. Ml. A. A U. u>a*u In tl Uatiikhall. Btralo'i Mock. Klbrtoti. \wry Kn JIM oa or toafora Ui. full uiouo. J A Hoytt W M \v J Ucllauiy, Haorctary. COUKT KLRBRRBTOX. I. O. P. mecta la rbriatov'ft IllocB tba lant Kritjay eranlug a %.-h in.. ruli VIMIIUK Kur*tri heartilv Jralcoui*. C. R.. H. It Uy.on . H, . P. Tan- W. BARNHOUSE Witliui t i drew the ltoi.ti/ri ) the Public to the following : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all mzet and at Cbmp th cheap eat. Special Bargains in 3 ami ' lim r.-l luU. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. 000 and COON MITTS ,,,,,1 LKfif!- IN<;!i in.le to order and <rn S Notice. . BARNHOUSE, Flesherton DR. . E. LITTLE JJentlet. Giaduato I'nlventtv of Toronto aad Boyal College at l>mlal Hurjecmt. Kleahertou - Uoinlay aud Tueay of each WMk. Dun.lalk-Thilraday, Friday and Bwlwrday of acu week. Mai.-ll l*ut Wedueidajr in eaab, nontb JP MAHHIIALL U U H. D D H, I, D B HOI.OI Gradual* Toronto Unlverolty aad ftoyal i uf Ueutal Nui ioin>. Vilutl.e MeCulla II >uee, liuiida'k erery af'nruuon, inetvail of rloherum DR. E. C. MURRAY. I.. D. H.. dental turaenn; donor (rvluatB of Toronto Uul*arelty aufl K..V&I Collaa* of Daotal H.iwone uf Ontario. Otfl --* layton'i block. KUoliurtou. Will VIKII Kevcrebani tbe lt Wcdunilayt. Ot ea;ii inontb. THE FLESHERTON Honor K,,ll The followintr t* thu r^i>..rt >f th tanding of tin- |.>i|.itn of 8. H. No. 6, Oejprey, f .r Ihat rh ..f Ocibar, Nnnii'n npjM-iir in order of iiirif Claa* IT Celrna CUraia, Aimer Barber. Claa* HI' Maud Bucking' ham. Claat III jr. Noiman Buckingham, Mary B. Tuplin, Sandfurd Clemia. Cliwi II Kutiy Cooper, Koubi* Buck- high am, John Dand. Part II tr. LiUSayer., Albert UnMIe, Si-rt ii- Dand. Part II jr A in. i.. M. Kt-nzir. Miiinie Izard, Th<. Djer. Part I K.II.H I'm.',. Elue 8ycm, ia* Hindla. H. U. .li< -KM-.;, Teacher. Eugenia P. S. Ilt-port f<T October. SKNIOB DEPABTMBIIT. Claat V. Eva Turner, Frvd Mnmhaw, \OHN W KHOHT, L L B v Hairi>trr. Holicltor Convryaaeor. etc Offlo. Nrxt to iMietoOli-r. hr-nule't Kloiliorlou. every He>t>irla)i in. I aui .> N H -Owen Hvuml olBi-e, 'nie blork J"uulett etroet Met. LUCAS. WKKIIIT * HATSON harrmtiTK Hullciturt ('iinfayaarvri, te oili.-rs ii,'ii Hounil.Oiu uj MarkdaleOnt. W H W HI. .III. I' A IUH..* I l.r... N H M. M.., to,, office, ItlUbell't Bank ry Halurday. I tlir place to buy jour Blanket*, Mitig, SiucinRit's.r.nKK wool, Hnbber and Oiled ; Whips and lanlus Currycombs and drnslit", Snaps and Hit*. Halters all Myles and MM! Sleigll Hells .if . M rv description, Sw.atpadH, Collar pad". HonsiDKi. N-wi-tholimetobuy yon, Ha, - iK'H.s bofore tin- price advances. \Vc iimka all Rifles wild the bext. nmlcral at the lowest possible living prices. Wm. Moore FLFSHERTON. CUas IV. Kvaleiia %mtli, Nornn McMmlleii, Uworveua Smith Claim ST. Ill Charlie Smith, Mamie Hogg, Kdjar JohneOB. CUM Jr. II Wilhe Wilton, Dairy r*initli, V.-i.ji.. Af, Mullen (.'I.,*. Sr II \l.,l,l,- Ctrr. Mary Wil - aon, Millie Mi-Mi. U n. and Western Carr JIM. i. I>H-AI;IMKNT IV.TW Jr. II Benie Smith, Albert Hoy, Ii ri'. Williiaiiia. Claw Sr l'..rl M I) MU- IVdlar. Alex Fialii-ralid Nelliw I'cdlar ( etjual ) Edna WiHiainn. C.aai Jr. I'irt H-Erhrl. Wilford I', HaUif .South. Claoa 8r. Ft. I- r, l.i-l HoptjB, Clara Clata Jr. Pt. ! l>ui.l Armition.. II. i In.- r'lOit-r, Jiikic Sloan. liRAVE MEN FALL V.r:iin- to ,ioinri,, itin and kiiln. troublenat well n* nm'<o, aud all fael the reiuluin luen of Hvaftitf. p*iaou in Hie I'loo.i. backHriir, u<-rv..iiMin-u, Lca.laol.e aud tired, itilmrun down feeling. But then no uneil to (.-.-I liUn that. Liaien to J. 'A. (i:.r inr ,*. Ii. I. He taya:"Kleotrie | Ilillirt an- JIM: the tlm.K for a man when lie it all run ilown. %nJ don't care lie livt.. ..r -lii t. Ii .li'l tni.r.- to ^ive ine iv w tireiiKth and gum) ap|wiite than uny tliiitg I could take. I can now eat anything an I lilfe auew leuM on life.' Only .VI olt. ttore. l.i-ry bottW guana- The Markets. J. B. Sloan & Son P ro pr-ie t o r- GET YOUR Sash, Dotis, Floohnf. Sheet! n* Newel Ports, Baluitm, HanJ Hailing, Torner I?locks,the best of Sj>ri;ce Lat)i,No.i and 2 Singles Veranda and Sidings, etc. Tar Dins of all Binds Dune to Order w nn of 8t<>ru'K fur Ch .|>|> i n in nil niir lit,. - i^u u FLESIE8TOI FDBHIIDBE WARE ROOMS* ! We rr oirryin.' SEASONABLE GOODS In i I lai. K f TUCKEK A PATTF.UHON lui nt,.i'., Kolicitort, etc klolann I llmik. Owen <l hAHHY < TL'CKKh OKO W MCKAV * IV PSM ll.rrl.trro. e. UFKIfKH . iiw.-u Hrunrt. Merchant t Hank Him k, N .f r*tt..r*oii lluule. Main Mrf.ii. every Hk'nrrlajr .U. M/.CKAY.M A , K r -tVMrt.ix, [. i. l> Crown Atti.f lu'r for (Irer. BOAR for SERVICE Au i. fi-i.n i id nl in c.itt'e waimindo !at wcvk l.ftwi-cii Hnj-h Suu.ple of EnM (tmfraxn and K.I lln:tcr i.f (iiaud Vwllfy. Mr. Bniiimmld Mr Si-in|)lo ti niy-.cvin lna<l of cuttle for (1.1UO itnd ill turn tonight from tli. s.nin- t'eiitle- n. .n i olevi-u h.-ti of ht cat tie lor The nn-tni -I Timworth Boar I'OHT LAW DAN for n.-rMc.. at I'ort Law L'orttncale tan boneoi. by i|>.vti. tonwm -r. .."U. tllDMI'Kl'N JSf ew liu< HI'TTOS M DM M i> . M. M r r * N Oat. rrle>llU Dltlre neit iloor to Irrown'o ttore . rilileioe reelilencr of lat eilaji aidHatiir . ,.|.| at thd . I.I t>H nflirn. reelilencr of late A) llrown. afllc*ila>t - ilay. DU CABTKK M C I' A H Oi.t. I'Mfilf Ian, a* Plaeharton olllc -Hiln. 1/icwk. aJuii.liawt Hutcl JOHN A HCOTT. M B Mmnii.r Culleiir Ilinle A Vtirfpnnt Ontario (IraHuat* In Me'lfrl.ia uf Toronto I'nlvereltv. Krllo.l,l|i Oildoina, Paat I)ra4n- at., .le-llral Hchonl and lie. i, It. I Chlcay* l>t'-a*et of eva, ear. noun and tnrnat elalljr troatn't. Keelrtel ce , Mai well, vj.ltl feTenbau Thurtiljrat 1 ^ |.in .|...s,.il the irnmtrial new from Mr U-( ! ml I WIHJI r.i HIIIIOIU ii'.it the IIIH-IIIHHII will Iw n.iltiiiiu il the old (iti'ims. \V IIKVO li;i< i n la city fX|K-ii"iic^ itiid h;lirv wr c-in H |n'i'i..'i >itifnc IIIMI in niir line. HHVM Uken mertliu nvfin ) fur I^oleton L,nunclry - AXD Parkli's - 2>y - Work, And nil ordera K ft i'h IIM will reroivn |.riini|>t and otrrfnl nltt-ntioii. Pailm I 3 rop. ff*arior and 33*ttroom Suites, ytt, Side-3ioardi. Gxten- a/on and Centra Gables. Chairs, ItSindoti' <Shad*S and Curtain ff*oi*l, Picture , Casots, oic - Which we <ffr at - Lowest Prices Picture Framing aad General Repairing UndertiiUin.' in xll I!M Hrnnrliea Satlflfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, PROfRIUTJR PLPSMI BOAR FOR SERVICE Th unilcr.liri Herkahir* hoar for "*rn nn TlfHM hl ha a ft"" flioronehbn-'l Artr'iiet|.i .-if. No AIM, lot .17. nut, 9 Art^tu>ia. 1' on application J W i:i:N.M.ii. Pr 50 YEARS' EXPERItNCE Fkibukn A. Wilson . 1GIITS. JP OfTKWRI.L Veterlnarr rr'liit of Ontario Veterinary lle>Meee econd aonr toatti Mar- tlreat. Thle ttreet r kwei . eibrterlan Charck. Oulle^e, wtl on tenth Droyftu ; tlm I'riwmor of Devil'N l.i.n.l Full atry of iii'it n-nmrkahle Military Trial mid rnn- dili.f ihr ai(i'. lfl Ixw.k, Wr HdU on ninht Sn|. f..r civaHer. BR.VDLKY ClAHRCTKONt l.inii.-.l. HltAJtroHI. RED HOT FROM THK OCX \V W the hll that hir O. R. St.-ilnin of Newnrk, Mich., in the Civil \Vm. It raii^fd liornlil" t'l ITS lht no trt-ft'inent h'-lppd for 2<> yt'art. Then Buckleii's ArnicH Salvr cured him. Curea CutH, r.iin-i-.. Hurnx, II il-. Felinn, n.riii*, Skm Krnpiioim. I^i-Kt Pile cnrt- on .-.n'li. '2~K'*. * IM.X, cure vt,.iiaiiii.|.>l. Si. ivl hy nil ['in.-u'i-'- Tlie remdonm trf Tliornlmry, ( 'lik>- Ijtiry and lunulndiiitf c .initry arc not l.iw in jliiiwiiw rhrir niipn'ciation ' th. lirnviTJ of Mr . .1 HiMinrd Ftork. in nili-riiiK hiw scrviors in S -utli Afric-t in dcfencu ff the HritiMli tli^. A nuliHcrip- tion !>! wnx united I i-i SHtiniliiy and hy Moiiil.v over f~H llH<) INM-II ><iilii-i i'> ed itnd fllectml Fifty dnllnr* was for. lii him mi I f unleiHtat.d tint mi iiiMirnncr in aUo I ointt arran^iMl . ti the y.>iini{ inan'a life, hut C'tnuot aay fr what niiioinr . Herald WORK1NC SI JUT AND DAY The butiMt and ruiKhtm little limn: that ever wia made IH '>r. Kiug'n New Li'ci | illsi KvrrT pill ii a lugar-roatad gloliule of health, thai change* wt-ikiirM intaatrni^th, i . tl i'n. into eacrK.v, bruin-fig into nieni| |...ri The.v'ie wonrli'rful in l.uil.lin,' up the health. On'y -JJoptrhnx. Bold by nil DraggkM ' TRADE MAAKB DIMM COPYRIGHT* Ac. a ukrtrh nd drn.4f^n oif onr oi'ininn free whether en ti,.ti. .in i lv . ''in ic'.'lil. llandrMw.k.m I'ateuU I'uirni. taki-n tfirwth Muim M '>. r<elTe tffctal not Ut, without ch*rL, n\ the Scknflfic Hmcricatt A hi ilK'-i.-lr Illnttrated weeklf. i "i i.f >nr .-ivntlOc lournal. four Ijirrvet clr- TITIIH. H a aebtnclon. D. Wheat, white. Wlu-ai, red... Otit Pea Barley But'.-r K/ipi freih . . . Hide* Pork Po'lte liav. . orrrr tril I :i-h H>ck t30 U Gft Or* Chiirkemt Dick* Tnrki-) | -i Ib. Bff lo (Hi t" JS l X to 17 -o 17 -.o 7 00 to 5 flO to 35 -,.. 1.1 to DO to to 6 to M 3ft ir IT 8 00 6 00 40 IS 41 M 10 n THE BEST STOCK YET Mv Kt< t)i > T\ . fc '.nil K'llght of Orw." l leaTtir; . *'. >f "t >:k A I w |.> Wtth to Ql> i ! ir'c for fti > oiuhi-"***. I hav-> iru iifi.-.:,. ...... i'i h,it nrh IK* *' wtc* !u lia i C i-r, i Kfo*r>, '!ro! t>, >ue'i >l T...r.| llalcu. l.or.l Ltvendr try. an * \ !-ri1al* an 1 Kiiuht o' .\wrHtri? JOHXSOM" K&K K&rT 'K&K K & NERVOUS,WEAK,| DISEASED MEN. NO CURE- NO PAY IHKNEWMETUODTUKATMKNT.l lorictnal with IT.. K. k K... will t*rt- 1 I tirtly car* furarer any furm f Bl>xid or I Iheiutl diMie It it the re*a't uf 301 I yean' tit-erirnca in tbe treatment of) WE CURE SYPHILIS Thu tfirrikle llkwJ Poiaon. tie terror of m.akin'l. yielai readily to uar NKW THhAT.VKM. Beware of Mercury. Pula>h.elc. 'Ibtymay ruinyoor>yitem. I If y. .u have ure.iu tbe mouth or tongue, I ._ i in toe )"inu, tore throat, bair or I | eyebrvw. fallnif out.plmpleeor bloUboa.1 I tluinach .'.i-raurninl. K>re eyte, head- 1 I awaoa. etc . yon have tbo eeeondary <*! (of itiw l!l,..l PoiMB. We tolirit tbol I inoft obntinale caMt. and chillence tbe I I world lor a cato we accept for tnatmtnt I land canm t carp. By onr treatment the I I niflen boal. tbe hair (rowt aam. paint | I dt*ap|.mr, tbe .km rwromee healthy, r It portible and tale. I CURES GUARANTEED! Thnuiandiif yonnc and mlddle.aced I I men bave their vujnr an.l Titality tappwl I hy early abaeea, later eiceerce. mental I 1 worry, etc. No matter the eaute, uar | J Kew Method Treatment if the refuge. WECUREIMPOTENCYI I And renoreoll rsrt to a normal rondi- I 1 tion. AmliiUon. life and en "try ara '"I I newed. and ona feelt bimtoGT a man I I aminif men. Krery rate It trcatra indl- I Tidmlly nofiire*l!-benceoarwooder-l [ful tuocvn. Ho matter what ailt yon. I Icontnlt ut mnftdentially. We can far- | I ni.h bank to uarajtce to aeooa- k pllth what we claim. 250,000 CURED We trral and rare: EMISSIONS. I IVAIUC'H'KI.K, SVPHIMS. OLEKT, (STRUT. KK. IMPOTBNCY, SKOKET i |.K\!N- IRNATVKAL DISCHARO- f. KIIiNK.Y an,< BLAL>I>KH DiMtwea.1 ...N.-M.TAIIdS KRKK. li'JOKS I I' unahle to oall. write for I IOIKSTMN 1JLANK for 110MB | THtATMEXT. ;KENNEDY>s"kERGAN Cor. Ulchlpi An. ad Shilbj St. DETROIT, MICH. KAK K <* ruoijrnnnn D. McTavish FLESH K TO N KEEPS ON HANU REPAIRS... F r Maaiipy.Harriii, Nnxon. Fleary and V\ ilkinn-n lnn i 'rni v and Verity |.1" on hand all tin- tuna w" all kil Kr tho Hniii... We inH'iniiK Inru Wagon*. Kinglet, Cuttei*. lloririihi.finir -nini'ily nttrndod to. H|iecii>l atici >i.-n to tender tr.v'.-il t'r.'t ,f 'Oini; and Plow Chainx c iiHtantly on Imml. in , IU-II'H v\ air* [ [ etc. , i. i. 0\V. M M K I I VeUrUary *<n>Rrnn anrl Oerretef, Mai- well cranuat* of Ontario Vetrlna/< CvllMa, (vDMaM-l with Tornnto UnlT*rett>. Vielte Mvunla Wednepdar from II a Mi. a* I . , kail Fererthaiii Thurtilar fioin I *a I f m Lost Two >h i . ni tafarmailnu a* I" on lr eBal4er. ilielr w .t.v>i. will i.e l. tbe u4erUu.' !!.., ion kept. ti. !(. Clubbing List F"r the. N-r,r1ll i.f our jiibacrlheft We auain thm ye*r mlhinit thn follow iii|{ clutiliing mtesfor th entiling year. Aa moat |i|n i vive lutUnof of 18t)0 free to new lulMcriliern it will Iw wiau to hnd In your luhacriptioim nn early a* pnamule thurohy riWeivinK nrater valuu for your and Montreal Stir II i Weekly Moil A C.(.|re 1.75 U-. Uy Ulobo . 1.66 Daily World 8 00 Daily Kew. l.W Dail* St.r 1.80 When a fiHiliah man want* to liny r aoll niiylhuii;, snyi an evhiino.-, ha rnl.--> all HIT tlia country in the In t nun looking for the |'ty of the tt-rond part. Tin- !! man pn'a a fvw line* in the n|i|H-r and lota thrtn g>< all orvr the country for him wlulo he "it* in the tluu'.f, or vorx aldiK hout hia l.iiHini'w. \Vhei vur any man hat a cow or hnrau li.awl', t'urr it nome other iniMi "in. ln rr, wh i w..iting to huy the thinti, hut tli'-an two mm ini)|ht Irani a wn k mithiwit lintlirg rach golhtw. For first.dass Buggies and Carts Pleasure and Farm Warpons, Fprinj Tooth and Iron harrows. Meury, Dick and McGill Plows and all kinds of Shares and your horses shod T0 HEARD'S WORK5, Fle ' Mrtwl