Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Oct 1899, p. 4

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BabM-rlben who do not recelv* tb*lr Ipr larly will plea** notify us at one*. Ctll al thU uBi-e tor advertising rMw. THE ADYAHCE 1 FLESIIEKTON.ONT. r..i , i ...,.. Don't busy yourself with unimpor- tant things. It is easier to do right than it is to get credit for it. A girl's idea of an eligible man it n* who wants to get married. Th difference between love and dys- pepsia is merely a matter of years. No one ever heard of appendicitis resulting from a diet of sour grapes. A few temptations beset the indus- trious, but all temptations assail the idl*. Results impress us mor* when we are ignorant of the process by which they are attained. About the lime a man's argument is xhansted h* begins t lose interest in the subject. A man may care bnt little for so- cial recognition, but he draws the line at Ix-ing cut by a barber. If the better half was allowed to make all the bets the other half would probably come out ahead of the game. The only difference between specn- laton and peculation is a little crook- edness. The fact that there is a little crookedness about th* letter "." ex- plains this. Th*t* never w. antl never will be, a luiTer,*! punare.i. in on* remedy, for all Ills to which tie-in itlieir the very nature f many curatives IM-IIIU nrh thai were Ik* germs of other and differently staled diM**s root* i in the vm of the patient what wunld relieve on* ill in tarn would sg^rnvnte th* oilier We Bare, however, in (Quinine Wine, when btalnable in \ unadiilteraied tate. a remedy forniHiiy nmlgnvioui illn. By Its gritdual ami jinhcioun u*e. tb* frajltst -.trui- are led into conrle<-ein e sou strength, by the influence whlcb yn; nlat exert* on S'tnre' own restorative* It relieve* the (lroo;>ing spirits of tbue with whom a chronic *tate of morliiil de- poudeucy and la. k ni interest in life U a dlMAM, nnd. hy tranquilizliiK the nerve*, dispose* to Mjiiinl mi. I rrfreshinK sleep Imparts viKor to tlir mtiuii of the bluud, welch, being stiniiilnted. roiirees through- out th* vein*, cirrii^thrinnir th* healthy aalaial functions of th* v. -trm, thereby making activity a necessry result, strengthening the frnmt, mid giving life to the digestive or^.m*, which naturally elemand increiued Hiilntance result, im- proved appetite. N.>rt)irp St I.vmaii of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine \Vme at the 11*11, ti rate, and, iiaiiKcd by the opinion n( M-ir this wine approarhe* ni-*rr*t jierfectioii of aajr in the market All ilniKtfiot* Mill it. I lii Kllquell*. Always remove gloves when seating yourself at table. They are never kept on even at th* most formal din ner. The table uaplun should lie opcm-d and placed across the lap never tuck- ed in at waistcoat or collar. I'.reud may lie placed either to the right 'ur left, a* is most conveni- ent. Only sin. ill helpings of soup are given. It should be tat. n i from the side of the S|KMUI. The plate hould never lie lilted. Use only the fork for eating ri- oles. omelets ami dlsln s of minced or small cut meat. A knife is used only for tin.** viands which rcquir* out- ting. All desserts except liquid dishes, ar* eaten with a fork exclusively. II. I I... I. X' i - ..( .M n 1 1 n i r r. i he < tin re h Ian Maclaren will contribute to th* November number of the Ladies' Home Journal nn nrlido on "The Mutineer in the I'burcli." It will deal with tho troubles created by the mutinous llieinb, i - ,,t Ibe .ongicga tiou, ami will ], "-nbe n course of treatment tor iho-e w bo stir up dis- eonl. The famous Scotch prciicher- utlior will doubt -onio ml vie* quite vtorili i.-llo\\ ing. an he is a man of wointetiul , , -..Hi-cos. Ask (or Mlnarrl's and take no otber. II. . l.i I loan ,1. . . i i Wash well in warm soaponds, to wbich ten or lilt, . u drops uf sal vola til* has been added. Dry ani plac* In bin wood Mixxdiiit till pfrtectly dry then rub with a clmiiioio leather. Pearl* must not ! -. itc,i, bnt expos- ed to tb* air ax mm li aa possible, to prevent their tin n:ng yellow. Opt should b* kept from tire and heat, aa a high teni|itraiine lenders them li- able to split. Coral .an b* washed in oap and water. If th* child U r -,i. -,, ni nl.-ht, ha* outed tongu*. Ballon 'iiiplnxlnii, n .l<i-e f Mlller'f \\urm I 1 . - .-lets I* what U r* quired; T*rj pluasnm and perfectly barm I- ^~~^"~~ N.mre* I* . - r stjfMHi. Mildew IB on* of ibo daugnr signals dint iiHtur* liaiu- out. Whenever and wherever it i-. - : ible, b* on your guard. It means , -n unity to all or- ganic lif*. The only remedy i* un- limited fr*ih air nnd simshin*. A CITKASE. Ona of a Thousand Such Com* to Light in the Queen City. Mr. John Blow, 67 Prince., st .. Toronto. uri-d nf l.iiinliiiK'HHul I liilx-ti All I M i. .r.-. 1 1 ii if letter High Prnlse For l>odU's Kidney Pllli. Toronto, Oct. 3. Thia city it one of the finest in Canada and one of th* healthiest on the continent of Ameri- ca, but like everywhere else it has ita victims of kidney disease. Novorthe- less it it safe to Ray, however, thnt the** cases are seventy-five per cent. leas common now than ten years ago, and bnt few of those that do exist are anything like so severe as formerly. This is due wholly and solely to the popular u-e of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills have been fonnd to be the only medicine that will cure Bright 'a Disease, the only cure for Diabetes, the only radical cnre or Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scia- tica, etc., and equally efficacious for Heart Disease, Dropsy, Paralysis, Bladder and Urinary Troubles. Wo- men's Weakness, Blood Disorders and any other form of Kidney Disaese. Conrerning their virtue for Lnm- bago and Diatx-ti-s, Mr. John Blow, ti7 Princess St., Toronto, says: "I have been a great sufferer with Diabetes, and Lumbago for years. Every reme- dy I could hear of waa given a fair trial in hopes it would help me. But till I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills my hopes were all in vain, and my torture night nnd day unbearable. No one could imagine the sufferings I endured ; night and day my pains kept me in misery. If seemed as if there was neither relief nnr cure. "When I began using Dodd's Kid- ney 1'ilU I had lost faith in all medi- cine*. Bnt from the first one of these Heaven-sent Dodd's Kidney Pills, I experienced relief. Every succeeding dose hastened my cnnipleto cure. "I have used in all live boxes and am thoroughly cured a strong, healthy, hearty, vigorous nmu, where- as before I started to use your Dodd's Kidney Pills I WHS a constant and miserable sufferer. I cannot tind words to express my entire cuiilidciic* in Dodd's Kidney Pills." It may b only i trifling cold, but neg- lect It itnil I- will f'l-'.-u its fntri in your lung*. Hint >ou xvill mion be carried to an untimely nrv*. In tint country w* hnva B*jdd*a ehsngt* aud must mix-* coughs Hint ciiiii. u ' i mot v..-,i them, but we run effect cure, by nsii it Anli-Cniisuiuimve >>ni|i, the tin*ilicin that bus never Iwen kno\Tn to (nil in cur- log rolltfll-. i-ol<U, lir.i'irlillii Hint nil f- factloun of tlio throat. IIIIIKS and i h.-t. Framnt l.aveniler ll.f. Take six ounces nf the flowers free from stalk. Rose ]>etals in like pro- port ion, half ounce of thyme and a little powdered cloves, and a dessert- spoonful of dried salt. Mix all to- gether and fill muslin bags with it. These will perfume clothes if phi. ..I in drawers, and help to keep moths away. Lavender (lowers placed in a bottle and warm vinegar poured over them will ninke an agreeable perfume. Let this stand a fuw days aud then strain. How's I his I W < (T>r i'n Hiin.trril l><ui*n Reward for i.> e*Mof Catarrh ti.i <.-*nni be turrd br H*iri ll.irli i IK.'. K. J I HKNKY 1 CO.. l'n.| . Tul. We, the iindenlKoed, hav knnwii K .1 rii.-n jr fin -the l>tt flltrvii . n ami IN I .re him Ily h"i orable nail I.IHIM <i irjn<iciio t >n<l in. ui. lally able to carrj oat HJ utl.yati n< niAilf l.v lln-lr rtrin. w.-i ,v TUMI, w li"li-iie Drunclsts. Toltdo, O. WHilinc. Kinnaii A llrv n, \Vlu.lriiale l'iu< I".' I". "l" , ".' ". Hull c.iiairli Cure In taken Intc. nally. artlni dlrrrllv iipiui 1'ie bli'"il mul nun 119 ufiarr* "f iiM-m.liia l'rk 7.V-. ivr*. kuld by all l>ruf,vnlt. Ttiliin Dials free. i.i.n for Milrl r'ronli. Pound two ounces of flu* whit* gum aralno to a poxviler, ]>\it it in a pitcher and pour over it one pint of boiling water. Cover and let it fet all night. Carefully pour from the dregs into a clean Imltle. Cork and keep for use. One tal>les|MMiiiful stirr- ed into a pint of starch produces a lovely gloss on linen, aud is quit* harmless to the material. Health for the Worm Powders. children. Miller's New t U-..II, tlon. The class was htiving lessoni in na- tural history, nml tbe tem-hcr said: "Now is there any l>oy her* can tell mo what a /.obrn is?" Tommy Yen, sir ; I can. Teacher Well, Tommy, what IB a ebra? Tommy Please, sir, a cebra IB a donkey with a football suit on! fi.un Paul'* fold r*t. "I met Oom Paul when he washer* good many years ago. He waa an honest old soul, but rough, certainly. Still, he wan a man to respect," writes the Paris correspondent of the London Truth. "I saw him guilty of the solecism of drawing off his boots in company to warm his feet. The weather was cold and there was a blazing fire. He no more saw the barm of toasting his unshod feet than his ungloved bands before it. Oom Paul had principles and stood by them. Whenever his eye caught a lady in a low drew* ho grunted and turned away his head. He waa sent an order to the state box at the opera and availed himself of it. Bnt the ballet s<> horrified him that he would not stay to bee it out. He wondered why (iod's vengeance did not over- take Paris." Prevent Disorder. At th flrt vrn|>- oms of internal ditorder, Prmelre's Vegetxlile 1'ilU ihoiild Ira resorted to im* mediately. Two or Ihree of these s:ilu- tary pellets, taken Iwfor* going to bed, followed by done* of one or two pills for two or three night* in succeiwion. will serve in n preventive of attacks of dy- pepHia and ll the discomfort* which fol- low in the train of time full disorder. The. meuni ar limple wheu th* wny U known. Wlnlrr Wult and llo.'lr.t. Odd waists and Alices have come to be an accepted and essential part of every woman's wardrobe, so it is well to bestow a thought upon the gen- eral effect, and in selecting material and trimming to have those which match the skirt in color. Thia ap- plies to the dressy bodice. A shirt waist in winter is usually made to wear with jacket suits, and should contrast prettily. October Ladiea' Home Journal. A MW ktck for SO ceals. Kldntj Ptlli aad 1'UitOT. UUI* r 'i Miller's Worm 1'oxvders cur* fit* IB children. Appllrftllctn lr SiuiMirn. A good lotion to |.o applied to th* face and hands after *;."-nr* to th* sun is one pint of Imi tcniiilk, in which on* ounc* of freshly scraped horseradish baa been steepod for tw* ours. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. I*lcni CtiiurU In rrrl. Th* western jiart of Persia is inhab- ited by a species "' camel which is the pigmy of its kind. They ar* Know white and are mi thnt account almost worshipped by the, l>eo|>le. Th* shah presented the mnnici|iulity of Berlin with two of these little wond- ers. The largest is '-'7 inchi s high and weighs Gl pounds. The other is four inches lew, but th* weight is not given. Keep Minard's Liniment in tbe House. She < hncl Hr >mr. An exchange describe* evolution a* follows: A girl named plain "Mary" at her birth dropped the "r" when she grew up and Ix'came Miss May. As she begun to shine in a social way he changed the "y" to "e" and sign- ed her letters Mae. About a year ago she dropped the "e" and it's just plain "Ma." That's evolution. My wife is taxing th* best of health BOW. Millvr s('oni|i.'iind Inm 1'illsdid it. A Womn' ('<inrlulon. "They say she has never looked at her wedding goxvn since the man to whom sh* was unpaged failed to ap- pear on th* evening set for their mar- riage. " "Well, she must be pretty iur* that ther* ar* no moths in th* house." Miller's Worm IVwdars . ur* all ail- BeuiUof children like magic. houlil !! Sren I hat. Mrs. Lightly - Why, Dick, that great, big horse has been drinking at that trough fur flv* minutes. Mr. Lightly Well, don't yon h* it a draught horse? Miller's Worm Powders re a w**dss> VI suedlolue for th* ailment* llDtrd'i Llalmeit Lunibrman'i Frliii >><r /mUii.l -...i,,,l f I i, ,...,!. My. T1-. New Zealand budget show* that th* year closed with a surplus of C4UO.OOO. DOINGS OF THE \VEEK i .r . "i ..| -n.; - | .. w.;; n nm nf < n,-Art ex^rna* ufflir uid < will thip 7011 tint V W1U <i':tfll by pra. iul.Jct u, toalinnatli'B. jour i|MBofflg* tad it 7011 find It *i*rt tszsftsza'i TbUlialMlirSl -_xllwtus BosM __ r r*blr wtom! UfbJr polMMS. pom S4 iHMt IA UMM. riianlrtt *lu '. raio(itt1sipiu)iU. jisi ii-glfe ft tkw prtos. Bu7 dlroct lluu. at tad Uu> utir i pfoUL Johttttn t MFtirlane, lu D, Toronto, Out* "Yen, " srirt th* excited mam, "he tried to act the hop and treat me like a hog, bnt I soon showed him he was playing 1 horse with the wrong man when he monkeyed with me!" Miller's Compound Iron 1'ilU have snch virtue that every one should try them. Hard on Twin*. Th* natives of Central Africa- kill twins aa soon as they are born, and force the mother either to kill herself or become an outcast. Unrd lo . "I observe tbut you are not In th*) least scared," remarked the glob* trot- ter to tbe Transvaal citizen. "Well," was tbe answer, "I'm not sure about that. I can't precisely make up my mind whether we're not s. :ire<l or whether we've got so used to being scared that we don't mind It any more." inard's Liniment is used by Physicians. Co-o*>rBtli>ii In .rl Hrllaln. There are 1,140 co-operatire *oci- eties in Great Britain, with more than 1,500,000 members, doing a busi- of $320,000,000 a year. The Owen Electric Belt Th* pimples hare disappeared. Compound Iron I'lll* did It. Itutlil ll !!. The number of Buddhists "in t he world ia computed to be 4.V>,000,000. Th* onlr scientific and pnrtlcnl Klectric Pelt made, fur Runt-mi u*.-. )M>tnT bait^rm th K> neratt* a stronif currrut uf > ." :'.>.* r that t* -r v..-'/r.-i .-..lit: ..1 nnd un b Matron Mr. Nicefello, I dislik* to wold, bat I really most. Yon ought to know better than to keep my daughter standing in that cold front ball half an boor, saying good night to her, aa yon did last night, and as yon do *Tery time you com*. This morning she had a terrible cold, and her luii^s are not strong, yon know. Mr. Nioftfello My goodness! I* ah* sick? Matron No, but she's had a nar- row escape. Now these long drawn- out good nights have got to stop. Mr. Nicefello Indeed, they must, my dear madam. I'll go right for a clergyman. part of tbe body, fur the cur* of Nervous Diseases Thousands of peopl* enlTer fr- -in a variety of Nervoue OUeaiwM. em h ai Senunal Weakness, bnpotencT, Lose Manhood, etc., that the old nixie*, of treatment fall In cure. There is a In** tt nerv* force or power that cannot be raetored by any medical treatment, and 4117 d,.. t. T who KM na try to .-.-..iiiiiUah thiii by any kind at drug* In pursuing a dangeroue pritcUc*. Pr*> perl/ trraiei<, tben* diaeae< can be Positively Cured I was crniD of terrihl* lumbago br MIXARU'S LIX1MKXT. KKV. Wst BROWS. I was CT7KKD of a bn.| cas* of enracb* by MIXAKD'S LIXIMKXr. M'u. S. KAULBACK. I wan CUKKD of <-n*iUv* lungs by MIX- AKD'S 1.1MMENT. Mum. S. MASTERS. . as applied by the Owen Electric B,M and ^upen>ory. will mo.t assuredly do so. It is tlie only known power that will supply what U 1*. iii|j. iiann-ly nerre furce or power. impart tune anu vivur to the organs an. I amuse* to healthy action tbe whole awuu* ) lm. It i.l uioeL aMuied..v cure, Without Medicine,. Trlcoc*le. Xerou* Prostration, Rheumatlmn, Sciatica. Kldnejr I>i*eaa, Luaiuacu. LaoieBaofe and Dyspepsia. OUH lUUSTItATEO CATA.LOCUI Ci.ntalns fullet Information regnrdtnc tbe em* s( auut*. ehrouio and iirrroui, price*. howtoonler. etc., mailed (sealed)- FMII- to any address. The Owen Electric Belt And AppUikoc* Lg> ( , TORONTO ONT. Cut tMi out u>4 -tnr '. u. ,Ul B*Ub l - II. Nra>. All well bred women, will itrir* to look neat and tidy about the house while attending to their domestic duties The one garment which should b* rigidly taboot-d is the Mother Hub- bard wrap]>or, that louse affair which hangs al K nit a woman in ugly fold*, and give* her such a .slovenly appear- ance. A wash ilios uf giuKhaiu or cambric winch is neatly belted in to the figure or a short, dark waist made aa a blouse or shirt waist, but always belted, is what the best dressed wom- en wear in the morning. Aprons ar* a groat conyenietu-e and are worn by onie of the best drcssd women during the morning hours of household occu- pations. A custom which should b* encouraged is to cluing* one's gown for dinner, or at l,\i->t to wear soiu* ort of lac* flohu or neck ador-imi-iit, which dresses on* np a little. I: yon are a mot her, it in a good exHiiii>l<- : your children, if a wife, a compli- ment to your liii*b:iiiil. Mali* torn* radical change in your dress as well when yon spend the evening quietly at homo as when you go out to spend U with friends. Th* idea that sum* women bar* that "anything ii good nongh for horn*" it a MM! mistak*. 8llhllT Mixed. A littl* girl of six or seven years' who has a German father and a Hin- doo mother, and who bear* very little English in tho home, was look- ing for her little brother, who had strayed away. A neighbor asked her how loug the little boy had been gone, and she -aid: "H* ha* been goo* already till yet. " Caa Recommend It. Mr Eno* Bora- berry, Tuscarora. writes: "I am pleased to snr that Dr. Thomas' Eolectrio Oil is all that you elaim it to be, as w* ha** been in Inn it for year*, both Internally and externally, ami bar* always reoelrea 1 benefit from its uie. It Is oar family medicin*. and I Uke great pleasure la rexominen liiif It." It*t li .o.-.l . Romantic M!GS (addicted to poetry) 'ih, I'm Just in low with Edgar Allan toe. Vroctleal Adorer Well, tbat'* ail right. He's dead W1I.JWI4 Mt 1J) ,-r (nil KM. Ilk)*) " . <s|' 1 In Tfs MSB* M tlila mic* SI roMS Ikr MI. T tAu w Mk IV . ; r..,, ^.'Mt $.* SB 1 MI.I.-W lirm a, t It to >. Te_rr* Wnlch I [..irfKWM. n ItiMlu I':, I ifu. Co Hull-** K Ins, . . x.juiS- it (llttsh-llned ret* foe wiling 1 d ; . ml t.'m^il L*>T. rr I'nIUr H,c t mis al Inc. each. Wo svttd buttons postpaid. 8ll Ihtnn, n-turn momy, ae4 wmod >..'i niu-, nil ohart** paid. Lever Button C*.* Box D, Toronto*, WINDING WATCH v'nurOfn - Wrltla*. "No one will know what you by that paraKmpli." snul the publisher. "Of course not." Hiisxxcrcd th*autbor. "1 don't know wlmi I mean by It elf." ^- 'li.l you go to M* th* wild uniti lull A.,, the tin..,- meu ar* wild enoug* f>r me.' i (W..^^ .*v_.l.^i^iii ^11 ^-^S.~>^iB>v^>i*<~VlSS> >__ ONTARIO FARM AGENCY CO. Limited. If you wl.h to -, '; it: i ASM. vniir Farm, Iii4ve> It iibu-i',1 In our < at;ibij>tiM Maiaslii*. whl< ii .-. tun ii.m, .1 U...IMK the h*- 9lHSfH- in 1.11.1*1. t- itrni- r. thrnUSTll Olil IIIII.IMM. I'.ilKlMixl. office, nd Intvoillnx i.uri hu**r r here. Our ottlce I* th* i v<"vnl/.o:l liHil,|uart*re inoii*T hnycire. liv I UllO KAliM M-l M T ,i I .,1 KI.UIII 4O. Tewpl* BIU(., Turoot*. 01 Aiiioli.trp. Ae- . \ I"' In or i til* tr, i >r .n, ir ', i i"f Dr. - s.ntiuirii>a> HI. .^1 Fill" m .Til-. 1',-r l..n. DO.VT si \ n xi, IN i > lanj.lysend yuur na .-mil .uMrvM and s will , ,u yen thi- Pills, Mice _ |>ni,l. with ,,ur CaUUeKtje. Sell tn'tnanu remit us the |utvni,'ir anil we will B, n,l y,,u the Premium v..u , -1- ,-t. The*e Pills spur* blood, rheumatism, liver and ki.l- nev disease*, and nil MIHIMI h tr-mM .. Pill* rtturaaM* If not "hi. * ..n.,- ami mention this paner. I'ltl- ) MM., i o.. acv Huy Street. l',r, 1,1,,. ill, 1 . PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS I ll B..I XI..I- ~^:,,t ! , t l.i|.. COCKVMltTI 1 PLOW ( i> . nil*. I TURD. WCAS. 3TEEIE ft BRISTOL, V'C"* %>**. * M.wiTmw UH. S M, ll**Ml Writ* u. HAMILTON. ' - > '' Sploce BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE 0>r MtIO III MM H TWINK CO.. tt> I'uluu Stutlun ki-o.,l. Torouto. FIEEISE^. vr ftil|.ie4 Ux*fTl>,>< u fw MlJu | J.j" u..-'** uj KI " OM,(... girJ5 yttsf- Efflfc! 188 * 1 * 1 LINEN OOYLKYCO. 01 O, Tvsonre r> ITEMS OF INTEREST KROM AROUND THE VORLD Pmnnl. 1'11,,,-tiiiiteil and l'rrU In I'lth- !M, ,-! |ih Imr til* lvrn.n of Prartii-.i. |-*-pl> l>roiil. PuUtlnal au,i I'ronii4l*l. I Ml. FIRE Rl.i mill. John. Merx in a burns and outbuiltl- Inij.s, situated in North YuuKhaii. Il.-ar the K. 1111:111 l.l'liohc I'elllcterx . just outside 1'eterboro corporal n u limits, were destroyed by tire Thurs- day. The loss is about j^..VH. The Mallory liner I .,-011:1 . frmn veston, cum,- into her pier ut N. xx York, on Th irsday .il'teriioon on tir.-, and despite the eitorts of the lire .1.- pariuieni, \\.i.s burned and sunk. Tbe cargo, me; ,,( cotton und to- bacco, is x. ilued at $..-)M><JO to $:iit.(NH). .nil xvdl be a total loas On t'r.,1.1 night the following buildings vx ,-re burned at Sussex. N D. : Queens Hotel, licpot House, lute .Sheriff Krei-n/.c'.i house. P'. W l-'loxx- *r's house lii'ortte Morton s house. Byrne brick block, x.ilued at $1",- <X)O. The station escaped, alter IM^ inn on '. <1 time*. Tho IOHH - ill exceed 7.-|,tnnp UMCLA9SIFIKO. It is sia'ed on reliable authority that u, company m buinii formed to ii,, -t u larue cotton null in Toronto. The 1. lie .V-SMurunce Coin- pu.iv s headquarters will be uiox ,-d iro . ll.iunlion to Toronto on Satur- d.iy n.-x At a i'ieet'ii(r <>f the Hamilton Can- adian Club \\iili.un II,. I. son was eliM'ted seci.-t.irx mill W . 1'. Urahaui Msiatiu-il secret. i r\ K In, ke: son. jr., and W. McEvoy of Glanlord -.cut a ID.INXl-puund ahi|>- jnent nf honey to Ki u'Lind and clear- ed nine ecu is a poutid on it. \li e|>ldetn.C ol s .1 !]( |,X ll.\a U " >'- lopHl at the Orph ins' lloin-j in I :.>- ton, Ohio There ., -,- .( ; c a s -s t.iois Ir.r. All cases liu .- i.c"ii put -ant n- d The zinc producers of Rhine Pro- vince, (Jeriii.iiix . ha\e undertaken to form a co.ubinatioii for the pur]., se of liiiiiiiru production and tiling price*. CASCALTIB*. The II. i, .11 i.oxerniiieiit steamer Tlefelise. I;-.. I US Illl .irilli-il t TilllMpi Tl . has Kiine ashore near Fortune Isl.ud. In the : t will prove a total "' \\ .-l.l.-st child of Mr. Langdon. oi \\ o,,dl,rtdce. .iced li\'e \e.,rs. L;,H too close to ihe hind !'..' of a strnn ire horsi- .md x\:is kick,', I on the hem! Mtally on Thursday night. K.isl.erry. a brother of John Kasherrx . .1 xvell-knoxvn llnnul- ton fell from an apple if,-, on his brother's fiirtn in West, Kl.un- boro Sit unlay afternoon and broke hl.t back i.i,!,-' Hxvxn of Dundas, son of Coi. Gxxxn. \x h le in the mechanical di- jmrt ni.-n i t the Military i ,,|- l,-e. cut oil the lirst two nngers of his rieht hiind with a circular saw on Sat.unla.x Nine (reicht cars, scattcn-il oxer th* embankment immediately west of the li.T.K bridttc .it s te Anne de Belleviii-. Montreal. were badly smashed on Thursday, und caused a dd.iy in trailic for over three hours The steamer IVrxxent Holme, from lion t fill . bound for France, laden with lumber, \\hib- entering the bor of Sxdtex. r H . on Sunday, ran on Point Kdxviird. und remained on a rockx l.oitom At last accounts her rurno ts In-ini; removed. Albert Yamlerfort. a brakenmn on the (.rand I funk on the run beixxeen Toronto .1:1,1 llellexille met xvith an accident .1 1 Nexvtom ille. >,") miles east of Toronto, on Friday nicht about !l Ml), (rum the result of which he dieil on Saturday morning at '2 'Cb Miss (jitherine Tail, employed by Miss Purc.eter. hainlressi-r. of Il.nn- ilton, while cleaning the show xx m- dow on Friday, fell from a ladder, nd her .inn went through the win- doxv. The L;!HSS almost severed her hand from the arm Tho hand uia.v have to i.e . i input. ited. While Koss Max is. a guard In the Kingsti>n I'emteniiiiry, n-centlv c|>- polnliHl. xxus proceedtiiir hoiiiew.u, ,s, he attempted to chaivje n s 'lf-.i, i revolver from one po,-k"t t., anoiher. With Hie i. -suit that I', 1 Wen poll x\ aa discharged, the bull.-! sex-et-.n^ Ih Index linuer of the lek hand close Lo the ha ml While cominir down stairs with a lighted l.i lip Saiurdax exeiuim. Mrs iMh 1'ixon. un elderly ladx. ri- al I omliMi. Out. tripped anil fell, causini! the lamp to explode. Her cloihing xx;is al'lii7.e in :i mo- nient. and bci .1 -.s:siance was ren- dered, the union un. i 1C XMiman was frightfully binned Her injuries pr,,x- d fatal a fcxv hours later John Ken! a bachelor, ao-d about 78 yeirs. and who lued with 'I > - Higgaid al llriilge l-'nd. near I'liat- hntn. wan instant Ix killed on the 1.. E. ami P lx:iil\x:i.\ tracks near l-'ar- go on Sa.lurday morning. The old man xvas nomg to Fargo to get the mail and had xxalked along tin trnck The I... F.. nnd l> Kailway locnl struck him. a.nd xvhen picked ii| th* old ma'i wax dead Coroner Mr Bray deemed nn unnecessary THK III I li. nn s MOIII l> Coihorne Method-si Church contri- buted on Sunday J.'IS I to the Twen- tieth Century Fund. Kev S .1 Shorex . r>f Peterboro, h.i* dix-irted to accept ihe cnll of the Me- thodist Church nt I'icton. The 17th aniux crsury of th* Salva- tion \riny's , Ix M' in t Iioinimnii of i anaila will I .-lei raiiil in To- ronto from Oci T tii in \ .lespatch from l.i.nilon says It now seems 'li, ii 'In- M'skan contro- xx ill tret lie tiiushiiit; toucbes \\ ., ' nL?ton within the next four i' , * lay the initial rT\ ices nil over la beiran in the Metln>list churches on behalf of lh M-thixliat T\x.-n'ieth Century Thanksgiving Fund of *l IMIII . , o The I'jin-l'ri-sl, rinn Council, sit- ting ut Boston for 'ic past fortniaht concluded its sessions on Friday. Th* stlosuiK address was ii. I: . en-il by tb* K.-v :>r Initlield of X.-xx York City. on "Christian I' ! irinsf the .-nth (eiitury " It u . s a bril- liant anil eloquent address, a tiituiif conclusion of the formal sessions uf Mliance. The council will meet in lax ,-rpool in I'.H) I The I'an-rr.'sl.Meriun Alliance on Fridax- formally chiw l!.-\ I'rincipal i ax.-ii. |i l> . of Torrint,-. as president of 'he Mliance. sitco-odini; Hev. Dr. 1-ll'lt of l.laSL'oW ^cotllUld Sunday was the ."ii 't li jnm\ ersnry of the dedication of ihe Metb church in i Quebec ci*\ A s|i>s-ial ju- bilee service to , nmiemorate the ex.-n' ,s ;o be held -u-xt Friday. Thursday ni!.'ht three missionaries] s'ar'.-d for Indore. Central India. They wer.- Hex John T. Tavlor, H. \ . !''. his xuiing bride, and di'ello'.v They are sent out by the I'resh.x tcriun Mission Board. TIB DBAD. The death is announced of C. J. Wilson. ex-M.l 1 for \rontoud, and a well-known paper manufacturer of I-ui'hute John Br, inner, clerk and treasurer of Has! Flaniboro died Friday at V\ i .-rdoxvn Tae di-coased was 84 years .if <u;e and wan a native of Aberdeen >,,"!. mil IK- had been a resident of this county for a number of years. THE LABOR 'WORLD. I'n- r ,,f the Toronto Tailors I'M inn conferred xvith a de- putation of the master tailors Satur- dax mornini:. and u xxas arranueii to send the remaining striking tailors back to work. ML'MII !! I MATTKKB. Th* London, Out., Free Library Hoard hai 'inallv di-culed that the library should not ! u|H.ied on Sun- THB AI.HIl I I.I I RAL WOULD. About '.f the k!ra|>u crop in ibe S .,_'.ira ^,-csi,.n h., x ,-t to be ^.iibereii \ liniul deal of fruit .: i he ret-ent frosts. The failure of t he crops in Finland has redui'ei! the peasantry to the *x- tri-iiniv ,,f etitmi; brend made from ground bark mixed x\ ith frost-b, pot. i ' The annual mi-cimi; of the Hamil- ton 1'oultrx and 1'ct Stock \ssocia- tion Was bebl Thursdux Henri;,- i, Il"nders... dent, and J. Pert secret, i r\ It was decided to hold a three-, lax show in Ix-ceuitier. n the l.'ith. THE \l\\\ RESERVES. The Uriind Trunk Railway , panx has .1 surxexing party at work niakr.g .ill ari.ine,.meiits for improx- tng the grades and tlouble-t racking the line from Hamilton to Niagara Fulls Contracts for this work \\ill be let during the winter, and t In- line will be doul, I, M racked from To- ronto to ibe Falls In-fore next sum- mer. WMF AND CsUMINALl. John rturke. iirr.-s-ed n, llii'.illion on siispicimi of t Ill-it. trii?d to suicide in his cell ,,n Saturd i v Mrs .1. mies 1 .ishlirnok, wife of a Well-to-<lo farmer in Mnysville, Ky . was nixished a*J<l murdered on Fri- it her bome nt Clark's Station. Kichnrd Coloniiin. a young netrro. confessed to having murdered Mrs. Lasrthrook. and is in jail. The cnse m which Conductor Bright Is charged with manslaughter came up at the SITU t ford I'olio*. Court on Friday A few witni-sses xx ere , -\ammeil but there were no fn-sh ilex lopments. and the case wo* further ad.iiiiirned until Friday, Oc- tober 13 There lias ),,.,.,! serious rioting at Kalgooie \\.-st V'.stralia. Hundreds of miners have rushed various claims and ri'inoxed ihe ore. in dcliance of strong lorce of police, whom they beat off xx nh picks anil shoxels. 1{.L inforcem. n despatched to ne ,u disl urbane*. Some \>.rk i4iiinty pedestrians, while returning from work Thursday nixht. throiiuh the Koscdale Ua.ine, Toronto, c.i a, ross the dead lu.dy of a female infant It was xvrnpped toxxel and lay just under the CPU l,i .: . \ stigation inijuest is in proui.-s.s fill I I I, s | ,,|, ! I I. \ At the Ucpiiblican State Convention helil at lln.sion. on Friday, l.u-ut.- Covcriior \\ Mui-rax Cm no was no- minnled for t.oxernor and John L.. Biiti- for I. lent -Covernor. ro MEM or WAB. The opening of the Stony battle Held as a public park will I held on Saturday afternoon. Oc 'J1 Th* Mayor of ll.ixana. SM, TM ,I Vr- fecto l.acoste. has issued an order directing that no Spanish flag shall be displayed In the City of Havana, except at tbe Spanish consulate The 1st I'ri' ,.- ol Wales' i'usiliers of Montreal will assist the Toronto corps m their Thanksgiving ma i vres Thi-y x\ill cnnip nt tbe Kxhibi- tion Grounds in ihe Queen i tv II 1.1 I X I I Us. IS l. The Countess of Minto sailed for Liverpool in-m New Vork on Sntujs. day on the Ciin.ud liner Campania. Mr (Jeorge Heriram. M.I'., return- ed home to Toronto on Saturday from New ^ ,,rk. whcrv he underxxent. an o|H>rntton about a weak ago. He U feeling very xvell. 25,000 MEN ORDERED TO ASSEMBLE FOR SERVICR. To B KXI|T lu start lor south Afrlo la) SIS !>.>. Krutf.r'. Itrpir ! I liio- rl^in l.jl.l I-I...I lu ITilurui U.i.r Di.l.-. . I- .,.*. London. Oct. '.). Whatever may b* the result of (.rout Br r,ir<>- with the -oiith African Ucpub- ic. e\.T'. ilcpar'uient of the iiovern- neni to-dux is .is busy as though ac- llul hoHlilities had !iet;un. Tiie h-c- ric Hush uiinounced the mobi- ization of the arin.x reserv-s and the suiniiioiiiim of r.irliamenl s. i .-x i-ry wheel of the liiivernment umchinery n motion At the >.i:ne 'ime Lord Salmbury and Mr. DiUtour xvcre issuing the ni ceaaary orders for the n>-assciiihlinfr, of Parliament , and ihu Admiralty was concent r:tt IIIK its transports. Jl >f which u-- MII\X seciir-il at l.iver- >ool. at once So complete were the >repttrations thin U.VIHMI reserve* lave already individually ni coupon tickets. xUnch con'.i:n in- structions \\here each - nuui shall re- jort for railway transportation to the pi. ice ilesimui'c'l, and a money urder for three Mull inns for provi- sions <.i rout,-. At Woolwich yesterday it was u*~ serted that !(5 per cent of th re- serves would l>e fully with- in six d.ix*. In 'he meantime the two Houses of rarliainent are ar- inini; to return to London and & force of men is husilv enuaued in completing; tlie impri \ements at Wi-st- minster 1 ! I .1*1 1, 1,1, I, II .,,,,, I ,, U .-,1I *ll. Honil.a-. OH '-I The Indian contingL-nt sailed yest.-rduv for .South Africa . A Scare i WafeklaaT. The most important news from South Africa cmnes inun M.ifekmg. where t x\ ice on Satiinlay the Hi camp waa arou.seil Thu men stood to their arms, nuns xx .-r- hiu! . and patrols were dcspatchi-d in th* dini'tnin of the bonier No hostili- ties, huxo ni-i urreil as yet. but the enemy niox.-ii pra.-t icall\ to the border, .-mht miles from M.i'ekmi; in T.'e *.>>: prisinu 1 lixe i-oiiinia ;.iirison- Ing and tort f.x me of the to i are) practicallv e,,ni|,;,. , ;ire, .1 .r .1 , ( ;.er'- - mines ha' . I trim i kino;, coti- bullet I i .. the .'f vvhic' u'l xshile the ... iii- lmled I'\; -. t nieiit.s xvill Ixihlite m the iiiine*, prove thii' trelllelv |>oxx.-rl'lll e\].|.isi\e M..|II,I... \\.ll K,...,, inn Wanhin.- I I,.- , - aniioiinceinent v. .^ made at tlieSt.ito IVpar' : !:;! * i urd.i x iiioriin.i; that 'he I \xill posit IXely dine to m ei '.-r- u the .-..inn- betxxeen '.!, n r.rii.iiii and South Africa, and .nix e'Tort to indiicn it to mediate xx ill I.e r. a', rile. I UK an at- tempt to mxolx,. t]n^ country in th* English- Hi. r Iml I'll I KICI..I n *. HKU HOT HKPLT. Oullmii.l.-r, III, | >,,i i.,, |o Him With Their '.. I.-. Ullee.. London, i h : \ reeii hook is- sued on S.i 'n.|..\ .it I'retoria con- tains I'rexidciH I- i i-^.-r s re|'i> to. Mr. I'hambei--.. M. referring to the pel it inn 01 i he i hit landers to the U'levn. The -,il ob.n^ts to i i real lirit.i.!i* ml erference m it* internal i" .! explains that if the Out hunter* | l; <l tirst 1. 1. 1 reused the Tr*jH*Val insiead of the Uritish rtlliient. 'l|,~e -inplainrs xxould have been iiiinie.lMtely heard. It also alhxes , i,.,, .plaints emaii- .iteil \xhollx (nun a small body of Hritish. \xli.' are i r.-.-.bni; race hatred and .1 re m,,x einei t and whose iiifinNcvship and nexxspapers O|H'lllx b. -,!* o| the llllblelice e\iTCi8- them upon the policy of the Impel l.ll I Mixertllllellt " The replx .idds l'h- Transvaal i* bound to cre.iit these boa* 1 -, .-.'i.-n It *ees '.I I.' l)OOkl IM I ClWISIstHllt of dociiiiieiits ilra x\ n up b.x t heso re- voliitioniirx- men.. .ei-s of the South African League, .mil of lyina . in ides acid reports ft. MI, iiexxspapers xxhich .ire oi ..-.I -is of the lcai;iie. If the real characier of the lenuue could b* known, it. xxould soon lose its influ- ence, and the torsion bet xx ecu the txvo Coxernments would speedily dis- appear." I'he reply i-oncludes as follow* : "The Afrikanders xxonhl thei no lomjer fear that the m . f tho Ilritish Kinpiro nec.^saiilx inipln-d the desi mcinvi of the t vx o republics HI he enslax eineiit of the Vlnk'tn- 'er population, and the \xlnte races i : South Africa xvould r.-turn to th* brotherly harmony that ha< set in until a trenchorous complot. at the end of 'S'.l.-. rexixed passion on both aides.' This despiitch was handed to Con- yntlhatii Ureene on Sept Jii Pop* MM. -in.-. i to the tj.,.-.- n Kome. i i, i M Th,. li.Jia and Arena ii"il other papers slate that the Tope has xxritten lo Queen \ ic- torui. sppeiibiii; lo Her Mii'esix s hu- manitarian sent inicnts. and reiiin-at- IIIR her to use her iniluctid! with her ^ Itera in the direction of pence. The que.-o H i* -..nd, replied cnurt- eoii*!\ 10 i , -ii. --aaiie, ixni|{ Mi* llolitie-.s to ,| thnt it 'vas bexoi.d her pe'xcr t-i interfere with tbe prero^a' !\. * ,n he Mmislers. <.ir.. uurU to Take I l,r v .. Major i.iroiLir.l. a Fn-in IM aJiadian, orarilv resimn-d tin- ., dency of the Kuxptiaii Kailxx.iy Hoard in order 'i.nue of the mili- tary transport arrani;eiueiita in Afri- ca for the campniun The Out:. .ok remarks "Th Imperial 1 .1- ratlon." rrniiiii Will Kill lireif,,. Verdlet cor- respondent of Thf I'. . ll.i.: -iuxa "I leurn that i.i'rinanx' is aboo- . c^nd oxer docum :: I. -ad to the i|Uasl.iiii; i.( the lireyfus ver- dict." SH np i li.H TIN.; vrelve *m<-rlemi \\ -r* Wounded, ou.- i>ill.-er i niHii< . in riiiiii,- .~li-- OB NoveleLa. I.slai.d of Luzon. Oct. 9. lien "M -h -x i :i ^ coin. mi adxunced from Bucoor \esi.Tdax mornii.t; and occupied Cfcvite, \. ..... I- 1 "' N..'.-leta. The American loss xvas thri-e ort'u ers and nine prix-ates wounded, one of th* olhivrs. lieimr mortallv hurt. The IOSB of the enein. < I>:KIIOXM:. I. nt th* bodi.-s of thri* 1 Kilipinos xx .-re seen. There wore txxo sharp liirhts near Novele' .1 Lo" - lirst eiicoun- tenil tile ellelli.. near t'.ix'i'e. \lelO, and soon put them t,i .lu;!]-. coiuin- UIIIR their adxance xx h-s 11,1- 1. iii, ,n of tho 4th infantry. while r fine .v-*)- lerday. found a !. dx ..f sex erul hun- dr.'il 1-1*111 -_ "i * near San Nicholas. Alter u brisk tinht . last inn three- quarters of an hour T!U- enemy was dm en off. In this ent;iiL'ement four Americans x\..r.. -.huntlx xvounded. Six Of the eiieinx xveri- killed H XII X\ XX I X N..I I Ir.iuhi. ii.-i.. .-. ,i i i- it -.I..MIII I I ft \ unl ,.- - The t rouble be- i the (' I 1 K. ami the Minister of Kailxvit' * oxer the trallu .ut.uice- Ulents of the In'.-ri obilllal has brok- en out auain \ couple of xxe.-ks auo, when .1 lempor.irx aitris'i reached, it xx .1 mat- ters should remain as r the pres. fur- ther di>i man.' On this -'Mi: the i I 1 K. made .11" x ,-nip comp bu.*ine-.s > Now it m ai- ICI;.H| li.i t ' he ' M i th* ml ir xvould h, .11 freight des- limtl fur point* on the lit John. lohn, and the oth.-r 'I,..' .ill fr>-n;h' oriitm- atim; on - .d the I'lt.-reol nial east of i .lohn nre dct'iii- pour : ! carried the Ini.-i. O M III- steud "I i- .resent. Ix- h.inditl oxer to the I'.madiiKi 1'nrr- John Mr >i ;>r,.*iden t of he I' I 1 li of the teinpor.if. .mrifinent. but rr- fUaes to *., i.-r -iiinif further Hon. A. G I!!. ir xx i- :n I.IXVTI ve*t,.rday, but he. too. d -dined to make iicnt on the siilijeft . K II I I II IM I III I II l\ With Aed Onklll<- I nrm-r M II... . , ll.-nili Oakville. ..... . John* Ion. a hiifhlx r.--. -iner. 7() ye M ae. r.'si.imi; .li.out a nub- from this place, xx. i> Struct .mil instantly kill- ed by the xxe, i,,,,,,,d U 1' U expresa tram due h. ' i day uiorninu Mr bm hud been i- t h* station t uet his inor'Miin paper find was rettirni-iu home . 'onu the track. He 'x.i- in i I ...... ntre of the bridge, which is about JIMi xiirds in leiiu'ih. when his attention xxas calliil to ' hi) rapnllx .ipproachmi; train Mr Ion stui't ' lo run. but Was -audit, about four fis-t from the end and hurled J<i feet, strikinii a poBI .mil hreakmif it. The ;r.-iin. which does not -.r..|. h.-re. . IM d ruiinnu; at hljjll r.-lt.- ol *peed. stopped .Hid pick- ed iip ,. bod . . i. tion Hue leu one .inn .mil Ihubas* of the -kull \x ere broken c , Williams decided Dint an in.|iie*t uni'iressar.x Mr I.-M xx . town . -011111 :],. r in.t prominent in Uethoihsi i irch-s of tins place WH*T H\VK x\ I I I HOLD. I'lmt l \\ Inn lion, lln.1.1 Ulllii s y , Abunl ill*- Vlnnkiin M. ...,.,!.. ,. Victoria. I! r net '.>. PaxidMilla Attornex-CJeiicral of C.ijuuln and Mm ister of JiiM'ce. has made .1 *pe.'ch hero on the Maskan bound, ir.x ,|ile tion. 11 - BMsl W*J \\ha- xxe have we'll hold 11, said the I'lut States refused to .irbitrate be, i-i>,. they xvere afraid thnt the iirhitrators WOllllI decide BgalMt 'belli lie ,||..- cussed the treatx prox isions nnd ^.i .1 that they prox ed that the \in.-ruan contention xxa* iilierly unfounded. KOI K III Itl.KII TO OKA III. I'hfj W-r> sniiek by Train Nrnr Mr,, .,.!,,. 1nnll,il,f>. Hriuiilon. n,i n._ -A horrible accident occ I *>ji ' unlay .if .-. noon by which Ixniiar.l K., 'nsdeii farmer and his s,.i,> .- .; i ^ .,,,,1 i ; xx ere .cin. na ! kill, d I hey were struck by 'he xx esi bound MOORO .law local ul the Sixth crofto- ing. \\lnle ctor,-inu m a rin Ham den's liodx xxas carrn*tl almost i>C feet. Srniuel Web*., i is fourllivio- tilll. He left a xvidow. BOOT i hln . Urrsit Wall Will Cued to Him. I Modern u i.-.. It took ^.IKNI.IKMI men w,ii..:i.; for eu years to build the great -A all of China. Even then many parts of the wall were already there for the men to link ogether The earlier sections wer* built 3.322 years before the birth of 'hrist. The final wall was completed n Jin B. f. Now. more than 2/MK) years later, tb* wall is to be blown up by dynamite to suit tbe modern idea of progress. It will be destroy-d In a twinkling. It waa built In :tu centuries. An Interesting and striking object MOD In China's whimsical transition n a few yean from superstitious stag- nation to practical advancement IB fur- nished In tbe proposition to blow tb* old wall Into ruius. Tb* proposition mauates from the new ruler of China. .. i nailer empress. She Is a re- markable old xv.iinaii. tbia dowager empress, to have Ix-en evolved by a country like rhiuu. The wall tins been tbe pride uf the Mongolians all their live*. They have been reared on It from childhood. It baa been a part of their religion. Up to two years ago tbe bare Idea of removing It would liax-e stricken the little yellow peopl* dumb with Indignant horror. Even noxv had the HtigKestlon come from a foreigner they probably would bar* cried out for the white devil's blood ami called upon tbe emprea* to uantsb all unlx-lleving dogs from tbe wall'* protection. But It eauie from tbe great empress herself, who could cut off tb* heads of a thousand or two of the poor little chaps If they dared to raise M much as their eyes In dissent, and *o the beloved wall must come down, with all Its pre.-'-.n* traditions and .-red eh.irms cliiii;:iiK around it. It will l>e like pulling tbe old ernplr* out hy the roots ainj building a new empire of things on tbe nnus. Sa* Franc- ;n-r. DEMOLISHED BY DYNAMITE. World'* l.nrm-.i <.r*pt-Tin. La i'le. Mu- lp*- Tine lu the ivurlil. Ims reached the <>nJ of ltd loug outdoor life and will soon Scvi-tity-rtT* years It baa been cronin;; <>ii a ranch In tint Monti-otto valley, near Santa Barbara. lit It 111!.- -II, mil s.ynH Of dylUg. uil so tin- owner. AllH-rt Magt'H. th* I'lttsbnr;: stove manufacturer. li or- dered it removed, l-'nim the pride of t!i>- California vineyards the vine will In- turned into :i iinisiMim curiosity. Tlie Simla Iturhtini chamber of Com- merce will PII-CIM- it a* a spwlraesj of what the until of Sauta Barbara couaty Is a!-lo to produce. La Par* Crnmle has a trim ';. or main stem. .'' i feet In oireumrerc ice. and the trellla, higher tliiin H Mian's head, on whlcb th* spreading brain-he of the rlne are sup- ported, moiisiircs nearly ill feet In each dlrwttiin. In its prim* this single Tine produced full four ton* of grape* In a single vcar Thou* days of It* glory an-, however, long past. St. LOUIB rust Dispatch. Twu Rapid l^dT Perhaps the fast"st reader tb* world rer knew :i^ ' piston*. He could read and digest a novel of 50.UOO words, a scieni-.iic work as large or larger, a polltli-nl treatise or a history by merely glancing at the leaves aa h* turned them oxer. Ills eye and mind seemed to plmiogrrpli with the rapidi- ty of an Instantaneous camera. His eye was the lens. Ins mind the sensi- tive plate lu his rending be waa om- nivorous to the lasi degree. Tbe most niiml reailer we ever bad In this country is .!.>hu <',. Carlisle, for* nier senator from Kentucky, speaker of the house and secretary of the treas- ury, joe Blackburn says that 1'arlls!* la tbe most remarkable man he ever nw; that he eau tell the contents of a book without look n.; at It and glv* th* ynopsla of an argument on being told tbe name of the author. New York Press. Tor Wlf - e 911k Drvra. 811k dresses :i|e on .OCti-d tO 1>V SOU)* husbands, and to MK-II there la interest lu tbe recent decision of a New York Judge: "If a husband allows bla wife t* wear articles In his presence and wltft bla knowledge which be would or* dl r -ily be liable to pay for as ueces and he makes no objection, h* .1 l>e liable to pay for them, for bit t>eriniBHUui to her to retain and enjojt tbem without objection la equivalent to raliflcatiou of the purchase." Under this ruling a drvmmiaker s*> eured payment for a Bilk dress furnlslv *d to Mrs. s, hleimer without her bus> baud's kuoxx. ii-dge. O raw I lie Hiilr ' <unl,.n. A. Paris hairdresser undertakes t*> grow a good crop of hair on the. bald- eat head by mechanical means. Hi* aparatns consists of a flexible plat* of oonTenient shape to fit the top of tb* b*ad. This is pressed down and th* air from beimnth is eihauntod. Th* cupping process thus applied it sup- poMd to stimulat* th* growth of ITh* up- tte

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