Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1899, p. 5

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JULY 6 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Mi n. I. ,1 i.H * TOUNO Hauktri, UarkdaJs t>o a ....i. I baiiklu* bulini. Monty leas*0 a* a rcMouabls rats. Call ss. AH VANUUHKN. J P CUrk Mb Dlv Court. Co Orsf stusr of Marriaf* UMOSVS. CoDvsfan*r Mut*ry. Public Auctioneer Monsv to loansd fruui 4 tu ft per ceut L'liarge* moarat FLKSHBHTOM f O DKBTS COL.LECTBI/ Tim unileniKosd Is pispartvl t aniNrlak. tile vollsotlou of all klndi of dsblt NoUi bougbl. accounts rollrctxl, sK k N Hr.M'KhmiM. rif.t .1 . TCIUHLKT1 riMbartou Station I'iKtniwt.ii . Couimlsslousr la H O t, Convoy- aoovr. r>*0ds. iu,til*<*ne, leaas sod willi drawn. Monej tu Isnd at H per osot and up- wards. L>bts collected. Cbarysi uiodsrat*. R] Nf'ld if I.K Postmaster. KtMhcrton C'>ininlsluiMr is H.G.t., Aoatlonssr. Ce>n TVMCI. Appraiser add atone? Lender K.., K<tt and Insurane* Agsnt. Deeds ujorlKSM**. laut and will* carefully ilrawn ii ail I valuation! mad* ou shortest uotire. ((..liny tu loao at lowest rates of Intsrsst. Col l.-n .IK atten Ivil to with prouiptnvss CliarRes low. Agsnl for Ooaan Dotulnion Bieauiibip r.,n,|,u A call solicited. AO U W mts every Oi t and tblrd Monday In eaob tuoiitb, in .utlr lodge room, Uhrliioe's block. Klmusruin. at Spin. A. N. 1...... I MW . A M HII.S..H. hscorJer. W. |lllaui>. Kiuauci.-r. Vliliiug brsibraa luvlted PHIM K ARTHTH LODUB, Ko. Ml. A. A M . i e.- - la tli. MaoDlc ball. Htraln'i slock. Kleebert.n, every Friday na or before ths fall moo i. B sleUIII. W M ; W J ttelUiii). S.^irury. COUHT KI.KKHKBTON. I. O. H. m*ets In fhrmtoe i Hlork ths last Hriday evening In 'Ii ni.intli VUltin* Foresters hearlily welcome, c H..H.II. Dyson: H.B., P. Vao. Duseu. e. 1 1 1 1 1 1. USQtlst. biaduat* 1'uivi.r.ily of Toronto aad Boyal Collage of Dental Hurgeoai. rissherton - Uouday asd Toesday af Week. Duudalk Thursday, Friday and Halarday ot asb weak. FsversLaiu !.( Wednesday lo sash month. Jr MAHMH1 I. U . - lili i. 1. n Honor Ora.luat 'i .,.,.., to L'alversttysnd Boyal C'ollsge ol Denial burgeons. Vl.ils the McCulla Hiua*. Dunde k every filday af'vi nuou, lu.tead of Flesberlou PVR. l C. MUKRAY, I.. D. .. dental - , .. U gisiluate of Toronl* University and H*al i'olleiie of I i.-ninl K.irgeonsof uutarlo Ofllce <;Uytiin I.,... k Kle.lirtou tetunliaiu tba let and rd Wxl- iie..Ur*. ami Kiuilierley the lud and Mb We, I- use>U)> of each luuulii. 10H.S W KKOHT, L I. H v niriter. twlicltor Conveyancer, sis ruflce Next to imntofllo*, Hpreuls's block , Fletiiurtoii. erery HalurUy aud court ilaye, K B Oweu h, MI,,, I ufflcs, Frost's block 1'oulett itreel esit. LfCAH. WRKillT * MATNON barristers hollcllors Couvsyancers, ete Offlcen Oweu Houml.Onl and MsrkrlaleOiit. W H WHIUIT, C A HITSOH I H Letts N II Fleehvitou office. Mltcbsll'i Bauk svsry baturda). TLCKKH * PATTBHHOM llurUUrii, Hollcltors. sU L - - liAHKY U TL'CKKh Hank. Owen Boand (1KO W 1-ATTKUriON MACKAV >A.1I*SON Marrliters. *e Or-Tn KS : .1,..,, Hounrt, Merchant's uk Hluc'k, N ,( 1'nit.iMini House. Duudalk, Slal.i Htiet, every Hklunlay. A.ti. U.i KO .MA, II K.MAatrW)X. L.I. II. CH.W.I Aikumey fur Ursy. Dl< III TTiN H Ii . n H i I- j| h Oat. Prlssvllls omee nail door t<> Urnwn'i store ; residence <ii.| at the ,.l,| |.,,it nlTlre. rrilrleiien nf let Alei Hiowu. OflJce .lays- fseedayi and Slur- daye. i \ Photos D lt CABTKH M < ! * H Hut. Kllinrt"ii .,in.-.- strain's block. Mun.b.w . Hutnl . *.urf*on. *( JlllS A HX>TT. M B MenlLer C.'ulliiUe I'hyele. Unrfeotii lletrl i Ora.luiit.. In Me.llrlne nf llnlv.irelt\ . Kftlliiwiihi|i l>i|.lnnta, I'osl cirs.ln- -.. M...III-.I r.i-li,".| sn.l Moeiiltal. I hi. ., lli<ri,.| nf pte. er. nos n.| llirnel serially trealfl. Iteslrlvsos, Ms WSll. Visits K<ieisb*Di rtiurxlya* l- TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery ars done In first-class style and at lowest rates. Special attention given to copying.. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures flamed. MRS. BULHER W. BARNHOU5E Wishes 1 1 draw the attention of the Public to the followinx : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all Mixes and as ( 'heap lu, the cheap eat. Special ItargainK in 3 and b liarrel lots. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. DOG and COON MITTS and LEGO- IN<;y mit.le to order and on Shortest Notice. WIT BARNHOUSE, Flesheron Just Arrived ! fl Nicely flssorted Stock of TRUNKS and VALISES AxIsUrease Hoof Oiatiarnt Bu)(_'y Wahr Harvrs 1 Mitts bweut Collars Men's Leather Brscea Whips and Lahrn HarineKn Oil Polihh All kinds of harness kept on hninl and mads to order. Everything in li.ini. - anil "t rulil prices. \Vni. MOORE FlfiEITII SUTIIi PJBIORS 4 -AOHNT FOB ROLSTON 5TEAM LAUNDRY AND 4* PARKRR'S . DYE . WORKS BOAR for SERVICE Tit* ir^i- Tamworth Boar TOUT IjAW PAN f.n .rrvii-n .1 Toil 1 nw ( ertlftc*te i an lu< leen uy I>|I)I|T|IIE t > i.wmr. TIIOUfHI'N. Teterinsrv Hurgeon ctra.ln^te of Ontsrln Veterinary (Vllegs. el'lesce ecou.l door somti west *n art strnnt This ilreel rsai s>ek i Clurrh THE BEST STOCK YE7 Mv M... k Hu'l "Ki'islit nf Orey Ii leavlnn ilii>ri. li.-m . f -i.k ll wbo wlih ti ue lilm u >,"> il ,>M I'Hoes. SI for grihtre . Si fur Hi. ... me ''I".- i '. I lisve T.HIIIU lock fur !, Kf Imtli B.. o( tli> beet Billing fainili.--.. nnli a 'lie I'latli-ls Indian Plilef. sad CrlDi- ,.. Fl...'i-s, elr.. I l. teh .lies M Ader,lal e. i llalco. Lnnl I.eveuder asd Kalgat of A I. I MI V J/vgfNrt. .-V BO VFAR8- XPERIENCK TRADE MARKS DCSIQNaj COPVniGMTB AC. Anrone winding n iiketch and iteecirlj.tlr^n mat quickly Mrerl.ln our opinion free whether an inTfuiion Is pfrslly pilejntabl*. Corentunlca* tioiiH Mru-iiv i'.M,n,ii*.,ti.J. naodbookoa i-mrm. ml free. cll,l.>tl ly-.i,. for Benmng iiulenls. Int. nil |H>..II llirili.ll Muiin k(o. r.-,lv null.', win >ui . !".rie, lutlie Scientific fln,erican. A rmn.leo.iieiy Illnetrsted weeklr. 1 r*t "Ir- , , .M f inysrteniinc i.iurnal. Tornm. t.1 a r- foorraontbs II. ewd byall newpil,*ler. , - New York ON r Hi.. Wuliiiwuui. D. t . THE WUTcRH FAIR London, Sept. 7th to 16th 1809. The directors of this ever prVjursativfi institution tirtd thrmaelvrs facing their minuiil ditfictrtty, that ol providi*y suffic- ient actttrtiimodation for eJrfiuitors mid viHitoni attbayraat Livestock and Agri- cultural Show of \. t.-ri! Caitacfe. hut now an ta the past ttay are rqtml to the Oceanian/ having plenty of money and hard earned uxpertence. An ejfteinne addition is in course of construction to the Machinery Hall, nearly ilou'bttng its cauiicity. The Agricultural. Horticultursti and Dairy Building* have been move>4 and rrnet, an as tu form one iinftiuiiHe elhil.i tioft hall, and one hundred and lif'f fnet <rf an addition lian been huih therMo. Alao a now (.t-i iii.ui.-iii public* office hmldim; over one hundred and hfty fert long is IKMIIU erected at the King Htreet entrance, for El press, Telephone, Tuleumph, Bnrbvr Rhop, Parcel Kooui and Press OfHce. and to crown all two Urge O[IHII stands, 340 feet by 4O feet - up to datu in every particular for the comfort of the public with additional refreshment booths and diuinx halls iinduineath. The Queen's I'ark, Fair (>roui>ds, hve been greatly lx-nutiui-J by the above alterations and additions. Thii prizea offered have lieen increased by a little over |1, 600.00, one thousand of this amount x"'" '" th* 1^> V ' Stock Clawes. The Prize List book itself is> (ir^ntly improved, being very much coudenswi in M/.., but containinK more infurBtsitioii, put up in better form than any other we have jit Keen. T!IM entry forms are moot coiuplute and labor saving, a s-|*r atu form beini( provided or aach deyuri iiiunt, the eihihitora having ouly U> niakx a mark or cross opposite the *rcti>.n they may wish to enter in, all details and necessary infonuatiuii being fully et forth on each, and depriving even the mat procra>tinating individual from any uiw of lack of time, as ai.y entry >aper cau be tilled out in leas than two uiinutus. The special attractions are being ar- ranged for, and it u safe 'o say that only the very bent will be engaged, anil plenty >/ them. A new Secretary, Mr. Jno. A. Nelle*, IKS been appointiHi t>. till the puailmn \acalud by Mr. Brown, after ten yrar> f M-rvicr, uii'l ;in the adage KO!*, new iriHiuiH sweep clean," great thing* may IM 1'Miked forward to. We wish the in- coming ofticvr every success. Unit the Mr. A. C. Thomas, of .Marvivill*. Tex., ha* li.iurl a inure valuable discovery thau has t been made in the Klondike. For years suffered uiiinl.i ufon.v finni cuonuioptiuu accompanied l.y heworr*iaKea; and was an nluteiy cured by Dr. Kind's New LISCOVSIV r ,,r ' ',nisiiiii|ii ion, 'Juiij- i. au.t CoKia. lie l.r'nrea trial Roiil u ol little value 10 cow- 'uriaoii w,tb tins marvelous cure; wuulJ iavr it, even if it ool a huudred <ilinri a bottle. Asthma, and all vhrual ,ii,l MMI^ sfTsrtioiiH are positively cured '> i k.'u Nrw Pim-overv lor Conisusnpin' ' Snl.l at any ilrug stoie. K.-KU *r alls fill cents mi. I ti li. Guaranteed Ui care ur price redu.ili- 1 Fr<:>n (Mr 'in Ci>rrttitn,Hdfnt A number of our citbutus spent Monlij in I tin hum anil up it a gtNal tiniu. Mr unit Mr>. Suiokey nf Mamville \iMH-il Mr^. S|.ii.i HOI! fninily <m flic Int. Mr. A I'H .in I. -it 01. Monday t.> vitii fri.-ii.i- in fir Uiii-fti Ciiy. Mi- H. Til. i.i-i Hpt'in n few days with lu-r lUn^hii r in U i inon. Itev. Mr. Uiinl will prea-'li a aerni ,11 to ill.' Omiuenifii H.-\ T S-ihliaili at 1030. Mr. <!. Yirrn nf lCliiiood Imo necum! |.siti..n in thr foil .ilry. Mr. mid MIN. Ii,.-.. Msite.1 tin. laltet'a Hter in Milvvrtoo l.i^i wottU Mr K. i 'nin, -run f I),uul>! ix H|wnd int.' H i ilty in i > n Mr., Mi- iiiul Mi>-< Turin Httfi.ded tho vu'diinii; of Mi** .M. Mcliuc!ilin liint wofk . 1 u-. iii.i from Our Oicn Corrtii>oHtfent A N|.,-,H' nerinon will be pr.-acliod to lli.- Oran^enien in the PrvHliytfimn rlnirrli on lie XI Sunday afternoon Ht the UUH| Horvice hour. Mra. i 'MI lm j n,- for nn extttnrled vi-nt tu frifiuls nt Kiiicuidinn nnd ..tlu-r welc .me li*KOr with friends here the past' wewik. Mr. anil M*s. Will O..rion of Toronto are 'lie's of Mr. C'liarlie Turner. Mrit. Prolericks of Michigan is a guem %t Mr. Liiitnn'*. Red Hot From The Quo \V i the hull that hit (. R. Steadinun of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It, cauned horrihl Ulcers (hut no treatment I lpv.l for Lit years. Then Buckl.-n' Arnica Hah u cured him. Cures Cuts, I Bruuex, Burnt, B >il. Felons, corn*, Skin Eruptioiu. Uest Pile cure >.n earth. li.Vm. H hox. cure guaranteed. Sold by all Druwgi*'*. Hfv Mr Utilu of (.'hatsworth preached a vury ablo ruion to a large congrega- lion in tin' l'rvliyu-i -i,tn church on Sun- day Hftrrnomi. Mr. K,, \\illiiiniM has hln handiM>ni new housn nlinimt tioi'hed. Hi* not with a sovrrr IOH* in ImviiiK hiii Ii .uii'ln.lil H..HI|H Ininifd in t'.io lire lmh consumed IMN IIIMI hrr's hniute, and on which ht 1ml lln li.ill.llltr. I i.'iniiiiun DHV at Kugpnia was oelv lir.uctl by pifiiii-* from tmriotiH jil.i'<' The niinlen party given hy the Lndiet.' Aid WIIH a Huci'ima, ilin proceeds anuuiul ing to forty dollarx. wh'ch will be appp> i'i:it.-il puttuitf a li-m-f around I in c hurcli ^r- iiinU. The giinm of li.i lull ji'Hyml Ix-iMii-n tlir I'uudnlk Hlid K.I^<.|IIH traniH rnaulm! in a tii-ti.iy for llui Kuut'tiia biiyn. "'1m grvali'Mt hiiTiiiuiiy pr<>vailil thniii^hotu tl r day. Mr. .mil Mm. \V. II. Kunwick and family of Ti'i' into W*Ti> walsusM tiiiioi'K t Mr. Frmvick'N piir.-nul home ilnrniv! ili.-| 'i-t wvk. Mr. John anil MII.M Kt'.i! .iU \ i-i'iil the p.iirn>iil In. in,, fur l> 1111111,111 l'iy Mary SI, an of Clu-sK-y win it The Markets. rrfulH orrrrN-t! Eark M rr k Kluur Oau Whsat. while Wheat, red Barley Peas Butter E.'K" Crush Potatoes bag Fork Hity [,cr Cuii II,.,.. Woo).. MO fti ;;:. 93 13 12 75 4 75 00 7 00 13 ur -. 4 75 00 8 00 to Do with a Boy. A conversation *a held a short tune go between husband and wifr cMicerninx tli fuiure welfare of their only HOII. The mother wa f..r ifivinx l-im [ir, liut the fiithiT thouuht the pr f<-m.,ns ' were crowded, and nuggested st rtiiiy the | boy in mercantile life. The father'* reaanu fur living "j>;.-l to hi* NOII i ii'i-rin_' professional life, w* he luul it I r-'thi-r. who w.-u vury clever, had nuihing In nhnw for his years if labor but t mere living tnd a ""*'', big account mi the debit aide the money pout in educating himself. The father, althouuh not having the education himself of bin brother, had mime jeM* ag.> engaged witu the Bradley Oarretxin Co , Limited, of Brantford, Out., fi:-t as cauvassiiu' 'gent, being promoted from time to time until now he wan in the very front rank with thii* |>any and making loin of noney. He has lno n.M'ii a lot of the world having been fiit tu Anstralia, S^uth Africa, England and the United State*. It <r* therefore n*.t to be wondered that he was opp-wed to l.i son taking op a |'r)>fessi..n, and as tin- MN> in (|iiesikiB) had .-ihkinj fot money and travel, it warn finally decided that hi- ought tu follow rn the f"tstt-|> of Ins father and ei.lmt wirh this old reliable 1'uUl.nhim; House-, .-|>.eiiilly ai he had jut received a good Mtlariid ofler final theiu. Cansxla's Gresrteat I.lntm. n- Griffith. Ueotsol Unlment Is the great- est curative discovery of the sge. Peae- trstrs mncle, membrane sail tlssn* to the very boor, banlabes pains aoJ aches with a power Impossible with any other remedy. ' *' It tnr rbeomatlsm. ororalgla bead acbes an.l sll soresna. swelling and b*" flammatkiu. ill dragglsts, 23 eta. fa Brave Ma I .11 Ftrm*mrmtlr Twrr of AslBl < InrW. Ko l.i i .,i.i poun.l < ur<-. Mr. K. J. Palnlnn. tb>. w.-!l-kn.>wn pro* pr etur ..r Pilnl. n' Una). Sio-.-. Van.-onviTi. II. t'.. rltp : -I havr I .-.-i; a grrat MSf - f,-rrr fr. in ustbma In It- wi>rst f..nn for' ovr fnnr rearm, rrrr ufti-u having bad ta> sli up u.-arly all night. I bad r,.ii*ltl physicians hnth In Knxlnml and Canada % tbunt obtaining any periuunrat rrllpf sod fried many rrm-dl'- wltb in.- snmi> muK. A frieOil who had l*-ii i-nivd by Bt. Oarke'ii Kols Con i.'ir.'1 i,!\ |. <1 ni* to frr It. And thrtw U-u h..,- rntlrvly .-ami in** It I* now n.'tirtv IM.I ynarv ui. ^ 017 m^.vrry. and asthuia bat nut troubled nr Inf*. I trfl v-rr ifratcful In Dr. (lark* for Introducing tliig wimdrrfnl rns*y. Niifferlng ss I waa, and il.i n<* know >vt a Inclr rmsr whrrr tb r>-,i lr. .1 nniiihr nt NKtlrs bavr brro taken <har It hs fnll^J tn <-nr. Sop that you g-t :irk- >te sample tMXtli- soot to snv person M>ntt*a this r>r~ r Addn>M The nrlfTlthl A Mar- r>h.-rs.>a Co.. 121 dmrrfc tr**. Turonta. Tsa*ouv*r, B. C., sol* Canadian YictiniH to stomach, liver and kidney In i.l>Uaaa wll as womon, and all fasl ths recalls in losi of apprtiM, psusoos IB the blood, backsche, nrvuuu<ws, hsatliob* and liied, iiilfn. rnu down leelmi;. Uut thsre's mi ud tu feel li>- thai. I.ts.en to J. \\. flurju.r. . Maville, Ii>d. Hs ssys:"Electnr Uillers aie Jtiet the llilug for a man wlicn he ia all tuu linwu. aji.l il m'i can wnatlier he hra ur itirs. Ii diil more to |ti y * nit IIHW sireiixin and I(OM| appetite thnu any- iliinK 1 i-i/uiJ ik>-. I cau i.ow eat anythiiiK mi bav auev Ini-.- on lite." Only ;W) ols. At anj 1'ru^ stun 1 . Every IvtiW guaras- teed. * Percy >Villinu>, Owen Kound, fell into the river and was drowned. On Monday niuht burglars v-silvd Tars and made a raid on the ii. T. K. station. The safe niu blon O|HIII and th build- ing was badly shat U-rid by the vxploeion. 'I he sum Mtfcured was nil. ri War. Cleveland Bicycles A very limited number 1898 Cleveland Bicycles .vhich are quoted at excepiionally low prices. flGENTS EYeRYWHERC WRITC FOR fl Worse II ULnlivil-. ire killed In war, but lion- 1 dred of tlii,u-AiiilHrv killt-,1 l.y Ci-imuiup- 1 n, .n Tlu-u- uUl I,., no dt-iitlis at ..II 1 causml ly tlu> terrible iln-.iNe if ih.i.|>'.. . coultl beniidt. to uiideiKiNinl that Mbi|..|i'n| 'Jouuli ainl C,iiiuiii|itni- I'liru is a .-ur... iriiinly if t.iki-n in the early t^i'i. .,">' els., ftO ct. mid 91.00alittlv, l>iu,riHt Hill i-i-funil tin. nii.nuy if a vurv is ik>t rflocled. SOLE REPRE3i:.>T.ATIVE H.A. Lozier&Co. Toronto Junction Ontario. D. McTavish FLHSHUI^TOX KEEPS UN HAND REPAIRS.. F >r Massey- Harris, Nnxon, Flr>ur and Wilkinson faun mi eiuvntii ^loury mid Verity plow* on hand it'll the tune aU all knuU .. frepaiM Kr the mine. \V manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cntteis Sieinhs. etc. llorspshotiiiif rninnily attended to. Special attention to teiulur ciu tractrd feet. ixHttpng and Plow Chain* constautly on hand. *, jvruvi. uvrui. ii\f\j\iinj\f\tij\ru\ruij\nnnnru\i\j\t}jru^ ( f I f I . < r I f f f 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 .. :. . t > i . . - ; i & r 3 1 > V. Buggies and Carts Pleasure aiul Farm T">tli ami Iio'i harrows. Kicury. Dick anl McGill IM i\vs ami all kinds of Shares and your hor?os shod GC TO HEARD'S WORKS, n " herton

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