i : rti i.i t irlll i-ltue notify . ..:ii..' CV) it -I r <>? Icf l< . HP. TIIK AHVAV K. ONT. Pointed Paragraphs. Tfc* Individual who snore* ihonld b* Van*' 1 ID tlnmbrr. L.itl. th.DKt trouble ui and hu'.e things WBiK-le :. Ih. t>p-t-<late optician takes Ui tb* HuotioD at a ?lan<r Paradoxical at It may Mem, the do** fallow M-ldom (fi-ts tight. Borne men with narrow Tlewi are rather road In their conversation A wlte man rojoyi the little ha ha* While a fool ) Mi-kirn for more. There la glory ID any little thing you do Ui.plj from a ten** of duty. IV* >o much ranter to convince other* (ban II li to convince one'i aelf. Words are Ilk* sunbeam* the nv re they eoooDcvritraied the deeper they burn. The hlftle* fanner will ride around for a week In aaarch ef u lost hog worth twe ellan. Learn of the burr little bee, but be very amrrful how yon take a pointer from him. What a concrex.miin learni hit first torn, be doesn't alwaji tell when seeking second. It dnein't preflta man much If hi* er- rant keep* the ounimandmenU intact and break* ail hi* crockery. Thin people should take Miller'* Com- fouiid Iron PUlt. FlnKii.*-.. ) Hl.. Butcher's Boy Thomson's cat has Jnst ancht a big rat down in onr cellar. Butcher Chargu 1 hotnuon flv. cent* for at neat. Wo can t afford to feed hi* cat tot nothing. II lake* a plain woman fire tlmee a* long to buy a new hat aa It doe* a pretty womas. Hwlhr * iuar,i A enrwtpondtnt of the Bruntwlck, Me., Telegraph says "Hawthorne, whon a tudu t in college, boarded wtth the Biothi-r of the writer, and wo often went it L. tin 'or trout In what le now known at Hal) brook. At that time the ttndento ealled II Hawthorne t brook. Ho waa rather reserved In manner, and had but ftw associate*. When In college, ho waa ot over t feet 8 Inche* In helKht. It was to. ci.Mom at that time for the ttudentt, when they mO President Allen to raito their hau. Hawthorn* and Joha Hodo;- 4oc It li aald, were brought up among the Friend*, and they did not raise Their hat* whon paining the prosid.nt. Haw- thorne wa* summoned before the preai- deot for thlt neglect, and I hare forgotten whether he wa* siii|iende<l or escaped with ooly a reprimand " llDird'i Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Exc.v.lUn Hi Miibrl... rmaa aaranti are busy with plant lor the ex.-avatlon uf littbylon. Layard, the discoverer of MncTeb, wan the flrst t* really do anything In t he way of exravat- ing. The Oermant are determined that heir work ahull be thorough. It will bo costly and take HT. year*. '1 he excavator* will begin with K.I Kai'r, itm forin-.pi. whu k it the renmini of Nebuchn<lnc//nr's palHi-i-. ami whcn< Alexander illeJ. 1 u.-y will alto ir.v*silgal a number of other mot Dear by. If jour child 1* pair. |*wlh. and does o* thrive, dM> -I Millers Waim i'ow- 4on ut-catluiially will i-uro. it ui. i. ml ih. 11 ... 1,1 Tb. world has had J..VH) kings or em- peror* of whom record* are known and who have reigned orwr 7i peoplrt Of th.u ruler* 30u were overthrown, 04 were forctd to alxiUntc. :.'* committed tulclde, M beoam* mad or Imbomle, 100 were kill- ed In battle, 123 wore captured by tbo Demy. U were turtured to d.-atn l.il were atskulnatcd, and li't were exi-ruted. Nrw life for a quarter, Miller's Cosa- aouuj Iron t'illn. Whul I. in . \\ lrh. T* wat<-h carried by th* average man I* composed of UH | In-os. und in nutniifao tur finance* more thun -' i ili-tm,'t and trpnrate operations Sin uf the ml!i-.t srmws are to inlnntn that the uua-.teil eye-, mnriut distinguish them fr. m steal Illin^s or up*-* of .int I'ale people ihntild take Milli-r's (im- pound Iron IMln .. u.... Wli !,,,, -i...... la I'arn uixl utlur larnn IOWIM in l-'ranco female boot blur ki ar* inrreuvmi in mini box. They wear a peculiar jui. M..I uri like that of tlitori of nn-i-. i win. li r.-n derithnlr ap|Kwrnc nrat ami I Not a few among them attend <o u,. .r work witii gloTed band*. Minard'j Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Prha*i. "It U eaid that an average of only one w Mower out of eleren oiarHe* a wmu "I tuppo^o thai niupit be IMUII- tin- widow* prefer to go after the young i, i low*." 1Mb 1 ll ! J.p-.. In Japan a man tan HTO likn a RI-IT li> man en $: a year. Thlt mun will J..IT the rent of a houne, the wafre of two i- ant and mpply plenty of A book-lover l a per-oa wlio woulilti't pro? up a window with a hlue and gold Toluin* of "Did *ho make ran fool al hem*'" "Mo, but tae mU* mo with I wa* " DIED IN ELEVEN tV.INUTEb. A lui.,i,tw Junction MUIII.AII sH(nrl ersell u.m > ..i <>ii *...! *t fir* la H.r..ir Toronto .lunrtlnn. .inly 8. An awful Way of ondlog life >va* that uduptwl by kli llr, v . wlf of W. H Hntr, a pndlar n .sumerHet avuuue, on .Sunday morn- ing. The woman It about 06 rear* of age and ha* beim ilKiin-iitl for nom* tiiue, frequently firing eipreHMlon to the thought that nho wixhed *b* WH out of the way. Ymutrdar iiiurnniK, iinuotlned by any of bar rvlutii'f., he MituruUnl her clothee with ooal oil and then wl tiro to heriwlf with a match Th tlaineii Im- metliatolj run up her dres.s and ihu rush od into the itrert a llvlns bonflnv Mn. Charlloti, who WU.H stan .\r.j at lier nulf on the streot. WUH thu llr-t t noti'-e hr and -.In at onoe ln-thiniichr hi-r*-lf of blanket* and cloths. Mrn limy, how ever, evldrntlv ri-rwntMl of lu-r m*l\ .|H| and runhd nri-iiss the nutd to Mr I'hll lip*' whwt- hn Itnnrki 1 *! t thi- il.Hir All wat over In alunt i-liivi-n ininii'i-i, for the tlunttw imeedllr did their w.irk .-mil tbo fell on bur liu-i. from thu ili.or burn id to dentb. C. rii i i \ n PI j 11 IK Cll<ludd oil .ln..lir .1 \VK.|IIII C IOM KrlM'-i> III*- I'tirll*.. Wanhlngtoti July : -A rwlpriH'ity troatr with Juiimlra MM< mm MI. I. -.1 i,t the StJtto li.Miir' iiii'iit on Sutiirilay nt . ( ronfuri-ni-u bt-twi^n < otiiiul<iMiii-r K-I-.-OII In behulf of the rnlt.il Suti- ami Mr. Tower the lirltlnh Charge d'AtT.nr,-> J h- Jamaican tnmty i- novt to ! lurw.ir.nil to KlnaHbm for thu upprovnl of ttm , .il.m lal authurltii-* and wbun thU I* ^n.-n the fiirinul tlKnlna; of th HMtr'nm-nt, will taie place. The Jaiiuticati turiil oitninU Ion li-ft In thu ufUtriuxin uoir.tt Hrsi u> Ottawa to confar with th- Citnndlau an tburltlea. All partieH rnori-rrifU in tin- negotltttlon* hi-re hnve buen |ilwU iimlur th* utrlrteHl WILL THERE BE WAR? Th. ........ , u . .. i M i...|. .1. i.r.i son Troop* t. H.nlh Afrlr. .nd an t : m <l u. i I. sir Allrril M 1 1 n.r. London July ;). Kiv hundred tnlnjn went -ent to Siuth Afru-a V.--I.M lay .mil nniethlnic Ilk* an tiltiniatiim ban been dUpatchiil to Sir Alfred Mllner hv innil Till* lnfonimii.it> from in-i ] i-iri-les in dloatm that the iMivi-riiiin-nt n.'tit lost faith already In muni tuimion and I* prepar- ing to courae the Boers. l>ri.n..l .t Hr.r.brld*;.. Bnu-ebrlilKH. Our ... July a. Yesterday morning almnt II :;n l.i Kuu>ll, on uf Charlet A. liusnull of Ilrambrldite. a lad about 16 yoan of wte. wan drowned while buthlnic In thu Muskoka Kivnr at the foot of ('ooper'n Kapidii, about half a mile above th* fall* lili body ha* not r*t boon recovered. TWELVE LIVES LOST. It*. n.r Margar.l ulwlll i. t. Ik* Holier ( l..k. r.rl* IB th. Cbloago, Jnne SO. Th* steamer Mar- garet niwill. u\vned by U P. Smith of CleveUud. went il.nvn In the itcrra off Loral ue, Lak Krle. Inst night. Twelve people were lust, inrlmlliitf Capt. John Brown, hi* wife and -'in. and tils* llnld- Win, a pa**oni:iT Tbe Olwlll. of 651 tons, was bound frum Keller's Island to Cleveland, with limestone, her i-artto shifting In the hmw . -ndlnK hrr down by the stern. Seaniiin (.'uvli- wns the only man savnd. 11" wi-i in. k'.l up by the ntaam*r Stnto ii Ohio. John Smith, nmt. Aim Morlan and er Schenekl w.-n- ploked up by tint -funnier Sai-r;tmento and taken to Loralne. ThU make* the number of drowned nine. According to Coyln I <tory the xlenmnr was oaught between two wave* at.d as she wa-. borne aloni( the top of on* of lln-iii. she rollul ore.r un the sldu. Ill* oaliln* were torn loose und floated on ihu water, while thu rnxt of the -.lup went to thu bottom. Co vie runght hold of uirt of th* after ntlun mid rllmlied ii|<m it. HeiTniu. oue of tlie Mfln-i-! men, wnni-lnii; Inic to n part of tint vim. .it. in. liiiT Of the -di-ltmer M il.o .i( Ohio lRht.iil the winckaxe alioilt 5. 15 In the iK. and luitiiillitLly put Into ervlrn her llfnivliiK rrew. 1'ovln was re* ii.-il Ili'iffun wits thrown i\ line, but hu was t<H> wivik to rake hold of It, and went down In the pn-wtn-u of a lurge crowd on Imard tho suviuer. nr.Trr.it i HAN W.hiag:i.. rii... :.., a N. w Washington, .luno :<(). Dr. i )- r Loow. utin of the export vi-nri ilil put.hol- OglHtH of the Airrli-iillnrnl Ui-in.rtment. has doveloped in \vhat hu iM-iieves l< it point of |ir.t.-tli-.-tl ii.i' a new tnvitiiimit for ttnrm ill'H<--. whl.-h pniiiilnes to iuperwln t.ho -riuu treutntunt now In un III dipliiherln feven and innnv other illiM-aM'H. 1'he i-ipi-t hni'tit-i have, renchmi i -itiii- where thev run bu Uwlxxl In hospl- til-. I In- n-atiin-iit Is olinibtr In uii to the siiriini traittmuiit, but do- on it dlfferont princlpln. the baslo '.I.- 1 IH-IIIK thu predi'iioe of u olu-ut of fnr mi nli known as dii/.yinn*. whlrh itn- pro ilin-i-il I iv thu wine bacteria thnt priMluoe thu . li-tomo. It is buoauw of thu proilm- tlon, or ntthiir ovi-rpmdiii-i ion, of a oer- tain 'n/yiiiti thai a dlsinne iin-h its typhol.l will "run It* oourea," and then din out. of the sr-i i in. The Im-trrlii In thlt nniw. It U fii.it.- I. .11-.- -.Imply killed out by the fenm-ni tln-y pnMlm-iv The .l.j.s-t of t'ii- naw tnvitmont. Is to |innlu niv pure pn/.ymo. whlrh, Introdtired int.. I'IM human *ystm, will kill thii ilUivtm- germ* without injuring th* patient. ll.i- Hamburg- American tteamer Pho- enicia arrived on Sunday afternoon at llallf.ii from llmbnrn and landed 8R6 iniinigritntii. nnwilv il.illi lans On* child dn-il on the paamge t. i: .- ... t -.aiir.r A yniith ..' v II:ul(lin|(ton wh* !i\. k.-il t.iM-i ... talent, :tii'l wtioxe volo* i. -it ilnn _ the singing lemon, wait ulw.its :ii;.)v.i-.| a holiduy on Kinging il.iT- Hi un. t her, failing to di> me the c.iiit .if t.i-r -Kin s*nfon-.ud ab- sence, paid a rt.it to tlie M.-hool to inquire Into the mntti-r in UII.WIT to her q aery as to why h .1 -on wax suot home on tnch ..n .-iK.ii-.. thr te.ii'ber said, "Why, simply because he ua* no ear!" ' What I" she ei- cLuimed. 'aae ear* Did onybody over lir.tr tin 111,.- o' that! Naooar; why h* has a lu ^ like a tanrt-r, man!" U i.s a I.iver Pill -Many of the ailments Hint in. in I., i. 1.1 ' iiiii.-iiil wnb have their origin in n ilixjrilered liver, which i* a di-lir.ii- or^Hii. pe. -uiiarly *usceptibl* to Ihe disi urli.incrs th.it come from irregu lar haliiiH t.r lack of cure in tatlng aud ilrinkiii|{. Thi- H<-I-UIIII(I for the (zrent many liver regulators now prnseil on the attention of luffererii. Of these there it mine Bii|n-iuir to I'armelee't Vrgetabl* Pnls. Tni-ir operation though gentl* Is effective, and the most delicate can ui* t hem. It nr.l br I ifhl \i. Aztell Orlni.- ir:tve a private demonttra- tir n in Lonilon n-i-i-ntly of his nmrvelou* invHtitlon for t<i-nrii a torpedo from a ii;-t:ini-e. The pnni'i;>le of the invention nmsists In the transmission of motor force by w.tves of light similar to th* Roentgen iitr*. In onu room Mr. Or'.ing Used up a model of a torpedo fitted with a rudder like i (lh'< tall, controlling It by an apparatus In an adjoining chumber, through two ivirtitioti walls between th* two objects. Ihe -,|M-ctutors wer* astonish- ed to see the ruiid r of the torpedo turn- ing to the right or to th* left at th* will W th* operator Hoard's Lloimtot Cures Distemper. N'.w Prosr. of Ph.t.fr.phy. To be in the swim one must have oae't photograph laken hy tho new process, which gives a raiw j surface Ilk* bas relief. Kor the lover who yearns to carry hit sweetheart's picture always with Mia these new photos may be reduced to fit la a truall locket. The newest fad in these locket or watch photo* is to hav* a small magnifying gUtt set into th* cover, which when opened releases the glass by meant of a tpring and enlarge* tb* portrait to a most lifelike appearance. ST. Mris, Qu... May l C. C. RirtiAiutai MU *uirn 1^*1 \<>ve'nh.r m chU't sturk s nail In his ki.i-i i-nusiug Inflsnimatlon *o sever, tuat 1 wit ailviurd to uk umi to Uuu- treal and bar. the timb arapulAt.d to **v. his life. A neighbor advised m to try MINARDt LINIMENT, which w* ih.l. <nd wulnn ttirt* Uav s my i-hild wu &I1 riKtit, ami I ftel --i grste- tul ilui I si-n.l v u th: t.'ntnnunu , that my ripentni-. ma> M ol btneut ...,iii.-> I.i .1 iUA<ixima. A rhni*luan.M. Bl(tgs Thompson teem* to b* awfully proud of that boy of his. Hoggs H* hii* a right to b*. The boy 1* two years old and tiosn't mad* a single bright remark . titii-i . i ..ui.. i, i Klla Where wa* It Cinorge proposed to you lust week? Ksxle At a hop. Klla And yu .t repted him? Easi* At a jump Miller'* Worm Powileni are the best l.inttivo meilli ino for .-hililren; a* nice a* Wllk Vl.nl.l K...r*atl.B. "When I went over to Krance I couldn't make anybody nmU r.tutul me, and yet mv French teit'lu-r hud told me I spok* tin- language Ilk* a n:ii ue Did h* say you tpoke it llkoa native of I r.ni-*f" "N no." Deafness Cannot be Cured Nr 1< > . '< tlit-y i-.if- -t rrai-h th. ilUra-d )' rti.in nf thr *.-r I'll r. li onlr n war lo ear* deafnetSi itn'i ttmt it bv i-or.*tltii- timi.-xl rrini-ilir*. D^af urss Is iiaond by an m- ftaavd roadltl n .( n.r ui.ii'.ini linn* "f th. Kuiiui-hlan Till).'. U n n Hi niiih. Is influmxl yea hav* a rambling sound niii^if.Tt hear- ing-, and whi-n it . Hfifnrs* Is lalt, and unl'M the Imflaininaiirsj can b* taken oat and this uii-* i.^i.r..i t.i its normal Owdltlon, hearlog will b-* Unstriiyml for.ver; nlnr i *. nut of trn an- rnune'l br catarrh. which U nothlnc but a* InflaSMd cuiiditioa at the nun-, u* MirUi-i-s. We will irivc un.- H-mitriM Dollars for any rase of UralniM ^aime I hy .- lUuln tint cannot bo eQrea by stalls OatarrB Ovr* benU for oir* cularnf fri-*. r J. i M I N IT t CO , Tol.de, O. asTSoldby Dru fc - k -i- II ll.-l.ll Old 111 Illf. Ida Yon don't seem to Ilk* Ml** Lltp. Mil Ktta No, I don't, she is just hateful. The lot* ef thing* she knows about the people In our streri and she won't tell thorn to anybody! Th. .......i HkB.k. The ninch-cletpisi-il and maligned skunk has at last found friends, who rtmriect, cherish and encountire him. They are Ihe hop grower* of Now York State, who Und the skunk their main reliance) in kenplng down a very destructive grub which otherwise would ruin their orops. or Country Roads the 6ENDRON J. J. Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solioited. Adranoas Made on Consignments. MONTREAL. R EPUBIIC STOCKS I b*T m p*>rl.ftl otTa !! *>* hnr1,*.nd l| will r-p*r ' h !*> **' t h*e|> In rlot touch with m. COMMIxslONKH It. I,. rPHCf. iv i.rri mil RKPUF.sEXT A- TIVlc. mrrlv In TorontA Ih. ! r u !< i. day*. Ipoi .!. *l -hall' ink* p|,uii "' in' lTlg a ih. nae.r* . .. .. H orat.i wit .1. In ih. aa.r- i.hli.C-whloh I., hr ill. war. in lh !< hborhooS .r ih. B r.> Mountain M*.-r Oearral llaaMrer Ja. f. H.rv.r. f <h TUpubllc, Jim Ulaln .nd Lon stmr MIHMI Th.m.. CUrk f K^i.nbllr. .nd olli.r . 1 1.- . l.no.d mii., ra.n. Ara .n, th* l*w* u .. . . l Republic lui J ..i now I can reommml H^lndr.r, Juuil>-> tad .ol..7n I Ion . .ir Con>ol|ili.fl. I .rllcular* pn pl 'i-.i lo.. K. OAK1LT PAKKEIt IS lil ". K. , ..o:o ' III. Prize. "My husband telU all his friends thut h* dre a pn/e in tbe matrimonial lot- tery, the Mild, pnjudlv. He probably refer* to your bank ac- oeaot," returned her dearest friend. Nervous people hould take Millort Comoound Iruo 1'ills. A w*w btck for >< reals. 11.; e Kidney I'i.l and Plattrr. W* like doirs becau** they are so con- stant and affectionate, and we Ilk* cat* because they ar* *> tli-kU- ind indiSronl TB* llBbest nUkel aluminum. Three thousand f thlt tubtug weight only on* pound. tubing ever mad* 1* *f eet of Women who can t go away in summt* always have their opinion of other women who leave their poor hutbaudt iwtllerwf in tbe heat. m B C ST EVM firFEMD Unequalled Mr. Thos. Brunt. Tyend- inaga, Ont., writes: "I hnvo to thank you for recomn <f Dr Thoma*' rkleetric Oil for lO [.UH p !e* I was troubled with them for nearly fifteen years, and tr:<- : ererytln I could hear or think nf. Some oftbm would give nit u-nij. ::! v relief, but none would effect a cure. I bare nuw been free from tb* di>trealng complaiut for nearly eighteen month*. I hop* you will continue to recommend It." NATIONAL BINDER a-hr^TOiia TWINED u Ich - llf or r^ntlem TIONAL BINDER TWINE mad. ' - iibef Only a London'* record of deaths by violence wa* 3,614 last year, being 124 abov* the average of th* preceding too yoar*. R [ * f '. \ \i .-i t tl>mp, Mt to thf pound TWINE AND PREMIUM GUARANTEED. Itone.v refunded if nurohaier : not u B" it i-Mh >a I fivs (oil : ippici*- d:r:UuD*. AdJrtti NATIONAL FARMERS GO. TORONTO. PLATED. !:<1 PLOWS, ROLLERS *\ HARROWS Th. H--I Mail.- <.mt tnr < at.luf i- COCKIHUTT l I.IM in MRA^l lOIII). lUCAS, STEEIE i BRISTOL ---..-. ... , . , Writ. a*. MUHILTOH. ircl. trmm I * H. < nlTen I.*.* H. I xi-,. i I . * It. "I-.!-.. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO f.l MM K I UIM CO.. 113 I'ulun Station Arcade. Toronto. " i* . . . . l * . f!4 *ft:cft. 4 <lit4 *r <.- ..i *mr<m U Mvr>:rt i ii. al * antit ft*|< -I *i '.*. -f, *>4 * r t 1 * ' '-i uirvf *t Iftkli. . ruJ ift-i kuk MM . .-! 4 rt i 4*\ A If f Bjr onlfrlng for personal ard V |\\IL ' u "U In anv quant fr t ) M 1 I TOU r.-.|iiiin .:lr.-i i tr^in a it- i. ej**" 1 "i that ban. li,s more loi-rchi- l -1 -llt rhraprr tha i u v whnlfsali* house, bKI. I.I.V. I nil < \MI AM AT OIK HUH I TO Al.l.. ^v k Ini-lud* M.-II'. and \Vo- nu-ii's 4 lot liliie . e ft v i" w.itr anil mu- - II. .11. I ni-iilshliig* i f all kniils, HM>Kii. Sil vt-ru ,ir<- . \\.iirh,-.. .l.welry. l>ru. .riM-i-i lf mill I'rm Ulntia. I.arc II usiraied Catalogn. with full |*nlculars "f h -.1. -i rj.r will l.. >.-ni (r.. \\ rlt. a |O-t ^e 7 * BI * tlial hi MONEY Ttrrg Wuc c*rd for It, PAINT Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use THE ROBERT SIMPSON COMPANY LIMITED Ram s ays I OKI IN I I >. i> \ I . Director*: B. II Ki i.m J. W. FHVILLS, A K \>in THE BEST Ro rapidly don* HIIIK Irritation spre.ul an.l .Ii-e|>en, thftl nfti-n In a few week* a timple cough culminate* in tubercular consumption. line heed to a c.mi;li. there is alwny* lUnger in drlny. . . li.it I 1. of Itirkle's Anli-C'ullsllin , Syrup, ami run- voiirself. U in a nn-i rinr unsurp:i-n-il for all throat and lunu irinililrs. It Is riiinpoiiniled from sever.il herds, enrti one ot wliii-li standi at tht head uf th* Kit s exertitiK a wonderful Influence In curing contumptlos and all lung trouble*. There I* In Warsaw a ROOM market to which every yenr from September to abint November S.OOO.OiiO gees* ar* sold and pur- chased NATIONAL POWDERED PHOSPHATE RKHrsrlTATKs worn eat Ind*. IMI'ltOVKH loo<l Ijtiid* unit Mukrs tbe It. .- l .m.ls ill t 1 1 R. Improves th. gi'AI.ITT of th* free nd li.cr.-11-v. th. yt A> I I I V. WAUE^TH \\A>TK.n l> KVEBTDIS- lltl. I IN CANADA. National Farmers Co., Toronto CENTRAL~PR7lSON Binder _-_ . Twine PURE MANILLA, I2G. MIXED MANILLA, IIC. HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT All dealer* havt M. Ajk for card or send to ua *nd w* will tell you where to jet tt. A. RAMSAY & SON, Montreal. HAINT M IKKRS. T. X. U. CANADIAN seasons make MU. US HOHM Seekers' 60 Day Eicvrsioas To the Caoidiii Nertb West ' . . -, UTIN Etrmi - MMUHIII Conn* MMSIJMI V VMITM J PlIMlAlltlT \ Kit lilt ---\ */j IDHMTM .--/ >4I CA.8U. Negroes Burn Down a Village Erected by Union Miners. oierl*n Wiiaan Hor on cti Atla>|*< to MPI-I I i.ly Ah.r.|.l, f F..I.1.MI ,-r tb lulriiclBl Coaecll f Wnni.n at I.OI..I..-. rrc.l -rh.inu.., H >|l'i. f HailipMiu* ^tlu.iti,.*-^y rA*-u> I thu- >!.....:. Hi* Uaiizktr mmd i. I r Wilh <.n i wat Terr gener . iiout Ontario on .-uutlr.vurth the !: ..iriiiioti U.C. OQ r - riot* *tlll ootitin ;c. and .re virtually in m , . Dominion brat.-U throti K. U. K. dlod at \S.. night. The Span. many townn ioge. Ten nave . of yellow : roporteii on .- nurday. and Ura hav Nportud ou - .ndir at Santiago. Sunday \va* Sir Charlaa Tapp. - ore- "itlay. anil t hoartur cunuratuJatod on too e^. Kate of his h.-altb. The bntv .jf AnniK Wilton, .. v who pn-vi'iH-lr had betm an inn the i.inni'i Haivn. wai fouii'J Bay on M.uJay. The utriki- uf the Union IVju- hamlkr> ,ii Detroit hai be. and the mm bare ruturnM to w>rk at th* old T.-- If. Charl.ii Victor Chsrbulie . literary ami art critic, ami momber it th* Kren- ti Ai-jleiiiT. ili*l ou -i la on Tyth TWIT. Ocil KhiMln tailed for (.'ape 1 iwn .jri inj-:i London He riv.i a enthtisiatjc sen J off frim j umber uf friend* WathiuKton official* Iwlii-v Bl >!':- ': -li etabli*hlng a bo Un N-twe-n i uoaJa and Alatk^ .. agrt-m upn .11 a few ilav* B;-h.Hi John P. N.-winan of Methivli^t I- ni-icopul 1'nur- ;. plafipui r--i ,.-n. > i* in ?a Krai: it critical, v iil at hU'-ottag) in .- N V Xt-groes fur r*Ti>n< burn-.-d Cniin City, a ttijj.. town bu: occupied br union ir.iai.-r*. in r? wa,i u.m b h -t:n^. but na are repotted. |lh> 'Imperial Limited" Wat U aunday for th first time cinco h- errica win Inauffuratad tw > * . Tbo train wa< abiout . uht hourt I, *in> whvn u reached Ottawa J Prof. J. ^ irmaa of th* advi-jrr oummUilon for tbo Phlli: U aaniiuinu of muit* yet. He ei *,OlHl i.-hil.lr.-n to attend tbo ; cooolt, whl.-h open in Manila ta:< John lUv>ur4 of SrracaM aooidentally hot hit T-vcur-ald ilauithtor iJl.iij- th* abdonifn on s'atnnlay night " J3-calibre n-v.iiTi-r 1'h* " <ho ao-i'l.'tiuil. ilia father 1* cra^y r.-h American women complain tha: *r,. r r thin,; at tec Inti>rnatlorutl < Womi-n at London U being run for th- Kng' "V are anzluut to May ^ :.). .~>-wipUl preaidint lat:-. Lady AU-rUatm. :y out of about '*) hoote* conip .- tng the vi.U^j of G.irthbv ing the ra:l\ray *:.-tti in. wen destroyed by fire on ."Nituniuv. .-v.ucely atjy villager* tavvu any property, a . orani-e i< rrry amall. The Mlni'U-r of War. (Jen. Pol* After a prolonged conference on .- . with the ) 'rainier. - - A*j entr-l to nxiuce the budget Ntini I the titvngth of tb<> actlr* army lOT.'.'O'l to S0.') num. The !im-' ili-<aatn>u.4 ttorm for terMrU years in the UilT?rt .li<trlct of Texa- v- ourred .-M- ,ht. 1'ho ttrea; - riTor orerflowiii ihflr bant-i and I property WH.I dntr.)Tl br th4 a>i- A number of hvot were !-wt Kang Yu Wei. m-Pivml*- of China. throuKh Winnipeg on I'aturJ.iy on routo to China. Hi> Is bear*- lottera from Lord SalUbury t) th- H- lab aiubas-ddur a' }'i-kln, an.l w-.l. In China umVr M. Julot Cambon, the Kn-n.-h ambaa. aador at Wath v i 03 .-a protented with a uperb :!*-- or the President a* a token of r-- -u:u- Con of hit *ervtr* In the rentora- peace Deti*>vri this oiuntry an-1 Spain f Edward Kpui, a tailor on "-be * hooner . MelnMe. while atu-niptmg to bo- iToteel. wl 'id Kmcttg 'lipped off the gang-plank an i bottom. K ill -.tan* of \\> (eft, ,<i->: . ' wrero injuries. Uo WM remoToii 'Hotel Dien Mi. Mary Burns, daughter of th-> Waiter ilurui. who waa head of th 1 :on banking nrm of J .- Morgan \ 'Co., wus marriMi in St Mr,-. Chuivh, \> -. Saturday, w MI- Lout* Vi-rnon llan-mirt. ton d' a: 'liam Vermin liar, ourt On Saturday niizht th* barm n4 out- bnllillncs of .;.ihn Si-ane, ono m-:- **- 'of Riilizi-town. were i-ntirely conum :firo, with their iiinrent*. ' ln-!u.l:n< .'. i the fartnlnu lmplrm*nt*. on S|M 'bonoa and thoroughbred Durham Loot I3AX.PO. no insurance. There will bo no general ctrtke of pock- tng house employe* at Chi.-a.to at pretent. The opinion prevailed a: - day'! nutsa meeting of the niploT.-s the time wat not yet ripe and that tn Intemtd of the men would bo ben- erred by waiting until aa organization I could bo perfacted. I The Piltsburg Post on Saturajy .. i that '.'.DOU men at the Hjtunload neel work*, which U famous for the ijr-wt battle betwivn capital and labor ' :i year* ago, quit work 1'b* superintendent told fifteen discharged men tnt no organised men would be retained evn if the *bop* were ent irvly *hut dowm. Gunner r'it-ldt of 'the R.C.A., one of the non-comnitMiorted VBoem who b^t ! tn it.u :!! . an instructor at tho 'n p. hu* bei-ii" r-tjijj/nizdl -r from ' N<j 1 Company [..inrio'.. .Ont lie U nuw r arres; ir .. . n i.|l. whro b* will be held aa ..ing a dU- trict cotirc-iiur- airs. ei. J. O'suilivas. wife of the vlcsv presidium of rh- : -liry ami 'liiar- anty Company of N.-\v V.Jrx. wan so badly burned In thi- lirvgu-. Croaby A: Hiil .it PlamnVM. .V.J . -,n Satnrdav. thai tbe iin>,l in tho Muhli-n- benr Hospital *r r.ht place. ItUthougnt that *b. steppi >1 -m a match, which Ignited her dree* of light material. BOOKER T. W*SHI\ WHO IS TO BLAME? Llttl* K.. - I.T.W...H in a> COTtd I I i Ot>. :!., JulT 3. About 7 o'clocli on SaturdaT rrening Katie Mc- Lean. aged tf, daughter of Mr John licLttin of thi- tu\rn. wa* miwd from her home. Not harini; been --i.-n for two hour*, an.l waj a largi> water tank nearby that wat being filled up, a neighbor looked in itnd saw the child'* hat floating on the water. At there wa* oontlderabld water In the tank and three load, of dirt bad been dumped In after the chiM wai supposed to hare fallen In. the steam tire engine wai taken to tho pot. thu wa'er pumpt-d out. and a few minute* afterwards the little one wa* found a few inches under the dirt. Tho body was laid on rhe road and pre*nr<-d a pitiable ght. at it wa* almost -Tinned in mud. The coroner. Dr. J. W Holme*, who wa* pt**eat, decided that an inquest was necessary, ard the same will be con- tinued on Monday or Tu>>*day. The tank Is aa old on that was unod for lira par- pnsti beforu the town had waurworkiL It wat covered with lung log* about a fool in diameter, some of which bad been re- moved to allow tho tilling up, ami it wat through the opening thii* m...i- that th* little one must hare fallen. There wore a great many people present when tbo bxxiy wa found and th. r-- AI. much comment about th.- .i[>-nlng into the well bring left unguarded during the tillina;- in prore*. Ia.lrm.tl*. I.cid.m. Im tb. Lff. .r t h. ..C.I*il I '^-ir i ill* t. . of tke < .1.1*4 r. .- - Booker T. W^hmgton wtu burn in Faanklin County. Va., bat be> dies n. know whi-n no record having ht-en ki-pt of colored children's births in th<- -: . slavery. ii.- first memory It of clinginz to hi mocr.pr'i skirts while she ibonted hal loj.ih for her fnwdom. Whwrher it wa* under this moth.-r's inttrucTlon >r thai i o* hi* teachers m cbe colorud schools, or both, the boy evidently grew up with eontcienr* and an idea of doing thing* He worked In a roal mine after be was old enough to earn bit living but hi hunger for knowledge drove him to 4rndy whenever and wherever he could get at a . IJr. John f. Cowan, la Tbe Christian Enduiror ''.,: I i. tell* how Booker bean of a place whore ttadeoti workwi fur tbeir edQi-ariim. and bow he finally entered Hampton Normal Insti- ll- --re afoot, shabby i eover- . : ,c. The faculty il.d not kr. ,w wnat to th.nk of him. ind duubtet ..-y could offer him an- beyun.i a meal of victuals and a chance to wash himself. Bat at but they con eluded to give him a room to ->w.t-,i. and accordingly a broom wa* put into hi i.f <ia or \*. KILL A I fekET. ..I ih. Rl.oH T....I. .f Raptvr* of On> th Ki4ia or %po|*lrx* Wmd.r. Ont . Ji:lv :l While . P. K:llai-key. one -st known oitlien>. wa* *ced at the -upper table on Friday ev.-ning b wi tak-n with OTent pain< in rhe region of rhe ab- domen. followed hy tiiaaslin Tom it ing. L)r Fleaame was mramon-il bnt wat unable to (BTA bi* patient, who died al 10 o clock. Pn>lbly tha vonming - ed a rupture 01 one of the blooii of the brain, and apoplexy followed. Mr K:ll.vk-y was :4s yan of age and waa born in Kigin County. mr St. rhom.is. For a number of yeaM he waa separate Sobiwl Inspector for the County of K*n:. ; just alter the general oiertlon for the House of Commons, h^ was appolnteil ilerntT col- - the port oi Ha bt-lii that ponition about a rear. tnat ti;ue \lr. :-. , . i/er :'. 'Ontario Cath. ' .tlon. Mr K:'. i -cued Kent and South ; - . .':-:ur the Uoiue of Commons He wa* a . .T . pnuair* platiurm speaker. I > i 1 t. - 4 M - K 1 1 \ M k. SHEET. Tk Dvflclt f..r th. I-.. t rural tr I* H* swot the floor <me*. and looked a* hi* work. It did not tati-fy him. He went over It a second tmi.-. eamfnllv brushing out all tb* corners, bnt another intpn-iiun did not coavlace him that hi bad done a perfect job. He swept that room a third time, and then he 'Xincludert he had done the best b* could. soon aftr on* of tbe lady teacher* came in and took not* of hn perform anre. A quirk tnrvey *how--l her that at lea it tbe door was clean. She touchi-d th* walls and chain with her white h*n 1- kerchlef in search of dust, but if she found any she did not *ay so Tb. next day be wa* admitted at a -ttodent al Hampton Institute. Booker continued W use th* broom. an.l pay his wav with it, when not handl Ins; the boo and spadi to the xame pur- po*e on tbe school farm, climbing at th* tame time In hi* studies till he became the representative man In fan class. Kvery task b* undertook, whether in learning or labor, wan at carefully flni.-hmi a* his first. And when, in 1S81. Gen. Armstrong enc him to U-arn school in a Tu<kog*s honty. he faced, and felt, at he had never felt before, tb* helpleat ignorance of his race, and resolved that he would try to swi-eo lorao of it away. The story of his thorough nea* and his raccest 1* now pan of the national history of th* republic to the south of at. Wathtnc' 'ontrary to tbo .ttlons if the treasury officials th* -unient exponditure during the flsral roar closed on Friday exceeded the re- Ono month ago the o::. - rb deficit might not exceed S.>X\000.0(>0. hut at no tiruo up to a few d.r< ago Wat It expert- e<i th- atuount would b* low than I'.ii.- ) Th* roi-cint* for the I-. 1 month* Jf the flwal roar were: Customs, f 107. !.': iatomal rerenue. ;? :;.;v.'.4 l .'0; ml*cllaneoiis, $3H. J-iij.44'. 1 Total, t 216.474 Thn dibnremnr!i were C fl and ml*-ellane.)'i-i. II rrJ-JS.SOV war, . .041.0ll: nar. *M,784,4TO In.liant. 13.T'.1Vi*t: peniion- ( .-):in- torodt I >. .;.: I'otai *xpndlture, > i i MOMS KEViocr. jCMrr o. Aa tacr.at* s.:j f . t th. T.r l9-99. Ottawa. Canada customs revenue for tho flail year : - is > -v ciooed on Friday, wai the Iariro4t in the flscn :a Dominion, amount rg to a 'O'.il i !-.<, of I >r tho real, as compare^ with the ti*-ii ymr or.ils are K .--,--. . in >*. $.i.3S0.43J. 1'iert are in ii:-i.- not r-t to hand and by th* t:iii-i a.': Is :n toe mcreawt will bo about lo.i' MACH1NEKT HAIL UHSB. Tke MarlteJ faloa la Koaala. It it a curiKii* fact thai Rusmu w tba country where the marital union U enduring. There tbeaveragrt hutband and wife can look forward to the pleasure >f enjoying each other's company for a period of 80 - whereat in England -. . rago *pan of marrk-d life In umand tome other continental coun- - the averafre l not mnrt> than 23 years. ..lut-nr.g that nearly ."m per cent of :i..ile population diet before reaching marriageiible years, th* r" "Trgir of w c IIK-II who marry n. :ist neceatorUy be small It h.-it been computed that only Jo par cent of female* born ever become wives. The age at whlcb people marry i* grad nally going up. tbo avenge bride and ui of toilay bolng six month* older than tbe average happy pair of 10 at U years ago Children ItniklB *rr* Threa. John Ruskln. in answer to tho question, "When ii'i' tbe education of a child be- 'At'Jmouthi old it can answer smile with smile and in.^atleno* with Impatienoe. It can obtierv. . enjoy and tuffvr aouu-ly and. in a measure, in- telligently. Do you tupposo It make* no difference to It that tbe order of tbe hous* Is perfect and quiet, tbo face* of its father and mother full of peace, their soft voice* familiar to its ear. and even those of traHgen loving, or that it 1* toiwed from arm to arm. among bard or rucklest or vain minded perilous, in the gloom of a vicious bouse or the oonfuaion of a gay oner" Luck Veru Millinery. Wife (who has been out shopping all day) Oh. duar. bow tired and hungry I am: Husband Didn't you have any lunch in wn Wife A plate of soap only I didn't feel -,hat I could afford to bare more. Husband Did you find the hat yon wanted' Wife Oh, yet; l'i a perfect dream. John, and oott on!y tit. Philadelphia BIC Banding Dtr;*d by Fire. Toronto. June 30. Machinery flail al th* Toronto Industrial Exhibition groundi wat completely destroyed by fire yotter- day afternoon. The blaxe wat diocovamd at 4. IS o'clock. In 15 mlnxiMi the building, wbi<-h was a frame structure, was completely envel- oped In flame*, and the firemen found tb* building altu'wr. a total wreck on their arrival Agricultural ImnlonMMl :l i wn shgV.i pulleys and an engine in Vla.-hin.-r-. woro also t-omplet.-lv wr?.-.i. The of the fire I* 4'ipuosed to bnv. i-. park from a ps-:ng engine. l!v wv-.i took tbe flames along with great ity Machinery Hall was valued at lls.. M Fh instirani- on toe building w-< Irt.OOO. and on th* boiler*, engines and snafi-.lng |;...' the Ijst 90 the Utter roaohe* mm* t.000. ArlelfreJ rvvltlee. For pirape ntbracooM spray jnst be- fore tb* bads open, jnst after bloMom- ing. jnst after tbe trait has net. and ten days later, with bordeaux. Don t spray after tbe fruit U bslf grown. I bave used waxed paper sine* it wa* first suggested for strawberries and find it pays for Al stock for fancy and local trad*. Berne* wrapped in waxed paper when perfectly dry and cool and picked when just ripe will keep in it".-. 1 condi- tion for two days, says a New Jersey grower in Rural New Yorker Poisonous bait mad* by mixing SO pounds of wheat bran witb two quart* of molassei ao<l one pound of pan* green witb water enoogb to make a thick mash and distributing, it amon>{ tbe plant' attacked is reco mm ended by the Maryland ftation for controlling tbe cutworm. Raspberry and blackberry plant* ar* benefited by continuous cultivation during tb* time of fruiting, and to ac- complish thin they should be tied to wire*, sayi W J Ureou jf Ouio. HAD A SCHEVE. * It Mia-hr W urk If It Oalr Get Trial. "I bea; your pardon, >.r, ' taut _ nsa* in the threadbare *u. ;>uing up to the man at the d.-fi. . i are the prenident of a life ini.rancfe oon.pany7 reyoi. 'I aui U there anything; I can do for you?" 'If you can give me about two minute* of jour time'* ' U it any bard luck tory* Because, if ttis" "No, sir; nothing of the kind. I hav* ttni^y a practical btulness suggestion to make, which I think r.,\i, as a practical man of bu.ir.ess. will we tbe worth of al a glance. All fire insurance companies. I believe, jijla m uui staining what is called a tire insurance .-. u tae duty of that patrul to try t-.i save property whan a fire breaks out. Very good. My sugges- tion is that life insurance oompnnies or- ganize a similar institutiun. It sbuuid be the duty of the mce patrol t* stilt in nursing and taking care of all lick or injured persons whote lives are in- sured. Think bow many hundreds uf lives are annually sacrificed by careless n . that might be taved by concerted action on the port of" w aa thai ail you wished to tee ma aboutr" " Yes, *lr. I merely with to add that I have bad a practical medical experience of many yean and understand hoepiiai pro* tice sufficiently to be able to take enr.r* charge of such a department aa I bar* suggested" "Good morning, sir " "Isn't tbe idea worth at leas* a dollar, anyhow, or enough to get my laundry out of tho" "Thomas, snow this man out. " "No, Thomas." said tb* cal>r "I oaa Ind my way out alone, Tboiuan : only auk you. Thomas, to accept thlt as a flight token of regard and symparny sympathy. Thomas. I don't tnppoee you get many of them in this philanthropist'* employ. Good morning. Thomas." tie banded Thomas a i cent piece, much worn, pushed his hat a little farther back on his head and ttalked out, fuU at tf to the last. 7 f 'illy - W I ..... . l^L^, d.~a :tt y - aa j . !. : a j a .-. : y -... -. : n r. Of character, n -.-*>- . * commnda . i. Sci- ence - r. 3 r.o- blr -.- re - T-jrnisnir.g ajr.-.-s e a.i - uggling - : -s and Th* SocivfT ( th- <.>.! KIM. There has just died in iuex, Englan i an old lady who enjoyed a rather or:g-.na> popularity among the neigh hnrv. by whom she was spoken of a* "t who kitted the Queen for a When only a year old the Queen tbea Princess Victoria, of course wa* Se;ag wheeled about tha park by her nurta. when a troop of boarding-school girl* earn* tripping along the walk. One it the number whoeo father bad <ome posi- tion al court, recognized the roral baby, and pointed It out M her companions. Tb* little prince**; was immediately tor* rounded by an admiring group, and >h* nun* bad all th* ' :v in tbe worM to prevent her from ' cing ha- froai th* carriage. But if they .iiu.J not hold the ohild ther would at :.-e*- have a kiss, and one of tbem said ' Let u* each have a kiss and we w:.. -,,,-n gtv* yon a shilling. " Tb* nune accept -d tbe offer, and wa* toon some *O .. , richer. Soon tb* li-.tl- i Iv.-r.tur- was noised about tbe royal household and came so tbe oars of the Dncheas of . . infant t morber. und the Ingen. ant wa* h -- -- % .. . miss her from the h . Interfered. "Nurse, he ^ ire pardoned. For my part I - :o in my daughter being admired; . natural, for tbe is the finest baby in th* land. Bnt In future I for: her to be kisaul for less than a and ven that u a mere nuth::i,c Tbe Duchess posted a physician off :o - to examine into T..J health of the girls who had comrai're* 1 . tho familu- Th* young warren snbsequcn'lv form- ed a society kno.vn as "The- ' tbe Queen''* Kiss, " and when tbe young princess became Queen they rerailed the iident. "We are.' they wrote. tho Irst of your ub;octs from whom Your Majesty received homaov > 3 all Important occ . - r ajdre^^ed re- peated axprestion.s of alleglancr- tembers grado . tbi* old lady'* d->u- - ; th* Queen &:> has paed Iasrrlal I tee. Both th* Gi-riLi.in emperor and emprea* great lovirs of Uuivt-n and great .. bers of tbem are employed very day for the decoration of the imperial dinner ta- ble. Tbo receptacle* In which they are placed oonsin of silver vases, simple wire Aaskets and small vase* of out glass, and tb* flowers most generally used are rose*, ation*, lilies of rhe valley. Alpine vlo- anemone* and ranunculaa. Large numbers of orchids are also used, but the** must have long uaiks so aa to give an impression of lightness W th* general effect When banqueta ar* given to about KX> or 300 gudsts. it M usnal to pl.tce a vase to every two gveets. hut for small dinner* k great many more are used in proportion. Tbo color of tbe urlo.-**** (mployod Is sup- to cotmpond w:rh that of the flow- and the ^hole efftxt is said by those who bave seen It to be rich and Human nature '>ew.M -ps nj be auae w* tudy oth*r poople instead af studying ourselves WHAT -TS. Neither figures or words -m any adequate ex- pression of what iri'.etnperance osts its victims and thosa to ivhom they ara related To t are sacrificed all earthly oys and eternal hopes. For ova of drink men will plun- der and abuse and allow to starve helpless and innocent Samaria P - 3fl- 3 rehabili- tated chapj - a&<* 5 a scie- ' : ?.- pa rat; 3 n or v. - - - ; i ".! -ndDrsd m*r:t, ar. i of a power - a i 3 '-a. rr'- i . 3 j'. a . : jr. :..5m,and ^^cup'sra'.ive afr*;-i ar. trt*> . i of i - .. iexl after tha ftrst Tew ? It 15 a.rr.Oa: f.'-?-* frDrr. vrj trace of taste o." >J -> i : :aa '-^ t 3 - -.e, i J-9, . ' e*> oT anyth.n-j to sugges-- ~ - -**\r o' ni j.jt .i.--* ; -t ' ar. i pit- mapy ac t*n n of every trace .-* Tram tn.*) system, and it a>ico^ipUh*>s> ^sortie ar.l im- mediate action or. the stomach. heart, ..vr a: U od. and th I agh e syatf ? first dos- or Sa.-nari Aris- ing and guards aga. - ab- of a. - - A - for r is gone and the sir.-., of :>r then become* as offen- sive to the tope. 3S who hate it. 3ar-rooms to se*n permeated w;th th s o.' the morgue), and h -s them. II - .the healthy symptoms of the change b*g.n to manifest tiiemseives. A ha.thy appetit- :d talc**) lace of the former craving for a drink. H's nerves ar*j steadier, his eyes ar brighter-, his head is clearer, and hi whole being grows responsive to his better slf. Samaria Prescription accom. piishes this trai'.sformation in every case where it is faithfully used until the cure is complete, and relapses to former habits) ar* impossible after that. Let- '--stifying to the wondrous efficacy of this remedy com* to hand from grateful men and women everywhere. H.' A: : l: ;Ut Now Mr*. B. E. X., Hamilton, writs*: "I received your Ri.-dictne last Septem- ber Ir hiul every -tTect that mediclat) could hav* on a man It did it* work wonderfully well Lh- change In tb* man u remarkii tbaaks. Otu home peace and thiT* i* a reunion whan h comes home. II \v ks on the hu*tin to help a friend in the :.i:e election in thi* mil never toi;. -h.ii A drop. It cs*d to be different. Smic '.' hi* friends wan*. *d to know what was the matter with him and he told them tb.it tb* devil had gol out of him. He 1s ail right now. and 1 jannot nnd words to tell you how grate- fully 1 cherish the good which th* remedy has done for him and us all at hotne," Samaria Prescription is sold by druggists, or can be had direct, sent In sealed package in plain wrapper, on receipt ol price, $3.OO. Those desiring to conceal their identity when r*>- muting us can writ* for our private address SAMARIA REMEDY CO., Jordan St., Toronto, Out.