Hubnrrlbrn who do n t waive thrir paper will please notify ui atone*. Apply ' this office lor *dnrtlin rate*. TIIK ADVANCE. rLB-QIKBTON, OUT. Health Hints. Xat. (leap and reat at regular hour*. Eat moderit^ly, deep moderately and hurry up moderately. Be moderate in rrery thing Genial. unM-lflsh cheerfulneta which warm* a man In hi* tnmot life help* him to be ctrong and well, not only in body, but in mind. To bend ihe shoulder* and hollow the ehet-t when walking not only Injure* the luiigH hut glree one look of wuarineu anil dt pre-mion. Select fo<Mi rich in material to build up the body you live in llraiu. Ume and iiiiiM-l** ure not mutle out of layer cake and floating isi. mil Don't fret and worry about your own affair* or your neighl-oni' A fretful. Ir- ritable temper can breakdown the consti- tution Mxmcr than hard work l>rcs in warm, liuhi clothing, so that the circulation may \v e\ . -n o\ .r the hola body. If you wish sound IIIIIK*. dress HO that yuu can lin ailie mtpl) . and if you wih a clear head. ki*p your feel warm and dry. Every man and wuni in who wiuld be well lusils every d.iv to i..c p eiity of healthful ciercise whn-h will send the blood unit in rve ciirreins thi-illiiig and tingling to the very lips , if the toe and flngi- s. giving b-Mh Ii t" the whole body. Hold the chest and head up with M.n>iiRth and coui.tb-p. and ihe chin down with firmness, put tht; foot down li^hily and reuly. bend thr little sprint; in Ihe in t*p, which makes the i-icp . .i-\ .mil He-a- ble, and then walk from the hips, not fnun the kn.-ev Walking i a delightful and fawiiia-iniK rien-iso whan pr.-i.-iic d un an aoooin|ilihiii.-nt The grenl demand for a pleasant, saf* and reliable antidote fur all affections of the t:.i.i.r nnd hint's is fully me: with ID Itli k!i- s . \nti Consumptive Syrup. Il 11 a pun-! Viv il'.e CooipOHIM. 'ind act* proni|itly anil mamcallv in siil.diiiug all couuhs. colds, lironchitis. iiifl.iiniiinlion uf tbe Tiniifs, rtc Uis vi |i.ii.ii .iinn iliat a child will not refuse it. nnd it is put at a price liml will uol exclude the poor from 1U beiielitt. Htiw It i.,.,..r....i Her. Everything, even a inagniflrrnt church, mum IK- re/ardi-d from the |>oint of view of the l-cliulder. A Lin. Ion pa|>er *ay( that two i-oiintry girls, who ncled a* If they mi^hi )>e enjoyiiiK n holiday from domestic *ervlc. were obscrvi-d walking down the alslcH of ht 1'aul it .-atluilral. Under i In- great dome one of them Itood nd i*a7l around her with an air of inch wonder that a s|Mftalor might well sup- ponelliatkhe was awe struck by her solemn iirri'undmt-s Hut when H)IU H|M>ka ih* Idea v. *. di--i|iii-d "t Ih, Sarah," she ex- claim . "wouldn t this pU.ce tuke a long time to nwepy" When ehildmti nre pule, p.-evuh and M-slless nt iNKlit tliey re.piire ft doH* or two of Miller'* Worm I'owdem. The\ are pleiiaant to ttike; no pbjrsic re- qmii.l. The Prnper ^\*. of It. . . i h Inc. To Irarn to breath* properly. Intlitte the liim-s and walk for live pal-en, I e|iini* the inoiith >.hnt anil hn>atliltig thriiugh tbe now menu-.! UK the l!\*> |un-e- t.. ten. and then to fifteen or more 1 ..Ih.w thl* up by A- ti|* Miveral long breath* afler get ting up In the iiiuriinii* and again before retiring Ivwlies' Hume Journal laird's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.* In ImliM. In 1898. according to olllclal reports, 1,461 miles of new rallroa i went o|M>m*d for tniftlc In India, bringing the total mlliMje up to _.', Ui(l During th current year 1.67M mile* are to U- compleUsl, and In lUmi Ihe progniniine coiiiemplateM tho conilruetlon of l.rtftU miles 1 ho mileage of telegraph linen In n|iciu.tloii i> 8,MM. They an* a Powerful N'lTVine. Ilys|M-p- (lacjiiiM*s deraiiui-iiifui of ih nrr\ous (ys'i-in, Hint nervous ileh l.ty once riit-e derrd i- dull, ult to tlrul w ith. There are inaiiv ip-iimoni;ils an to the vfllcavy of 1'ariiicle.- . Vr_. i.u.i,. |-ih iu treating this ii.s.udrr. *liowing thai Ihoy never fall to pro luce Kod n-siill.s. lly giving proper lone to the diueniive organs, they renliire ri|uilibniiiii I., iho nerva centres. rir Inloiu-iit. Hi- I i.h In order to Raptuni hsh a South Ameri- can tri lie whl pit i he wuter witn the wood of a treu which contains a siiii-.Ut.nce hav- ing it nan-otic nitliii-nc.i on the Uh, which are thvu ruatllly CAIII*|II TO I ..I I, III III.. I . Ml.. .I.. It U announced hy the Hi ilish Medical Journal ilia I an inUirnaiioiia) coiigraos oa tiii.iu ulo-is ami ihi* miihiHis of coniliat- |U|( U will b In-ill in Hen i n from May K8 to if. Mlller'( i mill". nnd Iron I'lllii restore tb* color to | tale ehi-ek and Idoodle** Up*. ri-'nce I* a d.-ar teaehw. there i. no avoiding pay MDI of tk tuition feea. That weak, tlrnl comlitlon will toon change hy llm une .if Miller* Compound Iron I'lll* ()> do.i s ' , 1 1 nis. AND RENEGADES. Philippine War as Seen by Local Newspapers. TRAGIC IH M II UP O OLD Ml i:n. How liii; ll. ur (. ,1 \ MI.- MI ii n. Ar -.i ll. ... .1 I.- I I. i- -lul.l Of V.M.. .H ferlos; in a i ...i <-.< i r. ... i.. . oue i i ii 1 1. The American, an nti-rnrthinK m-ws-ia per representing pro-fr-i-nalvf iili-ju* In Mi nlla, Mates lntm.tliiK Inridi-ms ..f th war. A few tlayx nn. itfur tin* boys had made a rli.-nv and swept cM-ry thing before them, tln-y ur ill li*->( n frw of them suddenly btx-uiuu iiwor.- 1.1 -mitf Clinker (IIHH-MIIH Or I 'rob*) Look asre, doctor, wlm.' a good I blag for a Ml Dr. Probe (gTufllr) Consult a paycl tan. it Similar M-|MI| Ruthi-ring-. There wi-ru Hi* iiit 116 of them, etnorted by a guard of Kansas hoys. The l.itu-r bad thi-lr HiHpIcinns attrm-td to the queer movement* of thcw Ingenious niggers more l>>- winieuf them and mi -jouncing upon thrm in tin- vu-inity of a go down In whlrh thi-y had been ir.t tirri n ir ""t many intlr* from ( 'hiiiiii'.w n the KniiMw lad* ttiwiivcrad them all to be di-*||f llm rjU-l uiilftirin nr us nmr an ap-m-wli tu It a* fw will-In l-i-Fii-.-iIti tin ir iliiru.n-illMt.-l.Kik Ing whttt* ditto**. One of thi-iii oulr wo* .innul and with a knife. Thu whole KUIIK WIIM duly to the arxcnul. where j ampin opportunity will he KIM-II thi-in tu **-jlii-t on i hi- -.tuplility of their niu.hi-.iuu* and abortive plot. A mew bark for :< ci-nta. afUlw'i Kidu.j l-ill. and I'luter. OUTPOST [Ml 1 Ing MniiM-ni rntnliif- from thn rvar. I'lngl Ping! Thn little li-noVn mf**4*nj{i-rs whizzed about their heads mill rai-il the dirt and duit alMiut thi'lr fis-t The foliate* was deniw ovvrhmd. A whole *H|iiml iiiuld have hltldt-n up there. At length, after r, muldernlile w-an-h. the tn-i- was In. nieil In whlrh the hidden tiun HIT WIIM iloitiu hid deadly work. l.ut the thli'k leaven wri-i-m-il Inin --.-i-in-il-. fnun thoM he waB ing at. Volleys were fired Into th<m thickly rlustrrwl In -m. li.-i before the llfrletM tinkers let the Manner rifle dn>|> clattering to thu gnmnd. And what kind of anmn d you SII->|MMW It WIM thoie Kansas veteran* found there? They found an old Filipino who had lout one llmli In noiue pn-t trouble, perhaps In time M(-lit with the S-iniitnrd* Hi- m rndiw hud tied him up In thi* tree MI Unit he couldn't fall down, and there he .t.iul. houtlnK an long an his linger** coulil h..lil fall rifle. bullt-tn liml rulilli-d bin body, hut t be rope that Imunil Imo to hii pout kept t he llti-li-HK olay .ullth.-o. He died a hero, fi|<htlng In a IIMI ivaiitie. Midway lief ween the pumpltiK -nation and tl>o settling tnnk an old man, l-nt and crippled, with one leg tmnd.iRrd up, ant In the gathering twilight with hUcbln In bin hnnil.i, ga/lng *ti-atlfaiitly Into the dying emliera that hnd jusi lirked up his once happy home. Everything bml goneup with Ihe *moke. 11:- family hnd either pen-thed or were with the fleeing rulieli miles and milt* away. Them went no comfort*! t liand, no food or wafer within roach, nothing but t lie old 111,111 and hi* supreme Nurrow. A few rod* further on were, a lone tree and a Htoiw< wall s|ttentl with the |I|IKH! of an American ofltcer who hml Ui<n miir ilrrnl a fuw hour* U-lore perhnp* hy n warm friend of thU Hameolil man Away off yonder, over thn great wntur*.. went brotherM, ^iit.-i -. aiiwoethcnrt and n loving motluT anxloiiHly praying for the utllccr'* aufety, nnxlouidy and vainly praying fur hi* happy home, routing. Night fame cm, the old IIIHII Hat tltxrc, the Muni xtnln* tunnel liluck on the xtone wall, and we walked on feeling more than ever that war waa the hlarkeHt ciume on earth A not her Kentleiiuin who 1ms heen vl-lt Ing around thn dixtrictn tra\erned during tin' u. n. nis of the |uit few dnyti informs n* that at one plni he found the corpse* of two Filipino* lying In a Imlldlng. At he npprnactuKl tlirim or four large anil gaunt dog*, their jaw* Ixwmeared wltb blood, ran away. On looking Into the place the irentleman wa horrltlml to Dee that tho ntArvliig ereatunvM hiul been rnt Ing the lMMllt and had torn and nianguxl on.i ,.f them In a moil* horrible ami nwolV Ing manner. llenegade* and ipta* have to he looked after u* wall a* the for<nm of AgulnnlOo. So far the American forora ha\u pnliie*>l only two reiiegmleo, and flic* itni Ixith ilead. H'tro ara toii'.Q nnw* pnragra|>ba from Fnvdom, anothitr Amertcjui nwe- paper In Manila: A day or *o ago n S|mnUh flint lleuton ant wan dlenovered iiMiiing n gang of na- tive* who were, U -ing ' ( M In nd In" liy til* MlnniMotA li>- for lioUlniK n (edition* meeting. He formixl an edifying peo- tw-lu IIH he be'oul,t hi* giiHrdN 1m' to turn him Into the cnlaliooiie with hi* dark iklnned frlemU, t>ul he got there jimt tbe aiue. Paining along thr SpanUh bridge yee- terday aft<irniK>n, or tln-y 01 inn, a Inno cent looking a lwy of whit* (mocked youugnten u* oue might meet *nf dar Hint* '.. H..u.-k..|.r.. Tea and noffne nhould m-rnr be left an covered. a their etmngth and flavor eraponite hy tpixnire. Oreutie had t.he effift of blunting nharp knlvtM. *o they should never be allowed to remain in this. Lay a llttlo Ing of powdered muitanl la the mouth of a pickle jar to prvvc it the content.* turning mouldy. Damp unit remove* touins of tea and egg from chlnn article*. Coal In tbe cellar should mrvi-r b* damped, an it gener.m * fume*. Wnite i"|"if-. on funniiire nuty be tpeed- lly removed by rubbing with cpirit* of camphor. Oood forks should never be u>l for txMtlni* nurpo<*. The kin hen iii every houiwhold. be It big or ll in-, ihoiild ! k*>p' p.-rfi--tly pliviN-tni mil whulc>iiiH by regular cleansing The link abould lie an ohji"'' of special attention, for if not we.ll rltidud and liiiced after washing up it will beoome the hut l -il <>f -It-nut The M jetal'li* m.-iU'T which 1* kept In tbe kitchen slioiild l> pla<wd In a covered hampiT. and overhauled constantly, and any root which *hc-ws signM of decay at once ilinnvn out. Kin-hen cloth, nniit. of courw, be washed out ditlly and hung on too line to dry, nist.-;t'i of Ix-inii ( IIPC.TII together In a dark corner ur tul. till a uathlng day it due. Meanwhile ttma* cloths are holding grcnxe and harboring niuell* Th helves -hoiiltl IK- ncrnlilml as often as those uf the l.mler. and oivuslonally Dome distnfi-.-i.Mit added to the rlntting water. Twloe a week a lump of nuda should b*> placed on the top of the link drains and Terr hot watr pounit dlructly on to it. Thin U to clean*) the pipe of uny grea-ry matter adhttrinir t it Tho walls and ceiling* -mould be wash- ed If pumu-U. or whltewtiht<d If plain plaster, at leant once a yttar. Thegarlnge pall ihoulti never be stood be*lde tbe hull-.-, for then the content* are thrown In, and ugly spladie* on the wall* ar*> tbe result. Mi* lldne utaitis on illver may be ra- moveti by the application of diluted *ul- ]iliuric acid riilil-l upon the ttilver with a loft rag. Finally rinse the article in warm tampem!* Attankn of tore throat during oold weather am larudy attnlnitwihlii to in- (Ulllcii in. H-H-rci* 1 in the O|MMI air Kre- quent sufferers am notoriously lucking in thU ren-M-cl. To make a linveil |iiiltn-e put the luml Into a liag of ll.inii.*l of the -iru of poult hi- n\iuirv-il, new up the oj-n end. and hoil, Uig and all. In a small <*uun- tlty of wwtxr. When the -t<s-<l Is sift quee/e out, ir.ll tnoistiiro, and ux< th lg intitantly ax a |>nlnce. To fn-shen a room plai-e a good lump of camphor on an oh! plate or saucer, heat a poker, and with It hurn the camphor. The fumes will thoroughly purify the room, and the smell of camphor will enlv 1 isi for a xhort mini This process i* useful to uef rid of I he smell of damp, of a new cr|-i or In Illnewi. The IxtlliMm WIM tinjitina at U* rope anil Uiunrlng about . lum-ily In the puffs of wlnil. A willow si.. H! reganling It with -itreniiilng t-ye-t. rlhii Wai alone, but a rrowd gathen-il aUiul her. at.trarted by her untimely teiir*. She aobbitl for ten minute*, while the crowd rmtraloed theinMilvc*, but at limt an old grntlomati - who*o long wluii- hair unit saintly fiwt* dii-l.-ir.-il In* belief he win privilt-jri-d to tlinini hlinm-lf into unyNxly ' buineas IteplN-d forward ami nnd : " M.i.l. mi. why do you weepf Why, oh, why ihi-- tanr-iP" 1'hti woman imillltxl loudly and then fenlttd: "It's the balloon." "Hut." i|iierieil the old gentloman. "why does the upeotnx-lii of balloon <vtu ie you to wee]! 1 - I ml a loved ton onoe perl*h as an nemimiit * ' "No." replied th weeper, "It wtun't SOD It was my hunUiml " "Ah. your hunlniul wan killed while "No, he wasn't; my husband dleil in hi* bod. bat he wcighM -Ji si.n.e. and that jumping bnllixm n-numls me of just how Henry lcM>ke<l tho \nM time 1 Haw him a-danclnit. lit- Bgure wa* Ilk* that!" and tho widow dU*,lvod in a new burst of tttnni. * * THE 6ENDRON Is the Wheel that SELLS ITSELF. 4 -.1.11.-. . Ill ...k.l Thl* itnry, Uilil of Sir Kalph Aher- oromble. the vlrtor of Abouklr. shows that even in ileuth hi- (I til not fi.rgnt ooo (Kit-ration lor ollit'rs Afir thi- luttln at win ii he WIM iiinruiliv \M> iinli-il. In- wan onrrlnl on Ixmnl n ship, and a oldler's blntikwt wa* jilin- l IIII.I.T his haoil to m It. IU felt thv relli-f, and asked what U was. "Only a *oldl*r'i blauket," was the rvplv 'whose blanket Is It?" "Only one of tint uuin's." "I wish to kimw ihi- nain-of the Minn ' "H in I )u -lean Hoy of the Korly- smxinil. Sir lbtl|ili ' "ThiMi ii." nii'tl thi.- living -tonm-al. "that Diini-nn Boy got* his blanKvt this very night." Tr. Ar* .MI.. . . First Trains 1 in Rlntl iprlng'* coma. Senitul Trnnip Ho am 1 We ain't ds only fellurs now wot don't fwl Ilk* wurk- IB Ask any disinterested rider about it and see what he says. <<niir.ui MTr Co., Limited TVKOMd, OXT. INJATIOrMAL. THE BEST FERTILIZER KNOWN RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good Lands and makes the Best Lands BETTER. IMPROVES the QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. S WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT IN CANADA. NATIONAL FARMERS CO'Y, TORONTO, ONT. J. J.Vipond &Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corre*|ioinli"in-i Solirit -l. Ail\:nn i-- Mnli n C'tiiiHl-j MONTREAL. COLD. SILVER AxD COPPER MINING STOCKS. ~~~*^~~~~~'~~~' I sin a memoer o( the tu-wly esub nh*-.I STANuARO IWINING EX- CHANGE and have -1,1:111- Hltrurlivp tt -ilil. Mlver .1 '" Hand. 1 deal i British Colu tibia. Ontario "l Republic -"- Mv uv ,nt-. Just ii -.r. -IN rnson. Winnipu. Noble five. Derby ! ' Golden Star. Republic. Lo.-o Pino, Prince--* Maud, Keindeer ami JumUo. I h.i\* re.-ent iti .1 "i lel.itive t. -In- l.-i-l K.-im n|u- |.r .|i.-rt|i-H. Pho > E. CARTLY PARKER. " ' "- J F*rt*av. Forhnar. srlvs up a little: take more than nhould be put upon von. Make allow/an. -.- for another'* judnnient of the o: ditTering in .on-itiiiiriori. ctrcuni- tiini->'s and int*i>-nt. w shall oftvn dcld diffen-ntly about tho juittoe and lntB-rltv of thitiK-i. and mutual oonoeanlon-i alone can heal the br-achra and brulir* over ths rha-im butwm-n us, while quirk eiitnu-nt :nd Miff maintenance of our ..iluou will bret-d rndle-H dliputs and WMSJfMsl linird's Liuinifnt Cores Distemper. 'Why It It tin* mind ls brighter when a man Is 40:" "After that age tbe man g*-t MUM ennutfh not to mt too much." > It > .!' ' tloslln Aw. 1 havn a v-wy brwl head- afh this mnwnlmt, dom-her kimw. ru-mt'l u ili-Miut. t-s.-nt iiilmledl-r) Why ilon't you h.v It Prubabl'-.. "It 1 * never too lute to nn-ml." was evl dently intendiil for thlNM) men who 111 il 'iltfi- in "rip|ilng' Uiuea. K'snss City lodulwllllellt. r * In tkr DI.I War. Illrnm," said the wife, "ilo yoo b'l'ere- In thi new way of kllliu (..k* called 'hvtrovutioor" "1 h.nn't -mnt-cil iiiurh erl-oul tt. " was- then-ply. "In my family they most In- Kin rally hung em Atlmitu, Cunstita- tlon thr H*rworhl*>s- As-ir "Who ! that in. in. iiutinni.i "" "Why, that Isjuur futlu-r. Willla. Don't you know hliur" "No. It's over two yt-ars since yon took u* to bis office. " TAM WORTH PKJS ! $17 H. D. SMITH, per pair, not akin 6 to 7 wt-eks old. at your iH-art-st cxj'R-s** office. ( inlv chmix stH.-k s IKGLF-4IOB PA KM. OHI-I UN. OTIC. PLOWS, ROLLERS A. HARROWS Th* llr.l M.l" -....I (..' < Ml.lo-CII--. l-l UW < ST. JACOBS OIL ST. JACOBS OIL Cures Rheumatism Neunlgli Lumbago Sciitici Sprains Brulsis Soreness Stiffness Backache Muscular Ackis * WCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, \ r ^ ,',"7' ofl * >^. ..> -.-.. i v i: i WrIMu* HUMILTOH 1 .. A II. <lpl-M BINDER TWINIi AM) ROPE? UN i \l(l<> IIIMIKK I\IM CO.. I 11 toil Htntloo Arrudr. Toronto. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS PAINT Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it as well, and gives satisfaction if you use Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT AH dealers have ft. Ask for card or scad to < and w* win tell you warn to get It A. RAMSAY & SON, Montreal. VAINT HA UK KB. ml*, -it-*- ruu stMtTfe. ln < r I n.if-ri. ' "U 4 nt I \T-titJ Pump**. HM r-tUppltfX for Nw Cfts- NATIONAL BINDER IHE BEST LVtR OFFERED TtlflsVlr 1' u'.l' \\KII-II. foi aikhor I UW I ITS P> lailT or (i-nili nmn Only I It I I I L li.'.ii'-d I|IITI Itv l.-ft i-r.l.r 1 ww * w(.. r , it i. ir,,,i,i. NA- TIONAL BINDER TWINE - i-><l * MSI Mix-led M.iil.|,, Una mt . >i *oo If l to tin- |..iiiiil TWINI AND PREMIUM GUARANTEED. Moni-v r<-ninilpd u |.iirrli-wr > n..| natlxflcd. P.- lleMk SS4 give Ml S i|i|*iit>; illlt-i-lluD*. NATIONAL FARMERS CO. TORONTO. $A -^^SOLDPIITED.? .l. l.fti.^-M.nM'.r > > -. -IM ' 'i "-."iw 'I a w krrmnl t. i. ..I I .4 put. If ttl'l .Ainftll -..-^ .-h'r . ..I tt Itiu.irm M/cA ( ... Tm*t, OH T. N. THE DRUMS OF THE FORE AND AFT. 87 RUDTABDJOPLnrCv. And a little cfiil t *tull Uad th.m The tun-* tettled into full awing, and the boys kept nhoulder to abonlder. JaJtin buDKiug tbe drum u one po- eaaed. The one tife made a thin mid pitiful sqnraking, bat tbe tnim carried far. even to the Uburkbaa, "Come on. yon dogal' mntt*rexl Jakin to himx-lf "Are wo to play tor- orerJ" Lew was stanng itraigbt in front of him and marching more stiffly tban ever be bad dune on parade. And in bitter mockery of the distant mob tbe old tune of the old line thrilled and rattled Some talk of Alexander And <ume of Harcales, Of Bis-tor and LriuidcT And such -frost name* * tbesel Tbere was. a fan iff clapping of hands from the Qnrkhat) and a roar from tbe highlanderx in the distance, bat never a ehot was tired by British or Afghan. Tbe two little red clots moved forward in tbe open parallel to the eoeoiy trout But of ill tbe world's -rraat heroes There'll mine that can compare WilB a tow-row ruw row-row-row. To tho BnUah gnmadiar I The men of the Fore and Aft were fathering thick it the entrance into the plain. Tbe brigadier on the height* far above waa apeecbleas with rage. Still no movement from the enemy. The day taid to watch the children. Jakin baited and beat tbe long roll f the aaeeuibly. while tbe fife eqaealed despairingly. "Right about fi.ce I Hold up. Lew. you're drunk!" said Jakin. They wb-Mjled and marched back. Tbnoe tieroe* of autuialty No'er aw a oanooii bell Nor know toe furce o' powder "Hre they come!" said JaJun. "Oo am. Lew!' To scar* their row wltball Tbe Fore and Aft were ponriag oat f the valley Wfaat officers had aaid to men in that time of shame and humili- ation will never be known, fcr neither officers nor men spt ak of it now. "They are commit anew I" ahonted a priest arnoniftbe A ,-tiana. "Do not kill tbe boys ' Take them alive and they hall be of oar faith. " Bat tbe tint volley had been fired, and Lew dropped on his face. Jakin tood for a minute, upon round and col- lapsed, as tbe Fore and Aft came for- ward, tbe maledictions of their officers in their ears and in their hearts tbe ebaiiM of open shuiue. Hal/ the men bad .teen the drummers lie, and they made no eign. They did mot even shout They doubled out traiKbt acruat) the plain in open order. nd they did not tire. "This," said the colonel of Qnrkbas eoftly. "is the real attack, as it ought to have been delivered. Com* on, my children." "Clu-ln-lu-lnt" squealed the Gur- khas, and came down with a joyful click- ing of kukris those vicious Gurkha knives. On tbe right there was no rash. The | higblanders, cannily commending their aonls to God (for it matters as much to dead man whether he has been shot in a border scnlUe or at Waterloo), opened out and fired according to their s-utoiu that is to saj, without heal and without interval* while tbe screw trans, having dispoeed of tbe imperti- Mtit innd fort aforementioned, dropped hell after shell into tbe clusters round the flickering green standards on the eights. "CharrKin U sn unfortunate neces- sity. " murmured toe color sergeant of the right company of the highlanders. "It makes the men swear so. but 1 am thinkin that it will come to eharrge if these black devils stand much i longer. Stewarrt, man, you're nrin into the eye of the son. and he'll not take any barm for government ammo- : eetion. A foot lower and a great deal j lower! What are tbe English doint They're very quiet there in the center Knnnin again?" The EiiKhsh were not running. They were backlog and hewing and stab- bing, for, though one white man ie el- dom physically a match for an Afghan in a sheepskin 01 wadded coat, yet through the preatmre of many white men behind and a certain thirst for re- venge in his heart he become*- capable of doing much with both ends of bis rifle. Tbe Fore and Aft held their lire till one bullet could drive through live or six men, and tin front of tbe Afghan force gave on tbe volley. They then se- lected their men and slew them with deep gawps and short hacking couxhr nd groaninga of leather belts against strained bodies and realized for the first time that an Afghan attacked in far ! formidable than an Afghan at tuck- ing, which fact old soldiers might have told them. But they had no old soldiers in their ranks. The Gurkhas' stall at tbe bazaar wat the noiiMi-Mt, for the men were engaged to a nasty noise, as of beef being cut on the block with tbe kukri, which they preferred to tbe bayonet, well knowing bow the Afghan bates the half moon blade. AM the Afghani- wavered the green standards on the mountain moved down to assist them in a last rally, which was unwise. Tbe lancers, chafing in the right Knrge. bad thrice dispatched their only mi I ml tern an galloper to report on the program of nrT;tirs <)n the third oc- ean!* m be retnrneii with a bullet graze on IIIM knee. nwi-.-mnK strange oaths in HimlnHtanee and saying that all things w-r* ready. So that squadron swung r. ninl the rixbt of the higblandera with a wu-ked whistling of wind in tbe pen- unti." of itn lam I'M and fell upon the remnant jn.-t when, according to all the rules of war it should have waited for tin- t'oe to shuw more signs of wav- ering But it was a dainty charge, deftly delivered, and it ended by the cavalry tiuiling itself at the head of the pasa by which tbe Afghuna intended to retreat, ami down the track that the lunces had mads streamed two companies of hihluiiilers, which wtis never intended liy the brigadier. Tbe Lew development was successful It detached the enemy from bid bane SB a sponge is torn from n riR-k ami left him ringed about with tire in that pitilene plain. And as a -IH.UI-*' is chased round the bathtub by the baud of the bather, to were the Af- ghan?! chased till they broke into little det.i.-liiiieQt*) mnch more difficult to dis- pose of than large ma-wes. "Sen)!" quoth the briifudier. "Every- thing bns come :IM 1 arruaged. We've cut their base, and now we'll bucket eui to pieces. ' A djrect hammering was all that the brigadier bad dared to hope for. consid- ering tbe SIM of tbe force at bis dis- pt'xal. but men who stand or fall by the err.irs of their opponents may be for- given for turning chance into design. The- bucketing went forward merrily The Afghan foix*e were upon the run the run of wearied wolves who snarl and bite over their shoulders. Tbe red UIH-CS dipped by twue and threw, and. with a shriek, up row the lance butt, like a spar on stormy sea. as tbe troop- er, cantering forward, cleared bis point Tbe lancers kept between their prey and tbe fteep hills, for all who could were trying to escape) frtur the valley of death. The bighlanders gave tbe fugi- tives) 200 yards law. and then brought them down, gasping nnd choking, ere they could reach tbe protection of the bowlders shove. The Gurkhas followed suit, but tbe For* and Aft were killing on their own account, for they had pen- ned a mass of men between their bay- onets and a wall of rock, and tbe of tbe rifles wua lighting tbe wadded coats. "We cannot bold them. Captain Sahib!" panted a ressaidar of luncers "Let us try the curluna Tbe lance is good, but it wantei. time.' They tried the i-itrbine. snd still tbe enemy melted away fled up tbe bills by hundreds when there were only 20 bullets to stop t hem < >n tbe beixbts the crew guns veasteil tiring they bad run out of ammunition and tbe brij,':idier groaned, for tbe tiiiixketry ttr could nut sufficiently smaMb tbe retreat Long be- fore the last volle> s were tirwl the lit- ters were out in force looking for tbe wounded, Tbe buttle wss over, and but fur want of frct-h troops the Afghans would have be?n wiped off the earth As it was they counted' their dead by hundreds, and nowhere were tbe dead thicker than in thu track of tbe Fore and Aft But the regiment did not cheer witk tbe bigblandera, nor did they dance un- couth dances with the Gurkhas among the dead. They looked under their brows at the coluuel as they leaned upon their rifles and panted. "Get back to camp, you I Haven't you disgraced yourself enough for one day T Go ind look to the wounded. It'i all you're fit for, " said the colonel. Yet for tbe past hour the Fore snd Aft had been doing all that mortal commander could expect They bad lost heavily be- es uee they did not know how to set about their business with proper skill, but they bad borue themselves) gallant- ly, and this was their reward. A young and sprightly color sergeant, who had begun to imagine himself hero, offered his water bottle to a high- lander whose tongue was black with thirnt "I drink with DO cowards," an- twt-red the youngster huskily, and. turning to a Gurkha, be said "Hya, Johnny! Drink water got it?" The Gnrkha grinned and passed hie bottle Tbe Fore and Aft said DO word. They went back to camp when tbe field of strife had been a little mopped up anil made presentable, and the briga- dier, who saw himself a knixht in three months, was the only soul who was complimentary to them. Tbe colonel wan heartbroken and tbe officers were savage and sullen. "Well." said the brigadier, "they are young troop*, uf course, and it was not unnatural that they should retire in disorder for 11 bit. " "Oh, inv only Aunt Mariu!" mur- mured junior staff officer " Retire in disorder! It wan a I -ally run!" "But they came again, as we all know. " cooed the brigadier, the colo- nel's achy win to face before him. "and they bebuved as well as could potb-ibly be expected behaved beautifully in- deed I wss wntching them. It's not a matter to take to heart, colonel As some German general said of his nn-n. they wniited to be snooted over a little. that was all" To himself he said "Now they're blooded. I can givu 'em responsible work. It's as well that they got what they did. Teach 'em more tban half a di-tttn riflt flirtatious that will later run alone and bite. Poor old colonel though:" All that afternoon the heliograph winked and flickered on the hills, striv- ing to tell the giMxl news to a mountain 40 miles away And in the evening there arrived dusty, awmting and sore a misguided mrrmr-oudent who bad gone out to aasiHt at a trumpery village burning and who bad read nff tbe mes- satfu from afar, cursing bis lurk the while "Let's have the details somehow as full as ever yon can. please. It's tho first time I've ever b-n left thin cam- ' puign. " said tbe correspondent to the olier. and the brigadier, nothing loath, t ilil linu bow an army of com- munication had b.-i-n cmiupled up, de- stroyed and all bnt annihilated by the cratt. strategy, wn-dom and foresight of the brigadier Bnt wmie say. and among theae be the Gurkhas who watched on the hill- uule. that that battle- wan won by Jakin A DEADLY POISON. Persistently and strongly should tho fact be emphasized that alcohol is a poison. Medi- cal dictionaries define it as a poison. No well-posted physi- cian will to-day hazard his reputation by denying that alcohol is as much and as real- ly a poison as arsenic or strych- nine or any other of those dan- gerous and deadly drugs that should never be tampered with by those unskilled in the sci- ence and art of medicine. If the poisoned victim of in- dulgence in intoxicating drink of your family and not th* saloon keeper. The) Samaria Prescription la) sold at druggists, or sent In plain wrapper, with full direc- tions, to any address for $3.OO. ([Remit by P.O. or express order, '"or registered letter. Parties wishing to conceal their iden- Vjity when remitting may write) us for our private address. Letters sacredly confidential. SAMARIA REMEDY CO., Jordan St., Toronto, One and Lew. whose little bodies were borne' desires to be cured he must at up just in time to fit two gaps at the abandon the bea.lof tbe big .lit. h .rnvefur tbe dead until r the heights of . An t kr " >- No, 1 can t thini: 'if KI>IU-( In tshrre." said ihe Tnimu man with n sbuduer, when hi-, friend proposed Kointc In the cafe. "It's UK> wiirin in then-. I would have to un button my overcoat." "(iut tha grtpt'' u-.kl the friend, olle.itouii,. No. 1 haven't thn grip, it Is worse Indulgence) becomes an over. indulgence that has caused his disease. Saddening experience has proved how hard and some- times almost impossible it is to do this. The cry of the weak- ened and irritated nerves for the familiar relief of further than thnt Si* hern." he rrietl. hoarsely, "I've got to unhiinli-ii uiVM-lf to oms one rtntl o-<*t a little <<ympathy or I'll ex- plode' You kuo-T that ^irl I ve been gu- Ine with" Wi*ll. 1 VH Imi-n trving for th past year to make my-M-ir tuliil there, and I have always btwn In Uoiibt jtn-t how I food In that quarter. So thi* other day when tt dawned upon me that I had birthday ix-mlng. I thought it would be (jiMMt plan to li-t the girl know it anil us* U as a fii-liT to find out bow iiim-h *h i-nn-d for me I wiw puxzled for *>me tuna jum how to .xinrey the Informatlun to her. and lltuillr hit upon tha plan of Hiving hi-r fiiiiall lirotlier a dollar to tell hm II-.UT in H .-.t~ual way that I had a birthday naming in thi- nnar future." And he kept thi- dollar .mil said noth- ing about It," put in the ympatlietlo fru-rid "I wl*b he bad." -.inn-il the young man "No. he kepi his part o' the bar- gain and the n-iiijt wan :.hut I reoslved fruin bur ou my birihtlity a hand-painted necktie. YUII never hiiinl of tuirh a thing? I'm blewtt-tl if 1 ever did. either, bnt the girl nay* thi-y at all the -tirle.-tnil bound to be the rage I'lii- one *ha nave ma is s 1.--P n-d with white iim-m painted on It by her own fair hand. I've got It OD now. h.tvint; I-H.-H up to lti*r ImuHe going into mpi 1 IM -In. IT it to you only I ti-nr thu police woulil arrext me for rv.tiing a dixtiirluni-n. So long, I muM li'irrr liuiiiu .ui.l L-I-I il .iff 'x-furn I hat* n .iitit.-l. .if tn-rvuii* pro-unit Ion. Say, yuii ilon't know .if *iy iiblriKxlitil cr"K)k. ilo TOU. tliat I i->in gi-i r<> bn-ak into uiv room ami -.uotl Mini - u- employ l.OM.OOO I . U lu ri 'I lie world's tutrie. mi n rim ni-gn* nu-e embraree about one- h-iith of the world's population. 45U.UUO,- mst |-rsuns. I here mra W,OUU cells in a quare foot at honeTi-omb. Ihe yearly output .if cigar* from th* Philippines "is 44ti.ixKI.uOU. 1 he bigheitt uuubi of millng vemt-1** ara frain 1*H) W 1X0 fitet high, and spmul from 00.000 to IOU.000 nqnare feet of canvas. Tha nword of ton grent.,t number of not<*-4 (truck hy musician In 13 hours is mid to hare bm*n mudu by Padurvw-iki, who 11 ruck l.o.'n. lixl notea During the year !'.' -M offlc-ere of tbe army ware killed In battle or died of woundi n*ct*rTi-d In hntlle, and 49 other* u the active list died from other aaum.ii There were 26 dmths among tbe retired list. 1'he amount of powder required to pro- pel canunn project! IIM Is about half th* weight of the project ita A projectile four niche* In dlamcu-r weighs 38 pounds; five Inchi**. M) pound*,: lx inchee, 100 pound*; u iK lit inchus. -J50 nuiiiids: ten laches, &00 pound: U Inelie*. i.ii) pounds; 13 Inches, 1.100 pounds: Iti ui.-h.--.. J..I7H pounds. Turkev has buun augaged In war M ynan of the present i-ontury, oonslderabl? more than unit-third o.' the time. Spain comes next, with 3; ytmrs ef war; France ha* hod 27 yean; Kin-nia, 84: Italy. 31; Knit-land. Hi'. i. 17; Holland. 14; 1 i.-imimy. i:l. Swi-i.en. 10; Portugal. 10> Denmark. U. Much -if this Is for reckon- ing of the flrat Napoleoi.. Ml* T*>-hl ' Not many -fear* ago a boy was mat from his home ITI i In- w.-t toa New Eng- land fitting Hchoul. lin \-. u the only -wn of rich and iiifluontlal j-arents, says Tbe Youth's Companion, and had, unfortun- ately, been llitle rest mined or controlled. Tbe four year* he s|ient, in the fitting school were apl-nremlr wo rue than wn.-it.-d. Again and again the boad master culled this unruly Uiv :o IIIM sl.uilT. and gravely and gently r.'|iiiirl and adinon- i-heil him Sonii-i lines he pravod with the wayward boy vl; WJK to no purpose. I hen ih* ld went to college anJ oon- tinmxi hi-t thougluluu oareer for more than a year. .-suddenly a groat ulutnge came. Some one noted the f*K-i thai thi* change wit* coincident with the duuth of the head mooter In the tehou! whore tbe boy had fitted for college. After about n yeiu* of wlf- mining tbe young man timidly lukeil to be allowed to preparu himself for joining the ohurab. Straugely nnoiigh he In-iisiod upon going luM-k to his old Nchool. the scene of his boyish utiiitvnganivi and folly, and there joining the church he had onoe openly icori.ed. When Mked why he did w, he aniwer- ed with lip* and -iwlmmlng eyes: "There was a good mnn. I knew him, ind he I* dend. IU ho* helped many a wayward soul, and he ha* helped me." mastering craving that only those who have f e It it can understand. The sufferer needs some substitute that will at once soothe and tone some skilful treatment that will overcome the fierce desire, eli- minate the accumulated poi- son, and help nature to rebuild what folly has torn down. Can medical science supply this need? It can and has. We have In the Samaria Prescription a positive antidote for alcohol. It is the result of thirty years' experience in the treatment of alcoholism. We stake our re- putation on the success of our treatment when our simple directions ar* followed. Fail- ure impossible. 1 huv.* -akcn your Samaria P-f%-rir*- -ii>*il tne entirely I li.ive no w >n t<i drink at :ill and fe 1 I ha.1 trie.1 to .pur ilnnkiiii- oii.-n and : a while. Imt alwii went M.-K This time 1 feel that I have ^tuppud li.inor for g>xMl. 1 waa always hunt upi- l)ii f now I nlways have a roll and can uiy thing-, I could uol ofTortl iH-fon* My wife Is the happiest woman itoing and a look at her face i* Ilki* a ble-wing. I thuugtu I would let you know how f felt alioiit this cure, but* cannot kay all I feel. I wish you all success. " Tha Samaria Prescription not only tones and builds up the system to its previous strength and virility, but abso- lutely destroys and obliterates the appetite for liquor. Man who wish to stop drinking but who have tried and failexl owing to a weakened will power, and who have lost con- trol of themselves, can with the aid of this remedy cure themselves eiTectually in short time. No necessity for going to a retreat or taking in- jurious hypodermic injections of mineral matter, which lodge in the brain and other tissues, to their permanent injury, sometimes causing insanity and frequently death, but an inexpensive hom treatment. The cost will be less per doss than whiskey. The price of the Samaria Prescription puts it within the reach of the poor- est man. If ha can afford to buy whiskey or beer he can afford our curs. Reader, don't hssitate, but determine to throw off the tyrant now and be a. free man and let your fu- tur efforts be for ths benefit hark* ifr.i.l ..f N|M. The cowardliness of sharks is well known among men who hare been much to sea In *ou'hern Waters Infested by man- eaten. Tbe fiercest hark will get out of tbe snway in a rra-y great hurry If tbe iwlmmor. noticing IM approach, sets up a noisy (plashing. A shark Is in deadly fear of any sort of living thing tfaas iploshe* in the water. Among the .South Sea Islands tbe natives never go to ssa bathing alone, but always In partiM of half a do-ten or o. In order that they may make the greatest hubbub in the water, and thus scare the sharks away. One* In while a too v<>ntureiioii)t* iwimmer among the native* foolishly detaches himself from hi* swimming party and momentarily fonr*u to keep up hi* uplasbing. Thea there 1* a swish, and the man-aater mimes up beneath him like a flash and gobbles K*rr Mn Mia Own t*4->, P* A Mr. Stearne of Zurich. 111., baa obtained a patent for reducing oarbonie acid iriu to Iti-uid form, and be priipnsssi to nell It to the tin I -I ic In little sieel cap- sules, email onuugh to he carried la the vest pocket, fry thin Invention every man can have a soda fountain with him wher- ever be goes, for by unnrewlng the oap- ule and dropping iu oontouts Into a pitcher or bottle of water tbe liquid dis- solves Into gas again and charges the water like apolHnari*i_or eoda in a foun- tain or dphon. A company Is being formed for the purpose of making oap- ules and .haitt'tng them wltb the liquid gas. It I* proposed to put them up in ihe little boxes to be itipplii-d to tbe publlo through drug-gist* and grocers and furn- ish them to hunpita.-.. ataamohips, analas and aarles In quau'iir N. Uni. Ku... Llttls Clarence (after a *eaaon of aogl- tatloni Ha, why ore parlor ornament* oalled ornament** Mr. Calliper* My son. I oaaoot tail a lie; I as nor know. **wl I..WHII- a F-fcrt-a. This nnnmniph has been floating around in the [tapers for nume time. II contain* much for roung men to think about, and as It was written by Robert J. Bunleiie. one of The Ram'* Horn's oonirlbusor-i, it wdl. no doubt, possess Interest to our r-tatlers: "My homele-M friend with the chro- matic QO-W. while you are stirring up the cugar in a ten iwnt glass of gin, let me give you a fact to waoh it down with. You may -s->y you have longed for years for the free. Independent life of a farmer, but you havH never been able to gee enough money to buy a farm. Bnt there is where yon hare been mistaken. For some -rears you have been drinking a good Impruvud farm at the rate at a hundred square feet at a (alp. If you doubt ihi* statement, figure It out for yourself. An acre of land contain* 43,680 feet. Kntlmallng.foreonveniene-% the land at I43.&0 an acre, vou will nee that U brings tbe land JIIM .uni mill per *quara foot. Now pour down the fiery done aad imagine you are -.wallowing a titrawbsrry bed. Now oaJl in four ur five of your friend* and have them help you to gulp down that iiUO foot garden. Out on a pro- loagMl ipiee HOIIIO dar and see how lone It will take to wallow a pasture laod large enough to fond a good now. Pus down that, gla-u of ictn. Tbere ! dirt la It 300 feet of good, rich dirt, worth |43. M per aore" That Wiu Ih* >./u.ii. Sandy Mo . s Korfiu-shlre farmer, had bran upending an hour or two In the. evening with a friend a couple of mile* way It was moonlight night, and Sandy, aftor partaking freely of his friend'* hospitality, wa* riding bom* quietly so row t,hu *hi*p pavturas on hie guld an Id man*, when they cams to aa open ditch which his more refused to BJSfJL "Hootawa'. Maggie," said tbe rluer. "thl* wlnna dae. Ys maun jlst gang ower. ' ' He turned back about a hundred yards, wheeled round, and gave the mars touch of his whip. On she went at m brink r-anter: but just as they reached the edge of t he dlth (the Mopped dead and *bot Sandy clean over to ths other side. Gathering hlni-n If up, Sandy looked hi* mare straight in ihe faoe, and <ald " Vera wi-.-l pit. hiil, indii-<l. ma lasa, but hoo are ye goln to get ower yenel', KBHI- br > Sreteea. "That young miin." said thn citizen. pointing to a'i fc-itunxl youth soroes the Ntnvt. " ha-i made fame Ixith for him- self and this his nativu villairn. " "A* to how:- a* k--d tbe stranger. "Simply by sunding telcgranin of oon- grstulstion or condolonoet an the occasion oalled for, to pnninnent persona." Ia- dlanauolls Journal. It Ip. "Why on oarth. " saul the Ulllvllle *ub- scrilier, "does the editor of a newspaper say 'we' Instead of 'If " "I dun t know." replied the managing editor " It Is an old oustom, but I think It dotes from the time when the firs* newspa|>er editor got married. " Atlants>> Constitution.