HAS A STRONG CASE. London Times on Alaska Bound- ary Arbitration. ACRID AMERICAN COMMENT. an at home given ..n Sam'v Hill. on lady, thin time a vi-itor Ui thi- . .rv foul her pur*- relic. e<l of a oonnttWaMe amount of inon.-v 1 hi- t* only on.- i-.- in many. A promineits.K-i.lv lady stated mi Saturday mornlnu Unit Ou-i W.I'M -oeiai hlghwaywonwn wa- -till .ncru.-ii.'alK at work, but rofu*-d LO bilk further oil the matter. Th.j Ar Tryin t Co PrJodic Canada'* Sid* of lh ( **r. and They Ar K>rntfiil ll<u. lh l>..iuiuiu MM Will of Her Own- Hew tb Motlvr Klly London, May 3tt. The Time* (hi* morning pulblshen special article ex- plaining all aspects of the Alaskan boundary dispute It believes thai Knu i* very strong and that she interest in going to arbitration. provided the terms of reference are satis- factory, adding that the Venezuelan precedent might fairly be accepted on both sides. The article gpeaks favorably of the compromise plan for international inn a the wharf at Skaguay ami the. White P:i*t road ai far an the Canadian frontier. Tb Hit I.I .n,l Pl*..d. St. John 1 *. Xttil.. May .".i The an- nouncement of the failure of the joint high coinuiM-ion ncgnf.iatiot'- 41 ve-. gen- era! satisfaction net-,. ls .uisu it will enable th colony to resume indciviidcut negotiations with the I'tnted ;.i'es for. reciprocity in fishery products. which tne ; Am-Tl. .'ins ar>- t|esi",.iis '., ,-.. ii. -I,",, us return fur unhampered ailim ion to the bait supply in Newfoundland writers It l-l believe.) hi re thill III view .il ( ar.ula's fault, the British ( iov-rnmcnc will not object t<> \e\vfuiindland making u separ- ale arrangement. "THE EXACT STATUS." Mw th* AmvricMtiM % ifW ill* .iiir-ti.,,. f ICrlrrrnrr to I r 1. 1 I r . I I . , , , .,1 th* tl-kn II.......I ., r Washington. May .".> To elmr up ini-iiniler-tanilinn- which a|ipear Ui I'H-t t >th in Lonilon and to some exu-nt In this country, as to the exact status of the neKotiations betwei'ii the Itnusl - and tireat Hritain p'-pwtini; Caniullati American Issues, the !,.il.iwni|{ suttement of the occurrence* which led to the IT. - rat comlltion of affairs has been tecured from the belt of authorltv When the joint huh oommiKsionn ad jourued It wiw beeausH it had n-uehisl an apparentlr In-urmyiintable olistacle in the shap.' ,if the Ala-M boiin.liiry que- tlon. After the adjuurnincnt the two (Governments took up this i|iie<tton with Tiew to ttlinif it an.l thu- remuvinic It trom the path of the many other Im- portant issues inTolveil. There wen- n inner, .us delays. O\V|IIK to the need of exchanicinic views h'twivn Lmnloii. Washington and Ottawa, anil the inthor- lti,-s here bi<cnme i-onvinc'd that an adjustment was h,.[M'lea. Hut the tivlinK in Umdon wa more ho|H.ful. and when >ir Julian 1'auneefoie reached London on his way to I he llatcue he held c-onfetviHVs with 1-ord Salisbury, whiah re^ultol In a dullnlte pnipuxal for settllnu the boundary i--ne and removing it as an obstacle to the Work of the e,innnls-i,.n The chief point of thin proposal wan that a separate tri- bunal of arbitration should |>a.s on the boundary i|ii.stlon It \va- i-ommuniiMited to Ainbasmdor Chout-c and by him Co the Statu Department. . .,, ..i . Mkii . i ..ii.iii ,..,, Juct an the actvpbtnc>- was about M> be given, the officials here wen- -urtirissl to hare presented what they regnrdtsl an an extraordinary condition, which C'nnada Imported in connection with the iiibtnis slon of the i|iiestion t<i arbitration. Thin condition wns that, in any event, Canada should have Pyramid Harbor and a strip of territory in the Lynn Canal, without reference to the (jeriral eunelti-ions reached by the tribunal of arbitration. This port and the -trip of terrltoiy on the coast would have carried ala the back country itndlntc to the Interior. It was ill-cults! tint t<i accept this comlitlon. and a pen-mptory refusal wa.s Kiven 'o the proposition. Thus the matter st.'inds. If It is withdrawn, arbitration may yet be arranged as a menus of settling the boundary The opinion In the highest quarters seems to In- positive that with out some such adiiistmeiit of the boiunl- err matter the resumption of work by the joint hiiih nun mission on the many other ti>lc i-onsldcn-d i- im|Hissiblu. I llr -. .|. II. ,,.-. I Lnndon. May i The rcpun to The China Gazette of .Shanghai that Great Britain has ajfr.ssl to transfer Wei huiwei to liennatiy two yi*;krs heitee. in return for German concession* in aouth Africa in denied here GOVERNMENT MEDIATION. Ili U.T.It, ttlriko l>ieo>d ! ParllB- HK-UI iMrl.ln.l. ( l.i. -', L. l Mopa*. Klii|-t.i .tn. I t i r II * r* Napanee. May 'i. The r, 1 K brmiir'u 11 laborers from Victoria lirnltnt unil placed them at .\a|taiiee. along \VH.I tlv Frenchmen brought fnim M.'nlri-.-i: :iml sworn in at Kiu^iton as -i ....: nm- s'ablc* whusf duly would in- in gimrd the ittjovf lalmn-r- v. ho were in ]HUrol the track. When morning arrival men positively reftis.st to go <I\IT ihc track, -tati'iit tliut they were imi irack- nit-n. but bridgumcn .in.l would imi <lo trackmen's work or lake ilu-ir places under anv con-i,!.-r u ion. i in ar-iv.i. .ii Napuiiev a'mut ~. Saturday evening anil appivmi: l'ir icf.iiim.slaiion u.nie of 'he hoiels or boarding house* would either irive them lodging or supper, n.ir would tli .Hit- .if llie t.vn siipnlr |ir.iv-i,in. i stroliif Is their -ympnlhy with tin- -Ink- inn triiekmen, 1'i.jv i*i..n* :-ir the l.i'tmivrs were tin. !ly [irocunsl from U> !) I In <*< I ti..fll 1 .l:tfl. Kinxnton. Out.. May '.'> 1'lmv .imi'li loiuls of uifti nnc h.il li"ie -ariiuliir t<i work on the >'i 1 K I he men h.i none sure sjj. who -siv th. v ilnl 'MI tf^jnyt a tnvkini'M but .14 I htrksTuiths nil hrulm In: l-outf has sworn in Montnttl men to act ax |i'ial uonsLables on the line. %11U4ll.HI 41 ^lollllfltl. i- 1 in i- n 1HI.: FK>TOCLH. Sir Wilfrid I .iitif r I ..nnot t Uh.r \ITl-m or Iiiv Auierlcoa Krp.trt. Ottawa, May '.'. Sir Wilfrid Laurler wa* la*t night *ii-n with reference ti the statement from Washington that the Canadian commissioners demanded I'vra- mid Harbor before they woultl submit the Alaska Umudary question to arbitra- tion. Ue said that he was not at liberty to eay anything beyond what he had al .luiv stated, for pnhi'c IM..II and that he could not make any addltl.u.al state- j ment until the protocol* were published. He added that he regn-tu-d thai pvrmls -MII t., publish the protocol* relating to the Alaska boundary queation had not been given, a* their public tlou would have prevented several miiwtatenicnM being made In the American Drew, some of which had been officially contradicted. AH this question had been removed from those K-fori- the commission hy Its being referred uv the commission to their r-- pectlve Oovernments. be could -ee no reason why the prot.H ols relating to It shtiultl not be mmle public. in iw . - -...-..-IT Kobhor*. Ottawa. May aw. The robberies which occurred atiioiiK Otuiwa four hundred bout a vivir a^o and <-rout*-d such a furore of ' cvi'-em. in. have COMIIIII need again In fact, the thefts have town going on In a quiet way for mue mouths. At Miir _'--Ih .Inintion m the niali.-r ul the cinuiil Irutik -.ink.. remain-. -. l.ir .-- .ettnusl. HI statu .|iio All s.irt .if n-pori- n*Kiirdint{ fun'ter tn ' . timhi'i^ ! |prne;l iletlnit. Ir Tin: iintn*l Trunk |ii|.l.- will onlr -ny thu' m^n's jil.iee- ;in U'lti,- mpiilly ll'.Uil ml ailing the tine l.tlr. *^l ..... . .1 II. Ml . I.... Hamilton. M i\ j. l'i.--tr Q.T. K. t.rui-kmi-n . r|,,,i- aNnufl hfn' K.ntrlnwr- .mil tlremen .if the niiul aitendeil th. ' ' n. IIK'U) trlkers Ti-sienUiy .ifi.iii.Hin .in. I ilt. r- WunK sent i i.-l.-.^niiu in r , hient of the run. i it Monti-mil i.. !.. If there Is not U-tinr |imiifi.lim iktfnln-l lieeldi'llts ^IVell them 'ill the Illle they will strike The -tnk.'i-s .ire in, in- dfhTiniiiiil than ever ihitt all their ,|e nuinds shall U- iiee.st.il 10 Is f. m- i hey if turn. \\iini has ls'ii rivcued from in.- \lui ister ol .lu-tiee that no iwtion will or t.i-,1 n will) ri-.;.in! to the lm|ior>jitleli "I .lllells. Ill View .1! the l:iet that the nail. 'Hal iimiiiii ion '.i>l vear a^-is-e.1 th;it the alien law in CaKiubi -hall remain In alu'yaiux Until t'tut.sl States "(Tli'lills \lolale Ihl- IIIHlerstMllilltlK 11,111 1) Mills says theie will In- tin nripweiition in I'anada. I ll. -Tr.W. Id III. Hi. 11-^ Dtbtwa. XI. iy .'. In the lions.. ., n Saturday Mr. K F. I'larke rvferrwil to the strike upn the lirttml Irutik. :md snmtestisl (ioveniineni uitfrlfrvi iv for th. |init4Viioti and -stfely 'if thf t.rarellitm publie. Hon. Mr Hlair while e.\]ir. -Tiiipathy with the men. thought the diiiv did not devolve upon the Tiuvern- tin nt or rte|irttiieiit ,.f Miterlerim;. .mil hn|MHl th" ililtieiilty would t- >ttlud. Sir Wilfrid Ijinner. who s|x>ke In a -yinpa- thrtle si i run \viis iloiibtful a.i U> th pnulemv of iJovei nment InN-rten-nix 1 at pn<tk'nt. but intiiont.il that if the -iriki* eontinuisi afil th opDnnuniiv ollensl. the itovermm-nt would not ! aieis.- 'a asslAtlntt In hrliiKiutc .ilsnit. a settlement of th dlffieul'y UKK\Kl's' i. l I n i l . It ! t H lir >run.l i nurl-MiirlUI ll-l.l I liil-l.lr ..I I .. . Lonilon. May -'. A upecUU duiipatrh fnini Harls. ns-.'iTl here, sjiv- llie iiov- eriiiueiil olW'iaily annonnci*! that, l)r.'y in- will be re-tried by a emirt martial. the sittina of which Will be held In a Karrt.soii M\vn distant, from 1'iirin. T'he pnx-eeilltiK 1 ' tn 'he t will he public, although the tfrvati'r piirt of the eourt room ban bevn ixneived for ticket holder* The procedure will oinsist of the nmllnx of thi> r>-|iort .if M iiallot de Hiviuprr, follow.il In i sjuwh by Maitre Mcrnard. coun--l for Madtitiif DreTfus, and the address of the nubile |>r.iMvii!or, M Mnnau. The i oiirf will then n-tin to delilx-nte upon a venllrt. whleh i' i-i i-xptvtvd will be rendered on Kriilay ,ir SiitunUiy. i>0lcra Ar M ., ....I Purls. May -JW. the MIOI-UT for War. M. Camilla Kraut/ ha- is-mxt stringent onlers that HO .ilMeei-s. either In elvllllin e. si nine or in iiiiiliirin. shall frtxpllivnl tlie I'aliwe of .lustier or Its precincts this wixik. during thu )Hihho heimitf of the demaiiil for a r>-\ ision of th Dreyfus trial and duriug the trial before the Court of Vssl/e of MM. Paul D..niul<sle and Mane! Hubert on thu charge of pruvokint{ offuiK<e uffainst t lie nwurlty of the Mate and 'toitlug thu army to mutiny. Th ii ll. l.ni >l in,lerr. Wlnni|->[. M;i% ."i On Sntnrlur ninrnlliK the two lialielaiM (itisezak mid r/.uby, were hati|(nl in \V niinp,y ml. I 'll.-xpc. i.e.llT. Ixuli d'-playisl ifi.-.n nerve at. the end .'incl walkisl 1.1 the' ilii the itiiin f.illinx at s o'i I.K-k. K.iil.'illle lll.lile a tt'HKl loll. i!enth hflBg jinu'iic..ily iii-Uiii'.'ineiiiis, I'/uliy pruh-M ed his InliiKVilei' IKI the la-t. Lady (excitlly ( Have you fllnd my ap- plication for a dlvor e yot)' Lawyer No. nial.m uui I am at work on tbe papers now. Lady ihank fortune. I am not too late. Deetroy all pop*r and evidem-e at once. pl.-a*e Ijtwyer A rv.-otici!.;uion ha* been brought abont between you and your hus- band. I infer' l^uly Oracious. no' He wa* run over and killed by a freight trun thin morning, and 1 want to retain you in my *uit again*! the Company for Mild in Their Aet,.,n I':irmelee'ii Veg- etable r..:re very mini in tueir action. They do no: ratine u:";n i.r in the stom;u;h or CHiine di>turljaiiees tnere an o inanjr p.lU do. l'hiTef..re. lll inns' ilelict can take th^m vritutmt tear of nnnlamamal mtilta. lhr can. io. lie iclinn, iMrrrsI tocbiliireu without itupomnK tlie penal- ti which follow tue IIM of pilla uol M carefully pn-jmrvd. A lir.id Srtawm.. "Aunt Emrline has a thi-ory for reform- Inn rhe world." 'What l* it?" " Mother* ouirht to i-irhnnge childrsn." What good would thai e "Morhen always h\e -ueh mr;. . how other wouien - children ulioulcl be Sunlight U irood for erenrthmg but If the children --.|iinr physic none act* o ui-e an ilillcr \Vurm 1'owden; very t to .4 ltiifw frit. i. -rlt.*l l*in*d. Th* aljeence of eluld iruin whool in Switzerland. unl>- in nix' of illneM. it puiu-aed by a line, the amount of which U daily increaM-d. If it :- ..that the child a illncitu i* -liamrn,- I. .1 il.x taut by th .n.Mjl . .tad when be Is i-o urui. -iti that the -uipicion U cor- rect the parent* IIUM' t.. ; ,t . m- i e . Away with banging^, either above or below the hud. iiewara of a dtn>ty niuMy carpet; bet- ter xweetnami anil a txtrc floor. I>o .-lot fail Do pr>ivule -.une meaui for rent, '.ii ion durln* the n inn t. K 11 the bud eool while slivpitiir. but not by n draft of <',>M ,ur falling upon it. If a folding b.vl tnnst ne ustsl .-..nfririi ome wny to kw|> it .I:PH| rind wboiiiiue Let t!ie pillow be hitfh Hiioiitfh to briim the I'-nd in a natural poeition; no mom i TrKirouiihly air the sleeping room t^ery day: piare the iinils .mil beddin| ouuide as won [xis-i A dark, out-of the- way. unwholi>eome corner in no tm.r tlrtud for a tloeping room than for a parior. Mindrd'i LmiiLeui Cures Diphtheria. Malta to l> V.iili. ./-,i A proclamation ha Invi: o Malta announeii r - that, a/ter .!:., .-.i yan th* c.-.^..-ti Uni(uag will Ut nuimi.. uiJ for the Italian in ail the murts in the i-lanu, like the uw of the K'ench lun^uaue m trfXI't. tiie use uf liali.iti han been a gncsance lo the l-.-'t' - < > M..u. K1VE TO ID POT Mis IH T mouth lithe 1m riaai of w>-,^!u when taking .- IRON 1' A JEWELLER'S CASE. Mr. R. F. Col well, of Windsor, tells How Dodo". Kidney Pills Mlm f Olhor ",l M *rl f .f. DIMM*. Aftor olo* J I'll-rlT 'i K14aT Pill. M.ip- lm Frool loo Slort. .. Him >l,i.-h P.tifi-. J.>w ut .rn. with n -<-ven ring*, I out Uat; The summer j.i'l >. . Cau boost 01 m,.if t.'iuii t aa*. \ -i 1 1 n ^ . . , .. ,i i , .. . Ir-m v!-.'in< Hi|>ular in Qer- mai- . I ' -liver, and he -heei lily int-.iure on,- umth of Mrs. Palmer, of Fenion Falls. Tells How She Suffered. t....ni.-.i i.. ll. r B.u (or r tlu.b. .. ,,n. -o N.I, 1. 1. Ttt.t . K..I Hot Ir-,. i ,, ,1 i> riorml I'poo It nnha( H*r nwwlA.lic*. Only thoM" who have frit the agun /.ing psKinsof iciatii'a c.tn form an> 'oneepnon f the torture whicii thr v.eiim under gon. 1 h - -if Mr. Job rainier of i -n on c'Ii. wis one ol unusual ob- tinacy and -rveritT. and she makiw the fol lowing iiftlda\ it in n-fervnce to her cur* for ihe good of liu inanity lam S9 year* f age and have hv.tl In this Tieuulv all my life. I hail alats enjoted the bet of h.-ulth until Novcml*r. IM'T. when 1 took stinging paJn in rny right hip. which trained 10 be in my very marrow ai il tlis-t-sl evry Miiix-le and joint. 1 kept up fur *evntl wevk. although offering the MIIM[ intense pnm, freely IIMIVJ Iinmii-nts ^uil man; other internal ui.l ciiern.il pr puratmns that sym;mthi/.- ing friend* would sii:; -e-t I wan then .oniiN-lletl to stay in !HI|. a> I got *o weak ntl run down that I uld ait up no loii^-r 1 r.H-eivrl VMTU! euiir.H.-i> of medi- cal treatment, mich as elm-t.-ic hattcriea. poulticing, etc.. but got no sc from the sx, ruciutmg t'-'i"s "Inch would ijioot It-wn through iuy leu inio my very heel, where it caunixl a bursting fee mg Often I prayed that my heel would burt. think ing this might give relief 1 he ',imb at lui Ivenmu so numb tlint a hot iron could In- placed upon it without my Ii vin< any knowledge of it l'hi< -It-sing or open.ng ->f a door or anyone -nierinn or moving %bout in my rouiu nccmed to increase the pain. Fur w, .-ks 1 'ould not move any part of my txnly and ti.ni to lie :o on* pONiiion all the time My brother wae .ured of rheiKtiati.su.. after every other reiiie.lv had failed, by taking 1'r Wll- n.iii,- I'ink Pill*, so L thought a a last re*ort 1 would try them As the direc- tions anl that in severe CAMM three pill* xiuld be iifely taken 4: a doMt. 1 took this number thns> tnm-s a day for about a week although I got the relief I M long had preved for tn thrc days after taking th* nnt doee. Then I kept on taking th* pill* two at a do**. ID a wek after com- mencing the pill I WAS '.i. to get out of bed and drwi myself ami a few wai-kn later, when I hail gained mrengu, .-nough, 1 wan able to attend to all in- household dutieo. nnd I have ever -in. njovad th* Ut of hilth. KrieiuN in,! iiKighlrare who were conversant, with my cane can ills*) tell vou of my ten il'l >ut1,Ting anu th* remariiabl* cure t-ffecred by IJr .Wil- liam- I'mk "Mil*. Sl'MK I'AIMKR." Taken nnd di-clansl U'fore mo. at Ken- Ion l-'all.-.. Ill tli, ' VH i T,a. thii llth dar uf May A II ISWH. 1)ICK-H)N, J.P. \V:-.:i.,n. May US. ! no olty in Canada ha thai cci." rated medicine. 1- n-'v l':!i. nn a brighter reconl t n in Windsor Ihe number of pers.ni>. .-urrd oftlea.:;; Knlney Ihnaeee by l...l,r Kul iie I'liU .r r u turprUiugly large aud m. ri-a-st- ,i.. ' i-ie of the Ute.t to testify to the magic power cf Uo.ii! Kidney Pills 1*. Jeweller R. K Colwell. No 'J i 'in l.-t to sin-el 11* -"I have endured for two yntr* th* 'ro'i. 'ui.-k .wile am: in the loins A putHni-e* appear.sl under tin eye*, my limb* bluuted. and my urin* won of a dark, unnatural color and bad dor "I tried many rvin, ,!;,-. but ail failed to help me. When I ancertaincd th.it 1 had it' Uiaeaa* 1 be, ame tiionnighlj alarruixl I wa. t Id of the o|t!ca.-y of Oodd'i Kidney I'KU m all UIM*M-. and I began to u-.- th in "After the flrat few doe** I began to Im- prove The pain* left rni>. my sleep be- came ton ml, pufflneM and blna:mg van- ished. my urine mnnied it- normal <*jn- n and my health grmlua.lr became all I could wmh it to be. I u-.s| unly a few boxen of Uodd's Kidney I'.iln, bu* they cleaned ray system thoroughly 3f that dnntd cune- Bright'* Difwaw." There i* no ca.sc of llright't DlwaM. D\m- bete*. Dropsy (Join, tirivel. Slone In th* Bladder, KheumatUra. Lumbago. DiMaM* of Women, ir any other Kidney Diteaae, that Dodd'ii Kidney Hill- will not cur*. Dodd t Kidney Pill* are sold by all drug- gUUat flfty -enu a box. six boxi>< (V VI. or rnt. on ns-eipt of price, by The IHxid* Medicine Co.. Limited. Toronto Ont inltnwl- on -i<tt*>l Put*. It In well known fiat many animals ap- point one or more of their number to act a* sentinel* to guard airainst nuriritt* while the re*t are aileep or feeding or at play Among the animal* i:mg th* word In it* wideit senw that are time pru'lcnt may be named the following: Wanp. ante. chAinoi* and other anielopae, prairie dog*, wild horse*, rooks, swan*, Australian cockatoos, zehran. quails, cer- tain monkey*, flamingoes. New Zea.and liver eye*, shags an. other birds, mar- mots, mouflon and other sheep, teals, African wild cattle, hnana.-o.-s. elephant*, etc. 1'bew) watchers have ! cen fitly .-ailed real guardian* of l! . : ilieir fel- low*. How's This ! Wp ofter I>M^ U.in,l-fil [i-.ll.ri rwnnl for ny cut' f 'auii m ili.it . .n.,1 bn oiru try i aU'iCUarrb fu-e. K. .1 rMJ'M'.Y *CO.. TulMlo, O. W. th nnilei signed, have k;,. v n P. J. Chrin'v lur ihn I .si '.f, y,.r-. ii<l .-iii-vc him fwr'irily hontirahlo In all hinlni-wlrsnm, tl,,u* an.) Anmi. -ikllv >bl te carry out n.- obliga- tion* miiilft y th^ir Ann. WBirtkTACZ.Wholcoil*Dr*,girlMS, T"lt,1,,, O. WAI.IHIIU Kis>s t MVKVIV \\ 'i,4 ule DTUIC gliu*, i .ii.-.i... o. Mall'tOakuTk CM-' iKtnkn Intarwlly actln* dlri-i-tly u|wn thr biixsl i-id mapoin turfaee* or iiifl irui TwtlmunUlt Mnt free. I'ric* 75O. per biuitlo. Bold li all Druggl-iia. Unit* i -".i to It. I*dy (engafrlnjt a : -w hnuMinnld) Dar phtif' Thit is much too romantic a name with young men In the house. I tuppotw you would not object to be callod by your urnameP Applicant Oh, no. ma'am; In fact, I'm quite u*ed to it. Lady What IK your surname? Applicant Darling Kxrrllent h>as<> - exist why f>r Thom.is' Ki ieci i ,, Oil -...ml. I lie used by persons troubled <M h ilf.-, ions of the throat or lungs, son-s u;iou the sk'ii. rheunmtic pain, corns, bunions, or ex- Irrnul injuries. The re i-on Hre. that it i* Hpcedy, pure ami nuol jectionable, whptner taken internally or applied out- wardly. A i.o..u -i, ..i. Candldatee for Parliamentary honor* have m Scotland to run the gauntlet of "heckling." Lord Glaiwow not the lat* one who ear at Butfuhirn. but hi* elder brother when Lord Kelbiirne. wa in th* forties a eandlilate for lirt-^nock At *BT> eral imi'tings he hal bwn *everlT "heckled" by a member of the black mind. One night meeting wa* called unusoailr mrly uml Lonl Kelonrne flat- tered himnelf that hi* mercile** h*ckl*r wonld not be nn--<-iit. No sooner wn his sne+s-h over than ay jumpeil hi* tormentor black and grimy, a* he came from his work "Lonl Kel- burne. said he. "If re'r* elqDted Parliament, what* the flnt thing y* wed take th* dooty off v " Lord Kelburne. hi* ere* snorkling at the opportunity, vnt towanis the l*r and laid. "Soap, yon dlrtr raecaJ!" li,-,mrphT. "Wnat 1* nn Island, pa?" "An Inland? Lt Is a dtwtrable plee* < land lurroundud by powder and 'Jbicago Record. A l.ro*>-t ..n.,lr Mr. P-H k- Hy jlng I liad a fanny dr UM night. It seeujid that I wa* away off In Soutn A:nca. where diamond* wer* lying all around me tfa tnjap*. Mrs. Peek Uld you twin to nee any a* mail a* the on* in th* *nggment ring you gave me? MINARD'S LINIMENT is th only Lini'nent a.--ki.-<l for at my More and the orilv nne we keep for sale. All the pcujilt- use it. 1! \KI.IN FULTOJf. Pleasant Bay, C. B. "that a Illoml Will Tll. "I think." mid the liairdre barber i* born, not made "Ye*." iwid tbe customer, a* he applied a piece of planter to hi* chin, "blood will always ell." i New life for quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pill*. Mmkron (bitt*rlri Yon have mode a regular fool of me since we were married. Mrs. Meek ton (coldly) Oh. no. I hare merely developed you. ~~ ^~ *~ ~ ~ Some men rewmt'le postage utampe; they stick to one thing until they get th*r* bat yon ve got t<i lick them ant. Seven and a quarter million bnahele af OTter* were taken in Maryland during MM. Give Holloway's I'orn Cur* a trial It removed ten corns from one pair of feet w 1 .' limit any pain. What it baa done once it w.l: ilo Km Experiment* to repmduce dead men'* feature* from their skull* are being mad* tn Germany So worm medicine .vis so nicely a* Mil- lar'* Worm Powder- no physic required. No picture 1* bung on the wall* of Louvre In Part* until tbe arid ha* aead ten year*. i, in,. ., Uif1orn. Birdcage bill Wot is a loafer* Why, a loafer n. a :,-,., r tiat loaf*, of oounw Ihe Uowery thicken Dat nhows your Ignorance. A loaler i* a feller dat ioaX* and ha* ue bank iu-coiint. Muurt,li, K lur . A London lady, who mourn* the loaf at a pel poodle, IUMI deemed it necemiary M M r .c-i e.-ial In MemofoMi" carxl* priuted in memory of tbe dog's virtue-. Health for tbe cnUdrem. MJllcr'i %i,rn> I'owder*. i.t. , n and Vollow. 'l.,,uie. I rould hardly ait through ta* rrnon." 'Sleepy. Arthur?" N. K y.nir hat looked *o much Uk**j spring salad mat it made m* hungry." liuarJ's Linimefii Cures Garget ID COWL M..III-. .,,.1 l,,.ii;hlr. Rairgii -It IK suit thnt Ham* Fertnn* k".'k once at e\ery man's door - Well, 't v.,1. her daughter, ! K 1 , trtiiiip, whoealle.l on me. _ eqnah II is a worm m,sli. une 1* Moth** - ^ ..r-n Kxtern n 'it or. The l wurtu -. Age.