Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1899, p. 4

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A bscntMTa wh<> tl" nui rttelvr tl-ir raa-ultil. will iilMMiiutlfy ui ttoiM*. Call i the office (or advertlsln* rat**. TIIK ADYAM'i:. FLr>IIKKTON.ONT. Boll' Bam. 5 hour*. Lamb. 1 hour. V*l, 3 to 3 hour* B*M, 10 minute*. Fowl. D to 3 hour*., 1 to 8 hour* Oymera, 8 iiilnut* . K(lK*. 3 to D inlnutML 1 iirkry . 1! to U hour*. Hominy. 1 to - hour*., 1 to 3 hours. Hire. 15 to 'M inmiiM*. Bains, sirnn: J It iiirm. C ffve, 8 to in inn tit*. Bruwa bread, 3 hour*. Clauis. 3 to 6 minute*. PCM, 16 to M inimitt**. Onion*, 30 to 45 minute*. Carrot*. S to do minulu*. Corned beef. 4 to i hour* i Squiuh, 2O to 30 miiiut** t-| ,:i.ich, 'M to 30 minute* U. aiis, shi 11, 1 to J hour*. Turnip*, 80 to 46 minute*. Chicken*, 16 to 00 mmut.a. 1'ot.nuen, 20 to 30 in mules. Panmp*, 30 to 45 uiluute*. Corn, Ki-uun, 6 to minute*. kliirarom, M to .iu minute*. loiiutlou*, 15 to M minute*. A*| unaKus, lli i . -ii minute*. Uevf, it la mode, 3 to 4 hour*. Bnioketl tongue, 3 to hour*. C'aulillowiT. ISO to 40 ruin me*. CvxllUh, minutes per pound. Ik-viK, young, 46 to UU minute*. Oyi-u-r plain, 3uto (>u minute*. Kwevtbrvada, w to 30 minute*. Blueflkh, 10 iiiirni i . pi-r | uuud. lia^utock, 6 minute* tier pound ffinull flh, mmuU' per pound. CabbuK*. J"U"K- 3U to 46 minute*. Egg*, hartl boiliil, 15 to M minute*. r-jiliuon., 16 minute* per pound. Halibut, ru. ir.ii. .j iiiiiuiii p*r pound, i MR. W. DUNN'S CASE Oodd's Kidney Pills Cure Another Dundas Man. W* Affllrt.,1 With KhomatUaa fr Is Yra- ui n ,n. i .il-.l i,, K.. II. . r I in. Till II. Tok liodd'4 Klrfii.jr l-lll.. Diinda*, Marrh 20. "Qntl*men," re- utrked Mr. William Dunn, a well-known telephone lineman, to a group of hit fel- low workmen. "Gentlemen, I have suf- ferad untold ngony from Kheumat ism dur- ing the past twelve months. A ponton who ha* not felt the pang" of this painful malady cannot ooni-fivu the torture It In- flict* upon It* victims. 1 could get noth- ing to give me relief, although I doctored constantly and took various rcmedle* "Than I l*gan using IXxlu"* Kidrey Pill*, and almost Immediately a divided change for the better took place. I uxed altogether throe boxes of EKxld's Kidney Plll-i, ami am happy to *ay I am thorough- ly rural. You may talk of doctor* and their medicine*, but give in* DoJd * Kid- Bry Pills." Mr. Dunn's remark* are In a line with the publicly exprrMrd nacertion* of thou- sand* of other grutcful men and women who hre lienn cured of Rheumatism by l>Mld' Kidney Pill*. Kheumatiiiii U caused by Urio Acid In tha blood. Urlo Acid 1* left In the blood by diseased kidney*, which are unable to filter U out. The only way to cur* KheumatUm I* to rt more the Urlo AcM. The only way thl* can be don* 1* by the Kidney*. The kid- ney* cannot do It unle>* they are Btroug and healthy. Dodil > Kidney Pllli make the Kidney* trong and healthy make them do th> ir work properly by making them abl* to do It. Them can be no IT rle Acid in your blood If you u*e Dodd Kidney Pill*. That I* a faci that cannot Iw disputed. It follow*, then, that you cannot possibly hare Kheu- tca imn if you uso Dudd'* Kidney Pill*. Try them and be convinced. Tber* never ;i, .m.l never will bej, a miTerl pmnaOM, 111 OM rrmedy, for all III* to winch tle-.ii 11 lu-ir the very uatur* Of ninny curative* being MII li that wer* the iierius of other ami differently *eated di^-i^ei rooted in ill* >>yl*iii o! th* palirul what would rrlinr* on* ill in turn would nciimvnt*) th* other. \V* bare. hownver, in (juiitin* Wine, when OblMluubi* In H Koniitl iuimliilter.i:r<l title, H remedy for niHiiy Hiul previous lilt. By lt> ami unlitiout use, th* lriltt ) U-mi me led into touralescen. * ml otreuglli, by Ihr Influence nbicb <Jin- Cin rli-rii on Nature'* own rn.lor.UM > > Ilrelievei the ilro<i|.,u 'piiii-. of in<* wiih wliom n clirnmc mate of morblil <(> pondcncy and Im k o( intrreit iu life i-. di~r,i-c. Mini, li> lr;mqiiilii:iiiK the nervet, dipoen to Hound nml rffre^iiinu Meep ImpMrii viunrtothe net ion of the blood, winch, bring (iiiiiiliiipd. connm llironuh- out lh re nm, mreni;ibpninii the lieMllhy ninntl fniii-t inn ol tbe vi>Irin, thereby making activity n nei-e--Hiiry reinl;, IreiiKliieniiiK tlio fr.itnc, ami KIVIIIK life to the ili^r-'.ive nri:.ri-. wliicli naturally demxnd increiueil Mili^tnnce reult. im- rn veil appi-i ite. Nnrl lirop ft o? orouio. Imve yuen 10 th* |iiililu: tbeir lipeniir (jiiiiiine \\ IIIR at th* rule, MM, |MHK*d bjr th* opinion of -.i-ii-titi^ii, thit wme ap|iri.4i iirs iir.ii'->L perfeciiou of any Iu Hi* inarki'i. All <lriu;)ii*t> *e'l it. No < itin ). i .. in i.e r,,- K llil. No compromlM < \n lie made with Qod. II* I* unbending in His righteouaneu. Con*equcn?e* do not detvr Him. He will not annul the force of any law that H* ha* enacted because of the awful personal result* of trantgrcHslon. It 1 thl* that give* unihaken >tul>ility to His govern- ment, and form* the bani* of absolute con- fidence In God and lilt purpOMS*. Illtf Hlld Vl.nll'tl. A practlral wanting dral* with th* <)<K-5tlon of drink '1 hero I* no doubt that riding long ilinranceii, oven If only for pnMlmr, goneraten a oon*lilerable amount of hil, and, ron- q urn tly, thlrat. "llo- nieinlier," wiy* on <-i|vru.>ncml phytid in, "thnt alcohol iitlimilate* th* heart and , elrculatlon in much th* tain* way a* i rciM dues, and that If you UMJ It In any form whiln whtHillngtli* reliction lupeudy and far-reaching." In the nine way a long ride *hould ni-v.-r be undertaken Im- mediately afu<r a plentiful moal. thl* *>l*o tonilm > to Interfere with tbe heart 1 * ac- tion and rc-Epirv ion. They Never Knew Failure. Careful oV nervation of ''IB eflVcts of Funnel**'* Veui't-able I'ilU hits -|].i ii that they act linmediaiely on the di-iMsrcl origin* of til* lymem mnl stmiiiIiUi llirin to healthy ac- tion. Tin-re in. ty !> ' .isei in wnirli th* div tcse has IK-I-U; and doe* not easily yield to lueiluina, Inn even III iiucli r IM-S these Pills l.tive lieen known to hr 1114 retirf wln-n all other no-called reme- dies b.ive faiieil. 'i'm-st- a-i-vrtions run be Miiist.inti.iti-il liy many who it ive uv.-<l the I'ilU, and mrdical mcu kiwak highly of tliair quiilitie*. . r..w Hi uf JituriiMlixtn In J >i|>n. It I* eighteen yrari sine, t e flrt Jitpan- newspaper was i--:.i; li-l,nl, and now there are in nist. n r 0?u daily and wt-i-kly papur*. IK law ma^uinm, 3o medical niagazinen, H *cicnii!i.-. .mdalargo num- ber of religious journal*. Mental and p. \ .. .! .n-nvity are pro- dui'iii by Mil:, r t I'miipound Iron I'ilU. llHliity I 1,111 Flnt Proud Parent I am a daddy, and It I* a i<u.wh. becond proud Parent I am a daddy, too, but U I* a pair! \Vhlt the Women Ar l>oln t . RuMla po*M**e* over 300 female doctor*. The first reataurant for women only wa*) recently opened in Copenhagen. Dealitr* in pet anim .U and bird* ay that women buy mom than half th*dog*. A Norway (Me.) girl ha* jut flnuned writing a novel and lia* put It into typ* with her own humU , At the recent nunitary oongre** Mr* Wuki-ford *ui;grtod thai a K iri ihould not IK- allowed to marry until she pogaenued a knowledge of hick nur-ing. aanitation, rooking, a knowlnlge of the human body, personal hygiene and the dalle* of mother- hood Chine women, at least about Shang- hai, are becoming very up to date. It I* becoming by no mean* unusual to see fair celiKtUl cyclist* in the ;, and th* new weekly Feminine Magazine'* Itaff I* entirely com poxed of Chuntso ludie*. 1 The grent lung in found In that excellent medicine KO|I| on Kickle'i Aati i inplive Syrup It sun: lien and di- mi:iii.iirs i lie sensiliility of the memhrane of the throat mi'! air p.i^.ix'e, and In M ovi r.-igu remedy for nil nu-.-li-.. cohU, iio ir i-i-i".-., {kiin <>r Mireness in Lhe client, brcini-hiii-, t-ii-. It Inw cured many wlien ktipiiowil to be far advanced in couiump- tiou __^^_^__^^^__^__^^^__^^^^_ im for i.-. ...| i -.-.. What dairymen should aim at 1* to eouru the ln-st cuw-. tlu-y and try te*V ingeuch cow'* milk by churning *epar- ately. and ascertain for *ure whether they pay for thrlr kn-pmg and give a little pro- fit. They can be satisfied with a imall profit, but cannot afford to kip cow* at a IOH for the benevolc-nt purpone of supply- Ing dairy product* to consumer* at a low cost. Kxceltlor should be the watchword, and the poorer i-ows kept only until their place* can be filled by better. Keep Minard'a Liniment la Ib3 Boost. H i. n -I... . Ir. I /.lit.r*. A* most people k no w, a cow or two paa- tun-il with *heep will protect th* iheep frum dog*. But with dairying, a* prao- tintl nowaday*, It I* not everyone who can *par* a cow to art as shepherd. A Maryland breedrr Kays tho L)or*et sheep n.M-d rn-lther cow* nor shepherd, being ' abundantly able to fight theirown battle*. One of the ewe*, he says, left the flock to attack a wolf hound, and 'made him for- get which way h init-inli-d to go." Miller'* Worm Powders ur* all ail- ment* of children like m.iglc. >.w Tr.l l-.i < owl. A French experimenter *ngge*t* that the X ray* furnish a ready mean* to de- tert stony Impuritic* In coal. Carbon U very transparent to th* Hontgen ray*, while silica 1* opaque to them. Conse- quently th* sili'*, which form Ug when coal 1* burins:!, can be *een Ilk* a kk. -It-ton when v of the coal U projected u|>on a tluore-uvnt screen. Mimrd's LlDimeat Is used by Pbjslclani Ciiuru Th* high court of Kngland cost* fh* country about 1*00.0 a year, th* expcndt- tut-cH being UOn.OUi and the ni-eipt* 1400,- 000. The salaries of the judge* come to 148, 41U, and those of other ofliciul* to Ki3. The pensions of retired Judge* nmoiint to 20,676, and tho** of *x -official* to X66,0t). isk for llDtrd's tod take uo otber. A Purely Vegetnlilv Pill.-sParmel'* Vei;*t.ililit lllls Hre roiii|H>uiideil from iiunv w iiw IIITV IIACII tiirin null tury i um- nienil l lien i ~i IM--. In il) iiM-puua anil tlioie niijrc t tu liiliniisiicw w bu are in queat at Imitllcuil iDeilicinu. Chill'* ( <>p|ir n... ui Adrlce* from Valparaiso state that th* eoppcr output of Chill has increased con- siderably in ih last few year*. The cop- per boom 1* (aid to be ttlinulatlng bud- in th* country in every diructlon. I rmn a BOH of th* mane* wlih MCf- AlUi's LlSIMKNr. D*Jk***jMt Ciiiiisrxiruaa SAUKDII*. I n lit p * n*BK. i sill v tnrn by a rtti-b fork. w i , MI\U1 I.1MME.VT. | 8L. I'eter's. UB. EiiwaiD Lixuir. I . i in n A IION-H r.f a bad iwHIIna- with I1IN- AHI>s II MM KM'. UauiuKi, II. U. THO*. W. Faiam. I Mlllt-r's Worm 1'owdun the medlcln* for children. It.llltlllll II, < t.KVt III Hi lln(n*. Kalaer Wilhclm tin* authorized th* Dominican* to reestablish thnr convc-nt m t ologuc. Snlut 1 IHHII.I- Aquinas and Albertu* Magnu* arc among the great mun who mad* thu Cologne rloister* faiuou*. A book published in Japan 1.000 year* ago note* that at that time good (ilk wa* already produced in 36 province* at that country. Ther* are uld to be fewer suicide* among miner* than amoi g my other ela** of workmen. ll-.u.. M ..i. Uln**r ll- A simple wny of making plain ginger ale Is to boll fresh ginger root In water, an ounce of th* root to each gallon of water. Jut M you take It from thu lire, and after It 1* qultu uplcy. add the grated yellow flml of half u Ic-nion. When cold, strain; add to each gallon a pound of sugar and the julcv of two lemon*. Dissolve half a yean rake, add it to th* m xlure., and let It ferment fur alxtiii three hour*. liouU, oork. uinl tie down the orks. llcifd's Liolment l.niniifi man's Friend. >..i i n ...i. A Oerman lilolo^iht hn.ii discovered that the two Milr* of the )ui man face are not like. In two out of flv* p<t>plo the eym ru o*t of line. In serun out of ten. one ye It itronger than th* other, and th* right ear U always higher than the left Deafness Cannot be Cured bv local sp|illcfttlnn. as Ilisy cann t re-ich thi dli< usi-d |nii ii'.fili. ,- r There I* only KB* wsy to cute IVafurftS ant tliat in by runstiiu- tlunal i i-tii'-1i.^ li. . f ,it is - at ii-il by S.U In- Hine I <-- million ,,| tin- lnuniii lining of th* ICiiaiurttlaii "I"- \\ h. ,i t)u tube, gels In- lit cd you havs a imibl DK snuiul ur hn|H>rf*ct bcsrniK. snd wln-n It is iilirvlv c-iost-d D ufue* ls lln- result, and u I ss lli<- uitUmiiiatl- nosn b* tftkon < ui in i tlir lull.' ri'tt i cd to Its normal rendition, hearing -ill b* drirnyed f-r"vr; ma c-asrs out of ton aru CHUftfil by c >tarrb. * lijrh is iMiihinu hut sn li rtjinrd c uditiuu Of tl i m cm inrnei s. We will ;n llnndttil t>*llsrs for a y > of UunlnrM i tiusi d in rsl rrli) that i n- not lie i ui'-il liy Hall s Caiurrh Cure. Hund for circular, 'iee. f. J. CIIKXKY k CO., T*l*da, O. TSuld by OruKgiX*. IV. An Arl if - ,l|., . 1 1 . Pnrfreon Qcn. Sir James Mount, who died recently at the ae of 83 years, won th* Victoria cros* itt lialaklava by volun- teering 10 i o nut and dress he wounds of an otllrer lying In an uposed situation auucr the UiikHlan flm. Thousp ' LI i Her. Tena j. Severn I Id e, w 'te-: "1 owe a ilebl of K-a nml l > i r. I nmiias' Eclec'ric Oil fir i-uri-g me of a oever* t-ohl that! troubled in* nearl -ill lust winter." In or ler to (lire < nii-tns to a bucking couir*i. take H id i Dr. Tho-nos 1 Ecleo- i Oil thric* a day, or oftener U tu* ug i spells reinli-i n. urc*isarr. A **w b.i k f. r TO r,nt*. Miller 1 * Kidui-y IMU ninl I'l-'isler. Th.T i nui" I r..m Miiil. All of the i-arlxms tiHl In making th* *o< iliamon dulls a<* fmind in the tat* of One weighing tf75 karat* wi*r.un I In ISO,-.. It wa* cold In Parti for lU>,nui> franc . (H'.i.HUi). Miller s Worm 1'uwJers cur* fits In child run. Increased vlg ir an I nv.u-ity follow th* D*e of MUi-r'i. Conii>o>in 1 Iron FU1*. II. .I...I. For I <rr> Ililnu In due Unix the pilgrim i-nnn- to a great town wheru they were holding oil Inturna eijKiHitlon "What. In- .ikisl n|Mtetfully. "U th* pur|x> of your i-X|Nwltl<iiir' "To n-lebrniit. i< ;ilk-d an Inhabit ant. with i-ouriisms comhiirciialon 'our gruat iii-hii vi-ini-nts ' 'And are yon MI much Ix-tu-r ofT by n- on uf tin's.- iu -hii veim-iiuy p.irsUi.-d tho pil,T,m iMili no notion of bving luiponl lirnt. however i i-ii. unly. ' replli-d the Inhabitant "Hut for these ochii-vcmunt* bow oould We have an exposition- Wtii-iic.i the pilurim nrrcelvrd that there I* purpuwi in all things I), inui Journal lnrr>-u- nl lititk ~i nucta Though the flrt tank steamer was Inillt ' only thlrteun \iuir-. niro, theru are now ID j tank vessels In r i-'.-m-.- n -tily all sleaui- en, wtiu a i-.- is'cr of 401,0^4 ton*. It I* not what yon **t. bnt what a* imllnte* that nourlihe*. MIl.I.Kil'd IHON FiLLa *w i*>itr Cancer Wa our* wiitKiut kiitfa or rl*t*r. M* alter kuW b*d 111* OtM, wr.l* t*t >*/ PHMNi T.N. STOTT & JURY, iwu ivuu HIT III. li-.l ..f I. ..I. I >lin.-.. Th* rlnhost gold mine In the world I* In Victoria, Australia, iimler th* thriving of HnlUint, anil in 80 y*ar* It h* yielded HAI New lire for a quarter. aiUlcr'c pvond Iron Pill*. Are you think ing of buy new wheel ? If so, and see the before you purcliaae. Write for a Catalogue, either Knglish or French, Gendron Mfg. Co. JRONTO, Ont. , NATIONALMTIOML NATIONAL NATIONAL NAriCHAL NATIONAL NAT.'GMl NATIONALNATIONAL EARNERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARM^S FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FABMERf COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMr- NY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAI FARMERS COMPANY NAFILiNAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIINAI FARMERS COMPANY NA1KNAI FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAI FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAI FARMERS COMPANY NATii'Ml FARMERS CCMP/NY NATIONAL BINDER TWINE K llstreBiclh: or. r 75 IDS. bieakinc strain full lenvlh w fe*t to th ixii.nii. r.,ll w (flit lli*. \> > each bale. No 'I uifuiit in the hinilrr eomiiaoily wound; m-iil.- entirely of pur* .\lanil-i H-nip Ithont ailulteiant "f any kin , alsMiitaty the b*M ***r Hi-rt-il ilia Canadian fnrroer. SO Ibe. NATIONAL TWI > E FOB 11 I ASH with any on* of th. f , , \\n-g valuabl* and useful PREMIUMS: I I - K .nit GOLD-PLATKD WATCH, stem wind- ing anil mem setting, guaranteed reliable time keep- er lady's or cenileinan'g size maker'* g-uaranlee witli each wati'ii SOLID GOLO KINO set with genuine Oarnet and Opal ^etna stamped and warranted with maker i Tr.nle Mnrk and guarantee. BIfSK'AL CLOCK, plass siden, in Nickel Silver and (lilt a linndHoine iirn.-iincnt and accurate time-piece. A never ending pleasure in the home. H"W IT K finHF The National Farm*rOi tells direct to prir- 1 Ulint . ,,,..,1 i, ., rt , lr Karmera: empluvs no mul.llt i a- I > -tits fall duty. We haw a lot of RATIONAL MINl'illR I' \\ I > K "i: ha nil - s > miM'h that thn bulk rate of in lei eat ait I ulur hr rt, on the money lock, il up, will am .m l i th.iu<-ui>l if > l.irv. Wi* wan to save that interest and icive It to the farmer m raluru for ea*h. That i* where lh prrmuni r mn In. {NATIONAL FARMER) COMPANY NATIONAL FARMER! COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMER) ICOMMNY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY FARMER! ]UMPAN NATIONAJ FARMEB COMPAN NATION. FARMER COMPAN ******************* ******** ************************ Tli ! Cfimimny rrservea t he rleht to refnnfl your money If the prlc of Hem |i u.l \ .inn-* l<y rt-.iMO i if the I'lill l||ilnv wur or other ciiu-i-. M.iiillit ll-iii|i t-O'llfa from tliv l*lil 1 1 |i|iln .- lal.-bml*. Olil>Klt AT O>* I. .mil make cerliiln nl yotlr ruaoii'* nu| |ilv Iwfore Hemp u<l viini'm. Ifcinlt MM. n. -v ton* only liy I'oetul Note. font Olttrv Order, Ex prraa Order or Ki-ul.UTf I l.,-lt.-r. \V rlli- your name plain ly. (I ve your pot nlllru .i.|. tire.** ami |MI the rullnrav atutlon to whlrh we ure to alil|> the I nl.i, . You pay In-l^iii <>i the Twine from roHONTO. wt sentl you tin- timnluin IT.-II.I|,I ID in. til or s pr.-a from Toronto. Ulxu-rve alum- <l I r.-i i Un- cure- fnllv BO w c.innut in.iU.' any mlalake III I ur u aril In L' your ffocila. Sur tln-rvnii mint .t .,- iitliMn.ur or i l-iuly't XV.ttch .iMualriil Clock or _ If In- latt.-r. svliil .1 |'l-c of utrlni; ur l>nrt<*r l/e r.-igu i-.-.l . tu AJilrea* all l< ttura unil make .ill remittances payable to win ,****** ***,*>.*,,, NAriUML FAAMIRS COMPANY NATIOMl FARMERS .COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, TORONTO. aVrnnnlrer* nre referred loany Merrantlln ACVDI i<1 to the Kill tor or thl* pupvr na to our respontllilllty . NATIONA FARMER: COMPAN! NATIONA FARMER! COMPAN! .... . NAIIONALKAIIONALHAIIUNAI NAI H.MAI NAI IUNAJL NfliiUNAl NATlC^i NATIONAI FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMER! CUMPANV COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPAN) EPUBLIC MINING STOCKS. i<11 " w ' l public. l in i n mil- l h - worlft. I am ei li.l 1 run pnat Mil V riKjuirrr umrml L,*>ii^ rin^, lluit^ K. . . v l l I \ ' ,,...,.,, L; "Republic Minin? camp of iutit l***illii*f with on*> Mll v w*l I luforinrtl % i >IM| iill4> nr ln>ndtn MIM! It. .-.(... |*rliio#>** >| . I'AI.KKIl. MniliiK llrok.r, 1 '4 Alleluia* th- rl?h-*i |ir..-r#-* of t>v ut* it K*>! |irchttr. It )>.-*.-nt f <n|. K**tii .-. r >. .1 Jiitnlv K.. loioutW Persiatic lithe name we rave copyrighted and apclied to a line oi <pcU ties for the destruction of in- sect hie and vermin. We have made the nam* lynonymou* with PURITY andSTRENGTH by careful manufacture and tbe use of high CUM ingredicn'v Cur good* are manufactured at oi r own c xtemive lab jratorif* in Stouifviilc, under the supervision of skilled chemists, and are guaranteed to do their work in a ounce* unarproach'd by any other preparation* iu the market. "The Pcniatic goods never iaU." PICKHARDT RENFREW CO. Limited, StouflVillc. PfRSIATIC PEKSIATIC PEKSIATIC PERSIATIC PERSIA! 1C PERSIATIC PERSIATIC PERSIATIC PERSIATIC PI* U*h Hone Wash Dot) Huh Plant rood Plant Spray Poultry Powder Hen House S|>r*y Poultry and Animal Bedding Fry ami l,u tc t Powdw VUnna has a burgUir who h:is be*n oon- bronkinit irUn-JUO house*. CDCR f rnCC * nia iiui. wi, n. rh luarj or of out BILLIARD AND POOL TAiiLES rh luarj f'ir uvuiof 3i1f full-Mud Lma DojIiMAl 140. McH; Laitr I urlia* HUnr Walob f or Mil Inf I doi DoflUa In lalol ana TMllsst ilMifn. Th*r oil ak if hi. Wntn.1 wooniltbeiB pouralil Hll ib'm, rl.Kn oir lonvyknd w prvmiilJr forvartl four wairll Ira*. I'noli1 N^w uiicl H--' in, .1- Hand. BOWLING Al L- YS AND SUPPLIES THE REID BUus , .,7 Kln W*M. Turooto. CAS. STEELE & BRISTOt. '"'; Tl "' . ..... . ;,: ; s :;: v; T. N. r . Wrtl* U*. HAMILTON. ~ BINDLK IVVINb AIND OMAIIIO IIIMIKIl TW1?K CO.. 12* I- roii St. We.t. Toronto. Out, < L ulil-nh. II 1"' ' HI MM, m ... |-|..h-llM. .1 C W . PILES, PILES I It "urea all tormt th* knit* ' a* been u*<I. It l<a w. mltrfej reav *'1 v U la alnipl* and Mfa ami la ire* to bu i at *. Hand adUraa* aud K<-I it trie. ^ 1 LEWIS, l U Sfcatw Strut, Toroiti.

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