Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1899, p. 4

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Thlnhlais Ur.A From the nr !. Jlnl Uujkljr .Yl.lila i w- still:* .*;; Lon .ioiviu.". IOIMT H" 1 ** Another'n can- hnti^rs by a hair. na-v WhoVi- there i inn*le ihen. is noharm. | Qud worWs i lie < ii-i-, the doctur takes ibe * 19lTl<T /o^- H. 4| whose cane wat regxiruxl in theCafailan bn the street a coupln of evening4aJtn. "IJello I I thin. tru,o that I hM> been W Mti(jnoW*l itf ' Khett- l) dd's Ki.ncy i'llmfl uskcd olina Lions. If I have lost are Mill here. '1 hat which the fool ilix-n in the end the wise- man does at tlio bcjrintiinK. A I struct from n Spaniard all his (rood qualities anil there remain* If you have a fi i.-nil in to Hut . ; |! a< liis .. \\lncli fltli of many curative* for tlie very imlure Ix-intf -in-li were turn t:: liuve;, oi^-^|l in, | wouTilj agvrrHvnte die inner. \Ve b".-i*r. ii ,Ui.,no Wh.e, niieli ' ihinnj iii ii ruimsl By .Up. Ki-mtiial, xuil jml.uvut. Use. the. fnfle'st's>i,((-iin nVe !el into c-Olir/ilesceru't ami sirfpgUi, by u,r irltnfMJi'l - uin yui- Dluc exerts on Nut nre'ii oitn reslorailves. li ii-. eves the ilroopuiK spirltn of those with whom ii chronic atnte of inorhld ile*- poiidsncr ami lack of interest iu life in a but IUO " - . ''Was It a mi ;-Notbv tP'li y, Hn fered more thaa 1 can dos<-ril.e. several of the remedies that inemleil an bving 'sure to euro' m-. Intl.- ti-miMirui^r' relief, uoflo went uny- win-re near curing mo. "When 11 fi-ieii.l me to try -pixld's ucj I'll Is I ileniMi r.-il. I bo ii-ved they no bettor than tho other reiniion I However, 1 bought a bof, and b ran to use them. "I soon began to feel easier My sleep cuiim luck, the terriliki pinin vnnjshtsl, made my curu complete and th. .rough. I outiaot xpeak'tob highly uf them and I sJuvll wo.jiuiu-ud every millcrer from H'II -im t-o u*. them,. kJiowi^y they will ptsltlviily cari> " True art U kot Inventing bnt asooc- nlxlng. f|,a i Men write their epitaphs in their acisf > n.-|.l. A nvrhhon ts a temporary saapensk>a of a vgnulen. ' . 'A 'f Thu man *Ue alms at nothing in life MStiulV/ hits IV . Virtue li Its own reward too often the only one It frets. . in i)ie man uf amall intellect trifles are momentous things. 1>" ill.- good io-day ; there fs time enough for ti'H vvll tOHMornnw. That inuii Is free who wishes not to eat-out} his present coudifioti. 'A woin.'in 'hiay' forget s>n unk nil word, but a compliment neve*. ' ' line thul which U uhruinutliutile. .-[.c.iU little and to 'tha joint and yon wiH-HrWaytfeMlrHtanil S.-1: H ~[ss-t U a HtatT on wbicu tbe more joy Inn. tiie stwiUor it will grow. Onu may not reuch the top of (lit; ImMer except liy t reading iln: lower routitU. 'I lia swsl)* is. t<n mail rthb hoi the L'aine js not tnu-ruxult.ol s.juie ni; great acr, \>ut Tiiila-r of tltt trtim.uitia minor acts Uuti, pricutru: It I Iu Niitiirv isiumn'^iin I ii.-n- are Carra, ?dave sii,,\vn con- I'--"' ti...r.. ... r.. HH-iliciiial Tlrtuen v.'ii uri:iu^r>. ,|ilan(h tirowini; ii|> il us n. .in a viiluw tljat cannot l>e cstirn:!'. ,1. 'It fa held liy j|h pVOVtilei li cdr* fc* every il.-,- tiava n..iy fiENDRON it ii.ii .i on i.rlf . i uiul upopi jiiitu. iluwtti-i-, M nfll known lli.ti 'llis, ditillrtl' from room ami herlm, ar u suverel^ii reiiiedy iu cur. UK all dUordvr* of Uie Uiue>>tio6. . a" diM-iise, mnl, liy " -'""fuliii'it JJ'l _'r*'t : *\ j _ " ;;:: di.po^. to oiind iiiJHfMlil(Ii{fi|p4(>><>i Miilii .1 l,.i. i.-l lh I I. ....I TU. I should like to say a great runny mors things if I had space. I should like- to asvr it developini ::: Philosophers *'.' after all in |:u - vinor to the iiriiun r 'of ibe* blobil, whicn. In- ii_- utimnl.iieil, coiir*enlhroii|cli All Uomi-n >tF II. IT.UT. The April LadkV Home Journal will contain the first article of a scries telling "How to IM> 1'n'tt.v 'I houKh PUxin." The author, who ban M-i-lUi-d all her itateoMnM, tnnlsts that It U wiihln'ea*y {Kiosiblllty fr tlie pLtinest woman te Ic pretty, and she thinks 11 not an unworthy ambition, tyood cun mum aenM firms' the basis of this author's udvtee to all women who wish to be pretty. __.. When ctoiWren are paK peevish and rcktlps* ti niRht they re<)uine a iont o- two 6f Mlllrrg t; ni to the ili i.k'tlie fr.tnu, iiml Kivlnii tne "r^.ius, niiicb i(i life and convictions may widely differ without affecting marrloil happiness, but fey really PfeilsQfehtp tastes must coincide; jThoy do tlm name things, VJJf to the same places, like the same peog)Bj Dnd the inn things fi;iuiy, and thp quired. .'. takp . . Ifl llirrrlu u .1 I ^.l.l II J Tt h.i only been a little while ago sii\o It wn tfmtiirht that a pretty ewM or ft tiny bunch of (lowers wit > he proper offering to i inn'K f rif.-iid n luwter Itajt. A h Una oT iM-ii'liii^ a t rillum H'fi I'na jv^wn.auU now, lnU'ad of the p.v pr growing plaol in f\ill flower and tleil with brtjht ribbinX SOf NATTONAl fARMEITS COMPANY MATIOIMAL. BINDER THINE NATIONAi NATIONAL NAIIONALNATIONAL NATICMl NATICNALNATIONAI NATIONAL FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMBS FARMERS FARMEWFAflM?*! FAtMfRS COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COM PANY COMPANY " NATIONAL "~ FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATHWAl ATIOM FIRMER UMfANf NATIONA FARMER: iOMPANl r" II sii>-a<th; over 75 ll. bif.iklnit strain. Full l.-:i.-i!i >' feet to the poi. no. Full wenriit : * IBP. (> ok bale. Moi-i inrl-K <n the lunrler eom|Mly woond ; mail.' rnilrely of pur* )laail.> ll^ni|> ' tth'iiu uUultti tut "f any kin , absolutely the beff tvcr '(T..r..l r.-iTiiirtlin firmer NO Itn. > A 1 ION A I. Ill M)KK I \V I >!: roll It t. ASH willi S4iy on* of tlu lullun !i f vatui>U and uadul PREMIUMS: 14-Kurat GOLD-PIRATED WATCH, item wind inc nnd stem wttiny , iruarantred reliable time keep- er lady's or rentkiuaii * sie> marker ' jcuarance with, each watch. SOLID GOLD K1NQ wt with genuine Garnet *nd opal from* otanpod and warranted with maker's Trade Mark and cuarantee. MUSICAL. CLOCK, gluss sid^ In Nickel Silver and , Gilt boadnoukconiainont and accurate time piece FARMERS iSOMPANY NATIONA FARMER COMPAN NATIONA FARMER, CCMPAN' NATIONA A never endingplenmire in th home. The Nail-Mini Karmais Co. se _ I V in tnif Kurmera : employs mi HOW IT IS DONE: FARMF COMPAl ***. sells rilrer! to juac . _ . r , miiiilla men r Sffentd. d"eS'AusliieHsluiilv 'i c .ah makm nu lessen Evi-rv .1 -- i !!!- mil duly. U' lave a lot at NATION 4J. UJNOfeB TW1 >'K "ii Imnil s > much tbat the btnk raw <>f Interest unt-flRer lisnasl. on tlir mon*7 los>i-ii i)i, ' am- m< to swnji i,u>u.ii.l dollars We wan* tn av that ititeri-fft ana s^vs it t.r tha farun*' n tatera f .roasb. That is whar tha | urn um c- mes in. COMPAN NATIONA FARMER1 COMPAN' NATION* FARMER: COIPAN] IMMIRS CWTfANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL Hnn*n* limit Illi-kma. i. ro bo union among us, ;:; Ride on over all i bstacles and win the wulu-s ut tlm giw.-c for i aru only n en In armor There are HO m.tny cough meili i the market, Ihut n in somelitntt't latoateil wlisih lo liny; bill If wi rough, a cold or nny affliction of tl or IIIM^S, W e wuiilil tiv Iti fn lifin-rfcyi-.'aifln'llfe, It ". euMi-r to gu down hill than lip. YOU lllllHt e\|.eet to g.) ollt *OII19 lll\y like the snuff uf .iiaiyjle, a man call but once. I- a oat klli- s nf luflilt. In qualitloi, tin j ous as pure ni/i in n A ( IKHIIN loY^ff.iVni tln-ir iliHfti-i r.iV"ii 'ruirt.epninbiiimn jansen jinta - ptili-n-il digest lull. I'linlielrv's V t-uetitble J^ I'll.", prepiin-.l uii v ,en nlli- principles, are so cumpouiiiled llvii <ii.ui ne.- The a substitute for cuff v -|-rj- .rnir-Ht. . . All "In one respect every woman^is'amttV dextrous." -Hi>w tto jr*l wke that et" <J ".She ram >*bruw- on aa ifoUwith h< left hand aa wi: " \o worm nusfi. in ii. ti HO nicely a Mjir ' 1 physio ' fARMFRS .u'd tUi i... i .....I ul on the Mikiri ' ._ mt It llksw^rhM. "Qh, MJsss)(nMiul ^vas) sq sorvyil VTr^ Imu-'t'lnies dried n n.l.i2. 1 a* ,fV ypU.when. jrpa cl>.-a i eth, * uy^ I, ;uts for coffis- '-Xl ""^ "'" '! oreodful hOaiUcl^o that 1 told my nialtti wj nt- Nt 'hoinn to an^ of toy rn . frie-'dn. 1 "utof eosirse Ithould have ; In them act upo torpi>r ami ;, limiy ti.ouii ; tluiony tu the pouiiiled llvii < pawt tlinlnili n ih Itowetv ><! Vo sy Ifmt Or TrnjimO'' Rolecirlc brrn using ll fur Venn, both li Hiid xteriinlly, anil bave always n.e. It is i.ur iiw Uiem ii> proper acilon. .Hi |.n'ii.ii.'il tu bear power in ibis rexpect. k I ei-elK <rl r n -e. ni4lier(e, I Jyi tke rccomrurminiB It." great "Cllqnos" in mugazlnr offices <k> not . |n> nutUf what is Afil, of wU. i tn- > i. . . n . -..]( . ' HriMi Ptiw.l hut* been a trreat snffbr- er (nun ilieimmiiini, mill Utely liv been o.Hilliieil to mf. lirxl. feeing jour MIN- AKD's J.IMMKV r ,lvenwed. I tried it and KOI fmmeulaM relief. I kscMbe my ,y. The onliffique' which r^u.^n,,,, to health to the wonderful iikine U a ollpao of editors r to ferret otC thu man oe *ndlt m^iWM o llthrencu ie-lif*' inlitosW wkere hu or *ha IIM-S or u his or her nuine H lulw.ird tffcrVen* i onu Lilly, nsatt'M-k of fowls mine strut .tun; u - . '<>ii. M-.H," sal. I OIIQ *fejuj-,sJ(ri,^Nti|iv, wtih n '_ his in-. ni, ''we've always m-en 'em 1 it uied bji Physicians. ower of your m(lU i I'.uriu, Nfld. LEWIS *. BUTLEH, iotrd'i Linimflfi ea( A ( II Ml |>| I III** Ike i e.1 ime Uli. I 'ill llm ht.'lisAui luka- le liAiiker lie \\assi-4tleil iMitween < el. liraicsl In miv, Minn. H.-' .tniloi-, 1 Mine, ill) Sine), ii|iiully noted fur her f^rlt. WishuiK t'*y iuuetla<<a( .^.. .. ^. to <ot ISB, lufeilcljfirjsil Aasjl,,^! |,.^, f ' I inn to U> thua pUaod IH.-IWUUII wit uud 'I . . -Yes, M I.ilin.le." aaroastlcally irplli-d ', Minn, its Ma. I, ".unl without possessing elluer." "* J v By tfUr set ion VT mnl r.oels. Miller's \Vi.rin I'.m-drra W(-,,iieet nil such triiiihles ss Inck ot A]c IliliilllKlless, 1 in.w slln-sH, siallow '-r * vl" " r fn Rmpi-rrir of (torrnany Is siiFH'a'lujvef of "lit rii-t'.nis thai, when an ,nl inter re- I i eiltly nreseil^pil him 11 h Mi- 1 snuff of 0>'. faini^n-l Vii'i'lei .---Mir nf Krwlerlek ilm lin-.u. Willi. unt irtice |i il tho lm\ lllle.l UlLjl llui U-sl slllltf, li i ii "Uiking" Ifex.-r since. > Kvur.v jiarsoii snilerlng from debility should t.ilo Miller's t ouipnUnd liuu Pills runt*.). I I snpioiie yotr know all your mistress' seemtH by thlN time'/ Ihc Mni.l -\Vlv,v, I know the rea), color of her hair! ,. A. t-. i-ii it- l i<^ h i i.u*f*. i 'I r* rVenrli goTi-rnm-nt Is hnlUllnit at C,i|m (li-isiuv. an eli-ei in- li^liihiiiisn which Will fin vullile al .1 illst.ince of IS ll|ils. 1* the li^ui of U.uuu.ouu orUimiry Wil candlci. "jAiwi^k fr .' Knhii'r Fnla mnl I'lu QO^enta. litstrr. 1 hr UUIM rclllj . T'.SONTU. list ******** *****f**+***********w**l tkorlcrit to ri-fiitul Viir IIIOIIKT irtli.- |u-lf. of ' ' ' ,. i uni|i,ui r,'^rf tfc<i rl lemii svdvsmcr* '-7 radson of the ruillpi'lnc r or Hiur can > . iiH> eaoai-a >M<I SMt llUll^iiln.- laluuda. OltUKR \f OX ft an . Hi cvrtulii vl \ "iii ai-4tHV4i'a.aui.ul v Iwtere K.inp ul \a NvrtiH muyief Vonvuiilv ny r*O4tl Nofe. I'oat Ultioo Orler, B* er Hrjjlalcre I letter.. \Ailt xour 11*1111- plainly, sjlve youe i dreis alii a l*.^ t tie riifl IT:I v atatloa to w hleli w ee t. l. i |. *4t >*">*! lr?1ic"f UM tlio 1 w im. f rsxrt . ollw N I i>. vtm awjail >.ii pn- f. ii\iif( ..r o i prvaa from Tbrmkl... ' OIM-rii> atM>\o if lullv ao " iiini.c mnke ny mUlnlnv MI i-i|ntiM; VB ix nr .- O n*i oltlou wh lltirc * Adtlr* llier>ou wiint u l ..- nt ' in .1 I ,. l l:lll. r. .-Illl U |'l.-,'o of ! t I >T r J ll|l... ,kl I Ull r.-mil t.un;- A >lviu-iil ( loi-k jajr . Ir.- rw<inl|v .1 ' ^.,,,,,.,,. NATIONAL FARMERS . el .. . FARMERS FARMERS F CUMPAKY CUMPAHY C Y. u i \a rn tttia fajii-i'-li. WATTH, w 'li ^cl , iharai. i . l(.|l.^l Tttm*f rf in ... nc-* mt m : i t Wall b anil Uu.pJ bj MT'IIM v r -"U 1 *' r ' > ** r . ' nmi id.ifMa. aa* MIornM ilk r\a!T>. >*>*'. ^ { rrvnlun. l-i.t. A. Mtmn l?wiMMt Tlusr fi. wjU ft- .0.1 .i; ^ttuti-nt, 40* H *H kM ah ike IHM<Un W tba brtt diaatoBiU. ami i aa a*ar I<***M lwn uff- ra BAY'S NOIK THE GEM 'TORONTO CAN New life for a quarter, pi-un* Iron- 1 'HUM .- i-i'v ' Miller'. C.n- '' .... ll .1 s|, 1 .U.I.I The lady | rim l|l of a school In her a4- vurtisemvnt inentii>m-<l her liuly KimiiKant sji-llbu repuUillou for tejufhiuu which she li-it tho nnjiter left out tk-o ward "which." so (hut the adviii 'Venutatfon frtr Tnle people should pound Ironl'iHs. take Miller's Com I her* ii.iul-'in u.yi)t.ol pairs of gloves 1 int.. this country leep Miami's Liniment hi the House, "Henry, how Jo I look In thU clre*sf" "ii'iu i -.e 'drubs look* ver pretty on you. nn Kept A.UIa- \Tiaiinix. In I'ere tn Chaiso. I'.iris, there UaV-mh- ' ke bearing at ^ top th^1n*-Vlon: ncAih Is "IxiuliViiu.Ut, !,!. HerstUii I ' <>itiHi/oiinytt-r h.i orilitilil at tbe bot- Ism MniiKik histlma." Nl.^l.l The lute Dr en. ie koldicr coiiiplain Illl- HUglHKl," ll 11 s ail* i. S, " "llielll in our MlMilT nliiil: TakeShuko- 4irt I r.'i.i p l '-I'.... " i Proud Mother Oh, Jolin, ihe l*Wy ran walk! I' 1 Cruel Fathwrr-U.Hjd, lie ean it^k th. flour with hlnuelf at night, then. Ilcfllth for the c-hildrro. Sfillr' U (i-Bl IVivilrin. . . !"~ TTvill It U said thnt short young ladle* barp> hotto" chMicoof miirrlajfe thnh their fftlle* UterK, .\il the n-airtr. n<vi*n1s that hortl women make the Itest \vlvoa. i MtUs'o Oompotiflil Iron Pills ksys snob virtue that every one should try them. BILLIARD AND POOL fABLliS, N.-w a. il s. ..n<l MI t<l BOWLING ALLEYS AND SUPPLIES Lariat* cat a o^uo ira*. TUB RK1U HUtis.. 147 Klinf West, Toronto. T. \. U, WATCH PERSIATIC SHEEP DIP and ANIMAL WASH. Them t Trtbhty < nront itr,i i.,,| f f fsvUv Pi (ID, the auikiM. I 1 , t u> iihi-r ilie. siipurvlaldn of skUltl .-litiiiisiSM.I n 111 111 I 1 "- ll- 1st il,-^i.-, : J'r..uii ill- vulimlile r&rallVsm rv.,-. s . -7j^,| CaHlil .i f n( lor Jtf '-- ' Tickss Maggot*, i;::; Re* Lice, ' , ,,a* Wa Inv.U corrssiiondstic*. / : ' ;.'-.' / The I'ivkliartM- i ui Renfrew c o. , Limrted, . ti '.* stu8t,.Tiiiti, > h" ~tid i a^a* ' ' t * tn^r WBTH. Thure ijbuld be/nn mistuk't) aliunr tbatf I pi.-.kerl i.p toy cap- andfiVloWv: no t rtlef 's exifrrrplM. By W i>>W cfc Hin wintf 6<t ri.n fo tbe sfcrnijt-h . f morn tl>n rnixl. rur*d gale alN) tlm m u in prciport 1011. It way uioht alanxnnfc, and i nrntt ouDiesa that, seeing .fbe mre.OKth ot Uw wiud, I was a little. iiuriii-'l wbun. aboot tbn mid- dle <4 '-^tt .1 Druiuji, A he- appeared on dock. J^hw i HUB aft to \vlu>ro 1 was siamlyy^ uin!, having kokad at tbaooui- piisM cur;l. pit/ il ruund bur. "If fni'p. t raijtafeej. we're in for ft typbiiVh." nb ahented, ber 'gloriooa bair liMwinw 'n tannlcd prirfcsim .u:r -s her '{7%* CtKf a!, not her face. "Uuf frieu*:*bo ictmnnv you see, la oat of sight,.--.!:. as-u<M4. sbtf ti)tUn it'fl useless) eu.lcisiKtrHir-' *u .lwe us ai roan ancb a seu." ii '4i Ljuiuig.Ui.Wulwurth, who Til' .-.. t ftiffermiri's wat'-h on do -lv. In wist n -inxious aboat f!ie t!utln>r <t be cun ip to ^ni below. 'vi.-ig Vlt'K 1m- for In T to "* tlu ' fcr 1'. benrd you tbiuk " r "' t "* imi tbu on bt>ll*vi-it in hi* sub Tili.-i.i:-. '1 b know that ni wat'-ii hr In-lit hnad, with its gloriouH \veaiiu of hair; to sen Jbwte benutiful wiiiiH iiugera. uimiioriieil by jewelry*6f nny srrtTtwirting toad win wbi tbat i.uiii: im viuiilj,- LfjiHi uj Djonstunu wnrtTui tho fcu t - iii; n ' Co tiii-jr Ii-yt, t ntrdemtaail wjiut W ut . -een\%b*)MHr Not 11 . it.l tulwd ulr;n. boat aw .v ro Nturboarn. " said Alie. . Sb torneil to one of tlio yomjgji OOTB, wh<i w-a.s Hi.inrtiii^ near. .1:1.1 ed inm aloft to tuk tiie b.uat'8 be As noun ax this wuHiliMcnVwil MIL- wan j.nt aa a tuck that VQltld ns close op \vnli it, ami aft> r dial in uotbiug (or it but tuwait Per bouie time we cnul'l uot Mt) ane- thltig; tbouo Huutl)Mwk Hpeok md" Ita pp para m -i .iinnir rw.i pomt* off onp'i-tiit- bosmt hy w nusl \<-*\ h.T MM^fbsM, tbe ui4U at tbo wheel, \vhilo wa ed onr eyva tovarfl tlio tiny lnt.. Little by little U bwamu laorq dj}^ tjnct until \ve wgrw tmiliuieirtfy wr, t.i nuke out with a gluatf Uiat. it w^is 4 man et-war a mg pulled by tw-j <uui aud coutaiuiag three 'Uhers. Tvn luij^i- later tilo yaukt wan ttovw to, uuei Patterson clainbtfred on t* fjHj-jwi^* tbu bulwarks "Are you tbu ueceatary lb it a friJTirrn. mod 11 Tbe yacoTi wag im- tbat uiomout was duu uoitb |)e rei.uinite uuuibur of pci ^ .1 'l~9 A ail iiei'b rowing, bnt bad uow stopped, n-siiMj, ii UICIT inuuoti4ioii.s labor. bit ^y hit tilM t-inii A-JC^\ L i-r^.iit n^i-r enough for UM .'h our nuked all t! ' 'f ttft '$)}< >M0iiig bcrncu'ii- '.y Kuutb suuthvast of ir BDMtii.u At tins juucturi \V il nortfi, ivho b:id_ ben autiU^JJULiT 1:1- trucHoux, is*rWll AiQiieliCjyuud ^.:o. -..*r iiaiY>r.-"i [. IL.I'JJCO ^X'4 i.'^.. yvi^t^jm If^i >f^,'HJ,i L.'lclt^ pft;;jM n-a^u-ii --i tl .y .t*jurjlj, vU^W-4 - i - . '< r.'i'-'i-^f i** i . U .v tbat r ad fcr out tta; i;v r Uu. cituii r tli.ii nun fane of tn mi-vanet of alt U)f Inri to riio witb ur an .ir from Aim, wbo. " 111 t!ietai' s;iiiC(Bsiy alott and from both tu the ion tnu'gl.n^' said itrn ninu at thu wheat >inw, when a grvat witve, HO<-UI- jade-iBini toppod witb biiwiiiK foam, Wooicl c. line U'anutf toward 03, oUe^ur- Ing Dfelf tlm horizcii, 1 would' abut my oyes And wait for it to engulf UN. Tin n I uimh feel tho nobln HK>e VfiMbl u*'t it, rto* ou to IM erost nml u*t umuwnk bo iteking ugain, down, down, down luto t)io Ibcu unco more ! would draw Inwutb and opm my eyoo JtitC"tn*Tfln^ v TO BOS aHotJjt?r riSP aniTrnect ber form id, to break witb a roar upmi a lieud. uarryu^ uv uv a ; ill illwdk aifci.'OM of tbo bouts as if lotli were iioilt of so uiu b paper. Toward ihi middle of tb* ftcrn<jn tbo stiTiifrib of tbo golo liotvui .n-n:i-- what to iiluite, thu suit l>mt its Bruin i r fnry, and tbo barornftcr in a m- rocoTvrvd its gtnhility. It aecmod <n orediblo rliut tbu Loin) Star coulil oorue tlirouu-li it to safely, for. with tbo ov'i-iui 1 ' ot nan iu:.n xv.aslivu I ir.i i .-'ilier wlio bud llneoof liis rib 1 * siiia.- v a intrtauduig, sen, it ; . r tion of* fie i ' rt bulwark ami a bout uir- rietf MI .' .11 iiboo uubctilitd, mill un- otbcr or:i "uis ou the davits, \v bad e\^riviu>i<l Uu caaualtios worth spile of their man-of-war ilres more niisi-rat-lt:. woebegone apriearauce rtmld Uot buVM been lnialll.-il I'l.i.i tile 1 any pMKUted. It Hut, a-trli'luriHimau and tlireo ahlowa 1im,'n><il .itit t iurlo'-1r'.- 1 ulunces) at Hiy'^\i t<f' t!w itimi srnhiliiKi'BvirrPHt um. I - ' - 1 1 M Then I lorki-rl r-'.t:ii'1 f i if A Tic. n-.iv to ili- tltat onv had uiv-i, ruiii.-iv ilinup). It W;i I'.' 1 j oi r i- : : s to tbl > . !i p . ami t!. auuintiri^y did witb a hearty kiud- nesM tii.i: I Minuld burdly have e.\i>ectiil ft' in inai. "Ucf. ri yon t<41 fi" ajifiblnir about yourselves," ho srrl, "let m sratigu for tho CMtrrfin-t of your ninn. " Then. calling a baud tu him, bn cnutinnud, poiutiug to tbu three. Jacus wbo stood Ueepu-li.'y by: "Takutin^ m.-n forrurd and tell li '-^ k to giv-i tbom all they want. You run Hnpply tbeiii with ham mocks Hinting- you and find room some- where fur f Hem to sling them. " Tbi n. turning to the again, be said. "Will you bn HII good aa to follow im . j(ul)tli:iiu:u:"' and U'li. the way ilo\vy the JrqpfusMi^n #i tlm oiiojdy. 'L'liiiikiB< L'iy profeHhioiial services un^lit pustii'oly bo rrij nreil. I followed with Walwurth. Ou the cabiu tliey wcru con- duxtvd lo Mats, and. fuud wa.s i:nuu;iii ately set l.-i-fore iliem. 1 liey ( il upi u it like Htarving men. ami lor t"mi>> n:ue only tbe siunil.of Bttuuv njuachiug and Uy Uie t ,100 ilnrtOHM foil tlio soa wan Aluiotit it old. culm. pltK-id self o quickly do tbcso totrible <ypb<MM priug up u^il die away. As soon us we weioculaw oil uaiigi r was aunt tb yacbt wax icturued to her course, aud W oiiue morn proceeded ou our way Uow wonderful aud imcrutnlilo i s tbe uigAty *r^*p' Nqzt day llm.vmitbui \- m M VTXU aful asi/ter f baifi-on it biiK ennabiue, Kep.tle bruozee ami n uun OH niootb a* puliaiiod silver. After bru..k fast tbe awuiug, wbica on aooouut of tbe itorni bad been unshipped tbe day kefore, \vua riKged again, aud, drawing deck ubiur aft, I settled uiysoif down to read beueittb iu shade. A few inm atoa hit. r Alia and her companion jo:u ed me. I (irongbt theiu neata, aud tbea for tbe Nr>t rituo 1 mw th beautiful White Di>vil for I uiuht Homtiuiui cull bur by bur picturequ (Jliineeo cujjii men cuga^id in needlework. Why 1 bould bavo found anything eitruor diuary iu i-uch a uirounidtaiK-e i cannot My. I'oHsilily it may bave btxin beoansV I bad never imagined tbat there oould b* anOifMHit inihiirw- ui bar lifs for wich bonioly iKX'Dpation. At uy ratv. 1 alqugliiifu our nti Im able to pick yon up, " nuui ^atterimii should bavn changed our uourso | cabin I have before described. An K<>o<i j hfCkjmdrit, Aliiw*i not preneut. ami io we v eru able to look about UM nudia- FESTIVE BUCKWHEAT . . When we Kit our winter wmtier outUa "Why ilidn't you, jin-inu-e m : isnrred i . liim after ! r>iuud tbu i-aniii. "I this?" be bad In mat oih we flioulii have .been men uy'nigbttall," was tho reply wu lost one man." "How did it happen?" , never *,w uyt*iug like it defore, and "Tha poor devil wut mad and jnmi I'o been ubuard gctiroj^ uverboucd. iiumcuiutir, wo hud m Jr tiuie. r uiid untbiuH ta et, aud o yu -, '"l"h^r is inuy imagiua it wa^lMVtlmwidvg wa., Duvil." I said with surio-efigy; paruust ; lulling in mat bakuagliian. -'i'bnuiraiiie I ae - ss - lo me is- 1- 1 "" Iboi boy stooil it an well ail "Corios, china, Hkins, divan's.' musical he did." , Irwirtrnieutn. u gru i "Poor little cbap* It nrast bsrrs) besot y Jove, mlanl terrible exponent* JnrHiiiu. " laom luiiuli ' U's wonderful, n "And what do yon inteud dbibswith And unw I njOjcp>sB;tUih<*p>a \mr r allied thu officer, sifwr a lin-le'owus it all. " laM. "for, of eorrrib.'ire'reyontpm-'' "^t. ady ,y l>kMrl. "Ifl i uers. " t * k " ""' Dl ' r " K ' 10 couJes. " " f hat I cannot tary." Pattimion an- swered. "It does; not liu within my proviuce. However, you'll hear BOOL auough never feac. By thexvuy, I sni/- nist you wilj giv^ mu yonr wunl tbul u will Dot attempt to ptity us iciu. V u must, rumi oibtr. jjlease. all in..ius ufid p;:rn.u* .n'" (on* Into the r *> yws -H ii felliT when kin-he. i uirtjr A^r >'er mouth heajln* ler tan n-Miilfln there. W.hllt the oilors from that reilhot KrlddU [..-rrneMti- ihe ulr note the crtopy. old. familiar pot- .it*- tu-kllB uakv Tt)nl v.-r wit- km turn out )est th* *asy. * SB ; yr inottii-r ns--.l ier nmke, Kir they aln t no use o' talkln not a meal A niilil w.' lie u.'le Tlsr enjoy wlrhom tml olit. fiunUlaj- a- . wk* es May tubtol _> BUs> Hks) 'AH 1 Mii'oke tbe cunsius at tsie other ' end of tiie onbin wu parted- by a imy ' bund, anil Alie. drooboti entirely im oofora ns. '1'ba color of br. .nn wo ur l i will >? yov aijr wunL I* Uiat :!IV ll.lI tbat Of yan omr gb. And so i uiiik yea irdrooni .iai> MM cuurcni- " All ibutinai l j a:r i.- n h.iii b*fm upeiik g I bud noticed thus th, licutv :inni. name, it tritsjvimi hi ter. bad been Ht:.-ing ttt bi> If trjiiuu to recall stnme evmttV'iiatice ir remind, d him of Jnit is > \vi-r- J.T- paring tu ti ui) deck e^i:r Cia.meuiory seeun -A to i :m- (u Dxm'. "I iiupe you will i xct;e Svhat I am |niog to wy aad Htop ujy U I tun recall eoBUiBje bUowU f* ! ' Jtt *H>erb b.atity of her complexion a:u( hair, wbilu itn 'niukimr pi-hihnwr'-iinr niutahloss to pt-rteotion. She atond for a mi ip. tbtt doorway ami thuiiudvauced to- ward UH with thai <rfluss:>lhlj Quatiug which ulvYuy^tiMmanurfr-d n.-r. me lii r lr.tlMOnu<msMiiiiii tb.-u turning toward her Ib tbe In uieuaut aBHHH and aiU, witb :t smile: "bir, vill mu:, farRlVB pi) 14. .v Hit . welcoun '1 ylidl 10. ^i' beat, but loj-teasxjus which would D interest v u, i Ji'1 not J**ayii as much us. 1 eunld wib. Howi bii] e my officers have ukcu every-. of you.' tlie flattij- of Uinvt'si u." 1 fort on heard. Whin tln-y L.i'l ii:i -In d, tbo niiilxliipiiniu without w.iruinK burst into u II. ii nl of tcurx mid \v.n li ! by \\al 'vortd (! a in ni-ir lj>. wh re, when In- t rr .it hail worn itM-lf uut, tbo poor little cli.ip tell last ulppp. ';>. . ' r-.ll'l I'll' lel.sull 118 BOOn n tllH l.ei.uu.iut IIIH.-.I ,1 I .. i i. al. "per- baps' you will tell nn- your sli iv.' " "It \\ IIMI; to do" t'.i.P oflk-cr licunli. "1 um the lirst Inur of hf iinji'stry'ii prui.-cr . \snitii'. \V , werysiiic *t. Irotn >nu uril.iy m pursuit u( tin* very jacni, r. 1 unt. A* yuu kii.m, wo ilTiu.)st i \ nu ll|i i I tl.i- 1 :.-. lull will I) it lifted your ^ui < "T MI .1 ablert y<>n ID i-si-npe nt. Thvi tbo ty- phoon ciiui!'il us. oml iu liviKiUkt aCcwr .1 .1Mb t of loualtot' Wo toilo uut tlin stunn silvly euou^b. bat ju*t at suiuini.- ; est' tilay -lie sirm U an Liiciui, ted mi -k ami want diowa with- iu i \ in. null > " Tin -in) ;>i <1 t'.r a inouiBiit and uoveriid bit tae \\ uli Ills Minis. "Tin* iMU-rrililuui'ws!" crit-d Patti r- Hon, wlnle WD ull uvo utpri'ioo tu ex preset IM of horril)c<l ii.-ini:i.-.liiueu' "And wimynuii tbt only boat tbat got "1'in very much nfraid HO. "bere- pjiod. "At leant 1 aaw uo ofber. \ . -. you ant right; it is Umldu, aud bur m-ijcf-iy II.H lost n fltio vesjifl aud a pleiiilid hbip'soonipnny in the Asiatic." Wlun (bo poor fuilnw Lad liuih.iud bik story, be wiw 8iliu for * 1110 n.ui nU>4. luduil. w> weru v, nil. It WNIIUUI) aluiotit iuordiulo tbat the r..ut vesHel wj bail .iil'iiirwd and four- 1 mlv thed.'iy before Hhnuld now i> lymij, with tlit y n! tier e.-ew. dtt- p down at the bottom of tbu (i-ran. "We are tortunat* in JMTing been PttUursoii fwll Ua^k u iff be bud liven ** ' his laue W.UD a wdtiuti tljiuu., t. bo yulleti . tliij wall uiuumut, aui. u jtcut. Th Kluht \r.>e-JBsA0B3s9 >r<> arml H lauiid,-riitnilliiH "VThjit't tbe trouble man who bad jammed i O&. there a-nethtn tn the eullnarr art risssr * hniiiKhl tlio Joy" K tin- buckwheat cukes we used ter maa- ' ilcate when hut a boy. With a Mi--- n i.-r start on 'an tn Q rravy rli'h .11 lirown. Tor kfrid'a' 1 'sort o' lulirirats yer three*;**) ' s|:pp.'l ilown. ; oluti- thtt while. You wni Jest Hie moat ill-lighted kind tf i,-enu juvenile Hi each mnrnm at the table you wouM turnln out f*s . ii There'" mem'ry lingers reun' ihe bucsv wheat cake ex. In yer mind. , _ Ter turn from all ycj" iruutilt-s an the ev- }\ erlaailn grmj Of 01.-. from An ymikju'i o ~n i linger rouu' a scene Hull s .tw:iv. Tl a or:s|ir ununpy moraln. an Itoe sun tn > )eirt tn - An the fM|n umiwVik.-i npftrkla like O rnilllon dlftniorfirs' bright Ex a at n>me up Hi.- ialrway. "Say. yU iiUl. (or m^>3 >... Qlt UpttU, I'OIBM to l<lealatl if you WU| .. An you uiutle out o 1 bed an -In xeo dry ooil* purty unii k v.-r .!. I mk* In* appaaranaai with a- An >- i -. -.1.1 I|I>H it Mf aira SysjIJ^h. an yoo s.niMii' off yer r&ce An slide itown l IT ih table Jest e,a -tad lies flnlnhe.1 KTIIOO, An yer sMOtn ooirm Uie-refTe*. anyati help , - .. ^ y-r thourhtt 1-bave quito (orKailra .tliab 1 bad ,. 4PV exiRU'tKU at till- Ul l-ISlt:' 3fljV I het< ' ynirwilt'UnC I h. :,. to I see whrft find "'.'U. just a liMi MXap."oout uut rtpli'-d *fBut wb/a( aisjut.?" Qucriod th^Quri- OQK man "\Y"U. a* n>-ir .i." 1 . -ui natln-r. " oiiid. ,"it 'as tii.s \v:iy A ymni:; rud ijjuvt*-li'. T rpenni. "ni wn w.ih crei irtffor* nr. .. if, (trt|.irv .wirtremi;. rtcr '!!*' :l .|'li)ti'T t , i -u.l V- .ir rroB- Prtv Itn, Atw ctindrnV yoo to a ra,,,, 'j{ :u.y ''" ' ' u. .mil wu!i ' ; , ID. il!<.k tU I U.iJ Uuinl.' U iva.i, of; cuuru, no biwUMM ul m*u, but \ . the) yi.nnu- man had a terrible That .ii>pvUzio.iwm<u. yiKlf b i uk- yt . Pattern/it fcU ttaotmialr^i W wail lnten:t-d iu Pattcnou and could DflX bclp epfculuting an to wbut tbe reacoi conld liavi. teen that bad imlnced him to abandon a career in which, cveu so niauy years auo, ho 'reined to bave at- tained KUlIl exalte. 1 r:|llK. DuruiK tlio aiiLTiioiiii I received an invitation truuAho to diuw witb her that eveumu #1'" staieil in tbo little until bo rant me thnt iho b:i<l also tiftk- cil i Im rrw\iiil lieiit'Tiniit ami lii uiid- bipm:iii, ai'd 1 (iuthcre'l froui tins that soinctbiug uut of tbo comint3U was to- ward. About an bonr beforo iln.sU. ua I was rending m tin un^sroiiui. MI. liutuiiant calm' ovit of UIH i ubin ami .u down M the t.i M, Ho lnol."il connd to ") alone, aud ;id in conn Initial whisper: 'S n .11 'loanl tins boat, Dr. lie N'nnunin r>. bos alieatly been explained to me. I'm nre I syiiin-.itlmo willi you. Im fur raihur sel!i:.h motives I am glud yu are not iu leu^uu with tiiis extraordimiry woman. I bavo re- pen eil au iuvitai i.'n lodiiio iu l:or cabiu tijis cvi inu;;, auJ I \vuut you, if yon will, to tell mo i moUiiug about her. Do you kuow euough to satisfy my Mrioaity?" "I won't te'.l yon inytbin^ about hir," I uriswereil. with 'ou^b. "Yon muat wail ami judge for y.jurscif. One caociou, however, befot* you see bar bu-Miru bow yua behave toward her, and if I might venture a hint, make a good toilet. Sho'H vary particiilur, tnd it's well to hauior her. My tilings are at your dihpONil. of conn*. " Uo thanked me, aud I MW no more f him or tbe midshipman uutil a few tniimte* before dinner tnni., when I niut them ou dock ami aoconipauied them to Alie's saloon. Having descended tha companion ladder. I ilruw back (be car- tain lor them f n enter, fn-'mreil a' 1 wu to aeo bun --how antouiHbiiiect, I bad m idea tliu ht>otnaut wonid be Allot* \vith sncli ainazument M be be- tray od when wt entered tbo beautiful OO.d cam *\ei 1 SOOs" "Being a wan naturally touchy. : cimrm^" "W'-ll. ,::.rhe had told the ilix-tor II about hiH tronblo luul U after eating, and HD <ni. fcw -aU bai pulled ut UIH rel ir ..ul w.uii.i for tbu UiM-tur to urewrj tat. " "Exactly: 1 tindewtaad. " "And when tbe doctor told him whnt to do the V"iini? man ftorted to fitfht. and that's all there- is abrut it. " "But. sou here." called tbo cnriotm man as the other started to wnl . atray. "The doi-tor innat bavo naiii aomothing to offend thu yonng loiui I with the r-d muHtucho. nidii't be?" "Oh. yne. of oonrse. but be didn t 1 mean it, yon know. When he told the ' young man <vith tbe rod intn-.tuclie to , diet, he wahii t n-femng ro the mas- tacbe. Yon 'ro welcome. Good day. " A, & Lvwia in New York World. ir. U men would wnee to woi r y And W'ii"> n I'l-tiHe to nl^h. Po.ii.ri. wo.ilil liavH to iloU afoot Instead of rlillng by. - i hot i iiiiin'-s. in XI, u .la t < t iv* But I'll l. -II V"u n. "* --in -ay it. too. with o- au ittui tfto. feller! o*' Is ninH'v iui'.-i 11 i".!i*uaoi |lkpriss> ,, l:ilklll tlin.ll. fTi\^ .trt'J "lie. an 1 so-.- 'i Thst the man. I r wTm ha Is, will miiKe i I.H tn eorti|i:in:i Inn ' IM. i .-- wl^LlStH feOtlVS) Vf, I.UekWheSI I -r. A. Wraitn.-iiHii. l^>n Aneisv to Boo. , ton i I .. Ml |. t r I -.,,., - '\UUJttn Hgn^t oi.illjriW/ lean .HIM!. iu- s.i . : ;ml|ticul talker't umnaircr 'I jul v-.ii over takv nUe. (*f tUo nrD is.' ami sie.-u i imlllu^ anil ^i-ner.J ' thftf IXN-IIP, lit n aa cnLuo pullt OUO of the -: s" 'Well, that's hnv It U with me O i. 1. t "f no so t.i n, i niy tniin n* t started. tin oin-e iimli-r way 1 defy nnylHidr to Uip It "'** ' ' Tf nelirhlmr spoke to neighbor As love ' of i'l. Then !:i v. rs \\onlJ mnko klndllnsT of Their shuiu i on the wall. Vnilunhlejlr. A w^lk to ili.< Mina Flom Shaw bus crnilly -lls<iivud tho hrtlo of romance Uiiet iirr-uiiiilwl a journey Ui 'he Klumlike Young Rentle- men whom It hn> hi^-n foimd expcdioni to tnnsplaiit fnim IMce. .Hily to l)avfi*HI City will no lomrr Iw .iW to imi. on t'inlit-.hi>rirtod wniiii-nfulk with I!M at halrhnvulth Oscapu* ami h.irribli prlta- tli'i's. which Miss Shmv baa shuwa ar* laivly thlnir^ of th.- post. Tho journi7 takes no inure .1 nmnth. wbich, Mib- . . -in a furtni^lit for HIP. luxurious ir.uiMi io VnneoitM'r. livive* a fortnight for only pertli of tho White Pan. Sooond* ly Mi.s rihuw has ilciaonsiratol that thesA* ^ime iBTil- in lw irono through by :\ mnn.iii with <impjrativo -sc and is. ml ir- :h.i' m t. toy. I/ one cun take k 'Hilly '<> iini'iehiiiu 1 IMS thn-ti timisn il.iy ! Vs lor sc> ui-ity of life and ppj|n:ny. pi . i* SHIM rlluotu in KJOndlkl as In 1'all M.ill." thmiKh Iii'll'in mur- der-r-. I" i-v cau do ami enjoy, our ifolili n ynulli i ni;'it o be i In \\ir' . j. even if .In iin? erjiiy it. \> Imint testimony to the auriform . er of tiu-> - ii' I iv UCVIC.T. Tho nort of horse I want must be quiet, no vico, pationt, good trm per '. and MT- rl'cap. " f "Uni-iu-m What \.-ii want U a cloUusdwrae!" Ally S lL per. Aa I ni.. -nil.'.!-- -I-.. ...ui.-. He n one of the "ini.num>s." And they ni irrhc.l him to the tunee The) phiyeil alHK the way to B-inlinno, But the flw. trip hu For H fortnUhl ba wae laid On hl buck with tho lumbejro ihi Inm- He %itn one o; the "Inirauneii." U hufl paeni'.l thr<-ugh ulckly Junne 4.ni3 llv. d to ciiicr liu country'a glorMxsa bennor But . ii.-ii 'hn war WM over And lie thoueht he wao la had rlxteen iv.;i-k at (ever la He wta one of the "lmnieno," 8lnglK patriiilc tunoe While o -r the ranns the stare tt glory cluster*!. But he's ne "Immune ' believer. With ilia menKlca. dillls an.: f>vr, stuioua out the eenrioe to ee I > .1 sl. ,1, I,. I I..IUIMHT. Tin- ::liul ll.ll AVl'Ich U tO h lntrolne*l Into iln- H unng the or i In- oxih-nili- .irk on ownnls .uid cin.-il. I'.ii'.OOO.ts-RI minks. Dortmuml* Khineonniil, 6K.tHX>.iHK) Tniirk^; '.C 000.- ()"0 marks fir . i ths fi.lor illstrh-t, : ^O.IMIO.OOO innrks -'or th ?rliu :-su-:un sh p , ,, .uei JO i;i)0,000 iiKirkx I'nr He imi>i-ov,-in,-ni .if th. Vitott Klvi-r \\ln-li .he s. :i..ine is -M-'iHol It I* that thu main wnforw^ys of I'l-i-sin will be eoii'i.s-u. I from ;h. eru i cn-nn \ of tile Klhpilv to tllU lulT- boi'H of tho liermuii . v.i;i 1 he's antK eousl-u->-4 ^10" fflrat Waitther r, ..pli, .-. ..n H*i*>rd. The first atti'ii-i't -11 - n M itle forecas* Ing of 'ho wwatlH-r wns the rnult of a Sturm which dimiijj tho l'i-i :.>iit war, NovQinbor U, IS.'i 1 . .il nnst di~>ifuyeil ih floats) of s"rnnc<> iu>d Knglsml. As Morns hail nifrnd *>venil .la>s .oirlier In i'lwiice, Viilllant.. the Kri'lieh Minister i.f \\ .r illisinl that t*-.i Him inns Ivi made lie- *v if 'he iwo KU.-IOS wen. the wi nc. nni> If the ^pr*i(rres of the ilisim-buucoN cculcl have bivn f irelulil. It wns ilej.ionstrjaj thaa yjfl.ns/il wen- "in r -Lira, f ami that .tn pit 'i iwi . l*- u mast tAinud anil. the. dix-i

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