Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1899, p. 2

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LIFE'S BITTERNESS. -~ : jfe|pdj,tfcst Arid Kindness. ween W Should Strive to Make This World a Pleasant Plaoe-Tho* Who Scatter Wormwood Aro Likened to Attiia the Hun. I Washington. March 18. The brtwee.ii a life of K. llUhintut and awl t-Uir Into unlimited guffaw and n: fountains '. tho star is . iwtb, Thomas S*e*t, Ibert liarntM anil S/MIIJJ ra nay that thi \voi-mwuodof my ut was a type 'of Alttlt, King of tin- 11.1411-. lln (wait so iVvtfcje) lsrti<sj-hb \M* hMlllant aa a stur, . and, like WO{IU)UHL hulmbli^.nvl every- thing he touiihtiu7nffe baVK-vtuilhsl the huti- of lifthli-lii.'iu and the Morning r 4f BsHilatlnn uriil tire star iff ti'jrttji , contrast ever Ltstl ugly pecked a4f Are yoa always a life of crying "Hush!" to the morry voloes and lurUi. U>- Llr. Tftlmaga "wift f<eA ami t<) the laughter wh^oh Uptttafc hJSi-riffi liar- " MsUV "through at wrong of a conquoror of olden tlmo; text, time* and 1s .suppressed by them until _ttt'lfJsjttolL_jm_ "\ . ll,.'-.Lktu fvll t they cttn.Jiol> P9._ k*pg r . and all tho from heet-rvi, burning UK It barriers bunt *is J 1 . f'il ppi the third If^vliluatl lias tru-kltsl through a slight opening In tho inllldani, but afterward make! wider Wormwood." '" ) tni wider breach 'until It oarrlnp all be- ,n<f V'Wth, Thoimu Si-eM, f'1" 1 " witli UTVNIIIU|O freshet f . DO not li 'oo much offumled at the nolje" your fhiHreu now inutn. It will be still enough when on* of them Is dead. Then , you would giro your night hand m hear one shout from tho Kllent voice, or one Step from the still foot. Ton will not airy of yon hnve to, wait) very long |x-fort your houro is slUler iluin you wont It. .X i.'is. that there aro so many ho*MH lot Indlwn to tho Society for the Prtrrtntlosi * of Cruelly te rhil'lren, where children . "> .- wli.wikotl and <-utTii and eai .ptillnd and sennolgiisly rail, il to order, tja/1 an- H-.V'-nxl sharply, and Kiippnisand, itntil It 14 ii wonder that under snoh rjro *n* . t|..-.v do not nil Uirti out Kana rxtUbsl \VUat tn ymir tn^uenne upon thpsV-Igh- ' l.i ti.. , 1, the town or the cltfjjf your v*ldotlivr I will supjuwe that yuWare a ts to Km when. Dm helfor wut \younil-,f star qf \rM What IcL'd o* n>ysjdb yoa l.TPtht'.ort back farther und farther B t lo gt fortjif Do you uat that sjfcndld ! pa HIM .to. a r .V\'ord , Jawl-lrr UNt'. 1 ' faulty to Irmdln'to the vrorlil or in*vnM:.u$ thuusbi iitr q t>lM all tfh (tpoll" uui.irlsut. , The man that i A"* 1 ' to W lx.-;ifa<,-wr. I do nviMJrty to make mo <-ry. I nant^j that u to .*t the ritar ' iant A more extraordinary (jukRifiV'ir Mitory dous not furnish th.iu thin man AtUla, t on* day a wounded hcifcriMiuclliii|>- *""* lliii|>- It had dnij)pl fro rut Th AtiUu aU that linn, ah Uin hwvVjis, and i sword tin- lu-ifiT herdsman pulled tip of me . mut liaydjroH#l.j|,J.teinMUKh;*tlf 'about. . should the whule earth. Other num have boen delighted at M "I! "'^j 16 all dkUl/ul puuters.uU .rcDiurtoiVfci, all ''. hfni ,,(.,, ^..miipp, O f lugenioiu " . 4Uljl|/, 4 , mHi-l , who mlrfhfiillT mrpriio ial jiutflfHisttl'tii of words, other* (ull tlumaktUii, t,.., M i . in ,| 11,^,1..,. Dj Vn and Srn'HW had n divine milon. nnd \ rtn from ts iM AJrlntifi houl fi > t lq* nr^ MlKxilonU i.ii 1'itvln and Padoa and Verooa beg.for .IMnB ho In-stowed not, Tho ptlttTV 1 ^ "-" .., V /. ! out and put. Into Hi ^ (UsV; rt*v> who mill, i Itiiunlt-it. Attila or l- bilU-hertKl, Ilin MH"III.| thu Uyiin iln) W';m.-n, wort) nutili- iviptlvea * ....,. i. - , * *~ llis*, tiho num, weru robbtJl of ovory- l* go back to Uo oHy to pay , * f MH. haying Mutt Uio grru* ,i, lorn ami M.ll. , H ( w;i> a, wh.-rii tho ho if of Attila'* trait HH aBiitsw p.(lili-n>l tho I tin- .-vim- aha tlio MoikiUe itn.1 thoutblii.! ivli iviriiaga and fought on U>e UerfnJouUii |ijmus thn llnn-.*t btitt'.u avLuoe VIA/ world HtoiHl MOO.OOO dead lft UK U)ii,'lil U't and oa until all thesa w^> uot o|'iis,- him wiUi 111-1114 lay I>ru*re4u uu their faiiOH In pj-uyor, thiui a J.. ' id f dual \\.ts KUVJI in Hie dlsuini-i., unil blihup rrnvl, 'H la Iho lil uf |H.i|iliiU>ok up tho ory, "It. In (JUu iuJ til iiii.1 ' As I he cloud of dust Wan' Mown iiside tho li.mii. r> of m- oiifoniliig ariiiliMi man lnl In to help ngiiliiM Attila. "tin. rieourgn of OoiL" ^ hq . iqoHl , uiiltiip-Khuit oi-i-uriiico* ht iivl us a nii|Miriialiinl roHounie. Aftor Ibtoc niojilliH uf failure lo uapttin) His (.il> of \i|, whim his ai my lujtl Klfia up Lh.i Miegi", tin. 11^ lit oi a Htork ,^t>4 : hiir-yoiini; fi-m.i the io\M-i-uf the i-lty wa* (uktui In- him tta n vigil Ihat bo wal tu oajiliii-e Hi" iiv. unil his army, |ii- N\ttl. Mm tii.i-mvnrn-iii-ii. remiim-.l HoWinl ii>ok MIA v.-!N nt it point from \\ hli Ii Hi. i sUirk luul run-r^.-il. So lull, i^ 1 1..- .iiiii|iiiT..r in tlui 'hla eueiAles in)il 1,01 hxk ni him, but n:lr .')!-> .,i- im i -.1 their itri!i i oner In unllu |iulp.'- ; .-a. VIMI niAlJin" of \iW? wl nHy and ne\<? J>o you cmulojf || iu uuu: physl .il lU-fix-ts im wliii-h tlio tint rrttpohsIM'-! AroyonriW i-.y UM-ll Mil pllt I-. Ir it billioli ..f t'l'ttl. - Is II a of rnn if ii'h.'nt' tiilslWliiiio' fs ill. ir ilivijUK. Int ':.. -tit unil d<*fitt -SH put di-up by drop into Inn. likt.tbq. iqneeslni of Arii alisintliliim Into n diitfl uln-inly dlltnsto- lully piitijentr Then you are taW atar Wornrwood. 1 YourK'N t'ne fun of l^ttlo- riial-u living Imw well n oun -iins> It Is tin tun of a hawk trying how ifufck It i in strike out (ho eye of a dove. , . The Only swtnlli|- Powr. Dear Lord, send u* all ont on this mis- sion. All around us Imblttered llviw im bitu-red by persecution, Imblttered by bypercriticlsm, iinbutcred by poverty, imbittored by pom, inibitMred bi Injus- ti(., irnblttnred by nin. Why nocjo forth and swi>-i.-p thtfn by ttmii Ing words, liy U-neJii-t counsel, by prayer . ' 'T f o ', - _ - lor? l*-.t 01 reqiember niiiltvft; art) to ourselves, and our life will b bitu>r and our eternity bitu-rer. The gosptil of JoMUd Christ In the only swuetening powor that is suffloMtat. It sweeten* tho disposition; It sweetens tho manners; It mvowtuiu life; It anuAtens iiiyntrrimM pDVldonoe; it swcu>tm afflictions; It sweetens death; It sweetens everything. I 1 have heard people asked In social com- ; pany, "If you could have three wixhes | gri>t.lued, what would your three wishes tx<?" If I oould have three wishes met, I tell you what they would be. First, more of tbe ffrao* ot God; eeeontl, more of tk grace of God; third, more of the grace of In the dooryard of ray brother John, onoe mUctionary in Araoy, China, there wai a trt- '-aileil the viufatut tree, the two ohar;i.-ie,rlti-s of whii-h .are that it ttl-.vays grown higher thjin Hs fnrniund- Ingc*. amf 'ttn leaves take the-Yorm of a crown. If this emperor tree be planted boslde a romtbiuh, it grows a little higher than the bush and epreads out above it a crown. If it be planted by the side of tree. It giowa a linje higher nnd spntids above It A Would God tbat this religion of 1 eft? 1st, a more wonderful emperor ' tteo", might overshadow all your livci! Are you lowly In ambition or clrvumsratn-e, ttlng jivcr you its crown? Are you and position, putting ovdr wnf ( b, for ni.wc or thfe our livos and less Of the wormwood I . *tar of Wormwood. Hundred gated Thetxn, for all time to be the study of antli|uarlan and blero glyphlst; hiT stu[H-mlou-. i., ovor 87 miles; her sculptures* In tlguroH of warrior and chariot the vio- torlM with wblrh ihj now forgytten Vingit of Kgypt shixik the nation*;, her otajllHkv lanirt columns; Karnak and lyixiir, ihe stupemtoua tempt -< of her pridiv ' Who can Imagine tlio groatneslloi Thebes In thone days, when tho blppo- droinii rang with bur sport* and foreign rovalt*. bowisl nr her shrlnwt uml her agony, the aooru of tho and the woe of these uniting In the nxnlannttion: "ixmk yonder! Tbero fell it great mar from hea- ven, burning in it were a lamp, anil i' fell upon the thtfl jutrt of the rivers nutl | upon the founHlns of waters, ami Uie naiyo of thejjusjjlii oull^d Worpwoodff IM Lir I It 1 r--|">r(' i! tli it a u AH, has ) whlrli haveX'jbcen matters of uiscusition among wientlflt; men for Home time. According to The Mining Reporter, a dis ooTury \raa made rt-oenUy by which It i* now pni'-tlcable to use liquefied air in underg.-t iiintl work. uch as mining, driv- ing tunnel!) and sinking shaft*. It Is said that under proper condition* the libera- tion of air from the liquid can be effec- tive in generating power with which to run drills under ground, pumpa, hoUta, Me., white cool air ran aluo be Kiipplied In the deepest inlncw. The liquid air can also be used iu freezing Mift ground, making tunnel rutting lem hazardoni and tedtou*. EARLY TOMATOES. .. A X** I - (or -i>, i IB the prof.>-ional school at Challs- Mendon, Tbs Indimrrie Textile states that iiilder hue now to spin for the benefit of the balloon* -which are used for tolentiuc and military researches. The spiders are grouped In dozens before a reel which withdraws the delicate threads. One spider can give a thread from 20 to . 40 yards In 1> nuth. after which perform- 1 anoe It Is rclca-ed. The threads are of plnktah hue, and are washed to remove 1 the"stlrky surface layer. Bight threads have to bV Tbe mmlring tez-j ture Is ninch lighter than ordinary silk of the same bulk, and strong cards for military, lxijl(iun can no donbt be obtain- ed la taxi- vit.v What d.inheil down the vision of chariots and U'nlfelos ati Uiroiioi /l-t rich With an I- I. .tit Btcoaach. The ROOT! old rnle that a receptacle must be larger than Its contents finds ap- 1 nt refutation in the rase of the chlae- ton. a flsb. (KiprUi^bj . J^nowri as ' the ' fkr its voracity and for the enormous (listens! bilUr of i|s stotnut-li. whjch permlM it to iwall JW iKIi.-. !.ir-.-r than Itm-lf. _ : ' J ^ R.I.I.. Srnrn H* Wlt.t..,..! a* tli* RA.OM Why H !%! m up 'o shlviT in the (Insolation anil point 10 r.iiUii tcs iiiitl b<vt*r*l atutut-M and li.ii.Nl -. *|id lovi-dui. 1 .rn. .1 ti vorunvood andjasf.ll . . Ion. wffh her D.W tow'-r* .IT! her id hor enilutttUxl walls, tho r ii' il.n c.irth gathered within hr . KJ.IH biuU by_ i t up .' Ui !.. bU tJie evolilnx nf I. , ll'ln i. \\hii \vin lilnvl fur -. U.\v Wm t:it MUi iittr.. Inn \vtth lil.i,l, i-nt- Iting l.hnuiitil \ us \iilli KII|VI allil Inn . ^ -..'.-> mil lulu ilirm euliltu, tin- t. I ol -,I!M-I n,. I || U , thinl nl tmriKl by night, ami Inlo i frnvu \v"iti |inn .1 i. ne most vitluililo .n uniting to .in 'i hi. gruvtv 'dlggi'1 nil lho. who usqiiteil ut till nere niasHiu -iiiil, *i that it would In. >! In-, known win. />i no wmiltli Tim Krtiiiiin ICni|ilre onnqnmxl ths world, lull Amlit i-oiii|ii(irtxl the Itoinnn iKnii-.lio. lie wiu n^ht In calling lilm.-i'll a Mumrgo, but InsUvad of Uiing "the rgn of OIM!" lin was the scourge ol oolu* oud urn itllO \VRIllth o( A klllRilillll lJoaust> of hU brllllitnny and blttornnm tho oonimentahirs nuglit well havo mip- IKMnl him to lie th stitr Wormwood ol ihe. tut i. As the rogluns he devastate) \MM |.n1* mint opulent with fountain* and Lruain> and rivers, you sea turn graphic my toil Is: "There foil a graal flar fnun hrAtAn, burning al It wars lump and U fell upon the third part ol fee. rivers and upon the foununn waters, and Ute name of the sUtr If oallod Wormwood. " alcfal lnflil*fir. Hot are any of rou thu star Wormwood! IH you eould and growl from tbe throiinl or naaternalr Are jour chlldrM Ware or OelHC Od. Hut I will change thl< and you 'are n iitnr of wo.-ldly pi Then you havo large, opportunity. You . iii-ouraK" Miat .irtUt by buying his im'' me. You iv. ii ti-ipnive tho Hold*, the sliilili-4, tho highway, by Introih^-lng Ir'KMur myle of fuwl and horse anjd'(x>\v ami iliiv-p You bluet the world t\n'i oiuologltml aeltleM-titi'iit In tho orcb.-inl Voy can ndvam-n iirburieultam and arnwt tin. 1 1. tit hf ul dml nii-tt. in of the A men.. in ton-s s You can put a pluoe of Hcniptiire Into the nlolio of thiit publle mvWli'my, you citi endow H iMllcgo, you can stock- Ing l.fHX) hnrti foot from the winter fruit, \oii ei'i build a i-hiirob, you ran put a mlssliinnry of t'lnUt. on that foeclgn -lion-, yoa mill help 10 ransom a world. A rich man with his heart right <*an > in I'll ma how much good a JnmoH I. '-in '\ora (lisiivu 1'ivilMnly or a I' -i.-r Cooper or a William 1C l>oilg dlil whtln living or In doliiR now that ln> Is Ih. r.. ii not a city, town or nclgb,lior- that has not yjorlou* Hpn-linenN of collM--mtisl wealth HIII suppose yon grind the faw ef | the poor. Sii|i|in-e, when a inan'n witfSM are dm', Mm iimlti- Iniii \vnll for them InvMuse In- - -iiinnt I-. l)i hlmsi-lf. Suiipo-si , ^liat, I. nisi- his l.'iinily U sirU ami In* I. .'H had uxlnt c.\|*"ivv he -houlil )M>litely aik > oil ... hK w.-ti-e^ for (hid yiur, aiv! you roiii;lil> till him If bo waul* ft boiler Jibuti to gn and get It Suppose, bjr your luajiiu'i-. von .r i as tJiO'ifth he wnr noth- ing nnd wen- evfrylhlng. Suppott you an. selfish itml overbearing itnj arro K'ant.. \ onr tlrst* namo ought to be Attila ami your l.nt namn Attila biwnuss you am Iho itar \VoiiuwiKMl, und you havo anbltMnd one-third If not thriv thinln of Iho waters ihitl roll p-tst y.inr ninployne ami o;iei-illvw ami dep -mleulM nnd Bsso elates, nml I lie I in r line of .virrltgivi whloh tho iiini.'i t.ikni- ortlors for your funeral, In ortli.r to makn tho oooaslon rvHiKviabl.!, will l tilled with twioo as many dry, (mi-hi-m oym ai there aru per- sons occupying I hem You Will bo III this world but a few minute* As oom)Mnxl with i-liiriiity, the stny of the lougost lift on ixtrth U net iiiora than a minute. What aro we doing with that mltmtof Am wo mblttrlng the domestlo or toolal or pollMivil fountniiM, or aro we like who when the Israelites In the i -nni). In i iu| that the waters ol Luke Mm li woru hitter and they conld not drink them their leader cut off the branch of a curtain tree and throw that braurh Into the water, and It benarae wool and slaked the thlrtt of the saffer- Ing hontf Are w with a branoh of the troe of life swnet-enlng all the braokUh that ww oau touohf AtnytT-t. who Tinil Ni-n moiiiitainoij-i '-oiiurr.v .-uiil dun.- tb.- tfnt. cnnntry' |'h.-- hAn>l nlMvp t<>rrn.-i f.-r there'H the (rtry on the wing. 'tiirhl up in a iMIllll 111 1 : parfleh*. bulU terni'v Till nt tho height of -100 \\.>r|4 wtyvlng and fonn- ih< vcnbrro, the follitgp, a iniiiiiit.ilii w. i" On -the tiptop a king vrolk- ing with Ui-i .|iu-n. Among tho fttatucs, tnowy -wh^(v )>IHug up at bird* brought from dt-i*:.-HT* r> nti1fUjr out >4f htnknrds of soliil gold or looking off over rivers and latm upon nations milHlund and itilurinv Tylug, "U not tbU |rrutt liabvlon wltjeh I have built!" "What bnt-tiTlng run smote the walls? What plowharo upturnod the garden*? What army nhntu-rotl the brazen gates? What long, flerct< I last of stonn put out this light whlrh Illunilnntcd th \vorlil? What erash of diword drove down the niiiKle that poured from palaee window and garden grove and rallixl the Kin qitoturs to their mvul and tho danoers to their fec-tf I walk upon the scene of dtwolntlon to find an answer and pick up plowe of Uitumon ami brlek and broken IXIIUTV, tho remains of H.ibylon I hear tlui wild waves saying, "litibylon was proud, Ilabylon was Impure, Itabylon was a star, but by uln she turnnd to worm W.HI, I and hu fallen." Tl Lord'* liuu.ln*!*. I plty that our nation may not >-ony tho rr lines of nations that have perished; that our cup of hilling turn noi to wo:-mo. i I .mil we go iluwh I am by naturo mid by grace an opilmUf, und I -\|H-t tbat hl( eountry will continue to ailvatti-u until the world oh.lll nvu-h tho inilleiinlal era. Our onlv safety Is In rlirhUxiusncsn towanl ti >.l ami j Uiward man. If we furget the go-Hbaoss of the Ixiitl to thU land and bresvk his MbUi-l--., a i I improve not by tlio dire O> tlMit he>t>. and s .1 ' --OIIIH to u ae n iv|plH ami \*a l-N^rn -i i>; li-"'Hi a.-Uhci- from .-ivll \\ ii ii" epiUenilo. nor dl"ou nil t nqr .mUts^v. "or re of kns* and grahoii|H.r ; if the political oorruptlou ' 'hlch bus JM.-.TU| the (oiiHlain* of puMlo vlriuo and be- sllmod tho high plocig of authority-, mil IliX froo goveruhcnt at times a hi Wing and a byword In all the uanh; if tho drunkr-nno&t aftd lli-ontlouaii-wstlia'. stag gor and blan|iheine in the streets of our cltta*. M though UIDT wer i roitoa I ng after the fume nf a Corinth uml a SoHnm, am not mp<<ntd of. we will yet *** tho smoke of our nation's ruin; the pillar* uf our National and Htttte capltoli <\ ill fll mora disastrously than when SttrQson pullMl down Dagou. and future histor- ians will raoord upon the pig lnvlxwml With generous tnani the story that the fme nation of the weet arose In splendor whloh made the world stare. It had may- nltli-ont pomlblllUoH, It forgo* Ckxl; It hahul Ju>i-iee, It biigg4 Its orlme.4 ; It hultod un IM high luamh. It realoU under the blow of calamity ; It fell, anil as It was goltyi down ail the despotisms of earth from the top of bleodv thrones begun to shout* "Aha I 80 would we have It I" while stmggllng and oppressed peo- ples looked out from dungeon bare, with (ean n.i groan* and orles ef unHoW In a conctr saw two voung men ply two glrl with liquor uutll th.-y wwre drunk. They then 11 them. KtJig/. rinir. down a diir!% - .-i lTtif.rwfl f tlie <tunry. welvr In Mr. ktaliuK* owa w..pU "Then,'' be says, ' rvi-*jiUim pr. vMvt o'liinlons, I became a jirulubltiixUK. He I. Is that a, st.iul-1 gv without Ms' II.NT in public peo- hmiself with sw.-.i irrow 'inlriihslnoin o/,'he in i - -'-v l.-tt.r It l to poison the mlde with very vil tem- (H-raniH! drink-, and to liy liv r furtive- ly nt bock (>, lh.tnrj<j ftf)!! TeinntAj |iou loAhe lips of young fools " h a-i fti* fftifrn had unio. "^J uiidnrntnurt now why the |.r--.i- hi-m ragv a+auost Orlnk. I h.ive Kill I- I'li.-r. Is no harm in. It, MUt^ri inotlenMfly.' ami yi-t my own de- laatvd for b.vrh. ; l|HHt-dir.vlly to m-ml those twenlrls rw-liiig dowii Ui* diirk >*rw&, to vid alooo know* wtml <SH|. < II Kqaor Is worth drinking, it Is worth taking a lltUo trouble to come at sucft trouble at a man will undurgu to coiujiaw his own doirt*. It U not good that we should let It Ho before the cyce of rJilMrrn, and I have boon a fool in writing to the con- trary. " This ts Important t*ln*>uy Ksylynrd Kipling ls no unknown-purntia. Ko one- ran accuw him of IntoUvaaoe or fanatic- Isni. No one can taiuit him with iguor anoe of life. rrof oaT. "Do you N-lleve In hypnotUmf "Yoa. Did futt aotkw tkut young wo- man who jtiit -pJhaml unt '(if the fBoi4 Well, srn- gut me to otitw-rltie f(ira(4b<K>k that 1 shall ni-ver w.tnt and that ftlieknuw I'd 'icvor waul " - I'hlengo NoWa J*%llufi of T*ap*rftM<-*. At tbe dsmsnd ef the ml u liter* of Denser, Co)., the chief of pellos says he will enforce tb* law ugato* wine rooms lo eoansrtlon with saloons. Kait.'i In uoU and hard work will not ool? stiaogls l!i liqucr flsnd, but It will nltimatflly drive the dsvll out of the world. National Temperance Advocate. The. Vi-ihjMrlao Hyntd of lllluoia, in es1on at Jlioomlrtgron, uanea a reiolo- tlon pledging ths }'r*sbylerlan chuicft to prohibition ax tlie most stTsollve plan tor dealing with intern paranes. Iowa driiRffltls are being ainesswl tbs rsgblar talooa lloense tax of 960 per month ID loms towns. Sioux City Insists on this rule, because tbe saloons ot tbat iilaoe sell less wanaky than tae drug ores. While an ax. DO scatter bow sharp It Is, cannot chop of itself, a urong man run make tbs si etoy. Ho while a pro- hibitory law of Itwif may nit prohibit, a prohibitory party aao make prohloitou problbll l .1 ..... l.v!"*" "Are yoar discoveries often brllllaat iBtulttonif" wan asked of l:ji*on. "No. I ntvs- did anything worth do- Ing by Aedseot," Ue repllM; "uor did any of my Inventions come indirectly through aooldent, execpt tbe phonograph. Waen 1 folly dooW that a result Ii worth KMlD|, I go BbMd ud uiakt trial aft*i trial uutt' H nu>ti." "\VhallmpVli yoia .to Ibis constant tireless striiKfle' Yon have ahowk thai you oar* aomparaUte|y nothing fur tbe money, and yoa have BO particular DikiiNlaiai la ihe sMetieHiig fame." "1 like Ik I don't koaw aay other Ma- te*. Anjtblog I havt iwgun on U on my Bind, and 1 am not saiy until It U finished. Ami Isea I halt IL" Hr It?" Yei. when it Is all done and a rae- eats, I taa't hseir tbe tight of II I haven't used tbt telephone I* years, nd wou u go oai of toy wv to iu\m aa rrrpnr.Uon ( the s.>ll-H, 1( ln <k* riant, la Ihe Kleid. While the tomato U adapted to navy soils it mast be remembered when the aim is early maturity that a too fertile) boil or one ia which the fertility is widely distributed and which it deelrty ble where a general crop is grown la to be avoided, since snea soils- tend to prs- dnce a too rapid and .too large growth of vims (hoi partially defeating ths purpose In riew namely, a qnick growth of plant and a rapid develop- ment of fruit "ttie active fertilizing matter *h.rikl b*- couJpmsj^ted withia f 'ie imiuijJiate re.ii :B 'or 'tJw rcxits. A ma! not natnrsily vary pj. in which tha added fertility nay || provided, both aa to place nod timeyfa will best serve the pujpose. ia litowt l^Birable. A light, sandy loam, high anlivell drain- i. in perhaps th- ideul foflkrly toma- toes, provided tbe proper Ibbnriahment is given from artificial sunieps. The previous trgatmenllpf the soil thonlit be Hurli as tp frxe ikfrom weeds and tn leave it in a thorop^hly friable (..million A" crop of CO^L potatoes. wct potatoes or im-lonsis better to precede tomatoes than a Is^v crop. A clover or timothy eod or t green crop, snch aa rye. way.' howefs>. precede, provided H is pk>w4 .-ttj^r in fall or very early in spring, in tinw to permit of a tuorongb mt'lknviug bjFcnltivatioa before tbe plantu are, * '* * u '- preparation the nsnal p: opon fnrrow 4)sj feet eac ing the dirt both ways a furrow at least 8 incline iiM-ben wide BTtkfi Uut..m j Thaaettimt in-th^finl gin until the wi-ati r i warm. brfKlrt nay' fctacrt and the mirk pnrrxd MTujhllj- as pos- sible. If aet on a cold, Am day. tbs t growth, willf^t only be 1y settings lie pl.-mts ly w:iter- [e drought have been of plant- WS: w wheel- feet, oa will car- nvenient rW the boxes ' Two men atnl turn After thu ;ice is to y, throw- leaving p and 10 Id not be- ittled A aa f or lioC venuhnii. st'-Hi.- gro*-u m Mnxi. lawo ing may be carried 1 Ii n as t Koro*r1ihKth<nelil. *d whgnn.' li.;tteo*.,l to wMch n i'l ink <* phi-. 'I w ry about 3a.Tpl;rtrfs. H v.-r When in the ti. 1.1 K ys c.t Jit4 .-, )b4W"by the' b tulrr-w. tke W boxes iu ont the |; If tnanar this is it and untroiiml.-il by the injfttire. Am T muti follows with u hjftjiiul draws irth wiftthe plant I ,1(1 the lull. the pl:Ui placed ia l^BM. thelstit<i-oil.lrMtt^ith 8idd|of the fur- row urouritl th p\ut an^i-presses It firmly with V's fet>V ^ Prufijpstir E & Vcorhees rl^ouimends in fttrmtiw' bullotiu No, 7< k jthe treat- tti.Mit vf tutf field .iml tbe manner of set- ting [Junta lir dem.-ribe^J and says that ;il.iuta Uius w-t r;irely.-silt or feel ili* eff>-et>r^ tLo setting. aM start at once into new life uud vigotisjf growth. If the cmulitions are favorable, roots will be uiriuctl in 4 hkira. ! the F1el4. \ *]Kh.l c< fotr< iwpaxwas in "> firUl nx-t'iitly rr ported by tbie Missonri nUtion is Trenrhes are made by run- ning u, plow twii-e in a place betwee* the rows so us to throw the Moil on to them. Thti truiH'htw tire thA. niadtt nnl- f.inn Vy ^*uiS t>f *t*ue. \Vhou ftn- Itili il. they uro three or four i^chee low- er than tha .-rowu of tlie planta They aru covered with 12 ;:>rh Ki^tt's resting on four inch Uix-ks on either side of the trent-hns, thns forming tlnnels be- i the rows. Tlu> board* are COT- *reil with two or three itichea of soil. and over the whole bed five or six im-htof rHmuaii-.:r<Mipl;vef<L Steam fnun tb.t- boiler IM carrtMl t*abe end of tbe contral tunnel by n Dteafkpipe, and fmtn tbenj fonvd intv> the various tnn- ni'ln tbmnxh UBtrm hose. TIi Hteum i.iri.\i into dinict ivntui-t \<iih the soil it readfry, untf thereby tb.t wbolu bed nnif.iruily to the tern pprat ure, keeps the soil. mid ni.ilnt.-iiiie ft couttenons for- 11- ntationof th luiiuure uioluh. About five mi nut.* nt a time WHS' as lung M ht.vim conld be fortetl into ijlo tunneto wuliutit Uaogt-r of injuring roe plant* This metliua MH first teste4,*t the st- tk.u ill the winter of 18U8. v '. < ri M ,. ..f is:. The fluijl esti 1:1.1 tiv uf the prodnction and value of wheat, corn and oats in the United States as give* in the crop report <>f the department of atcriculture are. Wheat. 44.05o.37t IUT.W, 67.14i^0> tnw*elst4orn. 77,- 731.781 acres, 1.924. 1H4, 060 bushels; oat*. C3.777.110 ores, 780.00o.ft4l MM* The acreage of winter wheat for ta* preeent seaaon is tntiuiuted at 89.943.- 439. which is 8,811,908 acre* greatet than the area sown in the fall of 1B9T and .08,809 cn in excoee of the winter wheat area actually, harvested in 1608. The acreage of winter rye b twtimated at 8. 7 jmr cent lees than that of last 7tr- H r KAISEB AND RHODES. South African Magnate Talks to Kruger's Good Friend ' rron your dfe%43!' M anair >.! T >o' then . To thi- r"!-tnil -li'.rw KI.I MittrMr-tfiere > *v ilJt. n,pa;Jfc[ls>. **i -*'ajttf nip*** 4 I , ~> i _7 - Uiil.(i friii, . Hoi*. Copunhaften, Marr-b 13. Prlm-es Alex amlririe, wife nf 1'rimru ^hri^tMtn, lieir tu be throne 'if JSyimitrk.> tgrtb to a ..a >ju THE BRITISH PAPERS JUBILANT. i a .so A -.rill . I > Hi Ill.t in .unit i;vr'm*j l Hw si-'T uf tp-lo-C*lro KailwaT Ih. ...,..., t\ < bl > Berlin, Starch 13 Tito Reichstag Satunlay adapted the <-o%>nlal ' ' { tfcsi- for tbe tylmiuistrttion of Tn Tajitini ' Soft gray czarina, much HVb FrencA canicf hair In effect cnue fit all tit* vuriml tones e popular at tnla- time of ' UaJ^Mlere eff.^ta will reappear th prliig, auJ UHTO it enough diversity *hi >wI (n these vruss stripes toTendur tbain on yi-nti-rday to cuuuieinorare <-he PD|H-' ru- iv)jrT Aiid.bA'* i>r\riarii)n in the .Si-rniu > ) aeirii>JHr^i J( 1MW. unitnal Rani- ;m'l:i. Papal S-**tiry uf Stau.-. officiated ! fie pr<(*'ni* tion. Iji- ' Tbs>newohoviutsfor ta4loreostumes are , very jjunu-tivo mid stylish. The ceJurs I ash uJUatl. iui usual, but moat of ttm very j patterns are quiet and unub- , the . . HER MAJESTY STARTS. i San Guinra i -hand scarfs, with very long ends that iwu-h tho belt. Till this spring be /orn^eitb. smart tailor nuuls shirt urauts if f4or silk, faille, silk dotted mohair, etc. Thjll! three or five piece sheath, skirt, with ion jacket and rest tasu-fuily bralditl or TI..7 Stop Work. < o* Moar. Ot ln Sprains Bruises H root* lttfl ta *nr tb*tu rig 1. 1 a war wltii It ST. JACOBS OIL . It eavM time, money , ailia, y. ny, beotuut a Oermao Mr. C<xf who listeitaJJ tbe quest iosrr of his pres<snc in Hi-rlln Ur. von JJVkha. dintor of the Cojoo- tal Dejutruitanr. *i:.l the laiive in Would IM' an tee for < bers, incl AI.O L..I tr i- .r . ^'"''T K.^ / m0 " g ^iTl 'Lndon. Marah l3.-Qiim Vltiorto to the debute, during whih.l rfjln tur ch>' Comment ou ~tuiar. The u was i-alin. lh l*rinp^ oi Wai,*, f riiwws Vic- torW of VTuLf nnd I'rin. ( D'U- juiark ;!*> Iftt Kiittlaud. hf w;ir "f Dover and Calais, on th,-ir way a> l':irw. \rhere thi-y will spend tw. i dys. I'h.-y will then fo to Mann-illt* in<l tinbttrk on tin.- royal jiicht Oaborne fora Mi^lir.ermneau erlse. with soutache In bppHiiiie do- lgn.1, U still a' vrry pnpnlar style for grn nil uan ihm spring. Tie of the new Eni/Ush walking ]ik t.s far next aearon are mrned back In rnu'MUlly ghaped rererii to t no -waist lino. n are worn .joned straight, doivn tiio neck fasteooii diu^ucaiJy from the laft shoulder. B.l.r. abotit tha na-.vs.-r hofr*. Al the iftp ^U** 'In twr4e>cent ymi 'Jin watch curre after J V..II.J lit* ..,cr:i. . ini.l .1 I . In 1 uig thi step the long holluw of her nM -iuiu4{ of ber 'iil.--lall K it \friet h but. he^dt si iimler tHu/allet *n*r- lan interi^tit. St-veral mem- Hi-rr I.ieber. tho Centrist j Kmpiiou *t Hauli[n. watier. i-oiswieunil uptn tho "painful Boultigne-mir-iler. March 13. -Immense emotions,1 by the, pr*moeii i Ber-^ CT , )w(U ftwsltrtl thl . lirriral ln the ,,_,,,, lln of the pnme mov.-r ta an MisMaaV of the ^ #,*, b.rlng the gj.s-n, Ing nnfrlenjy to (.ermaoy whlle tbe Mwn an(1 ^j t , )a TB-||lU ^ the K ,MT Kfc.lvn* Hfc~l. port Were divoruted with bniHiiiif,>and EmiHTor jfilliam m^iwl Mr. CeU tbe niutu from Uw unity to tba railway Rhodes in ajHtlien.'e at rt-u clock on Sat- staw"n waa tine.! with troops. A brlllitus unlay evunKhr. gathering of military and u.tval ottcvn i-.M^Tfiii Jubilant. unt! lir-nuiueiH . JM! 'iJi'tal* boanl.sid the _ , nt*iner and u'i-rv ititr.>iiilctHl to* the London. Alan-h li-Ihe Rnglish , n wb|> <ooltk , Fn . n ,. hi ^ n . papers are fcbihant at the pm-| -t.s ,,f. ^ mnkai ^^ fur the w ,.l,.. on ^, e x- thc- KU.-,.^ ol t'-il ftsjejf visit to I -, ^ iM w h(jr ^.^.^^ <ul)) . rb ^^t. of !ln\\Tr-> aU'l a nun. N-r of rtiKrttvlugS ri'lin-sentlng tho la-t visit of Her Mj)-sty to Boiiloiirie in ii.'i.l wure pivsentod to lln and hiK Jjiidiemv with Kjupuroj- WU I llam. whicV it is said, pnautstw w-ll fur' the Capv-UJftpairu railroafl. OSt nn-i:ti4 aopuui geographer* imv r.he time, of llt,'(i. - i . - by the arrrtul friiii Cwntnil Afrieii the A feint y flufflness abnnt the neck, pro- ; TU . IB ,J ^^ 'hitherto nnkau\v:i hUnjliaV duoslby plaitlngsof white lace or e*i<rbn-i ^^ _ ^ t^ a journev of three months in:erft 1 gll with outrfanding Hier*-f fr , Ji;i 1 1, t . A<-rt of Africa w !^n.!on. trav- very *krrmv black velvet rtbbou. iaxlfid ' edly !$rcouiijig to women wai Kkeudei face*. the nsw. \tr? smart, liltle :nf 1; eta, lalhtftry coats, supr. tailusejjade bolerof. si avvafjl and n any khapcd "Louia, will appear with both Lenten modsta Tory with wraps en oiw. Blsak *tlk breids and blnck woven ehsv , nillaln patterns like >uut.. , aru )pvcn anil twi s ted intu var;. ful 4wl conventional di -ii^ns for akin, bodlea-and jacket trimming*, yokel, curr- Ing qollurs and* flaring cuffit. guinipcd. v t --t ginllsjaiRl corwli-t j.i.x'.-s. and their favor f 4 tlie) sprint; and -..iinmcr U already as- ' York Post. he 4aara *P bitr ' he in us iit*v*ni Om her fortdbmillt it; fhotoirrnph an i* a niaiwiil >> a macTntoal >T n her gait, drunk with . out- there quite alone so far as s wejrti i-.;uc-ruc lied l-y . a somir - iitfnlwr of" ^TtrrieM. Moreover. hv-.marriiad three wne' :u ibe> pygmy fbrest and tluin traverstxl *b whole length nf thu Artnvtmi Hlv. bank* of Which are lined with --- atutihall. be nuvr anee firud- a shut in ooruial urms with both py^:uic ami can- r ruju shown, t.i uf grace and ' worn th at* Wti.f- O!jlturr. 1. and -S- H ererj ig 1 Her (idea are nuwitb pehble ' artd - tu , ; .1 * t t liner i do not 'ir nrw- aav^f otf with hen:</: WEALTHY STAGE LIGHTS. Bmpertii* morn Inn, for a y.-u-ht In commen says[cnir n It marks Grvut Uri wwk. T^e Ilinly Untphir. g upon tht 1 announcement . ismtely uftrr the ,-eption of Mr C'PSJ jh- th royal visitor. A* the ij illiam. it la noii(>im<ttl this 1 train drew out .rf Ui station at arUilery ..wiw 1 July M aalulo was flred. Arrival it N .> \ .-<, March 1 '. g.icen Victoria ar- riv.M by y ml tntm fruui iioiilognesur- Mur ypsttrtlay aftt-ribioa. Wh.-n paesinK thniugh Toulon II. r M.ij.-stv siimnavnisl tho ub-nref-t and 4Cfir'-~.l . u her yni|uuhy wirli th fnnni..-s of :! Mr. LJeyd'* journey alons; the u!itr<>UU'D puUi fruin l>'g:uida was snost h^uirduus. His own :'!. n.U tru-1 to dis- hiin. but he ik-r-isusl. ami on his ' rriv tl al the Conoo tbe Delguuis could ' scarrvly bvUwve Omt h baxl.BiaUii tha: DISEASE OF wn advent to the seal Jta-- >-nerttion* .. an tu ebr <rr ' . ,1.1.. j . as SP+ISr6. tiii M. i.-t* ai<MS s reception of S thlj i-iiriiju. !. lUiSI .tlnl GerilB ll.trr^.t. am inlormtB that Kin|M*rur ' : Prol-ably no actor now on the stage Is richer than \\.::.a:u H. Crane. He in mid ; uu mcertng the groat primeval ', - -t to !' worth fc'io.ixiO. and it Is all safely Mr. Lloyd went wast fee Si* day a with- lnM.-sted. .; stgbt of a pygivy. SudtUinijr he Joe ^Jeffntsa* Is supported to ba worth- ' tlK-ime aware of their presoucv by my*- abou^|L'iiU,ooO. lUmry Utiy ugtt o ' tsr1ouji inareinonts aiming the baveo lot of moner v bat U!'MT ta BUU!S> w-iu-n be tint attributed to tho nioakeyv. |tu JJIp in "AilonU Ju; lostiu. > Vraally he came to a rioaHng and itopped Tbs) lowest fifsre put o FrMjrtf WH- ' at an Arab vill:ig'. where he met a gat sons wealth Is fltW.OOO. B got "tOOO a , playing tn "ftnaiuui." and other ventures have paid well, nurb*r of nyginJes. oid " confiTenew i many i|tien without., bit revtvling I preHsed thv- before he U i li/Tijn o |ht) aeUtalni 1 1 Dt^i F' All thu customary honors wepu (vtld to Edna tlfcher arrival The ^trt^ts |60 JCp . or I witli i-i|>i.- Peering hoart- pre- r.t >i iiy^ and 4&X<(fc>HAt: !&'"' * of a gondola mounted urmoiuitisl with l\ i bat aN ut ISO, 000 tn u-e Hi>| per isnupposed to have I.IL-JWU HdMl a liu{. .*.'> tpi maiif; |1.">. otJU, ui a sigcli m;vi;vjuiation., H. r lWrot in "tl i'a;itaa" made her **** toid me." Aid Mr Llont unknowt) \p ate, Ujvy had Ui- iua fur J '^vring thr>>ugh the lp>m-th f mret. Tht^ &ppe.n<en rery much frightcnud. and uen whuii T* 'hrv*3M. QCTrTL; i > DRIVING OUT FILIPINOS. "form $L.' MJ t%, r.ri|).-.l and NaLtiooilwln htis $80.000 and" would ' (Ski 'jtheiw bav'ifell uuve but! ixo oat pttrslstud. ui , l v JickM ^ I Irlj Aa uw Iu Car* It. Mr* Frank Mlnard .,t Milton N >.. Is Si iiuiy who ponsemies uv i-vaflitvewi s| .41;. large .-irele of fri. mis Mr*. Minard.AM, oeen a sufferer from spinal diarASSasUP ' attendant i)uu| liuatevaa. ana'oa report** he reeeqtlv gave thu panicvlars of be . M. ^ M . .. cure she SB d 'Asa result fcf tBe tro- ble I suffered MrrtM?. A* oniea she fait) would bn-i-unlliii-d. tu my liiu.-k.and atuUlM CBne it wnied to aff is-t every nerve \ti my body, from the Oup of my hwul o-*> ti e. ' Asatn-iuU I, < streuajtb nnd wan" u"u:>ii.. :o tayd,uyoa 11... 'oat 1 in* KII< null iu atteaj' t atf "U *A| 6f w - , * Oon I has) to pr . rvd a utantUag poi- ' A. ' a.:- --.- toil.e*oliw Klmiof'urv Hich- i nut .uitiil - iei to measure ifld nut -o, a* U them $w,oro ^leM if iJrtM W 5e' rich. Tie guf ' ne* *o oer fsi l.t ' and found AM ? I M .: f ir *,. ,K.. *- f ftr MiU and, Uwuwan properly aod bas a i -.1... Ti.:- KlnoUy i r-n us v: than the men. 1 was a:r.ui at ^. ,. ' . |ow urdinwa. The men have long , pi M~I! :.-t ion mini th ami f^tf^B^I * ainiilar extensions shall have tMvii The Kren.-h anil K-.^ntuniSltetti Vckin on Satunlay pniUsiUal. J> Tmitlg 1.1 Y.-tm.-ll :i^:i!llI '' land In Shanghai to Aim . or other forefjrn Vrti |l<-(itn * C-i,.r.l I nurtY H^ T' Msjpila. March 13. Kxt tlons are bviug m.iije for of tUu. Aiuwitvn- 1 fu antecs 'vcstmentt. uve prepare,- lhlaud up !. thf) gHBep,; ad- Hfima hM pul Mljo ^At day- , MO^,^ b Wem .vtiiKht I _... n Ui >.. ri..-. r*r w ."v7 -..T; , u.i U f-.r.uixut. Kium;. l>iH4i Ilifllt IIHim*liAi ( l t UU tbe ground uceupxsl by h>i<rUs<i aWI Am. ri ean traders Is ouUide the limit* of the old j W(u .bM-lll < '^|,rABeItoa > I lowing oabli i Manila Hekln, M*rrh i:< i;htTt3\lian Quints-! tar lii-re. Slgaor Slinu/ia, jka* <u|0nvwtl at famUhM. O not., to the Koreign Otliiv making a re- i , n ett now qutMt to take buck the Italian (taifutttth the chief c asking for a cont-efjMalv at'nlyisjB; ii,,^ shoul UK> Korvgn (HUiv-u atierpt it u-s t de- I'nd.-r s niand, adding Mxir. toe Was wtllit.g to ,,f War sa ntt>r into friendly negotiation* as to Iho O jji. details, but Insisting it|jv'i -tW <>iiwer t. acuuti Within four tlays. This nmv ^.as rouelied ' in courtoimi tervns, I 11 tlio Chinese re- j gunl it In thu nMureirfan iit'lina'tuiu. tg ! M:uill, M:vl which they w.i*i proiul/iy yniid, eril Wb>uton, .iilvanced at 7 now moving slighi rosistjin relrutO. A gul alonit the ii.s far pose of the to La Gun anil wcr 'shelled by battwy. -...i^rj^r^ lApijHfTi vlqu at ITi'e' Mast batch of SpaaMt *.litiers, WMII. HX.tipt n few who 'iru In the H>Mpltal<. \v-rtj ambarkved on .bourd th traaKyurt llu.-u.w Ayrus on 3e>t- urday. ...... .,,.1 Child ParU. Maivh U. Tbv 1C lair piiVilhhd details siippli.'il by th Due it.- fnotrtSS-j ooneerniTig the MJiluli-.! attack U|io!i Major M.ntihaiiil s IKIMII.H it, Kashoda, dei-larin-^ that Marchaml's lighting ly assistetl (-Irnrr^l KTtf-h-m-r ' artvnncol to Oiinliirman. nuv of the! Khali U. 'H Jiltai- a T 7 < : Mail adWeWtarfatu tbe rv|sn-i si at a point. .'() day-. where he ran Home, March 13. I'o lfon- I i-i Lines.*, wrbr> i.-i-s ill Latin ti-HUslatoil, road as Is iurwoft.(X) i".*A* Pills oura bttatuws) rm. bioou with its iif gtvmg All dfeicasM Jus i>y clno. iokl tot all <KO>* n uc satik or tu ' Dr . BrockvjKe, Owv lef tolil mi- tho tribes were noniii oever ,1,-p. two ni K hts ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Grub' out sJl Worthless' trees. 1'liUJ o4t the erclmrd ia winter Do uot prime' t&e pcncb \inflj' Tobacco saekutviu At a rule it Is wifer and beu^r to young trws 'lutn to gritil old tmoev pl&Mt of rii falT to de wrfl at lack of Tfght In tbe roobia. pnraiog ta-Oeceraary en s plant ght In pear trees nay by cutting out tbe tree* ear a growth. This Is ihe apple. j-Tiir, i lu.m and cherry. ir*x-s. irr n -j' CRITICS ' ajid busnos ave no filacc in tlio garden. 1 hoy .mviit needed by the garden thruwti up hut*. MouMrkw of .t .ycljer Mr StanTey of IMII w t-raiwd the forest year* ago, *iril ;:Ogvc Ansiug tht'in " Ur. Lloyd then ]iruct<led UirwwH tba oajinibitl eountrie* 'o thf-oakl IK- found .the cannibals warlike ami fierce, bat upen and atraightforward, and had no difficulty with them. At gue place. b put nripened I together a bicycle ho hod with, him and rqrte arouail their village A remarkable scene followed, thouxuml* of cnnmbal men, women and childruu turning uut s dancing and yelling .11 w'-.i' :her de si-ribetl as "a Knro|n rlilim; a anoku. " eft. u be < ctlmes a judlclonS pruning of the trees will iuduio fruiting, for the t.un of bloom often u-nda to setting t. a tn intake to, suppore that any old. ut soil la g.'otl enough fur tbe \\ il i.'n-cd eull ia ial to gi ul fruit. E "A. FUET IN BEIN -o I- a|..s of Ih* PEACE SHOW. bi-.ijitilul jiune> foMovrs I I.- , sthrtflng ir LIU.-.- ..f r.- am 4 mt oV *>ry he ff * wuvu. wuuUt , .-'atrtt With tie*' In H< ilrll*ht It l L I CI'l-Nt is iilu-ll 'In k.r. ' ' > nil us HH .! i i II I .. -.mi., i 11 vsiiiui. u..- i ....- TV l-a. I ii l.-lte ir mi i And w.i i Ills irvwa'Un- n>u -I IILH I u .-raws, Jl-MIS. \V -I." I'l.T Hi .11- IS, ~|..ill || y : I Mill An. I null.'- tin- w.-ik.".l |N. \\.-if-il tu -In- fisr. . rot), uf fnilav ill. ,- l arts Then I:I.I *V)K'r w^mf N himself 1 1... nuuainln a,UO,UUU are divided 1. iNM.-en Huililhism and a cheerful nguoa- tii-nm whleh a>-eord.s wall With the Oriental temperament. Two ricMInc M*t*r* Luiocbml. Liverpool, March U, Tko British hat- tlmhip Glory, l-.WO tons, \yas Iniinel ed from- l-uinl's shl!i\.-irils nt jilrki'iibead on SuturJay morning. IheClory is designvd to develop a speed of Is k" Tbo battliMhip ImplaeaWu Was also ajsMSBMly Intinehed al l>!tveii|H>rt In the presviu-. 'f th* Orown PrlniH) of ^iam and a ' litive. gitthrrlng of dUtlngnished letthe\ls i-a!lisjg on tho nations vn theif aus Unghuid ix-auontls down > of uew buttle- hilaiV.-li'lua 1 cdp-r. rmer '! Vst.'i t< i t tho emr that he bt-licva in Jisarumniujit when MOM ion of prec- in 1. 1 is iirttttcr I* the ticklish point. <ouis (JloLH' Ui-1'iornit. o waiting for the curtain to go Dp peace coufercncv in.'rformjuice.Ureat n Is paning away tho tluie building _jone 1 -4.000 too bnttleshipn at a cost df|.000,000. Indiajutpolla News. The czar ami's to think that a good way to begin his disarmament programmo k to maku his peace with Count Tolstoi. Them ia no duuj(t Uie wlsdotn of dis- arming pneslbls eoaoiics flrst. Chicago jour oal, Wbatvrcr the motive of too yon tig csor -and' oharity "tl.lrketh no vil" the in of "ui'h miJta-.y cstal-lishmqlitt IW uf !>: Krvotfo raii.v propo- sition to i-itl.ue tin- I. .ui i be diauiiased l}gi)tly. Troy Tlllien: THE CYNIC. atnl All train'liiR IMK! wl>h,v>Mi4tf Hiikl end- kin.l, | wU 1 Our i.rii bn'l glvv < 'i in* upriu*at gift. Indicated 10 guns. honw-powor, and A young man would rather be funny than wlau. Sums people never really enjoy Stilus suMut at a funeral. Do not bollcve \\ !ua t x.vplo u-11 you "f the ugliness of suiim. nor ;oi;i thow Uimetit tile ol.l vi : !:"_- 'la; - Ivuiuy of the- stHi am) nnoth.-i- , .mil wu siiu-v U- 'iiatiktul for Unh. A modern man -i m eveiv iir.ill!c '* should - her wltli the .jfe hot \:\ In: Knttl-on .u-ross a heavy ucll. 1 ':.e ram bjow drawn u\>wiknl :yil 01; etntri.'. - I heiv is (ip rm . hitul, tVT tlinlHM-^ or Kiv ditnu.-t the eye from i'- J.i: !me or i-lu- hmaMfnl r. in, irk ::. -.. Jnto the full K>so:i '.' tl-e *hip. It hniij:* nn an In-st.'-ir. then, .inn-try wid cleun'.y a-t a u-U'i" >>! UitVo. lie Into thu hollow of the swell, down an. I liown till tbu turprisoil sea s;-..'-. off in i'oiiin . " . *<l . i. uo.,o.. . j ; t 1WC Mrs. De mibb \ ou say you paid wnly 6Q centa for those ahlrts. Von sfw* Wn t' ' *"* have purchased tb.iu You ahuuit notj enuouragv thoee man ufactururs. Mr Uo Hubb Why not? Mrs. De Hubb You nitMt know tiy-the price tbat they aru a product of the per- eplriK eyttvm. ". : A <| n.-.-r <tla-ei. Sinl(h DM you notice, that peculiar sign on the door we just ;. si/ No. What - - Sauitb Orphnns' euurt. .Jom-s I fail to we itHythlng peoalheY abourtliat. Orphans have as muah rijsbt iss.plo. haven't " . Deafness Cannot be Cured i t PMC* ID* era la on < . 1 b i In- . 4 of *ke> i tub* ,< . , n : - f- r*rert Ii thereniilL, awt n tnk*>n rut ail thi - - 1 I v .set -Mil ..f wn \ .uaaiuail a -. < wofts eurfii Wawni JIM On.- Kiiaitred lltUar* *er -r K- of I V if... * . . .t iv .i irli) th*t cati- D..I tx> i ui *.! i..y Kail e Caurrli (Jura. *tnd loe ciiculi, Vie* rh. ut eWSMdbj DruKfi.i*; Q J

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