WaliU* <* Mte'a View*. Hrealb* soft BO<1 low. wlinMrlng Wind, Above U Uug led greea deep, Waan tboaa who luvad IUB long ago lergot tbe world and Ml ulMp. Notoweruu abaft or sculptured nrn Or mauK>luni'i euipty pride Telli to in cuiioui puwr by Their Yirtuen or the lima they died. I eonat (bo old familiar nm, O'ergrown with mou and hcbn pay. Whr UBgloJ britr aid creeping tine Asroes the orumbliiu tablcu Blny. The summer sky Uaa&lr bits; The t ir.U still tine; the Bweel old Uraiu ; Bat oiueihlotf troiu the smmmar tiiue li fOBo inat will not come af sin. Bo many voices save been tush e. I. Bo many toast have oeaaed (or a> , Bo many Land* 1 nsd to tuuob An folded over heart! of cly. The aoliy world reoodei from ma ; I ceaas to he*r its pnieu or blame; The muHy inarsl aeho back No Lolluw Bound of imply lime. I only know U>t, oaJm and itill. They eleep beyond lit*'* wo* and wall, Byuud Ike fleet ot aaillug cloudi, Beyond tbe abadow ol tne Tale. I oaly f 1 that, tirad and wora, I halt upon the highway bare, And taj with yuarulng ayee beyond On flel.li taal shine tupremciy (air. VEINS BLAlk A Story of Blood auei Iron. "Mo, no; to-day Herr Berkow it in danger!; hi U in the houae with bit officers This time tba revolt bat broken oat amon at. Tain morning a part of Ibe miner wanted to go to work agaio , bat my son hers a quiver of pain pawed over Ibe olc Bam fact " will, yoa will soon know hoi ntattsri stand. Ulrieb is in a rage. Hi and bis anderlitgs bsve driven the work men bank, and now bold possession ol Ibe nines. Tbe vanqoitbed parly are nol going to submit lo tbii , and thay are plot- ting together. Tbe entire works are io revolt, and comrade ia trrayed against comrade. Merciful Gad I wbat *U1 be the end of this 7" Tke overseer wrung bia bands. Eugenie now uoderitood Ihe wild commotion op yonder , Ihe aouoda ol amis, tbst dee pile the distance were plainly audible to oar. " I intend to ihun the worka," returned sb*. " I with to cross tbe meadow to the park ; and (rom there" "For Heaven 'i aakl, do not go there! to larrup led tbe old roan. "Ulrieb is tbere witb bia wbole part; ; they are holding a aanaoil upon the meadow. I wai jail going over tbere to beg him onoe more to come back to reason, aad at leeel leave Ibe minet free. Now tbe fight la aiaioit oar owo flsab and blood ; but, ia bii fary, be neither sees ncr bears anything. Do not go thai way, my lady ; it ia Ibe wont." " I most reach the house," deolarec Eugenie decidedly. " eoat what it will. O with me only to tbe ' (Boers' dwellings Hartmann. If nsoeasary I will remain then until tba path U free ; and, at your lid*, shall be secure from danger." The oil man anxiooaly shook bit head " I tannol help your laieysbip," bs said " To-day, when one ilaudi arrayed a^ains the other, amid all ibe tumult, I am toaro aeenr* of my own lite ; and, if yon sbouli be recognised, il would avail yoa little tha I wai al your iide. There ia only one per eon wbo can assure yon respeetfol treat men I one whom they will obey , and b bates Herr Berkow witb a deadly hatred and bates you because you art bis wit Rigbttoni Ood I there be ooruee I b .ma tbiog bas happened to diaplsitte him ; I *ee it in bia face. Keep out of his aigbl jus new, I implors yon." H* puthcd Ib* young woman throng tbe half open door of tbs little house ; to already step* and loud, passion an voice were beard clots by. Ulrieb. scx>mpaniei by Loreai aad some other miners, came on without remarking bia lather. Hit fi was flaming red ; upon fait forehead lay a thunder cloud, which every moment threat ened to burst forth ; and bis voice rang OOt lo ths wildest aioitemsil. " And it tbsy arc our comrades, or even our brothers, down with tbem aa soon as tbsy become traitors to ai I We have pledged our word* to Hand one by tbi other ; aid now they would cowardly sub mil, and abandon u and the whole move- ment Tbey shall btve tbsir pay for this. Havs yoa taken poiiession of tbs mine* ?' " Yes ; bat" " Mo butt 1" said the young leader impi rionsly to tbt miner wbo allowed himself this pretext. " There moil nol be treason In Mr rank* now, whan we (land so near victory. Ton will drive tbem back, I tel yon, aa toon as they seek to oome on. The; ball learn where thtir plsoe and tbiir dot; now ie, even though tbey Itarn il will bloody bead.. ' " But ibere are two hundred of them, aid LortnB gravely. "To-morrow thtrt will be four hundred ; tnd il tbe oble should interfere, and make t speech t tbsm, you know wbat effect Ibat wouli bave. We bave learned this often enong of late.' " And if then were fonr hundred sve if it wai half of Ibs workmen, we wooli compel them to submission with Ihe otbs ball I" cried Ulriob furiously. " I will te if I oan no longer be obeyed. Bat no' forward 1 Carl, you mail go ovsr to Ib worka, tnd briog me newi whether Berko' has again beeu interfering if with bi damned eloquence be hat nol agtin mad hundred* wavering. You others, go bo to tbe minis. Sue tbal tbey are full, guarded, and allow no one there wbo do* not belong to at. I will follow Immediately Oo!" The command wan instantly obeyed Tbe miners hastened la the direatioi ordered ; and Ulriob, wbo now for tb* firs time saw tbal hie ftlber waa preseut, wen nattily op to him. " Ton ber* ? Too should rather" b paused eaddeuly. Hie feet teemed rootti to tbe ground ; tbe (tee jut now so flashed became white as if every drop of blood bai led it, and tbe eyes opened wide aad soar ing M if tbey iaw a apirit. Eugenia bad atepped out to tbt door, and Blood rigb before htm. Into tbe yoang woman 'i head bad flashed an idea whiob she carried oat that very moment. 8hs did hot think ot the daring, ven the danger, of ber venture. Bbe woold go to ber buiband at any price, and therefore the overotme tbe horror wilb. which this man bad inspired her since she knew upon what her power over him wai based. Once mort she woold ass tbii power, whose effect she bad already so often proved. " It ii I, Harlmann," ibe aaid, mastorint an involuntary tremar, and speaking witb tbt fullest apparent calmness. " Your father bat just warned mo against taking tbs path alone, and still I must go on." At tbt sound ot ber voice Ulrieb seemed nt to comprehend that il really was Eogenie Berkow wbo ttood tbere before him, and not a vision ot bia excited fancy Passionately be advanced t fiw Heps toward her ; but Xuenie's voice ami glanoe Mil exercised tb* old p wer over him, auc a gleam ot mildness and repose now ovir spread bia f titur . > " 'Wbat do yoa with here, my lady ?" he asked excitedly ; but tbe tone jail now H rough and Imperious was changed. II hi almost a touch of weakness. " Tbingt go badly witb us to-dty. This ii no place for women ; least ot all tor you. Ton must not remain htr*." " I wish to go to my haibsnl," stU Eugenie quiokly. "To your husband?' repeated U I rich " Indeed I" tt was tbe firat time Ibe young wife Bied Ibis designation. Bbt bad always bilberto said " Herr Berkow," and Ulrioh setmed to inspect watt lay in Ibis on* word. In hd first orprias ba had no thought why she bid oome here so suddenly or io what way tbt could possibly have Mow bt threw a baity pon bsr travalliog dreas, and a teoond round him, M if to asek the carriage or I am aloni." txplalned Eugenie, wbo ndirstood Ibe glance ; " and it is just tba< hiob forbids my going on, I do not tear be danger ; it is ih* insaltt to which I igbt be exposed. Yoo have onoa offered ae your protection and year company, lartmann, where I did nol need them ; low I lay claim to both. Oondnot me lately ver to tht house. Ton can do il." The overseer bad tbui far stood anxiously o ont lids ; be sipeeled every moment am* attack from bis ton againit tba wit* >t tht chief he so bated, and was ready in laat of need to interfere. He could uot oaderstand the oalmuesa and tearlessneai f tbii young woman in the pretence ot a man whom every one knew to be tbe outer of tbe wbole revolt , and now aa she made this request ot him, and would confide herself to bis protection, tbe old man's lelt-poasession left him ; htgazsd io real terror up to ber face. Bnl Ulriob was also terribly exeited al this demand. Tbe momentary expreaniuu ot mildness and submission had already vanished, and the old imperious obstinacy had returned. " BnallZ conduct yoa over?" he asked in a hollow voioe. " And do you aok ibis from me, your ladyship from me t" " From you /" Eugenie did nol take ber eyes from bit face. Bhe knew Ibal in then: ber whole might lay ; but here the teetnel to stand al tbe ulmoet limit ot this might Ulriob started up like a madman. " Nevtr I no, nevir 1 Ratbsr wouM I let ibe bouse be stormed lei all go to ruin, rather than lake you over there. Shall be have oourags to resist us to tbe death because you are al bis side 1 Bball be triumph when be tees tbal yoa bave oome here alone from Ibe Residence, quite alone, and through all tbis daoger, only so tbal he be left nol solitary 7 fat ihii yoa must seek another guide ; and if yon find tbal olbsr" be gave ui- father threatening aide glance" be would not go far witb yoa. I should cere for that." ' Olripb, for Ood's sake rtttrain your- self ; it ii a woman 1" cried the overseer, stepping between the two in mortal terror, lie naturally saw in this scent only Ihe outbreak of tbat reckless hostility wbiob us son bad long uartsd tgainil tbe whole Berkow family ; and therefore bt placed iimself proleotiogly before the younn woman, wbo gently but decidedly pushed him back. 'Than you will not accompany me Hartmann? ' " No, and ten times no 1" 11 Well, tben, I will go alone." Bbt turned in the direction ot tbe park bat with two ttept Ulriob bad retched her and placed himself iu her way. " Go back, your ladyship 1 Too ctnno gel tbroagb, I tell you ; and leaal of al wbere my comrade! are. Woman or not tbatia all tbe same. Tour name it Ber kow, and that suffices them. As soon aa yon are recognized, tbey will all attack yoa Yoa cannot aud you shall not go over now You remain here !" lie burled tbe last wordt al ber wilb a voioe ot threatening command ; but Huge nil was not aoouolooied to allow ointrs to command bar, aad the almost insaue vio lence with which ba endeavored to keep hei from Arlbur called forth a nameleei atguiah in ber soul , il muel b* wora* witb him than be bad told her. " I will go to my hatband," sbt repeaui with tbe utmoti energy. " I will see i they can forcibly block up my way to him LM your eomradti lay bands upon woman! Give the signal for attack your elf, if yoa woold take the responsibility o Ibis beroio desd. I am going. And sbe went. Bbe hastened past him and took the meadow path. Harlmann stood tbere and looked alter br will glowing eyee, without listening to the entreaties or rspresentalions of bis father Uiriob knew belter tban be what ibe young woman bad ia view by tbii ventore to what she would force him ; bai this linn he would nol yield. And if she went to ruin on the threshold of ber home, in sigh of her husband, before be himself con ducted ber to Ihe arm* of the bated man before Up yonder appeared a crowd o! miners wbo, shouting and raging, preesed near their leader. Tbe foremost ware only a ftw hundred steps distant : already they bad noticed Ibat solitary woman'* form tbe next minote she moil be recognized, and only halt an boor before he bad him ell inspired thine men with a blind fory againit all whicb bore the name of Ber- kow. Eogenie went on, right into tbe midst of danger, wiltout even veiling her face. Ulrioh stamped aa i( betide htumelf ; tben all al one* be broke Icoae (turn his UtLir, and tb* next moment be wai at ber eide. " Pat down your veil " be commanded ber, and with iron graap placed bis baud upon hers. With a deep Bigb of relief, Eagbaie obeyed. Now she was safe. Bhe knew tbat be would not again let go ber baud even il Ibe wbole force of miners broke loose against ber. With full conicionsnesi be bai escaped tbe danger ; but also witl tbe full conviction tbat only tbis moment ary danger to which tbi bad expossd her elf could bave enforced the protection hi had denied her. Bbe had conquered, bn it bad been only at tbe last moment. Tbey bad now reached the orowd, whiob mtde a movement as if to surround Ibci leader; bat a brief yet most emphati command from him bade tbem give wa; and start at OEOO for tbe mines. Thci obedience was, as usual, onquetiioniog am unhesitating ; tnd Dlriob, who htd no halted for a moment, drew his companion twit lly onward, Now for the flrel time sb saw bow impossible it would bave been ti pats tbroagb this crowd alone, or indeet with any other escort than tbe man at be tide. Tbe whole expanse of the meadow, nso ally so silent, waa to-day the theatre of a violent tumult, although the only COLD" o had taken place al Ibe mines. Thrjnga ol miners paused to and fro, or gathered iu wildly excited groups ; everywhere were ngry facet aud threatening gesture* ; every wbere shooting confusion and uproar. The wildly excited mob teemed to neek only aa object upon which to wreak it* whole lust for vengeance. Happily, tbe footpath led along the edge ot tbe meadow, a little away from the immediate scene of tbe tumult ; but even here Ulriob, at eoon as hi appeared, bicame tbe centre ot general attention. Bnl a strange surprise mingled wilb tbe uproarious thouls which every where greeted him. Many wondering, dittruiiful glances fell upon tbe woman al bis tide. In bar dark travelling suit, and behind her thick veil, ne one had reoogtiiatd the wits ot tbe obist , tnd i(, from ber gut or bearlt . any one had imagined it to be her ladyship, the supposition, if made audible to the orowd, would have been scouted with deruive laughter. It wat Ulrioh Hartmaan wbo had taken ber under hi* protection ; and he certainly would protect nothing which bblouged to the boose ot Berkow. But il was still a lady wbo walked near him -near this rough, wild son cf tbt oversesr, who waa not wont to concern him- self about women, not even Martha Ewcrvi an object ot interest to every onmarried ttiner upon tbe works. Could this bt Ulriob Hartmann, who regarded and treated the wives ot .his comrades as a superfluous burden to be shaken off much as possible could tbii indeed be he, wbo accompanied Ibis strange lady, and with an expression upon hi* lac* as If be would fell down any man who approached a step too near ? Who wat tbe lady ? and wbat did it mean ? This tbort walk ot scarce ten minutes was a venture even for Ibe yoang leader ; bat be showed he was absolute master of hit com- rades, aad knew how to ate his authority. Now, with torn* imperi tu wordi, bt die persed a group wbiou ttood in hit way ; DOW bt burled commands or directions to bs orowd pressing on toward him, which mad* it lake auothcr course ; now be dis- missed the solitary individuals, wbo came itb iu> u ui or tidings, with a " By and by," Ot " Wail onlil I return ;'' aud, amid all, be kepi drawing on the yoong woman to rapidly at to prsvtnt discovery. Al sugth they reached the latticed gate, at tb* entrant* ot tbe park. Ulricb pushed open the gat*, and led Eogenie under tbe protection of the trees. " I btve gone tar enough wilb yoa," (aid ie, letting go ber hand. " Tb* park ii yet tale, and in fiv* mioutee you will be at tbe nooae." Eugenie ktill trembled al tboogbl of the danger tbe had just escaped, and ber bsnd still ached from tbe iron pressure cf bis. Slowly sbe threw back her veil, and looked op into the face of ber protector. " Now be sore to hasten, your ladyabip,'' said bs with a bilter irony. I have honor ably aided you to act your hiubaud affair You will nol keep him waiting." Tbe young miner face betrayed what torture Hbe bad iuflioted upon him, an its left him Ibe oboioe of exposing her to attack, or of conducting her to her husband Tbe young woman had nol ibe courage to thank him. Silently the extended to him her band. But U irieh thrast beck the band. " Ton have dared demand much from me, my lady," be *aid, " so maob that yon came near losing all. Now you have yoor will ; but do nol again seek to oomptl ma to, a* to-day, at least when ke is near. It yoa do, tben, by Heaven, I will giv* yen both up to tbe mercy ol tbe mobl ' Upon tbe terrace Blood Fraux and Anton, with anxione, ysl ourioua faces, gazing over to tbe works. As their lady, wbrrn they bad supposed safe in Ibe Residence, sud- denly stood before them, without tbe sound of oarritge wheels having been heard, with- out her maid or any olber company, they started hack io no lee* terror than tbe over- seer, when, jost before, she bad appeared to him, Bhe could nol have oom* through the works, mill less tbroagh tbe park, they thought ; for behind tbere, upjn the meadow, the tumult was al its height , aud yet tbt wat here 1 Both servanti were so confounded that they ooold soared answer their lady'e burned questions ; but Eugenis learned tbal Herr Berkow waajusl now In tbe house, aud hastened op Ibs steps. Fraus, wbo followed her, found mill more occasion to wonder at ber ladyship ; for when she bad arrived iu the ante chamber tbe tcaioc allowed him to take ber bal aud cloak. As be was hastening to the wing occupied by Uerr Berkow to annoat.ee her arrival, sbe ordered him back, saying tbal sbe would go to her husband at unoe and witboul announcement. With ibe travel.icg cloak still in bis baud*, Frac. stood there and gaaed after bis miilrei* iu open mouthed wonder. Ibis bad all corns like a clap of thunder ; what could have bat peasd in tbe Residence ? Eugenie passed quickly through the ball and the two ants room* ; Iben the suddenly paused, lor from tbe adjoining cabinet sbe beard Arthur's voioe. The yoang wife bat certainly reckoned upon uudiog ber bus band alone, and now sbe found mm in Ibe company ol ajother. 1 bis meeting man nol ike place in tbe preaeuee of atranKert anything but that I Bull hesitating as to whether she thoald tarn back or remain the at length stepped softly behind the portiere, whoe folds partially conoaaled ber from vitw. " II U impossible, Herr Berkow," i-au tbe clear, sharp votes of tbe chief engineer " If yon still allow yourself to be ruled by soob forbearance, all yon have now begou to bring back to ordsr will turn against yon Uarlmaun i: [arty has this tim* withdrawn from the Bald became il i* the weaker bat Ib* loe'-e of ibis morning will be repeated, and witb greater violence wbeu we have Bomslbing more to deal with tbau a msre fight with unarmed men. Harl maun has shown tbal he will not spare bit owo o itnrade* if they rebel agaiiinl hi* terrjriam. Ia carry u g out hi* obstiuale demgns, be is regard lets alike offiisndor foe." Tbe open door gave Eugenie an nnob ilnnkdview of tbe room. Arthur stood directly oppoeitc bsr al Ibs opeu window aud *.ba full light fell upon bis fans, wbiob had grown strangely sad since sbe saw him last. Tbe shadow of earr, which at tbat time bad Isiu opon his forehead as yet so little accustomed to wear it, had now engraven iktelt tbere in two deep fold* wbiob no alter lime could perhaps obliler ate. Every line of tbe face had become sharper and stronger. Tbe expression of energy, wh.ob at i:enrt dawuiuK bad been noticeable only in moment* of rxaitemol, now absolutely predominated, and bad quite obliterated tbe former lisllsM, dreamy look. It was evident tbat in a few weeks the young ebiet bad learned what would tor others b* the work of years. " I am csrtaiuly the last mau wbo would adviae outside aeiislanes," continued Ike ebist engineer ; " but I think we all, and particularly cur chief, have done enongh to restrain the revolt. We certainly cannot be blamed for resorting to a measure tbe other works took long ago, and witb no uob urgent neoeesily as ours." Arthur gravely shook bis head, atd replied, " Tbe other works oan be no rule for us ; there a few wounds and imprison- ment* settled all ; there fifty soldier* and a few shot* fired into tbe air soflioed to put down tbe wbole revolt. Here Iltrtmann alanda al the beiad ; and we all know what tbat means. He himself would not qaai before a bayonet cbarg*, and witb him also eland or fall bis band ol followers. If wi thould resort to military force, peace for us could only come over the bodies of Ib altin." Tbe officer was silent; bat bi* deep gravity proved thai be fully shared tbe apprcherjHions of bit oblsf. " But if peace is not to be obtained other witt" began be again. " II il could be obtained in tbat way" returned Arthur ; " but it oauuot, and the Hacriftoe would be in vain. For tbt moment I might sabdne tbe iniarreotion, only to have II the next year, perhaps the uei month, break forth anew ; and yoa know as well at I that tbii will iak* from me tbe last ponibilily ot holding the work*. Ia other place* tbe workmen show some lean ing toward juttioe and confidence ; in olber placet they return to reason ; wilb us nothing of Ibie kind can be hoped. This distrust, sown for so many yean, cannot easily be uprooted. Wbeu I entered upon tbe ojutrol cf tbe work*, haired and revenge tb* watchword wbiob greeted me , it i* Ib* ssm* to-day ; and if I place blood bed between them add mr, then all is iver. " In an open oonfliot, Hartmann might conquer ; be might perhaps by bloodsbei and violenee drive bia men to obedience ; he itill remains to them the Messiah from whom alone they cxuool their redemption. If I allow a single ihoi to be fired, it I take ap arms even in selt defence, tben I am tha lyrsnt wbo allow* murder in cold blood tbt oppressor wbo take* delight in their deelruotion. The old overseer onoe said to m* and they wer* no idle word* If rebellion one* breaks out among OB, (hen Ood help aa t' " Tbere was no repining, there was not the least trace of despondency in his words ; tbsy expreieed only tbs deep resentment of a man who Andi himself drawn to the edge of an abysi, to keep away from which he ban vainly pal forth all bis strength. Perhaps Ibe young chief would not thus have spoken to any olber ; hot the bad engineer was tha only man who of late bad been taken into bis eloeast confidence, the only one who, in all tbe danger* which had menaced him, in all the meaaarte be had undertaken, bad stood firmly and unwaver- ingly at bia "ids. He was also the only one who sometimes heard from tba chief other tuiip tbi sj tht dircotiuus and enooarBgiug wordt which wtrt alone vouchsafed the Other officers. 1 But t portion of tb* miner* have already attempted o reiutue vo'k," said tbe obief engineer " And Ibat very retaon," replied Arlbur will compel me to make war upon Ih e other*. No reconciliation with Hartmann it to be hoped for. I have ocoe tough! il in vain." I Witb whom T Wbat bave yoa sought, Herr Berkow ? ' a.ked the officer with such an expression, of horror that the yoang chief looked at him in ailonishmeut. II An understanding wilb Harlmann. II certainly did not happen officially ; tbal on* might have considered oowardiw ; it was at an accidental msetiug betweeu u> two alone, where I once again offered him my band." " That yoo could nol do ! Off jr your baud to bat man I" interposed tbe engineer none II.. " My O d 1 but in truth, yoo as yet know nothing" I could not ? ' repeated Arthur soms- what sharply. " Wn- do you mean by tbal, Mr ? 00 may bo auured Ibat I know bow to fully maintain my dignity, even on nob an occasion as tbat." Ibe iffiaer bad already recovered his tell control. " I beg your pardon, Herr It-rkow," be said. " My expression was not intended a* a oritioism upon our obief ; il referred only to tbe son, who certainly bae no suspicion of the reports connected with bis lather's death. We had pledged our word to say nothing of Iboae to yon, and we did this with Ibe best intention)). But I now see tbtt we were wrong, tbal you ought to know. You would bave offered yoor band to Hartmann ; and Ibis, I repeal, should nol be." Arthur looked fixedly al him. His face bad all at ouce become colorless, and the lipt trembled. "Too tpeak ot Harlmann and ot my lather'* death Ii there any connection between Ibe two? ' II 1 tear to ; we all fear il. Common suspicion attaches to Hartmann, and not alone with us a no among hit comrades." " At tbat time, in the mines ?" broke out Arlbur in fearful excitement. " A treaob erous attack against a defenceless man ? I cannot believe tbat of Htrtmann." " He bated tbe dead man," laid the obief engineer i iguificantly ; " and at never denied this haired. Herr Berkow might bave enraged him by a command, by a word. Whether Ibe rope really broke through mere aocidenl, and he employed the moment cf danger to rescae himself, and burl the other b*ek into the abysi, or whether tbe wbole was a deliberate plan tbis question truly la abrooded in mystery ; bal he is not innocent ; for that I would vouch," The yoong obief showed bow tbis view of Ibe ease exeited him. He leaned heavily stain*! tbe table tor support. " Tbs inquest decided that it WM an aooid" he returned with faltering voioe. " Tbe Icquc-sl Jboided nothing. They assumed il to b* an accident, and let it pan as MUCH. N j one ventured a public aoouea- tiou Every proof was wanting ; and it would bave led to an interminable contest wilb our miners if we bad made use of this suspicion to take from them their leader, wbo, u all probability, wbold bave been exeolpated We knew, Herr Berkow, tbal, at tb u<s tbeu were, yen oiuld not avoid a conflict wild t\ii rival ; and we would al least spare >oo ibe bitterness ot knowing with wbom >ou taught. Tht was the res on of our tiletoe," Aribur pvtttd bi* band over bis moist lortb. id. ' I did nol auspsct tbat Lot Ibat !' be said. "And even if il is only a suspicion, j u are right , I should nol offer tbe mau my band." And tbis man," Interposed ths officer excitedly, " bai, at tbs bead of hit oom rsde, brought all this mitfortnos upon yen and as. Tbis man has inoeisaully fomented t d prolonged the quarrel ; and now, wbeu bis p iwer is declining, be eeeks to make tbe tukare incurable, *ud reoon ciliation impownble. WculJ you spare him now if >ou could?' " Him ? No I I was already done witb him when be HO roughly repelled my ovsr tores ; and, at tor the scene ol to-day, I can no loug-r rpare tbe others ; they drive me to extrt rnitie . Tbis morning two bnndrsd of tbe mu winhed to resume work ; and they certainly hsyi tbe right to demand protection for Ihtir wotk. Ibe mines mutt be made secure at sny prieo ; I cannot accomplish Ibis alone, and" (To ba continued). S.IKI.V aaOtir <JHKfjlB.lt. lioed mmd Had t odrrc lolhlng A noliou exists tbat red is a particularly advutagecu color to givo to the under Linn arid <<rw*m wi,rci in very cold weather. Tnere ia no luubdaliou iu fool for iuob an idea. It bae been laid Ibat the dye stuff ud tor the purpose of producing tbe color in qaeciiion in more irritating tu Ibe skin than ibe olber kubetaoeea employed, but even it Ibis were true and I am strongly i: olioed to qiettiou tbe correct- ness ot tbs statement it would be DO reason for u-mgrsd ojlortd oodergarmentt ia | ri-ferei.ee lo brown or white. Il U not irritatij'i nt tbe skin tbat is wauled wbeu we pal ou ouderslotbinK, but proteotion from cold and sudden vieittitudei of tern- ptraturt. Wbeu il is ceoessary to irritate tha skin it is belter to make use of a mot- tard planter or biiater and not to divert tbe clothing from its proper objccta Under- clothing thonll bo male ot white material. Theoretically, black would bs preferable for winter nse, a it is a better uon-condnetor ol heal and a better absorber ol moisture than any other color, other things being equal ; but il would probably be difficult to get people to clothe themselves in clothing of ibis color or to find tbe ueotcsary articles in tbe shops. Il ia tbe fashion now to bave all the underclothing made ot the knu material called " stockinet," bat I am quite sure Ibat flannel shirts and drawer*, snob at oar ancestors need, are preferable lor winter DM, and a mixture of wool and cotton for summer. The chief objection to stockinet is that ths garments made of it fit too eloaely to tbe skin to be comforta- ble or to tain! all tbe objects to bo obtained from uadarolotbing. Wbeu, however, tbe garments are made out of piece goods, and expressly for tbe person who it to wear them, they cannot be so formed at to embrace ths body as tightly ae though they were made ot India robber. Strata of air, therefore, are formed at various point*, and these do help to retain tbe beat. If itookinet be used, tbe artioles made of it should be large and roomy, ana should not, therefore, fie close to the *kin. Dr. Ham- mond. A I ri Vitrn en In Travel*, An enterprising merchant in Toronto has been manufacturing a beverage whiob he called Blot Ribbon beer, for tbe benefit of those who bad adopted the order of the eorulenu stripe. He bad a aorpriiiogly largo sale fcr Ibe drink, in ftot BO large waa tbe salo that tbe excise officers became rather suspletors, and when two men and three women beoame speechlessly drunk apou this temperance beverage, their sus- picions beoamt eonnrmtd. Tbe man was proteouted for selling Intoxicants contrary to law. He pleaded that bis Blue Ribbon bonr was porfanllv hwnlo" n4 innncant ol any intoxiealioe; matter as the baby H feeding bottle. Ia order to put the mailer beyond a doubt, tbree or four glassei were given to each of the jurymen to telt. At the end of half an hour the whole "pannel" were so drunk tbat tbsy were unable to listen to tbe evidence, and tbe man WM duly pun isbed. London Uportiman. Oerald Massey has relumed to Eng- land with renewed health from hit vii.il to tbe Australian colonies, and intends shortly o begin lee luring. " Mrr. J. Smith, P. Mr*.," ii the way tbe new PostmUtreiti n an Indiana town wrilee b r official namt. B HuJ. m Wav M ! VI 1C hi u I I u.iurll. .. A neat little bouts OL> Piue street, nui tar weatof Bruad. bs b*eb for aoiue tiiu pa>l tbe ul'j-ir ot ooi.siderttble a'tenti >u among tba rewidentt of tbal neighbjihood- Tbe naapioiou arose from tbe fact tbtl every day the booie U visited by quite a uumber of ladies ranging in age from 16 Io 60. Tbe parlor of tbe bouae ii occupied a* an ofaoe by a young pbyaioiMi. Il hts lately beeu di ojvared tbal be i* engaged in most remarkable business To one of tbe visitor* a Nrtc* -gatherer is indebted for an explanation of a secret whicb tbs LLIJ IM) of many ro.y oheeked rcaidene wbu promeuide Ubealhui street would prefer to remain undiscovered. Tee visits of Ibe young ladivt lo the doctor'* are for BO other purpose tbsn to gel a bealtby color ; nol painted, but a geuuiue hellby color. A Ah- gatherer was fortunate euougb lo have, through tbe coorteny of ine prodaoer of the ro*y blaeb," an opportunity of wilnesiiug tbe operation by whiob the obeeki are beantitled and to bear tbe doctor s account of how bs cams to introduce Ibe new method of an ariifl oial bloom of health in female face* II taken from three to five visits lo make tbe " rose " permanent. Tbe treatment is pain leis and tbe girls seem rttber to enjoy il. The yoang lady who was being operated upon daring Ibe reporter's visit was a pals- oheeked laea (rom up town, whose face neeled bat the rcsei to make her interest- ing. Bhe was undergoing the nrt count. Under the impression thai tbe visitor was a eludent ebe made no objection to bia pre- Beuoe. The doctor began bi* operations by a aoll, dry towel, witb wbiob be rubbed both oheeka ol tbe patient on til they glowed. Then be alternately patted tht abeeka with bis bare hands until tbe blood wat tnffi- oiontly bear the surf MM to make Ibe girl look ae it abe bad bsen standing over a hot fire cooking aObrialmas dinner. After a real ot teu miuotei tbe process W M renewed, and before ibtt was over there was a spot on taeb cheek tbat glowed likt a burning coal. Tbii bad te> be toned down, and tbe toniog was done by applica- tion of tn ointment rubbed into Ibe skin with a piece of loft oheepikin, so tbat when this wss dons tbe young lady who came in pali-aheeked aud oolorlesi left the office witb a pair of roses tbtl will be tbe admiration and envy ol ber uninitiated oompanioua. This procesa ie continued for ssveral suooessivs days until tbe t.l.um bcoimei permanent. " I bv< a very ei t ivo practice," raid the b wjui i/i>.>.c.r, ' and they oome from all seeliuun ol tbe city. I am thinking ot opening an office in New York. I die- vi red the method accidentally. My ni-t..r had a pale, eolorlea* foe, and the In. qaentl} Umented that tact. Several time* 1 mads her cheeks red by ruboug them, and I found tbal tbey at lael retained thtir color. Sbe we* (ratified with the result, and bad me pat roey cheek* ou several of her girl friends As I w a pbyaician without a practice tbe idea struck ma Iba) I could make money by that mtana, so I established an offiar, and I now have more pitrooa tb.u I ou. aiteod to. 1 bava an awful lot of old oidn, from whom tbe bloom cf youth ba fadtd, com- ing to have their obtekn blub attain. Brooettea rtqaire tbe muat work, most be bruu<b< very close to the turf aee to show Ibrough their dark skin lll.n. in riqairo tbe greatest (nare, ae ibrre ia danger of making them look like cookx, with sou much color. I bave bee uue auo*> an expert tbat I oan juat otob ibt> ri*b* hadf> to suit Ibe complexion." I'hiladelpk'a Nei (rl ill i*. ml. It is t outlou fact tbal rub relatives are tpl to be dutaut out*. It doesn't rtqiire much t] t*rl a sen sation ttoppiiiK it ie tha trouble, " Tti, I do all my *>boppiug in tb fashionable quarter." Whore, may aek T" " Ai M> Sfi-ceol ston " It is not pilite for t bout to intenop when a gaeii winbee to apeak For tba reaaon we rsfrain Irom our usual extent o utterance to-day, in deference to our guwta tbe advertisers. A c irreepoodenl write* : " I tend you a lutlo poem called Tbe Liy of the Lark It accepted, let me know.'' H>jx>led, wit I tbauki. If you will seiid a ftw speci mena of tbs Isy of tbe ben we wil itcepl. Second II UK band (to wile) Are yon aa fond of me M you wore of jour tir t hoi baud, dear? Wife Yes. indeed; and you were to die, John. I would be jail a* fond ot my tb rd. I'm not a woman to marry (or anything but love. Tbe Aral thing in the New Y >rk World article on " Tbe Jolly Side of Lite " i Ib picture of a travelling merchant in ebeai jewellery tnd suspenders in tb* act o being kicked downiitiirs by a bald betdec bu"iueai man. Neither party looks trail jolly. It dot* nol srem uooeweary to injure the character ot a man win failed in boaloees killed hia wife and then fatally shot him self ; but, after such a man died in New Orleaoi the other day, a> ssnattlonal re porter sent sway ibe newi tbal bari<lar toola bad been found in tbe man's track. MlBlir .|I, t.tt,.. The original balkin' aff ir-themule, Jaflt notion how nice your beat girl wil b* from now until Oariitmae. Lovel Citizen. In Franee oows are milktd on tbe left tde. In Canada the pump-handle it wtrktd from any direction. '.According to an old iaw," aayi an exchange, " we are lo hive twenty six snowstorms tbis winter," An old saw tbat tnaktb each prediotioni should bavs its teeth kaookd out. Norri*town Herald. " Don't be a fool, my dear," remonetrsted t husband to bis wife, wbo wan (siting her j*w twiag Icon- ia tbe breeie. " I w u'l, Mr. Jenkins, I won'*," the answered ; " people wouldn't know ua apart if I did." He went rii<ht down-town. Cincinnati Merchant TraveUtr. A.uagriaahnral authority says that 100 hens, well cared lor, will yield more net profit than four good oors. We don't know manfa about farming, but we aboald think 100 hene would lay more egg* tban (our good OOWR, eveu il tho fowls were not well otred (or. Hull! the I h, . 1 . . in III il,, SB.au. The big hat at tbe opera problem has been solved in the new Uueio Hall at Cleveland, Tbe bsleoniei are rained at tnob t ptep pitch thai the feet of ibe listener oome on s level wilb tbe shoulders ot the person Billing In f rout of him. When tbe woman witb s bat like a drop curtain comes in and ails down before a fellow, tha lellow does not care a continental for the bat. In fact, beratber likes it. ale lays bis programme, handkerchief sod opera gl&Hsea upon it. Tni< pleases the audience, ind il imiles. The woman does Lot know the racket, and thioke she i* attracting attention, to sbe trnile. Thus everybody pleated, tnd tbe little woman witb a iteeple crown bat i* no more of t naittnoe rourkueeito go cut after tout cloves. Ths Paris Municipal Council baa been .iHOUHKing s motioD in favor of a free par- don for all politieal prison en. Ths amnesty would, il i* expected. Include Prlnee Era- ratkins and Loniei Michel. Tbe night of a man roaating potatoes on ihe street corner and selling tbem to >at)B*rs-by 1s not uncommon In London on 'inter dayi. ThenewE*rlot Bhafteubnry Is laid to be a decided High Churchman -a taol which will oome at t personal ibook to a great many religious people iu Luglaud. KM H - 0V UOL.D. ^ Tke ! .1 * hi, h I h. , Are BsB*asBs Obtnlnrtl. Oonii I w< *ru (or to a very oweil bouse n. Ikl ''ii-<>ii avenue, xald barber to a NrW York Timri writer. I wasnubered iu tu m inystrioul). The livened neiv.ui i.iv.i aid a word. II" rang a nmall bell iu tbe wall, aud iu about five iniuotna a sedate- looking feioala appeared. Bhe motioned lut- to folio* bar opatairs, aud 1 did to. Il WM MI t-i'i iiailely (ucuitut d bout*, and everything wae of ths moeMosily detorip. lion. I noticed, however, that tbere teemed to be sigus of moving or bonse-oleiujiug. I wa* ushered iii' a baudsomu bed-room, open a aofa in which reclined a lovely young lady, who had evidently been vary ill, and wbo was thin and apparently eihanetf d Tbe sedale- looking servant left me alone wilb ber aud shut ibe door, I wai more tban aatouished. " ' I bave beard of you,' said tbe youii^ lady presently. ' I bav* read jour advar- tiwmaut. I I have need of you.' r-'Lc wan very weak. I banded htr a" glass ol lemonade wbiob was beaide her. Bbe drank il. ' I bavt bad tha scarlet fever,' tibe said presently. Mamma and papa have both been away in Kurope, and will DC I be back until to morrow. Sir, I want yoa to eat tff my hair olote to tbe bead. The doctor said il would do me good.' She shook down the most luxuriant brown hair I ever saw. I told ber il would be a great pity to cut off snob magnificent hair, aud that it could not pjt-mbly do ber moon good now it I complied with her request, acting tbat tbt fever had left ber. " ' Do aa 1 tell yon,' ebt laid, imperi- ously, ' aud promise m* tbat yoo will do as I tell you alter yoa have cut it cfi.' I de- clined to make any vuoh ( rornue. ' Tun must do il,' the persisted ; " il is simply connected witb your profrsMonal duly, aad for Ibe job I will give yoo 1600.' Well, sir, you know I work for my bread and butter. Tbis offer tempted me, an it woold bave tempted any one, I don't care whether be be barber or not, aud I promised. I out off the exquisite brown hair, and clipped Ibe remaining loeka olote to toe head ot Ibe Buffering girl. ' I know I look like a fright,' tbe laid, ae be ex-ui iued heraelt io a looking 1^, 1 bat tbere it a rattbod in my madness. I shall wear a cap until my hair growt. I bave always loaned,' sbr weul on, ' (or golden heir. I adore il. I would do anything ia tbe world to have golden hair, bat if papa and mamma Ihouxut I ned dye of any kind they would never forgive ma. Bo I thought ot a brilliait plan after my fever. Too bave cot my bairtf I waiilyon lo dye what remaina golden, and to tall papa aud mamma when tbty corns back that yoo nhaved my bead, and tbal the new or jp of bair will b golden. Il might be, too, mightn't il? I knew ol no iiueb phytu logical phenomenon on ri o >rd, and said io. " Everyone isn't a* clever aa you, sbe said, ' and papa and mamma will believe what yon say. Mamie 8.. a frirud of mine, di4 it, and tellx me now tbal *ne almuat believes ber hbir did grow golden after it bad been cut off.' Well, I bad promised, so wa 1 ) forced to comply with my (air (rieud'e request. I visited tbe bouse a tew ilayi later aud >aw Ihe father and mother. I told them that it waa not at all u-ju-ual f ir a s< o md crop uf hair to be lighter than the fiial. They believed me, aud tbe mother wan dvligbled. ' Ths doar child bat been wishicg for golden bair all hsr lit*,' abs said ' 1 am man than plaed to tbiiik thai ahe ban uow attained ber rlenir* in such an uneipected way too." I often sac that girl in Kit Ib avuLue now, bat she never looks at me. Bne has obtained wbal sbe wanted and will utver oome near IUB again, I suppose." I i>o I arlulmiil Mtlmln, The prospect Ibat England will ba denuded of ber wealth _iu tbs payment ol Ibs moruious olaim* i f'taogoine American beira to (m)tbical) Eofli-b iatatee in not imme lately alarming. II is true that tbe shrewd lawyer! wbo are stimulating the dream of tne claimauta to tbe Townley estate put the total of that properly at 1400,000.000 aud if tbey get a judgment in their fsvor Queen Victoria will undoubtedly be com- pelled lo bang out tbe red flag of the auctioneer on Windnor Castle aad Buck- ingham l'l .oe, and to clap a mortgage on Westminster Abbey. But il mutt not be forgotten tbal tbe English court* alone have jurisdiction, and u.ey will naturally be reluctant to bring about tuoh harrowing resalta. The Bsk-r eelate in just now before tbe public e>e, as well aa Ibat of the Townleys. We art informed, ae uanal, Ibal the Baker pr< psrt) is of enormous value. Il seems tbat Ibe only rui-mlng Ink in the chain cf evidence Ibal wi 1 H*eare it for Ibe American befrs i* the marriaK eertifleate of John Baker and Martha Brrtoo, dated about 1746. Aud )ul tbe paJtry eutn o r 160 is offered for this certificate. Tnere's something wror K here. Tbal certificate is worth al least f uOO.OOO to tbe lucky bolder. HOT do tbe Baker heirs exptel to gel trillions by putting up only 160? N. Y. Tribune. e> A "tii fi foiiii, iii.i. Ei U. B. Pottmaeter-Oeotral K<ty, ot Tennessee, used to tell story of a otirouie rffloe-aeeker in tbe mountain region of hie Btate who would never give a potltive opinion on any lubjeol Oa one occasion when be wan a candidate for tbe position of sheriff there was great excitement on tbe enforcement of tbe school tax. He addressed quite a gathering at a muster, but evaded tbe only queelion tbal the aa- diei.oe wanted to bear about, an 1 jusj ae he waa about oloting a MIow shoaled : Tell as about the school lax. Are yoa tor it, or are yoa not ? " Tbe orowd cheered, and the orator, thus preened for a declaration of opinion, said : "Gentlemen, rou bave a right to ask for an aoewer. I tiave no concealment to make. I am a Irank man, and to you I aay in all frtuk- nens, if it is a good tbiog I am for il, and f il la a bad tnmg I am agin it." Tke l.id, .. II the dude's high collar be taken away 'rom hini faabion thonll devise some olber to keep his bead (rom wobbling. II 1 alwsya *peak my mind," sail a vsry talky yoaog man. 'Indeed," replied a red beaded girl, " I can hardly believe tbat 1 sbijuld think yoa would be dumb if you did " Cincinn .ti Merchant Travel ,r. Ftmtdnde I oawu'l go wilb you to tbe opera to night, Chawley. I'm deuced tired. Beoond dude Been working, Algernon ? < Haw. Taking excreise. We need it, dou't yer know. I weally can't stir out to-night, old boy I ' What yer been doin T" "Blowing soap babbles. I'm dreadful tired, 'pou honor, 1 am. Couldn't pnnnibly overtax my*elf again to-uivbt Chawliy." PhiladtlfKa Call. CVKRENT TOPICB. Touxo Mr. Burdetl-Oootta, nee Bartlatt, hw an imitator in Pnn Oouotde Lugival, KBd 26 baa ja>l cuarried a widow aged 71, Tba auciiui nauit- b'it>gsthe boy an indsm ntty of 6 000 000 franca. A wants, in the Kngltih llltutrattd Jfaj/a tine says tbat tbers is no such tbitg as dabate iu ttae British Honre of Lords, in tbe Kiuae iUt it nii-t- in tbe Comni'.i.o. Tba Luiuber ul petrn n are sucoesfful 111 making ibaruaelvet bettid might be ecu -l on tbe finger* oi both batdr, but Ihete air, happily, the members wboae opinion* >e looked for. When Lord Balismuy, L id Oranvills acd, psrbjps, a ooonla ot (t. nolsiltingon tbe front benches have *i<.k< > , mamberjaBtteaveibeHoua.andif any u - aider wiuta to make a speech be fines l.uu- elf without an audience aud >o desist' D*. 0. W. WIOBT, Bellb Officer < f Detroit, says : " During ths winter f 1881-83, when vmallpoi WM epidemic, I allowed fourteen well pernouaio go to -L i peal bouse io ibe city of Detroit, > . withed to take obtrge of other ruetub r ( their families removed there on aooooLi . t the diaease. All ol tbem were vacon.at I al the time ol gong. N>t one of Ihtm LI even a light attack ol vanoloid. Wb< n tbe auti-vaeoinatiohiats will show bait i>r even quartet ihe number of ouvaoeinatril persons expoeed in Ibe midst of tba sick aud dying to concentrated cmlagion wi fa- oat the leaat injory I will then litttu patiently to tbeir argument*." TH microphone an electric tetbose j e whose lenaitiveoeti to the laiutert Booud has beeu dencribed a making " ths walk ' a fly aeem like the Iraap of an elephant ' is likely to become of great ate io medi- cal diagooais. In tbe Atlanta Medictl and Surgical Journal, Or. Eve detoribct au interesting seriea ol experimenta made by bim wub the iuslrnmeul. He wat ablt to detect Ibe nttnre ol obeonrt fractures by tbe character of tbe tounda conducted through tbe instrument, and could differen- tiate aueariam* from tumors by tbe sound i of pulsation. I utta cranial and muscular sounds were m.d out witb great olearne M, acd in diagnoa lor iloue ibe instrnmri t worked with mathematical sconrscy. Tb i Doctor suggest* tbat LI audipbone con- ntruoted on tbe iriuoiple uf tbe microphone would prove inestimsblu to [eoplt of impaired beariug. THB announcement that t man io 11 r. miugbttm, Ala , baa wnt'.en shock attimpt- log to show thai John Wilkea Booth, tie ansabsiu of Lincoln, wa yet alive, baa drawn (rum tbe widow ol tba muguidrd man a touching letter. Bbesajs Ibal wb< ever tbs man may be Ibat i>btt to retur- reel ker huibaod, buouly otjeit must b>> to make money, for " aa rure aa tbe HUM " bines in lb beavene, to eore ii Joba Wilkes Booth dead." - 1, uytelf," i>be adds, " saw binu buried ; t aw and txammt-d bis b dy before it waa laid in its final renting place. We all k ow tbal tbe la- 1 act tit bis life waa wroig; we also knu r tbal we kbcnld not jodge. We know but tbe wby or wbvrfore, but il la my opuiiu i Ibal tboae .( on bo liva lung euoonb V|l| yet learn tbai, although it wan Jutn Wfkr* Bjoth'c bs>nds ibl struck the fatal blow tbat eided a good man's life )si ii w*e ttioeu 1 1 high stuthurity wbo were the bead of a Ji .b -licai ooutpiraoy (Andrew J iboscu, leader), the rewull uf wbiou ateeped faver.l familiea in ibe deeieit ol wo* and le't t) nation to mourn. Although nol geui la I/ known, J. W. Boolb left a fumlv, a wi:e and two children a daughter sud a tor, now grown to womanhood and manhood. Tbia family bae lived in iclumou and under a false name for twenty year*. Far Ibete innocent one*' sskeii let thtir dtd alone aud lei tbem sorrow in peace. I beg for tbe Daks of tbe Booth family, u w mouruing iver Iba dsalb ol tbt mother ut J. Wilkee Bootb, tbal tbe (ublie will show a little obaiity, t,d leave tbe wrouga tbt aome one bave dvine ia tbe bauds if higher power, wbo, iu His own good time, will make til tbinge right. L-l tbe ded rest tor tb* takeol tbt living aid ibe ianu> cent." * I ..II. - ol', M , It. Thoaas, Ontario, ths leading Canadian Jollege (or women, baa four fully (quipped Departments Music, Fine Art*, Litura- in and Commercial Boionee. The is larga and tborouiblv oaalided hurobes. 130 Ladies bave been in attend^ une thie year. Tbe College is to Ki Open iftnr tbe holidayi Jan. 7, '6. Any ot oar eedire who may bs inleresled oan gel a 50 page announcement fr.cs by addressing PRINCIPAL ADHD, B. D. K v. Profeeeor Bryee, ot Manitoba 'ranbytenan College, hae been Bleated a member of tbe American Ilntorical uwooiation. The Preebyleryof Broekville bainoml- aled Rev. L>r. Prondfoot for Ibe new obair f Charoh Uietory, Homileliee and FM- tor al TbtototJ la Kuox OoUega. lllf l.l-l \M IIIIM.KH Tke Hor >i a a VUaac " . .fln Ovrr am Trxvi Prairie. A prairie oa fire it a sight seldom teen by people at toe preaeul time, lays ibe Cleveland Herald, ilr I) P. Qardner, < I ibe county audiiui 'n i/ffiar, lells ot a tbn I- in experience be bad not long ago b.le taunting on the |<lan n ot Texaa. " We left the railroad and j >urneyto i u lo Ibe interior ut the great 8 ata ou liur.e- b. oh," mid Mr. Otrduer. " witb tbt tall, waving Kr on every mda a>a f.r ... iue >e ouDld rer ob We taw iviJit.it ol Muoll Qr<> from liuto to time, but w bal uiajd Up out oaiodi tbal wa would nee nuue ot : s fiery element itaoil. O ,i tiuuday tk Hopped for tbe day at a |Oin >boui &OO milt-* Irom any railrotd We prioaedio u make cartel vet >ruf nable tor ibe d ,, for we were very tired aud we inlaotUd io take a good rat. After breakfast we tretohed lU-HcUf rut on oar blanket!, it .j tbe p.. i. leu tied a abort dmtai oe kW >y , aud were taking it M eaay u we could. " All at btoe we beard a terrible ccuc like diniMtii Ibuudur, and jampiug op we nawarghlwa iball never torgat. Tbe prairia w. ou Are. For milee and tnilm, H far MI we could aee, Ibe fUmeaj shot up ID tbe air wilb adeaicntog roar. Tbe wiud waa blowing fratb aad tba fire waa oomn g toward nan ith the iwlftnaei of a railroad train. Iiookiog ia ibe oppoeito direction Irom Ibe fire tbare wai uoibiug to be aeen bal grafts, grar i, gram. Tbare wa* no way of eaoape. Tb rur of tbe Ore became loader and loader (very minute. Birde went wreamiogby, terrified by tbe aigbl and tonnd, and aloioil every kud ot game a I'ernou ouuld tbiuk ot went pell uaelj paat ait, BoreaniiuK. booting, barkinK and aoreeoii. ing, oaricgfor notbing bal to gel out of ibe way of tbe fire, which WM obatiug them at m rapid rale, aUiiiugb H wae jel many lulled away. Oar old xuide, wbo bad been around the priairiea all bii life, wae frigbt- eued, ranob to my aruprine He oat l.i. e>e upon the fire and tben *ay upon tbe waving aea of Kra> bryood, and aaid we mint moQuI oar pouiea quiokly aud ride away before tbe fire n fail ae we ojuld. Tboro wen a trail about ten milee away, be aid, aud wbeu we raoaed that we wuull be all rlgbl. We mounted oar pouiei, bat 1 kuew well enough we could not go five tuiles befon tbe fire would oatah UH. " Tbe rotriag inoreaaad, and il began to get warm. Birds uud aoimaji toabed by ne more frantio tbau ever. An idea ettaok me. Jumping Irom my pony I raebed oat into ibe tall graaa Beveral buudred feel and alar ted a lire. It went wub a whirl, aud in a minute or two a ipaoe ot tbree ol four buudted aores bad been borued. We worked with a will, aud soon had our |>uniee and efltols iu tbe middle ot tbo bare apot. I wat none tooi O>D, for, looking in Ibe di BO- lioo of tbe fire, I aaw it i ri at tbe uolat wbere wa bad Blood, a (ew miuutex before, and tbea it want by witb a terriaa roar. Tl ,... *.WI M r- -.U-- - at-* '*-.- hare beeu il we bad followed Ibe old guide,' In Qermaoy apothecaries are not allowed to eell roiiicellaneouB trtiolee on tbe ground tbat iuob lalai are likely to divert tbe elerk'i attention from the delicate duty of eompoundiLg medicine*. There are drug ilorei wbere miioellanci u* article* are for ale, but ou preeoriplioae can be prepared 1 1 them, under severe penliiee. Pauonoos artiolci are kepi in a room reserved exoln> lively for them Tbe National /.ettmg dcelaree the anti- Jewnb monmenl ia Qumany a (ailort,