Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1885, p. 2

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inten' 0*71. lavta* edlton, Lever at real, and aever lettlm WhMuiltaclamor for millloaiof biUioni ol trlUloni of raymei trcrn me ? *i M t bli wot*, rhyme* to that word, poemi i lo All tb* Ttmtt, aan oJ publiiben y^ll* to me lor papular torrent of rbyrnei npoa rbymai. MWly imtcee, noble eimUee, aanowiai teatl- i,j, that wont a~, l*e, far reaehlng eoopei. Lift U i bBrry and buetle for poete exaetlr a U ihT were common pl*e men ; ^wbenev.r tbey publUn nonieiiae they're iur* to be called on to do It again I Tiniew enerir, itordilT hat a itatb ruckle la, wbo oan telir Lines, and rhyme*, and venae and stann rid forms that nave been on earth ; All new-old haek-writar'a devices run out ajaio- what are they all of them worth? What Ue facility, what tbe rapidity, what Ue fertility niieuu'lBraioo4? Wbat the tru* r<*try lost In the meanlugleu. ranch that ia rubbish, and little that's good? Wbat la It all, U they all of them only want aone- LtiDg that poetry might have been ; Scribbled with fastness, lost in dulneas, drowned in tb* deep* of a cheap magazine .' What but a ecreeohlsg of sates that bray, and of ape* that gibber, and tnoba that bawl f Peace let them be I there are nth in tbe tea ; and that is the principal thing, after all. Saturday Rififf. BILE TOS m BLRK A Story of Blood and Iron. But, in tbi mldsl of thii agony of aepar- ation, a proud triumph entered hii soul. A wife wbo loves her hosband doss ool leave him whin all waveri aod dissolve* around bim ; and the had gone from him bad gene undsr tbs protection of bir father and brother, leaving him baok alone, resigning him a prey to all. This it was wbiob bad stricken tbe proud Berkow, who was not to be crushed by hatred and threat*, by tbe fear of violence and insurrection, by ruin itself. And even though with this calm forehead be deceived all others, be could not deceive his enemy. The blow had gene to bis heart. " I need not tell yon what baa happened of late," began Arthur ; " yon are j net aa will, even bettor informed, than 1. Tbe other worki have followed your example ; to all appearance we are on the eve of a long conflict. Are you aura of your com - redes? 1 Uiiioh was startled at the last ques- tion. "What do you mean by that, Herr Berkow 7' ' 1 was thinking whether w* could man- age things dowu hare without outside assist- ance. It seemi tbey cannot at the other minea. From tbe forges tbey have already called npon the State tor help. Yon cer- tainly know all about tbe outbreak there, sod can judge whither snob hslp is cases- ary. I shall not resort to such meant, unless in tbs most extrtme ease ; but inch s case may occur. Already several of my officers have been insulted , and that crowd ot your men I mat the other day in thi for- est were on the point ot insulting ms. Make 00 calculations npon my palietoe or my weakness. Much aa I wiab to avoid extreme measures, I will msst violence witb violence.' At tbe chief* flret words, C Irish bad glanced up in sullen astonishment. He bad expected something far other than luoh a declaration ; but the calmness with wbioh it waa made robbed it of all tie dfl- anoi, and compelled evin tbi rival to mod- eration. Tbere was Hill a tlighl toneh of irony in bii voice as bs rsplitd " That it nothing n*w to ms. Violence egainit violence '. I knew from tbe first that time day it would come to this '.' ' " And which heart the blame if it comes to tbii tbe resistance of the many, or the obstinacy of a tingle man ? ' asked Arthur, looking him tteadily in the fsoi. Tbe obstinacy of a siogli man I Quite right, Herr Berkow. Yon know thtt at tbe cost of a aiugle word from you your works would all be in activity to-morrow." And yon know that I cannot apeak thie word, because it involves an impossi- bility. Il is yonr duty to yisld. I pledge you my honor to all I have promised." " Really T" said the young miner, tbii time with a new outbreak of deruioo, " Ii It beosnse tbs whole Province u iu libel- lion, and ws have a guard and a auj i )JI ' 'n our comrades T'' Berkow, with a indden movement, draw himself up to his full height, and hia yei flashed. " It M beoanit wi aball compel yon by arms to respect that order which yon now nek to tread under your feet, and beoante I would apare thu result to my workmen. Have doni witb tbii irony, Hartmann, in wbiob you yourself do not believe. Whatever baa happened between us, or msy hsppen, I think ws may each ixenlpate thi olbsr from the charge of cjwardioe." There was again the sams tone and glance as in the oontirenoi chamber. Ulrieb, wish mingled rags aod admiration, gesed upon tbe young chief wbo in such an hour dared tbua apeak to him ; wben, trom the sseos in tbe forest, he muet koow what wat to bs fsartd from inch a meiling. His words proved that he did know Ibii per- fectly ; and yil be bad to-day, of bii own free will, tougbl tbu interview. Tbe park was qaito deserted ; no hamsn being was to bi sesn npon tbs meadow, and the houses lay far distant. Nona of ths oft cert would have ventured npon s solitary meeting witb Hartmann note van tbs bold *ngineer ; only ths once deapieed weakling dsrsd thii. Ab, yss I trom ths reproach of cowardice, bis rival bad long itnoe abeolved bim. Arthur teemed to feel the impression bs bad made. He drew a itep nearer " And do you not Me, Hartmann, that by this behavior yon are ruining yonr future?" hs asked gravely. " Yon think, perhspe, by this last movement of your comrades to make an impression npon me. 1 allow myself to be influenced by no effort si oompulaioc ; rely npon that ; but I res- peel in yon powerful though mistaken abilities. They have hitherto been employed only to my injury ; and yet through all, I have aaen what they oould aoojiu- pliab it not turned against ms. Give ear oow to tbi voice ot reason ; content your. salt witb tbs attainment of possibilities, sod I gladly offer yon liberty to remain npon my works, aod a free road to advance- ment. I know what I riik in this, in retain- ing so element like you among my work- men; but I win risk it, if my confidence can have a like return." Bach a proffer to a man wont to consider all eooosssioQ as weakness wai, indeed, venturesome enough ; but Berkow smmed oot to have reckoned npon this. Ulrioh lid not aaswsr he shoved no sign of com pliacoe ; but, for a nature like hu, it wu a great concession not to immediately repel the offer with morose dulrunt. " I have hitherto sought yonr confidence in vela," continued Arthur. " You have to this hour denied it ms. I came here a straogsr ; U not to thi place itself, to the mines and to yon, I waa a ttraoger. Ton net ms with a declaration of war, without eves askiog what I would bs willing to twangs aod improve. You receive and have treated me as an enemy, without onoe ask- iog whether I would be yonr enemy." We are at war I "said Ulrioh curtly. " There, everything ie fair." Arthur lifted hii face, just before so pale, but oow doodad witb the filming glow of tb* twilight, wboss reflection shons around ' Moat it, war between o*Z I do not mean thi present quarrel wbiob will and soonsr or later I mean muat ibis score), imbiltered warfare, Ibis hard- ness aod compulsion on tbe one side, thii rancor aud hatred on the other, keep endlessly ooilmg and spinning on? Bo it bat been tor yean long. I know it ; and ao il will be again, it force compels yon to yield. We would make peace before blood baa been abed on both aides. Ws might now, Bine* nothing ban as yet bappsnsd ; in a few dsys it will perhaps b* too late." With all its calmness, tbs voice of tbe young chief had a pathos that waa vary touching ; and tbs passionate emotion of Hartmauu't face betrayed that b* bad oot been nniutoeptihle to this. Tbi haughty miner, who, the more hs bad become aeons tomed to rule bii eqnale, Buffered all tbe more from wounded pride, aod a tsar ol bia superiors hi oould illy oooeeal, saw him- self now placid upon an elevation oo oni a* yst had granted to bim. Hi vary well knew that Birkow would not have spoken In this manner with any other ol hia under- lings, perhaps not even with bii cffloera ; that lor this kind of trsalment bs mast thank bis individuality alone. Tbs ohiel ipoke to him as man to man, ol a matter upon which bung tbe weal or woe ol both , and be might have been conquered had bit chief been any other man than Arthur Berkow. Ulrica's wai far too lawless and passionate a nature to be able to do justice where he bated witb bis whole soul. " To give our oonfidinoe baa beee\ made difficult snongh for us," he said bitterly. " Yonr father his tor all these yean rob- bed un of so much that none at all it U f t tor tb* son. I believe you, Herr Barkow, that yonr proffer do* oot arise from faar ot any other I would oot believe tbii ; of yon I believe it. Hut, as we both have decided to help ounelvat, I think we will fight it out to the end, Aad OLC ol us st last will be sure to wio." " Aod your comrade* ? Will tbey take npon themtelvei all tbe oare, tbi want, tbi misery, thii fighting it out to tbe bit will involve T" " I oanaot ehangs matters. AU I bav* dons is for them." " No, It is oot done tor them," asid Arthur firmly, " but solely tor Ibs ambition ot thsir leader, who would wiu tbe mattery for himself, and then become a worn dee- pit than their late hated master evir wae, If you still believe in your so called mission, Harimann, you cannot deceive me with il, oow that I aee yon oast aside as worlhlisi all I hold myself ready to do lor bettering the lot of your comrades. You refuse til my offers, because you wish to attain a goal I bnl too will know. In tbi future yon would dictate, and have mi and my officers powerless. Speaking in tbe name of a blindly ubedieut rabble, yon would arro- gate to youreelf all the rights of a maattr, and leave m* only witb tbs name. Yon do not so much wish ths recognition of yonr party as tbi suppression of sviry other ; and that is why yon itske sll upon this throw. Yon will lose it." The ipeech, to mob a man, wai bold enough , and Ulrioh trembled witb rage. " Ah I since you koow all ao exactly, Herr Berkow, well and good. Yon are quite right ; tbe question is oot merely ooe of higher wages and a little more safety iu the uuiuea. That may be enough for those wbo are anxioui for only wife and children, and know nothing more thair whale life long. Tbe courageous onei among tie seek more. We will have tbe reins in our bauds ; we will be reapcoted aa squall. Thii may be s hard lesion for our aover- ign gentlemen to learn, but we are in the way of teaching il to them. We at last understand that il U our bands wbioh wio for you tbal wealth of which you alon* eopy the fruita. Ton have used our arms in elavei' work long enough, and now yon shall learn to feel it," Tbe words wire burled forth with a fear- ful violence ss if ivery one ot them wtr* in itself a weapon to strike and to kill. Th* whole immeasurable pasalon of Uirieh Hari- mann once more broks forth , snd tbe whole married lite. In the family eirole thi* topic WM icldcm luuohsd upon, and then only wbeu they spoke of the approaching divorce In thia respeel the *OBS followed tbe example ot their father, wbo acemed reaolved Kiat a dead oblivion ibcnld real npon thai event, while in secret he took tb* neoawary ieps thi law of divoroe required. Until thin the world waa not to OMvaai the matter. Tbe aervault and tb* lew acqaaintanoei a* thin time preaent in tb* Reeidenoe sup- posed that the young wife WM making a britf viiit to ber family, rendered oeoei- tar y by the detracted itat* ol attain at her hniband'i minaa. Eugenie again occupied tb* ohamber whioh bad been bin before bar marriage. Nothing in iu furniture or arrangements wa ohanged : and, BB ahe now itood at the corner window, oateid* tb* well knowu objiata met ber (aae, )ntt a* if *hi bad never been absent. Thi laat three month* mnit and should be to her only a end. Ofipreeaiv* dream, out ot which r he now awake'ied to Ibe oli freedom ot ber girl- hood yeare, and to a belter freedom than before ; for now the grim phantom of anx- iety no longer brooded threateuii gly over every step taken by herself and ber family ; uow avsry new day did not bring new bamiliationi and new aacnfliei ; now every hour of the home life wai no longer haunted by the fear that perbapc before the mrarow financial ruin, with all it* ter- rible ooDBeqoenoea, would have fallen upon them all. The ell race ot Windeg could again ttep forth ia tn* full splendor ol power and wealth. Whoever poweeaed the Habeuau estates waa rich enough to cover all early loete*. end secure for himeeif and hi* a brilliant tutor*. In troth, one shadow yet brooded ovtr all this new luntbinc Ibe plebeian name eo hated by Ibe baron, and once BO ba'.ed by Eugenie. But thu oould only be a qaeetiou of lim*. Tbi beautiful iotelhot- ual girl bad onoe, in epite of tbe well known euibarraiBmenti of her fathir, foond in ber own circle many admirers, who, toon or late, would have beoomi wooers. ugenie Windeg had been i girl to make a man for- get that be took to hii home and hetrt tbe daughter of an impoverished, insolvent family. Old Berkow, witb rough hand, bad Bub- verted all tbe baron'* plan* for a brilliant alliance for hia daughter, aod wrested tbe pnzi for his eon. Hi* bad been the pjwur to demand where otben mutt sue, aud be bad known bow to use it. But now Eugenie would again be tree ; the present lord of Babenan could teenre a rich dowery ; and be knew more than one man, her equal in birth, wbo would rejoice, and not from mercenary motives alone, to efface the name and lail remembrance of that unfortunate alliance, and, by a mtr- riage worthy of ber rank, raiae tbe young baronet* to a position a* high, and even higher, than birth had givin her. Thin tbe last ilain would be wiped from the Windeg eeootobeon, and it beam again in it* anoient tplendor. But the young woman did not sei tbiugi in tbi joyous, hopeful light one might have expected the would, now that tbe BUD of her fortune ibooe to resplendent. Bbe bad already been aome week* in her father'* bouse ; bat the color would not relnru to ber cbceke, nor her lip* learn agtiu their olden smile. Here in her own home, iur- rounded by Ihe londeit love and oariof bir f anally, ibe remained pale aod silent aa in* bad iver been by the lid* of tbe husband she bad been forced to wed. At Ibia very moment ibe gtsed diwu npon tbe crowd below ; but not one ot those ebangibg formi, in iu ebbiog and flowing tide, ancceedtd for a moment iu fettering ber attention. Bbe gaaei ; but U waa with that vacant, dreamy glance, wbiob, loel to the nearest surroundings, see* tometuing entirely different and in a different plaoe. " In yonr Residence one unlearn* all, especially tb* longiog alter hit woodland tolitudee." Then words seemed not to apply to ber. Eugenie looktd aa if ebe wae Ailed with a painful hatred be fell for a else* was for the moment directed again*! its on* represent- I longing a/Mr them. aliv* who stood before him. Bafore tb* honsbaok rids, iu wbiob tbe Arthur's position was bsstrdoui in the I baron usually indulged towsrd svening, be extreme, as be stood opposite thii man, waa aoonatomed to come to his daughter , wbo, tbs veioi of bit forehead swollen wi'b rige, and with clinched flats, teemed ready to let deedi follow bia words. Bat not svsn an eye-laah trembled ; not a itep did Arthur retreat from ibal danger- ous nearness. Hi ilool then with that bearing of cold, proud repjse, bis largi eyei steadily fixed upon hii rival, as if with those eyes alone hi bad the powsr to van- qniih bim. " I believe, Hartmann, yon must tor thi present allow tbe reins to remain in tbs bands which ire accustomed to them, aud are in a position to rule," he laid. " That you will soon learn. By brute force yon may raise iniurrection*, and pull down structures, but they cannot be built by this. Try to conduct the mine* bin with yonr own band*, if to those hands that bated element be wanting wbiob gives direction to them, motive power to the machinery, and intellect to Ibs work. And lor tb* present that remain* with n*. Plaoe your- aelf by the side of your equals, and mm will not deny yon yonr right*. Wbat yon now have to throw into Ihe loale, weaponi alone, will never secure you the leader- ship." Ulrioh sought to answer, but passion choked hit voios. Arthur ulanoed over to tbs foretl where Ibe twilight glow was fading away into thi darknen, and turned to go. " If I bsd before known that every word of reconciliation would be unavailing, I would not have Bought Ibis interview. I offer yoa peace and liberty to remain upon Ibe works. Perhaps no other would bavs made raob a concession, and It was difficult enough for me to force myself to il. Bnl yon hsve repulsed even thii with sooro snd hstred. Yon are determined to be my enemy. Well, so be it then ; bat take npon yourself Ibe responsibility of all tbii happens. I have done my beet to prevent all thii, but in vain. However the qaarrel may end, we are now dooe with each other " " Qluck <ui) /" cried Harimann morosely. Tbe words toundid like cutting irony, aa they weri indeed at saeb s moment si this. Tbs ebiif seemed no longer to bear. He was already some steps distant, and now went in tbi direction of the houses. Ulrioh remained behind. Over hii bead iwayad ths willow branches, as they moved to and fro in ths svsning wind ; along th* meadows orspl a whits vapor , and over the firs yonder burst a sudden glow, wsird, ominous, and rid ai blood, and than faded dowly away. The young man itared dumbly into thi flaming evening sky. Tbi ominoni glow Isy also upon bis free. " ' We are done witb each other ?' Not yet, Herr Arthur Berkow ; we an jut beginning t I would not confess, even te myeelf , the cowardice that ba* as yet bald me baok. I would not venture to attack bim wbsn the was at bis side. Now tbe path ii clear , now ws will balance our accounts I" c HAITI: R XVI. In tfae residinoe reigned all tbs varied life and activity ol a sammer'l Skftertioon. Throngs of idle promsaadsri, of boaineae people aad workmen, in a perpetually changing tide, surged to and fro. Tbere was an andleet Babel of voices, a rattling of cart aad carriage wheels. From all ildss roes sddyiog clouds of doit ; snd tb* glowing beams ol the inn, already declining toward tbe want, lighted op thi whole bnay, animated aoeni. At a front window ot tbe Windeg Home, which stood upon ons of tbi principal itreets, a young lady bad stationed birself, and waa gasing down npon all tbia commo- tion, which she had almost forgotten in thi solitode ot her wooded nioautains. Eugenie had rslnrnsd to her fstbsr'i boo.*, aod all Its instate* Mened inclined to blot from amort MM brief pe rlo d of bar Be came to-day ; but his manner wai mare grave than usual, and he held a pper in bi* band. " I must annoy yon with a Inuinisi mat- tcr, my child," be began after a brief eal- utation. " I bavs joit had a ooLfereuoe witb our lawyer which has proved satis- factory beyond my expectation. Barkow'i attorney isindowtd with full powsr to meet all our wishes ; both legal gentlemen have already agreed npon the neottaary ttep* sod tbs wbols matter will probably be ai jotted far mite qaiokly and early that we vintnred to hope. Will yon please !gu yonr name to this paper ? ' He reached Iba paper. Eugenic madi moviminl at it to snatch it from him, but all al ones her hand till. "Wbat am I to do?" " Simply to affix your name to tbii paper, nothing more !" said the baron coolly, as bi placed thi shut on the writ ing table, aod moved bir a chair. Eugenie nesittled. ' II is a legal decuman t ; mail I not first read il 7 Windeg amilid faintly. " II it bsd been so important doonment, we should, ol course, have laid it before you for inspec- tion," be said ; " hut it is only tbs petition lor divorce, wbiob tbi judge U to preient in your name, and to wbiob hi needi yoar signature s mere formality la tbe conduct ot tbi caee. Tbi details will follow heri- after. Bnl if you wish to know tbi word- ijg ot this" " Mo, no I" interrupted tbe young woman evasivily. " I da not wish thai. I will sign this paper, but il need not hi josi at this moment. Jait oow I am not in thi mood for il." Tbe baron looked very much surpriaed. " tfood t Nothing is needed here but yonr aignalare. II will lake but a moment ; aud I have promised our attorney to send bim Ike psper to-day, SB be intends to present il to-morrow." " Well, then, ibis evening I will bring il to yos with my signature. Bat not at thii moment. I cannot sign it now." Thi tons ot tbi young woman's voios wai singularly plaintive, almost agonized. Tbe father shook hii head ae it in displeasure. " Tbls is s strange whim, Eogenie," h* said, " ons wbiob I do Lot at all under- Hand. Why will yoa not jait now, hire in my presenoe, make Ihia simple stroke ot the pen ? Bat if yon insist apon the delay, I rely upon yonr banding ms baok ths doc- ument at tea tbii eveoing. There will tbio be time enough to tend it away." He did not nmark his daughter'! deep tigb ot relief at these wordi. Hs itepped to tbe window, and gtzid down tbi itreel. " Will Oort not oams to me ?" asked Eugenie after a moment's pause. " I have seen bim only once to-day, at tbe dinner table." " Hi mutt be weary from his joarniy, and 11 perhaps taking torus net. Ab, tLere yon are, Curl, joit as w* wsre speaking of yon I" The young baron, wbo entered ai tkii moment, must hive reckoned upon finding his siitsr alone , lor b* said with evident snd not quite gratifiiil surprise " You here, papa ? I thought yoa wars having a oonfsreoos up in ths library with oar lawyer." " Our conference is st an sod, as yoa eei," replied tbs baron. Ourt seemed to wish that tbs said con- ference bad been longer. Meantime b* mad* no reply, but went to hii lister, aod confidentially sst down by bir aide. Only to-day noon be kad come unexpectedly from Ihe proviaet. It was a siognlar, and in tbi baron 'a opinion, an unfortunate eir- enEnstano*, that tbe regicoent to which hit sides! son belonged had just been itstloned in thi town which lay near**! to th* Her kow estaW i, jut oow, wben bii family bid broken off all relations than. It would b* unites torsquMl a long for tough for Ihe young officer, a* the riot jut broken out among Ibs minsrs had ihrown tbe whole Province into aon motion. It wa* expected tbe military would be called upon to quell tbe disturbance, and so Cnri oould not be irared for the preeent. He had gone to bis niw garrison, whar*, of courts, Birkow wai well known, wttb an express com maud from hi* father to be ailnt raipeotinij tb* divorce. The batou held firmly to bia tint conclusion, to take the prelimmuy iteps in secret, as he mnit Ibe final ones in Ihe f ace of tbe world ; and he naturally tuppated that bis aon would as much a* possible avoid all pirsooal rela- tion! with hii brother iu law. H* seemed to have been right ia tbe tup position. Arlhnr'i name waa never innu- tioned ia Ourl's letter* ; aod only ot*nal inteligenei had been received as to b iw natters itood upon thi Berkow e*uu., ui.ti. Curl, in a military capacity, was ordired to tbi Kaeidenoe. Ourt bad bten al home but a few noun ; and at dinner the pretence of atueite had thrown a res- traint npon tbe family ; but now, when trom bit baviug jmt aaaed Eugenie's tig Dilnre lo tbe petition for divorce, thii usu- ally forbidden top:o wan uppermost in the baron's mind, witb an iudiflarenoe one oji<bt show in relation to tbe affair* of to* diitaol aeqnaiutanee, b* aiksd bow matter* itood upon the iiarkow estates. " Badly, p*p, very badly I "replied Curl, turning to his father, but not relinquishing hi* plaoe near Eugenie. " Arthur manfully restate the ruin which threaten bim from all sides ; bet I fear he muit at last yield II in tsntoli worm with bim than with bii oulleatiuei at tbe other mine*. H* mn*t now atone f r all the, smi hit father com- mitted in twenty yeaid tf tyranny and die- houeaty, ae well as bear ibe remit of bis teuielk sptenlatiocs during these later years. I do not understand bow bs bae ao loug held bie own ia tbe conflict. Any olber man would have been vanquished long ago." " If the outbreak ia getting beyond hi* mastery, I wonder tbM be does not sum- mon military aid," said the baron rather coolly. "Thalia Ihe very point on which he will not liatan to reason ; I ' bare all the ariotoeralie) imperiouiLew of tbe youug heir of Windeg broke out" I would long ago have bad these fellows tbpt down, and have forced ibe rebels to inbuiiieion. They have given provocation encugb lor it; and if their leader continue* to goad them on, as be is cow doing, they ill the next thing bUiB Athur's bonne over hii bead ; but all this does oot kfljenee bim. 'No, and no again,' b* aayi ; 10 long aa I oan defend myself, no etrauger force Bets foot in my works.' Neither arguments oor eotreatie* move him. " Aod to oonfeu the truth, papa, we, in our regiment, are very glad our help ia not likely to be aeked. During tbe lail tew week* we have been obliged to lend II ctly too often II was not halt ao bad al the other mines as si Berkow's ; but still, at tbe very Ant, their ownen and officers [laced Ibt-meelvea on a war footing with tbiir own workmen, and demanded mill tary aid. iltrrowiug and violent scenes have take n plaae, and we sold 1 ere have been compelled to extreme measures. It is best not to reorl to violence when it oan be avoided ; and st.ll, on tbe other hand, a matter should not give up his authority aud lei thiLgt K M they will, for be mutt be reeponatble fur all that happens. Oar oolcut I aud i ffio ra have a high reaped for Arthur, bedkuse hi has thus far kepi even witb bii rebels ; and I thick be will keep even with ibeoi, although thiuge with him now are haul aa possible." Breathleailyiulent, EngeUe bad listened to her brother, wbo seemed to believe her quite niieonoeroed in the metier, for bit recital bad been addreseed to bis father. But tbi baron, wbo, with ever increasing displeasure bad marked tbe term " Arthur" hi* coo ha>d rip :atedly employed, laid now in a tool of cold rebuke "You and ycur comrade! teem to be viry minattly informed of all Herr Ber kow's *ff*irs." " Why, they are tbe talk of Ihe whole town ?" replied Curt naively. " As for mjeelf, I have been ever to Arthur'* pretty often " Th; baran sprang from bii chair at tbii o nfbaaion. "Yon have vi*ited him al hii sitates ? and that very often ? (To be continued). HOLD III il < ill *l ".II 1st BII* Wile l--t kllllBi* At lUmilt.iu (Scotland) tbe I other day, before Sneriff Birnm, Dvid Ferguson Neil n. aioer, Oambuslii. guilty to aobargebf bigamy, b, noving tuaxiiod a dom>io itrvanlm C*mbu!aog on 4th September last, while Anne Maria Davies, lo whom be was m%rried al Bellsbill, on 3rd July, 1880, wae atill aliv*. Ihe Fieeal slated thai hocused and bis. wife lived unhappily from inoompatabilily ot tern per, and having agreed to separate hi dit posed ol ber for 25 1. Tbe Shi-riff Sold ber t > anotber man Tbe Fiscal- Yes, my lord. Mr Gauapbell, accused a agent He de- uii s that. Tbe Sheriff- If yon are going to deny that, jcu had better get bim to plead not guiliy. Mr. Campbell Ii would not alter the case. Tbe Sheriff in paeeing icntrnoe ol twelve montna' imprisonment, taid he could not have believed such a thing possible, and a more - rnble ease be oould scarcely oonoeivt. Aoni of arisDavies (a well-dresusd young woman with a child in ber arm*} wai next charged with marrying a man u Wisha while her bonband, the above accused, wa* still alive. She pleaded guilty. Mr. W.T. Hay, writer, wbo appeared for accused, aid the oaig we* a most painful ons. Married to i man ten years ber senior wben only 17, the marriege was soon seen to b*) a mistake . His treatment of her wa* vary btd, and culminated, alter repeated insulta, in hia offering, aa stated, to nil her for 35i to a friend of bis wbo eame about tbe house, aad wbo, thinking it a j ike, laid down the money, Pruoner left tbereupon in disgtut. and naving afterwards failed in an attempt al reconciliation, handed bim back her wedding ring and thought she was done witb him. She went to live with her niter, and tix months afterwards married thi man to whom she wa* sold, and to whom the had three children, their life together having been a happy one. Tb* Sheriff laid the owe was on* he had never heard of before. Her bntband bed treated her more than cruelly, and in the peculiar eircumitaneei hi diimisssd her with an admonition. HI K TI * B Ann rut. ! at n KSB. What British BtsllaMr aw SB Ihe I. mid i stlac TSMbaw A Navrl Mar rematem lor a Wossusa. (Prom the Bt. Jem**' Qassite.) It was niy biavy task to do with the crop dtitrcyiog Irraoaddy what Oanute admitted hn inability to dn with tbe sea ; In otber wcrdi, I wa* told off to conitrnel ao embankment against a river that destroyed 00 an average one crop lo evt-ry tbrei. I had 16,000 Burmane working for me, miu, women and children. Tbe embank- ment wa* seventy muei, tbe swollen water would have rnn over il had il been leu than twenty feet high ; aud would have whirled il into the plain if iiebasa had not been a hundred feel broad. Then we could only work by inatobee evio in the dry month*, aud not at all during the long aod dreary wit season. My workpeople rilnrund to their home i for the wet montba, but I stayed on to fee that our foundation was not wa> bed away. My belt labours were tbe womeu. Tbe mas* ot them were not from British Barm>h, but slaves of th* King of Kinge, tbe Burmese ot tbe highland!. Il i* from these that tbe King of Barman drawn bit army. Had tbty their own way, I am quite certain thai Ibere would be no war. In the heal 01 Ibe day, when work wai out of Ibe quit- iiou, I have listened witb astoniehmaut and pily to their talk ovsr the ivsrlastmg iheroot. Il wai evident that inch an ide*> ae not oarryinii oot to tbe letter tbe into- datee of tbe Kmg waa ibconceivable to them. I have laid that my workpeople returned to their homes during the wet season. There wan uo oftio i in tbe mat- ter ; they had to do i I. The King lakes a fatherly interest in them, aod sesi tbal they pay for it it they deesrl bim. BIN favorite method ii to ktep hostages, and my laborer! bad to leave tneir familiee in bii bauds before tbey came to me. Had they tailed to render ao account of themselves by Ihe stipulated lime, tbi boetages would havs been given over to tbe State, and, it tbe King desired it, trampled to death by tbe elephant, wbioo in Barman discharges tbe Junes of public executioner. Oat of every rupee I paid my 1 .borers part bad to be laid aeide for tb* King. Tbe Burmese imoke to a man, to a woman, I might almost lay to a child. I waa pbysioiao-io cbiet to those under me, and I soon learned to rely upon it that when a patient gave up smoking he or she wat really ill. The Bur- msec ladies have a very [. ecu liar cigar cane But there are two objection* to iu tver becoming popular here, ol which the leae iiu,.irt> > i > that en , . ^r case ouly hold* one oi B ar. <i..u tuen Ibe cigar ease u the lady'e ear. Instead of wearing ordinary earrings, the Burmese womso have a large bole in their ears and wear a cheroot in i till wanted. Tbe really great advantage tbi* cigar case is that it is nsvsr left beuiud. Tbs men would think il bensatb their dig- nity to carry cheroots in this manner, but they do not mind helping themselves from tbe wife'i case. Whsn the Kmg of Kinge wants to keep hit women folks together or to punish them, he striuns them, M> to apeak, by tbe ear. A lonil cane n pasd through tbs bolei made for cheroots, a doceo women or even more going to one cane. n. . . i. . r l.nir,.,n,non I ... Tbe Interior hi* been pr iteoticg a ohimieal analysi*. and here is tbe result: Mr. Beeober preached in Cecieuary Methodist Cbnrob, Cbtoigo, last 8abbU>. Hit surnion, like all thai be b** preacbtd niuoe Ibe ooneloeion of hi* uouMU*ioal series on Evolution, was singularlv rioli, tpirituel, evangelical. Il wai ons ot tboue sermons which bavs wan for bim s itrta> Christian following in all landi. L>rd Byron laid of himself that bs bad no character, aud all or it ciwho have stalled bim agree m his statement concerning hiiu-elf. It is equally true of Mr Beeoher. He ie a bundle ot ooniradiolioul which defy reconciliation so aa to show a unit a character. Hi* r*e*ut lermona would be moonshine in a fog if bie assaults on evan- gelical faith bad any troth in them. Hi* lecture on " Moi.ey " ii thoroughly ipiou- nan, and so far as it has hsd any n flu ecee, that influecoe was to destroy tbe foundation! of murals, and ssl up tslfUb- n--s and sensuality as tba only motives wjrih following, eod M | laee no limit on them except prudence. Ue bee sought to dostroy all dcotriual bases for morals to bis sermons. Then hs turns about and discourses of ipiritual tbingi with the unction of a taint sod the eloquence of an angel, and witb a sincerity, loo, that ia beyond question. Such a geuiua is not analyzkble. He is a chemical agent wbiob reacts npon everything il touch**, aod cornea out in new forms and colors at each succeeding contact. l'lrr lo nl< nr I'orK. Work, work of tome kind it the business of men and women, not tb* making ot jingletl No no-no I I want to aee the young people in our school* and academies and college*, and the graduate* of thsse institutions;, lifted up out of the little Dismal Swamp of salt contemplating aud lelf-indulgiug and sell-commiserating imo- lioualiem wbioh ii inrfeiling the land with those literary sandwiches- -thin slices of tinkling sentimentality between two covers looking like hard-baked gill gingerbread. But whit faeei thus young folki make up al my good advice I Tbey get tlpiy on their rhymn. Nothing intoxieatei one like bii or fair own vines, and tbsy bold on to their melre-baUad-mongsring at tbs fellows that inhale nitrons oxide hold on to the gas-bag. -Dtttmber Atlantic. B*I n u- i..n .1 i rust i s iBerewls *>l I'M *.ll.lrd llcfll^U. fr.. II)* llr lldrrllisjf I'l r II. ^1., k !.. Btockingi art very gay. Tbe gold em- broidered and beaded ro-es and lilies of tbe preaenl new itylet have tiuy drooping las- tele of silk and fine beada ; in otbire tbs artistic mingling of colon has osver been eurpaoeed in harmonious blending* of pale olive, brown aad blue, brown and wins color, flash color and a warm olive, and dark red and olive. Pretty stripes sre seen in moea green and rose pink, black and red, blue ana cardinal. Vertical etripas of brilliant colors are divided by a narrow ilripe of laoe. Another "till daintier slyli has feet ot rose cobr and mois green top* and other feet of delicate colon with arsis tic contrasts. Tbe finest silk stocking* ol plain black bav* fin* sorn silk solas, ant blaok lace stocking* are exqaieile incoga tor gloves. Black ipun lilk nocking* are flniabed with unbleached eolei, and bar d some fine walking styles have balbriKgan feet and black silk tops. Sober grsy ii favorite ibade, as s strong contrast to tbs butterfly brigbtneii of tbe otben, and eafi au lait when then in more milk than Ibere ii coffei, sage, peacock blue, etrawberry red and all shade* of bine make up th* reel. Uric Turk Tribune. The Dominion Ouild of Wholesale Orooen met In Toronto yesterday in laerst session. Thi Secretary states that the busineai transacted is of no interest to tbe public. Delegate* from other cities were list night entertained to dinner in tb* KattonalOlub. I o.ln. f.llh I.I .ln Fair lay! that an enthnaiailio Liberal grocer in Birmingham had the other day printed in largi letter* ou a board placed over b s shop dnor the fallowing worde : " Mr. Gladstone say* ' jm ia tb< best substitute for butter.' Try our home, made jam." A woman entered hii shop bought two pots of " our home-made," and earned them off. In a few days ibe returned, laid one pot of the jam on tbe counter, and witb an indignant air eiolaimed," I've been brought up to believe that every word Mr. Oladitoni spoke waa truth. I'll nsvsr believe bim again. " Indeed, madam, why not ?" inquired tb* bewildered grocer. " Why ?" repeated the indignant matron, " Because he laid jam was the best substitute for butter. It 1s not. Il won't fry my flibl" ir Wa.aa1 *< Mil* Olara (to young Featherly) " Mamma and I win discnssiog a certain rule of table etiquette juet before yon came in, Mr. Fealberly. Mamma thinks it is perfectly proper to take ths last pisca of bread on the plsts, while I contend that to do so ii violating a rule at fixed as thi lawe of tbe Mede* and Penlane. You must decide for us, Mr. Fealherly." Mamma " Yet, Mr. Featherly, please do so," Mr. Featherly " Well ir really, ladiee, yon place me in a somewhat em bar- raasiog position. Yon see, I am only slightly acquainted with tbe Meades, ana I've nsvir even met the Fenians." St- etanye. A married woman named Oarroll, resid- ing oo Tonga strut, Toronto, died sud- denly ou Tuesday night, and SB It was suspected there might have been fool play, an inqueit WM held yesterday afternoon, Tbe Jury, however, returned k verd.ot of " flhifl from natural causal." Beware ol imitation'," aa Ibs inoukey said tc tbs dude. MISUKDBBITCOO 1'ut 1> ci ii Your w fe'i oaso it gel ii'g Joperste. 1 tnould to call i a fpcOialiSI. The Hniband -I told my wife a we-k axo ibal ws bad better tetd ;or a capable )-ioiati, but she thought n ought > 6* . il you TBB rDO U1HU Bella I don't ee what you flad to admire about Mr. Qrigeby ; he's tar from handsome. Eva (wbo is awfully fashionable) Wuy I look al his ooee, a moet lovely pug rLATTSBUa. Bbe Indeed, Mr. Dawbio, yotw were 'he only pictures I looked at in the Exhi- bition. D .wbin Ah, yon flatter She No. Tne otberi, you know, wer* ao surrounded by ihe crowd t XKOL1U. (Beapectfolly submitted to friends in Quebec. Thuu*h knyibiix singular cannot be plural, yet there are case* of plnrsle being very singular ; here are a taw of them : Though ox In th* plural should always b* oxen. The pmral uf box must b* box**, not Doxen. And KOOM in U>* plural's not guose* but nee**, Yet fluece hrcuuies ttuecoa, and never ia fleece. 11 uuae, it is true iu the plural 1* mioe, Hut iioue becomes bouse* and ne'er can be bice. The plural uf root u ruuu and not reet, Tnuugu foot isn't fuuU but is uruperlj f*et. A. sweep beoouie* tweeds iu in* plural, bnt sheep Can nevnr be sheep* but their singular keep. Kaui'i oecuiue* Haubiu oh, my 1 what a *tab ia Tbe heart of a c.bby to call two of 'em oabbin. JDST TWO CLtBiBS. O d Bkii'flint (after refusing to contribute any thiu>) -Kr now are you succeeding 10 your mission ? Ouacilabl* Collector Ob, so, so. Bomi givs according to their ; and other* according to ibtir meanness. IS riBST ArrBaJUMSB, Hii Honor Hve yon sver been punished lor a similar ffoee ? Prisoner- No, sir ; thu it tie Ant time they ever caught me. nor r*B OCT. The Teaober NJW, Johnny, can yon tell tbe meauiug of IDS word " dsmagogne ?' Jjbuny (ugbtly oooloted on account ol tbe visitor. ) -A jag that boldi whiskey, gio beer, wiue aud everything like tbal. TBB BAST i MMI A good way M uaiue a new baby is to write a great many uamei on tliya o paper, ibaae them up in a bat and take the top paper. If the Lame thut obiamet dueau isun, keep shaking the bat till you get a BUI table one oo top. If the baby u a boy, let tbe wite manage the bat ; but it i i* a gul, let tbe husband manage il. Tbii precaution ibonld be taken to preven ' etcjfftjg " tbe bat or any unfair maoipu Ution of tbe returns. I11S IWXBT olsL OSUDCATI. Now, tbe swsel girl graduate ot 45, bums tor the Vacation, staits uul on ber leolurioi tour aud meets with a bold, bad man. He -Where are you going, nay pretty maid ? Hbe I'm KOlnf a-leoiuriuf. sir, sue aaid. Uu-May I go witb you, uijr |>r*ttv maid 1 Bd*-Tu subject wou'lsuit you. air, she eaid. tie What u tue subject, injr unity maid ? She Th. lot*' tauupreneioD ol Mali, she .: i. II.. Theu I won't marry vou. vile old maid. r-u* -Nubotly axed you, sir. abe *aid- A r*IB ITaBT. H i|p) Yjnug Haio.ul-My love, trnsi we will in all mailers be of one mind. H*p|y Y niig Bride Of omrii, ducky bat u depend* upon wboee uiud il is I OOKICIBNTI . BS. Milkman NJW, Tommy, be aura you put tbs water iu first. W* want to be abl to say honestly that ws nsvsr put soy wata iu our milk. We've got to kep up ou good name, you kuow. alia Him. b, .o 01. B. It people were only a* particular abou tbe lutermarrisge ol disease as Iba inter uariiacie uf poverty, tbers would be lets dueaae transmuted from parent to child, aud fewer people would toiffer from their pareut*' erron aud follies. In winter, not ouly wear heavier olotbiu than in summer, but eat more food. It we would keep body and mind in per feel health, we inuet learn to bold tbe pM>eiou* iu suourdination to ths reason an ibe will. There ie one sale remedy far tbe aobee and paint o' body and mind which resul from th<* u*e> of alcoholic iUttiuiule, ao< that i* to abstain trom their nee entirely. Animal food tbould be teten fiasb. Tb custom of eating giut alter It has bto im ronen may be aristocratic, bnl it is exosed logly foolish and hurtful. Oxupatious ot every kind requirs to be slteruated with rs*i and rtereauou, iu ocder to secure Ibs best and moil if ecliv work. Never allow sir to sotsr a room tba suuclls offsosivsly , pur* air has DO odor and air with odor i* nsver pure. The simplest baib ii thu bait snd ths it tbi ordinary sponge both ; plunge bath ebower bathe, and tucb like, an amuse minis iu the bathiug line while Ihi tponge bath it ihe steady working and alway serviceable ice iintion. Cnoleau clothe* are unhealthy clothe* for, loug worn, the clothing becomes saturated with ixontioo* from the body and acts like a poiaou bath. Mental labor nsvir killi unless ai oiated with mental worry. Maintain ibe body always in an equablt temperature of about 66 degreee, aod never txoeed thai in a sleeping room. mp iuio M la the Balkaas. The Servian itafl ifflrmi that all mill lary movement! in the B*lkaai ars now retarded by terrible weataer in tba monn taint. Nevertheless it was not in Novem ber, bnl in Jatutry, tb*t O >urku made bit wonderful marou Iroui Plevna toS.fia anc Puilippjpohs, i.u l lUditnhi and Hkobelef and orosned the Balkan*, ormbed a Turkish army, aud iwooped diwu upon Alnauople and Ban Blefaoo. The veteran engineer Todlebeu, after tbe capitulation of Plevna advised too oommander-ln obief to put hii army in wioter quartere and to watt unti apriog. Tb* bolder spirits couniellid aelion aad marching ordere were issued in dead ot winter. Campaigning iu November is easy work in comparison with tbe terrible marches across tbs mountain* by which Ibe Kuvsian campaign wae Brought to a close. 11 was in January of tb* lams year ibal tbe Servians themselves captured Nitob, aad Suleiman lad bit army in fall retreat aoroes tbe Bbodope mountain! to Ktvale. N. 7. 2Y0wM. I ro. ' 8am Jones' " turn " story, as to'.d at ths Mstbodial Ohnreb on Friday night, is as fellows . " Tbsrs was a married couple with half a dosen children and only one bed. Tbe whole family tlept OB that bed aod were so thick thai oni oonldu'i turn ovsr nnliss all did. So when any one got tired bleeping on one tide he'd say ' Turn ' and over tbe whole family weni. They got so nasd to it that even when they heard tbe word ' turn ' in their ileep tbey would hustle over. One dsy tbs old man was flihing on a low bridm over tbe river. Tbs sun was hot an 1 thi Cub wa'n'l biting, aod he fell asleep balanced on tbe log. One of the boys taw him and thought be would try a joke, and hallooed out ' Turn I' Over >he old man went ksrflop ioto the water. Now 1 want tbs temperance men to halloo Turn I' until the anti-men who are asleep on tbe bridge over ths prohibition river will hear and drop m. '-.* fkufa THE BRIGHT SIDE OF UFE. picy Bill Picked up in the Current! of Newp per Humor, t h. ?/ Wa*> OvtrdU ll - Urp. , ..!. | U "roil-. .1 rr, < M . 4 I* ""-lluv. .....Ir ,,. gOITI A NATBBII. IUHT4IS. Weil, ' id Mr. H , lookicv up :>oui bit f*i>rr, isst iu iu New Y k Stock Ex.oh.uKe has just been wla Kr 84 000." "Mercy! 1 commented Mr*. Bn-g.*, who in going to MM* T ' " Sing I" bawled H-HXK-- " What wo i they eiug for at oHiok txobtngiT H vj you got an idea it it kind of e concert ?" Well, dun I gel cross, dear. I thought eame foreign iog*t * going to be tie or swats wouldn't be to der." A OITBO1T WOBUI I OBBAT SCBSMI . There ie a women living down Bonrl tree! wbo reads the m wpepers. H read iu a uewepaper the ctber day ib ' a Boston wuojkD cured her bntbandof iu oiog out nights by making him jralctM. L'be idea waa a good 'un. Bus l< I uer slater into tbe plot, and tl aiettr's burb.Ld tuigbl have been H u Leaking iuto and out of the bonM at a late eveuintf boar. Same ot tbe otigbbore , i id of it, aud norce cue wrote to tbe hus- band : Beware I AH a friend I would adv. re >ou to wateb j nur wife I ' Bii wife nw -uu bad >.f rapieion iu bie eje, and wae hugely ^lea-. d She told bt r later, aad tb. n ** gieet cackling. Bitter tuld her bo>b.nd aud be slapped bis kg* " Ha I ha I ba I We've got him on tbe run I" Tbe other night the Howard ttreet mac went out ae usual. Tbe brother-in-law disgmaed bimiMif acid went over to tba bous-i, taking oare to ba Men. He wae jutl m muting the itepe whin a boraswbip began to play over aud rout d him, aud fie started to r u be was kocoked down a>i d tapped oo aud walked over until be so*roely bad tbe strength led to olirub oof of ibe yard iu (root of a N j. butt. Tbe n jared hatband ibeu eutered tbe boure aod broke op 1500 wortb of furniture, aud destroyed jewelery and dresses eoetiog ae mnob more Bis wife bad to eiplaio the plot in order to eave her life, but tbl dida'l restore Ibe goodi nor uo.i tba brotber-in-law'e brntsea It u very q >i t down there oow. Toe husband goee unt u' nibble ae o*al aud tbe Boeton idea bi ben ooated with tar and buried in the) baok yard until wanted. Dttroit free Prtit. AMUUOA IN I'iRIB. Firm paawDger (ID railroad train) - " Y m ar trom Chicago, I i<e." Beoond paateuKer (with pridi )", lir." Finl paaaeoger " Commereial traveller, I buppoce ?" Ktooud pataenger Tee, air." Firn paaseoger -' I tnourfbt eo. T> <"e areoertaiin characteristics peculiar to C i oago travelling into tnl dit>ticgui*h tLtm Iroui tbe ordinary run of people." passenger (highly deligbto*) - r'ir-t pastsngsr " Or, yee. Will >ou please take your feet t fl tbe teat, 10 ibal I oan til diwnT" Parii Ntvi. " U lOOTLAHD. Tourist (-.ipi in* tbe old grave d>|fvrr, wbo had tbown bim over tbe cathedra ) - " I luppoae, no* ao many vieitort are u tbe town, voa'il be doing well T" Grave- diKger "Oo, aye; there'e awheetofoak gaoo aboot, bat " - (<ioomil)) -' ther'e Mrr'ole little daiu' iu the diggio' wayr I" BAU) TO IWAIXOW, At a meat diuoer the oouv. r.alioii torn, d OD atiimal tr^ioiug. Ab I " eaid Mj r Bink, " I remember wben I wae at Bog- glaywallah I tamed ao oyeter. He u-ed -i foil iw me all over the hoaee like a dog. He would in oo tbe table at my aide, witb i.i < bell open and eraek filbert* moet D e- tionate little erealure." Have yon got bim Hill, M-.jjr?" atked a doubting kuditor " N j, mr ; be ome to an uuiiru-lr eod. A (riend ot miue eame into the diu- ing-room in my ab*eooe, e*w tbe oyt*r with bis nbell open and iwallowed bim. I ihall never bve uoh another pet I " > olaimed tbe Mtjor, witb a high. " Mo doubt your friond ewalloweu tbe oyeter," taid tt.e President, " but I'm afraid we eaii'l ial- low tbe etory." QBlKI tlllLIl. A weatero leoturer recently advertieed a Uo.ure for ladite over 16 yean o( age. Tbe leoturer wae promptly on baod, but the u liei.oe ooaeleted of only cue pereoa tbe lecturer'* ag*d graidmotber. A contemporary i-peaki of a man who wae. " abol by hi* nrende." He muet bavo mixed natural gae with tbe old favorite oil can. Illiterate UouMkerper Mr. Oari.**, yon mnil eend me anotber girl. Agei>t I'm afraid tbe trouble ie with you, Mm. Prim. You've triad Oarmao, hub aod - Housekeeper Yai, but they're no iiood. My neighbor ban an excellent girl. Bbe'e a Bwedeuborgiau. Bend me ou from Bwedeaborgia OUB C .CKII.T AiaOAD. Eaglieh guntlemaa (in tbe Obampe; Elyi4ee, li.qutring way)" Pardonni mol, muiiiteur." French gentleman (very politel}) - " Gertaioement, moniieur." Together " Good graoionel (Smith, Jonee,) la that you ? " lltrptr't Bttar. rm Finn v noBM aioMAa. " Pa," Mtid little Eddie MoDonald, early thie morulng, " tbe etotm ligoal U up." " In it, my on ? " "Oh, yea. Ma eaye ahe found a tooth- pick in the front door look thin morui n aud >our eboea on the top of tbe bureau, aud the aaye it'e going to be a cold day." Mr. McDonald went down town without wailing for break t***.-Cltvtl**4 Plain- HOW TIME TLRAI. 11 Half Houra with loeeete " U tbe title uf a recent book. It alwaye eeerne like halt an hour, but really a fellow ii ouly about one- sixteenth of a eeeond paaeing a given point. llurlinytm Fret fren. TBI BEST or GOOD KIARONH " Why am I a Liberal?" Beo*nee my molher-in-iaw'i a OuoeervatiTe. 8o'i my wite 1'unch. THE HOI WATSB CC1, It 11 Mid that tbe hot water core ie BON popular tbao ever in Hartford. It baa been noticed that married people who keep eaob other in hot water are proverbially long lived. Savannah Atafi. * DOOTOB WANTED, We have noticed among our exchange* mob phraaee aa are net forth below, ao'4 would like aome doctor of anatomy to denonbe the part Indicated : He kiaeed her paationately upon her reappearance. Jrfferum Somww/r. Hue wbl|<ped him upon bn return. Uavktyt. He kiaed bar baok - CotutitutU*. Bbe touted heraelf upon hie entering. AUiia Urmocrat. Mr. Jonee walked in upon her invitation. Klfflne Light. We tbongot ihe eat down on hat btiLg aktd. Saturday Qouif. Bbe faintad upon hie departure. Z.VMI Union. Bhrewbary Pond, near Rutland, Vi., a mile loLg and a half a m Ie wide, and fed >y epriugii, bae received 800,000 trout aud 0,000 landlocked aalmou during tba laet ix yean. Now lalmon of >lx pound* aod r. ui welg hing AT* ponode can he MOgbt bstt la aboadauee. It ta private property.

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