Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1885, p. 1

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B. Spectacles & Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Article* in the Canadian market. Real Pebble* are kept in stock. Test* are given to pur- chaser* to prove genuineness. They are recommended by the President, Vu-e- Prea., Ex-Pre., and Ex-Vioe-Pres. of tlie Medical Association of Canada, tee. J IS. fi. Kl SSELL, Jeweler, <*r., Fbfkert**, Ont. The only place where they can be got Canadian Paeifle Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIM E TABLE. ffeet, Monday, July iTOt, 18*5. BC North. Uardwell Junction.. Charleston Orange- 1 Arrive Till*. > l*eave Oranceville Junction lo 17 " fihelburne lo " " Duiidslk 1110" Mall TKtaui 907 " 995" 990 - 10 OS Mlisa Msrkdsle ........................ WillUiusford ............... Chatiworth ............. ..... Oweu Hound ........ Arrif* 100 Kuulh. STATIONS Owes Sound ChaUworth WillUmsford Markdtla DuncUlt HhelbunM T Oranfteville Junction , HOO Orange- 1 Arrive S KM' Mall. Mixed SdUara JHpiii 6 SO " 3 10 " I i. COS - S " 091 " S - ft|i 41 " I OS " TOB " 431 " * 457 Tills. . Leave Charleston Csxdwell Junction HM U 901 i IS i 116 630 Toronto \rr,v.- !'.. - 8 W.WHYTK, OixX BcrT. , OM'LPaas.AaT. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A8.,)KT. PHYKICIAN, si rM.lOV sVr. rXESHERTON. r, trt to Dimtian Covrt offut, I>r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCI1KR, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. m.0fflca and Resilience near Psbyterln Cbatrben. rrioMills. Jrntbtry. J.P. liARNIIALL. L.U.S DKXTI8T, OBAPt'ATR of Toronto School of Dentistry. will IM at Murkdali* tlin Ift soil 3rd Wednio day of each inoiitli. ami at Kli~li'tm on the lit and Jrrl Thuradsy In ex li montli (ortho practice FIIOST & FRO.ST. BARHISTKHS. HOI JCITOKri. 1'OS VKTAX"W. 4r Offlee Piwlett Btrrt Owns BOUXD. snd STM7 ThuraJay at Kl.KsH I: KTr\ J. \V. KKOflT, I..I. II. A l.riir.l) FKOST, Crown Tounty Attorney. BAxnR. n r. win. IN. f urn w HANDS, EUHLIN & QARVIN, tti Ijtimlfr < llninl.t. B \R1tlSTKIIH. 80I.ICITOKS, NOTAUIEK. CONVK.Y \NCK11H. 4o. Mon to I-oan at 1 ,w^t IUt "t int.-1-i-t. umcet. 16 Kliic Htreet Kat. Toronto. MORPHY & MILLERS, Rirruttr*, N-Jiritiirt, ffutarir* PMie, Couffj/'ineern, it-r. Owner.. Or UcFsrlan* i Drag Store. DURHAM, - - ONT. John W. Armstrong. I-'i.i-snrnTox, Co. OiiKT. DtVrsIOS CiU'KT n.EI'.K. rOMMISRIOXF.H In n It.. <'onrevnror. *< Agent for purchsne a.n-1 sale of land*. Ap|>rU*r fnrC I . (V Corn- Ami K. P. I). A H. Social.)-. Moin-v to l<on on the mol T-MvirtnMo term Imum ur MAKKIAUE MonraM. Jas. K. Sloan, INSURANCE AGEXT, EUUEXIA. KniireMntini; that solid *>ld Fire Inmiraace Co, tho NOIIWIC n I'sion, of Norwich. Cnulaml Iniitirance nfferteil on HOUHWI, oiitlnil1<lllif{B t Ac . atlowntas. Innuroa saaiuat litilitnlnx W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLEBK AHTK1IKRIA. CONVEY A NfiKR, COMMISSIONER, INSURANCE AO'T, AC. ^, M ( IKTI I Mi I'.s. I<EABF,B, *.- . prepar- ed and properly exernietl. Innuranoe afreo- 4ed In flrKt-olsiis companies. Ifoney to lend at lowest rates. Money to Loan. At Sj Per Cent. Tntrrnt .,n StraiyM Loan. TTTITII In thrust paid yearly, not In advano*. No eomiulsilonohargod. Apply to A.<;itlr:iC. TIIOKMU RV. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Orders In Town and Country promptly sod arafullv executed. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. '^Corrected Each n rrk. (4 50 to 5 00 $0 80 to 80 Flonr ..................... Fall Wheat ............ Spring Wheat .......... Darley ..................... Oats Peas ...................... Butter .................... J :."' . freili ...... . ..... Potatoes .................. Pork .................... Hay, per ton ............. Hides Wool ...................... Geeo Turkeys .................. Chickens per pair ...... Ducks per pair ......... 45 U 27 54 10 20 20 4 50 8 00 5 60 16 40 Of> 08 25 50 72 60 28 &6 18 20 20 4 75 1000 7 00 Ifi 60 in; 08 30 60 Flesherton Advance. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-' PRINCIPLES, WOT M EJV.' VOL. V., WO. 234. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 10, 1885. A. R. FAWCETT, RICHARDSON & COMPANY Arc showing full lines of Wii\tei< -IN- PUTS, Mantles, Ulsterings, And a splendid range of Dress Goods In all the New Materials. MENS OVERCOATS! Stunners at f5. Better, nt$7, A Nobbiest at $10 A lot of- Canadian Ail-Wool Tweeds Will b* sold beforw- CHRISTMAS I At AUY PRICE ! TO CLEAR. Thes are New Goods, bnt we have a lurplua stock and must turn them into money. MENS Long Felt Boots, $1.95 PER PAIR. Well *x>led and leather foxed warran- ted frost proof. Ladies Pelt Lined Leather Boots ! THE ADVANCE, A. R- F&wcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Contuting of Local and Othrr Intertfiing Hunt gaOttnd by The Admuct Reporteri. Warm, Comfortable, and Durable- Every department IK fall of good* sraitable for the scaon, and we* ciiallcnge the County for low price*. do. FLESHERTON. Christmas comes on Friday this year just twu weeks from to-morrow. There i* some talk of building a roll- er riuk here. Grey County Council will be in sess- ion in Owen Sound this time next week. Rev. Mr. Watson, Baptist miniater, and wife, htve taken up their residence in Flesberton. You can get a good pair of Kid Mitts *t D S. Munro'8 for 50 cents. The small boy sleigh rides on the sidewalks pretty much as usual, the by- law to the contrary notwithstanding. The Racer Cross Cut Saw lias cut 17 inch stick in 16 seconds. Get one at RifHABiMioii & Go's, We would remind those who intend psying their subscriptions to the AnvAMi-c in wood, that green wood is what we want. Patronize the Fle*herton barber, Mr. Gardiner. He ia a steady, mind-his- own-husincM, and painstaking workmen, and deserves to be heartily encouraged. Splendid aMortment of All- Wool Shawls at D. S. Mnnro's, very cheap. Our worthy friend, Lieut. John Field, will have tho Fleaherton skating rink in good running order at an early d*t of which due notice will be given ! The best range of Cross Cut Saws at lowest prices at Itichnrtlton <( Co't. The Presbyterian and Methodist Sabbath SchiHils are practicing vigorously for their anniversaries, to be held here on Christmas and New Year's evenings res- pectively. -Wliole stock Kip Dooti at D. 8. Uunro'n. very cheap. Our Townthip Fathers met for the laat time thi* year in the Town Hall, Kleshnrton, laat Monday. When shall they five incut again under similar cir- I-UIIISUIK . 4 .' --If yon want an Axe, go to Rich- aidsnn & Co's the largest & cheapest stock. It seems surprising th.-it a dozen eeg* now is worth as much as a hunhel of po- tatoes, but such is the cnav, while butter ia remarkably low in price, 13 cents be- ing the highest price paid last week. Gentlemen ! come and secure a pair of those splendid Telescope Hoots at 1). S. Mnnro's. Our old friend, Mr. Andrew Roe, is visiting his friends here and in Artemesia thin week. He gave u* a pleasant call on Tuesday. We never aaw fnond Andrew looking better. Axes from CO cents np at Jticliartlgon X Co's. The memliers of the Rending Room Society, Fle*herton, are requested to at- tend thu regular monthly meeting of this institution, which will be held in their room next Monday evening at 7:30 o'- clock, cjTM'oidiiM is bound to sell at prices to suit the times. Kdr"Look : I.nni; Tug Harness complete from $2H to 134. Short TUKS from $2'2 t<i $_'(!. good and substantial. I.iglit Harness and Scotcli Collars a specialty, and don't yon forget it. Notwithstanding the tremendous storm on Saturday and Sunday, a large number of fanners drove into FIi*nherton >n Monday with loads of produce, Ac. Our market is enjoying an excellent repu- tation the very highest possible prices being paid for all kind* of produce. Bj-l'iiniK'ts. look to tlie corTifort of your horses. At Gordon's Harness Shop will be found a full supply of Horse Blankets, Surcingles, Itnga, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, & Hrushes and a full assortment of Sleigh Dolls, cheap : come and get them. Aa will be sen elsewhere, out friend, Mr. Hugh Willis, has joined the Army of the benedicts, by forming a matrimonial alliance with Miss Minnie Armstrong, of I Toronto, a aiater to Mrs. Jas. G. Rrooks 'of this place. They have taken up their residence in Duudalk. We wish the young couple much happiness. Notwithstanding tho big storm laat Sunday, ROT. Mr. Ayers preached here morning and evening, and made hia way in the afternoon to Wesley Church, Mea- ford Road, where, however, no *crvic was li.-'.d Rev. Mr. Wilaon came all the way from Markdale through tho atonn and conducted services a* usual in the Presbyterian church here. That the firm of M. Richardson A Co., Flesherton, fully appreciate the val- ue of Tim AnvAHrs as a medium for bringing the merit* of their moinmoth establishment more prominently before public notice, U apparent from the large pace reserved specially for them on thia page. Kiisint'x.H men who arc offering real live bargains always It-t tho fact be known through their local papers. Hnllrr /-"/on r for Sale. Those requiring first-class Roller Flour from tho famous mill* of Mr. Ford, Mark- dak-, will do well to call lit thu Klesher ton Itaknry where it w always kept in stock, at reasonable prices. li- ,t. ,' 1'otir . The year 1885 is rapidly drawing to a dose, and now is the time to renew your subscriptions to Tut AI-VAN. i for ItitMi, and pay up arrearages. A number have so already and we hope the moat of the others will do so before New Yi i ;*! \< " - for All. To my numerous customer* and the public generally -.Having put in some of the very latest and improved American machinery for the manufacture of Flour, I feel confident I can give y>u good satia- faction. Thanking you fur your liberal support in the past, which I hope to main- tain in the future, I remain, yours res- pectfully, Wit BRADLEY. Flesherton Mills, Dec. 8, 1885. Ewen to be placed in the latter'* muawuio. Willing supporters. NEW STOCK - AT - Jfiri-l- // Store, I' 'l f <ld au<l Silver Ladie*' and ' i tilt* Watcliei, Broockew, Ear riK( Chains, Mings', *< . all of the tinot qual- ity and at * Iw prittf a* Mfjr oVals* can hunessly tell Uivtu. <. . u i -sr-sKiM, *-Rei>airig a specialty trrrf joo warranted ii-re, Any one can see those moment -i . >f the If tin. be true-^snd there U ','/ the dead rebel, beside* countless other rar j of it -it should satisfy any L>i.t*t mail, curiosities, for the um of ten cenU, at i that there wai brass enough uiidt-i U t Mr. McEwen's mum-urn adj. .minx the , man'* hat fur a legion, and that the finer baiber ahop." Mt. Forett RepratHtative. fwv lings of t lit) retiring and graceful gen- The foregoing may be alright with one ex- tleinan had become morbidlf insensitive cvption, viz., the "strand from the rope j for the occasion. with which ho waa hanged," aa it is a well j It is evident from the foregoing, that known fact that the rope used for hang- notwithstanding tho vote of hta aupj-.rt ing Kiel wa* purposely destroyed in order ers, a deep aense of injustice to the public to prvvsjit these barbarous rvhc hunters obtaining possession of it. We think it very bad taste to place auch rvlica in a museum, whether a public or a ^matc one. Why not place relica in such nmse- pt-rputuated. It would be pi. -sumption to account for 'lss*ils. ( >ne in surprised, howevur, that the town of Ow(n Sound should have in any degree lentil* iitdnenc* to perpetuate urns of men who have done some gooA for this state of thing* -coiistucy ahould their country T jhave prvar1d*whi>eTer satfered thvrebr. 4 t'lllltt fulfil ' t**<M ItltlOII. The meinben of the East (Jrey Conaer- vative Association meet in M.-irkda^.- to- morrow (Friday) for the election of officer* and other important business. It i* ( to be hoped that there will be a full attendance, but a great deal depend* u|>n the *tate of the road* and weather, where people have to drive twenty or thirty mile* to attend auch meeting*. The road* are likely to be good at anyraUj. .i lift ion Hair*. Farm *tock, Ac., at Lot 38, Con. 2nd S. D. R., Artemeaia, on Saturday, Dec. 12th, commencing at lo clock p.m. aharp. 12 montha credit on all auiua over $6.00. Joaeph Watson, propriet/.r ; W. H. Cam- paigne, auctioneer. 8ee bill*. Firm atock, implement*, Ac., at LotH, Con. :t, <>*proy, on Thursday, Dec. 10th, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. aharp. 12 montha credit <>n all sums over 96. Chaa. IH-ruslia, proprietor ; A 8. Vanduaen, auctioneer. See bill*. .Vof Guilty .' > Ma tor Johnnie Myles, who waa recent- ly arrvMt-'l fur omipli, ity in the Thorn- bury poat office robbery at the inatigatmn of young Hutchison (who ha* juit been entenced to five year* in pent-ten tiarv) haa, we are pleaaad to learn, been com- plctely exonerated, it having been proved that he wo* in bed in hia employer'* house at the tune of the robbery. He i* an em- ploye in the office of our "Id friend Fare- well, of the Thombury XfcimiirJ. Tin- train which brought young Myle* home frm Itarrir, where the investigation waa hclil, waa met at the Thornbury depot of the N. (JR. by the Baud and a large number of citizen*, whc gavo him a moat eiitliuaiaitic and cordial urlrome home. .1 lAttlf Hli::nr<l. The weather wi*e, "mild winter" pro- phet* had acarccly Rot tucked in "their little bed*" laat Friday night when one of the wont mow ami wind atnna we have had for year* came mi. It lasted two ilaya and two nights, diirinK ln.-li it snowi-d constantly ami th wind ahrieked and howled with scarce unalialed fury. The culminating |x>nit wan reached on Sunday aftenuuni, at which tinir tlie t !>- menu accmed to have gone m.i.l The very cloud* seemed to have dn>p|>ed on the. earth and were running a wild, har- iini si-arum race with the furimu gale* of wind which iwept madly onward. If this was thu first taite of the "mild win- tor" prognosticated by the weather wi*e, "(inod Lord deliver u" from the rest ! N. /I..,,/ ll,*l>< tin'*. Uur wide-awake and proureative con- The writer knw* tlmt the KducattnauU I mean true Educationists- -lx>k to the efficiency of their tvachera, to the stand temporary, the Meaford Mirror, last week iug of their schools, and wink at special inserted our editorial, re " School Inspec- pleading when conflict against higher ton," in iu C'duuin* in full, and ha* thi* .principles of Education is present : but, to say about it :-" During the pant year contrary to this higher principle, some of much haa been said and written in the | her councillors assisted to |*rj'.-tu*te this different papers throughout the County state of Inspectorial incoiupcbuncy, and i the subject of School Iii>[..-ctors Our virtually declared, what was ,->od for the business not having brought u* into per- Town waa not good fr the Cui.t\ sonal contact with any of these gentlemen, j likewise, it may be said ..f th* representa- we were unablo to say anything about them, but hare watched with interest the as carried on by our confrere*). The FLKKRXRTON ADVANC-I laat wewk re- turned to the charg3, and fur the purpooe f drawing nut some of uur readers, be r ther teacher*, trustees, or thee interest- tliemaelve* through the InspfctoraUe, and lives of Meaford, who refua* u> employ a I'ounty Inspector, livini; in the nrighl.T tio-nl, for divers reaaoni Dot necessary \>, repeat, but did their utmost to return the same Intpector for the Township* ' Then there wss the personal* by ed in educational matters in any way whatever, we copy the article, and offer a pace in our column* to any who may deem the matter of sufficient importance to wnte about. The argument* of the APVAJK-K are plain and to the point, and surely those interested can find plenty <>f R) either to agree or disagree with the same. " far Tttr It is presume*! that, in intelligence, the County of Grey compares favorably with other Counties, and that her Municipal representative* compare correspondingly aad, then-fore, it cannot be on the ground <>f ignorance, thu sfaifu 71*0 of th? Inspectors is luav.amcd. Other cauae* ,ind influences co-operate sonic have v< *jii barely hinted at, but others remain to be the pledges of some obtained, who held no mean |~*iti..n in an intellertual pint of view, and which makes it the more surprising in representative men ; because tliu ci>n*ciou*ne** of disqualification i* not a holu and corner thing- it is wide- spread ; every qualified Teacher will tell you, wli<>se mouth is shut by one of tho** mairnatM. every educated councillor will add las testimony; so, likewise, will Triutce* and ; annta : why then should our representative* continue such orna- mental officer*, who, in the past no doubt. accomplished all that was dwsircd, but who, m presence of such educational pro- Itre**, are too far in th* rear to effectually their mentioned. It well understood by OBITIiRY. /../;. ;/-. 11-111,1 t Hunt, in/. I riniiiiii i fiinii . Mr*. Mary A. Hunting, wife of Henry li. Hunting, who was married Jane 2*th. dud Monday last. November 23nl. every (almost ever}') Councillor, this important subject was to be on the tapis -in Juno last- because a committee had i she w " * ""-nibr ..f the Cnited Presbjr- been apiH.inted to get what information it ' u ' ri:l " ''''ur-h, Seventeenth^ and KilU-rt could, so that an intelligent report might I lree '*i bo submitted at that session. Questioni > P 1 "*"' were asketl and answer* solicited from ' *"*" other Inipectorates, and regarding the Educational qualification necessary, an unaniinoiia reply from at least twenty-five j In.|H-ctorates waa received, in effect de- con.tant, a* they clanng the firat and great elemi.iit re-iuir I li<rUr -' >ir<1 " " f '"ends have felt the itial ami < 'niter rt. A grand llanquct and Concert will be held in the Army llarrni ka, Kevemham, on Friday, Dec. 18th, Readings. Recita- tion*, Ninging, Addresses, in which will take part Rev. Mr. Arkells, of Maxwell, Major Sutherland, Mrs. Sutherland slid Miss Minnie Ellerby, of the ( t< ispel Arniy, and others. One of tho features of the Concert will bo the Salvation Songs in the Indian tongue by tho talented young S. S. ('apt. (Jriftis, whose capture by the Indians when quite young and subsequent career amongst them, form a history of thrilling as well as romantic, interest. Admisaion to banquet anil concert, 25 cents ; children, 15 cents ; to concert only 10 cent*. Tea served from 5 to 7 p.m., Concert to begin at 8 o'clock. See bill*. To- No//,.' The Flesherton Royal Templars of Tern- the Rev. Dr 8trle u Mrs Hunting pusses* ed oriUnary virtues, and her life wa* a round of the Christian chanties. To the poor *he waa a constant benefac- tor, and her chanties wt-re ed for an Ins|iector, was an Kducati qualification. Such, to be sun*, wa* s natural sequence from in. n who were fully qualified , but, notwithstanding Mich s mass of evidence, the question was deciil- I attendant at ed outside of it* merits. Lut me quote from that portion of the r-|>ort adopted : 'The duties possible to devolve oil In rtors, therefore, seem to be education ini|>ortant, and fraught with ini|>oit- ant results such, that no County Council having respect to the educational require- ments of the age, can ignore, neither can ap|H>int or continue men in such rra|>oni- l>li< (Nisitions who are educationally unlit. Your Committee tind, that tho Department not by Educational qualification, but by a provision suffering it to any who hud been Township Sii|*<r inti'iiilt-nta prior to the |aeing of a statute enlarging the jurisdiction of Inspectorates. Your cominittee believe tho tiioo haa come for radical chantrea to meet tho al- and advanced condition of uur edu- cational system." The section expunged fiom the rvport was in effect, " That the three fnipeetor ates be- reduced to two and that qualified gentleini-n \v sought to till thu situations, in every case the preference to U- itnrn to the present incumbents, l>y furnishing satisfactory evidence of qualification." This reasonable clause wa* struck out, notwithstanding the adoption of the />rm blow which, though n-t unexpected, fell upon them severely, snd her huslml in completely prostrated with grief, her long illness ho has been s constant very last remained with her They had no children, and were all in all to each other. She was buried u Thanksgiving I>ay in the vault at Mount Monali (Vine ti-ry, and her f uiuTal wa* UrijJJv att, i i..l notwithstanding the mcli-inem weather Taijifiri'i ."'uixtiy T\mn. I fi Mra. Mary A , wife ..( Mr lU-nn H Hunting, a well-known mi-reliant residing .'ii N'..rth Kn.ail street, died laat week. The deceased was a moat ratimablt lady, whose deeds of charity we>re numerous and whose gifts ire qmtly Slu- was a iiieinU-r "( tin. I inted 1'hurch, on KilU-ri treet. near Her- enteenth. The kimlly yinp.tthi< - large circle of friends hav* bven expreeaed to Mr. Hunting in his IxTKaveiariit. u> In- loses his helpmeet a/Ur t<teiit\ years of Dtarrivd life. I'kU-i,MfJti Rtr- [Deceased waa a sister to Mrs \V m Strain of this place, and a daui(htr of the late Win. Kelt, Enq , of Cilenelg -near Markdale Ki perance give a grand entertainment in the ' pipit contended for, allowing that some Town Hall, Flesherton this (Thursday) councillors had not the fortitude of their , nt, evening. From the. array of talent on own convictions, the printed program mea, we should judge j y^ 5,,,^, ,,f that it will bo an entertainment of a high I dpfmo It was it character, and the small admission fee, 15 ^^ f()r ()no of ' th<j cents, places it within the reach of all to . m i llfornu . d the attend. The drama nnd farce are aurhc- attraction* them,lvc* to ensure a lo , lWo| , wjth c ,, unc ,, 1 ,, r . > |mcfcrf not dimonlt to a lif' or death r.. (Tu- Klilor uf T)u A-lmnf*. Mr K^lit. >r. ^ . ur learned corrrp.nd- Liberal, pnfessMs to be well |l- I "ii the memliership and annual charve* f the S.H-H ti. "f this plate, and. ii" I'.uht. the information arTonlt'l. ijive* ^'niu.-h vitufactifin however much nta more than lent attraction* themaelvc* to ensure a crowded house, but beside, thi., Mr. W. wherpver thcy went hks evi | ,,,,j rlU J. Benson, of Markdale, will mako hi. ^ mtrui , (>n( , j^ almu , t ^ u thfl , first appearano. before a Floshorton an- , th- ^.^ One (>f , h- C()(|n . dience with somo conuc. *.n-H, which are ci|1(in| wj- .p,,,,^.^, 'rs, snd ho, I it divi-rve fr tin- Iru.- total cipnse*i nf lualifiod ,.f all eJU ' h f>ne thiux 1 notice his aptn ml. wero to the for- .mil tlum for aaaigniiik; ni-'dvi-a a charat l.'ii - 1 1 dsirisuentai to ooiifirm him to )< tnf his uld suggest, via. s true "Lib- '** * highly *|>okeii of by those who have heard Mr. Benson sing; Mr. J R. Anderson, the old Flesherton favorite and fanmua Scottish vocalist, nhv. takes part ; and a large number of our Iwst home Ulest. Rfrf'ft ll.ii,- in Mt. rr.-t "On Monday wo were shown a lock of svcn i It is held s* an established wnk-r tho i-riti.-iiws the*t\ n struction "f a -n'.-io., li..iil<l U|.ti politicsd arti, l, siov,- such neceMity but " He ia," naming the Iiis|>ivt- much of your space would be t>ccupieil, to or, "a good Conservative A Orwjigeinan,' overhaul and point .<nt h,, weaknesses . sanl h ; but W M rep.U '< W ". d ."* 1 ' ' h *, 1 " "{ m * , b '7 t ' WeW uiial>le<l to do it clnverly, it Would he> el- ti..n. as if there were not politics surBcunt c^,^,,,^ J^a tante 1 only want n,f..r in Provincial and Dominion | -arlianietitM inati..ii. though the enquiry may be ii.ade without obtruding them upon a question : '" blunt, and may rw unvrammatical, lan- liair clipped from tin- head of I,. m Ku-1 of this nut m.', whi-ru tho educational in- teresta of tin- County are at stake Sliaine ' ' to thu men who ilnre so to nnwiitutr "iir j I Educational Intcri-.Nts. a strand from tho rpo with which he wait , hanged, alo a couple of pieces of hi* coff- in which wero broken off by his friends Another potent agent, hicl. sh.-d whni they w,-n- opening it after the t-*e- th '" h l"nted gentleman, and the !,. cntion and tin- co n e had been hande<l ' peratu-n and determination I...M, at all over to thorn for burial. Tin-*,- interot- hvjril, wa* tho presence of on of them ng rulics were sent from Regina by Mr. person to hoar hi* own roiidi-mnaiiott, R. Marbn to hi* brothers in Mount For- ami to listen t,, h i*tronisin eat, who presented them to Mr. A. Me ' "> Clilogie* from hw-tt i- gtiagi*. H is prnpord to aak a few quentinni. which " Liberal, ' 1 trust, ri -Ally w on w.l\ snawer f..r and elsewhere, am computed i '* ind .jirit, correct f And if >, ? teach int: them cormct habits of bajsy iness " Ilia pntnary object t Ho* uuny adults ar there now mc-m i with tlie DiviaMio uf Suoe in thi* plact.- I V\ hat i* tlie rule to adopt, whereby the* masse* may be impressed as to their duty t supin.rt any given ar-ii-ty T "Masses'' meaning parent* and philanthropists. Vt hat r.-Uii..ii do Mutual Insurance S-Tielies t<ear to the public d.* the benefit extend in any dyree beyond themselves f If soy, wlwre is the limit t Ity " Lineral " own showing, ate not the Ki.jaJ TeniT.lar'i association w ith aa annual fee of 915, besides 11 or U initi- ation f< entirely too Mprnsivr uid in themselves a bar to general atloptioti I Is iu object primarily fur teas' ' I Hy what authority doss " UbetsJ " in- Imdoce a supposed difficulty, by two nl thoee si-i-iffi..*, into the discussion a mat- ter with which " Kcnnonnst ' has nothing to d -and thereby iliamgetiuuualy shift- ing the KT'Mind for offeni-r ' la it just f..r any man to continue auch lanre payment* and allow bis ordinary creditor* to go unpaid t V\ hen these question* are answered, some more pertinent will be forthcoming. I . ( I,. MO, U atalllawc In view of the hoary loss w hate SU* Uined by the death of our Impuctsd Hdy Draught Slalli n, "e;aroad"-af ter only on* seasons use sod for ta purj^^e uf replacinz him by aootlMr of the sane class and of equal merit, if svH bettsr, it has been anqesti-d to as WT (OHM of the prominent sti>ck rasstcs s4 this asctiim of the County, that ** Arris* some scheme whereby an ipptwjciatiT* public could assist sharing the bvrdsn nl eip*n*e and placing us in a pnsitioa W eventuslly makmf gud at least m part of ur 1< *. and at the same time swears the saoAU to the cnuntry that the ssrnes* of a first -class horse would entail After careful coniil.-rmti..ri and through the gestioiis of those who tsvkc aa interest in such enterprise*, we hare <txaWd to submit for the rii>ii4iT*tin iif the public the following proposition, TU.. To in tsoev who de*ire an i >ppnr*;unitT In aasut tfiout evriitually loamt; anything, war Miapst that parties who arv likely to nes suchahonM. I'-r the cnnn; ><a-n for brsisdiii^ |'ur; *, brcume subscnbers lo the) extent of twelve dollars (or each sea- *on mare and pay the cash in aUvaoce or Pe s note for thirteen dollar*, payable' m ton montha after Jatr. for which we will give in return a due bill a* a hen >o the services of the hone f>r on* year ; for th<ise not having mares and di*p"sed front |'U)'li. .T sympathy I>T "ur to help u* in the undertaking, and who become aubscribers t.. tli.- amount of twelve dollars h IT as above. w will give the |mvilKe of transferring th.-ir nht of service U' any otaWr per*>i> !.-.<. or luing the ti.>rs the f"l WIIIK TI ar It will be srrii that thia> |al oriivr* a auhstantial prvnium t th,ise who inay take atlvantafS) of it, aa ths servi--,! of the horx-t to non-subscri- bers will be sixte< n d'.llan for the season. \\ ith tli.- n,-w ..f carrymx not the shore, atrreementa will be prv|red at nuce bjr tl.i- utiilenikitifd and held upen fiTexaaai- uatt. n and suWriWn. iKiMc.i K A n. wri.!.. [The above i* a perfectly legitimate) scheme ami haa been rery successfully earned out in some uf the) oksssr parts of the l'i. !n. e on several Kcssnona. We hopv those interested lu the intruductts* fi such a sii|*rior class i>f itrk. as represifiUd by "tiarneld, ' wifl those eaten>rtaiiiK and puhlic-apirited im- pOTtars of thorough- l>n-<l atuch tvery as- sistanee accessary to enable them to tide i >ver their recent severe loss and secure to tins .-oimty such another matrniDcwtit ani- mal as "OarAeM. r v .I.K.] M\\ AhU.KIISKMKNTS. Mil I'l Id HIM i . vj.^i \ i C . VM "N i' l > IM t..l I O|N i ol< MAUL 3 lxH f-.r J- in H*cbell ssrvwy. fn...l Xpl'l) U. W HHV1UJ(T. I AI Kl.h-r%n*l SJaW Mill. I' Maple ... I .i.'O) fe.1 h W \M I l> e^ el Wfciu HaAPLBT. >l Xlil FK MILE. A Mark Mar*, x >rar. .>M sn.l wl|binc sbert I SOD 1 1. r .>l r .rf..r said rser Will sell MI K HALE ; i \< in >4. i Th* un4mtfml ha* s sood Mara Coll rlu Ryro aBSB i-a|r <w *s Inter t vears. slnd by lx>c.l Ryro*. which k. will SsHtsvaBSB] i-a|r <w *sh. arsessasw Sacs'-** MHN rOR SiLE. \ ** aoarly new fatal.^u* svi. *t.v ill take sak. or *Jft on Urn*, or susisnjs for sasisii*. I Mil K IM. Mill 10 RIM The well known - in ilia aOsm, ' wHkla me ami K baJI null-, at fleskevtes, *JD ral on wrj reasonable tornn \|-|-lt toih* Ki W \*H* Is tVu- Orinee * teaching body and political life T Do the several soo'etict aland nn a par, for tin .nils and religu-n, with tin- cliuiohes and mbbnlh schools ' \uU sh.-uUl ll\. v MOV m FOR HALE OR TO RI.NT Fi*y-rtr*n sere* at Ian4. ith Isrtsfc BODS* KI.I-I* Harn ami SlaMr. adtotnisatlM Vtllu* of Hhrrt< n For f.irthr partlcolan at>|>lM Wll.l.ivM >VARI>. >lMBertear. O. xl |{ t i III- I.K*. I fi-m ih|-r*mlw o( UV mMkerlb** lt<l ad Hoiita, O*STT * rhiu f o i on or '-< v j yvarlln*; Heilsr*. as* *, ' ay hrlndt* Any "i *- firtnf in fnrsne*ss4i leaills^ %A ISM f ol IL* SHOT* wtll s ssHabl; rawanto4. OHO. sWOWK For 8alo. t he ftame general aixi literal supp< rl ' of the socirtie* naraod apnui- Bates itenrent the churclu-s in its Uoa.l nrss for ii..-uloa*in- m.T.n'ity KIN! /.FI. ;., - an<l Ix>t i-i-rv.ln Sforvl Wx-eJItr: wttsr ttli |.ntnp unelr eowr . KOIM atsl<l ^ ' 'i '.- etl -t rliotch . -!- ."I r*HV tS V|>|l> V NIMK ' > .... III! " tru*. tliat tlw< Si>n | r* t, :-kuai, lUatiM. ' l o

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