Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1885, p. 3

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I r- r- - 1.T.V*- ARNUM'ft CIRCUS WRECKED. A Temade nirlk> u and Hum manr lfruf\. I tin A udli new fituic HirlckrB U ikr KleiitiBiUii t/raallc U Ilk a/eer. When Barnnm'a circus Istl Hamilton II went to Buffalo, and enbeequently started away thruogb the Pennsylvania oil regions. Tbs performances at Titnsville on Tuesday last came to a tragic end, ai willbu seen txom tde annexed telegram : Boring tbe afternoon performance of the IJurouiu, Bailey A Eulohiusoii ciroue ou the >ho w grounds, ons inile west of Ihs oily, a terring torasMlo sprang op, tweep- ing m Its oourae the vent* of the cuou, tide shows, etc. At the time there wen some 10.000 persons in attendance, and, peroeiving tbe fetorm approaching, extra precautions were luimediately taken by tbe managers in driving in additional Btaketi w> etay tbe Ohntre pules. About three- quarters of the audience bud made their exit into tbe opeu air, leaving ->iue 8.000 people ineida. Tbe itorm when al it* neigbt struck tbe west side of tbe main tent, levelling everything in its path, piling people upon each other atd osuaing a general panic tmid flyii.g seats, poles and delirit. A great many people wen struck and received vorioua injuries. Tbe names of tbe meet eenoooly injured are ae follow* : Frank O. Smith, ot Cherry Tree, right leg broken ; J. Noyce, 1'leasanl- ville, head cut open , J. T. Oagley, Lincoln- ville, right arm broken aud body terribly broiMd ; Jamee Hasaoo, Canal Township, forehead out open and bleeding profusely ; Mn. Chats, skull fractured ; Mre. M Roes, Titnsvillr, scalp wound , William Megaby constable of Titosville, wounded in head ; Jamee Nelson, shoulder blade dislocated ; Charles Egbert, right bip sn<aahed in. Ambulances were immediately despatched to tbe gronud and stretchers provided for the wounded, and now all thu doctors in tbe city a*e oaring for tbe injured at Ute expente ef the oircue mausgvrs. In the midst of the storm the elophante became frantic and much more damage would bave ensued, bnt the tenln (ailing stopped their rage. Two of tbe cages in tbe menageries were burst open by (ailing poles, but only a few monkey e were enabled to gain Ibeir liberty. tuns mum. f rf ui BJcra** Ta* I r in I- 1 1. I pou ih r Asidseaec Baar fttmfmm Hcrlcaalj A Wheeling (W. Va.) despatch say* : A dspatob from Martin nburg says that plsoe was the soene of a terrible calamity tbie (Wednesday (evening, in which twenty-five people were seriously ii jured and many others tjigblly burl. Frank A- Robbina' circus a^d niesagerie was exhibiting in tbe town, and al the evening performance there -nt prsjegtt an aadienee o( probably twenty five buudrsd persons. About 8 o'clock, jost alter ths ring performance bad commenced, a heavy rain began to fall, tbe storm being accompanied by a high wind. IOWK COMX8 Til IaT. The show proceeded, and about 9 o'clock, while Mine MoDooal, tbe Melte Brothers and a baby elephant ware in tbe ring, tbe wind suddenly increased to a gale. Many of the audience rone to their (eel and a general movement bad begun toward tbe place of exit, when, under tbe pressure of a heavy gutt of wind, Ibe centre pole snapped, and in a moment the lent collapted upon the beadt of tbe people, extinguishing tbe lights and dashing aeals and tbe occupants |p tbe earth in a contused maw, TEllBIBLX BCBNII. The sosa* which entncd is described as appalling. Above the roar of the storm could be beard tbe trumpeting of tbe elephants, the howls of the oaruiverons animals, tbe shrieks of women and children and the cries of men. It was more than an hour before anything oould be tffootively done looking Io a rescue of any f tbe unfortunates gave those near tbe outer tdge of the ooliapeed canvas. Finally all were extricated, when it was found thst many, especially women and children, hsd been injured- Their names cannot he ascertained to tight, many of tbe sufferers having been removed to their homes in the country. Nearly every one present had their clothes tern or wae covered with mud. The pecuniary loss will be heavy. That a num- ber of live* were not loci is almost a miracle. A 1*00 < i.U VBMJBL,. is i .on, DrewB*d Wri-rkrd. Twelve er rtltttm *hlf> Alr A Bt. John, N.U., deepeUuiiOf yesterday a date says : Qreat gloom prevails in Hi. John to-night over a dreadful dia.iter at Wallace Ledge, near Oraud Manan. Tbe tteamer Humaoas, which was wrecked there several week* ago, was blown olf tbe rook* and innk, taking dowu, it is believed, twelve or fifteen persons belonging to thin oity or the neighboring oily ol Portland. Il is possible they wet* taken off by a schooner, but this 1* not considered likely, as a severe etoriu cam* np during the night and canned the disaster. Bo far as can be ascertained the follow- ing person* wer* on board the steamer when she went dowu : James Griffiths, ons of the purchasers of the bull ; he ban a wife but no family ; ho belong* to Bl. John, acd is well .ud favorably known. Jauee Napier, ot Portland, f unman ol the gang cf workmen ; he has a wife aud eve children. Boberl JohuBon, ot Portland, oarpeuttr ; has a wife aud grown up family. J.ojeh Stray horns, ot Portland, oanlker , wife aud on* child. James dark, ot Port- laud, wile and teveral children. Bar- tholomew Armstrong, of Portland, wife and four or five children Hartley Blockhouse, on of Biohard Blockhouse, of Portland, wife and five children. Alex. Boribner, of Portland, wife and two children. Jeremiah Daley, unmarried. It is possible that there may be one or two other*. The Hnmaoa* was a Spanish steamer o( 1,6(0 too*, and while on a voyage from the Weet ludiee to this port went ashore on Wallace ledge during a thick fog. Bhe was abandoned by her crew after repeated attempts bad been mads to work her off. Bhe was examined by several practical men who recommended tbat she be at once sold. Tbe New York agent of the underwriters, who inbasquenlly examined her, believed that the oculd be taken off and accordingly advertised for tender*. There were no tender* received, but tbe agent fell ao sanguine that he offered to take her off himself if tbe insurance oompaniee would content. After two or three weeks' delay tbe underwriter* accepted Ibe advice of the first examiners and sold her for 14.600 to Donald McNeil, of New York, Jaa. Griffiths and olhsn. Mr. Oniktb* went down on Saturday last with the workmen. Mr. McNeil is in tit. John at present and was making preparations to send down more men wbeu tbe news of tbe disaster arrived. ur.l. r. A Paris eable ae) : This city bat beeo et late earning su evil reputation for start- ling murder* i but a report was received this morning from tbe Dt-putment of tbe Oantal which, lor lurid horror, bide (air to eclip-e any recent oity crime. Paul Rouxseilhe, a wealthy libertine ol Laf *e, In one of bis visit* te this gay capital made tbe acquaintance of a girl uamed Valentins, more remarkable for her beauty than her virtue, and a few days ago be look this girl down to Lafage. On arriving at hit quiet country bouse be discovered tbat his & . ~<..< no ,,rt Hosneetina that revolver * ...... Valentine had appropriated 11 for us purpose of mofderlug him, b* gave way to snob a fit of msn suspicion that the girl became frightened and ran from him, taking refuge in an upstair bedroom. Hs followed, broke open the door, and throw- ing tbe girl on the bed literally backed her to pieoee with a carving knife. The blood trickled through tbe oeiliog, and tbe servants having beard tbe noise of tbe struggle inspected tbat something was wrong. Tbsy went for a txrapto of gend armes, and when they returned with the office they found the murderer sitting betide hi* mangled victim quietly emoking hi* pt|. H* offered a stout resistance, bat wan overpowered, and now lien in Anrillae prison awaiting trial. The First I Kln. In a street ear talk with tbe Rev. Robert Collyer the other day, the genia dergymanjJotd me tbe following : Little Hfchelnadjantoommecoed to study her oateoBim in my church and her mother WH hearing hsr say it. Now, Jthel," her mother onmmeLOcd yen first do before yon can i forgiven T" jd JBthal, very thoughtfully i tirct go oul and commit the * I. KKI I I -K TfeC Konailx- mm* \V r th.l lr. . u "in "Uimh llr ll< lo xirii I ... li..l In a small cabin, near Fayetttville, says a Newman (Cia.) special in ths Louisville Courier- Journal, livee a female hermit, Miss 3arh Land ran, with a ourioas history. 3he is over 60 ysars of ag* and (or thirty- live year* ha* occupied her present abode, refusing all association witn th* peopl* around her and living in tbe rndeel man- ner. Bbe belongs to oos of the richest familiss in Georgia and thirty live yean ago WM one of the belles wbo graced Bavaonah society. Bbe was sought in mar- riage by a youug gentleman of tbat oily and the arrangements lor tbs wsdding were lateral*. Her toilets were ordered trout New York. O.i ibn appointed night ehe WM doomed to du.p, i. im. ui, for tne groom came not. VVoeu tu new* WM received next day that he bad eloped with a lady wbo was visiting at bis father'* boua il found the diaappoiuteii bride al the poiLl of death. She recovered, however, and, with th* itroug will which bad character- iced ber life, declared her purpose to live a reoluss, stoutly refusing aid or comfort. Duly once did she bear ol her recreant lover tbal be bad entered a Oeorgia regi- ment during tb* war and was shot dsad before Petersburg. In hie pocket WM found a picture of tbe girl whom b* bad so wronged. I fi I Mi. I- I II l-ltltl !>- All Ifer 001.. r. ol Ih. I- .Ii .Mid All 111 it . POI i< t> HIM the i: . 1.1. A Syracuse, NY, telegram sayi: Thirty thousand persons wen wntnessee of a mar- riage ceremony on tbe Ouondaga fair grounds this afternoon, which was per- formed lo respont* to offers ol priMs for tuoh ao svout. The bride, Emma R. Kuapp, ot Lafayette, wbo is about 30 year* old, WM attended by three brideemaidii. Bhe wore a plum olored watered silk, while her maids were dressed in while. Tbe groom, Marshall 4. Bishop, a prosperous young farmer of tbe earns town, WM attended by two of bis rural yoqog friend*, one ol whom wore black gloves. Tbe bride u> very pretty, and bore the g*z* cf tbe crowd with much mere composure than the groom. As tbey appeared on a high platform, erected lor the purpose, there WM a vast uproar of applause from tbe crowd, wbo obeered vociferously at various point* in tbs o*r*mony. Whan it wae over the brids had to endure fifteen minutes of kifising, in wbiob all the officer* of the lair, the newspaper reporten and tbe peopl* on tne platform participated, wbil* tbe in- mendous audience roared with J^^',,,^ Nearly every exhibitor on tb* (rounds made prssent* to the couple, tb* total value of which WM many hundreds of dollars. I. air Nur.h Netra. Bishop Lewi*, ol Kingston, i* recovering OLD WOULD NUW. c-Uand. Vn outdoor demonstration was recently held at Porlree in support ol tbe crofters' agnation. bom of the upeakers advocated Ibe utmost resiotabo* to evieliou. A melancholy accident occurred at a quarry at 1'ollokshaws, near Ola*Kow, not long ago. A large maa* of rook fell, burying Timothy Crouan and Thomas Owens. Cronao WM killed and Owens 1* not expected to recover. Several othsr laborers bad narrow eeoapo*. Tb* Harri* Academy, erected as a secondary school by tbe Dundee School Board, at a cost ol 11,OW, was opened on Sept. 3rd by Sir Lyon Playfair, M. P., wbo said the competition of tbe world bad become a competition of intelligence ; aod it we desired this nation to continue first among industrial nations, we must train l>uople to be foremost io the knowledge of aoiunoe and art, which lies at tbe root ol modern manufacturing Industrie*. A return just tutued shows the educa- tional progress and expenditure of Scotland in 1884 compared with that ot England and Wains. The number of sohoold luHpeoted was 18,761 and 3,181 respectively, represent- ing increases ou the previona year ot 1 02 and 1.03 per cent. ; tbe average attendance was a. '278, 000 and 44H.OOO, representing increases of 4 07 and 3.05 respectively ; the number ot children examined in Standards IV. and upward was 788,342 and 188,000, representing increases of 10.08 in England and 4 00 in Wales. Tbe numbers of popil teacher* were 25,087 and 3,629, being a decrease respectively of 1,841 and 12, repre- senting io England a decrease of 5.01 per cent Irclaue4. Al a special meeting ot Ibe Dublin Cor- poration tbe freedom of tbe oily WM con- ferred upon Dr. Kevin O'Doberty, one of the men wbo took part io the abortive rebellion of 1848. He recently returned to Ireland from Australia. Five tons of gold have been brought from England and deposited in the strong room of ths Bank of Inland. Ths treasure, which consisted of 900,000 sovereigns, was lauded from ih* eteamsr at tbe North Wall, and in small boxes placed on five floats, which, guarded by detectives in plain clothes, proceeded along tbe quay* to the Bank m College Green. Tbe transfer of ths bullion ws COL dueled with tbs greateel secrecy, none bnt the bank author- iliss being aware of its removal. A sad accident occurred the other day near Lisdoonvaroa. Il appears two sisters, namsd Ann* and Mary Council, residing at a place called Roedfiuna, went oul upon precipitous rook* to gather seaweed. In order to obtain a quantity which adhered to tbe bottom ol the cliff, Mary lied a rope round Aone'e body and let her down ovsr th) rooks. Tbe strain upon tbe girl above wai to great tbat she wae dragged over the edge. Both were precipitated into tbs sea and drowned. Tbs bodies of th* sisten, wboee ages were 20 and IS yean, were found clasped in one another's arm*. At tbe inquest a verdict of accidental death was delivered A Knocking murder has been committed st tbs village of Blackball, in the county ol Wexford. A email farmer, named lianley, bae been for eome time bordering on insanity. O*log to his violent conduct hie wife eougnt refuge in a neighbor's bouse, leaving two little girl* cf f and 4 al home. Subsequently liauley threw tbe eldeat girl through the window, and then killed tbe youngest wilb a band wniob she wore round her ueok. Tbit be forced down her throat with aeuck and choked ber, and finally threw her dead body through tbe window. Tbe eldest child eeoaped unhurt, lianley'e sister-in-law went Into tbe house but, on hi* asking her it sbs was ready to die, ah* made ber escape. Hanley after- wards walked through tbe fields to tbs house of a Mrs. Kehoe, and, pulling a pic- tun from ths wall, commenced eating it, the glass cutting hi* month, Ths police arrived and arrested him, and be is now io tbe county prieon. Neil Mhnp. I* Bel i< ll.b. ProfsMor at Yasser College Now, youni ladies, I propose to lecture on bnman anatomy. Bt 1 cannot while there i* much bustle among you. Ail ProfesejMrwe can take our bustles off. Prof. (o..ufo*Jel)-I I didn't mean It tbat way you mianndentood me. All Ah, thank*, yon think tbey are out of abape, but they are in style. Nttr Fort Jfaii and Expreu. Th* duty 'of an official al Monaco^* to bear the fwtition* of mined gamblers for aid to get away. He gives nothing out of sympathy, but endeavors to supprsst oandals and prsvent tragedies * cheaply MpOMibU. On* of Ibe Mexican edlton who noentlv trawl led in the United States in a well- intentioned effort to express hi* delight at the buy air of Plttsbnrg. Pa., deeoribed that city in a letter to a Mexican journal M " the workbOUM of America." Th* Amador (Cal.) Stittinrl nays : On* of tb* strangest thing* ws noticed in Cala verM county WM a win fence near Baa Andreas, on every panel of which WM swinging sign. Each tign bad on it " Horsee. btware I This i* a wirefeuoe.' rapidly The Bishop of Huron has returned from lit holiday tour and returned work. Rev. Jama* Ardell, of Bt. Paul's, Fort Brie, is now lo Inland tpendlng his vaca- tion. Kev. John MoEwen, Toronto, has re- ceived a call to Lakafleld, Preebytery of Ptterboro'. Rev. Mr. Boot!, of Knox Church, Owen Hound, ha* been ill wilh typhoid fever for some time. Rev. H. J. Parker, curate of Trenton, is about to leave for the Sandwich Islands lor tbe benefit of bis health. Rev. 8. A. Dyke ha* resigned bit ehargs of the College Street Baptist Churoh, To- ronto. Hi* resignation has been accepted. Rev. W. A. MoEenzie, M.A., B D., late of Carberry, Man., has received a unani- mous sail to Oration and Yeruonville, Presbytery of Pcterboro'. Rev. T. L WilkioBon, Parkdal*. ban lost another daughter by diphtheria. This Is til* thud child who uas die J of Ibit disease within a month. Koox College open* on tb* first Wednee- dey in Ootober. There is a good prospect ota large attendance. All tb* rooms of the college bave been engaged already. Bishop Wilion, wbo on aooonnl ot ill- health had to resign th* charge ol the Canadian Iteformed Episcopal churches, In at pressot residing in Metnobsn, New Jersey, and is greatly improved. The Bishop of Enron baa appointed tbe Rtv. E. Hutohioeou to be rector of Christ Church, 1'etnilea, and Ike Rev. W. Hughee to be incumbent ol the mission al Ltou's Head. Both gentlemen bave already com- menced work in their reepeetive charges. At ths last regular meeting ol the Pres- bytery of Perm, held in InKenoll, a call was presented to Mr. W. 8. MoTavisb, Kraduate of Knox College, Toronto, from 81. George ; salary promised is 9800, with a manse and on* month'* holidays. Th* call has been accepted. Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Bullivao, pastor of Bt. Peter's, ot Waihingtou, who WM win eorated last Sunday, wae preeented with a purse of 11,000 by hi* congregation, bnt be declined to accept it, and advised tbe com- mittee to turn It over to hit successor for tbe benefit ot the debt of tbe ohnrcb. He aid be oame among them with nothing, and preferred to take nothing away with him. Lager. During a tauioue trial *om* yean since, con after " Isger " found tie way to Ame- rica, evidence WM introduced to show that the beverage was not intoxicating. Old- tims imbiben, one alter another, ttetined a* to capacity of stomach aod steadiness of head, until the climax wan reached in a worthy descendant of " old King Col*," who claimed an ability to d**0a*c of sixty gla**a* at a tingle sittlog. The advocates of total abstinence stood agnail at tb* dis- oloture, while even tbe moderate drinker* retreated in disorder. Our Tsntonio brethren are tbe chief makers M wsll a* chief drinker* ot this other beverage tbat, according to thi* modern &<ug Col*, "obeere but not inebriate*. NiL>eteen-tsntielbe ot the breweries in tbe Union an owned and operated by Germans, and M a rule the cities wbieb show tbs largest proportion of this foreign elemenj exhibit also the largest beer- producing Interest. According to Ihs ratio of population, Milwaukee lead- off as fir* t on tb lint, an thi* Is i" cLisi industry ; only *;-7 ottmn d Philadelphia exceed it in aggregate production, followed oloeely by !. Louis, Brooklyn, Cincinnati, Boston, Chicago and Newark, in tbe order named. Thee* nine cities repre- sent five-eighth* of the entire population of tiia country, while in proportion to tb* capital inveeted Milwaukee again leads tb* lint, with only on* manufacturing interest sxoeediog thai of beer in Bt. Louis and Cincinnati, and but two in New York and Boston. An industry wbiah take* snob a prominent position among ths productions of the world, calling for the highest perleo- iiou and tbe development ot to* latest re- sources in soisnline discovery, and wbiob is exceeded in the capital Invested by only live other* (metal products, cotton good*, woollen aod wonted good*, lumber and grist) in our own land, may well claim attention. Q. Fosurey Keen, in Harptr'i 'or Oetoixr. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Latest Now* krom All Over the World. Me Ale Ike Bunt four Waterbnry poker players tt down (or quiet game the other eight. After an hour or two one man got six cards by aooi- dent. lie liked the looks o( bit band, and WM n iwiiiuik! to throw them np. Just then a pUte of andwiohes were broughlio. The man with six ord poked op a send- wiob, klid hie extra card batwteu tne elioee of bread, and al* the bread, meat and card, lie took tbe pot, and bii companions did not notice the stratagem. A day or two ago be oonfeaied b Iriok. aud there wae champagne enpper (or Ibe wbole party. Nev$. A wcrcllTC I rnn. lloil. Young Man I am willing to lend yon twenty dollan, Qne, but you mustn't my anything to anybody about it K it iboald become koowo that I bid loot yon money 1 would be importuned to death. Oai (pocketing tbe money) Thanks I pledge you my word that I will never ipeak of il to a soul. Tooog Man All right. About when will yon return me the money, Ou* ? Oos '8b I Murn'n tbe word, old boy. MAJOR MUUHDIH, in a report to tbe Lon don Board of Trade on an accident which occurred early tbit month on the Great North of Scotland lint, mention* a newl] dieoovered danger in railway travelling. / carriage left tbe rails and an examination showed that tbe mishap wae do* to the diBtortion of the metale at that ipot Major Marindin sayt be eao attribute tbie defect only to tbe expansion of the metal from the beat of tbe ma, a* the eon \ exceedingly bot the day in queetion. He coniidere tbat the eole way of guarding againi! euoh aoeidente ae tin* would be b bavin* a midday examination of tbe hn ia uotpUonaUy bot weather. Mayor lieaugrand, of Montreal, was ye* tccdsy very low from mallpox. Mr. John A. Mankanai*, of Baraia, tuu been appointed Junior Judge of th* County of Lambton. Mr. J, Norman Kitohie, Q. (J ,ha* been appointed to enooeed Hon. Mr. ThoBMon M Judge of Ibe Supreme Court io Nova Boons. Two Montreal footpadt attacked a young man ou Saturday, who itabbrd them ao senoatly that thuy bve both rooeived tbe last nun ol UiuCbnrob. TUB people of (Ju Appall* station are exoucu over th tiiacjvojy of coal within the limit* of the town, and Ibty arc bard at work showing samples and organizing a company. Toe voluntcsn ot No. 1 District, wbo bave been in cainp ai London tor twelve days past, left for borne on Saturday. Every ooe who attended expressed bim*ell well pUutsed wilh the manner in wbiah be had been treated, and also with ibi ground selected for camp purposes. An old man nsmed Raool Clarke ihot himself through the bead at Winnipeg yes- terday, dying iniietnuy. lie left a note to the undertaker giving directions tor hi* burial, and explaining thai old age, infirm- iliec, and mismanagement of hie private tcWn had led to suunds. Ths note was dated August 10th. Us had a son living in oaroia. Whil* the workmen engaged in the exten- sion to the Bank of liritiaii North AoMuioa in Montreal wen digging tbe foundations ytumrdty. they oame upon part of a oxffin and about a doseo loose skull* and other human bonet. Ooe of Ibe ukulUwaa decorated with s black and silky tuft of hair. Ihs present lit* of the bank WM tbe burying- grouod when the French unit founded the oily. At the Bt. Thorn** A**ises on Bslorday aflsrooon Judge Armour Mutsnoed luoruas McCaun, oonvio:*d of criminal assault on a I* 1 year old girl, to ten year*' impritMo- msnt in tbs Provincial pamteutiary. Patrick iluiler, a man over 70 year* of age, convicted ot anon, WM sentenced to leu yean in the froviucial fta itsntiary. John Shipley pleaded guilty to a charge ot arson, and wa* sentenced to sevsn years' penitentiary. Tbe grand juiy returned a true bill *gain*l Have- lock Buiitb, charged with tbe murder ot Marshall Piggol, of Malahide, in November, 18*4. Hi* Lordship then poitponsd the court until November Beth lot tb* trial ot Smith. Arobdeaoou Farrar arrived io London on Saturday evening, and was drivso to the reeidenoe of Mr. B. Cronyu, when be WM entertained al dinner, a number ot pro- minent citizens being present. Later on tbe Arobdeeooo delivered hit lecture on Dante " al the Orsnd Opera House, before one ot th* l*>rgeal tuJiecoei ever mhled within it* wall*. Judge Eliiol presided. Tbe lecture was highly appr* dated by all. Te*t*rday Arondeaoon Farrar preached lu Bt. Paul's CtQsdral lu tbs moruing, and al Memorial Cburob in th* evening, both (dittoes being crowded to the doors long btton the rrgular hour for service, llm reception ui Ljuduu ua* been ot th* wsrmeel kind. Mr. Gladstone null declines to name a dais lor tbe delivery ot the epeecb he hae promised to make to hie Midlothian oon tilueuts. King Humbert, Mttmpauied by the Minuter of War and Minuter of Juatioe, proceeded to Palermo yeeterday on a lour of mipeoUon of the cholera infected dis- tricts. All tbe documents relating to tbe Caro- line dispute between Bpain and Germany have been delivered to the Pope, tieiidt* Cardinal Jaoobini, the Pope will ooualt kriuuH expert* lu regard to Ibe matter. Tbe committee ot tbe Society of Frieudt are circulating among the Quakers of Great Britain a dooumenl urging that the repeal of the law enactiug Blate regulation o( vioe be mad* s distinct issue in tb* entuibg tlectioD*. Tks session of tbs Uungarlan Dist was opened on Uaturday. Notices wsrs given ol qutstieut to the Government upon the foreign policy U would follow in tbe immedi- ate (mure, and especially in Visw of ths recent meeting ol tne Kuiperon at Kreowibi aud ths Balkan trouble*. The Vaiiriau Emperor'e speech was rssxi al tb* openiDK ot the Reicbrtb on Hatus- day. Hi* Majmly tsy* tbat tbs Bill creat- ing the Land*turm will bring Anmrta to a level with other countries , that the for- eign relation* cf Austria are good, and there is full concord among th* power* to maintaia the peace of Europe, the neeew or which it uuivprll> left. Cholera ha* appeared at Nice, France, and eight death* from tbe dusaae have I ready occurred there. The offlolaw, owever, ateerl positively that there is no holera in the oily, fearing thai ao acknowledgment of tbe presence ot thi eoorne will have a ruinous tfleol on bo*i sc* in preventing the usual inllux of inter visitor*. Mr. Parnsll will shortly hold hi* first gonvsntion lor tbe eeleotion of Home Kul sndidate*. H* require* sixty new msn. n addition to the vreeeot members who are seeking re election. No man will be accepted as a candidate unless bs has per ormed active work in tbe N stionalitt oaaec and pledges himself to vote wilh the Home ttule party ou all queations where unity shall be deemed advisable. Mr. Peraell eetimsle* tbat th* Home Rulers will secure IU seals in the nsxt Parliament, and ponsi- bly 00. Cardinal Manning ha* Issued s circular, which was rsad yesterday io all Ibe oburobes and obapslt of tbe d,iooese of London, calling attention to the Pope'e ooycJioal letter, citing sparl October aa a solemn month of prayer. The tubjeotn mentioned in the idler M requiring the prayers ot the faithful for their removal are tbe rectal attack* upon the power snd authority of tb* Church and the cholera pesultno* in 8pin and Italy, wbiob Hie Utilities* says msy be taken M eigns of tba time*. Tbe great Bonialittio meeting, about wbiob H> much bai be*u said and which the police threatened to rafprtws, WM held at Linaebnnee, Lnodou, yeeterday without interference ou the part ol the authentic*. Folly 40,000 persons took part in tbe dsmoniitralioD. The ipeaki-rs indulged ID violent denuuciatloiie of Ih* present stale of society, bat no nudne exoitemout wae dmplayed by tbe iaimeni>e audience, and Ibe affair iiBedi>ff in the most peaceable manner. The police kept carefully out ol sight ot tbe meeting. From Rome tt is stated that tbe College ol the Propaganda DM examined and the Pope has approved tb* various act* and decrees of the 1'ienar) Council ot Baltimore. His Holiuoe*. in tbe farewell sudienoe* which hs bad with Ibs Biehope of Cleveland Ohio, and Fort Wayne, Ind., aud 1'r. O'Oon nell, Procurator ArehbUbop of Baltimoie. referred in tb* hlgbeel terms ot approval K tb* labors ol tbe Council and to th general work of tb* Catholic hierarchy in the United Stats*, and spoke with pleasure ot the wonderful progress which ths Ctmroh WM making in America. Dr. O Ooontll will personally convey the oeta et deerttm to Baltimore at tbe tnd ol October. A receiver baa been appointed for tbe Howe Sewing Machine Company, at Bridge- port, Conn. Tuetobaooo crop in Indiana, and South- em Kentucky w% badly damaged by a heavy frost ou Friday uibt. Hie ojt*ou i'lsh Bureau bae uaced an .rade between the British I'toviuoca aud the (Jutted States in il-h. htw been made for tbe otareouvai for the Charter Oak Lite lusurfcuoe Co., llartford, Conn., at tbs iustanoe of line Insurance Commis- sioner. Oablegrame hsva been received at 8 1. Louii from London itating thai Bamuel N. Brooks will sooo etart fur tit. Lotus to ascertain definitely whether tbe man DOW held in jail them ae the murderer ot O. Arthur fuller, and known variously as iluu M. Brooks and Waller H. Lennox Maxwell, uhie ion. It is eaid if suoh houll prove to be the ease Mr. Brook* will be preiared to precetit tome locuuien- tary evideuoe of importa&ostur tin defsuoe. A geiiUecian who arrived at Dallae, Tex., on Saturday from the West reports that in tbe section ol ecuotry between Midland and Toyat, a distance of 119 milte, and of immuuM width north and south, one hundred thousand head of cat tie are held in quarantine by a New Mexican syndicate, who hold public lauds io evaiion of tbe Federal Homestead law. Several conflicts), involving the loee of six lives, have taken place within Ibe past two weeks io tbe Ueleware, Black. Little and Big Cimmarron region! of New Mexico, none ot which have found publicity. * .n t M-I > i i HI . i i i i- i i iu>> C.r i. Wbe -H, III. f,i. , . M .nl. .. t , 1 1. Ir. M. Ma*) Seneier, the foonderof Ibe well- known ceramic museum at Bl. Ktienne, has recently written s very useful and entertaining book, which be hae snliUed Le Livre dee Colleosionnean," and which was published a few da)i ago in Paris. Tbe work is a oonoiae guidi for amateurs of china, faience, furniture, glaes, plate, tapestry, painuogs, books aud bindings, mm isturee, tans, arum, shoes) asd relics of all kinds ; bat II if chiefly interesting on account of tbe vast mass of information tbal il eon tains about dudnguisbed collec- tors aud their eeoeutrioiutw. M. Mast- Benoier mentions one lady who oollsets nothing but kniMing and crochet needles, and another, Mms. Jubmal ds Bt. Anbin, who ban brought together many hundreds ol corset- buske, some of which are magnificently engraved. She has bunks tbal belonged to Uaxu Antoinette, tbe Chevalier dEon, Mme de Bias), tbs Empreee Josephine and (jaeea Cbristiaa of Sweden, and eemral are Bade ot tbe precious mslals and ate even set with jewels. Baron Perignon baa a vast collec- tion ot buttoni, among which are numerous upeoiraeae bearing portraits) of msn aod omen who played leading parts in tbs French revolution. A second enthusiast paye high price* (or old giovee, and has thus managed to procure personal relios of all lha great beauties of the last two oenlu- riee and a half. A tbtrd eoUeote wigs. He bought for 'MO goibeat one which had bees worn by Sterne, and thought bioselt forto- nate in obtaining a very dirty one cf Immanuel K.ut'a lot 900 trance. The Ute Ljrd Beaooni&eld bad a fl a e collection of pipes, and collection of hats, walking- elieke, iiLurT b.xcs, waitebea and claince are uumcroua on both aides of the Channel. A vsry extraordinary collection is that ot M. de Ferrari, lie bae ipeot upwards ot 60 000 in acquiring old pottage turnr/eot, all natiuus, aud uu oulleouoo no w line a barge room. It requires) tbs continual services ot two libranaus to arrange and catalogue the hundreds cl thousand! ol tpecimeni which M. de jferrari has procured from every part of tbe world during tbs last twenty-five years, and Ihie Melons tim- bromaniae is mil adding to his treasures at a cost to himself ot aevtral thousands of ponndt per annum. Of a lomtwhal more remunerative nature is s mania, which, according to the Rttetu Obrn'echuehutt. hae lately become popular m eoonooiioal Oeiuiany. People there collect old and fa-led photograph*, wbiob are purchased by refiners for tae take o( tae ailver which they o jotain. We do not know; how long il would tsks an ecergelie man to get together five shillings' worth ol oatt-awaj cartes- de-viite ,bui, in toil country, be would probably earn the money with more ipeed if be burrowed a broom and swept a eroee- Ing. London Ntvi. I X. I l-*l IMII I I II < PartiM Uctilai K.^T ir ISM sTrar. A London cable tays: The political campaign, which has hitherto been devoid of life, begin* to glow. Tbe prospect is thai the occurrences of tb* oommg week will make electoral affairs o^nite lively. Lord Balit bury will, on Tuesday, uasn* the Tory campaign mauifeeto. Thu, Conservative* hope, will put ntw lite into the Tory MUSS. The blast blown by Mr. Gladstone dust- palsd tbs seeds ot disrupting dieeord which were fast taking root In thi division* ot Ihs Liberal elrnoiun, but Lord tjaliabnry lollowsri entertain th* conviction tbal b* cau blow a counter blast tba>t will shake the Oladstonian temple to ths ground. John Briht has determined to re-enter polities M advocate ol the restoration of the Liberals to power, lie proposes to make Ibe candidacy of Sir Henry James, Mr. Uleditoue't Altoruty UeneraJ, for the Parliamentary teal belonging to Bury, th* occasion tor undertaking a Humping tour. This will undoubtedly prove to be one of th* grealeel ntatioot of the campaign. Lord Chorchill, who bas been tpendlng a vacation, will begin work next week by ieVtcsing a meeting tl Birmingham. Tbe Newcastle Temperance Conference resulted in the formation of s distinct party which will tnpporl only *fao*e Farliamen- ary candidate* wbo will pledge tberocMve* n favor of local option. Uiv. Mr. Gariett, 'resident ol the Mtlhodul Temperance Juiou, ha* istued a fervent political appeal to Ibe people of inglaod. concluding with these word* ; " Lei ctrty landmark* go ; vote straight tor s sober country." fwe lrm Thai Orrr Uhl<M s/mr-.e. im r 'e a It Ool. Bidg*way ha* been up on the Zir- uuiit range tor soms week or so, and moil it Hi* oaffip will follow to-morrow, writes a London Tim/i military oorr**pond*ot at ZiftnoBt Ths position chosen by him is some flfty mile* east of Herat, above Uala- i-Bao, aad frotu its al tiled* will savs us from th* heal, wtueh has been sxoessivs. although tempered down to somttbing ouder the 100 dsgrsM. according to th* (ore* of Ibe wind, wbieb blow* perpetually, day and night, from th* aorta, covering ounelvct and *v*rylhing wt fo*ss*s with dn*t I u<yed loaroely dilate on th* plsatnree of such a climate. Oar foodcst remaining hope is thai natter* may sobn be settled, and this bop* is only nurtured by the thought thai the Russian command- er* may prefer to wait, allowing som* sort of present eettlemeul tu arrive at, until their oouioiniiioaucina are more complete and tneir power uuor* eooeolidated. Tbey know, of OOBXM, everything we do in camp, and their Informant* are everywhere, if native opinion u lu be credited. Oar best friends uavt been so estranged that ws could now count on no ous for help, should <rrtifffn require a. Though th* 2mlfUar poet be* been considerably reinforced of Ute, and native report gives newt of advance* every- where, wnioh are not credited, we mil hope tbal a peaceful eetllemenl may be arrived at, snd tbal these npors* are false. Bnt, ou ths other band, Penjdeb U very un- healthy, and the Kqssians an eaid to have tilled ten pita with their dsad already. They bave been entering from typhoid, and they may want a belter climate. Tbe Korrnk Talley, np which w* have marobed te this place, i* very ferule, par- uonltrly well down stream, and ths villagee are all ineloeed in a containing wall, the little rounded dome* of th* hooeee bowing curiously oloas together, paeksd. ia fa**, like the otll* cf a honeycomb. They arc all of mud, and th* vulagen must have congregated together inside wall* for fear of thi Turcoman raider* ; hers aud there a fair-siBad towsr of refuge is to be Men at some dislaoo* from th* villages. A few pretty wild Cower* are sull un withered. but in tbe lowlands tbe ground is all sandy or stony and produces principally mar. vslloui variation* in thistles and sea pinks. Directly you cross into Badghi* grass aod fljwsn take the place of plains covered with camel thorn and the rounded spiky oluuif* of the abova-msotioned eaa pinks. On the other hand, diss abound in Badgbi*. and oo* tug ons, apparently soosthmg like the t**toe, is said to kill unprotected eortee and otmelt, which cannot remain at all in soms districts lor several week*, if not months, during th* *unm*r weather. W* taw a very flne grove of Hootch fin to tbe Aiarat at th* village of Kurruk M ws psseed, sice we have eeen few trees. Tb* villagers out what grow* for flnwood, aod, iioepl in torn* gardsn or religious place like the 2iarai of Kurruk, thsy neither plant nor preserve. bine* writing the above I b%ve reached the camp on the 2irmn*l, when il is <}oile oool *bd pleaaaoi. The bill* an very ben . there u no beauty, tboogb eome grandeur, ptrhaoi, in the aoenery, given by tbe use of ths bugs t lopes, which an fairly well covered with a somewhat etraygling grass. Tbs air i* delightful, aad w* **cap* tba fltrec wind of the Herat and Kurruk val- leys, which, whsn it doee not overturn tsute, isMtrt tbsm to pwese aod coven everything iuaid and out with dust. Tb* village* below an at this season of tbe yetr almoet depopulated , men. women aod children, except tboee absolutely required to look after tbe crop*, now ripen- ing, or th* fruit tree*, all escape to th* oool of the bills. Ws m*t a party to-day travel- ling on horseback, with three or four women among tbe cavalcade silting astride lik* men, and managing their horses a* if perfectly aeraetomed to doing so. On* of tbeoi bad a small boy tilling behind her. All were dreascd in pnltf , bnghi-ooiortd gtrmeDte, and though ooe of them dr*w ber bawl over half bsr face M they rrTTl. the others were not so particular. The wouien, irtionlarly tboee of the clear Aiinak tribes, do not waste their urn* io tbe bill* like tbtir mor* ciuluwd namesake* in India. Tbey make kurk (a beautiful ojolb) and barak from the wool and hair of nocks and camsls. Tb* oamels an now quite diflerco t from the ugly , uairy creature* 1 bad always SMO. Wnetbir any barber't aid bas bssn re^uuitioued or not ia doubtful. 1 think il ha* been, M many rslam thsir hsad of hair alone, wbiah gives tb*m a most amusing arpearauo* ; they an now sletk and fal, with a akin like a bone in condition, and every muscle showing under the shiny surface a* thsy *aov. Tbw take* away io great meaeurt tbs uunaiul) a[i>earaoce always asaocisUd with a cunsl. Fruit na* begun to come in, but ia not good M yet, so that ooe can not judge of the actual state of frail cultiva- tion in these part*. No doubt w* shall gs belter toon. Adverttatsw tkeeiSJ 111. " It hai become so common to article in an elegant, interesting style, Then run it urte o that we avoid all such, " Aii J simply call -** ' >L "- te awi jf Hop Bitten in as plain, " To indooe people _,* - To gtvs them one tnfi. wblet to proves their valos that tbey will never ows any " Tn BXWIDI ao favorably ootleed In al ficllcioos sad tesalar Is Usviocs laaje saKai sopplMwm, Tnara II no ienyinj the vtrtaes of lha Be* rtaot. aoliii* proerveean ot Rap Bitten wave abown cnai thsisliises and ability " la oompDao<iu> a aiertlelne wboas Ultaes are tu palpable to every ooet ebaesisUn*." OM Not Hoy " Bn* lingered and suffered asoaft away all ths Urn* lor yean." " The doctor* doing ber no good ;" "And al last WM cured by thi* </ Bitten ih* papers say so much about." " Indeed ! Indeed !" How thankful w* should be mediotne." " Eleven yean our a bed of misery. " From a complication of kidney, live*. rheumatic trouble and Nsrvou*. ewMlttv, " Under the oar* of the >est pfc " Wbo gave ber ditssti vanooB " Bol no relief, " And now, ah* I* resected t* M ho Me) health by as simple a remedy M Hep Bitters, that ws had shunaed far baf ore using 1 1. TIB (OB* csnclM wtlheal a tisjai* of ** oo ID* wblt* label, than all the vise with -Bop- or -Hot*' ! Hoi* on sotsuiiuM sna tfr^fy kcciUA. Th* King of Westphalia's bash 1* DO* used txoef* to look al. Il is i pavilion with a sunken room ef th* centre, etatoary in plenty, i apparatus for lolroduoing perfumed How often i* tb* light of the clouded by sign* of "tt'f-oftfKfly o* ImaaM- lity on the part of the ladies. 7*4 they *M not to be blamsd, tor they are th* recoil ot ailments peculiar to that MX. wbleh (MB know not of. Bat Ih* oaaa* may ha rtmoved and py restored bv th* DM of Dr. Puree i " Ftvont* Pneonpison." which. u a tonic and csrvms for iltMHeHtei womso, i* certain, eats and pleejeaot. Il is beyond all oompan the .(veal heale* ef women. Tk* railroad* of Psnn*ylvania * 70,000 msn. I u ra m'n Ike F n K .1. Of professional mn olerftvmen are taid to live the longest, bat not many ot the clergy even live to song ae the parish min- loten of Cstboart. On Tuesday the preeeut pastor completed hit fiftieth year io tbe onargv, aad ss hit rredeceeKor beld the post (or the same period Otthoart can boast that il only change* it* miuiatere once a can- tury. Tt H not M ban all things its own way, however, for a corotpoudent in a itooiob paper point* ocl tbal Aucterderran. iu Fife, it a* good at Oalboart. In 1T8S Rev Audrew Murray was appointed ruiuie- ter tberr.and remained for uxty -one yean, prescbing from hie palpi t lu a tutting poa- nirr wbeu be WM DO K>D|(er able to viand. Hi* nuooetaor still boldtlhe charge. Indeed, Aoolerderran bat done better than Catb- ort, for tb* two ouaMten who brseedei thete gentlemen OPCUJ led tht poet for forty an J forty-two years. Fear ministers sine* the year 1700 is not vsry bad, but svsn Auotsrderran mutt not boast too much. It i* in Fife. Kife it ID Scotland, and in Soot- land when s minuter go** wrong Lu whole parish is in diegraoe. Now tbe clergyman ot Aaoterderran whom tbe first of these four succeeded wae liemitsed from hi* charge for " endeavoring to escnr* tb* glebe corn on Sunday during a high wind." SI. A W* A* a rale man is not ovsrpowsringly bril liaot. When I bear of any bright perform an** I tin mor* than eager lo place U lo hi* limited credit Man dessrvee some praiee for trying to shin*. Naturally b* can nsvsr attain tb* witty heights o woman, bnt be get* mor* than svcn. H* alway* nae hi* own way, which no woman ever doe*. He can spend all the money b wants to, which no woman ever can. U slays oul till all hours, which no woman is allowed to do. Us eao buy a hat or a ooe without being compelled to account strictly (or saab cent, which no woman is sv*r per milted to do. He eao ipend 19.69 (or s lunch, and growl at a quart of icecream bought for III* family us*, and hs eao *p*n( Vii for a lark, wniU ah* stays borne will tbe children anl burne on* gas j*l, and eat* tbe scraps. Yes, there an timse all time* when the nan ha* the heel of it. Mr. Baokey ia rivalling Mr. Moody 's work at Nortbntld to tome txtenl in NewoMtle, Pa. He has bought then for 17.000 a piece of land in tbe central part of the town, and is to erect thereupon s library and Young Msn's Christian Asnooistion building to cost about 115,000. A largt nuisker of book* have beeo "elected by him in Enrop* . Th* fund* come from the proceeds of th* Mood; u4 aaukiy ilytuu-book. Th* ouitom of tolling tb* bell on bo pawing tb* tomb ot Washington i* saiJ to bave originated with a French merohaa veeeel which had been to Alexandria for i cargo, and going down tbs river after Cien Wa*biogton's dsalb, bnt baton bis inter meul, placed its colon al half-mast an< tolled its bell oiotinuonaly while passing the house ol mourning. This special testimony of respect was al one* taken np asd prao weed by all river crtfia. Ever since then th bell it tolled on vessel* of every obsra*> tec and nation which pas* the tomb o Washington. Boston Joorml. repeated story the* i am Painles* Corn EXUMSSI I* the beet, east harmful, most certain and prompt of all preparation* ev*r offered te tbe reman** corns. lenndy t Callard. T nnaVsi, Oat., write*, nothing ever introduced * ivsu th* satiefanufm that I'ntaasm'* Pata- ess Corn Extractor has. Ws recommend Beware of eLeap or poisonous i ututos. Poison A Co., prot Tieton, KJDSJ- too. Al wayt eats, harmlaat and *ur*. onowbanks rally 100 (set high, that havs sin then (or many yean, are to b* " n the upper Sierras. * a. i l Ce>s* A 10 cent bottle of Poleoa's will con neuralgia or ktartastii A 10 essrt botue ol Nervilin* will cure tnntheeh* or cache. A 10 cent sample bottle of X *rv- lime i* tuAuient to oar* oold. diarrneea. spasms, dyseotary, A*. Nervihae I* juM ths thing to our* *U pain*, wbetker ines*- nal or external. Buy a 10 eeol sample Mttle of Nerviluie, tbe great pain eon. )afe, prompt, and alway* effectual. Large satMM at any drug ston, only 26 cents. A halibut weighing IM pounds w* to ordinary cod book and Monterey. Csl, recently. Un* M would b* a truthful nams to give to Dr. Golden Medical Discovery, the most efficacious medicine yel discovered tot arresting tne early development of *cjs*Bae ary disease. But "consumption ear*" would not lufftaienlly indicate the scop* of M intasncc sod usefulness, la all the many dissMti which spring from a derangement ot the liver aod Weed CM Discovtry" u a sals and Mar* -^*- Olall Iraggisw. .MnM To M '.000 n*JM in Moot only K.'jlS tsmales. in Aruoc* MM in Wyoming tat 4M^7. in New Mx*ii W.J83. in Dckow* M.M7, in Wa Territory 63.3*1, in Idaho 43.tW.bal TU DEALER AND CON-f'MEK. NVo iniiM>rt <>nly inalitf ' "' 1 Oui o.. around and niikTimnrJ In tin-;, iif a prrfH-t lnx".rj'. ( >ur Id-, tiii- 1 1 1 ' UK SPICK are periWt !-.::: -'U >nr jrood.- 1 Ilk s from adul tiou. I > BAKIXO TA tit Jtet Koe>t<i in AIK vota, or -'.' IKtiua PI-KK GimrND 8no in all sirnl | ackatn-s. W. G. DUNN & CO., CANADA MILLS. HAMILTON. WANTED. LADIES A.NDOBN- TLKMKNtawcskalbesM. Salary M to *> per v*ek. Dtetcsee sw bjeestoa.' We oanTMMinf. No **amp for rwptr. B BtatiUrACTVHIKa COKTalTT. Ml ' Streel, Now Tort ltT. HOME permanently cored or oo pay. Tbe wont Been yturamttid I rmphlel aod refer- ences, two three cent etamps. World's Dispensary Medleal AeeooistiOD, M3 Main ttreel, Buffalo. N.Y. IT WM tt tint thought to b* a hoax, bat dually il turms oul that ilia now ssrijoaly propmed to arm tbe British infantry soldisr with a ehield. Tbe new " imple- ment," U i* eaid, ouvere a surface ol a foot iqaare. Is warranted buUsl-prout, weibs tureepouode, and QXM co tbe rifle much after Ibe fashion ot Ibe bayonet. The idea Is tbat thi soldier*, when thrown out ae ikirmitbers, will carry their owo cover with them, while, by clicking tbe point of the shield in the ground, Ibey will not only ] b* protected when firing, but will have a net for their rifle*. With bioyolists employed a* soonta and infantry skirmish- ing behind shields, it acems M if modern warfare is to b* Hill furthsr brought with- in ths province of scientific methods, as opposed to th* old idea and theory of purely inOiviiiual proweM. hotoochlv *awbl by AJJnw BBtSfH Baffalo. N.T. tree. 11AMII.TON. CANADA. TUE 01 DEBT AM) THE MOST COMTURTl lie*i' HiHsejs SB sac Dominion ; has onr lao sjeJuasts; has eta asedevei *,*>*>C roan* ladles; has ever lls> i ao 1 ererf eoaraowao* to* *> ao*) Unosaal advantage* lo Most* sad 4rt IM. Aa.lrass tb* ntertj . . iMeatloa this i 41 AWARE THAT Lcrtllard's Clima? Phg I a frH lit laq

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