Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1885, p. 4

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Markdale Items A very serious accident happened at Williamsford on Sunday last, which resulted in the death of Mr. T. Williscroft, councillor of Holland. It appears that Mr. Moore, Deputy Sheriff, was taking a revolver from his pock, when it was accidentally discharged, the ball entering the breast of Mr. Williscroft which caused his death to-day (Monday). This is another added to the many warning against the careless use of firearms. &apos; American & &wis IKJS. CoZ</ ar?ti (tvf/Me/ 1 Cases- (&apos;lose I rices- JFall Stock Complete! American Clocks, M ;iU->. and HiVni.&apos;s NeiaUurt Countrymen &apos; 1-rt-nd iiif ym&apos; utti-ntion : 1 haw a liu&apos;^&apos;c stock of lino tfuods, carefully selected by mysrlf, from first-class wholesale Lenses, and am in a position to sell lev Cash bolter guadt CLi^r 1&apos;nees than uny jvwdU-r in tVntrul (ircy. My \VarrantsonWaUjhesandClockscoverlto2years. First-class loathes, Tools and Material for difficult Watch repairing, nnd personally attended to, Goods and work as represented. Lazarus & Morris] and 110SS SPECS, . 25 /. f $-2. W. A. BROW RKI.UBI.I: JKWELLfcR, MARKOALE, 0\T. In *v!t. FINEST QUADRUPLE 1&apos;LATK Silverware. \Wcdding Ittngs, 18k, EUGENIA Grist Mill, RBES Imm i &apos; i-~i rrt-P&apos;-NvI i . . i : H&apos;t t&apos; Er.ierp;is83 Ravin? made extensive iui|H&apos;<>vt*nients in luy , Orisl Mill, I an. .-,.< -nl I can give b -oo&apos;l satisfat&apos;lun. CHOPPIXC DO XK AXY />->&apos;- (iixul K&apos;.unr always on liuud. Cnstom Sawing ~~ i and Bills filled on the slmrt.-st notice. Luiu- , I.IT and Lath alviof"" >&apos;&apos;&apos; Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, Advertise in Tlie Advance. Tin WrIMIreil Purlinni Iln&apos;l. " GRAY CHAMPION," Will b tor n ivic* Ui s. n-.m ,.( l>w&apos;> al l<ut 143. lit Kanjx Wt. T & S I. ><!. Attnn-- la. nar *I.OO, l&apos;a)abilat Jaiiinti), ImA. IW.KM-.U LF.VKIl, . Trorriotor. YELLOW OIL EUMATISM r&apos; ,V SIfiM, SSya that bUSSfSMSSSfSI fr-ni !;.&apos; k>..;.ul ij:J*liil>, -I ,.ui nultn.-i-J J i-., 1*1.1. ./ j u; .n an &apos;jcralioii l.ii .il- ,, :. i ...,!,.; &apos;t>l nr i *&apos;i Un- onircru of I&apos;.i * re . : l i . I-TI r4 U 1 I S&apos;lif, * ill :itf III&apos;- .&apos;..- --, t-l ,| .. , . .: :l 4 .-i-JC i>y tilj Uavol L*&apos;S Sarsapariila. Blnee Ilicii Mr. I.KI.AMI li.ts rrcnmnirnittil .AVER&apos;S Sn:*Ar.lilM L v iu inmiy .uiilar ea, and be hits r.ovrr yet lir.irtl of iu fail- ure to clfrot :i r-.ilii&apos;ii! euro. Bonte yi-ar> a|jo cue o( Mr. I.rr. 1 vi.&apos;s farm lli.)irn If,.. .1 1..1 I ;,&apos;. I&apos;-il-iR to llui l.ilj stuu- of li.< blood, nnnsly rrofulmw swelling Of lain), ii&apos;ix;.. ...I on t la- injure. I liin&apos;. Hor- rible It. !i:..u <.f tlio &apos;. in, nil!) burning and durtlng pil. s Ilniill^l !&apos;.,<! lump, niai!e llfo Slmo*t ; &apos;:!i K&apos;,&apos;" cnor-,; I, .iul riinnliig nlrr-rs fomicit. dil. lia:;!i ,&apos; pri-at <i"t"ti "I estr<-mIy otTfinire i:intt<:r. N treatment na* of any avai! until the man, by Mr. I.I:I.AM>&apos; illrec- tlmi w ra:-ptln<l l:li AVFII&apos;H SM:*AP- SII.LA. nh:chlla3rr-l Ilio jwl ami ur ution, lir\le.lthn sor-n, ri-movrtl lli awtllinf, and eomplf !!> tin- limb to nse> Mr. LiLAXDhaa personally used Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla f"r l:&apos;.i omnium, wllli eollre suwr*i ; nnrt, iVr cirtlul olnvrvallun, t&apos;.rclari s lli;.i. In r it-eli f. Him Is !!> nu ~-.&apos;u 14 tlio vorM to It for l&apos;.. cu.i- of I. In r l*lor<!rr, Clout. t:r> r." i&apos;. of 1U 1 in:, S-t&apos;.t Rh-iim, Sort", r&apos;nij-iio:i, nnd all 111* vsrlon f.irm.i < f Lloo.l cliM-ac*. \\&apos; tf.. Mr. L- U.V.&apos; :&apos;. | .:.i.j.. :ito;:irl&apos;e all Mil : : &apos;.. &apos; ti> tlu f -;.- . ..n.i y cu&apos;al.vo powers o( /.&apos;.I I- i.Ll ton.* 1 . I- r r- s&apos;!y il.&apos;i r 13. 1.U i ..>-:. :U t . :..i ! ,nr at tV[T>ular Lc!r.uJ II tc&apos;, L- I -&apos;.&apos;.&apos; J trevU, Kow York. J.&apos;r. I.LLAMI&apos;S cxtiT.iire know&apos;.eJge of Ci9 r 1 &apos;.ma bythU unequalled cradlcatoraf Liiiotl | -! f 1 1; N-i him togira ii: . j I i.. M nu ori&apos;ii&apos;i:, I Htreet, - - Flnkerfim, iM. TEIIM8 OF SrntU&apos;UIPTIOM: *1.00 |Hir annum In advance ; ^1.50 if not paid i tlu i n .1 "f Ii yi-arx. No paper ili scout innud ut ii ull ai;ttK-HKn. | mill up ; and no hiiliNiTiji- ionr. taken fur ls than one year, except when iwc-ial arraiiKonu-iifi for aliorUir itriodj are maile witli the- piilili-ln r . l.iU-ral iuilucomoiiU toreular advertiten. Nutiom aiiiune rvadlug mattor, 1O ccut par no each inwrtion No advurtinoniout disooutinuod until all ar naragen an&apos; |>i<l |i. Cupy (or auvcrtiMnnouta fihould reach thin fflro nnt lator than nxon on T\n-<ly to fiinuro DMrtiou I n current iuu<i. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and .Proprietor. FREEMAN&apos;S ORM POWDERS. An pleasant to taka. Contain thoir owm irtauva. Is a safe, sarr, unit rrirrtaml r t worm* Iu ClitVlrcu at A JaM* -ZT7 Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. aol<t byallDrnsgliu; Jl.lii bottlofor Si. l^lesherton Yleai Clarke!. M.l&apos;T.OOOD, - rit<ii-nirro Advance Balance of year 25 cents. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on Land for Cawh. Orders promptly filled. GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP A book of 100 pitROS. The brat book for an sulvurtlssr to con* suit, ho ho rxjK-ri- nce<1 or othrrwlso. of t hi- rust of uilvrit ml M(t &apos;I he ml vert l-n-i ho wnnt 10 Mu-nil out- ilnllar, finds In lithe In- fornintluti nr rf-nuliN-a, v\ lulc for hi in WITH will InvM-it mo huii&apos;lti&apos;il tiiuiiKanil rlotlnrs In nl- Tertinln. awhcme Is IntllcnU-d whlili will moot his r-vi-t-y t*-<;iilrfmf-:it, or rnn freno^s rrtpmuitHf*. 149 rdrtloiis hsvo Iwon ISMIICH!. scut. iionUiiuni. to uiiy ail.iii&apos;-- t"i louento. Write to OICO. V. lioWr.l.L A CO., KEW.SPAPKK ADVKKTIMM. nt&apos;ltRAU. (108i>ruc.St.rrliitlngHousSq.), New York. CAUTION ! EACH I&apos;MXi OK TUK MYRTLE NAVY IS MAI&apos;.KKl) T.&B. FLESHERTON. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou Kt-pAiritii: Kv< trr &apos;iii/liinp. unrl in fact *-vci y- tninit in tli luiKiiirMri will n-ri-ivi&apos; my l&apos;i]ti|&apos;t itinl &apos; .iii-ful Htti ntion at rra.suim.ili.&apos; pricitH. Ii Umt i& !::i In Hrmizr HONE OTHER GENUINE. CLAYTON&apos;S HVRAESS H1IOP ! FLESHERTON, I* thf jtbisr In ;iff your //imicas f!ull<irii, i 11 j> in t ,ft..;i I&apos;ll H*. I tH. ,( Xl,,,r M,,rr ">J)"GH T /SESI \ D A IS r* -*J HAVE YOU Livw Complaint, !>yipefia, IndifMilion, Hilk>una, Cures Cholera. Cholera tfoitus. Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint ; a/&apos;oo Cholera Infantum, and a&apos;l Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and wi!l be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SAL: cr ALL DRUCCISTS. T. ryilLB&apos;JHN & CO., / _ Propritor8, TorontOi Janndke. Headache, l)iuln", Pain in lh Bick. ,&apos; CotiTn, or any di*a aruins from a deranged . lim, I). CHASR&apos;I Livin L&apos;uaa will be found a tor* , . and rtm n-*t*ly NftTURF&apos;S HCMCDV TW BiKinntifinl ucceu of Dr. Chai&apos; Liwr Curt In I-rvtr < .m|>!.nni rr>l> >lfly with tlw fact Ihtl it ii nocn|xHindril (rnm nature&apos;i well-known liver regulator*. MANIIIAKI ANU DAK..I i Ii ".&apos;, combineil with many other invaluable rootv Ixirki and hrrl*. hvinR powerful eject on ln Kulneys. Strana. h, Dowels and .Hood. COO, 000 SOLD Oivr ,-* -It*:/ ma/lian / />>. Lttut&apos;t Rtript Ktntt tnrrf t.&apos;/./ in f nn*,#a nitme. H&apos;f Ti-in/ ertrjt mam, &apos; " M Livtr ( StMtTMIDO NfW. ClVtNAWATFHC r Cure Wrap[>(i around evrry llOtlleof I &apos;r. f &apos; i K a valuable Houteholil (lui.l. and Hook (84 psea), LOI-I-HM ^ r too tiMful recipe*, pronnwu r.] by Medical ni. i .im! &apos;ItuicuiUft asinvaT I able, IK! wortli tl limei ihr j.tici! of the medicine. Cu*t. A afc and po4iiv JIT CHAIE&apos;S KIDNEY AO Lvt R Pau. >s cu. per box SOLO BY ALL DEALERS *~t* T. lOMANSON S CO., Sol* :nts, Bradford TTTTa T> AVim maytxt tant on m at dto. THIS rAlrlStA f (Wel &apos;&apos; cuutncu uiAjr IM UtCo&apos;s irberv It III WW X&apos; THE ADVANCE. )no of Ihu in Ni nt lii-iii i in. ^ Local nii.1 Kauiilv Nt-wiiAi>crii PubUsdud AUVKKT1KINO 1UTE8,*C. Canual a&apos;lvortimeiita.t-ont|>r iHtiniortion nil .t i-cnts |K-r linu vaoli kubiteq ueut iUHurtiuu. naasisttl adwrUsomsttiss loospsU (or wlion rdoroil. Ailvrtlipiimiit without >|x>cial dlroc- ion* will t.i&apos; iufturtd till forbid aud charged FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1886. TO OUR HEADERS. \\v aic makiug an-angemcnts to set ,Lc names of our subscribers in type and use printed addresses instead of writing tho names as heretofore. Subscribers will then know to a cent liow much they arc in art cars, or when then should M in w their subscriptions to TUK ADVANCE, by simply glancing at their address oil uy copy of the paper. For inatautt, suppose we take the uame of onr eatsx-med friend, Kir. Surn tie 1 Badgerow, his address, accord- t? the iiw method will read : Samuel Badg?row 1 Jati86 Showing Uiai Ur.Uadgerow&apos;i tion is paid tip to the 1st of 1886. This will obviftU Ihs UflMssity for dtuiiiiuz by post-card which so many esteemed subscribers dislike. It will also save out-self much cxpf nse and annoyauce in the matter of pos- tage, stationer}-, Ac. Look out for the printed addresses about the mid- dle of October. WOLVES IN KNEE PS CLOTH- ING.&apos; Mr. E. H. Hicc, manager of the Sliflbunic cheese factory, left the town ratlier Imiricdly one day last wock. His family went with him : So did between two and three thousand dollars in hard casli, belonging to the patrons of tlie factory. In short Mr. E.B.Iiicc is one of your smooth-tong- ued scoundrels who prey npoii the un- suspecting, under the guise of that re- ligion which teaches "good will to- wards men." But the cheese factory patrons are not the only sufferers ; quite a nmnbcr of the business men of the place were "taken in and done for" by the pious fraud. Hcligion is too often need as a cloak, by defaulters and other vagabonds, to cover the black hearts within. When you sec a man so chock full of religion that he can scarcely be persuaded to smile or whistle oil the Sabbath day, in nine cases out of ten you will be wise to keep your weather eye upon htm : and, indeed, we need not look beyond tlie limits of Artemcsia for such a character, if we arc to believe the si. ili im i its reaching us from time to time from reliable sources. Truly there are "wolves iu sheep&apos;s clothing" to be found fvwywhcre. "LOCAL NEWS AND NEWSPA- PERS." Iu the course of an excellent editor ial, under the above heading, the Ow en Sound Adeertiter says : "The success of a local newspaper depends very largely on its correspon dents. The more correspondence thuro is in a newspaper from different points through iU field of circulation the more interesting it will bo. There are very few newspapers bnt could bo made much more readable by tlie eff- orts of it correspondents. There is scarcely a school section that could not sead in s budget of news weekly. There is no school section that does not contain plenty of young men, or even young women , to report the ev- ents taking taking place in it. Onr local ncw3i>apcr8 could be made trnas- urii-H of interesting news if onr young |idi|ili&apos; could be induced to report one half the events taking place through- out the country." i BITTBB. There Is no more whole- r dtlicinni fruit on curth than the Wild Strnwturry, nud thre ia DO more sf- f" tiul remedy for Cbolurs, I M nt<-r\, Craropa and other sumiur complaints of in fsnts or adults, than Ur. l-&apos;uwUc&apos;i Eitraet of WUd Slrawbtrry. PKICEV1LLE POINTERS. A Lot of Lively Little Locals Gath ered Specially for The Advance. By the Ayriridtnral Editor. Tin Agricultural Editor resumes his weekly budget tliis week, ami for the time being rnlieves the "Artful Dodger."&apos; Must of tho fanner s sro through har- vesting in this neighborhood. Kishiug is just now considered out of season, but a couple of gentlemen were observed angling within full view of tlie villagers cm Monday. Mr. James Vausc, an intelligent, well n-.iil farmer, living on the Old Durham Road, Artvniesia assisted by his son, ktllrd a fine big bear a couple of weeks siuce. A short time since s well known me- chanic, who resides within the lituiU of Pricoville, returned home after a "jam - bourco" aud made things exceedingly in- teresting for his wife. In the gushing fullness of his exuberance so to speak he smashed the dishes. This was &apos;capping tho climax" with a vengeance and his wife started forth to hunt up big Dan McDonald, our detective who is a terror to the lawless in this section. See- ing this, the mechanic started after his wife and succeeded in making things all U. K. The next day he bought some new dishes. Aud so our agile and eagle- eyed detective didn&apos;t get the job after all. Mr. Walter Rank in an intelligent and popular young Englishman who was at one time in the store of Mr. John Latti- mcre, and who has been stopping at At- kinson&apos;s hotel here for some time )>ast, leaves for England on Thursday, tn-day. Bo far as his experience went, he does not carry with him a very favorable im- pression of Canada. Were he to live here for a few years, however, we do not think he could be persuaded to return to the old land. AU the same we do not ticiiwte that he will atay lonjt in Eng- land : Tin- contrast between this grand new country and the one to which he hss M is soon noticed and intelligent, am- bilious young men govern themselves aceonliugly by selecting that in which they have a cliaiico by close application of rising abort mere mediocrity. The following was communicated tn the Agricultural Fditor : "Mr. Editor : There is a general feeling in this place ab- out our judges last year for horse shoes. Cannot you whisper to the bosses of our Township show and advise them to ap- point tin- worthy silversmith, Mr. Russ- ell, and Dr. Uizon, to act as judges this year. They know something about a good t"nl when they sec it ; snd not give a prize to these upstarts of boys. Its very aggravating to us old fellows, who li&apos;iiriii-il the trade in the old sod, to be beaton by mere boys, as was the case last year." It will pay you to call at E. J. Grier&apos;s store for real bargains. No trouble to show goods even if you don&apos;t invest. TUK mannrsoturers of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco invite tbu very closest scrutiny of ltd quality- The eipert whose trained BSU- si-< teach him to rcooguize the exact quality of lobseco, aud the smoker who judges by his experience m smoking it, will both eonie to the same conclusion that it is of the very highest quality anywhere to be found. It in made of the very finest of Virginia leaf and Is manufactured with the greatest possible cue. Marktiale From our Correijiondent, A very serious accident happened st \Villiamsford on Sunday last, which re- sulted in the death of Mr. T. Williacmft, councillor of Holland. It appears that Mr. Mn.&apos;i-i-. Deputy Sheriff, was taking a revolver from his [Kick, whon it was acci- dentally discharged, the ball entering the brvnst of Mr. Williscroft, which caused death to-day (Monday). This is another added to the many warning against the careless use of firearms. Quite a number of <>nr young folks as- sumblud at tho residence of Mr. Corn- wall on Friday evening last to do honor to one of our young men who is taking his . departure from amongst us. We speak of Mr. 8. M. Smithe who left the next morning for Binghampton, New York State. A very pleasant evening was spent, towards the close of which our departing friend was made ths recipient of an address accompanied by a very handsome ring and breast pin. All pres- ent expressed themselves as sorry for his departure and no doubt they were as he mnsit- himself many warm friends during his three years stay in the village. The new church is rapidly Hearing com- pletion. It is generally believed that it will o&apos;tst much than was at first an- ticipated, but no doubt the burden will be cheerfully borne. It is rumored about town that Mr. Young will aoon return from his visit to Scotland, bringing with him a partner to share his joys ana sorrows. May they nev- er meet with tho latter. McOmooB 4, PAUKK&apos;H Carbolic Cerate is invaluable for Vionnds, Sores. Salt Rheum, < &apos;ni, Hums. Scalds and Fasten, as a heal- ing and purifying dressing. Do not be im- posed mi with other useless ureparationx, r.rnniinriulwl to be as good. Use only Mc- Gregor &. I&apos;arke&apos;s Carbolic Cerate. Sold by Uichardsons. - Subscribe for Tn ADVAHCB. Dof&apos;r IIF. (IKI-KIVKII. Bewar* of any drug- gist who will try In induce you to take any- thing in placti of MeOregor A Parke&apos;s Car- bolic Cerate. It is a mtrrel of bsallng for Sores, Cuts, Hums, etc. Mo family should be without it. It has no equal. Oet Me (iiPKi.i A 1&apos;arie&apos;s, and have no other. Only 35c. per box st Richardsoos, HOBSEMBR, ATTRNTIOK ! Wtirnyour horse is galled, scratched or cut. <>r has atiy ugly sore, bathe twice ilsily, uud spply McGiizoou A I&apos;Ai.hK&apos;h Carbolic Cerate. U is undoubt- edly the finest healing and cleaning appli- cation for it. Be sure you Ri>t Mcdregur A 1&apos;srko&apos;H. Sold for 25c. per box, at Knlur.l soil&apos;s I &apos;/ 11 Store. LADIES ONJ.T. The complexion is often rciidawd uusijjiitly by 1&apos;iuiiiles, Liver Spots, and Yellowuen.1. tuesv it m well known aro caused fro.n an inactive Liqer and bad Uood. Dr. CbaiM&apos;s Liver Cure purifies tlie blood and wbele system. 8ee Iteeiuo book for toilet recipes, liinta and suggstii>uii <>u how to prewrve U ccuiplexioo. 8old by \V. liicliardson. LOWS SULPHUR SOAP BlioulJ b found with every toilet. It is cleansini; aud The agricultural editor of the Fk-shor- ton AIIVAN-K attended the Industrial Ex- hibition at Toronto, and last week pub- lished an article recounting the incidents which occurred while there anddescrrbiug the sights witnessed. In conclusion he got off the following : "Then came the bnat and a brief trip on Toronto Bay, -from which the A. E. gazd with pleasure ujion tlio thousands of lights, gleaming through the pall of the goddess of night, which hung mvr the city." "Gleaming through the pull of tin- _&apos;...! M of night" sounds nice), but it takes too much after the dime novel style, nnd is rather indefinite. Tho A. E. ah. ul.l have described the "i>all," wht-tlier it was smoke, liaze, fog or some other substance which could becnmprchendedhy those of his readers who had not (lie op- portunity of inspecting it. - .Vn.fV.f .Vir- Catarrh-* Sew Treat iiiriit. Perhaps the most extraordinary aiicccc* that has been achieved in Luudcru modiciue has been attained liy the Diiuu trrittmuil lot Catarrh. Out of 2.000 patients treated during the past six months, fully nim-ty per oral, have been eared of this stubborn malady. This is none the less ^ntiir,- when it is remembered tlmt not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regulsr practitioner. are benptiti-J, itliile the patent nted&apos;oiuvs and other .i-h rr&apos;.i . &apos; never record a curest all. Starting rith the cliiiui now geuerklly believed by the most scientific uii-u that tho dituato is due &apos;.. tin proRwrn of livinjt parasites in the tijsuc. Mr. l>ixnu st uucii adapted his cure to tl.i-n extcrujinstion . tho Catarrh is practically cuirO, :unl tin- |> r- mantncy is unquestioned, as cnn i-fT-rli&apos;d by him ftur years ago are cures still. No one els* has over attempted to euro Catarrh in this manner, and no utuer treatment Ims evi-r cured Catarrh. The a)i]illcation .f >hn remsdy is simple, and can ! dour nt honir, aud the pn&apos;-.. nt season of tbn year is the most favourable for a speedy ind poruaancnt cure, the majority of C.IKCS being cured at one treatment Sufferers hnM Ci.rn- -i" .ml with Messrs. II. A. Pixun .V Sou, H().~> kin;: street went, Toroutn, Csnadn, anil ouclosi* stamp for thgir treatire on Cstsrrb. --Mon- treal Star, 6v. 17. To Rent, The Cottage and ganltin recently ocni|i|-il by Mr. Jw> (I Ilruoko, mutr tin- Melh.xli.t ( &apos;liiin-li. Klonherion. to rent. For terinH ami iiarticiilara. apply at The ADVA.VCT "(Deo. or to TH08. tmiioitNi:. 31us. 1&apos;ro; . FARM FOR SALE. KIKTV ICItK.S. l><-iiifcHnUt-Kat i|narf.-r X... 3, 111 the 5th Cull. !( h.lll&apos;hni- in. within inn- mil.- of the tlouriahiuij Villagu u( K I...LI i U> ami (our mile* from KupMiia; 40 acrrn cliiarixl f...l Houm and Wall, with miitablu llarn mul M.I&apos;. I. On tho U-ailiiiK road to .M. I . inn i-uv. E. A W. S. O&apos;HIIIKN. Kutenia I&apos;.O. ^^" . a: Framing and House- Joining. The undernfitned In i>re]>r t ..l to i-sccvtu al ordcri ontruitod to him (ur tho uri&apos;t-tiou of Du&apos;&apos;llin<j* ninl Frame Build iiiyx, iiMieaaon of 1SH5. All niivli-i if so dHlrod. None but comnotout workinnn wniployt&apos;il. Tho Batinfaction tuy work haaglvun in tho pant IB a guarantee for tlio futiirv. Apply to A. Mc-l,KOU. Flmlierton Htatiun. II IMII Itl ON Churches and Societies. AKT1WK LOME, A. A F. MABON&, MKRT In their Lodge liooni, Strain&apos;s niock on every Friday on or haforr tin- full moon. VlMtinK brethren cordially welcomed. 8. IlAHrl.1 . W.H. W. J. 1IELI.AMT, Hoc&apos;y. DUPFERIN LOI>f}, I.O.O.f. M KIH&apos;s every "ml and 4th Tnenday RvontnK i n each iiiniith at 8 o&apos;clock. Ixxigfl Hoom. In Strain n block, Toronto Rtreot. Denri-e Ixxlffe, Ins iiimitlnK in oach month. Visitlnii brothen cor- dially Invited. Jos. lli.Ai&apos;KMi- n\. N.G. W. H. CAMI-AH; NK.It.H. A. 0. U. W. ETLEHHERTON IxidRO No. 148, moot In their D Ixxlgn Room. Htrniu&apos;n block. Toronto ntroot, on the lt and 3rd Monday in narli ninntli, at 7:30 p.m. nharp. Vlaltlng brutliren welcome. W. (1. IMc-iKLl., M W. D. H. MONROK, Kcc&apos;r FLEXUKRTON L. O. L. NO. 4*1, MEET In thrlrlxjdne Itooni liiKtntin&apos;H block every Friday oven lug after tho (ull of tho moon in nach month. VldtlliR brethren welcome. J. W. BATSS, W.M. W. P. CBOSSLKT. Sec&apos;y R. T. 0. T. BOrNTAIN COUNCfl- No. Mfl, Royal Tomplars &apos; o( Tni|>oranco. moot In thoir hall. Strain&apos;M block, 1st and Dril Tnondiay evon&apos;o In rach nmutli at 7:90 o&apos;clock. Visitors are cordially Invited. J. II &apos; -M r g.O. J. i ii . in-, .s- . I< N. OF TKMI&apos;KKANCK. PLI SUKUTON DIVISION. No. 244. moot In thi&apos;lr ni-w hall, Dr. Clirlntoo&apos;K block. i>vnrv Wndnonclay pvenltiK at ".;) o&apos;clock. VlnltliiK brethren cordially Invited. A.B. FAWCBTT, W.P. W. HrNimins. tt.H. HKAIUMf lt<K>M. Ojmoory i-viming iSiin<l 7 o&apos;clock p M. nntil 10P. Cordially Invltad to visit. J. W ARMSTRONG, Trent,. Tu^sCLarroN. Strangors (nun THE REBELLION! In tlio North- West in practically ended, bnt tlio Immense Bargains in every depart men t of E. 3. firier&apos;s Store, Priccville, Still continue. 20 por cent. Reduction to Cash Customers for next 80 days. Just Notice! SOME OF OUR PRICES And you will be convinced tlmt we are amply prepared to back up every statement we make : Factory, 30 yards for $1.00 Ottoman Corded All- Wool Tweeds, Carpet, Ac. at Bottom Prices. Teas at 8 Cents per Ib. Soap, 50 bars for $1.00. 26 Ibs. Kico for $1.00. Priii U, from 6 Cents per yard up. Beady-Madc Clothing, full 8 i 2c , froia $5 per Suit up. B. J. GBIER t3"IIigliG8t Market Price paid for Butter and Kggs. I"* 1 - I Imve a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! Oil hand suitable for t!i< Season, having just received a larj?c addition to my Stock and will he constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, FLESH ERTON FARMEES AND OTHERS fSE TUK Peerless Machine Oil Whicli is unexcelled by nny otlu-r Oil in tlie market. First nrizes at all Kx- liibitions for 1KHIJ & 1SH4. Jlaiuilactiinxl at The ifncch rily Oil Works, 8. RO(iKHS A CO. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of Q f iiT> ;^ IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, FAEMEES AUD THEE5HEE8 ! Jsk your Merchants foi McColl Bros. Lardine MACHINE OIL FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, AM. KINDS OF and Mmiil Us, S:i,-liits MonmiuMit-;, Tomb Tables, HeadstonnB . Coiuitcr and Table TOTW- in American and Italian Marblu and (iranitc, and mado ot sllort &apos;wticc. Also Mantles in Marble aud Murbkized Slate, &c., Ac. Flosliertoii, Aug. UO, 1883. Cures Dizzmcss, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, IliUoiuncit, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidntyt, Pimples, Blotches, tioiU, Humors, Salt Rhevm, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irrejulur action of the Botcels. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLtOWAYSPILLS&OINTMENT THE TILLS Purity tb.o Ulood, corroct all Disorders o( the Liver, Stomach, liicln&apos;yH, nncl They Invlftoratoand rontorfi to health poliililat<H&apos;ntitutioni, Knd arc Invaluable In all plaiatH inoiilontal to Kcmaloi of all agos. For Children ami tint a^nl thoy are priceless. THE OINTMENT ban infallible rcmi-ilv (or llnil lui-n. Ha<l Itrcantii, OM Wmindn. Boron and lllcnm. It In fatuous for Clout ninl lllii iimaiiam. l-&apos;nr disorder* o( tli Chii.-t it haa no equal. For SO ftE THROAT, /:f!OJ\&apos;C&apos;/f I7&apos;I8, COUGHS, COLDS (llan lulur S\vi-!liu({, Mid all f-1. in I)|OIIB..< it Im- no rival; and for contracted anil stiff joints it ii.-ti iik,- n chai&apos;Ui. Eanufacturod only at Trofeasor HOI.LOWAT&apos;B Eatablinlnnent. ^ TH, New Oxford Nircrt ( into W.I, Oxford SJrcet ), rmidusi. and aru old at l<i. IJ<1., 2s. Oil., 4 fl , lit.. 2k.. and rim. narli Itni or Pot, and flMT bebaxl of sll Me*< cini- Vmiilorn throughout Iho World. <ll,;,l, ll. >ln hll,,1 ,,,: III. i&apos;ltt i"l /.&apos;... &apos;-&apos;. ff i>>-f,,ril .SV c..&apos;, !

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