Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1885, p. 3

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v TERRIBLE DELUGE. . Ten Thoueaud People Drownei at Canton. GREAT LOSS OF PBOPEBTY. A Loudou cable says: Detail* of tb dMtrnotioo in Canton and vicinity by the recent great rain Btcrm in Chin* itaow tha the fljod WM the moit serious which h visited Canton in thirty year*. More than 10,000 person* lost their live*, and a f greater nnuber are left in a tarving oondi tion. Entire . villages were engulfed, and the rioe and ailk crop* in the vicinity are alrjoo-t rained. The prioe of rioe b advanced 18 per cent, in consequence The rain (ell in the latter part ot June filling and overflowing the riven. Many of the itretta of Oanton were Hooded (or over a week. At Boni City the water broke through the oity wall, and it it reported several thoniand people were drowned there. The embankment* of the live were broken in tuberous placer, and the water* swept across the surrounding ooan try, carrying everything before it. A foreigner, wbo wa* an eye-witnefc* of the loeneo cf devastation, report* that one night tee boat he occupied WM anchored near a bamboo grove. By the tuorinnK the water bad rifen to the top* of the bambooe. At other point* it roie liiih a* 40 (eet dura * the tiixht. Tb inhabitable fled (ram the villages and oamped on the hillsides At Knnin, a market-place Dear an embankment of one of the ttreams oouueoted with the river whiob brings water from the north ai.J weit rivere, the msjority o( the inbabi tautB were drowned by tbe water breaking through the embankment. Borne escaped to a pieoa of rising ground in tbe neighbor- hood, bat tbe water eoutinued to rise nd gradually overtopped tbe elevation, drown lag those wbo stood upon it. Seventeen Chinee* graduates in Oanton, bearing of tbe dutree* and suffering in their native vil- lage*, took paesage* on a boat with a view to proceeding home to render what assist anoe they could. On tbe way the boat wa* oaptiEed and all were drowned. In aome plaoea parent*) tied their obildren on high branch** of tree*, while they instituted m*a*or*e (or their general eatety. Tb* trees were washed up by tb* root*, and heartrending oriee of the obildren were sileuoed in tbe enrging water*. The body of a bride, dressed ic her bridal robe*, was found floating ID tbe river at Canton. A largi tub wa* also Men. It wa* pinked up aud found to con- tain a boy and a girl. With them wa* a paper sunny tbeir name*, the day and hour of their birth. Tbe parent* h*d instituted this mean* to tav* tb* live* of their off- epring. Tbe writer o( tbe letter from which tbe above is taken sa>s : " Tb* Buffering that IB being endured by thou- sand* in tot* Province ie (imply heart- r*nding. Children are oaJHng to tbeir parents that they are hungry, and tb* broken hsar ted parent* can only reply with ye* blinded with team that they have nothing to give them. Tbeee flood* will, of course, bring on other calamities. Tb* nbitiding water* will leave an alluvial de- posit which will harden tbe atmosphere with malarial poison. Tbe people are obliged to use the filthiest and dirtieel water, which must give them all sorts of a MI ttt i i ix. IIM > i K AHe*J*4 < lrnll*< Ui moa.lm fllstTBCr ( Hum* el IS> A Chicago telegram *ays : A morning paper publishes tbe following special de pat oh from Lincoln, Neb. : " A moet r*rnBfkbl* discovery ha* recently devel oped Ht tbm city. It is of inch an aetonnd- ing nature that tb* oorrespondiLt beaiute* to give tb* oirenmstanoee to the public on account of being barred at present from giving names, although tbie it no good reason why it should not be done. This dis- closure ooneists in proving beyond the pot- eibility of a doubt by scientific means tl<e existence of the human soul, laying bare tbe greatest secret of nature and proving the doctrine of eternal ftitb, ' That tb* oul of man doth live,' tb* disclosure! and proof of which will shortly startle and astouish tbe entire world. " For tbe take of convenience tb* gentle- man alluded to will be oalltd Mr. Holland, a nan of small stature, a mild eye and thoughtful countenance ; a devout Chris tiau, posssaaing the peculiar belief that tbe oul of a man is a counterpart of the body itself, and in ibis theory of the dual manb* ought tb* key of hf* and iVath. H* rea- oned that within thi* body of bon* and Inew was yet sn other body existing in vapory form, which death alone should free, and that by a aimple microscopic device tbe dull sight of human eye* might penetrate the minutMt particles of th* air we breath* and aee the ton! take form and flight to tb* boundaiie* of another world. Hi* atten- tion was flnt attracted to tbii, b* says, by a man lying on a eofa suffering with a pain in bis fool, and yet there wae no foot there to suffer, the leg having been amputated nearly to the hip. ' For year*,' lays Mr. Holland, ' this incident ran through my mind, until at lam I resolved upon on ex* periment. I procured the most powerful leniee I could find and completed an inven- tion of my own, and when I bad uiv light arranged perfectly, so I could examine tbe microbe* of the air. I called upon a friend wbo had loet hm arm, and explained that I wanted him to put hi* imaginary hand where I directed. H* laughingly accom- panied me to my room* and did a* I desired. The moment I adjusted the glass a world of revelation broke upon me. Tbe dual hand lay beneath my glass. I aaked him to make letter* with bin imaginary finger He did 10, and to bis wonder and aetonisb- meat I tpelled out tbe sentences be wrote. That was conolnuv* evidence to me,' con- tinued Mr. Holland, 'and yon know the rest.' " BOII.BK ItXPl.OMION. Tw .Tin, BccrlVC lnjurl<> Ihnl Will ! ob. bl, HrswJi I- BiMll,. A Ridgetown despatch says : The boiler in Campbell's bnak and tile yard, situated near the M . 0. Bailway, at thi* place, blew up thi* morning at 11 o'clock, badly injur- ing Jas. IsrgUBon and Chas. Ryan, employees, *nd slightly wounding two or three others. Ryan and Ferguson will probably die. Tb* engine, boiler, mud machine and building are a total wrick. Mr. Campbell, tbe proprietor, who bad hi* hand on the safety valve at the time of tbe xploeion, miraculously escaped unhurt. I.H Northwest News. Dnmont and Dnmaie are in Lewistowo, Montana. J he Beglna Ltader says : Tbe Lena Lake Bailway ba* eighteen mile* graded and ready to be ironsd. A large quantity ottteel rail* have arrived and oar load* of ti*s. It is eipeoted that the road from Begina to Long Lake will be open and ready for traffic before tbe end of Beptem bet, The Hleford Herald *ay* : Word ha* been received tbat Molvor, recently shot at the South Branch, ia dead, and that six more mn bad b**n killed by Little Poplar and hi* band. Tb* murderers are said to be in th* Oypres* Hill*, with on* party of police in (ront and mother trailing them up. The ei Empress of Mexico is 45. The doctor* note an extraordinary improvement in her, and an tioipate a onmplete recovery l!i taMels were put by a Memphis woman on the ears of her horse, aud a broad ribbon bow on his tail, in order to deoorat* him to h*r satisfaction tor eqae* Irian us* ; but h* liked tbe adornments 10 little that b* ran awty and threw her off, LATEST OLD WOULD NEWS Tress IK i.nd. Cork baa U6.SW4 GathoUo* to 14,008 Pro teslanl*. Mr. Thomas Kerio, of Finvara, Bnrren died on August lei, aged 70 year*. Tbe propaeed capital of the new Man iter Bank is 760,000, in J 50,000 share* of 5 each. In Cork mnob barm Has been done by tbe potato blight, tud much anxiety IB (alt ae th* crops are M present in full bloom. Tbere ban not tor many year* been so good a prospect of a bountiful btrveetiii the Gookatown district, Tyrone, a* at present Mrs. Martin, wile of a gentleman retii ing at KiDgitowo, wan at t> loliu remanded lately on a charge of (tabbing her hnsband In tbe back with a carving knife. I ro !< o.l.iiJ The harvest commenced iu tbe Uumfriee and A uohterarder districts iu Scotland on Ibe llih August. Mrs. Langtry will commence her provio. oul lour at Glasgow on August 31*1 with The TOUOU Scamp." ilra. Baruet, Waverley, Dakota, wbo recently gave birth to (our ontldreL, is native of Goupar Angus. Tb*r wa* an uooinally heavy take of fiah at the Tweed lalmoo fishings on tbe lllh August. About 1.600 fish o( all kinds were landed. K v. David Young, minister suooeseively al KiuoUvtii, Glasgow and Blairgowria, died al Oroesmyloof on tb* 6tb August, aged 81 years. Mr. Francis Brown Douglas, ad v< cite, wbo was Lord Provoet of Edinburgh from 1869 to 1862, died in Melville House. F.fe, ou the 8. b August. He wa* boro in 1814. The other night a very large nnmoer o( talmon and gril*e were taken on th* Tay between Perth and Dundee. Itis estimated that over 6,000 ware osugbt, the largeet known fur 60 ycart. At a meeting on Aug. 10th of the custo- diers of th* Wallace Monument it wan resolved to eutrust D.W. Bteveneon, sculp- tor, Kdiubnrgh, to mak* tbe ataiae o( Wallace for tbe monument. The Procurator-Fiscal o( Fife, bootland, las received luformation that Mr. Tbomae jimpson, ex-Bailie, Cupar, will be tried at :'crib Circuit Court, on 15th September, on a charge ot fraud. Lord Waller Campbell, recently sum- moned before the Luid Mayer of London or libel, is a sou of tbe Dak* o( Argyll. Ie IB on tbe Stock Exchange, aLd bas been noted hitherto for hm prudence and discre- tion. On Aug. 16th Euatbath Brennan and Elizabeth Bmith, nursery maid*, were Irowned at North Berwick while bathing with tbe obildren under tbeir charge. Oue isd got into danger, and the other going to ielp her both were drowned. Xb* remains cf Donglau Orabam, th* iero cf Burns' famous tale of " Tarn o' ibanter," were interred in tbe burying- .rouud at Kirkovwald, about lour mile* outhwest (rom May bole. A small stone lab, bearing an inscription, wa* creeled m he gravtyard after hi* demise to mark tbe pot where tbe body of the redoubtable armer wa* buried. Tbe vioisMtudes of tb* weatbet dunug tbe lapee of time, having, it 'a* observed, so seriously deteriorated the memorial ae almoel to reader Ibe iosorip- IOD iodeoiphorable, it was deemed aavisabls to have it thoroughly renovaUd. r uud* for tbe purpose were readily ibtained, and an Kdinburgn aiobitecl, who raa employed to dotbe work, ha* with tbe lew ot preservibg tbe original stpu* utaot, tucxM*did ID tffcttug tb* otjeoi eiired in a very creditable manner. It may i* stated tbat Sonter Johnny, Tarn's boou oompauioi , found a laaj resting place iu tb* ame buryiug-(trouud*#to that tbs two rouiss are even in death not far epsrated. ___ \VOHItfA I. A I A H. H.IHul |1rw 1>I. .. Oi,l A London osblsgram aays : There is muob talk in tb* country bouse*, which now well filled, ovir tb* dross of Vurtb's worn lately al a garden party. "he material wa* black satin and tb* gown a* mad* iu kill* rtaobing halt way to th* waist. Al each kill flw back, uud*r a iuing ot colored satiu, seen here orange here blue, in Ibi* fold red, in thatireeo, ue various colors blended in a scarf Irapery (with whiob 11 wae sorronndsd) 01 ndian woramanitilp, with a pal* blue ruuud upon which flower* in ths many orrMponding hues were blended. Down he trout of the bodice and tbe edge ot the oar( wa* arranged a deep lace worked in iad cf th* earns shades. A long fring* completed tbe wbole. A small lac* man- illa fluished tbe ojstnme. Snob a blending 1 colors, artistically need, wae: one* a avorit* with tb* Empress tugtuie. rl.u. I .! I. Balida, Col., ban sixteen laloon* mi to bureh. Rom* in th* day* of Hadrian, i* sup' pjsed to have contained 7,000,000 mbabr ants. To ruanufactuie 6,000 tons of potato taroh would rt quire 1,676,000 bushel* of polatoe*. Two waggon loadi of watermelons hauled nto Fresuo, Gal., th* other day numbered but sixty -live meloLs, bul weighed upwaid >t two tons. On ths middle stem undernsatb a cotton eaf i* a small 0*11 or oavity tbat coo tain* a Irop ot blood, whiob can be seen by press- UK the thumb nails. Lesi than fifty yearn ago it cost (or a ingle letter carried not over thirty miles, cents ; lens tbau siithty miles, 10 cents ; s than 160 miles, 1< cent* ; 4UO miles, .5 cents. Tbe Salvation Army's oolors fly in seven- eu countries. It ha* 2.660 paid officers, 1,060 oorpe and titi'j auxiliaries aud twenty - pnbhoatiouB, inoiuding uiuettien news- >apera aggregating 5UO 000 circulation. Tbe iriuy ha* nearly doubled in strsngth within a year. A I ! Blrt 'l|..lonr.. B*v. Orrin Oermao, Mothodiit minister ;o tbe Indian* of Whit* Hsb Lake, arrived in th* oity yesterday by tbe Port Arthur .rmu, on tbe way to bi* n*w field of labor, ilia wife and (our little children are with nm. They expect to continue their jour- ley early next week, going firm to Oalgary >y train and then driving tb* remaining no mile* aoroea tbe country. Bev. Mr. }rman spent la*t year m Ontario, during which he completed the translation and publication of a Cree Hymn Book of 328 lymn*. Having mastered tbe language while laboring (or a number of years a* a missionary at Oxford Housx and Norway Bouse, h* now goes to lake tbe place of Rev. H. B. Staiohaner, a veteran native Indian miaeionary wbo died a few month* ago. Wimiiftg free Preu. Bairn i> T Mmrks. A Ban Francisco despatch says: Tb* steamer Maripoea, which arrived bere yes- terday from Honolulu, brings tbe follow- ing: "Tbe konooner Pohoiki, during a hi., 1 leu iqnall, otpsizad ctf Ibe ocaet o( Hawaii, near Kan diitriel, and all on board were thrown into the water. Two of tbe crew managed to get into tbe boat which had been in tow of the schooner aud renoned two other nailers, but tbe captain, bis wife and child and two others of the crew were abased by sharks and drawn under tbe water before tb* reeouers were able to reach them." Ida Lewis, th* Newport heroine, baa lot! tb* Newfoundland dog tbat WM her oomyanioa iwimmir. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Latest Over the irom World. All Mr. Jjbn Joje*. of tbe Bhedden Com pany, was attacked by a party of rougbn while on bit way to hi* cffioe in Montreal, and *o badly mauled that be was unable to attend oovt on Saturday to prosecute one ot tbe scoundrels who was arrested. In order to settle the disputed question as to the amount of execution thai can bi dune with a Ostllng gun, experia.ent> ili ba made ith one ot those owned by tbe M liua Department at tbe Bideau range duriug the Djminion Rifle Antiooiation meotifcg this week. A cabman named Samuel Pool bad a row in ahouseof ill (am* on Notre Dame street, Montreal, with a rowdy named Laclare, wbey ibe latter knocked bis opponent downstairs, injuring him ID severely tbat the hospital medical superintendent tbiuks Pool will not recover. Fiom tbs 1st of September the rate* ol freight on grain by water from Kmgitou, Out., to Montreal will be advanced three- tigbtb* of a ctul per bushel ou grain. I wa* understood when the reduction wa< made, early in the seaaou, that it would expire s.1 the end of this month. Pay Sergeant Stewart's sentence was proiuulK*ud oa Saturday at Kiugntcn. Tbe court sentenced bi-u to be reduce i tu Ibe ranka aud a year's imprisonment with- out bard labor. In consideration ot his long and faithlul service, however, General Middletoa reduced tbe term of impneoi.- meut to six monlhu. The iLquent al Kingston to discover tbe eao*e of death of John Fowler resulted in a verdict of Daatb from natural causes," ttrangulated hernia. The verdict did not satisfy tbe ooroner, but finally it was accepted. The doctors did i o; agree a* to the cause of death. However, Newlauds wa* exonerated from all blame. Detective Cosgrove, of Cbiesgo, arrived iu London yeclerdsy and identified tbe thief, wbo gave hi* name a* Brown, arreiled on suspioiuu there by Diteotive Pbair on Tnnrsday, a* Henry Strieker, a clerk of Dbiosgo, wbo robbed bis employer'* store a week ago. Most of tbe goods w*r* found in ai* posseitiou. He will probably ba tried 'or bringing itoleea good* into Canada. A few day* ago Fishery Inspector Mcr- rill *Ued ecme nets betooKifg to Mr. O. 3exton, reeve of Portsmouth, tbat were in reserved wateri, and be intends proaeout- Dg him. Mr. Sexton bis ixned eummonae* 'or Inspector Msrrilt and Ool. Campbell, wbo wa* with him when tb* Mixure was made, for illegal aeuure, and the loimer say* he will i r js-oute the reeve fur threat- ening to put a charge of bnokvbol in him. A farmer in the township of Bam, Quebec Province, named Bouverl, shot and tiled his son Andre, 19 years of age>, laving mistaken him in the bush for a bear. Two youths who beard ones like those of a war from the woods cams and told tbe atherbf the young man, when bo iu-bed out with a fcua and fl red where be saw something moviof. Tb* shot bad a fatal fleet, as tbs youug man only survived (o; Ive minutes. Daoisl Moe?, a (armer living on tbe first ooiiOeBi'ju of WaJkmgham, about (our niles fr ;ui Foil Kows>u, led bie home Friday morijiuK after breakfa-l, it<-iug to saw-mill about a mile and m Lalf distat I le started to return, aud wa* ***L by me men orooeiug the field*. kiuo wbion 10 trsoe cm be found of Lieu M'. slue* ia* lately shown iigL* o( derangement, iiid the only theory advanced (or hi* dm- ifpearanoe i* tbal b* baa drowned himself u a creek uem>r where be Wa* last seen. A terrible aud fatal accident occurred on th* steamer Hero while ebu wa* on her ray fiom Dvaennto on Saturday morning it 4 SO o'oliok. Jthu Diokion, fireman, was oa watch, wbau a portion of Ibe crown beet o( tbe boiler gave war, allowing tbe team to enter Ibe furnaee, tbe door of whiob wa* burst open and Dickson, wbo ras sitting In the fire box, wax scalded to lalb. Deceased lived 10 Kingston, and eaves a wits and three children. After the accident tbe Hero was towed to Ktugeton ly tbe tug Rescue. No other person on ward wasitjured. Diokson was takicg hree trips lor another fireman, and tb* on* in which b* wa> killed wa* hi* last. Spanish troops have occupied Yap and be Paloa* Islands. Mr. Mowbray Morris bas been appoiottd editor of " Mstomillan't Magsxms." Mr. Olad.lon* left Mold*, Norway, oa he yaobl Hjubeam Saturday (or the Bbet aud islauds. Il is reported tbe Premier of Cape Colony rill VIM: Euglacd in eonueotion with tbe ieohuaualand qusation. Three peraons were killed and several Djured by tbe fall of a cliff yesterday at Jawlisb, Devonthire. It is aaid tbe yueeu intend* to receive and entertaiu visitors at Balmoral Castle daring her present tsy there. Ths Russian naval matte ivree at Bel- ingfor* will be oondnoled in abaolnt* torfoy. Noforeigo attaches will bo allowed to witnra* them. Tbe Boyal Eagliih Commission on th* lousing of the poor cays tbal, with all tb* x>veily and overcrowding, tbe siaudard of morality is bigh. Earl Carnsrvon threatens prompt punish- ment (or the rioters who recently Inter- .red to prevent evictions at Mulilnavat. Lie Hays tbe mob mast be taught to respect ibe law. Bev. Mr. Tslmage preached at 8t Church. Belfast, yeaterday before aoougrcgaiiou numbering fully 4000. He afterwards addrene-d an assemblage com l-uti-d at kbiuv 40 000, wbo could not gain admittance to tbe oliureh. Tbe Bnisian 0)vrnmenl ba* io*niid a dtorte uiakiug the Oretk Cburoh the estab- lished religion of tb* Bltio Provinces. Children bora cf mixed marriage* are to be trained 10 the Oreek Church. Tbe decree is certain to excite great discontent among German settlers. It is reported tbe Turkish Government lias computed its proposals for a discussion with Sir B. 1> Wolff on tb* basis of Eng- land's immediate evacuation of Egypt. Tb* 3raod Vnier and hi* patty are opposed to joint occupation of Egypt. A section of ihe Ministers are inclined to meet Kuglaud lalf way. Tbe i tlioial betrothal between Prinoe Waldemarof Denmark and Prince** Marie of Orleans wae celebrated Aug. 14th at Gmunden. Prinoesie Marie was born* on he 13th of January, lB6r>, and is tbe eldest laughter of tbe Duke of Uhartre* and th* 'rmtwm Franooiee of Orleans, a daughter of the Prinoe do Jotnville. The Onion line steamer Wisconsin, hiob sailed from Liverpool Saturday (or sw York, ba* on board 329 Mormon con- rert*, including many women and children. July 90 of these were recruited in England, [he rest are from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark and other continental countries'. Tbe urty ia in charge of fourteen eldsrs. Tbe German Government is preparing or the approval ot tbe Kaiohstag bills (or tbe construction of several new canals within tbe empire. One of the** bill* is 'or a ship canal from tb* Baltic Sea to tbe German Oaean, with strong forts al each month and at commanding piintsalongtb* route. Thil work will cost an imorm <u- amount. M. Jules Ferry addressed an audience of 4,000 pertoue at Bordeaux yesterday. He oppOMid ths abolition ot tbe religions bud isl and tbs revision of the constitution. He laid be bellsved Tonquin could pay the o! MOapatiOQ , tbil Frtuoe was respected because the was strong, and tbal she must have confidence in herself aud respect for the rights of other*. A large League meeting wa* held at Kil larney yeiterrfay. Mr. T. of. HeaUy. M P. spoke on the land question. Ha advised tbe people to abstain trom committing ool rages, especially when likely to aerve tbe intsreals of landlord* and policemen, and that thty should not put all thsir Unit in ths Irish party m ibs House of Common*, wbo were only aapper* aud miners in the army carrying tbe war into the *nemy'e camp. Mr. O Unei:. M P., followed. He> declared tbat ibe advantage gained would never be loa>, aud tbat the landlords must bo abolished. The Marquii of Hartington delivered aa oddrea* at th* meeting al Rochdale on Haturday, in which be urged tbe extension of local aelf-government, MO tnt-, Parlla- uiont might be enabled to give il attention solely to Imperial legislation. No party, be said, would ever concede Mr. Parnell'* demands, tb* ultimate rtsult uf which would be to bind the British members, irrespective of politics, to oomoino to keep the Empire intact. Lord Hartugtoo ssil be wa glad Mr. Parnell bad explicitly dtnued his position and ibs conditions upon which bis alliance could be purchased. H* thought no political party iu England would bay on tbe terms uamed. The public mud i* *low to admit Ibe deatb of a hero a* long a* there remains a loop wbsreoD to hang a diubi. Tear* after bones ol Fraukliu lay bleaching ou tbe white plains of tha frozen north there were ardent utlitvers in his hviug nutenoe. At-d now, despite, perhap* keoanta of tbe multiplicity of account* of Gen. Qjrdon'e murder al tbe fall of Khartoum, tb* belief is growing that ho etospad from the belea- guered city and fled to ihe Equator. So strong has this fseliug grown, aud of all places, in military circle*, that a mission la* been organized to oearcb for and rescue tbe general, wbo may be said officially dtolarcd dead by the recent vote of Parlia- ment for a monument to be erected to hi* memory. Iu hi* interview with tbo Sullen, Sir H. L). Woiff read a personal tneaeage from tb* (Jueso to tbe Bulian, expressing her best wisbsa for bi* peace and friendship. Tbe Queen referred to berprevionsaoquaiotanee with Ib* Sultan, and recalls tbe loyalty of the Bultan's father as an ally of England. Sue says the hope* to help the Bul tan to tablieh a Government iu Bgypt conducive tqnslly to tbe Saltau'e right, tba happiness f tbs Egyptians and tbe interests ot Eng- land aud I je Powers, aud toat tuis will bo basis ot bir II D. Wulfi'* t Hurts. The bul ttii made a gracious reply, saying hs valued the frisudabip ol tbe Queen and an alliauoo with England, aud aided be would detunate tbe ufnoials tu cotter with Hir H. L> Wolff respecting Egypt, and would grail a further audience on tne sab j tot. Another mettmg wa* held in Paris on Saturday iu connection with tbe death of Olivier Pain. M. K.oueforl pre-ided and tuade a speech in which be repeated his charge* igaiuat Eig nd, claiming thai sb* ras directly respuusibl* fur the murder of Pain. Too meetug adorted resolutions affirming tb* solidarity between th* people* Francs aud England, aud demanding the [/nuishment < f Pain's sssastlns. No note- worthy incident marked tbo proceedings. Tbe meeting was b*ldiu ibe Wiutor oirou", and U 000 persons were present. The speakers also expressed sympathy with ihe isb (e pie aid abu-td Ki;.g Alfonso. Litters from Irlsb luvineiblea assuring tb* u g uf their ) mnatby wr* read amid ,rct eulbnaiatm Mis. Margarsl Badgeou died on Friday at O-ojda, Mich., aged over 104 year*. C- -- four hundred Hungarian* and Pulaudars l>(. Haasiton, Pa., on Saturday for tb* Canadian Nortbw>t. Il is expected a great many more will leave lor tb* earn* rvKtona " a tew day.. A man named Ainsdej, 68 year* of age, wa* struck by a awitcb sngiue ou Wrigbls side Iraok, near Orauville, Mioh., ou Ssinr- day moruiutf aad instantly tilled. His Body we* mutilated iu a humble manor. Xue annouLoim*nt wa* mad* yesterday of th* death iu Chicago ol one of lot oldest f not Ibe oldest minister iu the Preiby- ii- nan Church of ths United Hlatt*. Bsv. William Brohttoo, sg*4 80 yeaii aud I mouths. A mixtd train was derailed ou Saturday on tbo ludiaua A Lliuoi* bjuthern Bailroad near Newtou, 111. Ou* oar rolltd down a high oiubaukmeot. Mr. Love, ot Newton, an fatally K jureo, and turte ladia* and a child badly hurt. A dosen ukber pas**og*r* wrs itjiired. Full rsinrni ol ths osnsus in Dakota say that tba population of ths eour- Territory baa luoreaaed trom 130.177 In 1880 lo 263,- 465, while tbe uuuioer of farms has in- creased trom 17.430 to 82,747. Returns of tb* Nebraska ocusus show tbat ibe p >pola non ba* luoreued from 452.409 in 1880 to 710 000 al in* present titne. Four prisoner* eeeaped from Cbemuog oonuty jail, Eisuira, on H.turday nixnl. 1'bey removed a stoae in the roof of the bath-room, in tbe upper part of a tier of ceils, walked on tho graliog to a skylight ventilator, thence to tb* roof, and 1*1 ibi uiielve* to the ground by a rop* made of blankets and bed ticking tied to a lightning rod. The Urtai Ulectev el Alaska. According to tbe ban Franc. sco Conner, the great glaoior o( Alaska is ouoviug al tbe rate of a quarter ot a mil* per annum. Tb* front present* a wall ot lo* 600 fe*t in tbickuees ; it< breadth variss from three to ten miles, and its length u about 160 miles. Almost evtry quarter ot ao hoar hundreds ot ton* of ice iu large bh oka tall lato tho sea, which they agnate iu ths most violent manner. Tbe wave* are said to be snob tbat tow ab_>ut the largest v**asls which approach tbe giaour as if they were email boats. Tbe ice is extremely pure aud dszling 1 1 the eye ; it ba* tints of tbe lightest blue as well as of Ibodeepeelindigo Tbe top n v. ry roux,u aud broken, forming -ujull bills, aud evau chain* at monutalui in miniature. Tuia imoiene* mae* of io, said to be more than an averag* of a thousand (eet thick, advances dally toward Ib* sea, _ A Tii.i.i. . ! Pae. The readers ol llarptr't Dntrrr will remember that the late Bishop Gilbert Haven was reported as saying, when dying ol wearmea*. Ibal be " expected to rest in heaven lor a thousand years with hie bsad lying in tbe lap of hi* dear wit* Mary." This poetic fancy made it* impression on tli- mind of a e/orlby miniiter wbo bad recently married a second wife. Being called to preaob a funeral sermon, bis new but second wits being present, he lave his ideas of the rest and blias ol leaven, and warming up with nil theme, ie exolaimed, " I expect, in the langnsge ol ths lamented Bishop Haven, to spend my first thousand years in heaven, with my head on tbe lap ot my first wife." Wbat occurred when the funeral wa* over and the parsonage doors closed bee not been revealed. l-rohlhlllmi Mm \ . .1 Oat in Ktnsai the story of bow probibi- lion doe* not prohibit ha* been fully realized. Tbe individual wbo want* wbii-key in Ktnsa* fills out a blank certifi- cate, slating what he wants it (or and tb* inantily . The certificates run about like nun : " Four bottles of beer for diartl <,' ' one quart brsl Scotch whiskey for head- tobc," "die cane if porter for sprained ankle," and ao on. PMOISIUAI. NBW H1K M iii Il Takes ! make a Olsiai Weallfcy There. Any one who has lived here even twenty or twenty-live year* can *c* bow prodigality ba* been increased, aud citizen* aged 70 or thereabout aru amaaed al tbe change thai ba* occurred in tbeir day. I hav* talked with old men wbo aay tbal New York wae a soisll city ot simpla habits and tastes in their early youth. Then not a, single Man- hat toner, cot indeed a single American, cxoeut John Jacob A-tor, was worth 81,030,000; and now 11,000,000 i* considered barely a competency. Then the giver of a party wbo expended in ail more then 1300 or 9400 would have been reckoned as rush- lug UIKIU bankruptcy , now tb* dowers- ordered for entertainments of ten cost alon* from 81,000 to 11.500, aonwtime* much more, lie who could earn H.OUO annually ae thought fortunate, and 15.000 (rom invest- ment! waa accounted a princely revenue. Al preaeu', the mo*l self-denying bachelor would fiud it difficult to subsist on II 000, and 15,000 is declared to b* tbe smallest um a married man, having poasibly on* ot? two children, can gel on with. A Nsw Yorker is LOI though! to-day to ba rich unless be has a property of 13.000 000 or 14,000 000, end tbe very rich baa four, five, ix or ten time* as much. There ara hundreds of families wbo ipebd trom I100.UOO to tl 50,000. and diieua wbo opcud (rum I450.0UO to JOO.'JOO. booh prof u.ion Is wild, aud seem* uuiuable in a oily where thousand* aud thousand* lack the common necessaries of life. I say it seems so ; it is not really so, I suppose however foolish and wasteful U may aeem-ainoe ail Ibs surplus, applied to tne very poor, would not permanently relieve them. A'. Y. Com. Adi-ertiter. tthii. Canto ler Oatarle. In the midsummer report of the Ontario Experimental Farm for 1885, ibe subject of ibe above caption is thus aliudtd to by Prof. Brown : " I think u n lime tbe farmera of Ontario came to a detiaion a* to breeds of cattle aud ibeep. We are not old truly, bul neither are we young in experience, nor m enter- prise. Naturally during ths past ten yews Ib* fever of breed* ha* occupied moob of our attention along with other netione, and while admitting tbo liability ol tbe outside market to change, theie can b* but littl* in be future to aflcoi our local waul*. Our Provincial condition* are not of t kind to >t twisted about by tvery wiud of farm peculation, for we ate solidly crop grower* and U.USI always 1 remain so. W* utid not touob al present upon the legitimate field* of live stock op*n ao favoiaoly to n* in breeding for ceightoring Pr. vines* and tbs Cuited States in olaaaes of cattle and kueep that are not ao desirable for Ontario. A* crop growers, therefore, wo muit always rtmain promiosnl producers ot cattle and sheep even assuming we had no outaid* market, tbe very mention of grain (rowing implieiliv* itock now in oar old arable conditions. Let us give np Ibe much-talked about brseds suitable for Ontario ; it i* not necessary to keep in good terms because of tbe peace al any- price principle with every admirer or patron if tb* ten or twelve olascee each of cattle and aheep, and as it ueaaier for m* to stand criticism by reason or thickened use, I shall now open what I trust may be Ibe doling controversy. We require oaltl* directly and indirectly far beef production and cattle for Ibe d airy ; I knew of no othar local cattle want. In each ot Ibea* we wish to obtain the great ttt anonul of the bttl through the moet permanent sjuroe aud at the least coat. We are perfectly satisfied thai Aberdeen Poll, Hereford and OUIoways are not tb* best f r the flrtl purpoee, al- though they arc certainly good, and to place Ibem aa competitor* for tb* second would b* an admiolon of great ignorance indeed To meet aoy tbiakbeededueia, allow toe repetition that we are speaking for tbe averag* farmer of Oatario, and not for tvery farmer of the ProviLc. It is not to tasy. bow*v*r, to dismiis tbe Jersey, Ayrshire and Holstem, bul il ha* to be done. The three nrtt an well enough known iu Canada, aud require no dseerip tion nbw. N-uber tb* Jmy. Ouernaty, Ayrahir* nor Devou can possibly lake th* place of direct or u direct beef makers ; tor tb* dairy they have strung claims, and hence the difficulty ot many in oboosug. Ware Ihe dairy to beojms one-ball ol all oar agricultural interest, end on* bait ol our arable area became permanent pasture, w* would hesitate in saying good bje to all these breeds; but. will Outarm ever change Irom her six months' dry fodder and her top beef ? Wa are also still of opinion that Ontario judgment will always admire tb* milk, and butler, and oheeee as seen through ths greatest omMtent allowance of flesh aye, sveu to tbe disadvantage of the former Ibinge, so lbl con d we potti bly gel all the demrej value trom an Ayr- shire, Jersey, Guernsey or Devon Ibeir *i*o end form are against Ibsm. To say that this is foolish would b* right com meroially, but what is bred in th* boo* i* said to b* invaluable so long ae it ie be- lisved. Il i* natural to pause on meeting ibe HoUteia. b.cause *xprieLO* ot them ie short, and in tome rrrpectt we sse our typical mn.ure ot butcher and dairyman in tbs male especially. Uolltnl doe* not care lor Ib* beef tbat Euglaud, aLd eveu Oaoadt, love* to produce. Are w* right, then, in cxpioting this breed to fill tb* account lor Uutario, when in its own country it has not been managed for such sn end? Tn* pombilitie* are, therefore, tgaiuil tbtt nuion of beef and milk UL reasonable a* such t general purpose idea may be and, in any oa**, we have to wait tor evidences. Tbe special dairy want* ot Ontario oan be fully maintained by selection from her common o. w. -the acclimated, hardy . ranging, non beefy, and liberal milking grade. Ttoe epveial beef aud the 001 jiinl beef and dairy want* of Ontario oan be beat upheld by the use of that stamp of Snort Horn so easy to select and to often met with. Why, then, iheneed of more discus lion. < I Itltl VI TOPICS. KTHU LioroLn of Belgium ba* written a letter to ths President of the Boyal Geo- graphical Society, in which he says, with regard to th* proposed Congo Bailroad : " Ia order that tbe Free Slate of Congo may render to civilisation and commerce the set vice* w* txptol, il u neneeaary that w* build Ibe railroad between Vivi an dH tan ley tool, and that w* place the moat capable agent* al Ib* head ot tb* African Slate W* at* now actively engaged with the rail- road, tho surveys for which ar* al present in progrees. Ws do not wish to launch our project until tbe su jsareoi.iijj.lend, and we ar* in accord with mercantile house*." THS debate on the Sixpenny Tslegrapb Bill in England has brought out some odd fact* concerning London ilreet nomencla- ture and the Telegraph Department'* rulings. London has, according to Lord John Manners, 75 Cbarlea street*, 64 John Meets and J'J Church street*, in addition to 70 Park villa* , J Avenue roads and innumerebleother duplications and redupli- cations ol svsn uncommon street name*. Mr. Sbaw-Lefivre added aome information about double words, aud ootnplainad tbal P. M. is sent by tb* Ulegrapb aulhoruiew aa one word, while M. P. must b* paid for a* two woids. Newcastle ou.Tjue also goee a* on* word, wbii* New York ia otiargtd aa two, and halfpenny la oue word, but ji. three words. A cuaiocs point io British electoral law it just now deeply sgilatiug the Libera' party in the !! ot Thactt division o| Kent. Tb* Lioerl candidate is a clergy, man of the Cnurch of .England, and, ot ouuref , ae long aa h* remain* in h< ly orders be i* incapable of sitting in the Hoot* of Common*. H* ba* taken step* to til him self of hi* clerical disabilities, but be can - noi be released trim hi* orders until the ftijd of November, and the party wbo sup- port bis candidature are greatly concerned to know whetnsr the issue of tb* write for th* general eleetiona will come al such a date ae to enable him to b* nominated slier the *J2ud Novsmbsr. Of conn* be mu*t b* freed Irom hi* clerioal profession bstore ho can be nominal* d. Tux town of Waltham, Ma**., already ae famous for II* watches a* ever Balem wae for it* witches, bid* fair to achieve fresh uotoristy by tb* uncomfortable conduct of the Mayor, wbo persists in a rigid infore*- msut of ao old bunday law prohibiting all work or travel on Sunday, excepting, of COUTH, fur charity. m*roy, worship or necessity. But th* Mayor of Waltham intuit* that tb* Sunday law also eoven batorday evening from sundown, and ae thi* would preclude snob labor as shaving in barb*r-*bop* to that customers may present a decent appearance when going to oburob, and would *v*n stop such secular employment** choir r*h*arsmg for Sunday siugiug, aud p *i lively ibe hard labor, as it moat be sometime*, of preparing discourse* for uen day'* preaching, considerable re sisiaue* to tb* Mayor'* action is confi- dently looked for. Take all a all. T*ke all tbs Kidney* and Liver Mtdicim*. Take ill tbs Blood purifier*, Take all th* Z^JVCBMUI and Ir. digestion MM lake all tb* Ague, Fsver and bilious ifteiliet. Take all tbe Brain and Nervs fore* Take all tb* Great health restorer*. In iHort, take all tb* be*t qualiltee of all theae and the tot, Quatitui of all tb* beat medicine* in tb* world, and yon will find tbat Hop ItitUn hav* Ib* beat euraslv* qualitt** and power* of all concentrated in them, And that they will ear* when say ox all of theae, singly or- eomkintd. Pall III! A thorough trial will giv* pott si v* proof of thi*. arelrswsl I Five years ago I broke down with kidney and liver complain I and rheumatism. Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver htfiant hard Ilk* nod , my limbs wer* puffed up and filled with water. All tbe bssl phyaietane agreed taas aotaV iog could cure me. I resolved to try Hoe Biturs; I havs used sevsn bottles, tit* bardasea ha* all goos from my liver, ta* swelling (rom my limbs, and It ha* worked miracle in my case, otherwise I woexsi iavs been DOW 10 my (rave. J. W. MOUT. Buffalo, Oct. 1, 1M1. rail a*e Following is a list of dates of tb* Isading fair* to be bsld this fall in Ontario : Provincial London .. InJustriai . ... Tun nto ..... . Tho ex-Emprea* Euneni* is mtking a round of European watering place* aa tb* Jouutae* do Piorretonds. Tb* detective I police of Garlabad, learning that th* aMumed title was notitioni, reported her M advuturss. It i* estimated that the oppoaing oandi- datee for District Attorney of Luaerno county, Pa., have promised fifteen hundred post cfnos to politicians, though there are only a hundred to be filled by anybody. The causes of a separation between a Georgia husband and wife wore tbat she bad, until after marriage, concealed from him the fact that her handsome teeth were false, and tbat b* neglected to tell her that he snored in hit sleep. Thty could nol agree to asl on* fault against the othsr. Tbe legal business in London is almost sotirely iu ths hands of ou* lonrth of th* members of th* prolestion. Queer vestige* ol old-lime etiquette still linger in Virgiuia. Il ussd to be and in a meaaur* i* still considered ibe height of rudeness for one person in driving to pas* toother person on tbe road I A* a result, tbe slowi st coach on tbs road could ksep all tbe others behind it . time and distance wsre relatively ot no importat o. Even DOW the people apologize when they |>a eoh other on tbe road. It ha* alo been alleged that a really high bred Virginian never so far forgets eliquelte a* to u .juire ol a ntrauger where b* wa* from, bt-oanne I tbe *trang*r ought be forced to acknowledge that he was from some olbsr State tbau Virginia, and It waa only charity torpare him this mortifying admission. Il is a hotly d i puled point, and has been for th* last 900 years, wbetber a guest spending th* night with hi* host should make ths movs to go to bed or whslbs: the boil should. PJ.7.U. eptrig. Mfl. 5-10. kltiahids *lmsr aept. llt-ri. C.nUal Hami u u b.|>l !-<*. b 'Uihero. hi. Tbuuiaa Hay /uricn atiicbell Luul-ay Liu.laay Usnabiuoa uwabruek kept. I Nuiia Lanark Alu.ouu n*|>t i Cuillncwuixl Tp_Collli>| wood ... " L'oiuo. belltfville Kurth 1'eru MUaifur l Uulletl ...Clinton bep*. K-sa. 1> u.U.u l 1 ^ iMartuo. ... ...rie^l. iKV. lui'-n .........__. Wi^> ifiuo* . Aeyt. vs. ftnutn Ontario Whitby . '.. ' . .'.Hevt. *>**X Mallfleel too)f Creek.. .bepl ftm. huut. Huron KisWr He|>v *-ti Hurxicu.tjral C.nuiuirton aet.1 aHjv Csntral (iuelpb Kept. vju Orejr Durham sept. sJO. Uawai* St. i athann Ni)ftnrru .tilea CraiiE North brace .1'alalejt > a.! i.r>> Kieabertoo .. pv. sV-JO. Wetfuatnculi'l. WestminsUr...Kept- SO. 1'suiusular C atbam Sept. WOcC 1. 'I Urainptoo bept. MJeL 1. tutral Fatsrburo' Sept. *t-Oct- 1. NurtU Slur< Ci llo<WuoJ....4ll>t. avX)*.. i. buutu Lauars Kerth aept. MO**. I rnuahCuluuibia.Nsw Westmi'r..Oct. la. bwt Lamlil.iu WyoujlUM Oct. 1 i. UuSariu uana>vj,e Oct. 1 i. 1'tirnaui ..howuiaariile...Ucl. 1-i. T*efeet*ssitb Hea(uctj.._ ,^t. l i liiruneiu tin uoo ._ r >ci. li r>iocT'lme Klucar.lloe UoL It us> nlus L'uiun...autt>m oct 1 j. Pun K -*ui(pa Oct la. Cbesley CbMlsv Oct. l-i. Souui urUnabjr.. Huiiuville Oct. l *. (tisuelK Mara4ale Oci l-s\ Huiueniile Cubueook ..Oct. I-H Ws.t Mi'l llewi ..trathror Ocl 1 j. (ireeuock Plukartuu Oct i BM*Msle| .. (t-nrgetawn .. Oet. H bvutn Nurwlcb ..OiBtrvtlle ....Oet. j. Houihw 1,1... l,.n. Oct J. Uuuwich I'uti.laJk ..... ...Ocl. V4 boutri OlforJ lnj;erLill Oct. $T. Kui INiueoe onnis . Oct. *7 I'aluiemoD I'aiiuerstun Oct . lr.iuaJ, T |. ulle on Oct. & il'llaul... Ctiauwurth Ocl. 6. a'lua ..Newry Oct. 'I Naseasjaweya fr^itille... Oct. e\ UalJiiaaail Cayuga. oct -7. Norib Krant. Pans . . Oct. e-7 NwUi Vt.rk ...Newmarket Oet. B-T. We Clfin Weliaoetown... Oct. e-T. South 1'srlh ht. Marys.. Octet. Kuutu siuieoe Cuuku>wn Oet fl-t. MslaucUiuu Kbelburne OcC. 6-T. Union BalUieburo' ...Ovtft-T. Nurth duiario ... I >tiri.le Oct 87. 1'i' Oct 8-7. Tar ...fara <>ctt.7. "I was 4nMsU down witta dabs, powty asMl S^r*! 7 '^"- c * ct * 1 b <auy ** larx >>iils fbr ' "." et " n f'*lT Oiseoarafsd. oaul oa* vaar ft. biUieadvioe of mi pa>u 1 eusnsaastsiast ' ""pl "' ' ..... * ., ... all ell. tad noa* of a bats S*M a s.> lav eisvM sn I 1 .ant I , ear Iu all poor IBM. vo*. *aa keaw roar faiutlis* wsu a year wiUi Ub bltsars 3 less than oos J'jetor's j.i wu] tout. I snow if A WOBXIJIUMAT. leouins wiuwal t kooctt ot IT tbe wbli* latai. at an all UM stuff wtUi Hop - or BOB* Kvery poreon sntsricg D*troil from )anada u lo b* exaained by a msrtioaj man , this step is being taken in eooee- ]u*nos of tb* *msUpox soar*. > " n .. -. . i Sext to a clear oocsosno* for solid jrt comet an old aba*. Oa* lists u> th* fact thai old shoes aud another tbal they cannot all worn. Undoubtedly Joeb mutt be luffertr from corn*, and bas ool yet heard of tb* great and orly Putnam's Painlete Corn Ext great remedy osver fails to worat eorni-eofi or hard -in a lew day*. No discomfort, no son apott. bul prompt and certain ear*. Btwart of flash **ting and tore producing enbttituiee. Uee Putnam a only. N. C. PoUoe * Co., Kits*, too, proprs. Ths Commiaatonar of Crown Lftodi of Ontario has ad*rtis*d a sal* of umber berth* on lh north shore of Lake Huoo, to take plao* on the Wjd Oetoaer. te same doctors from advertising their skill, but we are bound by no took conventional rule*, and think that if w* make a Ci.e<,very that i* ot benefit to otar fellowt we oufbl to spread tbe (set to tb* wbol* land. Therefor* w* cause to be publisLed throughout tbe land tbs feel tbat Dr. R V. Pisros* "(Jjldsn Msdieal Die- covery ' u tb* be*l aaowu remedy for oonanmptioo (scrofula ot the lungs) and kindred disease*. Bsad two stamp* tor Dr. Puree's complete treatise on oatsumr,- lion, with urMurpaesec) m*an* of salt. treat- ment. Address. World'* Die.eoiary Medical Anoetatton, Boflalo, N. T. Toe glory of Cincinnati ha* departed. Milwaukee make* more b**r and Btnaai City pack* mor* bogs. las-Aim* Ltdisa' Collet, St. Thomae, Oji , will Rj opea Sept. IJJi, laU3. Fall Htaffof lii T*ach*rs la Mosie. LiMrainre, Fine Art* anj Cjinmsrcial Bon Address Pnocipt! Austin, B, D. The wardrobe Iwfi oy Mari* Ao totostt* in her eell cjuoieled of two dimity japoos, ons dree* aud a jtcqostte in ojene .. Walksrtoa_ ornmijtoa .......Uilvsrton . Pnnoe KJwarJ I'ictou H .-.1,T[1 West Himeoe 1'Uftlitich llr.nlf rl Harris . 1'ii.liucti .. .Muws>l ..... ...Oev >. .h>Qelil Oct. 5-9. ..MarkUaiu Oct. . .oet . .Oct. T. ..Oct. TA ..Oe. T-a. Oct 7* Hlauief .. Kul ork . Koutb WaMflop...ltall ... Ksat Nurthumber- , 'and Waraworth.._Oct.!t. Hsltuu OvuaiT... Ocl. * .t Kai>hrssla Rocklyu Oet t Ho eniont K seui.nt Oct 9. Harwich lilsi4beiiu__....Oct. li-13. bibthlouT'p Urujbloa Oct. U. uluri.n KnuarioD Oet. U. Nor ols Union ...Mmoo* OC4.U 14. Korwat I'niun Kurest t>ct lyi*. alasi Killing Peteiuuru Nurwoud. ...Oct 1*14. j *" Klyth Ocl U-li.' I T 'P - , Bchouitwr,- Oat. 13-14^ Ai|>ho>ls].Helmont an.lUumuur.^NurwooU Oet I Ferry anil '~v* I'ort Porry Oct U-li. ~.llianv Oct lilt. -r Kraiuuea l) t nu. Mur avr P Wooler Ocu u. I D'riiUe (luwlwoul Ol 14 U. Calevlouia . _ ...C'aloloula Oct U-lt. Thr tl.u.rf.r. l.|ew Between comfort and discomfort is often very slight. Have yon rhcumatiam or neuralgia? Why suffer longer? You oan purohas* for 10 coots a bottle ot that king ol pain Poison's NXSVILUB, or you oan get a large bottls for <6 eente. Hour** promptly. Il i* snr*. pleaeanl to take, and never fails to cure all kind* ot pain. Don't Wait an hour, bul send to any drag store and get a trial bottle. Nwvilin*. tb* tare pain cur*. -A Montreal reporter, who viiited a tene- ment in which smallpox patients lay, was diimlected. Tbe Star say* : From the odor which ba* accompanied him ever eiooe, be ha* com* to b* looked upon as a cross between a druggists' shop and a vol- oano. Composed of Smart Weed, Jamaica n. kT Camphor Water aud beat French Brandy, !>.-. Pierce's Kxttael of Smart* W,ed is tb* belt remedy for ditrrfcott. euolera moibiis. dysentery or bloody flux, colic or oraui t s, aud to break np cold*. Prino* Leopold, oa y son of the late Prinoe Frederick Chat.** ol Germany, ha* started on a long tour in th* Kasl. Tb* po*M*ion ol 14 000,000 *nablii him to do M bt -' S*cr*i, involuntary drain* upon th* syitem cured lo tnirly day*. Pam- phlet giving particular', three letter itaoupt. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Aatooiauoo, Buffalo. X. T. A Btxi'Vitdy btebetn making a remarka- Us ciutrioution la tb* Tisvs to tb* dM- eusaiou going on t> ut tb* stain* of bar *ex lo India. Every womta on tee death of her bu>baoj. svti. a child aeibaad i son. demnrd to perpttoal widowbocd. A man eta marry a second wife at th* death of hit Ural out, aad any onubtr of wtv* at oa* and tb* tame ltm. AH Ib* bjy* aad iirli m India ar* twiroidtJ iiiilieenlnbif aluo*i ae eoon at they art born, aad are brought together in r ay*.cilut.tM by the lime tbey have eo-nfleted tour IStk or b y*ar. Al the **> of al lateit a husband must b* found for *v*ry girl. TO DLALtH Aw'D i.ONSUMER. \V.' iiut- ^ n ' ( .- the finest lllx OTOT J .1 BTonnd aUxd nni^n m<l in tin-, U a |TtV<-' 1 >i\ry. Ourli.\ tii.- ; JN I:K SPICK an p>rf- ' :. : '' (>ur poods h-anded ' .n-" in-t- from athil 'lull. I ' . : NO ^ Tl I- 1 ri;i with wfiole i^a.-;.. Ground ('< )fftt>s iu AIK .AC-US, or -") 11). tins. I*i KK GKOCMD SPTCKB In all Hztii |iat;kKt. W. C. DUNN & CO., CANADA MILLS HAMILTON. 4. WftLEYi J L \IHKV COLLED HAMILTON. CANADA. THE OLDEST AND TUB MOST COUrUKTsl l..4tr.' reMee In the Dunilnon . liM.-vrr tee) craJuatee. ha* sda eaieUorsr *.*>*)) y. ia lalies bas ores- le> raw* tn 1 errrv eooTsatsDe* for reeatesn s*Ml iia. t'nusnal tavaoiat** la Masts aad Art even *rsx let. AJ treee ths Principal. s\. t !-. O.D.. I.I. . . MsoUoa this paper j .. i R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's ISlimai n* . - ; ., ^ toy , that K <* l.rl t n,-fu< ikal . . SB.H.I ihn : nllani't , ij-li' .- lukMred* ArosiTiVKcrBr FOBASTHUA Trial paesac* re*. >nJ tor II so J. ti LeaTltt Allleburo, Masa n ai , . IBM

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