\ DOMINION PARLIAMENT. I b. H. n Acl Mr. Juuienon submitted the petitions ol \ ibe General Assembly ot tbe Presbyterian Church in Canada ; tbe Grand Division of tbe Sons of Temperance of Ontario, and several branches of tbe Women's Christian Tempersnee Union, against those amend- ments. Other petitions to tbe same effect were presented by Mr. Dundas and others. A large number of petitions were presented against the Franchise BUI. The House at ouoe entered upon the con- sideration ot tbe aiaeudmants made in tbe Boott Aot by tbe Senate. On motiou of Mr. Jamieaon tbe amend- ments were read a aeoond time aa a whole and taken up mutim. Tbe first two amendments, which wtre minor ones, were concurred in on motion of Mr. Jamieaon. The third amendment was divisible into three heada. It gives pbyaioians power to dispense liquor as medicine. This Mr. Jamieucm moved be not concurred in, on tbe ground tbat it waa contrary to tbe pint ot tbe Aot to allow the same person to prescribe liquor who bad an interest iu its sale. Ibis waa taken up first, the others being discussed in turn. After this was disposed of, Mr. Hiokey said be thought it absurd that doctors should be debarred from prescribing liquor and administering it without keeping a reoord, when they were allowed to turLish tbe most violei.t poisons without reoord. It was absurd to suppose tbat any doctor would stay iu bis place to make money by dealing out whiskey at 5o. to lOo. a glass. It would uot pay, and even it it did no man wbo was intelligent and respectable enough to secure a medioal license would do snob a thing. It was a most inconvenient thing for a doctor to be compelled to send a patient to a druggist for the liquor which be prescribes, and in some oasm it would cause Ibe patient's friends great trouble and inconvenience to get the liquor, owicg to the fact that drug- gu>t were not to be found near at band in sparsely inhabited places. Mr. Orion said he regarded tbe apeeob of Mr. Jamiesou and tbis amendment as an insult to bis profeasion. In cities opium and morphia were used to a very large extent and were being used every day to ibe great injury of tbe people, and yet tbtre was no proposal to restrict doctors in pre- sorining those drugs. Mr. Foster strongly supported Mr. Jamie- son's motion. Thre was no intention to insult tbe medical profession, or members of it, but simply to throw a ueceteary safe guard about the sale of an admitted danger oua article. Mr. MoCraney said that while be believed ibe members of tbe medioal profeatiou were honorable as a whole, i bay baa among tbeir members some who were uot so. A return had been presented to tbis House showing tbe sales u! liquor in bis own county, where the Boott Aot was in force. One medioal man, whom be could name, bad given 1,700 oerunoales m tight mouths, about eight a day. Mr. Platt said he did not consider tbe amendment aa important as those ou both sides seemed to consider. He had triad to think ot some disability under whiab bi would be placed, as a medical man, shoulc Mr. Jamiesou's amendment be carried, but could uot think ot any. Tbe HOUHM divided ou Mr. Jamiesou's motion, which was lost ou a vote at 75 yeas 084 nayt. Tbe following is tbe division list : YKAS-Mesars. Allen, Allison, Armstrong, Auger Bain (Weutworth), baker (Mia5ix|uoi), Barnard Keruler, blake. bouraaaa, Howeli, Kurpee, Caiu ron (Hurou) Caiiierou (Inverness), Cameron (Middlesex!, eartwru;bt, Caaey. Caludal, Ciniou Oocurane, Colby, Davtee, IJundas, tairbauk Ferguson (Leeds and Oreuvillei, * laber, Korbes Foster Uilluur, Gordon, Uuillet, Ouun, lUtketi Uarley, Milliard. Holton, luues, Irvine, Jaime- son Jenkins, Kaulbach, King, hiuuey, Kirk Ijangelier, Laurier, Littvr, MacdouaM KIUKBI Mackenzie McCrauey, McUuugall (Cape Breton; Mclmyre, Moltaac, McLolan, MoUulleu, alcNoill Mills, Mulock, 1'aurauu (Kraut), Plait, Kay Hcriver, Houiervtlle (brent), Homervillo (liruce Hprlugor, butuerland (Oxford), Taylor, Teiu pie Trow. Vail. Wallace (Yorki, Wauou, Wuite (ilaatiogs). Wi sou, Wright 78. NAVR. Messrs. Abbott, bain iboulantiee'.Kake (Victoria), beaty. bell, Henoll, borgerou, blou deau bosae, buronaru, burns, OuueroD (Vic toria), Campbell (Victoria), Carilug, Caron, CM grain, chapienu. Costigau. Cougulln, Cotrrsul Cnrran, Cutbbert, Ualy, Uaoust, Uesaulmer Maukmougej. Uttauluitrs bt. Maurice), DM ardius bitkmsou, boild, Uuiuout, Farrow, Fer uacn \UlUi.il , rurtiu, Gaudet, Gault, Gigault Girouanl, (traudbnls. Ouay, Uuilbault, Hall Heaaun. Uickey, Homer. Hurieau, Kilvurt Kraut ll>ixMse. I.andry (Monuuaguyi. I*IIKBV.U Xjesage. Maodonald iBlr Jobui McMillau iVau dreuili, McCarthy, McOreevy, Maasut. Mitchell Me Dm, Moutpla'lsir, Orion, 1'aiut. I'mtorson (Essex), riiisontieault, 1'ruyu, Kioiwl, Hohoitaoi (Hamilton;, Kubertaou (HasUugs), I<OM, Koia llykert, bhakespeare, tiuiall, Bjiroule, Blairs Taschereau, Tasse, Tupper, \ aim, Vauaue, Wai lace (Albert), Wells, While (Cardwell), Wo.. (Brockville), Woud (Wostuioroland)-M. Mr. Uiokey moved tbat the first clause o tbe amendment, as made by the Senate, be agreed to, which waa carried. The aeoond olaune of tbe amendment waa then taken up, declaring that tbe Ac should not interfere with tbe sale by pbysi aians, obemiats and druggists of the follow ing articles : Official preparations ot thi authorized pharmacopoeias when made o full medicinal strength and sold only to medicinal purposes. Physicians' presorip ions containing spirituous liquora if sole in quantities ot not more that eigbt ounce at any one time. Any patent medicine nulesH such patent medicine is known to tbe vendor to be capable of beii>g need aa beverage, tbe sale of which is a violation o " Tbe Canada Temperance Act of 1878. Ban de Cologne, bay rum or otber article of perfumery, lotioua, extracts, vsrnishes tinctures, or otber pharmaceutical prepara tions containing aloohol, but not intends for use as beverages. Mr. Jamieaon moved that this be atrno out aa unnecessary under the present law Mr. Foster pointed out that giving tb power to doctors to dispense hquc a a medicine removed all tbe haic ship ot wbiob some of tbe doctors ot tbi House bad complained. There waa n reason, therefore, for opening tha deor at wide as to allow druggists to aall withot keeping a reoord, lor tbat would aimply d away with the possibility ol enforcing tb Boott Aot. Mr. MoCraney said it waa tbe duty o tbis Hou-e not to destroy tbe Canad Temperance Aot but to make it mor efficient and workable. If tbia amam ment passed, wbat waa to prevent a hole keeper from getting a chemist into hi hotel to keep a " drag store " where onl liquors would be dispensed ? A vote was takeo on Mr. Jamieson motiou tbat tbe amendment be struck out teoause 11 was unnecessary, wbiob was lost y 64 yeas to 108 nay*. Mr. Blake said be had voted against tbe mendmant of Mr. Jamieson partly because e oould not give bia assent to tbe view tbat ruggists already had tbe power under tbe aw to sell liquor under prescription, but tat be was opposed to tbis second sub iction wbioh conferred this power on ruggiata. Mr. Casey expressed similar viewi. Sir John Maodonald said be would vote , favor ot allowing the sale by druggists isJung prescription, because tbat was tbe eoessary consequence of allowing pbysi ans to diapenae liqnora. If a physician ould dispense, be should also be allowed o prescribe. Mr. Mills said tbat, aa be understood it, be " prescription " might be pure aloobol, id to authorize the sals by -ordinary drug- its, without register, would scarcely be onsiatent with tbe rest ot tbe Act, wbiob rovided tbat druggists specially licensed ell should sell only ou prescription, making a record of tbe sale. He thought ley should give tbe Aot a fair obanoe, bereae, by the course now being pursued ley were making it unworkable. Mr. Jamieson moved tbat thia clause of _e Senate's amendment be struck out, manse it was not in accord witb tbe spirit f the Aot. Mr. Cameron (Victoria) raised a point of rder tbat this was virtually a repetition of amendment just voted down, but tbe Djeotiou was overruled. Mr. Sutherland (Oxford) said he believed lat i( druggists generally were allowed to iiipense small prescriptions, fewer doctors ould keep medicines in their dispensaries, nd tbat in practice tbia amendment by lie Senate would be found ratoer in favor I tha strict carrying oat of the Aot than against it. Tbe amendment waa put and lost by 75 eaa to 'JO naya. Tbe Senate's amendment waa concurred u, and tbe next section of tbe amendment was taken up. It provides for tbe sale by lootors or druggists of aloobol or metby- ated spirits for meobanioal, manufacturing ir pharmaceutical purpose*. Mr. Jamieson moved in amendment tbat nob sale should not be made except on tbe permission of two justices ot the peace .ndoraed by tbe affirmation of tbe pur- chaser tbat tbe spirits were to be used for be purpose named. If tbe House did uot ant tree trade in liquor he hoped they would support bis motion. There waa simply no protection against abase unless the old provision of the Aot wbioh be had moved, be reinstated. Sir John Maodonald said tbii opened the loor too wide, and be would support Mr. lamiesou'd motion, wbioh was thereupon carried without dissent. Mr. Jamieson moved tbe reinstatement f the penal clause " of tbe Scott Act relating to pbyaioians. He explained tbat tbe clause as passed by tbia House pro- vided a penalty on summary conviction of 120 for tbe tint offence, and for a aubse- jueui tffenoe 940 incase of tbe physicians giving liquor for otber than medicinal pur josee. Tbe Senate struck that out. xperienoe bad shown tbat such a clause waa necessary. It waa not lutended for Honest medical men, except aa a protection against those wbo would otbsrwiae impor tune them tor certificates." Tbere were diehoneat men in tba medioal aa in otber professions, and it was against these tbat ihe clause waa directed. Mr. Cameron (Victoria) rsaented tbi- as placing medioal men on a par witb tavern-keepers, and said it was an insult to doctors. Sir John Maodonald thought that as snob great powers bad been given to the doctor*, >t was only fair that a penalty clause should M provided. Mr. Wilson pointed out tbat under tbe Aot ministers wera allowed to give certili oatea. So were two magistrates. Why select tbe medical man as tha only one to be punished ? Mr. Mills spoke iu support ot tba pro- posal to restore tbe olanie inflicting a penalty for infraction of tba Act by persons uiuori/'-d to grant certificates for the aale of liquor. The member for North Victoria -i ad stated tbat physioiani were a very respectable class and should not be insulted ay a threat of punishment. He (Mr. Mill-) thought no class should be oontiidered to lave a monopoly of respectability. Physi- cians should be placed ou ths same footing u other persons. Tbe penalty should not be aimed at pbyticiauH only, but at all wbo broke tbe law. Mr. Jamieson's amendment restoring tbe penal olauae waa carried. Mr. Hiokey moved an amendment, making tbe penal clause apply, not only to i livHinanp. bat to all persona entitled to give certificates wbo broke tha law. Carried. Mr. Jamieson moved concurrence in tbe Senate amendment, making tbe search olausea " of tbe old Dnnkin Act apply to the Boott Aot. Ha thought tbie wan a wise amendment, and wished all the Senate amendments wera of tba aams character. Ths motion was carried etnd the Senate amendment concurred in. Mr. Jamieson moved tbat tba Senate amendment striking off tba schedule of tbe terms of tbe Bill be not concurred in. Tba motion was carried and tbo Senate amendments diiagreed witb. Mr. JamieaoD moved that tbe amend- ment be not agreed to for tbe following reasons : Because it U a violation of the fundamental principle of the Act, wbiob, where adopted, prohibits tbe sale of intoxi- oating liquora for beverage purposes ; because the Act baa already been adopted in good faith by the electors of 61 counties and cities of tba Dominion, believing that under tbe express provision* of tbe law it would continue in force unimpared for three years and would then only bo repealed by the aame authority wbiob bad adopted it, and the passing ol the amendment would be a breach of faitb on tbs part of Parlia- ment witb tbe electors of those counties and cities ; and, further, because the amendment is in direct opposition to tbe wisbea of a large portion ot the electors of tbe Dominion as manifeated by tbe peti- tions presented to Parliament. After consultation with Dal ton McCarthy and Hector Cameron, John Small (East Toronto) got op and moved the amendment to the Senate clause so that it would read " Tba dealing in ales, porter, lager beer, cider and light wines containing not more than 12 per oant. of aloohol shall be exempt from the operations of the Canada Temper- ance Aot of 1678, in counties or cities here- after adopting tbe said act." Mr. Colby did not believe in retroactive legislation and made a vigorous speech against such a course. Be brought oat a new suggestion, namely, tbat there be two Boott Acts a brd one, as tbe law now is, and a soft one, permitting beer and light wines, leaving it for the counties to say which one they want enforced. He would vote, however, under tbe oiroumatanoes against Mr. Small's amendment. Mr. Girouard was in favor of a hard and aoft Sooll Act and of the removal of all ;axss on beer and light wines. At 11 30 tbe division bella rang and Mr. jinaH's amendment was lost on the follow- ng diviaion : YBAS Abbott, Ualn (BonloDges). Baker (Vic torla), baatv. Uonoit, berKerou, billy, Bloodeau, Iryaoa, Jiurnbain iiarim, Cameron (Victoria), Campbell (Victoria), Carliug, Caron, Cootlgau, Jougulm, Council, Currau, Cuthbert, Ualy, Jaoubt, UeiauluiiTi (UackmoDg*-). Daaaulniers, Hi. Maurice), Dvcjarluiti, l)odil. Dugaa, Durum, rergubon (Wellaud), Ciaftue, Uaudel, Qirouard, jordun, Uraudboii. Uuay, Quilbanlt, Hall, li'uMin. Homer. Uurleau, Kilvert, Kranz, Labruwe, Laudexkiu, L*ugeviu, l^ecage, LiviQK- >ton, aUulonald (Sir John), Mackintosh, McMillan .Vaudreuili, McCallum, McCarthy, IcDougal! (Cape Breton), Mansle, Mitchell, Ji'Ilul, Moutplaiir, Paine, I'atiorauii (KaaexK 'meooDeault, Pope, I'ruui. Biofreot, Kiopel, toberuon (Hamilton), Kobertaou Hmtiugm, toso, Itoyal, Kykert, Small, Blairs, Tancboreau, fanee, Tupper, Yaname. Wallace (York), Wells, White (Caruwell.) Total Yea* 78. N AVB-MtBrB. alli-n. AlUbi'ii, Armstrong, Augur, liaiu (Wentworlb), Kakur (Miuio- luiiii. Barnartl. Hull, Hornier, blake, louraua, Bowell, burpee, Cameron (Huron), Cameron (Iuvi-riieg). Camoiou (Middlesex), Jartwright, Cai*y, Caseraiu, Catudal, Cbarltuu, .'mum, Cochraiif, Culuy, UavicB, Uickiuaou, JumUf. Fairbiuk, Farrow, Ferxuaon (Led and Grenville), Piaber, Fleming, torlwa, Fortin. Foster, Oault, (ieoOriou, (iiuauit. Ulll . , , . ujor, (iuillet, Uuuu, Harky, Uickey, llilliard, tloltoii, Innc-ii. Irvinr, Jauuuaou, Jeukiua, Kaul- jac-k, King, Kniney, Kirk. Langlier, Laurier, ' itr, llao<louaM(Kiug), llcCraiiey, Mclutyre, Mclsunc, Mclx-liu, McMulk'U, McNeil), Mill*, Mulock, Patertuu (llrant), Bay, Scrivvr, bbakei<ear, bomorville (bruce), Hpriager, Spruulv, Kutberlaud (Uxforcl), Taylor, Temple, Trow, Vale, \Vnllace (Albert), Wauou, Whitu HaitiiiRi), White (Kenlrew), Wlllou, Wood Briickviliei, Woud ( Westmoreland), Wright. Totl-Naya, Mi. After tue vote Mr. Foster spoke against ihe Senate amendment. Hector Cameron followed witb an amend- ment proviiiug that tbe counties in wbioh kbe Aot is adopted, a-d in wbiob it has Men in operation for a year, tbe question of adopting tfc Senate amendment be sub- mitted to tbe people. Lost. Mr. Jamienou'fe motion was then carried. I Itl I I I I II I ,. > X II I - Alrl<u Irtmmrol by t'oair^iir ! r.lilll roll.ix Illirlblt I ,ll,u.,,.,,l|. MM. I III llluhK A Columbia, B. (,., despatch aaya ; Reports are renewed ol barbarous treat- ment of colored convicts at work on the Savannah Valley Railroad in this Bute. Nine of tbeae unfortunates died recently, it is alleged, from the tffeolR of tbeir treat meul by contractors employed by tbe rail- road eoinpaiiy. A few day* ago a sqatd of eigbt OUHVIOM WB reiurLirjg from *>urk to their camp when one of tbe number escaped. Nut mnruing the remaining even were tri|<i >.d and beaten uomerci fully, and iu a abort time one died trom tbe effect* of tbs wbirpicg On another occa- sion a oo(jv<|t who Saw a fellow-prisoner attemptirjiAafile his shackles and did not iaform^^^^pkg was (rightfully whipped, a'jil IH^^Bgl' able to work since. Another convict '^ orund np with wires and beaten untrrbis back WM left raw from bis neok down, and be is now lying in oamp in a critical condition. It is said tbe convicts are called up at 3 o'clock in tba morning in order to reach tbeir place of work, which ia 6 or 6 mile' away ; tbat they are worked until after dark, and tbat they do not get bsok tu camp until about 9 o'clock at night Only one hour for rent ia allowed in tbe day. Heveu disabled convicts from tbe railroad oamp arrived at the penitentiary here last un.li t. They were in a deplorable condition, and wera placed in the boipital. By order of tbe Governor, Superintendent Lipsoomb and Burgeon Pope have gone to tbe convict oamp to make an official investigation. KO.HANTM: i AHKKH KNVKU. II. Mih ol l.m T ADD Mlairr la Ir * ll.> II. I 111-10, A Strcuisburg (Pa) despatch saya : Lucy Ann Slater, who a few yeara ago w famous all through the Delaware River counties a< tbe female hunter ot Long Eddy, died on Saturday in a New York State insane asylum. Her romantic history baa oftsn appeared in print. Its most remarkable feature was ber marriage in tba guise of a man to Mary Louis* Parry a young woman whose husband bad deserted bar. A daughter of Lucy's was made insane some years ago by a terrible attack committed by roughs in the woods near here. Tbe mother and daughter for fears thereafter lived a vagrant life together, tramping through Ihe mountains Tbe former bad bnen confined in an asylum since 1880. Tba girl is supposed to be in Massachusetts witb some relatives. IIKI I t I , > .KI * I >l -. i.ii In Bnsllh the Fail n,l Fumrr f I hi Kini'lri . An Ithaca, N.Y., despatch aays : Prof Qoldwin Smith, in bis lecture last evening said : " How long England will last no one knows. liar ' drum beats circling tbe world ' ia a hoax. She baa less than ball tbe soldiers of Roatia, and it may be poa- aible tbat abe cannot hold ber 350,000,000 subjects on tbe otber aide of tbe globe under ber hands lor a great while. What ever may happen to England, abe has bar. ber history. II fight we must, let tbe old abip be cleared for action." A aingle maple, when tapped lor sugar ing pnrpoaee, will yield a bucket or two o: sap tor from two to lour weeks. Tbe sap thus extracted must aggregate a large quantity for tbe sugar season, but it can only be a fraction of what the tree retains, aa it will go on and thrive just as it it bad not been tampered witb. Multiply tbis by the number of trees in a great forest and see wbat a vast reservoir of fluid ia secured from tome source in tbe spring aeasoc I How ia it obtained ? Wbat mighty engine of nature causes these millions ot gallons of sap to mount to the tree top ? Quillaume Oampbausen, tbe French painter, is dead, aged 67. Tba organ question has again been before tbe Free Church Assembly, Scotland. Tbe motion to repeal tbe present law, which allows congregationa liberty in tbe matter, waa rejected by 166 to 66. NIU1DI EIPLtaUl Urr.UiTlil!. Ik. .ir..l ntatSMlsU I .U. .ronr.|>hl- Cal Error. M Ur rr Ira. A Qaebeo despatch saya : John Bignell, late chief ot the Government exploring expedition now at Lake Mistassmi, passed through hare to-day on hia return from tbe lake to Ottawa, where he goes to report to tbe head of the Geological Survey of tbe Dominion. At tbe time be left Miatasaini, May 28tb, the exploring party waa still without definite data regarding tbr size of tbe great inland sea. It is, however, believed to be at least aix times as large as Little Like Miiitaasini which ia connected witb it by tbe Kiver of the Devil. Tbe little lake was lonnd by Mr. Bignell to be over one hundred miles long, though its siza, as represented on the Government maps, would make it jut thirty miles. Even tbe location of tfiataaami on tbe maps turns out to be noorreot, the hitherto accepted latitude ol ibe Hudson Bay Company's post on tbe ake being found by Mr. Bignell half a t degree out. Another result ot the expedi- tion ia in showing tha incorrectness on exiating mapa of tbe height of the land biob forms tbe natural boundary between tbs Provinoe of (juebeo and Rupert's Land. BOIL AH1> CLIMATE. Between lakes Bt. John and Mistaaaini tbe country consists principally of gneiss reck, neither the forests nor tbe land being of much value. Around the latter ake tbe formation is ol limestone, and hardy cereals and vegetablea grow to perfection. While tbe winters at flmtamiui are excessively cold, the summer is not more than a month aborter ;ban tbat at Quebec. Tbe ice on tha bay opposite tbe Hudson Bay Company's post moved out on May 27tb, but ou tbe main body of the lake it still firm when Bignell left. Tbe ice formed on the small bays last fall on tbe 23rd of October. In Decembdr tbe thermometer tell to fifty five degrees below zaro and in March to fifty-two degrees nelow. In December and January the average temperature waa twenty degrees Mlow aero. BOCTI OF THK BXPtOntON. Tbe expedition led by Mr. Biguell left Quebec on the lv:h of July last. Itaeoended bersimis River for 125 miles into Lake Pipimankan, and through ilnpita principal feeder, the Main Inlet, for 130 miles to Lake Maniwounesr. Then, crossing the heigbl ol land, the party reached Miataa- sini by tbs Rupert River. On the way np, Mr. Bignell surveyed a large tract of country south ot tbe height ol land, to con- nect surveys already made pi tbe head- waters of tba Oulardr, Bersimis, Mawre- waii and Peribonoa rivers. Tbe return from Mistaasiui waa made by way cf Grindstone Lake dawn the Sapiuarcobe into tbe Chief Itiver, and tbenoe into tbe Cuaumonobooan, a feeder of Lake St. John. Iu denceodicg tLeie streams the party had no Its* than forty-two (.oitagen. Mr. Big nell having been recalled, Mr. Lowe, ol tbe Dominion Geological Survey, remains in charge. Tbt expedition, being short of tupplibs, will probably return before win ter, thootih tbere was >oma question ol it wintering at Rupert's House, on James' Bay. 1UHJUI-LS INDIANS. Among other luc-resting facts concerning Lake Mietaaaini cited by Bignell it may be mentioned tbat several islands nearly as large as Orleans Island, at Quebec, and oontaiuicg large lakes, are found scattered through this inland sea. Tbe Indiana north of tbe height of land are nominally members of the Cbnrch of England, very intelligent, and well supplied witb prayer and bymn bookw, Testaments, etc., printed iu tbs Ores language, witb characters resembling steuograpby, by Bishop Horden, of MooBOhee, whone headquarters are at Uoose Factory, on James 1 Bay. Another expedition, to De led by Mr. Bignell, jnn., who last year conducted bis father's supplies to Mistassmi, will leave for tbe great lake on the 23rd mat., and will include Professor Laflamme, ot Lava University, a noted geologist, and Beeton Karr, ot tbs Royal Geographical Society of England. TBHHIBI.K DKATH. Aa Acrmwal Kurninn llnlioon sTrlsjailMl Fall m ih. liana. A Charleston, W. Va., despatch says Tbia afternoon a most frightful accident happened at the circus grounds, just prior to the opening of Richards A Leon's circus Among otber outdoor attractions was a balloon ascension, and juat as the ropea holding tbe balloon were thrown cff the accident occurred, by tbe over-turning of a hot air stove used in icfUting tbe balloon cauaing it to oatob fire. The burning balloon shot np into tbe air at a very rapid rate with Wm. Patterson, an aeronaut, in tbe basket. When abort distance np tbe crowd yelled " jump," but he did not heec the advice, and after going several huudrec feet up tbe balloon collapsed, and Patterson fell to tba earth a lifeless mass of humanity Patterson was 22 years old, and leaves a wife and family, It was his first ascension Tbe balloon was totally consumed by fire -<> i i> run A MONU. An Imp. i union. l>i unltnrtl Hell* Hall ninioii io, 94,000. A Vioksburg (Misa.) telegram says Mike Preasly, an impecunious oitizen living io Ya/.x> city, who eighteen months ago inherited a fortune ot half a million, is missing. It is stated that 1'reaaly sold bia claim wbiob was perpeotly good, lor 11,000 wbiob was a lortnne to him. Tbe theory now is tbat tba purchaser, fearing that thi contract would not hold good ou account o Mike's intoxication, planned bia taking off Tax American Railway Master Meoban ios, at their recent convention, unanimousl; decided tbat tbe flanges ot railrrai oa; wheels, as now made, are too deep. Tbe established depth ia 1J ice baa. One inol is enough to guide tbe wheel on the rail nd tha reduction in depth leaves the flangi much stronger and less liable to break. I also leaves more space in passing through the grooves in frogs. The next improve ment io car wheels to be agreed upon ia to do away with tbe coning and make them flat, M railroad men say. The coning or beveling ia of no earthly use, as Mr. M. N Forney conclusively showed in an elaborate pamphlet submitted to the Master Oar Builders' Association about a year ago. A K.OI AND HIM .TI4JNBY. I hr I npr.fll.blr Hp. rulxllo.i. ol a 1 -n "K .ul.h Hwell- Brrwlm la 1 4a, ImprLoord Iu New - U. A New York despatch says : Captain Eraser, who has been a prisoner siooe Saturday last for nttrru.g worthless cheques, was dlobarged to dy. Alfred G. Baker, one of bu Uw)em, sent a cable message to Solicitor Gibue>, iu London, asking, " Is HtstiugH Hutch Fraaer the eldest son ol Geceral Ua-tiu^H Kraeer, ol Ardaohie? Describe him fir identifica- tion." To tbia inquiry Mr. Gibney answered " Yea. He U tall and fair." None of tbe people wbo bad him arrerted were unions to prosecute him, and Jnntioe Duffy let him go. To tbe Court Fraser aaid " I am not a >ogna lord or a professional awindler. foolishly got mixed op with theatrical people and lost my money " " How much did you lose 7" " By these wild-cat theatrical schemes I oat f 18,000. I came to this country on January 2nd. I was born iu Elicbnrgb, Scotland." " Where ia your father's estate ?" " In Ardaohie, at Fort Augustus, near Loch Ness in Inverness-shire, Scotland. I [Ot a loan of 827,000 from the Central Sank of Canada in Toronto, part of wbiob was secured by mortgage and part on poll lint. I oame bare aimply ou a pleasure trip to see the country, and supped at tbe Uidney Honae. While tbere I meteo.ne theat- rical men, who induced me to go mto theat- rical speculation. I did so, and lost (18,000. As to these ohtqaes here, I intended to pay every dollar. It ia only a matter of a tew days. I do not want to defraud any one. Yen, I was in Her Maje-ty'e aervioe for three yeara. Since I have bten in this country I have pent $50 000 My expenses while at the Giduey Uuae were from 1300 to 1400 a week. Tbe la>t obtque for 1500 wbiob I gave to tbe Giduey Uoue and which at first waa refused was afterwards paid." A young English nobleiuan (rom Lanca- shire, England, wbo has ltd a i-pendibiift'* life and been discarded by bis family, was present in court and conversed with tbe prisoner. A UHOMT WITH A UKA I M-K 4 I I l. The? Star II I* "' !!. i. < M..I .1. if .1 nmm *r Unr llana'd '' '< !- A Lebanon (Pa ) telegram sa>s : Several years ago, duung tbe speculative insurance coauia, Joseph Reber was (ouud drowned in Indtantown Creek, in an isolated portion of this county. It afterwards developed that he bad been drowned for tbe insursnoe on his life, wbiob was several hundred thousand dollars. Five neighbors were banged for killing tbe old man. It ia now alleged tbat tbe usually quiet people be- tween Bwatara and ludiautowu O<pH are nightly aroused by unearthly i creams along tbe creek, and trustworthy oitiz-.us declare that a strange figure i- continually pacing up and down the pathway where the crime was committed. It flies when people approach, but juat btf >re it disappears, a* in a mist, shakes its head, poiuW to tbe {uiet waters of tbe creek, and utters a strange sound like a death-rattle. Those wbo claim to have seen it say that it is tbe figure ot a man diessed iu gray. Stvaral hundred persocs say tbat tby have seen tbe ghoat. Bom* insii-t tbat it is tbe spirit ol tbe old man Rsber, while otbera tniok tbat it ia one ot tbe five mucoent men who were banged coming biok to earth to trouble bis persecutors ai d ibe people wbo perjured themselves in briugiig him to tbe gallows. t ANKtlBAI.IH.n Hi 1 1. 1. H/afflPANT.': In. I !, iin.i Bat la. ii Kmrmttr*. A London cable says : A sensation has been caused by tbe arrival at Liverpool ol private mail advioea from West Africa, wbiob report a horrible outrage by natives. A amall war ban been in progress for nome time between oertaiu tribes on tbe Brass River in Guinea, and nine prisoners, wbo bad been captured during one ol tbe figbta, bad been held aa hoatagea to at ours ths payment ot certain p.mnda of ivory by tbeir frianda. Tbe ransom not being forthcoming at the stipulated time tbe tostages were killed, cooked and eaten, tbeir cleanly picked skulls being sent to their tribe as a warning of wbat ths next prisoners might expect. Tbe chief of the cannibalistic tribe has a great reputation for courage and ferocity, but waa believed to have been converted by English Baptist missionaries, wbo have been laboring in tbe valley ol tbe Niger. MOLD HIM WlfK. A llu.rmu.l lil.po... ( Hi. Wile HI,. i II, .1.1 lor S)IOO. A Cleveland telegram aayi : Henry Bauerbier, wife and baby arrived here yes- terday from Logan, Ohio, and put np at tbe Empire Honae. To day a burly Irishman, also from Logan, put in an appearance, and had a conference witb Bauerbiar. The result ol the meeting was the Hale of Bauer- bier'a wife and baby to MoFarland for t>100. MoFarland, tbe woman and tbe infant returned to Logan, while Bauerbier took a train for Chicago. Tbe deal waa a genuine one. In Boston they call a bathroom an "ablu- tionary studio." It ia not hard for a man to mind bis own buaineaa, but it is tbe monotony which be can't stand. What ia called a ' moderate high license law " is in operation in Wisconsin, and tbe receipts for licenses iu the city ol Mil- waukee lor tbis year amount to 9192,500. Seventy French Deputies ot tbe Extreme Left have published their programme, which comprises a revision of tbe constitu- tion, three years' universal military aervioe, separation of Church and (State, and tbe abandonment of rerrote expeditions. In Rnaaia the population is so widely npread over tbe vast steppes and plains that tbere are but eleven cities tbat have a pop- ulation ol over 50.000 inbabitanta. St. Petersburg has H60.000 by tbe census of 1884. Moscow ban 760 000. OJesaa 1">0,000 and ntabiney 130,000 ; Baratov contains lid 000 inhaoitants, Kiev 76,000, Nikolaiev 76,000, Knran 60,000, while Samara and Cronstadt to rise but little above 50,000. " Tbe next thing to a funeral proces- sion lor slowness," says a bachelor, ' is to walk behind a love-sick couple going borne from a party."