Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1885, p. 1

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Born. -In Flesherton, May 28th, the wife of Jas. G. Russell, Esq., Jeweler, of a daughter. I Fleshertori TRUTH BE f ORE FA yOR."-"PMIJVClPLE8, NOT MBJf." VOL. V., NO. 207. FLESHERTON, ONTABIO, JUNE 4, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. One of thu loading Local and Family Newapaptr* 1* Northern Ootario. Publitbod livery &apos;.T PBOM Till: <;. nip ic<xr&apos; .#*<, - - fltshrrto*, Oil*. TERMS OF Bl&apos;tWRIPTION : UK) pr annum in adirauon; aiJO If BOt paid nihaead of 1^ year*. N pap* ,lio*utiuuiv1 year*. t<fc ar , Uou taken fur ! thin OIK- ye*. , irvl&apos;t when social arraiii,.i-m<-iit for ulioctw prtcxl aro utade with tb publisher. ADVEHTI8INO RATED, Ac. fatual advertiuieDt.Hceiit*pr lit itmftrtlori MI 1 .&apos;) r.-rits per Itnt- eaflti uhiie(iiiiit liiMirtion. . Trhiv>it a<U (irtU.-iiid.! . In In- paid fur whi-n orrlnrnd. Adv*rtia*isnul> witbaut |Mrial direc- tion. wiU be iuaarted till forbid and cbarKwl i. n.liiiijlr Iillwrml Inducement* to regular advertixn. Notices among reading uiattr, 10 cauts I-.T iiaeeucii iuaortiou. Nu atlvortUiiiiu-iit discontinued until alt ar- rnaratfa* are |>ai<l tip. i&apos;.i|>v for a>lvrtiMmanti ahould roach thli uol laWr thali uoou on Tuvaday to euiurr nwtion in current iaiua. A. R. FAWCETT. Klitar ntul Prupriftur. int.r M.T Shan It is intended to have a big ihatu fight iu Flesherton on Dominion day, Wed- nesday, July lt next, between the Vol- unteeri and a company of "Half-Breed*" and "Indian*. " Ttn*e willing In talc* an active prt on tUu Utter side aru respoct- fully invited to call on or address the Ed- itor nf Till ADVANCE, Flesiirtn P. < > . I at u early a date a* possible. SHILOH&apos;8 <*:\TAHHH KEMEDY-a poll ti v cure fur CaUrrh, Diptheria, and Canker Mouth. Sold by I). 8. Manro. PRICEV1LLE POINTERS. A Lot of Lively Little, Ixxmle Oath- erea Specially for The AdT By <* l./rttuttorei JHttor. New goods of ail (daily at R. Trimble&apos;s. kinds arriving Til - Bits. 1 v !&apos;.; nf Lnfnl nnil (Utter Iiifrrr$tiny Itfmt <jathtrr<i by The Adtuncr Rrfxirtfri. iieantifully printed Dress Muslins fast colon* tor lOc. per yard at JUcliardsou&apos;s. Mfiiibi-rs of Flesherton Base Ball Club meet in the Reading Room this (Thursday) evening next (to-s)orrow) at at 7:30 sharp. Full attendance request- ed. a>_ Summer Underclothing very cheap at Uichardsou&apos;s. -Air. Wm. Snggitt, our polite and courteous |>Ht-ofnce manager, <xxupied the pulpit of F?eshertn Methodist Church on Sabbath morning lost. He preached a giH>d sermon. Mr. Thos. i>sbonie preachwl in the same place in the evening, to a large congregation. He dwelt with much i -iithos upon the "going forward" o* the children of Israel into the wilderness, the sufferings, death and resurrection of Christ, and tho awful vengeance which the Lord would -moat undoubtedly wreak U|K.n thiwe who were not walking on "the straight and narrow path." Tim*.&apos; rli. up Wonted (tailings of Richardson&apos;s arc selling very fast. Se care one before they all go. .Notice. All boys and girls are hereby forbid trespassing on that |rt of Mr. W. K. Flenher&apos;s property adjoiningwhatiskiiown as "Flether&apos;s pi. nd," enclosed in fences. A number fif these boys have succeeded in inakiug nuisances uf themsajves, by destroying property, leaving gates open, and in other disagreeable ways rendering it nucussarv to them trespassing on those grounds any longer. They are warned that no other notice than this will be given. Parents will do well tu look after them and prevent any furthurtroub- le. Long Clear Bacon only 9 cents per 11)., selling fast at H. Trimble&apos;s. A NASAI. INJKrlOH free with each but- tie "I Shiluh&apos;s ( Urrli lU-uirdy. Price fiO cents. 8>>ld by 1). 8. Minn... THI HF.ST YET. The heat hlod rlcanwr known to medical neienco i liurdiwk 111 - -I Hittfrs. It i.unh. - the l&apos;l-l of all foul .iri and gives strength to ths weak. In Kli-ii.Tt..n. May 28th, the wife of Jas. G. Kussoll, Esq., Jeweller, of a daughter. Richardson uaa iust other lot of tboM Felt Haiti, offering tltom very low. received an and is Down u DIXII." DIP wife of Mr. J. Km T. I>ixii&apos; 1&apos;. <)., wax --in ! nf a chrmno I I&apos;.v IliL&apos;var&apos;l s IVi&apos;lmal lialiam. Thr best lliM&apos;.a sii-l IIUIK healer cm.wu. *. .....I for 4lark : The Captain of our liaiie Ball Club,Mr. Will. Clark, took part iu the sporU at Puinlalk on tbe 25th ult., and carried off first prizes iu tho sUmline; jump and run t-jtig >i&apos;>p, step .-mil- juifp. Onod for Clark 1 Call and see llicliardson&apos;a stock of Suniiii.T SuitiiiRs. Over one liiin- jiatteniR to clioope from. JJA Turn HTTKJIENT. "Kiwi worJri can iirvsr ill.&apos;." ami thrrc are nmi* lint kin. I wurdii spoken regarding M;I>;\IITI!&apos;H V. II. \v Oil, that ..I.) reliable rcnu&apos;-ly for oitcrual ami internal use. It cures rheumalimn, ilpufneH*. rriniii. ore throat, and all sore- nss sod wounds ol U- desh. It > < . It 1 1 Hy|Ttrr. Mr. Hylvester Richardson, who han been in o\ir Druij Store Home three yearn, left town this week. &apos;Yes mode a larg.- nitnilM-r of friend* during his stay, who wilt be sorry at bis dopartuM} but whu join in with us in wiahfrig him a bright and prosperous futuae. I&apos;M //I. r to I li. f,,r. Mr. W. H. Campaigne&apos;a justly cele- brated trotting stallion, "Jimmy Puzzler," who has time and again beateu sumo of the best racers in the northern section of Ontario won the trotting race at Dun- dslk on the 26th ult., the celebrated "Shelburne Girl" coming in for second money. We are told the driver of the latter did considerable jockeying, but all in vain ; for although Shelburne dirl" got down to a run on the home stretch, "Puzzler" forged swiftly past her and riuhed ; by the winning post fully 2 lengths .head amid great applause. Cumberland Cut and Long Clear Bacon cheaper than any house in town at H. Trimble&apos;s. KOK DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, v-m have a printed Kuarsntee on every bottle of Sliiluli&apos;H Vilalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold bv D. H. Mm.r.. WHY WILL YOU eongh wnen Core will give i/njndiati> relief. Prin |Ucts, 60 cU., and II, 0oU by P. 8. Tearhrrs&apos; Entorlainmrnt. An entertainment was iriven in tho Town Hall here last Thursday evumir.&apos;. under the auspices of South (in-y Teach- ers&apos; Association. The hall was "pacL. -il " by an appreciative aiulienco. Mr. M. Kichardnon, as chairmiui, i.peiwd tho af- fair by a clever, practical speech. Mian Edith and Mi us Maud Richardson, ren- dered n duet iu a charming manner, which WIIH greatly Applauded. Mr. W. K.-IJUSOII, I. P. S., President of tin- As-&apos; Bociation, gave a Scotch reading in an ex- cellent manner. Miss Emma Diumnlc ve a <>ng, which merited and received hearty aj4>laua. Miss Daiuiuic posnosaes rich, musical, powerful, and highly cul- tivated Voice, of yri&apos;At depth and |>*thos. Dr. Christoe iwcupled the attention of the audience for a short liuu> in his fav- orite theme, "Hygjene." The |)r. seems to have given much careful thought to this important subject. Mr. Tilly, Director of Teacli^&apos;r&apos;ii Institutes, fi.llowe.l iu a good spi&apos;i rli on the subject f the Relation of Education to the iStatv. " He referred in glowing terms to the building up of our educational system under thu plen.lnl Hiipemitcndanca of Rev. Dr. Ryurson, and pointed oat in clear, con- cise terms the proud pro eminoncu attain- ed by Canada through her e;raml religious and eduoatlonal institutions. Miss Chris, toe followed in a song very sweetly and pathetically rendered, aiu! was greeted to an enthusiastic encore, which was t^racufully responded U>. Vote* of thankn were then tendered Mr. Tilioy and tho Chhirnmn, after which anu the singing of the national antheni, the aud|encp diaper- sed, A Sons of Tciupw <nee Division, has been organised liunc jWk M ekasser SMSS- bers. Fuller roprs^.^low. The noted Flashettoei Jewelry mau.Mr. Jas. O. Russell, did rattling buKUMS* in his staiid next the Pw*t Oflos, o* Tues- day. Didn t iK-e Michael iUllly but under- stand he is as solid soever en the horse shoe business; of cosme Mcluan "bate him entoiruly at La* lasht fall fair, but hum didn&apos;t Mac late, the thrade will me, so he did &apos;." It wasnl a fair dale, so it wasu&apos;t, fur its wfcipered that a Dur- mail uiadu McCsan s, which state- ment, be the lain.- tekan, Michasl, is not true, for Mac can ban yes again. The Commercial Itutol has been thor- oughly refitted FurguecM, P. W. P. ; Bro. Jas Johnston, W. P. , fester X. Fwvuaun, W. A. ; Bru. JM. WaUou, Conductor , Bister R. Mc- Dowell, Ajtt. Oun ; Bro. T. A. Fergasqa, Bc. Be*, ; Hbtir H. Browu, AMI. See. ; Bn> Wm. Parker, Kin. 8ec ; Bister M. FcrgtMuo, Treaaurer; Bro. D. Orier, OuUid. WatehMM ; Rtetar B. Pricvville, and m m coiiinxAliuua u well our last visit to one at the moat one of thu best kept hotels in < ir.-y. Fine saiuple rooms for commercial travellers. The Agricultural* Iditor had a pleasant chat with Pric-unll ^>pular and clever young phyaician, Dk.^Bixon. Messrs. M. -kin non and McArthur ex- pect to open their new general store next wk. Goods on th way. Mr. Unutder does .a gid business in Webster&apos;s old stand. Mr*. Rrander is a* pleasant and sociable as ever. Of courts) the Agricultural K4>tor includes Mr. Brandsr, but the "bast half" first, ju knnir. The Agriculture/ .^Editor was much truck by the "huiu v i J uuviiteM whisk greeted his ears upt&i esMssfeg *ke far faoted store of E. J.tGrier. In a seamm of depreasion, iuea*>J the A. E. , tu find business brisk is rather unusual. Now why is this tluisly, thought thu A. K. T Ah : happy thought; it must be twcaUM the controlling genfas of this establish- ment, with that keeft, bustiiess-like per- ception so characteristic of the shrewd wide-awake storekevpei, has plaoted a standing advertisetaei^t iu the (Mist pro- ductive news||HT il in the district THE Fi UUKHTON AMAJIOC 1 The readers of tlus live journal kaow that the only live business men who give the beat val- ue fr thoir m. ney advertise in its wide- ly read column. All but who&apos;s this sell- ing goods over the tfaunUtr, a*d attendwg ustoniers ore they soarcely erne* the ? Sui -ly- _aunaiy by (Ju- jgv ! it in our jolly councslLr. Jack MoArffinr ! .Shake ! How ij.- yWs 11 that soap, asks the A, E. liS he moss- the .last off his fsc> with his handkerolsfri ". r jOl*isf&apos;.i fl <K)&apos; (ireat Sc.itt ! I&apos;ve j^V a nnUti lo HIV.- up writing, go into the ai.a;> LUSH. *s. .ufil buy your whole atretk- sa..l tint A. K. uf- trr returning t.. ewtpMiiiiiMH K. Yen. .taiil Mi- Arthur, ami we eVii 0\ . \..u &apos;.&apos;.Ml*, of nee (or gl. 00, leu si * tenta per II... stop ! lalU-tfll the \ K ; if 1 my clu-tpii- Uuik ketu, 1 >1 ouy you clean >ut and start in btiaUieaH myself. May In- here the A. B e*. 1 1 ..incd hi* p.M-ki-ts carefully, but ngej^iauovering any tiling in. in- val.iiilil.- then a l.iincli of keys, a jack knife with one broken Made, a few dunning letters, an4 a piece of tobacco, | Kauntoru.1 ont into *ho open air U> cool off his In .!; 1 bruw. L>ri.|.j..&apos;il into Aff. D. (i. McLean&apos;s, i-la.-kinitli shop an*) want. . I to know lu.w l.i&apos;iie nli.K&apos;8 ( n- sejiiig &apos; Thought, per- )ia|.. tliry might all em as choap as *trier&apos; sld Hi.p, rlfc, and "ther things; MeUan&apos;s man had 4sst sh..d a horse, and "a nate job it was e^toirly, " us our Hilr crninn friend, Mr. Hichuel Keilly, woold say. \Vnrk is plentfbil, f<T McLean is a itinl wi.rkman and extends strictly to bus- , tuid rnutf more t f. BuaineM ruahiaf at Browu&apos;a taw mill a genuine "ham" in fact. THE REV. iKu H. THAVKH. of Boar boo, Ilid . xsyfl : " Both myself aul wife owe onr lives to SHILOH&apos;H CON8UMPTIUN CUBE. Su\<H by D. 8. Monro. mg of "rTaf of BriUaania, and the March of the Oamerun Mem," spell-bouud th audience. At the ouncliuiun of each j pieee, the* was aa ajajhuaiaatic uutbunt | of appboej, that "MeW the welkin nnf ; "The Majeh uf the QesMtoo Men&apos; was Docored to wbich Mr. A^^-rr-" fnuoBs- jry ivapoaied. One peroliariiyiatan gen )<M-sssKiiia, thatwhiJeMi. ...* and meJBsllotJt H yet f n i i the maf. etie fleeeryfiup power of 1 hieing! hi* aixtitfucr with all the forvor of sent inn ut expreased in Ms song, and XarMal* Choir inay feel proud of their M. AndraD. Yoon, ever, Just received, 1 case of Gent* and boys Felt Hats, sonic-thing new and selling very cheap at B. Trim- ble&apos;s. Toronto, May 90, 1 A F. .f.. 1 1. W Kk Ki&apos;od R.t- lers act at the name traseup&apos;>ti tbe Hswr.ttw buWeli. tbe kidiif ) tmt tbe akin. pttfeviu| er ewriug in evcy ea*t Warrautei -i*- factory or money rrfitwrMi. Early Rose Potato.* far Bale A >. ul. . i, .1 D>l>. To the Editor of the Advance. As I promised you at our harried inter ch<f at K. frimbet&apos;s. view in Floshertun, I would write y >u uiy impresMon* of the Concert in the 1 Methodist Church, Markdale, on the 25th inst., upon my arrival Tb virtue of Carbolic AsM (T and parir>iug it weft IDUWD ti.t :i.i- fr.&apos;isl tb uisuy Mode* . I ttfft^ . it. public i mi.-- rtsio tow bsi to ale U. T > meet * int. M<^r>-gr ft Tarke&apos;s Car but that duty was overlooked in the mul- sole l . r.iu n patparsd, and may be nmJ titude of other duties which I had U. per- &apos;*& corilcnee. Do not b awsled. Take T .,. , ouljr Mfi.rt.-..r * Parke&apos;s Carbolic iCeraU . Touwill mentally say :-(>* of Sold ItKlmrd^B-. lru Store. sight, out .if mind. Hot so, my dear buy; , for your genial countenance, and curly, Another lot of rfioicc Clover. Tim , black hair, are ever present t.. my othy and (isviM Jse"l j jai arrived at meutal vision. R. Trinil&apos;l.-&apos;e. the subject. On the evening of tho U&th being in Markdale. I aacer- JF*O1* Sa.ld tained that therw was tu be a- concert in suu Whta> *>> HutMr Tuba the Methodist Chared ; and, J" s MeCOKMACK. Take Notice ! That tl.i- fir in of OIK. Wrtcbt * lira*, ol Wanbaui, will u..| t rnatiasalriU tor a *..i. amleasM by AJUn K 4>HsM. w a* kak b/U ss^~sstiisslwsliU-.SiLas4>is3ub aw^rtlrc.rtn. OBO WR10HT UBCC i. JM ut. urn FLE8HEBTON. Uroar* isTowm aed at i when time v -j|fr- huavily <>n your hands, - "anything at all" is a relaxation, so thith- er I went, and I must express b< you my displayed in the npeniag pieee at sausse I suppoM the singers were mostly mem ben of the church in tbe possMnoo of &apos; musioal talent that would be earied by FRED. RYDEK many churches here in Toronto. I tie not n _. i. .j * o< II onlyu,th.p.e.e^ai of m ,l,^ linck " n(1 * tOHe *<**>H ing, majestic voice, but Ir. that ensiite in- tli iiuii of tone which conveys pathos or, passion, tenderness or uafie, aoeovfaf; as the sentiment expressed in the variovs mi. .<ls of tl.c |,i.. >.- of the music. Mkees &apos;l,nt.H end iMiiiusloof Fleahertoa), and Mrs. Fos, of Owen Hound, were mention- ed to ate as Using visitors, and ccruialy they were a rare acquisition One of the hoir singers, Mr Aader i a- .n, who fav. red s*e with a copy of a* &apos;orilpaal poem whirh I ITag of Brittaanu talnut rarely met with, *veu am.-ugtt -xir professionals. In the per- formances of n cln-ir we can rarely distin- guish the best, if all are Somewhat equally i|iialiliod : tmt. win n it ci men t<> asiii>:U i..i..lei| contest, the rim; of the true me- tal "will out " Thi8 neiitli man rt-iult-r*- Tho W.1I md Durkssu BU. "GRAY CHAMPION," Win >-t far aarrto* the anaan W IsV *% Lea lit lUfif.- WSM T *S. Beaa. - SH UK Tll M: v v A Division of IMS of Temperance, known M tho I*ricee > Ue Division, was or- i^aiu/.ed hi&apos;i ! on Wn4ueii<!ay evaning, &apos;27th ult., by I !n i. Samuel HullanJ, Es<|., of Bradford. The fnl)i> ii.i.&apos; i^Bcera were duly elpcted and iMtalled : Urv, \V&apos;m. ajrsMe 1* January. ISM. BOfiER LEVfJi. fiuesUvt Victoria Hotel. !&apos; *.) ao4 flat-, K H vi. . i. -h . ^rfMBlfr-. - i*< a* ftooaTao <: mf ta -Tuanrla" equal i R H v: THE REBELLION! In tin- North-\Y( st is practically . vi&apos; ry ili&apos;i>urUiu ut of . but the Imme E. J. Crier&apos;s Store. Priceville, Still continue. .&apos;!0 jvr cent. Hediu&apos;tion to Cash (&apos;wtoniors for ne: ::o .1 . Just Notice ! SOME OF OUE PRICES And you will be convinced that we aro amply prc-pared to back np t very \\. make : Factory, 30 yards for 1:00 Ottoman Corded All-Wool TwnnU, Carpet, 4c. ul Hottom I&apos;. . Teas at H Cents per Ib. , Soap, 50 bars for $1.00. ii.&apos;. Ibs. Hioc for 91 .00. PrinU, fri&apos;iu 5 i i nts par vanl np. Heady Mode Clothing, full size, from $5 per Suit np. / B. J. QEIB Market 1&apos;iKf paid for butter aad Kgg,

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