Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1885, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."*" PRINCIPLES, MOT VOL. IV., NO. 205. FLESHERTON, OHTAMO, MAY 21, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, itj* 4 of the h-A'tioR Ixtcal and Kitinih S"ew|i*|wnt in Nurthern Ontario. Published Every Thursday, FKOM i lit Orrice, CuUi/cf Street, - - Flakertv*, IhU. n }.\<- or SUBSCRIPTION : 11.00 par annum in advance ; S1.5U If imt paid at the D (lot H yearn No )l>er <iitiliue<) until 11 arrrarttjefi aru paid up , and uu ubcrii>- ..un t&kuu tur io than ou yar, xe*|H lmu -|>cll arrauxuiitenU for nhurUr period! an mad* with b publisher. ADVEKTIHING RATES, dc. I'MuaJ <lvorti'iuuuu,HcnUpT Utiuttrtiou <iii 1 3 cont^ |ir Uin- uach xubiMKiuuiit insertion. Tranaieut advurtiMnienU to h paid for when or.lnrod. AilvertlMiniaU williuut itpaciaJ direc- tion! will IM tuurtod till forbid aud chargud tooordlnaUj Liuorat iudiiceiimuti to regular advortlmrn. Notlctm aiii'iiik' roadinn matter, 10 cttnU p>r im*ch luwlion. N advurtikement disoouUuued until all ar rearagea aro paid up. Copy for Klyrtii*indt phoulH reach tui* office not later than noon on Towday to eunur* uwrtlon in current Urn*. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Tit - Bits. i if Loral <IIK/ OfAr ItUfrrtiituj Itemt {fitherrtl by The . Kepurier*. Eggs taken as cash at Richard- sous. Mr. Ryan, uf the timi uf T. & J. Kyan, carriage maker*. Mount Forest, called 011 in hint Monday. Another lot of Millinery just opened at llicliai-dsons. -Mr. Will H. Bulledge, of the Dun- i.iik Herald gave in a pleasant call last Monday. Wo have been shown a aample uf M.iryUnd, U. 8. whet (talks taken from the ground on the '.'ml of May. They are more than a foot in loiith. New Dress Ooodg, new Gloves, new Laces at Kichardsons. Some more correspondence and other matter left over fur our next issue, lie ceivod too late for this issuu. All mattur for current Uaue shtutld he mailed in time to reach us not later than Tuesday oven- ing. Nails, Window Glass and all kinds of Guilder's Hardware cheap at Kicliardsou's Hardware store. The practice f the nrat'irio of "K*- IUT the Id .uiiif ul Queen" has been re- f.umed. It will likely be given to thu public about the 1st of July next. Fleaherton Volunteer Company will parade for drill in this village next Mon- l.ty under command of Lieut. Field. It is to be hoped that a lively sham fight will bo arranged to take place during the lny. I've often seen a saw, but of all the saws I ever saw, the saw I saw at Richardson's Hardware store was the cheapest saw I over saw. We omitted to mention last week, the visit to Flesherton of Mr. Charlea Leitch of Fort Worth, Texas, U.S. Char- lie looks well .'iiul evidently the clinmUi of tlir far agrues with him. Hii n i. ill) frioiuU ucif pleased to sou him. Just received, 1 case of (rents and boys Felt Hats, something new and selling very cheap at R. Trim- ble's. \VIIV WILI, YOU oongh wnen Shi Urn Curonill RJVP immediate relief. Price 10 eU,. '>' cU., aud II. Bold by 1). 8. Munro. in. i ion Kale. Farm Ktock, Implements, and House- hold Fiiriturc; at Lot SO, Con. 6, Os- prey, on Friday May 2l)th, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. Without reserve. H in. >!it li.t credit on oil hums over $fi. David Clark, proprietor; John Spoors, auctioneer. See bills. ARE YOU MAUK miserable by Udign- tiun, Constipation, Dizziness, LOM of Appe- tite, Yellow Skis? Bhiloh's VitaliMf is a pohitive cure. Sold by D. 8. Munrc. LADIES, ATTENTION. A beautiful all silk Jacket 'only $1 at li. Trimble's. HHILOH'8 CATAKBH BEUEDY-apols live cure for CJaUrrh. JtipUwria, awl Canker Month. Bold by It. . Muar... Cumberland Out and Long Clear Bacon cheaper than any house jp town ;i Jtt. Trimble'*, < HIMiirril at The cheapest stock of Ladies, Gents, and Childrens Coarse and l-'iu,' Boots ever brought into Flesher- lon, at B. Trimble's. FOR UYSPKI'SIA and Liver CompUint, yon hare a printed guarantee on every bottle 1 Sliiliih's Vitalixrr. It m-v. r fails to cur*. -S..1.1 by D. 8. Muiiro. w am. ,i. Immediately : 1 car load of good, sound Eggs, for which the highest market prices will be given at B. Trimble's. BHILOH'8 crilK will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough aud Urooehitis. .V.I.I by D. 8. Muoro. Mr. T. A. Blakely is of opinion that the imscruant Kiel should bu Imn.'. The Agricultural Editor thinks he should be ti.M to a horn's heela and kicked to death ; while our Hune Reporter is of opinion that <kc Arch Rebel w.;uld meet with the fat* he deaurves if compelled to walk on owr sidewalk* on a dark night ! Lemons 25c. doz., Oranges 40c. do/, at R. Trimble's. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bour boo, InJ.. Bays : Both myslf and wife owe oar lives to HHILOH'B CONHl'MPTION CURE. Sold by D. 8. Mum... Our Hoise Reporter aaked the Agri- cultural Editor the other day if it was true, as he had heard, that the Fleaher- ton Athletic Association "got bustud up" on account of the way the Dundalk mug- wumps had sat upon them. The Hone Reporter now |>rt a Uack eye, and two scratches in thu immediate neighborhood of his left *'eye-winker," while the crown of his head looks for all the world as though it had been scalped by a M hawk. New goods of all kinds arriving daily at R. Trimble's. A NASAL INJECTOR free with . ach bot- tle of Hhilnh's Catarrh hYmHy . Price 50 cents. Sold by D. 8. Mnoro. Plant*, &c. for Hale. The undersigned hiu a quantity uf Uous* I'UuU, Perennials, Bedding Plants, Toina- tiws. Cauliflowers, Celery aud Cabbage Plants (or sale JAS. UEECUOFT, near r'leshertou. A choiui' lot of Ladies and Gnnts Fine lioots & Shoes just opened at R. Trimble's. NATIONAL PILLS an. sugar coated, mil.! but thorough, and are the best Sto- mach and Liver fill in use. THE HECTIC FLUSH, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman'* Worm I'owderti will i|iiinklv aud effectually remove them. Long Clear Bacon only 9 cents per lb., selling Cast at li. Trimble's. Valuable I'roprrly Fur Sale. In the village of Kuvunham, containing half an acre of land. Good house, stiiblu and orchard. Hest situated property in the village, either for husinosa stand or private residence. For |rticulars apply to J. \V. Kates, Fleaherton. Another lot of choice Clover, Tim othy and Garden Seeds just arrived at R. Trimble's. IK YKlt colio, unuatural appetite, fretful- nrss. weakness, aiul couvuUioiis, are some of the effects of \\.TIUK in Children ; destroy the worms with l)r. Low's Worm Syrup. A beautiful assortment of Guts' Fait and Straw Hata opened out to- day at K. Trimbh*. VSR PROP. LOWS BVLfHCK SOAP for Prickly Heat, Nettlo Uaiih. Hraley Erup. lion. Itch, nnd ail diteased conditions of thu skin. A I' H. n< I.K tor. Mr. Lum Smith, Ediu>r and Proprietor of the Agent't HrnMund f\Mif //.i <// both papers published in Philadelphia still continue* hia rigorous denunciations against frauda of every description. Tho man must have an iron constitution, in <l..iiiumUble energy, great pluck, and wonderful "stay ing powers," to achiere such marked aucceai as ho haa in the .lit ncultbutcommendablet'iiterpriae in which he is and haa for some yean been engaged. Success to him, say we. Dried Apples 7c. perlb. or 15 Ibs. for II at B, Thuible'i. Kebeb Wanted. Fifty or sixty good healthy youths wanted to act at rebel* on Monday next, on the occaaaion of ttra mustering togeth- er of Fleahc-rton volunteers under com- mand of Lieutenant Ku Id. Old muakets, pitchforks, cow-bUa. fa. alsn (ad.) Lot is KUL O r NotwitbbtandiBg mn.4 Us bwa saU ab ont the imitortaDM >f a blood purifyiiiK uu .liciue. it may be poesjkla that the matter ha* never seriously claimed yonr attention. Think ol it now I If , by the use ..( a few bottles of Avar's HarsapariUa yon avoid UM evils of scrofula, and transmit a healthy constitution to yonr offtpriug, thank as for the suggestion. Concert OB 5tk, A grand concert will tw ^iven in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the evening nf Monday next, 86th iuat., under the auspice* of our Royal Templar* of Tem- perance Ivdge. The pubhctnay rely upon it, that the Templan will spare no paina to make the Concert a uouen in every particular. For fuller uifurmation, see billa. By land or at sea, oat M the prairie, or in the crowded city, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the best for pa matin psjrtxMss, every where alike oonveuMot, flkaiuas and sale. For sluggish bowel*, torpto liver, indigeit- ion, badliraatb, flatulency, and. tick bead- ache, tfeey are a sure remedy. An Oadntoa, In the route of furtn-Vi Frifiul stallion published in oar issai- of the week before last, the following paragraph was acci- dentally omitted by the conipxitor : Tuesday, will proceed by graval road to Laughlan Canwjrou'a, lot li*, Con. 6, Osprey, for noon, thence by 20 tide road to W. Roberta, lot 12, con, 11, Osprey for night Ox of the sight* of UM Ci>* at U thv factory in which the re*tl ">-*4 "Myr- tle Navy" tobacco is mad*. Some **epU may snppnie that cutting in plugs of to- baeeo must be a vary iimplc matter bat a walk among the pnndmron* an<l complicated maebinerr of this *tl>liabinent would p<w,lily undfoeivc them. Hero are hydrau- lic prone*, screw presses, Iron frames, all of enormous strength, besides a steam en- gine and many other pl*e*s of machinery- Qaeen'H Ilin li.l.i . On Monday, May 26th. return ticket*, at single fare, will bu issued all stations on the Canadian Pacitic Railway good to retuni aamv day only (hi May 22nd, 23rd and 26th retnm ticUt* at faro and one third will lx- i*ued between all stations good to retuni until May 2t>th inclusive. D. M< NI.-OLL, Gen. I'aas. Agt. Montreal, May 4th, 1886. Year* uf rxpericuee and successful trial hav* proved McGregor & Patif's Carbolie Cerate the moat complete n4 aatinfactory compound fur healiug Old hor, F.tHrine. I II-.TH. Cnt. W..ini.lh. liurm. fnMt Uiu or FI Link, and lor kfi-inn^ out tnp. i)<l Slid to cliauso <>r prevent proud decay. Insist on having Mo( Carbolic Cerate, sold at tftc. ardson. tfli.*! .utLinu or o(iitt.>r iv l'>rke' c. if Wm. llich- 3 [ from tho n-port 11, AlU . lor tlir ....! for U I i li]> tlif following ,.f Inspector .1. H. Hall, MU , ior the County of Wulland to tho minister ,.f Education. Thu Thorold Public School: Hoard hna been sotting a good txanrplu In depurat- ing the walls of the achuol rtx.ins with steel fiiernviiiirft of a hqftt order. A tastefully decorated school room u an important educational inflwnce. Kif- toun pupils of the Thoruld ncmU passed tho Inat Entrance Exaiuiiirftait, a fuct which speaks well for the H,id Master, Mr. P. McMaater and hia stt. A claaH of twenty-five is preparing forjthu coming Juno examination. Early Rose 1'osatooe for sale cheap at R. Trimble 'a. As EX-AUXBMAM Tamo it.^-Ex Alder man Taylor, of Toronto, tried Ilagvsrd's Yellow Oil (or Rheumatism. It ured him after all other remedies had failed. A St,-rr. The soer*t of beauty lie* IB pur* blood and good health. Kiird.-ek Hloud Bitters is tho grand key that unlnoks sll the HacrrtioiiH. It euros ill iiorofulons UlM-ases, aets on the Blood, Uwsr, Kidner*. Skin and Bnwrls, aud brinps th b|ooni of health to the palid eh*k, Lcctmre. Mr. W. L. Dixon, See. -Tress. South Grey Teacher's Association, asks us to in- form our readers that "Mr. J. J. TiQsy, I. M. B., and Director of Teach*r' In- u t uua, will deliver a lecture in the T. wn BaH, rUahertoti. on tk* evening of 38th inat. at 7:30 o'cloek. Kubject "Rela- tion of Bdnoation to the State." Thai lecture will br a great treat to all inter- led in Education and who is not t None need stay away for it is the inten- tion of the Education Department that this lecture shall be free to the public." Mer<fror * Parke, of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying compound known lot Sure*. Burn*. Cut*. Scalds. Halt Hheum, Fruit liitcs, etc. It i* called Me (iregor 4 Parke'a Carbolic Cerate. Be sore and get tin- genuine McGregor A Parke's Carbolic Orate sold by Wm. KicLnrdison at Uc. a box. I UOM- An A* wt Plaktriv* llorx.- Bill torrertloiu. Several ei rors crept into Mr. Samuel Martin's horae bilk through some misun- ntandiiiK on the part of one of our hands who wrote at Mr. Martin's dicta- tion. Wednesday's route should have read, "leave* his own stable goes down 3rd line to towiiline betneen Collingwood and Enphnuia as far as Mr. Jams* Mc- Callum's for n. .mi ; thence by Conn's side road up th. valley to Condy's hotel, Kiin- berly, ,.ne hour ; then home to his own stable for nu<hL" Another mistake oe- cured under the heading of "Terms." The last sentence should have read : Any ir*oii putting hu mares tothishone (Young Duke) and whose colts, frum said horse, take first prise at aty agricultural exhibition, will be refunded their service i*j using He SHUTS* Keveratyiga ^'^-f^g to living n*jar thia olsssisal towa, went iat I a field of newly sown grain, belonging ] to oar citisen, Mr. J. H. Heard last weak, en a toor of ii>v*atisjatk>n, and succeeded in making nuisance* of tbetn- I selves. They continued their investi- gations on several occasions, and Dually Mr. Hoard's men felt called upon to drive them to the pound, where they could chew the cud of reflection at their ' leisure. The pigs were driven through the village, but when near the pound- keeper's gates), the owner and tome friends put in an appearance, and charg- ed the "enemy'' in true British style. Uf course the dear reader is n-t to un- derstand that they attacked tho drovers the bipeds, so to speak oh, no ! it was the pigs. First the pigs went one way, and then another, and then every way but the right one, pig like as may be imagined. Then came a rush and a scramble and the pig* were driven off triumphantly by the owner and her fnends, to the amusement of those who witnessed the thrilling and interesting Tis H HiLiASaa. B. M. Wbe4*r. Mar Markdalr Items. From our oum Corretpondent, Mr. W. L. Young, oar obliging bank (clerk, ha* been oa an extensive buaineta tour this weak. He first went to Owen Sound (by way of Berkely) and then to ! Hamston, returning on Thursday, tie complains ef sore feet, but we don't tkuik he walked all the way. A uouater fishing match take*) jJac* 01. Friday, among the sports of Uu*j village. the Insiag side a pay tt<r a cupf r for alt yard's Prct-.tdl IMsam. Thts Rreat throat and lung healer cure* wesk luugs. eonghs, hoarseness, bionchitia. and ill i* ctoral com- ' ' I'll r IM II. Thia i* the name of a supberb Trotting n own...! by Mr. James O'lirien, of this Township, and which will make the season of 1885 as follows Monday, May 4th, will go by Fleaher- M .ii-ll for ni^lit. l-.iday, May 5th, W.ircham, Mr. Wnght's for noon , Dumlulk for night. Wednesday, Hopeville, for itooa^ Or- chardvill.., for night. Thursday, Durham, for noon; Price- ville for light fdny, homo by way of Flesherton Station. s>r ""^ * AUjfe ruuto continued throughout sea- j. , to be one*) more wading through uwrt, and tearing his way through uramM.-, r , again, aitting upon some hemlock stump in luid-itrtuunhauliiiKintishiniiumvrablr, AutAla*!' He wake* with a groan , : ^"^ his joint* stiffened with rheumatism. rheumatism, still there was a time in the I'"* 1 hii his limbs wcru aa htho as any, J he could haul in aa good a atring . f "*'' ** ever. glaJduiied tho uyes of a man in Lent. The o.rner Stone of the new M ut ^'hun-h. is t.. be laid on Monday May the 25th, by Warring Kennedy lU-i -t .Toronto. At thu same time thu LadiM Aid in connection with tlie same church wi " *"'*' * ^M**- Great hope*ar enU-r- tained for the suoce** of the event. A co g rt wUl also be held on the "^ ^ u **" K ' ''J'' when a choice ct'nipnaiiig both h .niu and ( r.i^-n will be submitted. !, Sim, Uloar Orit, the founder of the family ; ho by imp ..rt.'d Lapadjal Dam, grand-daughter ..f Imported (iU-n- ills. :iw. Urol n ._tou can depeud u,,. n liagrard'j Y*Uow Oil u s pain r*li.v,.r in rbumai*m. neuralKia and all pwuful aiij mdammatory eomplimU. It uut ,,uly re- Uv but cures. The Problem Solved F01lr:.SEElNtt THAT i. Fijee Trade vs. Protection Would lead to trouble, our bead politician rrsolved to SOLVE THE CONTXPEUM ! (1st.) Wu fuvor Fra Trude, that is, 'we waut everyone to trade with ua. (2nd.) We favor Protection, or in other words, we will protect our cus- tomers against High Prices and Hard Times. If yon doubt the accuracy of the Solution, coine and see as and examine Our liuinense Stock ol Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Glassware, Ac. Which we arc selling at prices that ought to command your attention. E. J. GRIER. I'WCli VILLL. April, t l

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