IOOLIHII PARENTS. Tbe> Upbringing and Kduoationoi Children Uieouauaed. CHICKENS THAT CCME HOME TO ROOST. Nature doen Dot always do all thing! well, nor are her iusticotn unerring. Bbe entices obildreu to eatpjieou berries ; let* girls fall IB love with scamps aud boyi give their trust to 01 queues ; Bbe permit* untimely aterms to destroy the barveate itbe herself baa oau>-ed to bloom aud bloaar m ; aud when she makes parent* of men and womsu he olteo forgets te add even a modioum ot oornmon sense aud right reason to belp in tbe guidance ^ tbe young IIVM Bbe ban commuted to their care. Now sheintpirea them witb idea* of discipline wbiob make the days long actH ot torture to tbe over- tasked brains and ooeroed bodies to cruelly and so ignorant!? dealt with , and now rh nil* their bearu witb BO much weakueta ul pity aa oausai them to abandon all dis- cipline altogether, and leave to ohsxoe and enjoyment only tLe education of those who have to make t heir own wy in a world where every one IB taxed aud trained to the atuaont aud only tbe bent win. She allows women to be mothers who have not the Bmalleat moral qualification (or their tffioe, without wincing. Than at tbe other end of the aoala aland tbe parenta who do not obeok, (till lent eoeroe or scold, their oLn dren. From the beginning uature ia sup- posed to be absolutely right in all bar promptings, and human reason baa nothing to do beyond taking oare that tbe little creators* do not fall into tbe flrp, nor tum- ble downstairs, nor oboke tbemeelveB whan Ibey are eating, nor harm themselves in any way prevenlible by nurae and mother. But for all tbe rent they are free aa the nwallovn skimming over the mill lake, aid DO more pressure ia put on them than on tbe Iambi frisking in the meadowa. " Tboae horrid leaiiona 1" say a the mother wban the miu shines, and tbe boya waul to go rambling up tbe mountain aide aud ml to acbool wbou tbe day ia cloudy and tbty want logo fi*biog wben it ia wet and tby don't like tbe rain wben il ia froaiy aud tbey do like the ice. Jual aa any atiok MTvea wberewitb to beat the typical dor, so any noune IB *ufnoient for that playing ot iruaLt lu wbioh the mother herself aide and abeta bar boyH. Tbe parent* have the ultimate satisfaction ot being autroundd by a horde ot rjugb, healthy, iguoraut boorf, who cau do nothing with their heada i( a kood deal with tbeir bauds, aud who are li: lor no iffioe where education, mau- uera, self -discipline or amartneaaia wanted ; boora who, ouly workingmao as they are in oalibrr, have yet not even a workman 'a specialised abiii.i wberewitb to make their bread. Thia IB tbe remit of geuoe without Hut ot tbe initinotanpc and who, physically, can b<qu*atb only weakueaa and disease. Bbe makaa fathers of men who never ^ive a thought to their rlor K, reasou. yuttn dutita aa father*, and to whom tl air children are uierily playtbiuge wi.ile the) are yonoK, aud uuittauoeB wben they are older. ID a word, the pueutal instiuot, of wbiob we make HO njuob account, IB ic nniveraal to begin with, and it certainly doeB uot iuolude oomiu .n aeuae aa part ol ita iualiutmble fun iture. And nature, who, it ia the faabion to nay, doea all things wel', does undoubtedly here make tripe aud alip, which go uear to *pjil the whole tlir. We have known, in our own personal eiper- lenoa, mothers who have not the faintest Hhred of affection, instinctive or reasonable, for their offspring mothers who looked u|a their children aa hindrances to enjoyment and dimmisbers by so inch of tbe general fund mothera who tried to forget that iluy ware mother*, and who kept tbeir little onea out ot their aigbt, aa tbey bad already, ta in the begin- ning, eloaed agaiuat them tbeir heart* mothers who never forgave t heir child ran the crime tbey had been guilty ot iu ex ruing into the world at all, and who, to tbe last, apoke <f ili-ir maternity M a cruel, personal wrong (or Inch there was no atonement. Aud we have known mother* who war* aa fierce aa, and no more reasoning in tbeir instinota than, so many tigresses in the jungle i. ), like ben* wi h a callow brood, lived in a perpetual slate of alarm and defence where no aggression waa intended wbo aaw a hawk in every passing wren, and who never knew an honr'a true peace of mind from tbe firat moment of Ihe birth to tbe nut of tbeir own live*. Between th* two we would ask, Where reason i* to be found? Where bat common seats ber aland .' and, What waa our Mother Nature about wben aha let theae two opposite* undertake the most saored office of the humau race, or, baving undertaken il, that she did not teach them their duty better? For tba unnaluralueaa ot certain mother*, fashion and pleasure are obit fly to blame. A child's sweet caress does not rank witb these women for ro much as tb* flattery of a fop or tbe envy of a rival beauty. A new frock or a gay dance is far beyond tbe delight of noting bow well baby begin* to walk aad bow sharp it is in knowing this and tbat. Tbe world overshadows the cradle, and tbe ball ro^m is more attractive than ihe nuraery ; aud ao these fashionable mothers ignore their duties a* completely a* if those dutie* did not exist, and are deserter* ot tb* flag under which uature called them to serve. If tbe little onea are not pretty aud not available for public parade, they are not dressed jno'.ure-quely and they are uot taken out. Grown older, tbe ill-favored children of a handsome mother obangf, but do not drop. tbe burden ot their sorrows. A woman with t still youthful and pretty faoe, trim waiat and delicate aboulders, wbe ia the mother ol a rudely hewn uagainly girl, ha* ber own self-made truukies wbiob she takea care to paw on. If she oan marry ber to a man going to India or the oolotiea, she ia thoroughly contra!. Then she baa got rid of her ; and perbape, baving got rid of ber, she softens IB br sentiments and apeak* witb friendli oea* of ber dear daughter. But tbe old Aoeifari aud intimate acquaintances smile wbei tbey bear her, lor tbey know tb* " underneath of the cards," and how tbe girl waa firat thrust to the aide and then hustled away, and never at any time treated like a daughter or even aa a friend. Then there are tbe parents whose method of education is one of exoeaaiva intellectual icverity and moral coercion. However delicate tbe child may be, he ia forced to learn more tban ia good for him, aud ia hounded to bis tasks a* ruthlessly a* a slave-driver hound* tbe field hand* to their*. Sick or sorry, be ba* those difficult auma to do. Pale cheeks, tearful eyes, aching bead, all ara of no avail. Hi* father baa aet his heart on making him clever; hia mother insist* tbat he aball be good. Between them tb* routine i* on* ot con- stant imposition, detention, puniabmeut, and overwork all round. The boy's nerves and health give way under tbe burden of hi* tasks, and with hia narvea and hsallh bia temper suffer*. Then be ia pnniabed, and pnuisbed again, till bia apirilia broken , n to frat n>oii t*, and be baa no more manli- nea* left In him than a plaster ( f pans image ha* cf form after it baa been pounded in a mortar. When such a boy as Ibis grow* up awkward, sickly, a pedant or a fribble, tic parent* are to blame, but be get* tbe punisbment. Tbe girls who laugh at him, the boya wbo thrash him, the world wbiob politely amilea behind lie band or brutally ignores him none of these slop to inquire, Wbo baa aiontd? Tbe reanlt ia all with wbiob we concern our- elves, aud tba font et origo molorum ia tbat witb wbioh we have nothing to do. There are houses where it ia real pain to go, from tbe evident terror of tbe children and tbe harsh coercion manifest in the parents' dealings with them. They are treated like Spartan slave*. No weakne** natural to tbeir age ia suffered to expreas itself. It they are hurl they must not cry if they do they fp* flagged, to leach them to bear pain s/raierr* ot Tehcrsu*. Teheran, tbe capital ol Peru*, ia a place of antiquity. Il was A*a Mauotutii d Kuan, tbe founder of tue prevent dynasty, who first adopted it about a century ago. A mud wall sur rouuda Ibe city, but it would be a luistake to aay that tbe plaoe ia foriitud, in tbe modern seuxe of tbat word. Tbe wall i* distinctly pre Vauban in its tracing. A* a police boundary, or s methiug of that sort, il may serve some purpote , but an defence to tbe city, if it were attacked by a modern army, il would be useless. Th* supply of water ia brought into the town by v. hat tbe Persian* call kauants. Tbl* is tbe same aa tii* karetz of Afghanistan. Tbeae are tunnels simply cut through tba soil, iu part*, at some diptb, and by this meana water ia found, wuare all is dry above, and brought for large distance* to irrigate fields. Hole* have to be made regular distances to bring up tb* earth in excavating these kanant*. and their direction can ba traced aero** tbe country from the mound round each hole. Tbia mode of irngatuu exiat* all tbe way from tbia place to the Khyber. Tbe making ot theae tunnels i* a regular trad*, aud there are wise men wbo have a reputation for being able to find tbe underground source from which lb* supply of water is obtained. Some large exteut* of ground in Persia would be a desert were il not for tneaa kanauta. Tbe supply of water brought into Teheran by them is large, and tbe quality is said to ba good. Tbe bn/.tars are arched over with BOO- dried brioka, which is tb* usual building material hereabout. Tbe object of this is to keep out tbe sun. This makea tbtui dark, but il i* highly pietutaiqoe. la some places tbey are painted witb figures and ornaments, and at one plaoe, where two lioee of bizaar* cross, tbe seat of the kadi wai pointed out, and witb a cell below for prisoners. Here oases are tiled before tbe public, and punish- ment is inflicted a very eastern and primitive mode of administering justice. At one part of Ibe baztar we noticed uothing but shoemaker". Paasing them we found notbiug but bats being made ; a little dutauoi further it wae tailor*, then brass- workera. This grouping of each trade ba* many advanUg:*, aud it is not so mai > years since il wa* common in some towns at home. Kabob shop*, or eating- house*, and tea-bonaea are to be found aoattered about the bazaar. In acme of tbe tea- bouaea men were sitting smoking kalians, while story -taller* were amuaiug them. Tbe C inalantinople bazaar baa long ceased to be Oriental. Auy one wishing to aee a place of tbia kind in a alill purely Kaatern ojudition might come to Teheran. Wa visited the old reeldeooy iu tbe centre of tbe town, where Bir Henry Rawlinson and other early British representative* lived. II ia al preaent undergoing a complete repair. The new legation ia on tbe out- skirts, near the gate of tbe road leading to Uulahek. It is perhaps the beat building A i.Mimn I on- i< t i K.> l tin It- Vrmwm m De*/* I - ' l a I nun dr... r 111 lU. Y. Herald I Tbe Bellevde Hospital pbyi-ioiaus are just now exchanging oougss/uU IOOB over the kucovHsf ul remit of a remarkable opera- tion in " munole-graf ling," the nrat of Ihe kiud ever attempted in tbu country. Tbe operation oontinta in lrauferriug a bunch of muscular tissue from a djg or otbtr animal to any member of a human frame that may be incapacitated through tbe want of suoh tissue. At Bdllevue Hospital tbe dog wan a mongrel and tbe patient a Uuudresa. The latter *eriontly injured her right arm while at work in tbe laundry, and five week* ago went to tbe hospital to be cured. A large section of tbe rnuioular snbelauce between the elbow and tbe wrist wa* dt-ad, and toe sufferer could haruly rai-e her arm a. d could not use her lingers at all. Or. Halnted, visiting *uigeon ot tbe boa- pita), saw that tbe injury could uot be outed except 1 y the operation of muscle-grafting. It waa announced, therefore, that the operation would be attempted, and at the appointed hour a crowd cf atudeut* were present in the amphitheatre to witness it. Tbe dog wa* put under the influence of ether. Tbe i-kiu ot the wounded arm was 1 .id open and dissected back. Tbe enda cf tbe divided muscles were then fonnd and out off ao as to freshen them. Meanwhile one of the dog's bind legi had been ihaven, and aa tba arm waa ready a aeotion jf muncnlar tixaue about four ioobea long and two ii cues wide was cut from tbe di>^'s 1 transferred to her arm and ttted to tu divided eudit uf the muscle*. The nkiu ol tbe arm waa then replaced aud sewn together. Tbe operation lasted about hall an h'.ur. Three waeka after it waa per f rmed the patient found hemelf able to use her nogera with little difficulty. Biuce tbtn she baa improved to much that the doctors say she will leave ius b<M(ual iu a few day* quite cured. A good, large, thrifty yearling is worth more in spring thau a u lor, *tunted two year old, and one cow tbat ban been properly wintered than two that are thin in flash aud hide-bound. Make tbe change cf cows from dry feed to ptttare very gradual. Oive nalt to ( rt- vent injury from overeating ot suoculeul grans. Bring up early, aud feed bay with roots, aud give hay in the morning, before tbey go to pasture. Feed tbe ben well witb all ebe will eat ot c iru or dough before giving the chickens tbtir firat meal of crumbs aud boiled egg*, otherwise tbe hen, who will be very uutgr y, ll*w ifc, Itkwrvaarr i ibr at*al I. aw lla* frrarrvrd ihr tiger el a atari-. In enumerating the c tunes which bavs made tbe Jewirh people so strong and vigorous, particular mention mjul be mad* of their otwervauoe of tb* Bibbftlb. Tbu day w a* appointed for the double fnrpoee of aeouring a aet portion of time for the I worship ol God aud tffjrdiog rest to tbe body weaiiud with it* six days' Ubor*. , Ootdieuoe to this primeval law is held by ; the Jews to be as strictly binding on tnem as auy otner religiou* obligation. In Christian pountrie* where tbe Sunday i* kept saored or observed aa a holiday, another day of rest in addition to tbeir own will leave but ht.le f. r the obickeu*. f Keeptb.benasquittaa possible for a day fc h ' obtained, tbtu fortifying thtm or two. iu;il tbe chicken, get a little """* '"'''' K toil aad uerv.u strain nt m it/1 SB n If** Th* I ita. ^/rtit u t, nm thtsi stronger of mod* D tfe. The lo*e'cruu<Khora ibu ronger . A u-erohant v, ho should draw out half bis el *-"<*<! abstinence 'rom buMnt >s worn** \ -i i > u IK. i i % \ POKKK -lot. I- iom U..hlM K l.B W hi. h TI Ut ibr Ha .Tlay The orsza for playing poker baa broken out among faibionable ladiaa in Washing- ton. Tbe doings ot the Army Poker Club, where tbe -ivea and reputation ot ao many officer* have been blasted, are a matter ot general knowledge and goeaip, but during Lent, when il wa* so wicked to danoe, tb* fair damee have consoled themselves with the clatter of the chips and the excitement ot " the draw." It ta stated that one young society belle recently loat over VJOO at five sittiuga. Tbia ia quite a large aum in a game beitiug above So ocnta was trobibiUd. Tbe favorite game among the young ladle*, however, ia tbe " panuy ant* 6 cent limit" This la almost exclusively eou fined to ladiea wbo have only a limited and moderate amount of pin money each week, but there is said to be a heap of tun for tbe specta- tors. Very few gentlemen ara admitted to tbia game. A much more n lined and respectable form ot amusement baa been established fjr their enjoyment. Tbe p >kar parties, where both seee* play, do not use vulgar obi|B or still more vulgar money, tbat would be carrying the thing too far. Elaborate and eoatly lavora are provided paid for, of course, by the gen- tlemenand then tbe entire party situ down to tbe game of " freeie out." This ia a vary popular and entertaining style of amusemeiit, aud ia played quit* extan- sively. Borne of tbe lady players have become adepts at tbe game. One ol the moat demure looking young muses in town recently defeated an " old stager " at a ;arty given at a cirlain fashionable resi- dence, and wben, a few evenings later, he came back for bis revenge, she won euoui(b kid glovee to last her a year. Let IT in Bottom Twelltr. bank account once a quarter ai.d throw tbe money into tbe guuer would be looked upon a* a lunatic. But i* tbe farmer auy wiser wbo si ffsra bu manure heap to be eipoaed to all weathers, and Its moat important elements to evaporate or leach away? lib is sim[ly throwing away bu Capital. It U'lttchman. Gran* lands should be put in crder lor the mower by rolling ; pick up falleu brauobes and whatever rubuiob will obelruct tbe machine. No sensible farmer will pas- ture h meadowa in tp'itg. A hundred pounds of nitrate of soda to tbe acre will be a profitable application, aa will be a buitbel or twj of plaster to clover. After a winter'* rent, if horses have been idle ujuet ut the wu.ter. it requires o*re in beginning to work them. An excellent farmer o:.oe remarked that the ti-st day or two of B^riLg work he only wnuttd Li* men to do half a day's workf er day, lut to be all tbe day diug il. Fri q jeul rent* aud lulling baok tbe collar to a Jtnit air to tbe spiue will uflcn save much lose from galltd sbcnidem. No such failure of winter wheat ever to extensive a ttrritory has evir been known, embracing, aa it doe*, twenty Slater . vary circumstance seemed t ) favor it up to tbe lit cf January, r.b tbe exception of heavy snows in the mouth of February, ait.ce which time everything has gone against it, and tbe almost certain ou'onme will be, compared with IttT'.i aud I860, not more than half tbe acreage, and tbree-finrth* of that half wiped out of exuMno* by dry. cold frosty and windy weather. llltnou Corrtt- pvnJtHl of Country Gentleman. Wben tbe bena become broody, they may, witb oare, be moved after dark to secluded nests provided for them, where they will b away Irom the sound of other fowls and be in partial darkneea. Make tbe nesMf fine bay, out straw, pin* neadlea, or any soft material, a little soil beio| pi in the bottom to ketp the shape ; man] Hoatver cu flour ot sulphur to keep off lioe. Bel but few eggs, nine or ten at the moat until the weather is warmer, tbsn thi usual number of thirteen will be quite aali Irom a/jury by chilling. Be careful to aelecl Urge, well-formed iggs, and tap them together lightly, to make *ure of the aonnd neaa of tbe snells. 1> j net now leave all tb responsibility with tas hen, but look aft* htr each day. Bee that aba leaves the nes rvKukarly , (or food and driuk, and at th same time, it tba sggs are not clean, waa them with lukewarm water. more than counterbalanced by tbe gain nerve power with wbiob (eriodical oee- tion from any barasri: ^ emj loymenl i* uap. n-at*d. This i* doubtles* oue of Ik* actors wbiob have belied to invigorate oib mind and body, and to dev*lip in hem those bigb qualitit* for which ihey r* juntly diftiLgu>*hed. To sum np : tbe UKtvity of the Jew is an acknowledged act. In hia surroundings be i* on a par with bin Christian neighbor. If tbe locality which be dwells is unhealthy be alec era, but to a lens degree. If the el. mat* * ungeuial, Us iuduenoe tell* on him, too, ut with less injurious tffeot. Ilia vigorous) ealth enables him to resul Ibe OLSel of isease to which other* succumb. Tbeae advantages are for the mom part owing to is food, bis temperate habit* and ins eaie aken of him in* and [overly. No oubt he is (pccially for tut ate in inherit- g a oou> ilutiou which baa been uilt up by attention for rrauy otn- uries to hvgieu.o details. His meal drained of blood, so by tbat means mor- nd germs are not likely to be eonvtytd into us >y stem. Ills also most cart fully in- piotedsoaato prevent tLe ooutimplion i what ia nnsouud, hence bia comparative mmuuity from serofulou* and tuberculous or m n of diaeane. The Bible is regarded y some scientists as an old-fashioned took i but it* teaching in relation to lygienr sven they will oonfte*, ba* not leoom* aLt!quated. Il must be credited with baving anticipated and recorded for our instruction and prcflt doetrinee wbioh are now accepted aa beyond diapnte in tbia lapartmenl of knowledge. In tbe Mosaic aw are preserved sanitary lulea, the habi- tual observance ol which by tb* Jew, from generation to generation, has mad* him up*rior to all other races in respect ol lealih and longevity. Ltmre Hour. in Teheran. 'ftkeran Cor. London Netei. An Aalsaal Astsdr-Uaiarrrr. Oalberiog fruit ia a frequent practice ol animala, and yet there ia aatratagam attri- buted to thai " walking buuob ol tooth- picks" called tbe hedgehog, which is curious enoogh to deserve special mention. It e*ms tbat fruit is frequently found in tbe hedgehog's aleepiog-apartment, aud its presence there is explained in thia remark- able way : It ia known thai hedgehogs often climb walls, aud run c tl upon low boughs, and instead ot scrambling down in tbe tame manner, tbey boldly make the leap Irom the top to tbe ground, sometimes ten or twelve feet. They coil into a ball in the air, strike upon tbeir armor ot spine* and bound away unharmed. In taking tbe jump, they have been seen to strike upon fallen fruit, which, thus impaled upon their spmea, wan carried away by them ; and tbia has given riae to the opinion tbat in some anob way they may have stored their winter home*. Oen. Vogel von Falekenatein, recently deceased at tbe age of 89 years, fought iu tbe Prussian army against both Nipileon Ike Oreat and NapoVin Ihe Little in 1814-16 and 1870-71. H* alao served in the Bobleswlg Holstem campaign aud tbe war witb Austria in 1866. Pedro I. of Brazil is the Doyen among crowned beada, baving bad 44 years of sovereignty. Such ia Ibe universally charitable nature of women tbat when aha flnda a man who ha* no mind of his own, she is alway* will- ing to giv* him a pieoe of her*. A negro brought suit in a Mitchell county justice'* court for p >asaaslon of to shoats aud a sow and pig*, and gained it. His lawyer, aa soon aa tbe oae was decided, settled tbe fees for himself, Squire A., tbe lawyer on the other nlde aud the court. 11 Well, Joe, 'Bquiro A. will take one of tbe ihoat*. I'll tale tbe other one, the judge will lake th* sow and pigs and you've gained the ease." II aeon < : Oa / Telfgrapk. utinu. Ivjaulr* le ihr (kaaartar t'ablr. The sun fish baa repeatedly injured tbe submarine cable between Portugal and l>r<- . I and along the east ooatt ol Bouth America. Bpliotera ot bone have been found tbrnst into tbe cable through tbe several coverings ao deep a* to affect tb* electric wires. A small species of marine animal also appears to devote ita special attention toward toring and destroying cables. A short time ago tba cable iu tbe Persian Gulf ceased to work. Examina- tion was made, aud il was found that a whale, which was entangled in the cable, bad broken il. Tba animal wa* covered over with parasites, and in its effort* to free itself of them by rubbing it* body against tbe cable tbe cable waa broken, and one of tb* end* than coiled around tba whale in auoh a way tbat il waa unable to free itaelf, and suffocated. Delaware Prm h < r*s> ! We 001 gratnlat* our reader* over visici of peaches snd cream iu abuud*noe uex summer. Ntver have our peaoh grower united m more favorable prognostication tban these wa public-bed to-day. From all quarters of tbe Peninsula ootuts promise of a full crop; the only ai prehension expressed being for tbe late yellow varieties in some localities. Tbe crop is not yet entirely out of danger, but there is no gocd reaoon to apprehend any further damage. iri/min;roii l/'fl ) Ki-rry l.imn.j. Waal air. Waeta. Tba trmteeaof /ion Church, having failed to secure Kcv. Mr. KJM, of Outario, owing lac Dry I....L Mm Notbing seema more unreasonable than the dignified superiority ot th* husband or tbe brother wbo firl preaches tbe uuim Dorlanor of drsei, perhaps oobetatenlly fur- nfy lug bis words by bi* own example, and then turna to criticise his wife or daughter r being less well dressed '.ban some fair neighbor wbo gives her bole mind to tbat absorbing department. Does) he really suppose that a oman oan be bun mut by giving to it three-quarters of u Uc.ur in the pr ug aud tbrev quarters u( an hour in tue autumr. wbioh are all, aa Jamea Pat- ton boaaf . that a man now nteda to devote to bia taller ? Let the wife neglect what ba* been called tbe " gospel uf good gown* " as completely aa the bu baud disregard* thai of good bale, lur in.taLoe. and let him see b<-w be liaea il. But whether he aUo| ta tbe jouoy of ludifKrenoe or net, let him at leaal be ooutiateut. If we bold it the duty of intellectual womtu to be well dressed women alao, 1*1 us give thm full credit for doing the double duly. II, on tbe other laud, we uitke m suoh demand on them, let us omit all the jeers at tbe laded " water proof " ol the literary woman and tbe dyed and turned dreas, and tven the snort hair cut i ff, let us charitably suppose, to save lime lor study or lor woik. In the same way, if tbe husband expeola bia wife to be well draased, 1st him uot sn**r at Ihe time to bun not owing transferred to tbe . meroile**ly speul in shopping, or even groan Manitoba Conference, are now endeavoring , at tbe bills when tbe result, of bopping to secure tb* esrvioee of Rev. Leooaid , " " Let him no! complain, aa I beard Oaetz, formerly of Ontario, but now of Ked , <""* b , u<tako .' 1 vbe olh " ***' Daar, near Calgary. It is not yet known whether or not be will accept the appoint- ment Winnipeg Timtt. A II. c. . ml... .1 I M'l" ' Vambery, wboee writiug* have been frequently ijuoted of late, waa a heroic explorer. He dioguUed biiaaelt as a dervish, and wandered for many monlbi as a relit i Jus mendicant among the fierce nomads and fanatical raoee ot Turkestan. Hia talent tor languages enabled him to assume tbe role of a Turkish dervish, but be knew that if his disguise was penetrated il would cost him hi* lit*. Hi* ambition to promot* philological studies made him content to live in tbe dirl and privations of mud buta ; led him to Bokhara, where Htoddarl and Oonolly, England'! first and laal Ambassador*, had been cruelly done to death, and carried him to Ktaiva, where a few Ituxsiau captive* in the jail were the only representative* of Western nations. Until quite recently the hiatory ot hia remarkable travels over twenty year* ago ba* been tbe chief source ot information witb regard to Ibe people and countries in Central Atia that Knaaia baa subjugated. Tbe Perfume of Religion ia the overpower- ing title of a paper just started in /.aoateoaa Mexico. Charlea Gounod ia at work on a new oratorio, the anbjeol which be baa selected for treatment being tbe life of SI. FranoU aia " Sanitate ! Sanitate !" is the paroxya- mal but timely editorial outcry of the Mempbia Appeal. Bv IN after Middleton's expedition reaches Ilatvcbe'ii, be will atill be 43 milea Irom Prlnee Albert. It ia reported in London tbat a branch ol Uelmouioo'a celebrated restaurant ia to be shortly opened in that city Ibr nrm Wbe Are rre The young men who no-jive promotion are the men who do not drink on tbe sly. Tbey ara not tbe men wbo are always al Ibe front whenever there is any strike, nor are tbey tb* a.en wbo watch lor the clock to strike It and leave tbeir picks banging in the air. Ttey are not the men wbo growl il tbey are rt quired to attend to some duly alter tbe whistle baa sounded. They are tbe men usually who pay tbe closest attention to tbe details of tbeir bum- uass, wbo act a* it they were trying to work for tbeir employer's interest instead of to beat him al svtry crook and turn. Tbey are the men wbo give the close*! attention to every pmc'.ioal detail, and wbo look continually to aee whether tbey ean do any better. This class of men are never ont of a job. Tbey are scarce- They never strike, tbey never loaf, and tbey do not a*k for their pay two or three weeks before pay day. Uanuj'ncturer'i -I.. M ... i .1 I in.- 14 It i* my unalterable decision, Clara," be said finally ; " I cannot walk on tbe avenue witb you if that poodle ia to aooorn pany ua. Yon meal choose between him aud me. Il reeta witb you, Clara, if onr engagement shall be broken off." " Ob, George !" tb* girl replied, and her faoe assumed an ashen hue, " thi* is all ao sudden. Yon must give me time to think it over. Use week, Ueorge, and you shall have your answer." Ingleiutt. A correspondent of tbe Cleveland Leader, who ia journeying south- ward, notes that while man are seldom seen working in the fields. Tbe negroes still do Ibe work. Tbe piotur esqueutss of plantation scenes baa not altogether departed, Nrgro women were ploughing, h-ieiug and planting, and the gay colors of their bead-dresae* bandker chiefs chiefly and the laugh and juke ol tbeir swarthy fellows of the other sex, gave tbe impreision of another land a* the oar* women when Ibey meet always talk about dree*, wben perhaps tbe very point under discussion wa* tb" question bow to dreea aa tbeir husband* wuutd without it coating Iboee husbands too much money. Harper i liiuar. Am ... .... .in, ,. . ii, i - The following Bill, read a second lime in tbe ljuobtc Legislature, and ia likely to be earned, is worth printing in full : An Act respecting oaths aud the adminU- tratiou of oaths. Her Majwly, by and with tba advice and consent ot tbe Legislature of Quebec, enact* aa follows : 1. Iu all Her M .jesty 's Courts of Justice n ihe Province a crucifix shall be placed in a conspicuous plaoe, opposite Ibe witneea .01 or the plaee in which wiineesea ttaod during examination, aud auoh orneinx shall be ot Ihe size determined by tbe Lieutenant-Oovernor-m Council. J. Every court, judge, intgiatrate, pro tbonotary clerk and otber person entruated witb admioittarivg oaths shall, before a wiluee* be allowed to swear and give bis testimony, call upon him to lilt bia right baud in froal ol tbe oroee and to plaoe his led band on in* book ol the Kvangetiat*. and to cause him to swear before tbe cruci- fix and npon tb* Holy Evangclitts to tell tb* truth and tbe whole Iruin in tbe oan*e in wb'ob he is to be beard aa a witness. 3. Every sheriff shall plaoe or oauae to be placed a ernoinx in ihe manner above indicated in each and every ot tbe court houses within the limits of bia district under a penalty of forty dollar* lor each day in which be neglects so to do. 4. Boob penalty shall be recovered from sooh abet iff by any person suing tor Ibe same before any circuit court ot the dis- trict in which th* (tijuoe ba* been com- mitted and shall beloug to Ibe i roteontor. whirled by. Rev. Von Bohlnembaob, ' Moody," ia journeying in State*. 1 tbe German the Soathem Tronnen witb two legs are a pair . a shirt with two arms is only one shirt. Philoao- phera bad better give up trying to find out whether tbe moon ia inhabited with spook* aud clear up some ol the dark rnysterie* ol his life. A gentleman wbo was making a drawing In hi* sketch book in Central Park, New York, tbe otber day waa informed by a policeman tbat " sketching ia not allowed without a permit." t