Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1885, p. 7

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ifc* Me**I i Herat. IPMIAN TINANUB*). WIU the dan**roM IKJJ m to* Vast whioh prevail for w>me reuon, A new varttoo ol l.iulo Hetl eliding Uootl'l tale Cum** lu aaaeoa. On Afghanistan'! border* Ibe teeue ha* b**n laid For the tory ; Aaii Mlw India m.iiiU an tb* weet pretty maid lu bar K'Ory. Mow that (lory baj stirred o|> Ihe Kuealan bear'* bile, Hi be'B running To perform the woifi i>arl witL inelduooe guile An.i muob cunning. By grandmotherly word* aud dltKQte* 'lii bl* plan Junto cheat hr ; Though we know tbai be'U oatcb bar at once, u heoan, Aod then eat bar. Taw ** Veil Butatometfclng tbecee* lo diltnut Arid ex|iree*i u, Bo the doew'l *oo-pt with a very good grace Hi* |irole**iunii III.. *, libra, i If. lo a rude acbool boa** where tanbnn (all, And make qaaiut ibaduw* along tbo wall, tin* a little buy with hi* brown arm* bare, V* ub war elautMl (MX and ony bair, Plodding a l< *eon witb kcbool boy bate, Prom mk daubed book aud battered alale ; - No rait, no ret. till the t >k is don*. Two are equal to one aud one." In a quiet room where moonbeam* (all And make <iualut cuauowt alung the wall, Our tohoolboy now to manhood grown, I* holding a maiden's hudn in turn own, Adding, an on that ummei ' day, But adding DOW in a different way : " Uneaud one are only one ; On* (ram a million will leave aon*." In a aoi*y room, whan laugh and call, Awake r.rau ecbee* along the wall, And childieu thout -i.d romp akout, And tnrn th houw all MI - MB out, Our boy or old. with a faib*r'iimile, Hol.nug a babe in bi> arm* the while, Kiddie*. ttill time B ebaniiuu alat* ; but " One aud one uow equl eight." In a ob4irchyard old, where ibadow* (all Heavy and thick, like a eoujbr*- pail. By the grsu-giowu grave* o( Li. lowly dead biu grey hmirtM uiau, witb bowed bead, An aged man 1 grief aud care, The >chi ui i.i.y once, i. u the unny bair. - No reel, no real, till the Uik U none, The eight that were are now but one." BAV >!> UI -111 I > 10 !. I II I b. ..! erf m >! H ..... Jl-n rl.L.I Oo April 17tb, 1883, a man giving the oaui* of G"orB Euoa, Quebec, died in tt hotel at Watertcwo, N . Ha pretended to be deaf aud dnmo, and oo Lie dying bad wrote bin requext. It ba* jol been <lie- oovererl ibat the dead man it none other than Hiram B. Thomas, a uoted burglar Mid forger. Thomas wa neither dial nor dumb, Out pretended to be *o at time* to oh. i nympatby and ceoura contribution* from minister* and other*. Tuoine* be- loi.ncd to 8uipeu*ion Bridge, where bi- fauiily uow reide. He erved (our and a half yearn lo KiUKMton i euiteiiliary , being MDI (rom Hamilton (or borne dealing, ai.d in Si. Tii'ima- was wanted for forgery. He waH a shrewd o >ok, moat intelligent man an lutiuia'.e acquaintance of Bhang (Jiark. He always > offered from luu* troubl**, ai.d died a victim of ouuruuiption. Hi* left thumb bad been amputated. 4*WSBir* lr bl a I way* eteaulv i.r Wmt. (London HtandarJ.) Uutil 1870, or thereby, nothing whatever WM known aboui Bueaiau budget*. A vague kind of tradition existed tbat tbey alwaya miraculously balanced, but bow or by tbey b*Unoed nobody knew. Gradu- ally eiuoe that date a lilf't mar* ligni ban DMU let in upon ths kffaire of Ibe Fiuuo Mluutry. Regular budget* aud aoo>unt jlasore bate been published, and a lew laots are bow known. Tbey all tend to ueUiu tlie oonolun /n that Bua*ia is not nolvout. DcfloiU are tb* rule, and reeeut year* have brought little reduction in tbeir mount, although the Empire ha* beeu at peace. F_r Inn year 1S88- tbe las! whoee count* have been published toe sbort- tmuga w*s about three and a half million pjuuda, and it i doubtful whether tbere uae beou a biugle year of honest norplos xiooe the Crimean war. Facts like these are well calculated to alarm tbe creditors ot ItUMia, but tbs method* of Ru*sian nuance ars inch that they need not dieturb tb* equauimily of tbe Imperial F/uauoe dimmer very uioob. We have saidlhkt a Slate may contend with bankruptcy tor well-nigh aoeutory, and toal it, we stuped, wbal KUMIS ba*> been doing. The wars against th* first French Empire unques- tionably made Kumiia bankrupt, for her >ilv*r rouble tb*u went to a premium of 830 (leroeut., to completely wa* the currency itxHl by over-irsnea of paper. But part of thi depreciated paper wae with- drawn by means of a funaing loan, partly lamed abroad. That wa> in 1817, aud from hat data until now the neoewutie* of tbe KuMian Trtavory have been msl front lime to time by large drafts opon Ibe purse* of wealthy and oredulou* foreign inveetors. Tut divermiy of Kuasiao borrowings ha* been somewhat wonderful, especially uuoe t .e Crimean war. Wbeo tbe State Itaelf could not find a pretext for coming upcn the mouey market* ot Holland, England, France, and latterly of Germany, there wa*. always; a railway loau bandy. By one m un or another tb* Treasury wae , eulduihed, and not only ao ftoaLoiera and causing eeUbltahnienu at home were kept in good heart. To* Crimean war added at leatt seven hundred million roubles to tbe total obligations of tbs Empire, including the new inns of bank uotas, and Ru*ia ought tben to have stopped payment. She did nothing of the kliid. She merely borrowed the more iudostrioosly abroad. Between 1869 aod 1H84 upward* of two buudrede millions sterling wa* raised iu foreigu market* on the pre-arnonut. The p. c< ot tb* borrowing ha*, therefore, beeu teriino, aod there u reaeon to believe tbat U ba* almost exhausted the carrying capacity of tbe Empire. In all probability , therefore, war on a large scale would at Uel strain Ruavian credit to breaking point. M 4 l.t- -altitt *. it* AN INDIANS). An Baewn llt-.M 'I Jt-.l t > lll K I >.. It.MIt A Parrel ( ! .1. If- ! MM. Boon after reaching tbe firil arauoarian we fout,d onrenlven nrrouuded by tbeoa id all other tree* gave way to them, though tbe ground wa* ktill Ky wi> purple peaa aud orange orchid*, and many tiny ll iwer* wboee namee I dii not know, Mid wbiob I bad ool lime to paint tben euoh flowere wben picked die almost directly. Many hill* aud the valleye between were covered with old treee. cover- ing, yome milee of upeee, and there are few epecimen* to be fout.d outuld* tbie form 1 eaw none over 100 feet bigb or HO (eel in eiroum(r*uoe, aud, ctrange to aay, tbey ecuied all very old or very young. I aw aoue of tboee noble peeimeui of middle age we have in *om Euglih park* with their lower branohee renting on tbe ground. Tbey did not become Cat topped like tboee in Brawl, but w*rn*hkBi)y domed like thoee of gueeueland, and their ihmy leave* glittered in tbe combine, while tbeir trnuke and btacohr* were bang witb white lichen, and the latter weighed down with big cone*, a* big ae one'* head. Tbe mailer cone* of tbe male treee were (bak- ing ( ff olonde of golden pollen, and were full of Hiiii.ll grobe, wbieb, I eoppwie, attracted tbe flight of parroquet* I taw ao bimily employed about them. Tbe*e birda are *aid to be ao clever tbat tbey oau find a oft place in tbe great *bell* of tb* cone wben ripe, into which they get tbe point of their sharp beak*, and fidget it onlil tbe whole crack* aud tbe nut* fall to tbe ground. The moit remarkable thing about the trees wae tbe bark, wbieb wae a p'rfeot child's puzzle of knobby ulab* of differ*t.t iseH, witb five or six decided nidee to each, and all fitted together with tbe neatnen ot a bone) comb. 1 tried in vain to fiud some KM.I. m on wbieb U was arranged. Pall Mall Oitttte. A Delicate A book entitled " The Fint Families of tbe United States" Isioon to be piblinbed. Whether tbe people whote graudfatbRra made their money in lard or tboee whose wealth comes originally from whikey, will be given precedence, says the Chicago Tribune, is a mystery only to be solved by tbe book's appearanoe. THERE are, sooorfing to Sir Robert Kane, eveu ezteniive o >al diitrieta in Ireland. Tbe Leiutter ooal ft-ld extends over the greater part of Kilkenny, (j ieen'i County aodCarlow. Thin bed, eoaiisting obirfly of Mate-coal, lie* within an average of 140 yards of tbe surface, aud covert an area of over 5 000 Irish acre*. Tbe Mnnster coal- field extend* over tbe ooontiea of Cork, Limerick, Kerry, Clare and Tippeiary, aod oooRists maiuly of six layers of ooal, alto- gether forming one of tbe most exteoaive developments in tbe United Kingdom. Tbe whole ot this vast tract remains compara- tively nnworked. The Ulster di.triot includes the ooal beds of Ooaliiland aod DmiKannon, coveting over 7,000 acres ; nd tbe Antrim bed*, resting on tbe mioatlate. The Oonnaught district, covering an ersaof 114,000 Irish acres, extends over part* of the adjoining counties of Roeoommon, ligi, Leitrim and Oavan. Children grow taller, it is laid, daring an acute tioknees, such as fsver, tbe growth of the bonei being itimalated by tbe fsbnle eaodition. lol, h .u -lr.k,r, 1. . Perbap* my experience in tbi* may be of iutweet to tcme of your readers. I have been in tb* fruit busmen* nearly twenty ytars, aod I bave not d*rtd to burn tbe mulch of strawberries before, but tbe last iieaiiuu my trawberne* were mulched witb mraw oontauiing foul seeds, which I did uotdioovsr until spreading tbe *ame. Ae -oii.i a*> I wa* through piokiog the fruit 1 conclude die try tb* experimeLt of burning tiff tbe mulob to dtitroy tbete foul seed*, oouoludtOK if it destroyed ths strawberry plaute ao be It, My praotio* heretofore baa oe*n,aa eooo as tbrougb fruiting, to plough a light farrow with ons boree, from the rows on each aidt, only leaving a tpaee about a foot wide ol tbe plants left, which it worked ouiwilh a bos. Tbe furrow* oovtr Ibe mulch- ing, aud if old straw i* uaed il will be so nut and rotten tbat il will not trouble ninob when working tbe farrows down with the cultivator. When using new straw bave bad Home trouble with it* ologgiLg tbe cultivator, bat in tbi* oaee now, Trom the eawu'e experience, my plan will be to Burn it ofl Aral. It wa* very dry, and I put nreiuto ont corner of tbe plot ; aud it burued ovsrtvery foot of ground, so tbere wai not a greau '' OD (o( P^ ' ' ">' kind. It rtmained dry for tome time, and I said I tbougbt it wan a gone oa*e, but wb*o tbe rsm came, they toon began to puih oat at tbe crown, and I worked them out ae usual and they ea>me on, ao it is ae fin* a plot at need be. After tbi* experience I burned another plot with ths same sati*- faetorjr result. I nave ao idea that there will be another beneficial result of tbe burning, il will destroy the insects and tbeir egK*.-J. N. Steanu in Michigan farmer I .. hrr l-llt .lr. < ! Hll. Though the Europeans got from this country tbe idea of street! railways, tbsy rsloted to adopt our form of rail, wbioh i* M damanifcg and destractive to vehicles, but insisted on ons mnoh more practical. W* are an inventive people, but we do not alwaya exosl other people in this partiou lar, as many Americaus fondly believe Tbe fact thai we bavs ao long submitted to form of rail for street railways tbat tesit tbe wheels ofl carriages, whenever they are unfortunate enough to fall into the snare, it ampls proof that we are often tepidly good-natured and inactive. A rail lik* tboee nstd abroad, that ii too narrow to admit an ordinary wbeel, is a simple contrivance, yet it teems never to have occurred to Americans to save tbeir car riagts by demanding it* introduction. from Br*4ilrtet'$. Tlcw oi ib< VHsawawi (Halifax Chronicle.) The forces required to bring half breed and Indian again into aubminaion to the law have bet u vaiiously estimated. Ii is proposed to arm ruob savage* a* ean b* ulitted in Dominion eervioe to harry the country, and *lay, scalp with dioori- mloatioo. We hope, for the ortdu of our common humanity, that no *noh hue m*a*ur* will be adopted. To let IN s< upou ibe half- breeds, wLo are Brui-li nubject*, the tavagee would be a cowardly outrage. Five thousand volunteers will alao b* required in tbe Nortnweit according to some authorities. There will be difficulty in getting tbe men, arm ing aud equipping then suitably for a campaign that [romiees to be arduous and traubportuig them to the scene of tbe disturbance. Tbs oot of carrying on the war, if we cannot avoid it, will still farther cripple Canadian finances, now unstable from the sap and miuiug of the C P R Co It may plunge Ibe country luto diffiooltiei not far removed from bankruptcy. Its euc is not to be foreseen. From pre-ent appear anoe* our armies will have no King Pepiu'* march of il, first np sn4 then down. Tbe stiff Northweetere are havmg thing* pretty muob their own way. Tbey kuow tin country, which will enable them to pick of tbeir loee from under cover. Tbe aoason of mud and fretbels will be agmnt oui mee most materially. Th* rebels ars imbued with the idea that tbey cannot conquered by any force Canada can seni gaiukt them. Tbey are hardy, akillec riflemen , and good horsemen. Their self confidence is excusable. Perhaps tbei wrath is a* well, but tbe last man an dollar of Canada must be need before a ndtpendent state shall be tolerated within its border*. Nevertheless, tbe Ottaw aotboritie* kbonld r< member thai a gooi compromise I* bettor tbau a bed fl h). W hav* no intent to join in tbe yelllug one* coming from throats Liberal or Con ervativ*. Tb* half breeds are oar felloi citizen*. Bbooting them or burning n_ their home*, or driving them away from their farms, is a recreation not too deeir- able. If tbsy have been ill used a* tbsy claim, tbere kbonld be seal exhibited to gst their grievances redre**ed. rather than to get up a little butchery. Tb* tenders of service* of volunteer regiment* by tbeir ttfioers to tbe Government with- out consulting tbe men, and in tbe fnll oonaeiouenees tbat tb* Minuter of Militia could eend tbe battalions wbsrever be tbougbt fit, tbow bow ardent u the mill- tary spirit among a class of persons wtao would run a mUe on tbe itarting of tbe bung of a molasses puncheon, and other* wbo want notoriety, and ofiee*. There ar* orders tor troops from Nova Boolia. These should be taksn from farther west. Tbere they have tbe veterans of Kidgeway aod the Wolaeley campaign. Tbe dis- turbance u tb* Weet's bnsinets Except fi.r the cost, and Ibis call for volunteer*, it would touch th* Earl lightly. Tbere should be much pradeuoe exhi- bited in tbe selection of tbe men from Nova Boolia. especially of those from Halifax. Tbe services of no men with fauiilm depending upon their labor ehonld be accepted. Un- married candidate* for honor* in tb* west can be had, and we shall not be obliged to listen to the refrain ol " Motber, ie tbe battle over T" Tbe men who serve in tbi* war will be a* well entitled M ptu*ions as tbs never-dying soldiers of 1819. Parliament has one plain and pleasant duty to perform, that is to dumiw Dewd- ney witb ae much ignominy a* possible. II u follow this op with a vote of censors ou th* Ministry, wbieb in sheer lazin*** brought about this lamentable difficulty, il will do juMioe. Our voice is for peace, and at much of it a* we ean gel. I I our mire MSMl Ihr 'Uiae I r lnr e>l Ibe . ..luu. Ths London Trbgrafh lu to d buuiorrd on, publish** a a. i- ^ i . I ,i. c Queen's Irawiog room, and in itiu oourMt of it says: Cards duly preaeuted. aud verified >y nt*ru officials, t'ie utreaiu moven on nto tb* first room, and there a stand is uiade for a whole hour, during wbiob wery iuterval of waitu g tl>e elect take advauiage of tbe broad daylight into which tbey bave emerged to CM IGIM naoti otber'e clothes. Il isainnmuK to mark tbe Hbadea of behavior between the dowager o( many anmmara and the debutante) ot to-day. Tbe nret, aware by sad experience i the time she will have to wan, moke, a J -i. at one of the pare* chairs, and like a wary ben, gather* her chickens as near an p lasible to tbe entrance of the eooud room. Tbe debutantes, on tbe other band, are all in a delightful flatter, like so many snow white doves, and a just remark is made tbat among the bevy tbere i* a singular amount of lovelineas. " Muol 1 take ofl my glove now?" ons wbinpem witb so lu tense an anxiety that it mut almost amount to pbytioitl pain. "Ob do attend to me, manjunt! Mint 1 ? "Of course not -not till we rtjob the) third room," returns a enperior cldsr outer " Wnatever you do, don't foiyet to oonrt**; all tbe way; and, obt don't turn you back!' Tben enanee a wild aud wonder ful dueottioo as to bnv many oourteey will be neoeMary. Will MX do?" "Ob dear, no I You most go on o mrtesayiui ontil you gst well through tbe door. Alter wbioh verdict tbe debutante enbnidee loto anguished apathy, bom of dumb despair. A rsi Letter in Baltimore Amrritan : After aeeiug all these things we fell for ou pookelbook, and on taking an inventory w found our Mexican dollam were rapidly evap orating. We therefore concluded to visit Ib national pawnbrokiug establishment. W did not have much t j pawu, but we wen there anyhow. This is oue of the mos remarkable institutions iu Mexico, and well worthy ol a visit. It is situated on Empdradillo ttreet, almoii oppoaite tb famous As'.ee calendar in tbe wall of on of tbe Cathedral towere. This is one o tbe oldeel edifices in tbe city, having hie originally built as private recideuoe to Cortes shortly alter the oouqurst. Itrelaio a good deal of lie primitive etyle, and tb modern tourist baa much to admire in its jaint old door*, wiudown, statroi ilingt, etc. Its founder was Count d 'gia. Don Pedro Terreros, who, 744, endowed the institution with 300. 00 at of bis private fortune. Hie obj-ot was hilanthropie in *very reaped, being elisve tbe poor and tboee wboee diffiou iroumitenoea oonjpolled them to bave reeonne to usury. Money i loaned on ery liberal terms, according to tbe ralee and regulation* of tb* sslabli-bmenl, tbe ateot inter**! never bting lower than S or igber than !} per cent, per annum. Tbere re many onriouo articles stowed away in be picture, candelabra, silver-plate, tune- leoe and mi>oellaneon* rooms, aud the rand vault of tbe bank oootalue from 6.000,000 to 110.000 000 in eoud .liver and gold The jewellery department contain* me of tbe riobest and rarest collections in be world. 1'rarls, rubies, tmeralds and liamond* in great number dtzxle the intor'e sight. Many of these jewels are merely placed here for lately, others for be consideration of mouey. Some are landed down from tbe date of Ibe conquest, ,nd, beeidee their intrinsic value, are of [reat interest to the antiquarian. IXVBNTOM ot new military appliances ars anxioat to M* a big war, in order tbat tbsy may bav* an opportunity to display their resources, and if Great Britain and Ruuia fall out ths desired opportunity will be afforded. Among recent contrivances are balloont with photographic appliances, torpedo bostt which may be tank oat of sigbt and guided under water by electric lights, and nitro-glycerin* cartridges war- ranted to blow a mountain into smithe- reens. The email boy fecit tbat U i* tempting Provideno* for a leading grocery firm to put large and luscious looking oranges right out on tbe sidewalk and label them : " Do not fail to try these oranges. Tbsy are very tiioe. ' That pegged shoes and boot* ar* (till quite extensively oaed might be inferred from tbe fact that a peg manufacturing company at Bartlett, N.H.. is lorn ing ont the little Unir *>lr. Many person* begin to *bow gray hairs wbil* they are yet in their tweutiee, snc some while in tbeir teens. This does no by any means argue a premature decay o: tbs constitution. Il ie a purely loea phenomenon, and may co-exist will nnutnal bodily vigor. Tb* celebrated author and traveller George Borrow tnrnec quite gray before be was thirty, bui was an extraordinary twimmsr aod athlete a sixty five. Many feeble person*, snc others wbo have suff*r*d extremely both mentally and physically do not blanch hair until past middls life ; while other* witbout assignable oaose, loee their oapil lary coloring matter rapidly wben abou forty years of sge. Race has a market influenae. The traveller Dr. Orbigny *ay tbat in the many yearn bs tpenl in South America be never saw a bald Indian, am scarcely ever a gray haired one. Thi negroes tarn more slowly than tbe white* Yet we know a negree* of pore blood about 36 year* eld, wbo is quit* gray. In this country, sex appears to make little difference. Men and women grow gra] about tbe same period of lit*. In men the hair and beard rarely changi equally. Th* on* is usually darker than tbe other for several years, but there seem no general rule as to which whitens first Th* spot where grayness begin* differ with the individual. Tbs pbilosophe Schopenhauer began to tnrn (ray on th temples, and complacently framed a theory tbat this is an indication ot vigorous men tal activity. Tbs correlation of gray hair as well a* its cause*, deeerve more attentiv tndy than they bave received. Sueb i change is undoubtedly indicative of eom deep-ieated physiological proceis, but whs this is we can only ascertain by a muo wider seriee ot observations than have je been submitted to tcisntiflo analysis. tied, and Surg. Reporter. Men were cutting ice on one ot tbe pond in Wobnrn, Ma**., a few week* ago, win! robins were singing blithely in th* tree* o tb* shore. In Arizona any person who ases profane indecent, vile, or abusive language, o throats, within tbe hsariiig ol women o children, i* beld liable by law to fin* o imprisonment. An an printed letter of Oharle* Lamb has come to light, giving hi* opinions o ths relativ* value of Wordsworth'* an Byron'* work. It read* tbu* : " I n*v* relished bis lordship's mind. Why, lin* of Wordsworth's is a lever to lift th immortal spirit. Byron's can ooly mov tbe tpleeo. He WM at belt a latirist ; in CaiLlll' M lull .tun. 4 Thai r '!< H SMrtswkB nr.rwti. (Detroit Nw%) Speaking of workirK -I . ar* nearly all toreiguers or ot I | r*nle. tb* btsrver iu Detroit * ii- itnkinf taytiologioal imprnt out of American hildren over their |ir 1 n improve- ment i* especially ui < puorer laises. The father - . . -- will dis- play all the char: e ' ..oranoa, outraoted mental t> 11 their m inner, while their 1 ' . i .. I hands, tooped shoulders ki.'J . '.. 1 bearisg toll the tale ot old . . . :itary toU and grinding povert; A: . y*t thi* their daughter:' ileauiiful eyes, a rosy, Hebe-iike rujutL, swaa- ike ncok, dainty bund* and fset, th* orm of a tylpb I How woudem htssd OB tb* free oil of Amere* : U it th. oliBoat* T NM, hardly. Tbe >a.n fhenoru*oon oaa seen from Lake. \V.m.>[tx K Ihe Bio Grande from the f- M orili to tb* tropic*. Political in-i fee, indi- rectly. But not tbove 4 State* jartioolarly. Cautd* :'ie seise phenomena of race, i t. aud yet i*r governm*nt is theoretically founded on a monarchy. But ber u. .1 dittant. Her titled aristocrat* are *oaroe a* hen's teetb, aod primogeniture, i* unknown. Both are free oouutri. - tl r I , in fast, and from freedcm u. itlj upricg* tb* race improvement 1 > **. a great factor in fsmalepilci urihisg food, aud it ii fornil. --'.I-T quantity and quality in North An .uywbsre else oo this world's iurlnoo Tbe manner* aod euotom* which \i . in* conti- nent aUo giv* social treed * d beauty to tbe poorer claim* c'lrrjinon school yittm U tb* alemb c -neb ' jeee tb* forces of society, an : r i. :; jeaalioe* toe crude matter witii :te mi of in* glow- ing tires of thought. A .at great i* the social ooum ieri i* bsld in Amerira MX prevail* all ov< r tbe < in the older oounlrien . higher and middle ela*- to Ibe very pooreat. ai.d are extended freely t t hoi-carrier. On thir doe* no degrading lab. r. ivij she I* surrounded by privileges which in tin : - -'dareonly extended to the wealti > BlM u crime be reaps tbs advantagx o.' ex IL. irumnnity from puuishmsnt. HVw tr.<jy eoovioted morderesees areneou . but while the** tact* are enough to lu.l.r tome of the oauite* of rtoe imi>rovi . . : partice. i woman i of tk* rid, but 1 i. tbe leaoend* xjurtesy r of tb* evrrywbsre i.'jcun aai Tax correspondent of the London T\mri, writing from the advance poet of tbe Britiib army m the Soudan, says : " The Arabs seem lo be more like wild beaats than human beings. Kveti women and children Ight in their ranks.aud wbsn our men sought to afford aid to some of tbe enemy who could not walk tbe latter orawlid toward them with tbeir spears between their teeth, striving even yet to slay a Kffir. These trait* somswbal dimmmb tbe lympatby which we should otb*rwi*e feel for snob arave anta*joni*ts. Were tbsir ferocity shown in Ibe beat of battle il would be excusable, but tbete wretobe* hour* aftir wer* animated by a fiendisb desire to ujure thoee who sought to rilieve their nffermge. Even the nobler animals bave some idea of gratitude, and Arabs must Henceforth be regarded in the light ot tbe most savage ot the worst description ot beasts of prey. The fact ie tbsy are maddened into brutality by fana- ticism." A price of a gold watch pat up recently by a tradesman of Ottnmwa, Iowa, to any one gueeeing the number of seeds in certain pumpkin on exhibition was won by a farmer's daughter, wbo guecsed tbe exact number 494. Tbe people of I'eleo Inland have abolished tbe system of statute labor. Instead, tbe roadway* are eared for by taxation and properly directed labor. Tbere i* a salt lake in Hidalgo county Texas, wbioh is one mile in length, five miles in circumference, and from three to four test deep. lie bed consists ot crystals of purs lalt. Lake Eiie has been trozeo over this year from shore to shore a rare event. A fith ermsn of Port Dover, Canada, is said to bave walked across on tbe ios from Lon| Point to Erie twenty- sight miles. He tried to kise me, and I jail toll bin to behave," said an irate young lady after a sleigh-ride down tbe road tbe otbe day. " Well, did be kiss you ?" asked be friend. " No, the idiot, he behaved." People ladies especially often wonde how it ! tbat tbe Queen has an apparently inexhaustible inpply of Indian Hhewls. Some thought tbey had solved tbe mystery wben tbe name of an Indian shawl-maker appeared in tbe Hit o " tradesmen by appointment " to th Queen. Bat it ! not so. The explanation given is tbat in 1844 a large tract of terri tory was ceded lo Ghoeob Bingb, Mabara jab of Jomnoo, who, in considsratioo of th grant, boand himself to pey to his saBsraii seventy-five law of rupeee and an annna wooden articles at tbs rat*) of 1,800 butbels QT other way be was mean euoogh. I dar* a day, aod ba* order* on hand tbat will ; say I do him injustiee, bat I oanrot love require never*.! months to AIL him nor sqaMM a tear to oil memory." tribute of three pairs fact i of oaebmere shawl aod twelve perfect shawl Host*. As Ibi treaty is still in force, the number of Indian shawl* at tb* dicpoaal of Her Majerty is ' aewonted (or. . nment of ee, still oommoo uoeetion, -of all. gnoranl, tbe old larly tbe production female beauty in the tbey signally tail to >-i| benomeoon in tbe v*i> and wbieb may be tbe i in emigrant family, i rrivts to Dstroit du world. Tbeir ohildreti ahroejd, pat- take of tbt mental au ' obarae- terutios ot tbe pant.e n w mentality, homely face* aud ungraceful pb}t .jus. Bat tbs nrxl abild who ouuitt. a..; world i his country, in nine ease* cut ot ten, will be keener, bandeomer ai.d mnrs graeefml ban lie broth trs at<d n. ;.-.. NS by it this T Is it tbe subtle iudoeuee of a freer and sweeter eiviliiatiou OD material mtgmatton T Let the i>l rvaos and ; tjohologute answer. The Arab i* probae. > > ( <r i ngbling tqaal of tin- i He is physically uuchaLged ' destroyed tb* Roman Legionary. > ' hi barbarian auxiliary swept tbe u i i-.g I'.ue op tk* Pyrenees, ana eonteuo .'. rinjj two een- tnrise with tb* picked w,.m >r nf Earop* for the [>j*ae*u n of H, . . > be ulti- mately retained ; bu , . r.iieie**. be will not win now. Hs ean charge a* English- men charge, but il will te 10 ? i. Th* 600 at ItalakJava were 'r-.v.r than tb* 640 wbo got inside tbe lirr.mli >qaare at Abu-Klea, and stayed inert dead on tb* ground ; but 40,000 ol iL ru will not die- perse'JO.OOOEnflisumen. Tbepb>mqoe, aod ihe bravery, and the s*lf-r or,ti je ot tbe children of Sbem will all, - .: ibe erowi- ing moment arrives and u. ''.e uf halt tk* world bangs in Ihe baUi. b< a* eora- plelely wasted as il tbey were altackiDg higher beings. Tbs Arab hu loet nothin| in tbe tges, but the European ba* gained something, some iminx', '..hie moral juality brut* though he ofuiu U, some new intellectual faeultj ., ..-ant animal as be often seims, which f ,ble* him to ass, as hi* rival oaunot, renonioe* a* open to bis rival a* bimnelf. There .- nothing whatever to prevent a regr. -i:t if aerrishse from Kordotan from acquiring tbe disci- pline ot the Guards, using Hi > nfl.-e of th* Ouardt. ordeetroying tb Uu>rl whenever tbsy ontnnmbsr them ; bu: w* t Ii know tbey cannot do it. BometbioR it wanting, beil wbat it will.iome i|u .1 . if>e* to make up *tr*nnnu t.t-* - >ul i* fatal. London live inches urtban k,ut two th- holly ih been - Tbi* I* . but long id to wsa In certain French metl .- i- work- man in cutting nlteeo-inrb li ce ns a hammer weighing siveu i 1 veu-lenth* pounds and wi r- cu: i> i.'-u He el belly wood in about (nif \ear, .' ' it-! ruck about 11,250,000 bl> < i . In cutting triacguitr i. - l> long, and in metal mtue*:.< tbe above, tbe ba-ijii.. r .. and two-tentbx pound" .1 handle laste about two \rar . osed in strikiLg '2a44000o n. another instance <>l the CUM. sj>D tinned dropping llmt i- . away itone*. Tnx oldest beck note | r Ii b > 'D exist- ence in Europe i* one (.-rv-l in tbe Asiatic Museum at S r . -burg. It date* from the year M'.i'i II. '. atd WM ittued by tb* Chtucru U. v- rn> eul. It can be proved from"-.r i iir . , , '-. thai, as early a* 3697 H C bank i ..-*. recurrent in China under ibe uauie 1 1 " flying money." Tbe bank note jtii" rvd at St. Petersburg beam tbe tan e of II.F Imperial bank, date and nntuN-r of i-Mir. eignature ot a mandarin, and outaius evi>n a hit of tb* punishments ikfl<c'd for t >rgery ot notes. This relic ot 4 000 year* ago U probably written, lor prii i ILK from wooden tablets w said to bave h<--n urrodneed ia China only In the year 160 A. U. Tboe. W. Hodgson, tbe n . ,. exporter, wbo failed in Montreal so di'srri>asly, ha* again been onfortunale in ch 1 o, whsr* he bae been exporting pork to Liverpool. '

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