Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1885, p. 1

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McDowell-Davey. -On the 15th April, at the residence of the bride's mother, "Pinehurst," by the Rev. D. C. McDowell, (father of the groom) assisted by the Rev. J. J. Hare, M. A., and Rev. E. R. Young, Mr. Franklin Metcalf McDowell to Miss Sarah, youngest daughter of the late John Davey, Esq., J. P., all of Bowmanville. . Flesherton Advance. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, WOT MJV.&apos; VOL. IV., NO. 201. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, APRIL 23, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. One of thn Ion &apos;.1:11; Loral aii&apos;t Faiublt Xrwrtpapfrc tn N&apos;urtlioru Ontario. I&apos;ubUihed FlIiiM I in: ( " i i. i . <&apos;uliin,iir,l Xtrret, - - HeJtvilim, Out. TKUVIS OF m&apos;HHTHIVTIOX : 91.00 IMF a:>uum In n lvnc; *1 V> tf not iiil itvhe*aiofl| yearn. No ]Hipr dicontiiiuu*l .&apos;til all ArrtariH{u*uru ]>ai.1u|> , aii&apos;l no i . lk>&apos;j (or lev- than nun yuar, t>\co|it wlirn it nrriuiKimiantH fur fchurtcr periods are tiiuJe with Hi.&apos; imflNhnr. ADVKKTISlMi HATKH. Ac. - .ontiir 1st insert! >n i 1 : I &apos;( cMH per Hit < irli -,il*, in &apos;&apos;lit Insertion. TrauMttnt ivlvt&apos;itiMeni. ut* to DO Bald f"r whit i orlerwl. A&apos;lvi>rtlemtH without |MM-IH| ilinc- tiani will I>D inM>rU4 ti!l forbid and vli&rxtxl accordi ugly. Liberal Imlucimmnto to rscolar s.uvrtlers. Sutlcuk Miionu ruatiiK Mutter, HI ccntx JMM- line oacli imprtimi No a&apos;lvurfcwiuuut 4hc<mtinued until all ar- n-aratffi are pM* itf C&apos;niiy fnr nt<rXinrr.Tit hnulit reach till" M . I At r than noon on Tuoaday to euaurti i IP current ii;o. A. R FAWCETT, Editor Ktul Proftrirtor. Tit - Bits. >/ Liirnl mi&apos;/ Ofli-T Intrrrttiny Itrmt gutlirrnl >>y Thr Ailnintt lirporitr*. 1 1 ame* "f Authors handsomely got up for sale, at Klesherton AuvANrnomce, cheap. We had a pleasant call from Mr. W. A. Brown, the go-ahead Muitdale jewel- ler, on Friday last. The ML Forest liuUe canie to hand last week enlarged and greatly improved. Sin-cess to it. Mr. C. J. Sprcule entered upon hi* duties as head master of Fleaherton Pub- lic Schools on Monday last. -Don&apos;t i.irgvt the exhibition* of Stal- lions at Fluithvrton Station the day after i-iuorpiw, Satunby, 26th in*t. - -Mr. W. Kicliardsou recently present- e.l ..ui Kemluii: Room with a couple of handsome pictures, ulruady framed. The store in Dr. Christnio&apos;siiew block, next to THE ADVANCR office, is about ready for occupation. **-YiTV largo atock of Milk and Tans < roiiin Crocks and 1&apos;ans at U. faat and cheap. - We are gUd to notice that Mr. Win. Smith in able t . move around again after hi* lone, and auvere illness. - Mr. R. J. Hproulo&apos;s Millinery estali- lishment will be o|K>nud shortly of which due notice will be given. Be sure to visit \V. Wrijjhta old Kuuit to see the dis|ilay of new goods next week. --Those wanting to purchase fint-class Hi n.raii K&apos;.&apos;us. "ill do well to cull on Mr. .1. W. Hates, Muslierton. Si.utli Crey Teachers&apos; Association meet in th<- Town Hall, Kleslu-rton, on Thursday mid Friday, May L&apos;Hth and 21Hh next. Mr. Siii/aitt. formerly tax collector in tin: Township of Oaprvy, liaa Iweti en- .1 ami entered upon his iluticx as post clerk at tin- Kleslierton ollice. V."ir H..I>.- and Hull bills, nnd any other kind of printing you may leijuire, neatly, rliuaply, rapidly, and correctly priated at the FUMIICIITO.N AHVIM-I: ..Hi- re. |jX.S;ilt. I&apos;liK^t qimlity. only 81 bbl. lit U. -I. t-prn:. Mr. Sept. (ioo.l purchased a fine buuve from Mr. John Conn, of Kupliraxia, List week. It wcighod 1200 |>ounds, live weight, and will proliohly inake TOO pounds of ln-ef when killed and dressed. It has IK-CII sum;Rted that the elo- quent ilivine, Rev. Mr. Jeffreys, lie eni;a!{od to lecture or preach in Flesh- ton at an early date. Those who have j heard him preach, speak in highest terms &apos;of him. 20 Ibs. Hri^lit ting*.!- for One Dollar cash at Rirhiirdton&apos;t. The great Methodint preacher, Rev. Dr. Carman- late liishop of the M. E. Church will preach Sunday morn inland evening in the Methodist church, Flesh- erton, and lecture in same place Monday evening. Lour. Strayed from the premise* of Thoman Browiiridjre, Lot )&apos;2, con. 5, Os- prey.&apos;in Sunday afternoon l:ut ll&apos;th inst.. a i lark brown Colt, rising two years old Any |>erson eiving information which will lead to the recovery of the above will b-t suitably rewarded. The snow is poiii" fast ; RO arc tlie lovely Spring Prints at Kichard- lon&apos;t. The mow and ice, which had accum- ulated on our sidewalks during the past winter which winter, we believe, is now either at an end, or drawing rapidly to a close ha* been nearly all removed by our citizens- very materially aided, no doubt, by the warm rays of old Sol. - Mr. Oe<>. OUaaford shot u mnall bird which waa seated on a tree abuut 150 yards distant with a repeating rifle, on .Monday evi-nin^ lajt, and knocked some of the feathers off it. It was considered by those nf our villager* who wiiiiosaed the feat, a very tine shot. The irrepressible printer into mis- chief again ! Lost week in netting up a h>cal notice fot our merchant, Mr. R. Trimble, the printer made it appear that salt was selling at 7.5 rente per barrel, which was a long way below what it cost Mr. Trimble. It should have l>een 05 cnts. - Mr. D. L. White ha* authorized Mr. W. H. Campaigne, auctioneer, to sell his farm stock, &c., at Flesherton Station, on Siit unlay next, April 25th, commencing at 1 o&apos;clock p. m. Credit till Jan. 1st, 1 VM&apos;I. on all sums over f5, with 10 |.er cent, discount for cash on such sums. See bills for particulars. ajrAiiutl:! r large conai^nineut of the favorite 30 cent Tea jiut received Tlio chinniry, wecUnl on the .Metli . .- dist church lierr l;ite last season, alreaily shows signs of rvturning t/> the original dust of which it n composed. --.Tiut n&apos;ceived at Sept (imnl&apos;s meat market, FK-Hlmrtiwi, "no case of Long Clear llacon, and a quantity of Lard. A good supply of the very best Heel olitain- ablo on hand. Hush in yuur orders now Mr. Hi ilit. Lunau&apos;s well-bred Short Horn Hull, "Itvkr uf Haminiiiii," will IH- for scrvico this wason at Lot li, Con. 4, < iKprey Township. Terms $1, jiayablc 1st, \M<>. The Mortgaire Sale of property in Kleslierton which was advertised totakt- .;ilaoc at Munshaw&apos;s Hotel lost Thursday, hiui IICIMI|iiii-d until Thursday, April 30th. f^Now is lj4- time to lay in a tjood stock (iiird. n Si nls liny <^imn tity to sclent from m I:. .1. Spnmle &apos;s- Dr. Carman lectures in the Methodist Church, Fk&apos;sherton, on Monday evening next, 27th inst., at 8 o&apos;clock. Subject : "Trail&apos; ""&apos; &apos;," I Hfi&apos;ll." KefreslimclltH served in tho luMcniciit of church frni &apos;! o&apos;clock p. m. Rev. Dr. Carman also hus in the Metli.xliM Church Sunday morning and evening, -<>tl> inst., when special collection will bo taken up in aid of the "Sutcntatii.ii Fund." A law fonsijj&apos;iinrnt of Straw Hats just mvivid nt Kehnrdton&apos;t. --Clean off the rubbish in front of your various residences and business places, () , iti/ens of Flesherton. Till: Al&apos;VAVK bear* an irreproachable, reputation in this paiticular, there being nothing but an irree,ul:ir pile of .honestly piled green wood t ..... ar tho view in front -if this office. When we say clear off the rubbish, of course we mean things which an- neither useful or ornamental hang it all, we are not quite clear as t what we really do mean ; but we mean something ! New Scotch Tweeds at Kirhard- um&apos;t, Mr. R. Plantt&apos;s fino Durham Hull, "Yoiinij flrifcrti," will be for service this season at Lot 20, Con. 12, Arteniesia, (near Kugenia). "Youm; Hilton" is un- (l.&apos;iilitodly one of the very best breil Short Horns in tho Township. Mr. J. Stewart has a this spring&apos;s calf got by "Young Briton" for which ho would not take 925. This shows that his stock, like himself, are of a su|n&apos;rinr class. For terms, pedigree. &C.,HVU bills just issued. We might mention that "Young Briton" was awarded tirst prices every time he Has exhibited at the Kant Oey and Ar- temesiA agricultural exhibition*, held at Klesliei t.jii and Priceville respectively. A FENIAN SC ARE. .1 i:eiimiiM-< n < of lli< . man of IHtttt The prevent insurrection in thu North- West, recalls to the mindi of some uf the older inhaliiiiiiiU if Flesherton -an %. i.t which occurred during thu Keiiuu invas- ion of i*;. At tl&apos;it time Fleshertnn had no direct railwit} communication with Toronto and :le. tier great contrea, such aa sliu enjoys no> , and daily paper* were luxury enjoyed ny rery few of the rv*i- denU of the "Cornen" or "Artemesia P. <>." as it was tliencalled. lncons<|iii m-. the most startling M veil as the mot un- founded rumors regarding the incursions of the Fenians wen prevalent, and kept the settlers in a constant fvrurt of ex- citement. VVhen the ex- citement wus at it* height, daily papers came to hand from Toronto, in which an absurd and |>re]matroua canard gained currency, to the effect that there waa to U a general uprising of Fenians on a cer- tain day. Our esteemed Sxjt and shoe man, Mr. Claytoa, was amongst those who posseased a daily paper. He noticed thn sensational paragraph alluded to, but I &apos;.kill very little attention to it. Others noticed it, however, and attached so much importance to the statements con- tained tin r. in, that soon the whole neighborhood wa* in a state ofexciUunvnt more easily imagined than described. &apos; Mr. Clayt.m retired t hi* U.I at the usual hour, and was soon wrapped in pro- found slumber. About midnight, how- ever, he was awakened bjr some one who was rapping lustily at the utur door. ( )n going to ascertain the cause, he wa* in- formed liy the disturber uf his sluiulwrt wh.>e pale face and terrified ejaculations proved that he was thoroughly m earneiit that the whole ncighUirhuml waa in an uproar in COOK t^fa-&apos;io* of uk paianiaph in thu daily papers which came tn hand the day previoua, annouiu-ii.u the threat- ened invaaiou. A short walk up the street, oon convinced Mr. Clayton i the truthfulness >{ his informants statement. ( >n the corner (where the County gravel roads crow) wer collected a largo num- ber of the settlers, armed with guim, ri- ll. and all sorts vf warlike totting, evi- dently prepared Mid determined t.. give the Fenians n warm reception. Hoard&apos;s old blackkinith akup was turned into a mi- niature arsenal, where a large supply of bullets went cast &apos;with tho utmost expe.ii- tion. All was bustle and excitement The men talked in excited whispers, some of them detailed as scouts, scurrying about like unea*y phantoms. Still tin- enemy appeared not. The "homeu&apos;uanls marched down over th.i "lloym- \\ .itcr," and a h, >rt distance Iwyoiid -shortly :if- terwanl* returning t" tin- .-. .ninr. Fin- ally they went down to the ruxidencu of Mr. \V. K. Flcshcr, .->!. I&apos; foi <!n-y. \\lint trnjiopinil th.Tu n not known to us ; but, r. it.-m. it i-, th. morning found the hit&apos;. its cuktomarv xri.&apos;L.t;. What the Fublir Sny t That H. J. Sproulr 1ms tin , and cheapest stock of Mrns nnd I-Vlt and Strnw Hats in town. A l.tuhi Fiiu. r. <l i. mi. The following little wi-ui- t&apos;.. k pl.-icr in one of our business places not long since : - KiuiiK&apos;Kn man has just accused custom- er of pilfering, Tin- latter, after tluslmig guiltily, throws a dollar down, but pro- tests his innocence. KusiiiMK Man. "Now, look hen-. Mr , if you are really not guilty, pick up that dollar bill." Tin- light lingered irentleman who fig- ureil, also, in one of the <-eH at tho last Division Court mumbled something, but he <li-l not tain \&apos; ""&apos; >""/&apos; \\ e do not mention names because this may l>o the "light lingi-rud" gentleman&apos;s tirst otfenco. To K MI < OIK- good room table for Dress- making. Apply to K. J. Bproule. ,&apos; Harried. McIX)WELL-a-DaVKy. < )n th<- loth April, at the residence of thu bridu&apos;a mother. "Pinehurst," by the K?v. D. C. Mc- Dowell, (father of tho groom) assisted by the Rev. J.J.Harv, M.A., and Rev. hanjce. Our r<adrs will, no doubt, be surpris- ed to leivrn that the bwinefts o.nne.l , f.r the past eighteen years l>y Mr. \Vm. Wright, in Klfh<.rt. 4j, has Iwfti purehai ed by Mr. D. 8. Munnw, laU- Hea<! Mas E. K. Yimnif, Mr Franklin Metcalf Me- 1 ter of our Public Sch.Hils. Mr. Mui.r . Dowel! to Miss Sarah, y. unrest daught- &apos; is well and f:iv..rably known thr..&apos; er of the late John Davuy, Esq., J.P., ja laiye section of thi* < .tmty, and, we all of l^.wmanvillu. &apos;haro no drmht - if honesty, integrity and g ^1 |,| mata> ~ &apos; strict attention to business euaurv suc\:". \\&apos;e notice that many of the neighbor- . 1-11 **-" n\j\ inn towus and villajjfes hare adopted the .1 t u early d<iug idea, for thu summer months, and think it would not be nut of place if Fleahertun futlowed suit. It U only right, not to say humane, that our clerks and storekeeper* should have the privi- lege of enjoying healthful "Ut-of-door ex- ercise at least a few months in the year. Once the plan i* regularly adapted, the public will suon loam t<> du their husine within the prescnbjd hours- just the / ed very successfully, stand inx u high a* same as in tho*o business places which ..,.,,., . , .... we can confidently lay that Mr. Mu:i- roe&apos;s success iiurc. We underatAnJ . ruw von? to the city to pur- . has a Ian.&apos;, .mi. timi I.) Ins ntk, con- sisting of g<iods suitable f..r S;i. I Summer trade. \Vo omitUid to mention the fact that >ur yriiii 1 ,&apos; friend. Afr. Hirn&apos; I/eir -h ..f . ur esteemed citi/en. Mr. Th"K. Leiti&apos;i is now a full-tW/ud M. D. He pass- .. pr>&apos;ptly at h o clock. ninth on the lut of successful candidate*. His diligent and persevering application Fair Warning. to his studies are worthy the highest com All persons having logs on the Gravel meiidation, and that they have Road by Flesher&apos;* Saw Mill are hen-- crowned with brilliant success must by warned to movu thutii at <>noe. If not, source of pride an. I graiilicatinn to h.- comphunt* will be made before a niagis- relatives as well as to a large circle .! trate and costs incurred. Already dam- friends and acquaintances. We wish age to UM travelling public ha* taken I*. Leitch every success. Such young place ; and com|iels tht-ir removal. This men are a credit to the community and warning U given tu save you expense. &apos; deserve to sucBd. Dk. CHKIXTOE, Kent. Dr. < .inn. i ii. Next Sunday thefropleofthiiplacewill The Uwc-days. The heat of the last two days ha* been have the rare privilege of li.ttrning to the opprvasive, reminding one of thu midsum- nnwt nnixhcd am) nMe upeaker in th-- &apos;! raer dog-day. This immortal pheiiumen thodist Church of Canada to-dy. As a on may have aroused the brutal instincts preacher, Dr. Carman pmbably si of thu half-human monater who is |>oison- without a peer in this Dominion, and has ing Uio digs and fowl at Fleaherton Sta- ! M ,n V.T\ p.Milv, we tljn;&apos; tlon. Two xcelli-nt dogs were thus di- n tel the "Canadian Talmai;e U poaed of nm Tosday uv. ruing. UUuui. ,U MIW t.M tail to giu aii\ to gcnlleaan whoM siwial standing in So- conception of the easy and natural :&apos; ciety should secure them against the vil- words, the graceful, dignified and lainyufeven the vileat miscreant. He energetic language, and the eamatne is known. which always accompany the > r -Parties wanting flnt^la^ Leghon, l&apos;"che,l by Dr. Carman. T,. Eggs will do well to call on nr write ( Mr. Wm. Barnhouse, Fleshertoo. umlerxtand what wards fail t<i c. nv. . nur readen shmild attend the ervioa m the Meth. .lut Church IM xt Ssbbsth, s* well a* tlie lecture on Mnd:r. K. . n. nnd < .mil limn It. The nwly married couple- Mr. and &apos;&apos;> _ Mr*. Frank McDowell are visiting at Uio Methodist parsonage this week. They | NEW .1 RKIVALS A T K1CHARD- arrived in town by the H.56 C. P.R. train SOX&apos;S THIS Il&apos;AV.&apos;A&apos;. >.n Friday i veiling last. Shortly after A large consignment of the famous their arrival at the parsonage, they were 30 cent Tea. serenaded by the Flesherton Musical So- A cor load of Nail?. ciety, comprising soinu fifty or sixty mem- Hales Cottons. hers, who tang several lively airs, and Case Cottonades and \Vliitf dM tons othrrwin,. rnaiufe-ted their pleasure in CaPi 1 1&apos;rints- cheapest . (T, red tli* ; thu genial . .Miiitenance of fnend Frank in their midst nitaiii. Th- gr-.m never look-<l iM-tter, nr happier : and as clieip. for the bride, whv "f eourv -he l"| New (inx-rrie--. rharmin-/. T 1 -.&apos; happy c. mple have "iir i Uatwi <-&apos; as &apos; s> w ml, -. Teiy s. Fnii&apos;-&apos;. The Problem Solved -i Folir.SKKINli THAT i- Free Trade va. Protection Wonld lead to trouble, cwr Leail iK>litici;i I to SOLVE THE CONTMihTM! (lat. i Wo favor Free Trndt, tha: i . \\. \ with as. (&apos;2nd.) We favor Protection, or in other wonl&apos;, we will i>:-..t, -( our tomcrs against High 1&apos;rie. -i :iml Hani Times. If you doubt the accuracy nf thr Solution, c.iiii. .m I -. u M 1 Our Inimenso Stork of Dry Ready-Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Glassware. Ac. Which we are selling at prices that mi lr E. J. GRIEF PRICEVILLE, April. 1888. .- - -

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