Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1885, p. 5

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Meaford Road Obituary The grim messenger, death has again visited our neighbourhood, this time being Miss Emily Boland, whose death took place at her mother's residence, on Monday, 23rd ult. We will ever miss her from our midst especially in the Sabbath School, where she was a faithful and beloved teacher. But the Lord seeth not as man seeth, and we in submission bow to His will, and hope to meet her on the other shore where parting shall be no more. 70 nl [O h IS, At tiie Lowest Possible Prices at tlfe FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. (From our out* Currctpundent.) Mr. John Veach, who had Mr. Wm 1'a turn's farm leaned fur the lat twc year*, is going to leave this section o country. The annual meeting of the \Varelmn Cb*se Factory wixt held on Saturday Feb. "1st. Mr. A. Uonbnrougli i* now proprietor f I U factory, buving bough out Mr. C<<rnett some time ago. Aftei aeveral qnc!!on8,the followioi. < n- electeU for thurnsuingyear Mr. E. Hnrk, Pru*ident ; Meatr*. Wm Hutchnihon, E. Rocs, aud John Crum bie, Director*. The social held in the Auhenon ichno house last TI.ur-.iUy uveniiig, was quito u SUCCVSR. Reading*, music, Hpoechon nod rroitniiun.H, c.imjioswd the programme Mr. Ja*. K<>U>rutigb oecuijied the chair 1 will not mention oaiue* further, us ] would be K-ujctliy. Proceed* $12. Ma A. Stewart intend* removing to Dundttlk. Success, Mr. Stewart. The wild cits hare visitsd the hen roosts in the neighborhood uf late. It U *pring. A resurrection of nature'* latent forces is taking place. Like the world aruuud you, renew your rumjjlex ion, invigorate your power*, cleanse the channel of life. Ayer't Karaaparilln is the to u * Tor this purpose. I '. .T-lia III oHf ui'.tt Corrajwn Jtnt. ) Now* are Hcarce around this village. Jos. Heuderion has almost completed his arrangement* for the erection of the cheese factory in this village. Thu con- tract for Iiiuilini; the milk has lot. We congratulate Mr. llentli-rsuii on In* undertaking an<1 hope it may prove sue- cesdfal to lunihelf and patrout. The Salvation Array l>u racks are a' most conijilutu and will he open on Si. a day nt (Marrh 1st). (5 nod hnMt-lujab t>ani|iu-t an<l jubilee "ii Wednesday fol- lowing. A ;r.i:i'i tune anticipated. Mr. R. lirown. jr. , lino furnished th lamp* (for the S. A: barracks; ncoordiug to pri'initii . Well doue, Robort ! Mr. J. W. CurtK, of Port Priry, was on a visit to his nisti-r Mr*. L. U.tll. Mis* Vina Shore, of Colliiijjwood Tj>. , lias been visiting at Mr- A. MeOirr's. Mr. R. 11. Hfnilcr.ion ho* gnnu to Pet erboro, having e<-urej a goo<l position in the C. P. R. H. etfiii;. Succt-M to you, Robert ! NED. lj;..- In i In- Air. In the r lulling u, ilt, the damp stuios- phore auJ * M.I. nlv rlnckvl |wii;iirii..n. cold* are lii:< u_- H tgy.ird't' Pt-ctoral II. I Mm ears* cJii.-i. c.iu^- n, i.'iimi jinl ur.m- chitU, an 1 ell c. m/Uait,' ioArtl cousuinjjuoii DR. LO'.VS \VOKM NVUKP 1., ni.iveil : i; e ,],,, from |fi 1.1 30 feet in lensrth. 1'. nit.' (tr^irtiyj all kinds uf worn. A Iml I>a>- In .March. No portiou of ili* *o tries the cheer ul t.-'nprr of the farmer ni (loon tue nimitl ( March. From clnl.llu.o.1 h 1m* ln>eu told n.l the almanac* liavi> repeated it iu hi- naiii-.-r yean, that spring btgins witl larch. This idea has becoiue *o fltiuli ixed that inccttSMW vearly disappoint ii -i:ts hare uot dislodged it. but a* oicl u. . .-, .ling March comes nmn.l. lie ft-eU tlml t -I.-.: 1 bring curing . nthcr and spring >ik. We art apt to think with soniMtli kin to envy, of the English farmer, wl.os< .-iilu-r r..ini i true to the almaniw, in > Ii. -. spring, If it does not br^in iu Marcli - nut deferred until May, but borrow* tli- i'.i-r da}-* of February. Kven in the gen rnlly p.-uiul climate of KiiRUml, Mircli i TOT. rbially a blustering u.| uncer'.*ii youth. Even in our era the Anglo-Saxum nil in tin ir languace uaraps for MsrcL rhich meant "rg|>ed month." uud "tormj imith." Tlu-ke people Lulittvvd that Marc! i kl borrowed three days from Aptil, an. \jire-seil the charasirr of these day* in I iru^i rli. which IK said to be utill in use by be rustic* in part* ol England auJ t said of these three borrowed Jay . : ' Tbe ftr*t it nhall be wind and weet ; Tlie iieit it hall b nnow and sleet ; The third it nliall bt> sic a freeir, Shell gar the birdu stick to .-the trorn." With us, in Hi'iin- yo*r*, thin aocient i]> riptiun of iu lint thrvo <!> H will apply t. U tu other* that precede tin-in. The the other than whi-ru parting ^nli he no^,,,, u( , lltfa , fiinner wi| , Ulo m , m , vM{f Dlorf f i-inliiro the bluster of the luoiith, if he think* I'usrr .MKMSKT. P,,f ihr part tlicB* uucumfortablo winds play Owing to the nlmvu ineluneliiily oyent.'iu prepariug hi* lands f..r tho plow. A the annivi-i-s.u-y horvices in coiinectioiijMnrch wiul is proverbially dryiin-, with the'li Scljoul huli iu the \Ve*-;<iu 1 it take* up ilia nini.iliiru left by molting ley Church, ha* Wen i>.-.tpi.uod until *:iw with mi astoniiiliiiij; rajiMity. These Mcafortl Koad. nur Corrrrpondrnt, ( IIIITI-AKY. The grim nn--eii:;er, U-a'.li, him n-^-iin visited our uoipliVioi-Iiiniil, UIJH tune boHig Mif* Kinily iJi'liind, hi>se death (Ook place at her mother's renidi-nce, on Mon- day, 23rd ult. V. ,- will ever IH..II her from our midst, r*;x>ciallr in the Sab- Kith School, where tdie KIM a faithful and bvloved leriehcr. lint the l/ird seeth not at niau sooth, nud vo in sulmiiai<iii how to Hit will, nnd hope to meet hei-nn Entertainment. For The Admitfe.] The entcrtniiiini-nt at Salem Cburc Thursday eTeoing WOK quite a snc ees*. The church was comfortably fillc and the proceeds enough to afford a> fui supply uf Sabbath School literature. II Meldruni, nipt-, in the chair. " Onl .111 Armor Bearer " was *uug a* an open hymn. ('has. Jordon, Sanmel Haw kins, and Thomn* Hawkins each gave rvuitation. Mrs. Woodburn gave a read ing and a recitation in fine style and goo< t.-me, with which the audience W.T highly delighted. The Mi<ses Hopper took part in a dialogue with Tina am llell.i Meldruni. and sang Welcome t (ilnry," and "Say a Kind Word whei YOU Can." The M ises Hopper Lid fai For being first. rate linger*. Nelly Mel drum gang, Father leaxl Thou me, verv sweetly. Charlie Jordon and Ar thnr Pedlar (twu orphan boyi from K. and) sang "Sailing on tho Ocean," "Safi n the Arms of Jesus," ami another pieci with grand effect. These boys arc firs rate singer*. Misses Sarah and Racliv I'edU-r and R. Meldruu ^v dialogue ' Out all 'Round, "much applauded. Tin Mtavs Pedlerand R. Park gave dialogui ' Rejected ;" well received. Miss, >nd David Smith gave dialogue, " Lifi Inmirance ;" highly appreciated. Mr Smith also sung a piece, aceompainn limaelf on the organ. Mr. Jo*. Pedle snd R. lUwkint each gave short bu rery intere*tirg addresses . Tlie recita ion of little Miss Hannah Staflonl wai received with bursts f laughter and ap 'lause. She di<l splendidly, possessing I l--!ir, flue voice which she use* to goo< tdvantage. Tina Meldruni presided a he organ. The entertainment clod linking tlie doxulogy, "Fraue Gocl fron whom All Hlesaiiigs Flow.' 1 after whicl lie benediction was pronounced and al Rent to their Ironiei exprawiug themnvl luiilily :: viti.-,l with the eveubg'i iroouedinijK. NATIONAL P1LLH act promptly ipon tlie Liver, regulate the Rowels mi a purgative are mild itud thorough. Tuesday, March lutii. We ixl.> with you, Mr. Ed- itor, in your own sad tu-ruaveniont. M ,i\ He who h:. socii fit Ihuii d> afflict, give yon the comfort which H* nlouocnugive you, and after you have finished yutir journfy on c-artli inny you meet with your lovod one ay tin ou the other side of the river iiu morn to part. M. I . are evni fertilizing In* field*. they nipiitly remove tha n.iti-r from the Hiirfuce, mure come* up from lielow l.y cap- illny attraction, briiigiug oltli it the plant- it holds MI Hi.liilii.ii ; an this in turn is evaporated, whatever it contains in left in tho soil, within reach of tin- routs of the un>ps. It is a misUkc to fa-t about tho went her. However disagreeable It may be, if we look i'h believing eyes v oan see that ever; .Ixpeonalioo of Nature is eve orkiDg for our good. Da. TBTRIIB 11 ilKKI. iN AoBICCLTDVIirT SOB MAI H ..... Catarrh A New Treat mrnt- Perhapn tin- most extraordinary suceesi that has In-, n achieved In modern rat-riiciui bar been attained !> tbr Dixou treatmen OaUrrh. Out of '2 OflU patit-ut* treat* .luring the six moiithi. fully ninety pe cent, have bcvu eared of this stubburi Hi.-iliiily Tins is none the less startiic) when it i* remembered that not five per cent uf patient* presenting themselves t.. th regulsr practitioner aro swnefitvd. while tli patent uiediciufs and other advertised cur. iii-vt-r record a onre at all. Btartini; with th claim now Kenerolly believed by the raos soieutifie men thst the disease is doe to tin presence of living psraslte* in the tissue Mr Diiou at ouce adaptsd his cure to thei i- xtrmiuati .11 tin* aceotxtpluhed, he elaimi the Catarrh is practically cured, and tlio p. r manency is anquestioneu], a* cure* .-(T.-rti-. y him f< nr year* ago are cures still. N e else ha* ever mu-ropted to run- ('utarrl in this manner, aud nu other treatment hai over cored Catarrh. The application of th remedy U simple, and can be done at home and the present season of the rear is thi most favourable for a pe*dy \ri.l perraanen Bare, the majority of oases beinit cured a one trratin.-iit Sufferers should correnponi with Messn. H. A. Dixofi A Son. 805 Kin street west, Tiimutn. Canada, and encloM stamp for their treatise- on Catarrh. --Mon treal Star, Nov. 17, 1883. PHOF LOWS BULPIU'R SOAP u nighty rro. Miniended for the cure o Kniprioii, Chafus, Chapped handi. Piiu pies. Tan, Ar. FI.KttHEatTON Churches and Societies. 1'iinU MK'itr th\t Aenciiwy arc iiutrttt fret of ekaryt. 3KHVUT. rvery Runday IfcWa'el.^k p m Hun day School .t 1 p in Fray^r in. -tun; .>..,. Thumda\ evenioc at 730 RBV A WII.HUN pai. Aid In I MKTIK'HIXV CHflirn . pot<: 7 t 3r.KVI(-KSv.rjrKuiirtall. u *fcJO sun.Uy Sclionl t n. VMBC po ->.. -r iiu-BUiif vrv Mltllfc) evmin. t irnrrtl Prsj^er ni*.-iiii^'Tliiii-uUy cve t 7 u Kuv. n. r MrDowlUX. CbAiruiMi >wou Hound Diitrlet. jitor' Ails.. oty In eotiaortlon I I'MXl'K A/iTHCH A ,i r' M RET In th-ir l.n.| CB n,, ,, n . Kflir Bltwk onorr Kri.Uv ..n .r iHf.>re tliofuil moon > nitinj li.mlituii .-,.r-lii.> wrl K DAWf I>P. >[ W. J. i>rr r 'Ki;i\ Lr;:i:M eTerv-.1i I and Nh T:ie.0 Kv.-,,in k -in a- >. month >t ixjo-k. l^.it-.- Ii nu.-ilni: in pwli mouth. Vi.itinn ;,,, tlu-n t-.r L.a ill.,, miflKI. V(i W H. I lUl-il'INX R*. A. i> r H F'l.rMU'HTdN l^nU-e Xo 145. iu,-o in thrli Uvagi K.vnn. Htrain'a blek, Toront . tr>^-t iu thu Ul aii-l Srd MoiKimv l-i a*, h month, at . m p in .hai p Viiitlng brotliran wglooine. SV. i. I'lciicu.. M.\V. D. B. Mu*.>a. Hi-f'r X. T. O. T. - i >fNCII. No 14*1. Kovsl Templars -! I -ni)M.rlir,-. mvt In tti.-tr ! all. -.train Icx-k. ut and :inj TuiuiUy ev.-ir-j in etch month rerordUlly invlti .1 i. n Rt-siii.i u s t 7 . m..vl.K-k. Vimt., i Jos sni TH. g C. .YX of TKMII:I; i.v.-A, 1 . PLKSIIF.HTON DIVISION. Xo 44. nioet K th.-lr num hall. Dr. Chrlstoc'i l.i.wk. ever Weiliu- i> ofonlnK at TJO ucUn-k Vlsltltiij 'irrtiitou conllally InviUMl. J. K. kluoBB. \\ 1" c. i. KrSOOTJI. US. TIIE MARKETS. FLIiSHEltTON. Flour Fall Wlirat riiio; Wheat I'.u-l, y Data Peas Kntter 8 75 to 4 (i, fO 73 to 71 (l 45 o - , i'otlltoCB ;'ork ... .'. lay, per ton liars tVool U 14 18 o an 8 5 IOPSO lucks, per brace 'liicki-na, per brace ^urkeya 00 50 K! U 45 OK CO 20 11 71 o c: o : 5 14 Ifl (X r. 51 9 <)' t; M 2i (JO l b' H 11 JOHNWHir^N. Ptuildcr nml Contractor, Flesherton, '.-> now remly to taku bulldlnu pnntrrt for the I ***<* Of UN. All ordem will Im (iromi'tl.* U..II.|IM| t.i ai uanftl by a li\r.- and ..Illri-ni taflf of w.ukiiin. Also take* thi opportunity 10 howtlly tbauk tho public for i~Mt p>trong ALL WO NEED WA TCHES, LOOK HERE 16- Jewelled Swing Lever Watcho with Silver Hunting Cases, 1 yea warrant, for $9.5O Cash. 3 oz. Coin Silver Cases, Elgin move iiu nt, cut 1U1, 7 Jewels, $12.00 Cash 4 oz. $14.50, 5 uz. 117.00. Good Titui Keepers. Fully warrauted. Wahham and Springfield Move tin nts kept constantly in Block to se lift from. Iu the finer grades CLOVE CASH PRICES will be quoted to those who desire them. SILVEEWAHE, L a mi ; is L Large stock in regular lines of Clocks etc. Fine Repairing carefully attended to by myself. VOUR PATRONAGE! will be gratefully received. W. A. BROWN WATCH REPAIRER, AC., IVIarlidale. CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. I^lesherlon .Heat Market. sr.pT.oooi>. PuorklKTOH Jasb paid for fat Cattle aud Sheep. Moats constantly on hand for (; H!I. Orders promptly tilled. SI ram I lour .4 T PL For y f>TA T1OX, Sale! I'hre, i t In- - of 1 vtar f <lt".iralili'i. *it!i i:it.n-.tal the rato of ft pr i-n( rn-r a-iniiii. -MI nnpald i-iin. ipal Or TC LENT 00 KAMYTKKMH. 2.-F A E M S !-2. TO RENT OR SELL It. .tli w.-ll watered. All ID tho Towuahlp o irtvuieflla. For further |>*rtif.tlan apply to KOGER LEVER, FUthfrtH /'.('., .On/ DR. CARTER, M.C.P. AS ,O!T. I'lMM* i IN N| IU.IOV A.-. KLE.SHEKTON. e, tuft iu l>ini\i,H Ci^nl 1 i . I I i \.ii. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCUEK, PRICEVILLE, - oNTARH. Mr AH collt )ir<Hf>ti>i attfiuini ! J.P. MABtSHALL.L.1*.* D R N T 1 8 T , OKMMMTK of Torouto of DentiMrr. will he at iUrk.UI.- th.- l.t n.l :ird fftitmti day of a4.-h month, wld at Klhnrton on Ui 1ft ni. I ii I Thurad*; 111 each lunuth for tlie proctie* if bin profwulon A. D rBBBV. J. SULOlruf SLa HANDS & PERRY, trtrunn to Lituiirr it- Hiiitdt, B AItUIHTKKS. ROMrlTOKM. NOTA.BIE* COSVEYANCEBU. *c. Money to Loan t .-. I., h.-, k - street .feat Hat.-., of Interest K-t Tarunto FROST & FKO>T. BARKISTKKS SOI.U ITOsW. CUNVKTAMC"B*. *c OrBee; Poulett Street. Own* Socni., sad very Thanday M KLKSH l i.T< 's J. W FBOOT. L.L.B. AI.FHKl) FHO8T, Crown County Attorney o tf .inlo. John W. Armstrong, Kl.ltlUIEBTov Co. Out. D1VISKIS ill.'KT I I.KHK. 1 i >VMl>SlO*rR lu B R.. Ciivy>n>r. *t As^atfor purchavx ui.l wl of A|.|>rur for r I. U. Coin- u<1 tf. P H * S s..-tl Moy to 1MB nn \t niixt rmt~m>bl Unu. [Mean LICKNMKN Jas. K. Sloan, Hepreaeatlnu that solid ul* Klru Iu*uraJK '.. . tli.. N. .MWI. H I'M "%. ..f Norwich, f ttkUi I luaaraur*. effe. ted ou Housea. outbuilding*. Ac at low rn-,. - Iiiturui Kitlnil licntnloii VV. J. BELLAMY. Twr. ri.rsK A;.V TA TK ,( i\si VM AV v; AH COLLECTOR. AfCTlOXKKK. MOXKY Ix>ned ou ^o>d <M<<mitty on th ruovt fav.irnhl.. lernn an 1 at m.-l-rau- rntvacf O* 4rly of nter* LMjaui M..rtaM owu Hall. Ki. Framing and House-JoiniDg. Thu iili.l.-ralKlird i prr|.an-l t.' eleeute all rders entruotod to him for th-* erection of i;t 'in./ r'ruiiu lluiliiiitifi, lartnc the aaawon nf IHH5 All] furnlabed f "i dmiruti None but roiupetent workmen uployed. The llfa. ti.-n my w.rk liaa iciveu n t)i>- |.t la *i(uarant>*< for the future. I'h to A. Mi i.i .M' Flunhort <m Station Flesherton Station Hotel. .-l/o- //". ".sski.iA t (- Son, I'r'ipr rUtVl having N-.-M tlm FHB atom rUtl having N-.-M tlmruuiilil/ r*> fltt.-.l throuithoiit. now alTor.N t-\.t-tl>-r:t ar oni>ii.lati. n t.. the trav.-lluik- Tim bar > well mi|iplld with rh-.i,-.- I j-|.i..r-. and i u-ar n f*ri. anipU. nn.nijiii.~Uti.iu la afl.jii.lml beiv o botb uiau a\od beaut. 15<M y Canadian Pacilic Raihvay. ONTARIO~DiviSION. Change of Time. t .V""!/. -V/r ..;<*, 7.^. . .i . > v \ Hrure HivUion. TOK.IKTV, itprt.7 > a tn . 440pm d*. rr CHKIHT VALLEY DH'IUlnS. T<*NTi'..lepart. 10 in . 4.10p arrive. KU " . j 39 NOTK. Mle>l train leaves larkJal.. I avui. f. 10 p.m. Depart. T.-routo. . Arrlv* j.sjam *>l'i" 1'arkJale . _ ai4|>.a W.WHVTR. D.M.NII. (ljiL8cT. UBM'L PAS. \art TRAINS I.I? \VK PLESHBRTON STATION. uliiR North, at 11-38 a.m. ftMprn.. A 4 O6 p m. Uoini South, at 9.U a u . i.M |>iu. 4 UC j.

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