O.YMKIO LEtilSLiTllRE. Hon. A. M. How, lu answer to Mr. Uruialinger, bud ibai tue continuance or aiacuutiuuauoe of lUo i'n.nuoni Eiuibl- Uou was a uiatier of great luieresl vu tte agricultural ojinmuuity. TUB umtter wan under consideration of the Government, and their dtciuiou wjuld be announced wbeu OjoooUamiea were brought dowu. Uuu. O. W. Hoes, lu reply (o Mr. Brere- ton, laid il would be aunuuuoad wbeu be brought down Lu High Bobool Billutxt Monday or Tuesday, it 11 wa* bin mteuiuu to iLiruJuoe ltinliiuu, making 11 obliga- tory on ibe ptt of County Councils to aid Hign Schools and Collegiate Institutions lu town* separate from o juutiea for municipal purpose*. iiou. O. Mowat Mia, in reply to Mr. Meredith, tbat tbe Government bad uot yet decided wbat oourae they should take wuh reaped to the Kail biuiote constitu- ency representative. Tbeir decision will be made kuowu in a few day*. Mr. Wood moved for a return ibowing in detail tbe expenditure* made in tbe township of Uuugerford, by tbe authority of tbe Provincial Board of Uealtb aud tbe Ijooal Board of Health duriug tbe late Hcuailpox epidemic toat prevailed iu that Mwuiiiip, witb ibe imuioer of oases and deaths, aud tbe length of time tbe epidemio prevailed, lie tbougbt many diiiressiug incidents bad occurred, and ii auy one waa to blame it ought to Oe f ->uud out. Hon. A. M. RDM I bave aked Or. Bryoe to make a special repoit upun tbe epidemio. Tbal report u prepared and, I bsiliave, now iu (be printer'* band*, aud uad Uie moiion been delayed a day or two Mo member! would bave bd il in their uauJs and bad more metal of coining to aii iutelligeut conclusion. From tbe rayon of tbe Bcorelary to Ibe Piuviuoial lijard of Uaallb, 1 tiud tbat tbe expeuaa ban been H,bA> to ibe Province, and Irom tbe report rcoDived by tbe Bacrelary to tbe Luoal Board, I learn lhat ibe expense to ttie county will be J 10 000. Tne Lumber ol uasea of amallpox dealt witb i- v!00, and the deatbi from tbat disease tony -five. Xbe House will tbue lee tbat tbe epidemic wan oue of great magnitude. Wliile prompt aid energetic measure* were taken by tbe local boards of Uealtb, yel in towu^ aliipe uob ae Uuogerford, wuiob are not ao well situated for tmjieot Ofganisuio'ii mm tbe older eellled townships, it waa ueoes- nary to extend tbe aid of tue i'roviupe le Uie district. It waa (ound tbat fourteen oaias bad occurred before ibe matur wan brought to tbu atleulion of tbe Provincial Board. Tbe local medical men refuted to attend to tue oases, M tbey knew tbey would lone taeir own practice. Ojs of tne medical men did, however, ouueiiil to attend to tbe oaten, and be waa at. poiuled medical tfnoer to tbe local Board of llealtb ; aud ae to tbe amount of bii bill 1 a 10 not able to elate, but 1 am privately informed ibal it wan a very large one. Alter Uie dieeaee bad been >la)ed ilia hois***, clothing and goods of tbe pinaui ID ihs dulrtoi bad to be fumigated, and aorne of tbe latter were destroyed. In Illinois an outbreak of ninalifox bad taken t'Uoe, aud Ibougb U wae of lew inaxuitude than onn il ooei more than double to sup- preee ibe diieaae. Mr. Morru ooandercd il aofair tbat a townabip *uob an Uuugertord bould bear nob a large portion of tbi expense aa 1 10,000. lie wished tbe House) to uuder- niaud thai if mob prompt meaeuree bad uol been taken for tbe suppreeeiou of tbe outbreak, il would bave assumed tbe loaguitud* of Provincial proportion. He instanced tbl case of an outbreak near Halifax, aud an cxtcuive outbreak uear Manitoba. lu ibe latter place Uie outbreak wae on* of terrible proporlione, and it bad beou itamped out by uulatlon, vaociuallou aad re-vaootnatioo. Mr. Brereton tuggeited tbat tbe bon. tbe Provincial ireanutur abould include in bii rnturui tbe age* of tbe paiient* treated, Uie uunber vaooioated, and Ibe number not Mr. Kern* (aid he would like tbe returui to include tbe olber towubipa affected by smallpox ae well ai Iluoferfurd. Mr. Wood laid be bad no objection. Mr. Pbelp* aaked ill l tbe return abould include all municipalities in tbe Province wbiob bad been afDieted by tbe imallpox eoourg*. Tbe towuabip of Flo* bad been nftl.cied by it, but fortunately tbe Cjnnoil of thai mouieipaliiy bad formed them- selves into a Board of Beallb according to utatuve, not knowing tbal naoti a disease would occur, lie elated Ibe niepe wbiob bad been taken to *tamp oui Ibe di**aa*. Mr. Holeoo eaid the epidemic bad epread to a certain extent before any *tep* were taken to atop il* progrti*. In tb* flrel place be understood tbe pbyticiani attend ing tb* famili** wbiob were taken down pronounotd tb* diaeaa* obiok*u-pox, and Mtreral familiee were taken down before tne truth wai disoovsred. Il broke out first in a very poor neighborhood. Tnrougb tbe fcbseDO* of cleanliness II spread more rapid- ly than would otberwiie bave been ibe cane, and bad covered a considerable die- Kiel before tbe Provincial Board of Uealtb got tbe mailer into tbeir baud*. Tbe rjeo- retary, wben informed, at ouo* went down to tbe townibip, and tue Keeve of that Owutbip waa appointed Chairmen of tbe Iiooal Board of Uealtb, after wbicb ibediieaee wae aim out entirely tamped out. Tb* people were excited at tbal time about the dineane, but DOW they werre a* much exettid about tbe bilU which bad been brought in by tbe pbyiician*. He understood that the Mod- loal Offioer of the Lxj*l Board of Ueallb bad iipplicd to tbe Provincial Bjacd to fix hie fee, which be nnderetood wai 14,000. He mu*l lay be thouxbt tbii charge vry titravaut. Tbe townibip waa verv poor. Tben there wan a bill from Patrick Mnr- pby, wbo buried tb* dead, wbiob be regard- ed tti high. Tbe only reaeonabl* bill be ' aw wan tbat of lie. Canu.lf, amountlug to SHOO. TbiH man bad allowed a new build- I iui(, wbiob be had erected for a itore aud residence al Stcoo. to beuetd for a boepital, and be would have to go to oonnderabl* tX|DM in fixing it up again, in order to make it habitable. Mr. Praeer proposed an alteration of tbe motion to cover all tbe information wanted in tbe return, which wai carried. Mr. Carnagie anke.1 tbat bii motion k* amended ao ae to read M fgllowi : For a return ibowiog tb* leveral lota In tbe towoehip of Belmont, Metbuen, Cbandoe, Aotrutuer, (ialway auj Cavendiib, in tbe of Peterboroogfa, and of tb* town. ship* ot Cardiff, Moumoutb, Bnowdon, LuiMrworlb and Glamorgan in th* provucial county ot Halibut ton, which bave been sold, l:oaled, d.ipoacd of, or applied for, otherwise than uuder tbi Free Grant aud Uomestpd Act, siuoe tbi nr*l day ot January, 1B80 ; alio, th* datsa ot laid sale*, tbi peraoua lo whom ajld, tbe prioei paid aud terms ol ptymeuli ; also, tbe dates ol the several applications for lh* purchase, location aL.d terms of looaliou of said ot*. Hon. T. B Pardre-I desire tbi boo. gentleman and tue ilouse to kuow lhal the return will still luv olvs a great amouut of labor to make out, but th* Qjveruuveul doe* not intend to oppose it after the insinuations which have been made lhal tber* is something to cover up. The amendment will make aome little difforenoe, aud II will be made out at tbe earlieal pjs*iole moment, but tbe House need not oe surprised if tbe extensive (tature of the return necessilale* a little delay. Tb return* must be mad* out by thi r*gular clerks o( the depart men!, and tbe susniou of tbe House is tbeir busiest season. Hon. A. 8. Hardy, in reply to Mr. Monk, intimated that b* had dir*old that a liei ol tbe relnrci ordered last session, and : yel brought down, b* prepared, and tbe returui themselves would b* brought dowu a* soon a* possible. Hon. A. ti Hardy presented to th* Qaoae the report ol tb* Minitter ol Education (or J884 and tbe report of tbi birthi, deatbi aud marria*i lor 1443. Hon. O. W. Roi-a introduced a Bill to amend tbe Public Schools Act In doing eo, be departed Irom the usual procedure by entering upon an explanation of lh* change* proposed. Th* arrangement* wbiou were proposed by tbe consolidated law, were tbal ibe rural schools si d ibe law respecting tbem should be treated uuder on* distinct head . secondly, that tue lame treatment should be adopted witb regard tj unorganized towuebips, aud thirdly, cities, town* and icoorporsi.-d vil- lages should b* dealt witb. Having dealt witb the schools uuder these various heads, tuuu be proposed to arrange the eouc.t bjoks. Then they would bav* legislaUou for ib* *upp*rl ot tbe schools. N it ib*> would deal with the teaobsri. tb* d rferjnt ctli jcrs administering tbe law, and lastly wnb the pain* aud penalties. Th* nrsi amiudmenl was witb regard to tbe school age. Looking at different olau>* of tbe f>rj**nt law ibey seemed to vary, lb* tobool age ranging from 5 to 16 year* in one and from i to 21 in another. Ha pro pj*ed to establish definitely tbat Ibe aobot.1 gi should be from 5 years to 21. The next amendment which b* thought neoes eary wa* in regard to the qualification ot a ratepayer to constitute him a voter or a ichjol trustee. Under tb* Municipal Aot it wa* ceoetaary that a voter should b* a subject ot Her Msj**ty, or tbal he should havi uod*rgou* tbe prooeseot naturalization. No suob arrange- mini existed witb regard to tbe election of school trustees, and hi was just limply following tb* analogy in Ibat matter whioo existed with regard to tbs oboio* ol other municipal Utioor*. Secondly, he was aim- plif)iug tbi provision! necessary for the adequate accommodation of acbool child- ran which It wa* ueoessary lo provide. 1'bire were *igbty-aigbt thousand wbo did uot attend each year. Tb* oiaohmsry of tb* law a* il now stood was not sufficiently comprehensive to enable tbe truant offiotr to get at thos* wbo were absent from school contrary to it* provisions. Tbs aasissor, however, in addition to reporting th* number in tun municipality between th* age* of 7 and 13 would bo rtquirtd u> rrpm their uameii, so Ibat this list could ba compared wiih lb* school register, aud al juoe a oom| late cbm ot evidence would b* (Htabli-hed againet tbose wbo bad nol observed the law 10 the matter of attending school. Thus all the machinery furuiabsu could be enforced to remedy the evils com- plained of. Another propoeal of hii Bill wa* to dirpins* entirely with school trea- mrere specially appointed tor that purpose iu city, town, village aud townabip boards, and to appoint tbe treasurer ot tbi corpor- ation to act aa suob with tb* earns reepon- sibilitiee and dutia* a* wer* laid upon him a* treasurer of tbe municipality A good deal of irritation had arisen from difficul- ties in th* law relating to the amount due a teacher lor bu Mr- vice*. Tb* present law required that th* school trustee* should pay a ttaoher lor tb* holiday i that immediately followed the term ot bu *nga*]*miol. Sop- pose a teacher taught up to tb* vacation in July, tb* holiday* were somewhat long, and hi was entitled to b* paid to the end ol them. That lyilem bad been somewhat irritaling, and in fact many complaint* were mad* and many expedient! resorted to by Habool Board* to gel rid of the re spounbility ol paying a teacher tor service! tb*y thought b* had not rendered. H* proposed Ibal a teacher should be paid for tbi holiday* in proportion to tbs time during whiob b* had taught to (be whole number of teaching day* in tb* year Tber* were a nurnb <r of teaobers holding old lirst-olass certificate* which wer* lim- ited to tb* county in wbioh tb*y were granted. He propoaed lo provide thai tbese should b* valid in any county of tb* Fiovino* of Ontario. Tbose wbo bald th*m were all men ol considerable experience, and no certifies!* ot tbi* character had been granted lino* 1671. H* also proposed tbal when a Oonnty Council deemed ii in tbe interest el the schools it might add lo tbe board ol ixamineri men competent to examine where French or Uarmao wen exclusively taught, in order lo teat the competency ol the teacher*. A good deal of irritation arose over tb* fees required to b* paid by C miity Councils to*xamiu*rr. Tbii Bill provided tbal tbey should be paid tbe same amount a* memo* re uf tbe Oonuty Council. lie prof oied anotbir change in Ibia connection whiob would do away witb ojoaiderabli trouble by provid- ing that councils pay tb* examiners M uiuob par candidate. Examiners also coin plain tbat Oounly O-muoils wire not utnuieutly liberal to pay their travailing expenres, in addition lo tLone required by law. He wai making a provision wb*reby tbey Would be paid liberally, their expenses to be determined by tbe C JUuty Oouccil. Coming to Ibe question ot superannuation, he wa* going to propoee a scheme by which that iy*tm might hereafter be entirely abolished. Firet, no teacher would b re- (jiired to pay Into th* Superannuation Fund. hiti- mdly, those who were con- tribution to tnis land, etid who wish to continue, would b* allowed to do ao, tb* fsa being increased from 14 to a voluntary sum of 58. A certain portion of tbe teachers under 95 and 40 yeara of age as a rule were oppoiwd to the su(-erauLUuou system entirely. Tbose over Ibat age were auxioui tbal it should be retiioed. If tbey wished to retain il ibemielvt* by a voluntary contribution they mi^ht do so. Wild regard to iboe who ceased to contribute if tbey left tbe prof4sion tbey would be allowed to withdraw tbeir contribution a* ai prevent. It they did nol il would be placed to thtir ort.li', aud at any fciiue bcra- alter would b* allowed to dratf for the ytars during which tbey oontiibuted. By IM ixieaui be expected tbey would be relieved by aud by uf tbid charge, and be did not lay BO btotns* be believed tbe people should be loth to deal liberally witb tbe tuaoberr, for ou the contrary he though! tbey were deserving of ibe utmost lym patby and gratitude. Tbe only argument ot a substantial character urgid againi! tbe repeal of tbe law iu regard to superannua- tion waa tbi noipli oue Ibat u wa* an incentive to teaoberi M remain in tbe pro- fession. Pdrbapa il wa*, yet b* noticed tbat 1 60 1 .) teacher* left the profession in the put four yeara, or at tbe rate of over 400 per annum. Tbey bad loet tbe services of some of tbeir very beet men. Aa bun. member D^e* tbi* number inc 1 jde female teachers ? Hon. O. W. Koas said be could not aaoer- taiu the number of female teachers wbo bad left. Tbey bad retired for other reason* pirbapa. Tbe auperanLUatioD system did not appear to retain tbe feacben, aud tbe argument be had mentioned agaiutt doing away with it did uot nead to restrain tbe House one moment iu tbe action he pro- poaed to lake. Tbe 1 >w rtquired eacb child between 7 and 13 year* ol age to attend school Si da) a iu tbe bait year. A be stated a moment ago tbi r< were 1 000 ohillren in the Proviuo* uot fulfilling the law iu that re*| eot. lu the ease ot obil- dreu attending f.c orit* b* propoaed tbat after |awiug a ctitaiu examination tbey should b* exempt from attending school bait tbe time, uamely, tae examination r< quired for a pupil for promotion from tbe third to tbe fourtb book. At t bis (tag* of taeir eduoatioual circer children were generally from 11 to 12 years if age, and be proposed that such of tbem as worked iu factories should beiieii.pt from attending school al lestt a portion of tbe time. What be watt d t ) provide for wjs uol simply attendance al tcbool, but tb* education of tbe pupil. Although tbeschcol age waa from to '21, ibe compulsory claoatiouly affected those between Ibe ages of 7 aud 13. Another proviaion which be proposed of a more radical character waa for tbe election if toliool ttu-tei-B on tbe same day as tbe elect on of municipal council*. It would be optional with tbe trustees by a resolu- tion pasted iu October to order tbal the election should be held ou tbe same day aa tbal for member* of the Council. Il would be by ballot, and ao tar a* tbe Municipal Act was capable of aj p icttiou lor tbe pr*v*ntion of corrupt praotioee, etc., il should apply to the election of school trustees. This did not apply ti tb* Beiarats icbooli. U* proposed also to disqualify every salaried iffijer of a municipality Irom being either a candidate or eligible for elec ion a* a school trustee. Ue thought tbeae provuiou* would simplify tbe law aud meet a popular demand, excite a greater H t -rest in eduoa tioual matters, and cause rwrbapa a mor* vigoroui School II jard. He might say b* did net propose to move thaaeoud nadiog ol tbe Bill tor two or three week*, in order tbal member* may btveam|l)O|>(>ortuuily to consider it aud that the subject might receive tbat |>ub u diou<t*ion ouuide of tb* UOUM whiob hi thought wa* dasirable iu school Itgtrlation. He thought It was) deai r able tbat they should gel tnis sessiou a uiauri as nearly perftcl aa posalbl* iu order mat for al least live or six yiar* to etiue, uo olber obaugei would be made iu the acbool law*. Mr. Meredith- I S| j -ehetid tbat be do** col propos* any eorre. p >ndicg ohaiige* in reaptot to the election of boparate bchool Tiuttcts. Hon. O. W. ROM I do nol, and it n optional all around. Hon. C. F. Frasir laid Ibe HOUM will remember that when permission was givsn by the UOUM for tb* emotion of new Par- liament Building! il wa* qualified with tb* vry important fact thai no mor* than 600.000 ibculd bi spent on them. Tb* UuUs* will also remember tbat >m scs ions ago a report wa* madi which stated tbat in tbi opinion of tb* Executive Council they could not be erected lor the mm named in a style fitting lor tb* Province and tb* Deed* of tb* Government, and therefore no constitutional reepon libilily reel* with tbe Executive Council for not taking action especially wben il is remem bered Ibat it was mated t htl no *l*ps w jnld he t akin without commnuioating witta tbe Uouae. Mr. Morris moved tbat il U expedient and d* urable that any city, e reeved a* such under tb* Municipal Act, which (ball Mil- lion lh*refor in due form, iball be entitled t > be granted by tbe Legislature, if, on doe Consideration of tbe circumstance* thereof, il shall see fit, a special Aot of Incorpora- tion in Ibe regulation and government of It* ipecifcl iuteresti. He argued that it would be a great convenience to Toronto, Hamilton, I. >ndun. Oitawa, etc., if they could bav* ipcoial charter! a* Halifax and Quebec bad. Ue went into details showing me vail expenditure* of Toronto. Hon. Mr. Mowal My bon. friend lug- gests Ibal tb* proposal contained in the motion 11 one of gnat imporuuae, but I it* tbat it i* of no importance of all, and tbat i* very easy to demonstrate. My boo. friend ha* nol suggested one eiogle advan- tage to be gained by the 111 itinn be baa pro posed. The position of tb* Government i* tbi*, tbal w* are in favor ol general lawn, ao far a* w* can bav* general laws. W* tiava always acted up in thin, and though il wa* a deal opposed ai flret it i* on* tbal th* peopl* ol tb* country now recognize the (real advantage ot. Mr. Balfour moved for a return of copies ot all reports made to the Government by directors < I joint ttook road companies, for tbe year IritM, under section lib' cap. 153 ot the rtvitsd statute*, ae amended by *. a. and 7, cap. 84, 47 Vic. Ue mated that Mr 1. e bad consented to incorporate in the tLOtion mob portioni of bi* motion as w*r* not carried by tb* notice he wa* mak- ing. H* t bough t there wai a gantral destr* to abolish tell roads. Il wa* expected that ; <wus and cities would abolish market fee- where tbe tolls were taken off tbe roads ftnt this wa* not the eaa*. At the present time there war* O counties having toll roade, 74 oooipania* and 675 mil**. He hoped the moiion would pass, and thoee oorcpauie* nol making returui abould ha compelled to do *o. Carried. Hon. A. 8. Hardy presented the report of tbe Commissioner of Publio Works. Tb* House adjourued at o'clock. Among tbe [Millions presented were the following: Mr. Badgtrow From tbe Council of York to amend tbi Aot ao a* to maks election of aebojl trustees hy ballot. Mr Higsr - From ibe County Council of Preroolt aud It JIM 11 for a iirnpl ti jatioo uf ibe l.ad Ltwsaud ibe inlroducaju of the Torrena ry- 1 nu ol laud transfsr. Hon. C. F. Fraaer cffred a motion in effect ordering thai tb* report cf tbe Com- mission appointed to iLqjire i..D tbe oootpiracy be printed wr.b all postible deipalch. whiob waaosrrn.l. Hon. O. W RM*. in reply to Mr. Mul bolland, laid : No decision ha* yel been arrived at by tbe Ojvercmenl ai to tbe propuety of introdnoiog legislation during Ibis session of the Legislature ou tke subject of Caiveriity Federation. Tatil after tbat decision ha* deen arrived at it would b* immature to state wbat tbe expense will be. Hon. O. Mowat, in rej ly to Mr. Mere dftb, said : Ai far a* I am ooiceroed there u but on* otber plaai oonceruing which notioe ha* been given lor th* forma lion of a new county, and tbat U tbi oue IB winch Mount Forest it interested. We don't think it desirable to pa*e legislation tor thai during ibe preeenl seu-iou. Mr. Miwal said tue report ol tbe Special Committee appointed to strike ibe Stand ing Committees of tbe House had been laid over in const queuci of Mr. Drtr/'e name being mentojed. Il wa* very ueoessary tbat tbe commute* ilould be organizid at once, and be Ibrrefori suggested that the committees should b* printed without Mr. Drury name. Hi proposed ibis without prejudice to Mr. IJrury or Lu cinililuenoy, and retained tbe right to choose a tute. Mr. Morrii MW no objection ta tun. Tbe motion was earned. IsslMieve vs. xu Good paints are worth remembering, for thi reason ibal they assi.l us in avoiding many discomfort!, and protect us against tbecu|iiity of overreaoblug px>pl*. Wben yon learn from friend* that PUT SAM s Coas EITIUCTJB i* iafe, prompt and eflsctual, dou'l allow druggiat* to palin off a worthless and perhape poisonous *ab*ti tut*. Hu objol ii qiit* patent. He wish** to make tba few cente diffirenoe between a good article and a cheap imita- tion or substitute. Putnam's Corn Extractor. Bold everywhere. Beware ol dangerous imitations. Poison A Co pro pruior*, Kingston. Beware ol a sudden triead and a alow enemy. " Warh, Weir*. i i. ! " How many omen tbere are working to- day in variou* tranches of industry to ay nothing of the thousands of patient housewives wboee liv** are an unoaaaiug round of toil bo are martyr* to those ootvplaiuta tj wbiob tb* weaktr MX is liable. Their task* are rendered doubl> bard and inksvme and their l.ves abortaocd. yet bard uscesmy couipal* them M ke(. on. To suob !>.-. Pisree's " Favorite Pre- aoription " cffen a sura mean* ol relief. For all female weaknaasta u is a ccrtaiu cor*. All druggiato. Bob Burdett j : A baobab tree will liv* i 000 years if it baa a ujauo*. Uowtver, you ueed uol plaul on* j jit for tb* sake ot ibe experiment, becaUM in this ojuntry, long before the baobab tree wa* half thai old, U woull b* cut dowu tj tuak* way fr a railroad, aud you'd b* jusl heartbroken with dlaappointment. Nitre t*|>. Polaon'i NEIVILINK, the great pain cure. i* sure pop every nine. No noej to spend a large auui to gel | urn pi relict trim every kind ol paio. for 10 cjnt* will purcbaa* a trial bottle. Uo to any drug t >rs for u. Large bottles only 2-"> ointi, al all druggist*. Nemline> tb* paio king, our** cramps, litadach*, neuralgia. An aching tooth, filled witb ban 1114 saturated with Nervilme, will oeaee aching wilbio five minute*. Try Nervilin* lor all kind* of pain. Tin and 25 MO to a bottle. On th* Mexican railroad* UNO nit* u need for fuel. This shrub abounds on all tbe hillsides and is ot a very tough fibre. A Mexican railway manager report* tbat bu purchasing agent secured 300 wooden saint* for fuel, which b* bought al V) cents apiee* from th* nativss, wbo itol* them from tb* church**. Tbal wonderful eatbolioon known as Lydia K Pmkham'* Vigitabl* Compound bai given tbs lady a world-wide reputation for doing good. Ii u a living spring of bealln and strength. Tbe meet prosperous cities ol th* South are said to be Baltimore, Louisville, Nash ville and Atlanta ; tbe least enterprising are Charleston, Savannah and Augusta. " Tbe reason ot this difference i* found iu tb* fact," sayi a Boutbirc planter. tbal while our more Noitbern cities bave been remvigorated by the introduction of new blood Irom tbe bnsineu pule** oi tbe North and W**t,tb* alow method* ot ante bellum day* aiill prevail in tbe extreme s jutb. Toung and middle sged men suffering from nervous debility, premalnre old a**, los* of miniory, and kindred symptoms, hould Bend tbre* letter stamps for large illustrated treatise suggesting sure mean* of cure. World's Dispansary Medical A wociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Tb* London si.in.lud recently wound up an article on tails, by staling tbal a tail is by no meant an unornamsnlal inpeifliiity. Among tavag* tribes tbl* fact ii recognized by the men attaching thoe ol wild animals to their dress on various occasions, and th* traiu of a fasbiouabl* lady of a great t Hi or of State like Ibe Lord Cuanoellor, and of a debutante at oiurl nay be referred to as a similar Inarticulate longing after what uature ha* omitted to supply. Mr*. Orphan! has wriltro forty three novels ; Mrs. Boatbworlh suty fire. Prtne* Bismir ]k i* again ill. H* ha been ordered to l*av* Berlin for ral. |ei Oeraer ,*! ii wbat rao-t men desire, bol to keep Item filling a grave la a cemetery lot ere half your day* art numbered, always ksip a supply of Dr. Pieroe'a Oold*o Medical Uisovery " by ycu Wben tbe firit symp- toms of ceosamptiou ippaar lose no lime in potting yourself under tb* treatment ot tbi* invaluable medicine. It cure* wben noth- ing elte will. 1'oaseeiiog, as il does, too time* th* virtu* of ibe best cod liver oil.it I* nr>| only tb* cheapest but far th* pUaiaat- si to take. It purne* and enrieke* tb* blood, strengthen tbe system, rare* blotobes. cimplM, *rupliou* and olber bumori. By druggiiM. " Wnal i* the itaff Ibat dreamt are mad* of?' ioqaireea pxt. If he wan U t ) manufacture a first class variety dream, lobster salad on b* highly reoommsndsd. LYDIA E. PINXHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND/ . ' . * l g A POSITIVE CURF * . ..' Far all *" fboae I'liloftil C'ossplalacs aa4 * \Vi-f nr aa fommam t ar ami * . . J KHALI forilJiriON.* . s ft IT u L n ui rirmri r THI wnsrr Foeat IIS CiliritIXT*. AIL OYIIUAX TKOUBl-Sa, ri*nTi >M. I i CfUTio*. Fi iiit AJioDia '\t. A>Tiir <..v.rorM M-IMAI. Wlia 1KS. AMI l I-AKTII '-LAKI.r SDAI-TtO Ts' ' n\..i nr ! ipi. * e * e * e) *. V IT HIM, i>i-~-ir AXTI ITPKL T' osn ruomrmm ,* N K4Ri-r >TAi.r or PWBLuraajrr. Taa kioas THuuuscvjrao naar srun>ii.v si ITS ess. ***!.. IT i - i -vs, FuATrrni-T, vemrrs rrMIT.*- . ,tt\\ us 1 1 >:IMI, lllA'v rnATi '. >,rx[>L Usiiurr l>crsuaj*iov AJII> IMIKI^TIOM. e * a * Tmrrr"ir.. r Hr, i. ,...' * \. < n r-ixo Pu. U t I..IIT AM> lu. s 4. ui. i AI tit r t KIU IV IT* t -I. | *** Ir wux AT AM rives A\U i sitru AM. !>. A>T d UA'.<I..\\ "I'M TU LAWS TSLAV Ii via.x Tllr r '' s * e * (Win rt itt- -r i- >I KLY r-'MTW*LB**nBATB IIAUXU r i<i-r<-i AM. TIII Kiiier <r PAU, A THAT IT IWI* Al.l. I - - 1 l>|. To IN', TUorVAHM eV LAUim I *N >. . 1 11-111 ' * * i'a TIII .11.1 np KipN--. I . ruACm r> IITUIS ISA THK acuruT u I'L ar AJWIII. * I.TI>IA E. ruKiLur* VKi.rrtBLE <"Mi<<iaiD *> pfv|jr^ at 1 no. Ma. Fnr~ $1. Sii u>iu for aa. JWSISs aB^eiMjeMa arejlb7mAil. i^Mtk^v [id. latervA - -. '-*!* ~ - ui w < i -. * J. WIHCKLER PATENT SELF-VENTING PUMP FAUCET Ths tlmplsel sad best la lb* marks*. Prlsetlt A. lire** 88 Hut bson street sooth [laaslltoo. 30 DAYS 9 TRIAL f DR. I.M.Vrril" Vi>l.Tl' ITI T u ' h:T- t A'-n.i*i- ar** riit i'n '' 1 MEN ONLY, T'U'NO OR ol.li. h<i arr af?rr , ' .. bu from ir**jron rxani" i.. T vmi. \\ *TI> * WKAlirmia. i>n<l nil thiMW tl teni* at I a*'L KTtsm, multlm rn>m Ast-sss an-l tTnia OX-ABB, kr" 1 '! n-ll.-t an. I ranpkn* r*'"ratl..n u> Ri*i-TH Viu.-a an.l ASSOO* t.r.KoTrrn. Brnil at ou.v (or lUuiuaUst nasaalet fr**e. Ad'tn-ss Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. HE'S SEEDS are !ulril* *1 * il tli-jii f"i FIELD! GARTEN & nowEii . EAR AMD THROAT. DR. G. B. BYER80N, L. R.O.P. 8. 1.. LsAtarsT on Its Irs. Ksr and Thn ai Trinity Medloal Oollacs, Toronsu OesllM au I Anrtit lo Uis Toronto Hsosral Hospital, late Clinical Aaalrtam Boyal LOD.IOD Opbtbaln. lo Hospital. afoonOalil's sod Centra! Loodi n Tiir, ai and Rar Hcwpllal. sn Ubiuoh Htr*. L Toronto. Artificial Unman ITS* *T \ |Miltl* rvmwtli r-.r lh ah*.* .1 Ikssiwid* "t * of lh orl kind tandlnf haw N-*u tui*J lu l^*,l..iBtrattK to eif e In iu. *<*. n..l I m 1*11.1 TWO ItOTTlA PMB. tll ll>rv and P _ pa. r. A M.IH.-I M, in Sari si . N.. R. U. AWARE TBAT Lorlilard'i Climax urtng ft r-i| tin f<iy ; th/tl |> Ktw I. en I Bftf cut . lh*i 1..' ftntt IhM I^Tlllanl*m Han*!*, r t. qutUItJ '>.i)K|,lrr*.l | rfl.at at to escrow a risin as do*anoa or 8pmie*rlan r a maoehlp ai iba BP1I-. KK Cam LAM OlTMilw- fri