Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1885, p. 3

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Platen < U B eeeeedl'* sat by the river Mile Aesrejupyss ruini y oould be; While as picked bis We b witb a common Bis Be poemd out bis truubl* to us Ok wby. oh wbv can't ths tourists bold ! a poor reptlu be , SSH he*p SKgluii away with long ran(*(uus At as) luuooout chap like me . at aever harmed a living man, Wkeeoeld quickly gttaway, an* is aiuurai xample, hu forced to b*, warwasjboet the livelong day ; Wno asas nothing but pases and resv ad a dark brown baby or two I *> a tkui eaaier to dlge-t Tbaa mi. mm.i > dou'l you ? Fes- Ike klod they seod u to Kgrpl here are skinny aoti dry and Uiiu , BBm BUBS* than meat, like a desert steer. Aud stwgb and drj Is tnsir akin. T**v send Ifcena round by tb* China aaaa, A ** season i hem i here for awbll* ; Be tbat thu tun bakes oul of 'em all ibe (naa* Bolun they * lj tbs Nil*. end this la wby I weepbltur tears, aad wesp tbsiu oiornlug and night ; e\sr 1 frantly oonfees 1 hav my f. ars we ar* not b*lug ueawu quite right tb* foreign missions ia .Ilitaat lands, "Tio supply tbis frog to us, y aalclil send ibeiu ir, an. at flrst baada, 1 wuui.iu t iaiM nuun a fuss. Thsy carry tbeir oaotiou to absurd ei reui*. That remind* me if a 1ml* etory. J j wn m tbe southern part cf 10* HuaM Wo lav up M road oroaslug* aoiuc ol the old a*hiuned aixn*, ' Luok OUI f it lue earn h n the btwl riugs. ' Atone cf the crow- ugs the otbsr day two women cams u[, IriviLg kli uld borne bltohed to a UUiy() I'hey looked atom and oouldu't IMJB Buy omrv, bnt happened tj read the sign. ' Btop, iMaid oa*. ' 1 uear s> bull ' I'bey both Jin leu J nor* enough they beard a bell tlukliog. Oue of tbe women got out. and was the plstnt nf tb* crocodile, Jess a> he mad* it out-i me. litfe Be isl by tbs banks of tba river Nil*, And I prudsut y stayed lu a tree. Ttmm. THE LADIB8' COLUMN. "II U quite true that a* long a* WVOBIB'S Ijwer garments ire sU'pended from the bipe. a corset 1* au absolute nea ait) ; the n>istke lie* i u not suspending all apparel from tb*sboold*r*. Iu tb* latter care a corset bcojmee unties*, the body la left free and unojLfloed for respiration and motion ; there is more health, and oouse ajueully more beauty. Indeed, all tbe tnoet Bngaioly aud uueomloitable articles ol dress tuat faebion in her folly hae ever prtioribto. not tb* li,h'. Dorset merely, but tbe fartbiugale, tbe v>riugadiu, the hoop, the oriuolioe. aod tbal moderu monstrosity, the M>-clled ' dres* improver,' alao, have all of tbem owed tbeir origin to tbe aame error, the error of not seeing that it is from tke shoulders, aud from Ibe shoulders eoly, that all garment* should be bung. ' t|...,ii i u i ui in A good woman, with a strong natura enie of ber own claim*, greatly moreanec by th* authority of b*r position ; a aover etgn wboee holi upon ber people I* foundtc mainly upon btr domestic virtaea ; widew wbo ban lived ae much for a memory ae for ber surjectt these are the elmple fact* of tbe Q ieeu's character and c induct A future geuaraiiku will otiuzi more freely and may pjeeibly add something on tbe aide of praiee. It way be tbat the virtue* of the Qaeen should be in some way different ic iboee ol a private individual it may be tbat one who bae a great nation entinated to beroar*. wbo ha* many obil dreu, and oouaiqu n ly many oal'a to private a* well aa public doty, kbould have pnt more force upon herself to live in public, even when to live in public was to ner most oppressive. I> may b* thai the dntiae t f a (jueen are not such aa oan be delegated even to tbe most popular o; prtLoe* ; it may b* tbat EugUah society would bave been different It II had aettve Qaeen at the bead of its court. Hew i Urlvc % o u r II u. nd K r . II Benpeok him. Snarl at him. Find ooDsiderable excitement ol the boru'i bridle. took Tb amid hold >iher one lightened ber grip on tbe inee, set ber jawa, aod prepartd for tbs 'oral. Tbey looked anxiously up tbe track or ibe train, bat ttill oouldu't eee ii, though tbey oould hear it a little plainer btn before. Tbey waited and waited. Kive minute* peeeed, than ten, aod etill no irain. Tbe old horae want to tlvap, while the women's nerve*, from long straining, threatened to throw them into b> tone. aod Dearer came tb* ball agaiuil which tb* aigo warned them, and eo they atood still. In about a quarter ot ao boat an old brindl* cow cam* walking down the pasture by tbe aide of tbe track, obewuig ler cud aud monotonously rin ft ipg bsjr ball. Jue of tb* women cried from uatvoueuos and the other on* got mad al the railroad company, and said they were nothing but mean, old monopoliee, anyway." After a long experience of tb* eniaioe Efrauoaiae and of American oookiog and if giiab oookiog, I have artivad at tbe GJU oluniou tbal the lakt-named is tbe n>oei aucculeLt, substautialaud health beotowiug of any otbir in the world. Koglieb obrpi, steaks, kidneys, baked potato**, roa.i bewf, boiled aaliuon, plum padding aid C Dei-hire obcme are txiotly lb grooudwork required by mn at l*a>t riaxon man to lurrn tb* pb)*ical buis of bis cjrporesl exiateuoe. Fteueb dishes tiokla tbi palate, but they do not lay noalihy fleib on the booea, oalm tbe uetv aud make pure bluod. These drsied rate are kttamed by a nt*ady ojure* of Btitiah feediug. Io proof ot what to ay one baa ouly to lake a walk at and bour of tba day In Hyde Park aua watch tbe promeuaders there. A* tpecimen* if tb* human animal, tbe varied nationalities wboea ariat jcracy on* meete in tba verdant lanes and smooth esplanade* of tbat beau tooui greenery all )isld tbe palm to John Bull and bu womankind, with tbeir bright eyer, roey checks sol aplandid physical development*. Moral of all Ihm : Kt plenty of roast beef and juicy ataak. boilsd mutton, plain btidd potatoe*, bread a dsy old and siiup:e suet puddmi{4. Avoid basbet (whose nourisbiDK (]uaJiu>* bava all departed lu reooukiu*), lubstar aalsdi rue.l" of tb* inootritiuus oy*t*r alone, hot rolls, uewl)-baked bread, riob pastry, candy aud watery soup*. Iu America we bav* no national ouiaiue, but tbe ohoioa of all tba ouikioea of tbe world is at bud, and then fora tbere la no raaaou why a perftoily bealtby dial should not be selected by every individual. O.iw Logan. *7B Speaking of Ihe lamentation over tb* free diuuere given to school children, tbe fall Uall Qaitttt saye : Take the oaee ol parents wbo have SOD* oa the foundation of Eton or Wiuebester ; U II seriously main toined that these young gentlemen are demoralized io Ibe dining ball bat not ID tbeioboulroom? that there ie ometbing pauperising to lb*meelvea or tbeir parent* u th* free dinner*, bat nothing ID tbe Ire* oboolmg? Tb* cjnttLtiou i* aimply baurd ; and tbe reason ot it* absurdity, wbiob is eimule enoogb, goee to the root of tb* wool* matter. Cummin meal* part aud paroel ol the educational machinery at a public aobool, and in iba oaee ot foundation sobolars are given a-, freely an the Latin and the Oreek, tcr tbe uuiple and excellent reaeoo that tbe Latin aud Oresk oould never be digeated without the aatislaaoe of bread aud butier. And tbia ia exactly what people ate at laat beginning to real./.-! in tbe oaee) ot elemen- tary education. Overpressure, ii baa been di*oovr*d, u simply underfeeding. Uow abvurd, lay the obeeuraolieta, to cram children's beads and leave tbeir stomachs empty I Nol only bow absurd, add the members ot all the) parlie* aud all tb* obnrob** wbo have tender heart* and open eye*, but bow detestably cruel ; and wbal in mot*, every year that your compulsory olaus* taps a lower stratum, vaar eroelty Will become worae. Quite ma. Either we naaal frankly abandon compulsion for Ibe pootMl cla>* of children, or we must iraokly adopt all tbal o.m t ulsiou neoea- ae>rily implies. .lltilcasi W K Curtis writee as fulloira from tb* oily ol Mexico : Tbe first odd thing tbal trikcs a visitor to Mtiioj i* tbal every Olook hae a different uame. They do not tsvke the elrtets eotirr, bat each blook la numbered and named Dy iteell ; and it is > f eo the oaie tbat there are Different biucke ot tbe name uame iu d ttjrent part* of tbe city, when tb* practise is tu call them Bail Fracci>cj NJ. 1, Ban Francisco No. il, and ao on. Ibie bewildere tbe tretger tnor* than oue can imagine. 1 bad a friend wbo livid al Uu. IU Ban i'raoouoo street. I went to four atrtets ou four blocks of tbat uame btfjte I fouud bim at Ban Fraaouoo Paente or bridge. 1'be Dame* of the etreeli bet* ttcika tbe etreuger with a sort of aw*, too, lor they were christened in the day* of reli- stiuu* fanaticism. Think ol liti-g on Jesus street! Imagine yourself telling a i ii f. HO-- % ar i nr -i iiooi Ike eeevralrace ar * ifrrirmtr* lr*a ia. H~ I ir u " .u Ike M. u Dear reader, do you remember the boy ol your scbo< I wbo did tbe heavy falling through tbe ice aod was alwaya about ready to break his Leek, but managed to live through it all V Do you call to mind ibe youth wbo never allowed anybody ela* to fall oat of a Irea and break ni* collar- bone when be could attend to II himself ? Every school has to secure tbe service* ol such a boy before it oan succeed, and eo oar school bad one. When I enteted tb* school 1 aaw at a glance tbat tbe Board had neglected to provm* iteelf wub a boy whose duty il was to nearly kill himself every few days in order tJ keep up the inter**', so I applied for tb* poaitlou I scoured il without any trouble whatever. To* B .ar J understood at OLD from my bearing thai I would succeed. And I did not betray tbe tru.t tbey had reposed in me. Before tb* first term waa over I bad tried to climb two tree* al once, and been carried borne on a stretcher , been pulled out of the river with my lunga full ol water ind artificial reapiration retorted to been jerked around over ibe north half ol Ihe county by a fractious horse whose bal ler I bad tied to my leg, and which is now three inches longer than tbe other together wiib variooa other lutle earl) eocentr 101 lien which I oat not al oMMueui call to mind. My parenta at last got ao that along about 3 o'onck p.m. the; would look aoxioutly out of tbe wiodo and asy : " len'l it about time lor tbe boy* tj get here witb William's remain*? They generally get her* before 1 o'clock." One day five or six ot u* were playing "I*pv" around oar barn. Every bod; knows bow to play " I epy." One shut* hi eyee aud count* oue hundred, fur instance while the other* bide. Then be mu*l fiuc ibe rest and say "I spy" ao and so, au< touob tb* goal txf >r they do. If anytodj beat* him to tbe goal the victim ha> to bliud " over again. Well, 1 knew tin ground pretty well, and oould drop twen'-y Ital out ot the barn window and atrika on a pile of straw eo ae to laud uear tfae goal, touch it, and let Ibe crowd in tree without getting fouud oul. 1 did this several timee and got tbe blinder, James Banir, pretty mad. After a boy hae counted five or six hundred, and worked bard to gather iu tbe crowd, only to get j*ered aud laughed at by the boys, be loeee me temper. Il W*B ao with James Cicero liang. t knew he almost baud me. au1 ) el I weutoo. Finally, in tbe filth ballot, 1 saw a good chance to slide down and let the fault with him. Keep an untidy bouae. liainir him hall to death. Boas bim oul of hi* boots. Always bav* the lael word. Be ixua oroaa on waabiag day. Qiiarrtl with him over triflea. Never bave meals ready in time. Run bills without bis know- ledge. Vow vengeance on all hi* relation*. Ixi bim sew tbe Datum on hie ihirta. Pay no attention to household expenaee. Oive a* uincb aa he oan earn in a month lor a new bonnet. Tell him a* plainly aa poaei- bie that you marn ad him for a living. Balsa a row if he dares to bow pltaiantly to an old lady friend. Provide any eon tf pick- up meals for him wbao you do not exptet strangers. Oat everything tbe woman next door gets, whether yoa can I '" afford it or not. Tell him the children inherit all their mean waits of character DQ| ' *' from hie bide of tbe family. Ul il oni ' h <J sometime* when yon are vexed thai you ' "7 fkti Mir IM,I. ll.v.. Heredity and experience bave made bird* aod animal* fear meu ae iheir enemy. 11 u; tbere are ptrsooe who are able Io overcome the t m.dity of >ocne wild aiimale. Tbe New York Kidttgelut telle a story aaaoci- ated with one wbo bad tbie p iwer : In front of th* telegrspb ffioi alBtuoktuidKr.Mua., there ia a Ur** elm tree, which i* tbe borne of three red tquirrels. A little irl who i* mployid in ih* office comes a number ol times a day and knocks on tb* trunk ol tbe greet tree, and al the (amo time making a whirring noiae ae tqairrele do. Instantly tbree tqulrrel* come out of tba tree, and, running down tbe trunk, tbey lake the DUta be had in ber band for them, and go op to a place where tbe brsuobee divide). Then they MI upon th* landing while they crack and eat them. "Two of them are very tame," sh* told ui. " but on* u rather wild yet," Alter the tame once bad been fad, aba pointed up to one of the topmost bougha where tbe " wild one" eat, looking ao very wistfully. The little girl kapt knocking with tbe not and whirring like a iquirrcL Boon tbe little creature, timidly began to come down from its bigb. tower, balling and debating every now mot than , aflorditor LO. Tl him the children - it cam. nearer end nearer to tb. uplift, d one quok bound. , - " -LP U ' l U " ' old u ** UUAVtlUMH WMVU you io TVAWU u w wu . , , , - wiBbad yon had married mroe other fallow I "' wo]". P equ.rrel-houee ID tbe ' tree, and try to keep them there all ->*- Tke Gee* Decter'e rrfwrlattlra. " It ie a matter ot life and death Tea kre overworked, sir, aud must take a rest." "That ia impoeaible, doctor. My beet men are all aiok. my onstometk are coming In by tbe hundreds, and 1 mutt be M my post." " If your out torn should temporarily drop off you could then Mod time to reet, couldn't you T" " Certainly ; bnt bow oan I temporarily top all my old patron* from rushing io on m*, even if the case should b*, aa yoo lay, a matter of life and dr alb ? " 'E<e>y enoogb. Stop advertising ' PhiLudr fliin Cull. that you need to go witb. Give him to understand ae soon ae possible after the honeymoon ths t kieelng u wt U enough for poouy lover*, but that for married folks it Is very silly. frobj/terian Hamur. ajaro ml ibe) Hair. Take a pieoe of gum oampher ae large a* a ehestuul and place in one pint of alcohol. Thia oan>pbotisa the -alcohol. Tbe mix- lure may be perfumed to suit tbe taste. Wet tbe soaip Witb thia daily. Il will timalate th* scalp, promote tb* growth of tb* hair, and in many iniiauoee prevent it from (ailing off. German women ar* noted for tbeir luxuriant hair. Ujee in every two week* they wash the head thoroughly with a quart of eof t water, In wbiob a baLdful 01 bran aod a little white aoap had been dissolved, then th* yolk of au eg, slightly beaten, i* tubbed into tbe roots of Ibe hair. This I* allowed to remain a few minatee, and then tbe hair ia washed and rinsefl carefully in eof I water. It ia then wiped and dried thoroughly, combed from ihe forehead and parted with th* finger*. After drying, Bpply a little pome tnm. made of beef marrow boiled in a small qaautily of olive oil and aligblly paifsoted. Du this near tbe fire in winter, or in a very waim room. Almoet all curling fluids are mere impositions ; but with a weak eolation ot isingieee e firm and lasting lam may be given to the hair. Thia eola- tion is inoffensive. Tbe hair should be well brushed every day to keep it in perfect condition. Alwaye nee tbe oeet brusbee. They are the obecpeat in tbe end. Use the eru>b very rapidly and for about flv* mm- Elisabeth ii a girl about 8 yean old. Ota*. A otlebr.ied beauty .aid tb* hair When atked how far she bad gone ID her sbonld receive 100 stroke* a day and they * r Kfl'by leseona, the lillle woman said nbotlJ be applied in tbree minntee time. A i " We ar* In the Alpa now. And wbal do good and me aaleat waah for tbe teeth IH jou think? Tb* gill* there wear abort red pure eott water and the finest quality of , - end a eon ol green jtoket liccd io oaaiila aoap. Apply with a mvierelely ! front and behiDd.wub pullsd eleevee. stiff brash morning and evening. The^ou'i remember what kind of above reoipea are worthy of a t.ial, asp*)- 1 bey wear, but I &">* they I dally lor tboee who desire beaatUr,: hair. " Wall, exclaimed th* almost paralji* \ iih in. John Kvefe, age 22. of Brooklyu, want into a bat room aud demanded drinks. A row followed in which a ehot waa fired at Keefe. Il ee tired hie month and glaoeicg off bi* teeth lodgid in the) jw. Keefe rau oat into Ibe street and with an associate named K tke proceeded to tbe Long Island College Hoaptkal. He eaid ha met with an wblle oareleaaly bandllDg a revolver. The bulla wa* taken out ol hie mouth and be want away. N. T. Tribune. Do not all thai you oan ; upend no! ell that yon bave ; believe not all that yoo bear . and tell col all that yon know. Kli/.bftb ii a girl about 8 k ' ue - ' Tke t i.Miioa- Weeseei. All women are alike ia their fear of the liUnoia Central conductor bnt exclaimed the almost parent, " but where ar* tba Alp*, child ? ' " I don't know," was tb* atUea* raipOBM ; " it doesn't aay ii) thing about that. naokmau lo drive to NJ. 4 Bljod ol Outlet street, or ordering a bifgaxainea io take your Iruuk tu No. Ujiy LiLu.t sireel I Ii doe* not aouud sj muob like blaapbemy to peak Ibeae uame* or bear tbem rpokeu in bpaniab . but tven then to be told that on* live* over a saloon on tb* Butel ol th* Live of Uod, Call* Amor de, make* a r. vereni eoul >hudder a little. Here are ouie tf th* cta*r peculiar uauies : Ctowu i f IboruB street. Fifth ol May sireel, tbe Mexican 4.bol Jaiy. ll.dy of (Jurist street (Calle de Cotpas Cotun), M iiner ol Bor- rows street, Hire*! ol tbe Hsotcd Heart lb* Heart ot Jeen* ltr**t, jesu strett (Ualle de J*su), John ibe Baptist atreet, bireal ol llluntriou* Men. Slrctl ul Kefuge, All Boule' street. THIT CAB riCCLIABITIIS. When one get* acoj.tjo.ed to it, there ia DO diffioolty iu findiug bta way arm.ul par'.ioularly as tbe llreel oar* go aim jet everywhere aod bark hire ia vary cheap. TLI a .reel ear* are run in trains in Mexico. lustead of leaving ibe termincs on* oar each ten minutee, tbree eate are eenl toffelbar every half hour. 'Ibis ia not a measure of io.iuto.y, lor each eat Uas two mule* attached, and, although tbay ar* never more than a ball a block apart, there ar* always two oouduoioti beside tbe driver. Oue conductor takes tba money and give* you a ticket, and Iba other come* around, punches It In the prtMeLon of the peaeeuger, and than put* II in bis pocket. 'I'bey ar* (Opposed to b* a check uj on each other. Tb*atr**l- cat drivers alwaya carry With tbem BUOtc. and blow it aa tbey approach a street cross ing, so that there u a perpetual totting going on. Tbe conductor* usually carry revolver*, I don't kcow why, except i lulu is tba faahiDD, for a Mexican would aaetoj go oul of doors without hie bat as witboui bis revolver. He doesn't feel dressed. Yon see revolvers at the opera, al tb* Cathedrals, and whan a Mexican call* on you tbere is usually a glistening piece ol nickel-plated slewl sticking oul Iroui under bis coat tall. At tba oirooa tb* other nigbi every man bat one on tbe row io from ol m* bad a revolver in hie belt ITRBB I DP FA. Id. When yoa hire a servant in Mexico II i* expected thai hie or bar entire fatuity wi I live with yoa. Tb* husband of your cook may be a shoemaker, or a baokmao.or a saloon keipir, bat when bis day 'a duty ia dona b* goes to tba house where hi* wit* i* living, eltaua there and takes hi* meals at your table . and tb* *ame rule applies to children. YJU may hire a chamber maid end board ber husband aud eleven children. Tb*r* is no alternative . no evasion of tb* customs. ' tb* country. This system ie not ao txpeuaiv* as it seem* bow- ever, for a wbol* family will sleep ID a ingle room ; and tbay dou't need much bat corn bread aud bean* to eat. Tbe peous.aB all Mexican Indians ar* called, make txoellent isivanu. Tbey are reapectful, obedient, perfect y boueot, neat, and obey instructions irni liculy. Like tbe Cbinew, they learn by imitation, and seldom need more than ODC leeeon, doing tbe eame thing over and over iu tb* earn* way until they are told to slop. Ibe Mexican stag* coach alwaya baa two dtivara one to bold the reina, and Ibe other to do tbe whipping. Tbe latter oarrie* a bag of stones to tbrow at the leadere. Tba postal system is very primitive. After the arrival of every mail a clerk write* tbe name a of thoae peraooa tor wi om there are l*ll*ra on a big sheet, which i* pc*tdd op outeid* tbe delivery window. Il eavas tbe poatmaatcr from answering questions. A celebrated cook died recently in Paris, leavinR a fortune of V&0.000 to hie two nephew* oa oonditiou thai tbey should iusO'lbcon hie tombntou* one of hi* beat cookery recipe*, in order, a* be laid, tbat parsone deiitoue ot useful knowledge might nttiio il by visiting a cemetery. Ibe French Epitaph Cummisaion will not per- mit such an inscription, and tbe unhappy hair* are likely to lote tbe money. crowd iu again a* I oad done ou former HIM HKAKr e>N I UK MM. HI ilOBt ^e Msillaresaila.*) Dln.d n> at %'enik IM ...... oia A remarkable oaae of physical malforma- tion, that musl prove vary interesting to /bysioiani aud p'jyetologau, u attracting kileuliou in tbe town ot Lake, uear Cuioatfo. Tbe phenomenon IB a man whose heart ia jcatod iu t-ie right *id* ot hi* cheat. Tbe gieiaou i* Uaorge Kdwarda, 18 year* old, ho liven wub bie parent* al Mo. 711 Forty -sixth itrctt. uear Wallace. To* tact ol hi* heart being ou tb* right aid* of his body baa been known to hi* attending pbyeioian for a*v*n wecke, bat it has been eanlully k*pl from tb* public nnul now. Young Eiward* IB an invalid, suffering from pulmonary consumption. A SUOOUB rBBAK UF MATUBS. Dr. Cbavetl, who ie attending him, was aekad for *om* details of tb* queer oaee Heii. "Ii ia, indeed, a very tugalar (reak ot nature. I bav* been in prat. tie* thirty two years, aid though a few isolated eaeee of toia kind ar* mentioned in th* book* I never aaw snob a oae* before. When I took tbe patitol to treat bim for ooosnmpUoD I stripped bie cheat to examine bis lange. Iu a moment I diaoov eted with the naked eye bearl throbbing* on tbe n^bl side, instead of tb* left Placing a ttsiBosoope on the) epol I die linoUy beard aod tall hie bear! beast. Tbey were as regular and natural aa tboe* of any olher persou's heart. There waa no pultation al tbe other aide ot the ebeet. Hi* pulse was al seventy -five, wbiob I regarded ae a normal action. Tbe action of the heart did not seem to interfere in tb* leaat with tbe action of the lunya. out be wee ufftting with pulmonary disease. retultu g from catarrh. No one but biruaelf aeam* to bave aver known where bi Liarl wae located , nor did be appear to reaJise that be wa* essentially different |by*ioally from other persona." t Mil' CAL r \tHIMI I K ^Dr. Pieipout wae also called upon for a statement i,f the cam. He said : " is aa you bave been informed. Tba boy's beart IB located in tbe right tide \.l to* chest. I think tbe ceutre of thai organ is an inch and abalf to two inobee to Ibe right of tbe sternum. 1 wa* loth to bthev* it. When Dr. Cnavett told me about it I thought it probably a caae of *nunm. which sometime* produce* enlargsmnl of an artery aud a [.ulaaiioo therein which B| prari like heart beat. Bat en examina- tion witb au iLSlrumeul (atlsfled me thai tbe bearl we* indeed looted ae Dr. Cbavetl bad told me." i ocas our 1 slipped out uf tbe wind, i aud down tb* aide of the hern about two feet, when I wae detained nnavtiiably There batten " on tbe barn thai waa loo** al tb* upper end. I think 1 wae wean g my father e vest on thai dsy, ae b* waa away from home, aod I frequently wots bis clothes when b* wae absent. Auybow, the vest wsa too large, and when 1 slid down that tooee board ran np between the veet aid my pernon, iu euob a way ae tosu- p>Ld me about IK feel from ibe ground, in a pro mincLl but vtry unooiLfjriable position. 1 remember it yel quue duiiLOtly. James C. Bang oame around where b* could see me. He eaid : " I spy U II S,* aud touch tb* goal before him ' NJ one cam* to remove tb* barn. No one teemed to sympathise with m* in my great sorrow and isolation. Every little while Jamee C Bang would come around tbe corner and ay "Ob, I M* ye. Y.u needn't think you're out of light up ther*. I can see you real plain. YJU better come Jjwn and blind. I can aee yoa op there " I tried to uubutioa my vest and get down and lick James, bat it was no u*e. II wa* a very try ing time. 1 can remem ber bow I tried U kick myself loo**, but failed. Bomelime* I would kick th* barn and Mmetime* 1 would kick a hole in the boriDO. Finally I wa* rescued by ueigbbor, wbo said be didn't waul to see a good barn kicked into cbaoe just to nave a long levged boy (bat wasn't worth aix bit*. It aff old* m* great pUasare to add thei while 1 am looked up to and madly loved by every one that doea not know ma, Jamee C. Bang ie tba brevet Presileol of afrao lured bank, taku g a lonely bridal tour by himself in Europe, and wailing for tbe depositor* to die of old age. Tba mill* ol tb* gods grind slowly, but tbey moel generally gel there wub bjtb feet. ( Adept* d from tb* Fieoob by per mieaiou ) .... !" II ii. n I >OSI"*S< A suburban correspondent send* th* fol- lorn iug amusing Instance of intelligence in cow* to a London pep*r : " To* other morning, a very sultry one, two cow* oame to our gate, evidently on tbe lookout for something, and after being at Orel some what puzzled by tbeir pleading look* ihe thought struck me tuat ihtymuaibein wanl of water. No sooner had tbls occurred to m* than I bad *om* water brought in a large vessel, which tbe poor animal* *uck*d up wilh Ibe great**! eager ness. Tb* pair then aaontered away to a iii-ld near at band. ID about half an bout or so we were surprised to aee our two friends marching up to the gate, ace -in penied by three other coir*. I'D* water tag was agsiu called iolonqaisi i ion, and ibe new comer* were io like manner helped liber ally. Then with gratified 'boo-ooe' a unanimous vote of thanks our viaitort alowlv walked off to their psturage. I waa quite olaar to na that tbe two fire Callers, gratiti, 1 at their friendly reception bad strolled down to Ibeir sister g-wiipper and dairy companions, ana informed tbem how I cannot say, can yon T of tbei liberal entertainment, and then had take tbe vary pardonable libeity ol in\i.log them up to our cottage." A Cincinnati man waa using chloride o potash Usangt a for a throat sffeelion, an bad taken two of them from a box au placed tbem in hie pantaloons pocket. U >tx>p*d down to button hi* ibo* when tb friction caused tb* *ublance to ignite. I tbe space ot about two aeoooda a hoi about a half foot t.| jar* had buinei in bl pantaloon* and a part of bi* tl .ah almwl baked. David Davia aaye tbat hie worst friend i a woman whoa* poelry be once laughed it That was SH yaaie ago, but ibe etui ha tie lln. Among tbe beet bop polee in Kogland are thoM maee from the swetl obeelunl, tb* Ki mm Unbir Old A|C. I have sometimes seen in tbedaily paper* some remarkable agea colled from the biiuariee, aud I have also seen pjaliabed ome very remarkable agee ot 01.0 family, COB ae ibal given by a Mr. Rtookdale, aled " Tbe Grove, Bulton. Dee l.'i.n, 1*83," ber* the average age ot five n in Iheu liv ug wa* hi , but I do not think that any of be** up to tbe exttac rdiuary fact of elve children ot lh* same ftlber aod olher living so lorg taal their average eg* bould be HI The details of the fact are nbjoined. John Bjya, formerly of Bet- L auger, in K-ut, mattled Maty Harvey ID be year 1771 ; th-ir issue Mary died at rm age of 88 ; J .bo. born and died in 777 ; William, ?'.) , Franc**, 89; John, aeoond) 7'J Richard, 8J ; Eiward: I ; Uetrv, from an accident, 59 , lalbaiior, 7r) . Ann Maude, 85 ; K >brl. 81 ; am**, *y, Emily, BI; tote*, in*; making ao average of HI years. Tbeir f>tb*r died al tbe a*e ot 75, aud the motbet al tb* af* f '.'I. A eomswbal remarkable coincidence ibis, tbal tbe busbande of Ih* atove ueuiioued ladle* and the wive* ol tbe gen tlemeu lived to great ag*e, for metanee. bTary'e husband lived to the age of 70; France* unmarried); the bosband of ;atbano. 79; of Ann Maude, 64, of Smily, 65 : nothing very remarkable, it will be laid, io tbeoe aea . but Ibe wife of Wi ham lived to be 7'J . of John. e)4 ; cf Kicbard, r)l . of K Jward, MO ; of Henry, 84 f Robert, 74 , of Jam**, '.> Th* twelve children were all alive in 1H57. when their average age we 6!) Tbe interval between the decease of tbe first John and ol the laat lamee wae 104 year*. Barely the above is worthy of being included in tb* ealecory of r* mat table longevities. LamJan Jfonriv Peel. ii..' - ...... .1 a u. " Did yoa ever itarl a daily paper. No. Well, you ought to try il. Falling dowo tair* witb a stove on v p of yoa I* nothing be compered t ) it ia \> .iLtof excitement. Tbe uem* tf tbe paper wae th* /!/nrv. atd II was started to fill a long-felt want. Jirry ocbraue was my partner. There were several very oomfotiug thing* on tbat paper. For inetaoee, Jetry sod I alw*ja knew on Monday Ibat we would not bave nougb money to pay the hand* off on Saturday, aud w* never did. Tbe hands knew it, too, ao they were ntver shocked by disappointment. We ran that way for e while, gating more deeply in debt all tb* I me. At laat oce morning I entered ihe cfflee and found Jerry looking rather N .lemn. ' J-rry,' laid 1, ' don'l yoa want a partner.' ' Yev>, w* need a o*w one,' be rj nued. ' A buriueis man,' said I. 'On* with txeoutive ability,' *aid be. 'A financier,' 1 oberrvtd. 'A man wbo nan take bolt of Ihioge and tuin tbem into money,' bee included. 'Then I have got Ih* man you want,' said I, at .1 I intro duoed Frank Hitchcock, tbe sheriff, l.rry aid Frank waa the man be had been think ing of, eo we installed him at once. Pir, be proved to be all w* anticipated, aod ha ran Ibe paper with tba gnateel auooeaa until he bad turned it eotirtly into money. When we wound np the concern Ibere waa nothing left bni two paaaee one to Cincinnati ana one to Harlii Kton. We divided them and went in different direeiioca. Robert J. Hurdttte. _ Tbe legal protection in the ritale of New York baa mereaeed m ibe last seven year* at tbe rate of 17 per cent,, whereas th* medical has increased at tbe rate of 3 Tb* talemenl is euriuu>, and appear* to be accurate. Tbep>iotcf interest doe* not Ii* in tb* ooiupatiaoo ot the two pro feaeion*, but in the fact tbat tb* uumoere of tbe lawyer* at* out of all propmtidn to tb* growth of tb* |> pulation. VV* doubt. however, it tbey vaty much (torn the pro wood of which ie more durable whan young than when old, tbe aap or outlet wood aooo changing into heart wood. Insect* never tjuob it* leaves. portlooa'e luoreas* of wealth. Rents ID Winnipeg have f. lien 50 per cent, in eighteen months. Whole Verrsoee are for rent tberr. ^

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