Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1884, p. 2

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THE BKYB INVASION. March of tha Fxpedition to Staff in. T11K SCENERY AND INHABITANTS. Tl III nit > I'r. , .uilu.,. I .k. n llu.i I u Id. ul. ..I Ibe It,, , A correspondent wriiet: The second day'* record of the Skye police and njili iary expedilion WM tui dtmuuie oJ *euaa Moo MI ibe tint. Tbere wa* a march ol MO fully aimed men aloig the blc.K bill aide road (row Uiyto tiiattiu. it dutaooe o ice mile*. Tho da>' pruoeediug* began I half pant '.i, when half a duaeu boats ooouiuiLg uiariuea from Ibe Aeitiktanoe Ci off (turn Iba veetel. Tbe mtu wore ded a* on tbe previous day at ibe bend erf Uie bay, aud, being (urm*d u.t j four*. wore marched up ibe steep accent leadiu* from tbe beach to Uig Hotel. A baud ol buglerk preceded Ibe fuice aud awakened the echoes among tbe urruuL Jiu^ blil with a bule maiob. Bebiud tbe eoldiera aiue a body o! forty countable! wtiu ware lauded from Luohivl, the polio* bung aooompauied by bhenff Ivory. Mr,. Andercon.rroouralor-FiBcal, luverneeB, and Cbiel Cou*iabl> Moliardy . Arrived trout o( tbe hotl Iba iroopa baited, and a brief deUy took place, after wbiob the whole forco ott out for tiufhu. From tirnt to laat, moat iigoroua military duoiplioe wa* observed ; and it the expedition bad tneo m tbe Boudau, or bad beeu marobiux through an Afghan paaa, oo greater caution could have beeu adip.ed. Preceding tbv main body a diktaoo* ot fifty yardii wan L Advanced guard ot acme tweuly marine ait llery ; next oama tbe pohoe aud tbe timber cnuiiual itticiala ; tfteu the main tody of mariua ariiilaty and maiiut*. Mounted on a kbaygy bkye |ouy procured t the ion rode Liaut.-Colouel M_>uro, the object of muob quiet chad among*! the anu and tha few aytauaert ibai lined tba thoroughfare at tha puiut of narting. Ite other offioara wera Mj r JkoaoD, Major Boa*, Lianleuant aad Adjutant Biabop, Caplaui Skipworlb, Lieutenant* McDonald, Baker aud Mercer. Aa tba expedition itarted, tha gunboat Foteater and the (learner Loch IB 1 beaded auobor and ileamed out of tha bay northward* on tbe way to btufliu, there to await tba arrival of tbe troop* proceeding overlaud. Tbe village of Uig prtrti-uud nluj'Ht tba aaoie deaened arpcc. that it did on the previou* day. Fe* per- out were abroad, and tbeaa few were atly children or old men. Buob of tbe man a* ware not indoon ware __ I in potato-diguing aud turnip lifting Tuey raited their beada for a mumeut a* tbe expedition paued, bat immediately attar- ward* returned their work. Tbe day wa ould and blniteriog, audio ibe tharp bill breeze Union Jaok floatad from tbe botue of McLeod, " the local Oladaioue," aud gave nae to aome comment aud hpeculaiioo. Aa they paaaad by a lltua further on waved ao improiined wbite flag, indicating pre- aumably that tbe orofwri bad proclaimed as truce, and made) aubmiaaiou to tba nemy. ID tbe rear of ibe prooeHiou walked M :L. i >d bioaeelf ID aarue*t coo- variation with Sheriff Ivory and tbe Ciuef Conatable, the object of moob apeou- latiTe oritioi.uj ou tbv par I ol iii follow- eruftem, who teemed to marvel at bin coo- fideuu tl talk witb tbeir avjwed fuea. Tbe load from l'ig to H.ffiu at tba uuwet rutea over tbe abonlder of a bill faoiug tbe ea, nd aa tha muluaa, in briliitui toarlai tauiOH. wbue toraga bag! and gllileiiiog balmeta, paaacd upwardi, tbey preiwutad, vnder tbe oiroum>luot, a uuiqua uppwtr amoe, a* teen from Iba low gronud Tbv ougle ooude reverberated far ncroaa tbe bay, od wera re-echoed from Ibe bluff* on tbe ether kide. Tbe detachment toiled ilowly p tba bill, and on raaotiiug tha turnout a brief halt waa mada. Then oo tor tbrae alien tbe detaabutabt axaiu proceeded, parsing wonderlug Highland oxen, wbiob rawed tbeir bead* aa tbey uibbled tbe loaoit fwature and gased atupidly at tbe martial ejtoaeaeion. Haln eommeuoed to tall, aud be men, halting tor a mjmanl, douoed their great ooaie. Theu on again for another two mile* of bleak moorland, DO incident occurring during tbe march more aotioeable than Ih* meating of au ooo.n <ul art, tbe duiriot pont*boy, or a woman amrrying a bond)* of paata oo bar back flow and again could be decoded tbe figure ot a man or woman on tbe beigbta ou the a>ther tide of tbe valley. Sometime! they pproacbed hurnrdly toward* tbe expadi- tiouary foroee, and jabbered txoit-dly in Oaelio. Four milea liom Hi- ffi i analt wa allied. Tbe meu fell QJI ai.d took a inkck all luncheon b, a waymde brook. " Koep your rifle* in yonr baijdi " Aud at it lu xpeoiauoo of tb* iinwediate upproaob uf a>u enemy, the meu ate ineir bioouil aud beef with tbtir muiketa alnng aoroa* tbair boa'dar*. Again tba bogle aouuded, tbe troop* fell in aud the murub wa* rei-nmad. At Ibia poiuc tbe aoeuery beojme* grau a aund impreimive. A wide puor*,uia burbti mpon tbe M w. Tbe Ne*di* Book aud the other geological fraiun * uf tne Qairaing awe auddeuly di>cload 1 1 tbe kptotatur, ad tbe tirnt nliu p. i* ougbt ot the e> oo the eaet nide ol tbe maud. From ibm p> tut onwardii tbcgruuud *lp* unddroly, vud the roadway makne awkward torus round aonta auglra uf ibe bnl. A|<aiu tbe order waa given to eirike up tbe bugle anarch, but mil in H|.IIP uf tue impoxiug prooehHiuu ly a human being w-di<- oartjible. Even tu tbe populous dmtriciuf Bt rtin few pi-opla were ntirrii<g, but lei-t aio atnbuHoda bbould be aiieuiptcd eoout- ing partiea Oui s niii.g < f iwo outrun a nd a ODHtable were *eut lu advauoe to tbe up of the precipice* oummaudiuk; a view of tb tableland beuuatb. Tbere waa a ridiculou* ide to the wbole procm-dinga. So far from euiy opp miiioii baiug ufljred to tbe advauc- tog expedition toaroeiy any ou* could be aeen along the beiguia or in tb valley beneath. A* tue men marched into the Vjwunbip of 8 Ou a few c f the rotter* aud tbtir WIM and ftmilie* merged fiom tbair bounce to toau tbe uniformed array ol armed men. Oollie elogi barked a* the troup* pa*<dby, and oooaaionally a few oroltara eugaiird in repairing the tbatob of tdeir booee* III.H d in tbair work and curiou*ly couterni>lated the formidable body ot meu. Here a withered oroue danoed a deri -ive frt- elowri noitniK laughter atnoug tb* marioee ; there a group of flahar girli ratorriog from tbe peal mo** giggled BI aod mada game of tbe Boldian, who ware) by no meina loath to return tb* chaff. Tb* buglea again Bounded a maroh, for tbit wa* meant lo b* an impoaiug deouonatm lion, aud at 1.30 a ball wan oallad before Btaffiu Lodge. Tb* laat ball mile of tbe journey wkt a marry ooe for the marina*. Tb* village idiot a bootle**, ttookinglett imbecile, wbooe breakt wan entirely bare aud wboee ragged irouaerB were auvpeuded by a Biraw rope joined iu itm prooeoaiou, aud by hi* inane laugbier provoked in turn kalliea of mirth and exprmHion* of pity amoog tb* men. When S.afflu Lodge wa* reached tbe force drew uy. It WM raining now aomewbat beavily, a cloud hanging over tbe >ea, through wbiob oouid dimly be ditoeroed th guuboat* Foreiiter aud Baultrer and the kl**mer Locbiel, which bad juil dropped anchor in Iba roadiUact. Filly mariuet, uuder the commaud of M.j T An*oo, were told off for duty at S-.lH . L dge, where B pane of policemen will be quartered for Mine time. Tbe delaobuieut of mariuet will remain here for two da)t, proviaionk aud bedding having beeu lauded Irum Ibe Forecter tuffioieut to U*t for that period. The rtbt ol the troop* aubiMquebtiy were marched lo tbe Lodge aud served wit i Qiu oer before em barking ou board tbe g .in boat* to return t > Uig. Her* *|KO Bberitl Ivory aud tbe olber oriminkl au hoillien partoi k I refreshment* hilore goiDg ou board Ihe L-ichiel. Tbe weather bad by thin time become wild aod aloriny, aud ibe embaik- alion of tbemarinekwa* aooompliiihtd wiib oonnderabla diftioulty. Betweeu S'afflu Lodge aud Ibe tea beach the river Steu- oboll fl jwt ioto the bay, aud tbe police, t > euable tbe marine* to pa*t over ibit dream, bridged it witb plank*. Jutl wfore the aoldiart fell out, Mjor Aueou made a brief *pecot to tbem. He bade the men be careful to retrain from violence uulera a retort to extremiiiea were urgently demanded, aud ordered them to bbow, a* 'ar pOMible, a friendly ttupoaitiou oward* the crofter*. It bat already been m 3UtioDtd that tbi* neigh borbood wan tbe teal of much of the li*>ffeotion prevailing on tbi ealate of \iluju r. It u her* that tbi forty-acre >ark, belonging to Maj .r 1'r ar, baa been Mixed by tne crofter* ; aud accordingly il wa* herr, if aoy where, that a ilaud might lava beeu expected ou the part of tb* orofter*. For wetkipait tbeir eo trie* have tipt watchful outlook for au iuvadiog foroe at the top of ihe put leadiug down lo ibe village, and It wa* in aot oipatioo that lotule native* might be encountered that Boouta win aent to reeoouoiire. In ihia diilriot, too, reaide tb* real leader* of lh itofter agitation, Archibald McDonald and lev. Mr. Davidoo, ou whom a aummouk of removal from th* Iwo croft* 'j* ocouj ie II* beeo terved by M.j >r Fra*er. Bberifl " vory m*d*ioqnirillo regard totbeteiiur* f Major Fraaer'* park, aud Ib* nature of ne diapute wa* fully explained to him. N'uLl fill on the embarking of tb* marine* aud tbe criminal cffloiele amid a aoene of perfect tranquillity CD the part of b* villager*. n i u ti.t HV rait i i HK- lattlklr ,l |BO>rral Prap'r. A Vienna cable taya : Fr**h report* come to baud aluio.i daily of tbe fearful reatmeut tbe Bulgariaua in Macedonia ar* eoaivingtrom the ma'ignaol Turku. Duly a few da> ago, iu tbe villtg* if Touer- oili*loba,F*fc >, a Torkiah baudit obief.witb u* baud, carried off iwo young men to Ibe untaioi, and beoauae tbey were refuted anaom th* robber* bound them to a trie, int off their ear* and ooae*, put out the r y*a, brougbt them to tbe village gatee and eft them wilbJa> waruiog that all nuran- ouied prinouer* would be treated in ibe ame manner or wort*. At Pod lea aaveral 'urka eeixed upon a young woman, wbuae unbaijd i* in exile in A*ia. Tuey took her ome aud aoaanlled her to arttoltiog man- er. Bba made her e-oa|> aud o mplained tbe autborilie* at Welle*, but u .thing at been done toward* pnuicbing ibe rimiuali. A village prieai of N .gilovo went a ibort diitatioa to admiDii>ter ibe itaa ot the Gburob to a dying peaa-ant He a* met by a gang of Turk*, who beat him 1 to luhenmbility , and tb u col off hi* band* nd feel and tor* oat hi* tongue. Tbe Moci'ie* are flendiib, aod tbey cry out to vtry European naliou for redreaa. Tbe pt t oi ncctch l.caallra. A London cablegram *aya : Tbo medical ourual* are diaounking the uuwiee indul- uoe witb which patient* io torn* ol tb* lublio lunatic aeylum* are mated. Some emarkabla facia have beeo elicited by tbe i.ciiHHion, and artvelatioo in male regard- ng tbe management uf tb* Crioiuon Riyal nititutiun at Dumfries, wbiob ia unique. The tender autborilie* ol mat n*aoe atylum which IB ibe large*! in bu hern 8001 land have for a long time rovided faoiliiie* for Kolf-pltyloK by tbe 'Blieuta, and recently they concluded thai be uofortuoataa required more room for ul-door exeroiee*. To supply toi* want, bay bv* leaaed 2 000 acre* of moorland to M to allow tb* poor luoatiOti Ibe pleasure f grou** rhootiDg. Id.l.l, , 1*1 IkC I nil. ,1 l., I, . A Daedal ha* been itruok m c immcmora. ion of tbe buadredth auuivenwry of lethodium iu tbi* oouutry, and ia told iu uplioetg by auihonly of the bibop. Tbe MMte open* like a book, and iu the oentrai ioiti. ., (urronndtd by velvtt, the iu> dal ia *o fixed that both ita kidet are txp<>**d when tbe cover it opened. A pamor reporte that be lately found a convert kuet ling before it iu adora'ioo, uning il for an idol He ban beard ibat ouch a pervertioD of the object in common among ibe uegron o> tbe South, where the medalH are held in awe aa porSdaaing tup jrnatoral qoalitiaa. Five hundred dollar* for aptir of nhoaa a**m* a high price, but it Lu. boen paid by on* of the nooiety bellea of New York. Tbey were of bite aatio aod were embroidered witb pearll. Scnart Cumberland baa bn reading the tbi.ugbliof tbe Emperor of Oermany. II M hlkjeiiiy thought of 1861. the year (f lie coronation aa King of Pranaia, and Mr. Cumberland wrote the figure* at the firat attempt. Ilhode Inland now atylai itatlf the Belgium of America. Mora than 60,000 New Yorker* liv* at hotele, and there are 100,000 etrangan IB town every night in i >- umv9ttm AN AI. i * < ii tti il bt Oanahler'* Tcirlblr .. u.llo. A Waabiogton deapatoh aaya : There waa a tragic end ou Friday to th* awful acandal which baa biokeu up the horn* of Prof I>e Waloweki, who a fortnight ago waa ar rooted ou the charge ot ftlouioualy anaauliiug bi* daugbwr. Tbe profeaoor tbol bimeelf ibree timee in tbe breaat, aud when found in bu> room waa a oorp*e. I'o* men were better known than be in fakbioo able H piety iu tbitoity. Coming originally from War Haw, Poland, he baa beeo liviug for the p>at three yeara at tbe casual, where be waa employed aa loatri mu*io by tbe leading fa people aud member* of tbe matio Oorpa. He waa a man talent, aud a grtal f avoriie wiib the of Lii tobola>r*. He poa>e*aad couaidarable property. About a year ago hi* wit* diod a,t d tiuoe then be baa been living iu hi* houee ou New York avenue with hi* ouly daugbMr, leabella, a baudaooie girl about 23 year* old. She bad aome lady frienda alo living 10 the houae with her. Tbeoe ladiet took tbe daughter away with them about a fortnight ago, and on tbe next day UabelU De Walowrki went before a magie- traie aud preferred the terrible 4 cbaige againut ber fatber. The Justice i**aed a warrant aud empowered two omoera to make tbe arreal. Tbey wenl to Ue Walow- aki'* bou*e, aud ou making kuovn their erraud tbe profeuor iudlgnautly protented hi* iuuooeooe *nd deeporaiely remaicd tbe officer*. Ue wa* finally overpowered aud itupruoncd. The uewa ran like wildfire through the city and created tba utmokt exoitemeut wherever it wa* announced. Public opiuiou, apita of D* Walowiki'a deolaratiou, quickly formed agaioat him, and io a tingle day b* fell from tbe nuiveraal re*pecl iu which he bad been held iutj uuiveroal oou- teojpt. Biooebi* vrreat there had been two hearing* ID tbe Police Court. Tbe principal witneit to tbe crime charged wa* a dia- obarged ucgro. At one Billing Da Walow- aki' couuael tried to tbow that tbe daughter waa not right io ber mind, aoa ibai the bad beeo unduly influenced to make the horrible charge agaiotl ber fatber BO aa to gaio poea*ioo ot property in the boue. At the teotind bearing both tb* profeuor aod daughter faioted io open court. At tbe uloae of the preliminary examination he waa held to appear before tbe Grnd Jury, and released on bail. The] koandal appeara to have affected bm mind, aud hardly waa be let out of jail when be began to make preparation* lor tuioide. H* abut himxlf up alone io tbe bouae laat night aod created in bia room au impromptu altar, which ha orna- mented with candle* and other parapber- oalia. On tbe altar be placed a number of portrait*, on tb* back* of which be wrote aome wnrda. Ooa ol tbe portrait* waa that of Mauriot Bcblouer, ot the Coogrea- aional Library. On th* back of one ot tbeee were tbe word* : " I bav* to die for yon ; well, it matt be done. My daughter Kaved ber life, but condemned me to death. I left my word of honor with my daughter. I hope to be> revenged. I am now dying." To make eure of acoomplikhing hi* pur poee b* bad provided himself with a oarv- lug-knife, two peo-kniv** and two piitul*. Tueke weapon* were found lying about him wb*u tbe door wa* broken open thia morn- ing. Ha waa discovered lying dead on the floor, with tbrea ibot wound* en hi* bocy, thatalal oo* being in hi* left breaat. Upon a table he had Uf; letter* to different per- *oti, dated at 11 o'clock that night, proteal- \i H bi* inoooenoe. Among them wa* a aaaled letter to hie daughter and a will leaving all bia property to her. A MINIATBaVai WIF* I.OPBw. m. ai Mira-rk ibr h.r. i,. i in A la. t ( Vburtda} ) nigbt'a Bivcr Head, L. [., dupatfih lay* : Cbureh, tocial aud auiinect circle* of tbia town are a*tooibed and excited over the elopement of Mm. Downt, wife of Kv. W. A. Downa, paator of th* Metboditl Church, with O. Mitchell Terry, a wealthy aiid prominent farmer aud a mimbar ol Downa' obureb. Tbe fact of tbe elopement, wbiob. took place two dayi ago, did not become public until today. when inqniriea mada aa to why Down* tendered bia resignation aa paator revealed it. Mr*. Down* i* a prpoa*eniug lady of 26, and left two imajl children. It ia believed iiiu couple have gone to Florida to join Tarry'* ninter, who left ber hukbaud aod Four ebildren two yeara ago and eloped with Capt. Penny, of thia place. He -p..k. I- r. lln.l,. On* of tbe itoriea tb* late A. M. Hulli van wa* food of telling related to tbe onrrea pondtnoe between bia wife and Sir William Haroourt, th* bluff Horn* Secretary for K.iglaud. Mr* Sullivan U a naliveuf New Orlcant, poeeaaaed of tbe high individuality of tie Southern women aod tbi independ- in.o* of the American. While Michael Diviil waa undergoing hia penal atutenoe there were rumora that ha waa ill aod tbt bin true condition waa being concealed by the prince authorities Mr*. Sullivan, knowing that ber bneband, who wa* tbeu in Parliament, would acorn to atk any [avor of tbe Government, wrote to Sir William Haroonrt for peruiiation to Daviit, aod obtained it. Accompanied oil, by a lady fri*ud, *ha made ber way to tbe prison, aaw th* felon, heard tbe troth from hi* own lip*, and brougbt back from hi* Mleno* the metnagea of denanoe and deter- mination which might have been expected. Wnin it bfoam* known that hi* wife bad aooepted a favor from the Government Mr. Suliivan wa* deeply affected, and tomi; to tbe Home Secretary, be Raid. "Sir Wil i aa, I want you to understand that Mrt. Sulli- van *oied iu thia matter on h*r own renponnibility." " Ob, oertaioly, air," HOI thingly aoiwered Sir William, "Innder- tand iheae embarraameuta, Mr. Hulli vau. I have an Amiricao wife myaelf." AN .l < > I BIUAflll*)T. The Loodon Inner Circle Railroad ia a marvelloun lat of engineering *kill. Day aod nigbt for eighteen months th* work bat been earned OB, and in a very abort time train* will be pausing over tbi* Hub- terranean road under tbe buiicat centre of t .IP largeet city iu tbe world. Pavtmenta mada of brick impregnated at a high temperature with aapbalt ar* found more durable for wear than granite or oom- pretied aNpball. By driving out tbe air and water tb* bnoka take up IS or SO per oent. ot bitumen ; tbey are then pa ud- wayi oo a concrete bed wiib hot tar, Nrlvlllr HUa Ibe .url-Hooni Auditor* M*H II- Hou li.l bT HI- ddr, ... A laat (Friday ) nigbt'* Detrait dtipaub B*y* : Tbo motion for a new trial iu tbe Ntivilla, alu- Newbold, cane wa* argued oelore Judge Lemmon at Toledo yeateide) afternoon, and WK* overruled. When tbe judge a*k*d the priaouer, " Have you any tbiug to aay before being aenteneed?" Newbold arore, and mada tba bet aud mom eloquent epceoh ever made in Luoax County Court Hou*e. During hi* addrew be referred to all hi* wive*. He *aid Mi**e Whitney and Rolle bad expreeaed a de*ire io take the wilue*-*land m hi* behalf, bui be would not it lie aaarrtrd Mr. Whitney bad apeut tS.COO to tlO.OOO to convict him. Turning and pointing io tbe clock be aaid : " A the clock kirike* tbe hour of tbe expiration of my leuteuoe, that hour I'll be jjined by my wife. Togetber we will go lo Canada after a preoiou* package, aud immediately w* will tart tor tbe euouy laud* of hap|jiuei aud joy." Tbe addre** throughout waa ioipreH. mve and exceedingly well oompoBed, holding tbe largd audience *pell bound. Tbe juige minuttly reviewed tbe cane, finally pronouncing neulence. acven y*ar*. tbe full extent i f Ihe law. Newbold axked, Do you oall thai Ohio ju-tiot ? ' " Y*," replied tbe judge. Newbold continued : Hardened criminal* daily knock do*i aud rob your oiiizeuD, tba jury find them not guiliy aod turn them out, while I, *u innocent man, mu*t Buffer for an offence I did not commit. lie replied to the judge'n advice, "Be good, priaouer, and thereby get two yeara off your aeutenoe." " No, I will aerve tbe entire sentence if Whitney V money will keep me there." Tbe teoret revealed tbe other night waa begun by bia talking about a pravioue marriage BIX year* ago, occurring at Sbarbrooke, Canada, al*o of a child which wa* trn abcut that time at tbe *ame place. Tbi* ktory waa after- varda corroborated by him telling it to a .neud, and b* referred to il in hi* addre* o tbe judge. Tbe oaae will be carried to the Supreme Court. Ml Mill It Oil l. IHI>I i-pli lu> DraMb el a inn In an I n.llu A KingBtoo dtkpatcb lay* : Tbe par- ticulars of Vbe prtBumed murder iu North Frouteuac indicate that ouly a oaae of accidental thouting occurred. Ou Muuday a teamiter named M.odonald, a tingle man, waa taking cupplie* to tbe MoLareu khaoii** on tbe Miaii-*ipri and tiibuiarie*. Ou the way Indian Luuier. u ei Maoionald aud mounted tbe waggou. He earned a rifle. After proceeding tomx diktauoe Maodouald dropped ibe whip aud White Duck got down to pick it up, aod in doing BO th* hammer of the gun caught and a diaoharge followed. The hall entered Maodonald'* eld*, earning out about ih* Back of tha neck, aud ha waa loatantly killed. Tbu moruiug Coroner Irwiu went out to hold an invaatigatijn, accompanied by Dr. Oliver, lo bold the pott morbn He acted upon tba County Attorney 'a instruc- tion*, aud under ihe belief that death occurred under *utpioiuuu oircumilauoe*. A later rtpert aaya both meu got iutoxi- caied on the way, having witb them a large lank ol wbn-key, of wbiob tbey drauk 'reely. Tb* auapicioua fact wa* that tb* Indian, after ihe kboollug, ran away and eft Maodonald. Tha accident occurred near Cloyne, townebip of Barrie. Tba body i* at McLaren 'a depot, within two mile* of Cloyne village. Cloyn* atation la lorty milea from the Miatiaeippi. DIvtalcB oi Oalart* I>|. > .< A Ku giton depateb ray* : Tha Execu- tive Uomuiiitee ot the Diooeie ol Ontaiio met yeaterday morning aud received the report ol tbe oommitt e on diviaioo ot tbe dioceae. It recommended that one-third of tbe preeeot Epinoepal fund |O to the pro- poaed new diuoeee ol O.tawa, that 120000 M rained in thi* portion of tbe diooc**, that the Birhop be reque*l*d to make an appeal to tbe aooiatli a iu England for a**i*iano*, and that tb* balance be raiaed in tbe new diooeke. It wae prupoeed ibat each candi- date for confirmation make au *fl*ring o' 60 cent* and each adult member of tbe II, at laaat. Tba amount rtquired 'or tbe divinion i* 140 000. Tb* report waa adopted. Tbe Education Committee alao mat and inatruoied Archdeacon Jonea tu write to tba department aud rtquett that the Apoatlea' Creed, tb* Tea Command- mandm*bt* and tb* Lord'e Prayer be a irotniueui portion of tbe instruction in tbe acboola. Hi ' lu K RlTBl M. porl. , I remember a dinner at which Henry 3. EUymoud told bow b* one* got ahead of a Herald reporter. It waa in tbe i Id day* wbt-n be waa on tue Courier and Enquirer, under Jamea WaUou Webb, doing Ibe norl of all-round work that Bennett had done there a year or two before. Raymond wa* kent to Concord, N H , to report a very important pilinoal conference before the day* of telegraph*. He found there a reporter from the Herald on a umilar errand. At tbe oouolnnion of the meetii g, tbe Herald rep>tt*r aaid: " Well, wa can't leave to uigbt, lor tbe lant train baa gon, to we may a* well go to bed." He wa* to very anxioua to gel rid if Raymond thai the latter wa* inrpieiouk of BODIH trick of tba otber'a to get off wiibout him. He made aome exouee for abeenee and aauuterad off to tba new railroad Btatiou, where be found a I o/motiv* all wooded up and ready to itart. Au idea Rtrnok him. " I* tbi* my engine ?" he boldly aaked tbe engineer. " Y B ; I '*po*a *o, if you're tha r|ort*r," waa th* reply. " Climb aboard." Rtymoud did aa be waa bid, aud got to New Y irk fourteen hour* in advance ol tbe Ilirald youth, who had hired tbe engine ixprcatly lor a " beat," aud who waa in tight when it started. The bill for Ihe locomotive wa* presented' to Beonett, but Riymood "aid be never knew who paid il. Toe oewa he brought wan tbe moat important of tha year, and Webb rained bin salary. N. Y. Timet. e. The Briii-h p'llic* at Kingaton, Jamaica, bar., captured the Cuban agitator B .naobea aud hi* band, with their arma and am mum iooe. Texaa, the largiat Slat* in th* Union, la to bav* Ih* largaat oapitol in tbe II .ion. Tbe corner-atone of tbe atroclur* will be laid on Maroh 9nd. Il ia now found that il will oe*t 3,000,000. A \% piii-.'i t-. i OHK nicr. A i< ii Belle KUii on ike Eve efUnr arrlaair. A laat (Wedneed) ) uigbfa Waabington daepatch aaya : Faauiouabl* tcciety wan thrown into a wbi'lwiud of excitement over the aunonboimeot to-day of tha hli l incut ot Miw Mary Willard, daughter of C. D. Willard, one of Wwhu-gtou'* waalibieal oiuicn*, wuh Wm Paxton, patent office atluruey. Mia* Willard wai ugaged to Frank Biuipou, of New York, a wealthy bauker'a ton, aud elaborate pre- ptratiou* had beeu made for tneir nupttalt, which were anuouuoed for December lllh. Two lh.ui.and inviiallOL* had been aeul out, and huudrtde of ooatly preaenta already received. Tbebride'a fatber i now ou bi* way from Euro(e to at'end tbe cereiDony. The latber Bnt bia daughter dri-aae* by Worib, ot Pariv, which are marvel* of the famou* mau-milliuer'a art. Th* hride'i fatber and mother were both heartily iu favor of tbe alliance, but Mm Willard waa adv*me to the match. Bba frankly went to Siujpsoo aud told bim I cau never love you aud deeire lobe releaaed frooi my angagtmeot" Owing to tba pressure of family n fluenoen *be did not iniiat that ber dtoikion wa* final, aud allowed it to be announced that tbe wed- ding would take place on Ibe 11 in mutant. TbiB morning, however Hbe met Paxton, and the ooui 1 > procured a lioene aod weie 1 iit-ily marrieo lu preheuce ol tbe groom'* . r. ihi r and a few of hie frianoa. Alter ibe ceremony ibe cou| le lelt on a train bound for tbe SiU'b. Tie brioe ia a very baiidcome brunette, with large, daik lui-trouk eye* aud a plumi figure 'JJ yeara of age. Tbe union of MUB Willard and Paxtoo la *aid to be the culmination of a genuine love matab. Kt->ll <H\ I \\\ J <> rn... .1 0, H|OII,.| nod Hlo.Jr A WhiUabnrg (Ky ) derpatch aayi: Judge Fiuley, of Wiuiainiburg, a famoua mooutaiu juriat, ( r two yeara baa not dared to come here to hold a eourt becauaa ol a threat mada by one of tbe mot i pirate meu in ibe ouuuty lo kill him if be ever entered it Recently tl.i- man tell a victim to the plague, and tne judge came to town to try a mau fur murder. He waa out ou bail, and bm friendk, all men of a detperale ttripr, determined be khould not b puuikhed. Tbeoa*e waiaeifor Weduen- day la-t, and on that day tbe aoouaed came marching iuto town carrying a double- barrelled ahotguu and a bell full ol revolver*, followed by a toore of Irienda armed to tbe leelb. Tbeir arrival waa [ullowed by that ol aootber baud of the name *IM, all carrying tbntguni aod uiktol*. Tbiagang wa* ocmpoted of frieuda Df ihe victim. Tuey weui ittj camp on a bluff oommacdiug tba town. A third band, oumpoaed of citiseo* who thought tha law bould be alii wed to lake it* way, WM organized, aud went oo duty to atay until alter th* court adjourned. The party com- ,oed of the murderer aod hi* friend* have leen very riotou* aud drunken, aud levnal (iry engagemeuia have beeo had beiweeo u niemberii aud ouuider*. Ou Monday a i ohed bailie wan laimiueol. It i* believed M-ruin* trouble will occur before the ol'jte of the aaaaion. -I I l Oat MTAMVIt. Tbe Allrrtwilv* ! lioniDl>n la tin* Vorii. A lael (Friday) nigbi'n New York denpalob *ay: J*mea Atwell, Toronto, Datier, 31 year* old, wa* walking along Chatham tirael in tbia city yeaierday afteroooo when b* ttoj p d in front of the) exchange office of Jamen Clark it Son*, and gaaed eagerly tbriiunb ibe window at a variety of btlU. lia-tily glancing around to *ee that no policeman wa* near, be Htruok tbe plate glaa* a lerriDo blow and tmaabed it. Ha grabbed five note* of tbe Bank ul England, valued at 1195 io Amiri- oan money, and quickly deoaiuped. An ufti *>r, bearing tbe oraahii g glam, bnmtd loward tbe place and oha>td Atwell, over- taking him iu City II. il Park, a fxwbUcks away. Tbe priaouer'i band* were terribly lacerated, and be wa* *enl to th* Chamber* Street Hi*(ital for treatment. Io the Tomba Police Cuurt to-day Atwell told tbe lodge that he wa in *uob dentiiuM eircum- ktauee* that h* bad to meal or atarve, and admiited hia guill. He wa* held for trial al Ibe General Seoiiona Court. Neiv !..- oi i II K , r. A abow card in tbe window of a Canal Rtreet liquor etcre yecterday bore tbe word* : Burui Beer." " Wbal ia It? " tbe bartender wa* aakrd. " I'll ahow yon. He drew a pint of beer iu an eartbern mng, aud, carry lug it to the Bit/ve, p eked up a bar of in u, ooe end ot which a uloai.ig wbite aiuuug ih* eoali. B* plnngtd tbe hot iron i jio tba b**r and atirred 11 arouud, while tbe beer biated and u tired. Tbe beer WM much m .re tiller for the burniog, but it waa a plea- aaiit biltrr. Tbe Euglitb burn tbeir ale," laid tbe Darteuder. " Tbey oall it mulled ale. ider ia mulled pomeiimia Tbeeatbetie taatee of my BtuumerH diaatdtd anew drink ihi* winter, aid they nave got it. It Ha* ibe adVKDlag* ot making their eyee map iu half the tiine required by ordinary 'agar." " Tbia reminda ma o( a queer diab I law tbe other day. Au old arquaioUn^e of iie waa a lam(-ligbtr. Lani >p-iug a wouud received dunng the war broke out alreih, and be wai laid up. HII wife determiued to learn oigarrnakivg to tup- ,1 r hernelf and buabaud. Around the lower end of Avenue A 'beie are many Bohemian oigartuakera ho for 960 or HO will taob tlieir trade to any ooe. Bo tbi* woman m d all her para furniture, movrd nto one room, and took the money the raiiwid over to Avenue A. Every day while ihe wa* at work there u .< BuhtmianH dined ou on* kind of food. Tbey aeut out can* for beer jua* DI fore noou. Tbcte were placed on th* aiova and then a quantity of atal* bread waa broken into mem. Tbe muff wa* toiled up and tbe reanlting ulaw wa* eaten Heartily. Tbey told ber il wa* a mo*t nutrition* a* well aa economical article of diet. She tried it aeveral umea, but could not force beraelt to eat il. 8be like* beer, too. I don't tbink thai beer new will iver become popular here." 1ft* York Sun, Inatrootion in tewiug waa introduced ia the Philadelphia public aohoola recently. \

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