Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1884, p. 1

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i '. , iU, .V : Flesherion Advance, TRUTH BEFORE FA W"-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. IV., NO. 1*2. FLBSHERTON, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 11, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS RACE. .. i THE ADVANCE. *)m< of tin- !' li UK IJOCA! anil Fauii uiih NewK|Ni| I'ublisheil FHOH Tint ftrrfr.. " >> f oii, Out. (IK KI'BKCIIUTION: M.ntl |> minimi in ailvan<w: *I.SO if not paid at h i!.l <>( on.- NM iaj*t-r iliHcunUniK^I until all u o )>i<l u|>. and mi ul>icn|>- t.uti-t.o -i fm ma th.oi ou viiar. rxoept when -.p.-. i., I m. Tit. lor i-liorver periods an luexle with ibt piitMbor. CARTER, M.C.P. *8.,0wr. PHYMM'IAV XMM.I ov &r. KLKSHBKTON. lust li> l>innun Cinui+ffire, U>\ riiTISINO RATER. *r. Caniii! al>.-:liMiin.jiiU.8coutfl>er litiniertie vi> I .1 coiil* per linn each flului|uetit i&sertioa. I >r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, ACCOUCHER, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARH. Tran K Iv.-i tix'.ui'iitH to IM# paltl 1. .\ilvertiHeiunU wilbuut >|irial rliroo nil 1 iu-Mr(il till forbid and c i.i ;li l.ili-iral in lirt menu to roxular adrnrtiMr*. Ni>tii:i-i atnoiiR readinK uiaater. 10 cent* per , linn nai 'i - -.'i ti- o. Nu -ii-,-:ii^.-.i,.-nt dl*conti*ed until all ar- ri-arn^-- r.i-r r.ii I up Ciipv fur .|v.-i ti-u ntunU ahnnld roach thii i ilUce nut Ul. r than iiuon on Tweailay to eltiure 111 J flit iNMU0. '^. n r-.. i'uomcov, John W, Armstrong! Kdit'ir nnd I'Mi&rr. Book & Job Printing ! In every tule of tl.u art, M reanonablr price* **>! on 'mrt notiuu Orden by mail ulll r.-i-' in- prompt attention. Tenna, stru-th caah. l^l^sherion Meat Market. Co. OBKT. rvtvtsioN roniT CI.KUK. COMMWHIOSKR " In H It.. OnnTKvanrwr. Ac Aarntforporchaati ami K. P H. A B. Society. Monuv to Loan on thu mom rriHonablo tenim. list KH 01- MAHKI ViiK LICRKRBH. SErT.OOOD, PW*HIKTOB STRAIN A LARGE. Iiniiife-r.v an/f Contractors, FLESHERTON. Are nit-pared to atteml u> Brick A Stone Work In all ItH hranchM. Onlen left at the AKVAXCK Orncr will rrivrpn>ni|>t attention. Uood work at Fair Price*. Alexander Brown. TSKUEIt of Marrlae I.icnni General Aiient A .to. Lioeueed Auoaioueer for County of Grey . I'UKKVIU.K I 1 O.I >nt W. J. BELLAMY. TWF. CI.KRK ESTArK* ISN17KAWK AGENT COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. MONF.Y 1 .oatu-il on ffoml arcurity on tli most fatnrahle tertiK n<l at inniWate ratee of - jilSll ( I I'll IdU UiaiiUlW itliU !,,,,.,,.<-. Mart*m l.onuht Office nearly op- VI h (irtl) seiH Town Ball. Ki.rn>BT<>*. Fresh Mr:tts constantly on hand for CH-II. < >i ! i - promptlf filled. FLKSHERTON MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. Til!) in ti fair will tako placo on MONDAY l)i:r nil. INH4 Xr. MA KM HALL. L.0.N DKNTIRT, /1HADI \TI' nf Toronto Rchool of Dentistry. u will !>.- at Markdalp the 1st and Drd Werlniw- 1 1 \ of anh month, and at Fl.'li.-i t.n on the lit and .tnl Thureday in eeeb month forth*) prartice of hii "r"f---ion CaiuHlian Paeilic Railway. OITTARIO~DiVISI01T. Change of Time. ViiXiH'.- ;/-' . miii/, A"r. -lilh, lit^H. Toronto. <.rcy et Brnrr KIMM..H. Tono'To..|rpart, 7a.m-, I ||LH, do. arrive. III 45 a.m aJ6|>.ni., >'l;HIilT r ALLEY DIVIMoy. "Tammrrn. depart. K 10 s.m 4 Pipin " arrive. H44 S.tS " SOTK. Mm-il train leave* Parkilale 1 a.m. 1. 1> rmaiT. i BAIAWTX HAMHI HANDS & PERRY, Hiirnttnr* tit Latuitr <k Haitdt, BVHUIKTKKM. SOL.ICITOHH. NOTAKIK8. CiiN\ r.YANCKltH. *c Mooev to Loe>n at Lnwi'it 1UU< of iuleraet. Offleee. 1*6 hinf Street Raat. Toronto. FROST & FROST. BARKIKTF.KM. 801 .ICITOE*. ( 'UN VK VAS< ' UK. .1. Oflief I'.uilftt Street. OwTt* BUVKD, aud every Tburadty at FL.E8HKRTCX. i. W. rBOBT. 1 . 1 . 1 1 ALFRED FROST, Crown Count) Attorney. > .1 p.-pnt ...Toronto ArriTe IJipn, l-HikUI.- UUp.lti. w. WHVTI:. i). M'Nicou^ <Jn'i. S'-:r'T. tlKN'i. I'AM. AOT. T\I\INS I.FA'VE PLESHFRTON STATION : <riolng Nortli. At ll.:K a in. ftVi p.m.. A i.nn p r-- <toiii(( Sonth. at rttS a.m , 4.t p m.. A W)> n TU E A.lMon I MAXWF.M., - - - dXT. Onod ai-i'.>iniiiinl*tii<ii ; Ixnt braiulu Uanors A rioarn. OINH! smliling anil attentive Hoetlsr. The only Hotel In the plao*. Jos. ALLISON-, - I'Bomrrro*. Flesherton Station Hotel. Airs, lintuuih A- H<>n, Pmprviton. Till', abi-ve Hotel having Iwen thoroughly re- fttti-'l thrnnKhnnt. now *(Torda fieellunt ac- i-.iiiiiiHxlAtioti to thu trarnlliiu.' puhlir The bar in well mipplitMl with choice Ui|uni anil Citfarn. aj-eoniiniMiaslon is aflor.tnl nire id beaut. IJO-ljr THB LAST oncludud, the Mack cap waa placed nintlur, which I tanned myself. I '1 -ii! i- I ,;i IIIK li <! Into 1 .l.-i nil \ . m UNCONCERN I M Innocence Lost- HIS KTATENEKT. over In-, head, and the executioner took hi* I HIM ion at the lever. S, aro-ly had " amen " come from the preacher'* lipn, when the trap was sprung, aud Cook Teet* launched into eternity. Two or three convuluve shudder* paased through | hi* frame, and then the limbs aaaoned i the riiridnea* of death. JUJT StATBMKNT OF flOOK TE ATX. My ouua**. ha* mfor*d ate that then i* no hay* of my *enteiu- beini; coiuiiut- <1. and that I moat to morrow *utTr the extreme peualty of the law. I think it my duty to make thi, statement :-e?4Vith ad rice and consent of her father and mother I married Roaannah Lt-ppard, in- to live the remainder f my On Friday nMmiutf hut, tho 6th inat., at two iniunte*) a**t 8 o'clock. Cook Teet* was hanged in the court-yard of <>ren Sound gaol Thii waa thu lint execution that ha* taken fjace in thu County. NotwitlutairliiiK the atrunou* eftirt* of his lawyer. Mr. Maine**, and Rome frionda, to hare the sentence wf desth - miniated, a telegram waa ci*l on Thurtday to i support her children. We spoke alout day* witli her a* my if.-. Shortly before our marriage, witti the advie* and ci uuent of her father. I let hur have monov to iniure luir lifu. Her father and '.ne Wil- son had spokon about i-etting iaauraiM*. She wajited it in case anything ha{>{H;ued her and thre would In- something to the effect that would not hu in of Uie I'ourt FLESHEBTOM. *4 Full \Vlieat Spring Wheat Harlcy Oats I'ell* v JliltUT I'-W*. frosli >eS I'm-!; 5 Hay, p-i- ton 7 Hillcs 5 \Voril Sheepskin-; (10 to 4 02 lo ChicT<on8, Tnrkcj-8 1-iraoe MM- brace.... C2 (I 40 (i -27 52 In O 1H 20 00 (X) 50 1H 45 05 40 20 8 20 '''' ' <r,lt mvrttd MMfar f*u ketuiino otte.ix) I- r iinnnm \rmtm p-ittl in inlniiifr, or !.-< M irhrnnot to paid. Thrtr-tfuarttr inch. :>2 1(1 18 t0 .V. O. U. FM.KSHRKTON Ixxlco Mo IM. meet In thrir L -I.-M llo. on. Strain'* lilwk. Toronto ttnwt, on thu l-t and tt-l Monday lit each month, at 7 10 i' in iliai-p. Milting hfolhrnn wulcotiu' M. V. M.MAKTBU.M.W. W.U. Pir*LU RecT yp, - DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. Flesherton. MKKTS i v and anil th Tm-i1v F.TfninR In I'firh month at A n'rlooh. lif^ttn Hootn. in strur: lilix-k. Toronto "truet. D^trri Ixvlge. i.t yln rax-h month. Vlnltln lirrthen cor- invlti-1 AS. VAvnoirx. B.H. i terforrd with. H<iw the a*i spent hi* laat night on earth, we know Bot ; certain it ia that he hat all along manifested the utmost difference as to hi* fate uufirunUy at all events. When he Decame aware that the scatl'old wasrin coarae of construction, i* i* aaitl that he remaiked to one of the gaol official*, that if permitted, he would ave the Coeinty th* eaptnan of him, if they w- mid jiiat*t*fk a guod string [Mile out of his window ' By seven o'clock on Friday morning the limited number allowed to witnew the execution, btttfan to drop into the Court House Shortly after that hour, the condemned man s spiritual advisers, Rev. Mr. Scott of the Pr*ahyterian Church, and the Rev. Mr. Howell nf the Metho- dic* Church, wai oooducW t>y gaoler Miller to the prif . >ur'* cell, where they administered the but aacrameiit. A few mm titvi afterwards two men |xut slowly through the corridors carry m^ a coffin. causing a shudder to pass through the small assembly. It waa now clear day- light, and the ((loom of the dismal court- yard -ii cheered up by the pleasant twittering of a number of sparrow* perch- ed an the eavea. At twenty miimtea to 8 o'clock the heavy door* leading to the gaol-yard slowly swung open with a dismal creak, and the spectator wore- ushered into the place of execBtioa. In a secluded corner of the yard stood the gallows with all the (tread paraphernalia of death the rope. the trap slidea, the lever, and, under- neath all, the coffn. The snow had not yet melted away, except m places, and here it was damp and cold. Tho roioe* of thu spiritual adviser* were heard in earnest prayer, and ahnrtly after our entrance, the deep boom of a church bell proclaimed the terrible fact that an im- mortal soul would shortly lie uahercd in- to the presence of the Oret Judge who knows all heart*. The muffled Bound of many voices, with an occasional *uppre*a- ed bunt of coarse laaghter. tilled in the roid. With measured tn-.ul. tho Chief of Police walked lack wards and forward* before the *catTold oocaiionally ordering some, whom curineity prompted to exam- ine the "trap" machinery cluaely, (> "kepback." At ten minutes to eight the executioner, closely masked, m .tinted the catfold, nipt, in hand, and proceedud to put everything in readme**. Five minutes later the unfortunate criminal, upportod on cither side by Rev*. Scott and Howell, and attended bv the Sheriff and |Miliceineii, entered tho onclosuro. With tirm step aad upright carriage he 20 CO 5 50 SO Itav ing the policy payable to henelf , or i*yable to hiT father. Mr. Puprlj- wrote to the, company explained that we were giilg to gut Miried, and the polkgr was nude) to DM a* hur promiaed hoabami Slu; trtnit. d to me givuig it to her akild- Her j reti, or sending it for their benefit, mother cuuaouted to our marriage, and was anxious for me t" marry her, and went with Roaannah and me to Kobtrt Tremble's store tu purchase thing* for the marriage. I paid part then, and give Roaannah fti a few days afterwards tu tuiy aume other things. HER MOTUIfc rutWiKIl MR HARD t<> get married at once She said it would cost no more now than afterward*. Her mother vanted us t.. bo married by a prieat. I did not want to bo married by pno*t, aad Roaannah did not want to either, only her mother. I took her and went to Toronto, and wa* married by a Preabyterian minister. When we came hack I did not an to hor mother'* with her, but shb told me afterwards that he: mother naid tu her when she came in " Are you married now, Rust* i" Tha he aaid, "Yea." Her Mother ' Have you a certificate T" and she said "Taa." Her mother said, "Who were you married by- a pnrat f" She said " No, by a Preabyterian minister." He mother then laid, ' " Take him and go t hell with him. for thnt is where you wil i{ii anyway." On the 7th October I tart ed for Michigan, and we were gone just two week*. When we came back she went to her mother's and I went horn* to my mother'* ; that waa on Tueaday lln the Sunday I mtft her on the rusi near my mother'*, and went back with her a* far as my (liter's. She then tol< me HKR MOTH K I. WAX It U -no lirR. and wanted me to take her nut of th In me I told her I woiilii go down on Monday. I did so, and we spoke of get ting a house from Pedler. She wa* ti see Pedlar the uexf day. I left L| pard'* about 4 o'clock or a little before that. I stopped in at Middletou'iiand he me it wa* then 1'.' or '.11 minute* 5 o'clock. I then went to my sister's am rested a little ; then went home. On leaving Leppartl's Rimannah weat part the way with me. We stripped to tight our pi|s, while wr wen- lighting nur pipe* Sherwood passed. Shu nt<ip|-i lighting her pipe. he wiid, '-There n I ili .n't w.u.t tu let him t-ellii I aid " You are my wife. not hi* servant." She got up ami . nt u little further mi towards my place and had oui smoke. I do not know thai she had a pa|>er. She may have had matehf* ill paper, "t may have hail to- in l|>er, or msy have used to liijht trie |ii|x'. I i;.iv t > her no paper r anything elm-. SherwiMKl stated flint when we eot up that we went hack to- wards her father's pliir,-. tteh in not tlit ~Mt. We then pallid. '.. went buck tt In r nii'thei's ami I went limne. I NKVKH HAW HBK tftAlK AUTF ocret al<ol having the' pM*o. Mm. Lep|iard aiked me for *oineto potty dotm that iMithered her cattle in the buah I never gave her any. I never *ugge*t<Ml to her to put it in onion* to |>*w>n people who were stealing her onion*. Kucli a thing wa* never mentioned. That while tory I* a fabrication. A* far a* the Otath of K.aah k rn eeTM4. I teow Dodiutf aboeH it, I go to my iK-alh an innoot-iit m.; Thank God I do not die with a loail i fruflt on my shoulder I an rwulv tu du- I feel my Saviour say, It b afl nc.' 1 !' Cook. I bid all my friend* good-bye), and an innocent man. Taken before me thi* 4th DM. , ltt4 (Sifnied) COOK Tir>N (8tKDd) J E. HoWKLL, Metholit Minister, Owen 8uun<! Honor Kll . S. H, i n,- m. *. ,. 1st Claat, total 31 M. Bell* BeMtbun OB, Sammy McSally 136, PriaxalU M Kee 110. Snd t'la*s, total 620. Sarah Mck . 408. Elaie MrKe 403, John G*vtn* 3W. Srd Claw., total 438. - Maori* 1'arlia" awntS2, Hannah Stafford MB. Gexwl* McNally KG. 4th da*., total 43ti. -Bella Thcmp*.u | :i, Alice Nicholson 341, Either 314. 1 1 never knew anything until Hri land told me ahu wan dead. Jim. I LAI iiM'nN. N O. f!ft yrvir Attctlnn Sali> hilN printfil at - I M \ \\ii-. offlm'. Flliorton. on 2 "" notice. In tin- lH"t tylr ami for |he |pait monry AM oth.'i kliuleof WfTT^T marf inry thun at anvthlnK ulun 141 I HI in tkin8 an agnncv for th" IH--I . ,.. Tf I 11 "fllini! twok nut BMriinen anc- ' Br'lntl"!: ahnml of anvtnlnc f;ni up in cwl eiamllv. Nono fall. TeriiKfrve lUC..lirt,vuu j.i io^". material an.l workmsnoilp. HAI t r.TT lloox C" . Vortlaml, Msjor. mounted the itop* and tod on the fatal drop. He wa* neatly dronsed in black, and wore a fur cap. being adjiiftted by the executioner aroinnl his neck, TeeU aprung the trap a little with his hiu'U a though feolini; whether it wan linn, nml exclaimed : -(Sentlemen, this is the fatal iKNkrd !" Ho gave somo directions t,. th. executioner in it .. ! tone of voice, whek Rev. Mr. Scott liegan to pray. Toet* li| iin>vcd as if in re- sponse, nnd M till* Rv Mr. Howell waa delivering thn t.-.iU * Pmyer, !nkel to bo allowed to kin-,-1. Ere th pruver had don t know luil I said, I wa.H full of grief I went tu my *i*ter> My muter aakcd me to wait ; thnt he H-oiiM drive tin- over I went t.i hei ,H-I!MI|I' an, I .viki-d her t *|ieak. I s.-i:il I kin u -itie wtut not t . <| and (ell me in t!io m itti-r. My sist, . i!i- me rind said " Kimie will never speak agMin. " I askid Hml While the mpe wna ' get whut was th in. ill, i. nml said ahe did I luikixl In r if Ro*iu not know I iiMkinl lirt- if HOSI.. *anl wlmt wait the miittiT. 01 what she coin plameil i'l. f soini'thintt like that. I M v ei ;iiii at li, r l.e<lsi,le <ir in Lepiianl* that I " was tin- rntlne of it." .>r that I " came down nil tn rs'iiMi'ti,' or that I knew anything at>ut it. I did not know anything nUitit it. I ilo not know wliere the pojaon was ifot, or who got it. whvrv- evr it came from it never came out rf my Imttlo. I had the |niinon for not quite two year*. I got it in Lexington, Mieh- igan. for to get fur*. I uaud lumie of it, and got a. few. fwn fur a cape for n>y AM l.illi ..,- , I rihuc . Thtreon 1'. Hrat..r, Editor of Ft. lod., Gazette," write* ; For the Mai Bv., years L*ve alwavs used I>r. King's new Dit ooverr, for ooaithn nf moct MTCT* akararUr as well a* for thoae nf a mill**- tTp*. It never (ail* U> aff.ol a speedy **. My friends to whom I have rmrrtnmrn*jl it .n anif bi|b Unu. llavmu been evrsei by .t of every cough I have had for five years. I eonaUrr it tl>, . r. aad *mre euro for C..ugh. C..H-, etc ." Call al W. Rir', ard ann's I'rug St'.re ami ei * Far* Trial Iloitlc. Large Size 11.00. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other com plaint* are ao IneMlow In their MatkattlMMeaCerlinflbelUrcaiaiMl Innp: one to tnrtr.l with h; the n.a)erltr of lufftr- er*. Tke oniiuarT coogh or euld, rreultlrf perhap* from a trlniaf . r ui>r..i inc u >i poeore, M oftm but tU Wf.nuluf ut a fatal al.kurwJ. Avtlt't CutkHV PiiruAALlut w.-il pronn lu n . ,) iu a (n< j.>i> fl t with ihroal awl un <liu>a, awl -^u.J ; token in all eaat* wltliout deUtf. A TVrrlkld Touch Cnrvd. "In IMT I t'H.k irrr o.l.t, lrcLtT I I mr lonf. I liml l. n 1.1. ,.u k kvi J pi^ | (aveme ui 1 u .1 Ars*'* Csi< hs a KJ loucs, li^uc, I 1 m ptriitii n t: i tl.r f'l r - all li-|i an.l fur ilir rr r. >nl u it* 1 i.-,. i .-in . a:r < , - < :i i "M. !' M IIIMI.I |-n r. KI Koc.iuglian, \ t., .lu ) I ..m n l au> it ,j n..-. 1- AII i k u, 1M4. >r Croof) - A Muthrr-a Trlbw**. V.'hili. in il. .-..utitrj IHII wli l.r iu\ iiil!e oy.tkn - UkMi I: tih . r u| ; ll '.in.-.l if li.. ir,.iM ,ile IM.UI >tn%i'(u- IHIKIII. Oti 1. 1 ::. ''"'"T **tB*"" ' "~* w !! HIK- i in i. in I'll r.ikAL. a k. tli . f h!>-li t n : .>. krpt !n ll e Vow. Tkn wxilui-l 111 tiiiall ai.d frv<iueit 4i. u I toiiur ill:|(lii in | r il an Lif an lit ut t! . Utlh |M|I. wi . I naih ij rail T. TV* it**. i : il, .it ll... ( niLkv rnibi I M*t>in,t .|r: ,-. . l-|. Ian ) 4 . Vlli CUiilu. r ! i\iur, 1 hat* IIP.. I AM R'l ( nikT I'm. 141. in n . \. i I lfl ,, n,,| , . i t I'M It It* ii .-I . f r. iiimly fvr cuiiulK atul ci p % ), c r A. J.i v>. . ' l_UCrj>U\ .Vn.ii , XartbJ . I . ;. I. r. t. . f A > I - ' I :t V. i.i *.. -*ir.l .1. I- .'. " I "' ' 'i 1-raiM i-f A T ' CIIKHSI I . . . i i( .. i ,. that l.ul f'l lit y- i - . u.U .uo MI. liviiiln^t^-,, ..; -- r! ^- n.| ,t Mt Df. J.C.A>his reaaouable UTOOL of Siam but in ilim joRidsr the (ill of an i for ik HELP . ..t, , . mall iu ru> i ample box TOW bead will put you tu thai ' \>"8 n. . a f,n ,!)n tha - H.-.ii.:,. .xi Bln i,,|.j, le ,, f-,. _ on ran In, at l,,., n .. an I .1*'" i all "'i !>-" H '..- time All cf botb roiue all a*ii.i(rauill) - ,. . . ->| ,]. -4, v . m. t ., ,u ' ."'' ' ' i "iK Th.t all l,.. ,."" tn >'_*"' i 1 " 1 l"'lii.'. w make tin. .,, .i eeud 91 topav thu .iln.f.m aitlculan. dlrootlun*. eu nt ft \ itl.v.lut. Ivur.. for ill who vt.,, >.>n t d*l.> 8nx*oii ft Co , Main. ."

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