Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1884, p. 7

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II" . i o, . r Those who like puni mail retl thii pocu). by JlM CHA< K Tb* frooer loved a charming girl, Aa lovely aa tin- day , Be wondered il sne'.l uiarry him, And said, "Let IMP the may." And etralifbtway to her houM he went, Her lovely lace lo lee, Kaulaiuiiuif, " Ah ! I know full well That chnM the girl fur lue." Tbe girl wu very kind and laid Tbt ihe wa very glad To Me bim there, and tben remarked Wbat a bid cuffee the had. And aoon they Rot moM intimate, hue let huu kian her brow . But when be ipjke of marriage laid, "Ob: do out tfatuui uow. " Tbe ftrtieer',. spirits (ell at tin- He felt aa IUOUKU lie ,1 .lie. Aud Inn tod at a uu i.l>- W biiu ibe biu-oii ij cry . You ailly boy. you don't euppoa* ~ 1 111 bilUil t" nil >OUr IIU'I ILB. It'* evident >be knew a way Of rauiri up b "npirits. ' But true love' course did ne'er run smooth, Id r lutlier aw tlicui kiss. Ami kicko-i In in frum the room and laid, "Yuu'd 6urutt out ol lhi." And thui adjured. he toon got out, It hardly i..-r.| be Mid , Aiid tumliliug headlong down Ibe stairs, y hit bin Lead. " Ob ! fatber, you are cruel to ho rouitbiy huuiile UN," Tli IK M>ke tiie Kirl. aud fatber laid, " 1 it'a cuiHile-ua." Papa relented when be aaw Ilia child bugiu to cry , " ruere. there, ynu ttiiuk my treatment bartb, Uy daughter, toda I. "There, keep your luver, dry your eyes, Aud let'. have uo uiure row . 1 iiiil nut like the mmi. but uiy Ul'lUlon * llt-VIVii UoW." Tbe two were wed ami made a pair By no menu* ill.orud. Aud bai>|i> ever alter were It. currant ly tfp.irted. M .in on. 11 l Mr OU I- ..II.. Write I'lK-n t" the old folks," bald i-U.-r Kale lu mo , " You ro guiuit olf lu college, \V ill. 'llouif yuu ill be ; 1 kuuw you'll work an well a play. Hut wbaiao* or yuu do, l'leM> .lou't fi ruet that we atbouu \\ ill loug lo bear frum you. Mow. Will, don t think me fool lib. Hut mother II not niruiiK, And the will nircly worry If you put i. writiug loug: I kuow her eyo would Bparkle Aud a blooui would UUK** bvr cheek If you could only write bar A letter ouce a woek. Write often to tbe old tolas, Their hair i. growing rey Koi very uiauy yearn, ala! Have tin y ou eanb to nlay ; Ob, pruuiiM me tbii lavor, Aud ue\> i iu > 11 iue The Hour )t>u write the old folki. Who will loug lo hear frum vuu. " " Dear aimer, tbii I promise" And my teari began to flow " I'll write i. lieu lo tbe old lolki. If yuu think 'twill pleaae them so. M Victoria N'Yanza infinitely shorter and more healthy than any other. If tbe country U interesting tbe people are much more so. I have visited five uew tribes. Of these three are in a sense new to ethnology. Tbey are nol negroes, neither are they Somali nor Galla. In language, mode ot life, religion* belief, gov- ernment, election, etc., tbey differ from any tribei bitberto described. Their customs tre of the moat astounding character. Take, aa ao example of this, the fact that all the unmarried young men and women live together in villages apart from tbe married people, and ao agreeable do tbey find it thai tbey rarely marry nil well up in yearn. Yet, straugs to say, it a young woman should become enceinte abe is immediately killed. Tbe Maaai oue ol these tribes occupy the greater part of the country I traversed, and 1 oaii assure you we bs<d some lively times among them. They are tbe moot dreaded people iu tne whole of ea*t Afrioa. Caravan after caravan baa beeu annihilated no year pasaea without ooine disaster ; and it was ouly by a series ot lucky accmeutn tual 1 ever got through them aud back to sale ground agaiu. Stanley waa uot very far wrong when he told me previous to my leaving London : Make your will or take a thouaaud men.' Beaidee thii Masai 1 diaoovered a tribe inhabiting a series ol enormous caverns) whiob pierce a great volcanic region on tbis equator. Tbese oaves are artificial, and penetrate a great dialanoe through solid rock;. There) can be but one explanation of these caves namely thai they have beeu miues. Their preaeul possessors did not excavate them, aud have uo tradition about their origin. All that can be said m tbat they must have beeu made by a very different race probabl; tbe Eg) iiiiann. Of material of popular interest I have collected far more than ou my previuu journey. Oi buutiug adveuture*. alone uave sufficient to makes book. I can eun merate four utuun in which I have beeu charged by rhiuooerosei, still more by but faloea, while I can actually say that 1 bav beeu in the very midst of a herd of ele ('bantu, while I have made an aerial fluj aud aomersaull, propelled by a wild bull. have twice alio had narrow escapes) from inluritt.-d uegroes, and once was only save from transmigration into the body of a Uo by a little dog. "Theae facts will sufficiently indicate t you the possibilities ol my new book. Tb journey has beeu of unusual interest, hot from a scientific aud popular point view." The natives of tbe Congo the interei in - uicu marvellous region IB growing dail among Engiinh inerchatta have aom t-trauge aud curious habits. Even the bea of the Bakougos burn persons i-u.pected < witchcraft, aud accept tue most trivial ev denoe of sorcery aa t-uftioieut for the olske Mr. TuoniBOU says tbal at 1'allaballa for mttanoe, (or every on* child, woman or man who dies, somebody 11 iuspJte< of having caused the death by superuatura And I writ* a weekly letter lu u.y mills' aud cheerful room ; And .ihtei hate lumrui. we Mother i cheeks are full uf bloom. IN i n I HKAttT ..I i u i A fw W.MI.I nn.i > > H..,.. .l....|.i. I k>OBpOU MIMI Illtia 1(1-1 01 I I If -. A London correspondent writes : Tber* seems to be a general revival of that old spirit ol adveuture tbat animated Europe at the close of the fifteenth century, when Spain and Kuglaud entered upjn a splendid rivalry for ihe oonquesl ol tbe world. To- day France aud Germany appear to be entering the hats witb England for the colon i nation ol those portions ol tbe globe which have not already been annexed by "The Mother ot Natioui " No trouble can come out of this uewly awakened ambition so long as France and Germany keep clear of Eugliru rights, and thsre is no reason why they should not. But apart from this new ambition cf colon iziuj/ tbe dark plaoes of the world there has grown up witu Stanley's discov- ery of Liviugstone an individual npiril of exploration aud adventure. Tbe Amen oaui have beaded all achievements toward the north pole , tbe Eugliab are busy in tb* (astern seas and iu the heart ot Afrioa. I am favored with some uew and startling facts (briefly referred to in my previous letterr) in connection with East Afrioa tbat are full of tbe deepest interest. Mr. Joseph Tbomhuu, who in 1878 HO conducted th* Royal Geographical Society 'i east central African expedition, the remark able story ol which wss told iu hie book, 1 To tbs Central African Lakes and Back," started in tbe rpring of 1HM2 on another expedition to the Kilimanjaro district. lie travelled over oue thoueaud miles of unex- plored country, and returned recently with a budget ol uotes aud experience that, when revealed to the public, is likely to prove one of the moat startling uarrativei ot modern travel. Mr. Tnoamon is taking a rent in Scotland prior to settling down to work at bis new book, which will direct a new attentiou to the east coast ot Afrioa, more particularly aa tbe traveller (his last expedition, like his previous one, was made under tbe auspices of the geographical society) claims to have discovered a new aud far more expedilioux route to the Vic tcna N YaL/.a than Intliei t j known. A letter junl received Irjiu Mr. Thomson, and which 1 am permitted to quote, says : I am extremely fortunate in being tbe first to explore an entirely unique region geographically and etbnograpbioally a region teeming with interval, containing such features as suow-olsd, extinct volcanoes, rising to a height ol l'.l,000 feet, and now seen for tbe first time , mountain ranges reaching 14,000 feet in altitude, with plateaus at au elevation of '.1,000 feet theluwer plains dotted with wonderfully preserved craters and cones. Another feature ourioua series of beautiful lakes. The region IH, in fact, an epitome ot the geographical features cf the whole of Africa. Tbe great, monotonous stretches of desert, platran region, or foreit, are not fouud here. You have incessant variety and a bit of every thing. Nothing is allowed to pall before one. Of this interesting country I travelled over oue tbousaud miles entirely uew to geographers except through uative reports and Mveral of the featuree have long been subject* of controversy among stay -at home ' scientist*. " My journey also openi up a new route and the horrid old medicine man,' who holds the over the coffin, is called upju to detect tb guilty peisjn, aud generally I: tea upo those poMest-ed of worldly goody in orde tbat they may buy him nil from hie fell accusation. Should tbe person thus ac oused be unable to aatinfy tbe ugauga, he or ahe U compelled u take the caeca, the infu*ion of a poisonous bark; and according aa tbe potion is regulated in strength by the uganga, ao tb* suspected taiuperer with witchcraft either vomits up the potaon and recovers, dies at once from its efleota, or retains it in tbe stomach aud does not die, in which latter oaae tbe natives have rare sport in backlog tbe ill-doer to pieoee witb tbeir blunt knives or in cooking their victim over a alow fire.'' The tint days of all pii'iiiee seem to be very much alike. Ou tbe lower Congo ae far as Stanley Pool phallic worship is prevalent, rustic temples oeiug dedicated to it, but tbe rite* are far less obnoeue (one gatberafrom boih writera traveller*-) than in tin classic day* of the bacchanalian feasts. The bigbeit form of civilization has a remnant ot aavagery in it. Take in point the bmtory of witchcraft in the New England States, it 11 a* full ot superstitious fear aud inhumanity as anything the de praved African oan enow. Tbe Nikambas, a kindred tribe, believe tbat all dixeasea and physical troubles are due to demons, who are represented materially, in tbs embodiment of tbe malady they incite; there is a smallpox bogey, a fsver-spirit, and in certain temples about Mauyauga you may come across t loathsome repre sentation of tbe foul demon who is imp posed to have inflicted sypbilu on tb* uuhappy nativee, who bnig ofienugs to his shrine with a view to aipaaaiug Lii orue' ravages. " They have little or no know ledge of tbe healing art ; " medicines are represeuted by vague potion* and powders delivered without any reference to thei antiapptio qualities, but merely in regari to their bidden potentialities ot magic. ' OIUfLNTAIN -I m-.l>.. r. |.r>rnllt>ii. lor Ibr I u. ol l.,f>lo k l. H l '1 1. 1- It . mi .1 ol l i i.. ,., ,T|. Daw- ou. ! INr 4.rIUMl'Ml MMrvry I ...^. <|Ullllllt . ol t al IB Ihr 'louUIHlU- A Kl.h Mlurn.l Kr K l.ii. Mr. George M. Dawson, of tbe Dominion jfologioal Survey, who has been proseeut- og hw geological resaarobes in the Hooky Muuutams, arrived in tbe oily last night ou bis way to U.tawa. To a reporter mis uoroing be mated that he and bia party, who have been in the mountains since lant I uue, have oei-n fluuhiug the work bogau a*t year to necure tbe data for a genera! reoouuaiaaanoe geological map ol the country rom tbe Ked Deer Hiver down to tbe boundary line. Tbe work ban been eom- ileted fairly well, aud the map will be asued this winter. luacoewible (.'laoea will be left blank. The map will be uf very great service to pronpectors in that country, as all the coal baams will be ruarked out. Uoal banius or aeams were uuud in many pUcen. Tbe ooal wan a very good ipeeimeu, althougO probably tbe beHt uau beeu dinouveri<l at tbti Cascade Mour tain, near BilverCity. Tbe coal depot-it ^ extend like loug troughs. The di-p >BIU> are much more nuuueroua and cxuiuitivn tbau was originally Bup| od. Many of tbe ooal depoaits are ao isolated by uiountaiuouH tracts of oouutry that they are aluiot uacoeiwible, but will duubtle*a prove of great value eventually for aiueluag tbe difiereul kiudi of ores which abound in tbeir vicinity. Copper was found in ouUBiderble luautiues, bu( as none of the mines were 1 ;ned up tbe extent of tbe deposit* ban uot yet beeu ascertained, but tbe proi>[iecu> are very favorable. Extensive drponits ol lead were alao discover*! in mauy plaoea by the survey party. Mr. Dawaou tbiukf- the coal oould be ued to great advauiage reducing tbe cot per and lead ore, so as tc uakc itfi expoit a paying iuvestmeut. As to wood, Mr. Dawson says there is an abundant supply of excellent timber in tbe mouotaiuH, but great quantuiei have beeu wanned aud burned by fores tires. Mr. Dawaon says it will be denir able to take some uieanuree to tireoerve Ibe forests, because tbe lumber istxoellent in tbe valleys. Tbs devastating uf tbe oouu- trary by the fires renders it useless, as it is made impassable. In the mountains there in abusdauoe of good gaiie, such as wild abet |> aud goatx. elk and black tailed deer. DuriLg tbe paat month considerable snow baa fallen in tbe higher altitude*. At the bead of Ked Deer and other rivers very large gla/iers exist. Along the Kicking liortte large glaciers also exi*t. Mr. Daw aou says tbe Canadian Pacific Railway is the only railway croaamg tbe uiouiaiun from which glaciers can be eeu, and he says il would be very desirable to have a trigonometrical map of the country, and be has no doubt uch a map will be pre- pared before long. Mr. D4ou na\s the Kooky Mountains afford a fine field for any enterprising mountain ei| lorrr. There are so many peaks to climb, up which man has never ventured. There in a!no a vast extent of country which has never yet beeu traversed. H'tnnifrg Sun. M'HHN.1IINT A New .i .i i.i i..m. u i o, ike 11 .a, i *,,,. Usjcipk. Some days ago tb* creamery in conneo- >ion witb ibe Ontario Government's model arm, at Guelj h, was put in operation. It s now ruuuiug in first-class order. Tbe building is well-adapted tor tbe purpose. Il s large, airy and quite convenient to tue eading highway entering Ihe city. Nearly wo years have elapsed since the idea of iitiauliahiug au indualry ot Ibis uature first occurred to tbe Government, aud It was iot until tbe spring of tbe present year tbat decisive action wae taken lo carry lUal idea uio effect. Tbe syalein adopted u gathering tbe cream is kuuwu as th* Kairbank system, aud throughout iue I'mied State* il is credited with being tue moat practical aud expedient method ytl introduced. Each .latron is pruxided wiih as mauy common oreaiu caua an he may require. This can contains four aud a hail gallons. Ii is fitted with a glass gauge ou the side by wbicb the amount of cream wbiou has gathered ean be determined. Aftar mils- lug, the pttron puts the milk iu tuia vem-l and then plaoes the can iu a tank filled with cold water. Tbe oream gatherer ou arriving ascertains by tbe gtuge the depth ut cream ou the surface puu down the amouul to tbe credit uf tbe customer aud then proceeds to akim the cream ofl, which la aoue with an ordinary skimmer. Tbia plan is oobbidered better tbau ibe paliul prooeM of ruuL m< i,ff tbe milk. From the watigou wbiou brings the cream to the oreauiery, tlie oreauu la transferred t j vale. After remaining over night in tbeae vessel* tbe cream M neit morning run by spouts luto two ouurus aud tbe manufac- turing process commences. Those iu use iu ibe creaiuiTy ar* ocmuion box oburui. Oue bold. '100 aud the other 300 gallons. U rtquirea about an hour's time lo churn lue builer as ouly 60 revolutions) are made to the miuute. As soou as tbe butter gathers the buttermilk is ruu cff and cold water la thrown iu. The oburu is agaiu set in motion. In a ihort lime this water la run i/fl and a frti-i. supply poured in. Thus the but er is washed. Il is then removed and placed ou a salting scales. By an ingenious device in ibis machine tbe quantity of salt required is weighed aimuuaueuusly with the butter. From tbe Bailing scales u is taken to a golden butter worker, a circular table on wbion two niched cone-shaped roller* revolve. Alter operations by this machine tor about five minutes the work uf mauulaciuriug la complete. From tbe cream vats a dram arnea tbe buttermilk to a tank outside otu which 11 is pumped luto a piggery, aob patron receives ten cento per mob r ibe cream in ihe can, but tbia rate will ) lucreased or lowered according lo ibe rioe ol baiter. The capacity ol tbe reamery is 2,000 pounds. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY In, i ..." .1 I.. ..,.11..,, .1 I Mr The stage to which we have at present ittamed uiay be r tiled thus . Compared with the period ot 1*3M .~>l (me earliest for bich there are truilwortuy record"), the verage ol a man's life is now II '.* years UHtead ol S'J.D, and ot a woman x LI ft lead of >l ' years, an addition of b per lo ibe fetualo lift aud ."> per oeut. lo tbe male. Uf eaob 1 000 males born at tbe ^resent day 4 1 more will attain tbe age of 35 nan used lo be ihe case previous to 1-.71. Kor the whole of life the estimate uow is tbat of 1,000 persons (oue-balf males aud cue-half leujaleH 3i> eurvive at the age of 45, -''i at 65, 'J at '", < at 7~>, and 1 at - 1 !>ut the oae lu another way, every 1 000 discovered is tbe existence ot a meridiaued trough containing a I,M I . I, I I., ,,,.-. An official decree, proclaiming toleration 'or all relifliouit deuouimatloua iuCuba, has Deeu promulgated. Tbe Presbyterian congregation at Kt. eorge baa extruded a call to the Kev. Dr. . tut. ot Walkertou. The Uev. Samuel Aobeson, of Wick, (Jut.. kiae received a uuaniLuoun call to tbe con- gregation of Kippeu and Hillngreeu, Pres- bytery of Huron. Tbe induction of tbe Rev. II. Rose, late of Mauchf'Hti-r, Eng., to tbe charge uf Kuox Church, Elora, last week, tilled tbt ouly vacancy tbat muted in Ibe bounds of that 1'resbytery. Tbe limbo,i of Niagara listed at a meet- ing of the leading clergy aud laity of the diocese reoeutly held, tbat owing to increas- ing infirmity be would bo obliged at an early day to either resign the lee or axk for tbe appointment of a coadjutor. Mail. Tbe Kev. Canon Caswell, M.A., incum- bent of tbe English Church at Georgetown, Niagara Diocese, ban been unanimously elected lieotor cf St. John's Church, Luuen- burg, Nova Boutia, by the Wardeus aud Vestry of that pariah, lie will leave George town for Luueuburg on October 2Mtb. l>ersoui born smee 1*70 will live about 7UO years longer than before. In other words, tbe life of 1.000 permus is Dow equal u durallou to thai uf 1,U7'I persona pcsvi oualy, and 1,000 births ul i.. w ktep up Ibe growtu ut our population as well as 1,070 birtbe used to ao. This is iquivaiebl lu result to au increase ot our pjpuls lion, aud in tbe bed form, viz.. uot cy more births, but by fewer dealbs, which means (ewer maladies aud better health. What is more, nearly 70 per oeut. of ibis increase of lite takee plaool >ris lived) in ihe useful period," VIE., belweeu the aes ol iiO aud Thus, ot tbe ii.700 additional yean hv.-d by eaob thouHai.d ot our populaiion, 70 per oeut., or l.M'.'d years, will be a direut addi tiuu to the working powsr of our people It is to be remembered that there might be a great additiou to tbe births in a country with little addition to the national working power- pay, with au actual reduction of tbe national wealth auil prosperity - seeing that regarded an " economic agentii, ' children are simply a source ot expense, and so alao are a IURJ irity of Ihe elderly who have panned tbe age of three-score. Ou the blue baud, as already naul, ouly one quarter o longer or additional life bow enjuyei jy our people is paused in the unties >erioda of childhood and old age, aud uior tbau one llnrii of it is lived at ageu wheu ife is in itrJ Ulghext vigor, aud n.uHt produo live alike of wealth aud enj J> ueut. < '< rn hill The French Budget Committee has decided upon a reduction of five million francs in tbe appropriation for distribution by tbe Minister of Public Worship. Amou)i tbe itemi disallowed are the repair* o! catbedrali. The allowance of tbe Arch bishop of Paris ii frau ci. diuiiuubed by 7., 000 A \. . In.,. 01 I, ml Ill, II, n.i. I. rerman and Kunsiau capitalists ar bebii.d a scheme to build a railway from tbe Caspian Bea to Bassorab, uoar tbe Per man Qulf. Tbe object ot the road woul be to open a route between Persia aud Uu ma aud thus create au cppOHitiou road t that uow existing betwec-u England au India. Tbe plan is not a uew oue, bavin beeu agitated for several years. The and tbe Shah of Persia have eutere heartily into the scheme. Baxsorab, tb Persian town which is designed to be tb lermiuui of the road, is a cuy of Cl'.OC inhabitants, which is tbe greatest emporium of tbe Turkish empire for Eastern produce II is situated at the junction of ill Eupbratus and Tigris, aud is a thippu port ol considerable importance. TIIEI;E are, tbii year, H50.0CO qualifte voters in Uhio. Jubt half ot theae are ou aud-oul Americans. Of the remaiud .50.0XX) are German*, either by birth o deaceut ; 100,000 Irish ; 50,000 Euglis Welab, Bootob aud Canadian, aud the ba anoe Swiss, French and Bohemian. Of tb latter there are 8,600 voters, lix-sevenths lllli>ll'll\ tllMIOI.. I O..MIIO I- n.n,l Hoi Hitii.1 !!! Ikr Iririblt t-lMId Hal. II. War IDIO III. f. Au accident of a terrible and, happily, nuxual nature, occurred at Sutherland'. bookstore ou Yonge street, tear Agnes treet. Toroc'o, on Saturday afternoon, ilr. Sutherland Lad sold a medicine chest o a eualomsr, and directed a boy named anas* Nicholson, aged 13. to carry a uum- r of bottles tual bad been iu the cheat ut into tbe yard. Tbe lad picked up three ood *u :d bottles, on* of which contained itriol, aud holding them sgmst bis breast, rant to carry them out. Tbe bottle* truck each otber, and tbe one containing he vitriol broke, allowing ibe tier) fluid to un dowu tbe front of bia body frum his >reasl to bis knee*. Tbe boy fell to tbe grouud aud rolled about n frightful agony, for tbe vitriol had eaten through bia clothes and into bis lesh. His piercing screams al once atbered a crowd uf people who were m ue neighborhood, none of whom knew what to do for tbe boy. P. C. Coouibea was utumoned from No. 'i police ilatiou aud ouud him sitting on a chair, frothing al he month, throwing his arms wildly about, and crying out tbal he was burning to leatb. Shortly afterwards Dr. McPhedran arrived on tbe coeue, and at once com- menced applying oil to tbe boy's breast, stomach aud lega. Tb* p >or lad's cries 'er* moat near trending, a he begged the doctor lo put more oil on him. By this uue tbe boy's fatber, who worked for ' iVbeeler A Bain, bouse furnisher", bad arrived, aud when be saw tbe terrible con- lilion that his son was iu it was hard to control him. Tbe ambulance wae mm- moned, aud young Nicholson removed to us home at 833 Saciville street. I..i'.'-t News Irom All Over the World. Lady Maodonald arrived in KiogstObtOD Saturday, and win reiuaiu there during Bu John's abseuos in England. Tbe V ice-regal party returned to Halifax from Annapolis ou Saturday night. Bis Excellency will leave to-uigbt (or a trip to New York. It is ru-nored tbat the friends of Sir Hector Laugevm are tryiug to induce tbe Human Catholic clergy to condemn Lt tiuuteau ilondt. Two converted Chinese women, brought out by the Piesbylerian Board ol Foreign Missions to teach lu tbe mission school al Ban Francisco, were refused permuwion to land because thty were not provided witb the certificate required by law. J. C. r'raser, of London, 1 . rti-nt; agent cf we Grand Trunk Ktilway bulletin, endeavored to jjmp ou No 1- t^spresn easl at OleLOoe ou f'f iday uighi, while ibe train was ruuuiuj st a rapid rate, aud for bis pains received a bad ibakmg up, and narrowly escaped a terrible death. A little girl tamed Hugban, aged year*, daughter of Mr. HugUan. farmer, uf Nia- aouri, *nile driving into church yesterday forenoon with her father aud mother, was kicked in the bead by tbe horse aud killed. She was sitting with bsr back to the animal at tbe t me. On Saturday nigh* tbe 'ate of J. A. Martin, i r.ji.netor ut ibe Bndburu lions*, of < >uiewee, was robbed ol about S ">' in caeb, besides papers, etc. Mr. Martiu bad neglected to adju.t the combination pro- perly, aud tbe thieves having tflrcted ao entrance al a side door, found littie trouble in breaking open the inner closings ot the safe. This is tbe second tbelt inside of a r.-k, Mr T. A. McPbersoo, merchant, bring relieved of about 1150 worth of goods last week. No clue a* yel to the IheivM. W. U. Vauderhilt Lai givjn tbe New York College of Phvaieiana aud burgeons halt a million di liaie for a building fund. A wonderful find u reported to have been made m tbe Gre-k ool( ny in I.oudi.n. Al enterprising antiquary claims to bats stumbled across ome stalue*. which ar* undoubtedly Grtcian.aud which hebelieiis are '-' uOO years old. A scientific inquiry is to be made a* lo the antiquity of the statues, and an arcl...-olog:oal sensation is in prospect. When the batches of tb* ateamtr Nevada were opened after sue was ducked al Liver- p vol. it was fouud that tbs fire was Hill smouldering in the bam of cotton, wbicb o tupped a part of uer cargo. A number of atam fin ei.ginea bad b-ea ordered to await me arri.ol of tbe Nevada at the dock, and tbey deluged her hold, drownng out tbe fire in the cotton bales. Tb* a Learner ia practical y uninjured, and b>r ooramander srwaks lu iue b.ghesl term* of tbe coolness diplayed by the paaaengers at.d crew. 1 1 has been wsll known tbal gambling heils have been largely on tbe increase m Paris for some time baok. Mauy of theae a ,,..,. i. . I u. >! in I.I. . A London cablegram says : The third aud concluding volume of Mr. Jamea A. Kroude'a " Biography of ThouiM Carlyla," lae JUKI beeu publirbed, and ii likely to [irove the literary senaation of the presrut M aeon. It embraces tbs period from l~'l to the death of Carlyle, iu February, 1--1 plaoee were onteusibly ol b tor social and literary purposes, bat were iu reality the favored resort* of the votaries and baooart t ait lacquenet. At acme of thea* bouses play rau very high, aud there were un- pleanaul ruinon of pigeons bevipg brro plucked to a very c-mxideraole figure. Tbe police bav* beeu quietly collecting informa- tion, and a* a r. .uU twenty of the clubs have been closed Oue of the moet reared able of them was the retort of cenators. deputiee, littcatfu> and artists. Tb* Earl of Limerick has bet D carefully analysing the itlect ot tbe proposed frau obiae aud redistribution ecbeuueem Ireland, aud has given tbe results of hm figuring to tbe public. His Lordship's paper atalt* that ihe pr<p'--d exteuaion uf tbe frau cbise would atluci Ireland to au extent tbat has probably uot beeu foreseen, even by tbe trainers of tbe measure, lie (bows by iihurea, which are apparently me mtestible, that the votiog population of Ir. a id, which be approximately states al HJO uOO, would be suddenly increased by 500000, or by more than 200 per oeut. This would eular.-e the eiect>rate value of Irisbmsn, j. r ru; i<u, to an extent which His Ljrdabip consiutn dangerous, and be aijurea bis Conservative oollt-agjts to be very reluctant in giving tbeir assent to tbe scheme. Mr. Kange. a farmer known as " Clever Range." of Mill Village, near Erie, is a stauou Democrat. lu l-'.l be made a vow tbat he would neither cut bia hair nor ahave UL't'l he saw a Democratic Adminu- tratixn. HII hair i now twenty-two iuobes in leugtb, aud his beard eighteen inches long. Great exoit -mint prevails over tbe arreit on Saturday, al F TI W-.rth, Texas, of Jim Courtrigbt, a notorious desperado, who killed several Mexican*. A crowd of 1 "><( furrouudi'd tbe itlicor*. preventing hi* removal from th* hotel last uiglil. aud be fc<J iiJC UC BktiU Wl V i j ir, 111 a nws, uaa W| ewe.| I ill I aud H aosompanied by a preface, in which I * "'*>' r M diBiaulty loda;r.l in Jil. Mr. Froude elaboratelv vindicate* his Courtrigbt \x very piqijlar, having served marbal. His duct as Carlyle's literary executor. The I " Stale ranger aud city volume i. crammed with Iniherto unpub ** " iffeoted by Mexican ot'icers, who hsbed criticisms, in CarlyU's rugged i entrapped him under the guise of friend- language, of public men, mauy of whom "b'P- The Governor ol Texas is censured are. till livitg. He rtgsnU Gladntoue M > r " ulu "> requisition. Mclutyre. oue of tne most oouteu, j tible men he ever , Courtngbfs partner, was alao arr- I caw. " He is," said Carlyle, "but a poor A aennation wa oaued iu the LouiMlle ritualist. He is almost spectral -a km 1 ' Curl House on Saturday mor, ing by a of apbautasui of a man. Thsre is nothing between Julge ilitrgm. until noentlv in him but forms and ceremonies aud out- Chief Justice ot the (' >urt if Appeals, and side wrappages." Ou tbe otber baud the . Col. Bennett Young, a well-known lawyer, Liberals say tbat Mr. Froude's work , aud President of Ibe Koutheru Exposition, presauts tke character of hm reveied I In au argument in an injunction cane Hro inaater in an even les enviable light than made a remark reflecting ou Y.<ung, wlc denounced him as au infamous liar, when llargis burled two law book* at Young. Tbey clinched and were having a regular mill when tbey were separated. A llulTalo despatch says A. W. Mortob, of Walab A Morton, railroad contractor*. Deale, Pa., was arrested with his partner some time ago for defrauding his employee* out of about $7,500. Morton gave tbe offi- cers tbe slip and went lo Canada. He before, aud tbat Mr. Froude should be called hereafter, uot Carlyle'i literary executor, but bis literary executioner. Labouobere says in Truth : " I see it stated that tbe Cnurcb Mmnonary Society has expended in thirty-three years upward of I' 120. 000 ou mission* ' to Jews aud Mohammedans in Palestine without mak- ing a biugle convert. Tbe Loadon Jews Society spent f 30 000 between 1H77 aud 18H2 with the same result." The Missouri fatber did not pursue his elo| lug daughter, but tent a clergyman ou a swift horse to overtake the oouple, in to| ped ol' at St. Catharines aud regis- tered at au hotel there as Williams. By letters writteu f run. there to his wife be was traced, aud by means of a forged tele- gram, purporting to be from Walsh, saying perforated properly A Georgia man recently killed his bore* _ D an outburst of temper and then blew them In Cuy aboga county (Cleveland). The. his own braiui out through remorse for colored vote of Ohio is ..,760. ' the deed. order tbat tb* marriage ceremony might be j he had been discharged from custody aud that tbe coast was olear. Morton boarded the train tor Buffalo, and on arrival was arrested, and at midnight wae escorted to the Lake Shore depot in company with Pennsylvaniau detective*.

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