THE VALLEY IF DEATH. i Visit to (he Ruins of llic Expltidtd Mills. A ECEKK OF DESOLATION. Mtn Rilk their livtt for a Dollar ard a Quarter ? Day. Gammioaville wa* a sorrow stricken vil- lage Tburaday. Tb t mi. le caiaum y tbi bkd ae-ulaltd (be hi II.H of (our > I it iubaoilani.1 wan *ouno p ottd ai d ro awful iii it* ieu to tlat iLi lace ot every a.m. wk bleicbed ai. J tl.e eytk '.( ever) w. n m tie ttd v> i b V.'.|.IIK over tbe woe* ul thiir mit.blirr. Tbe |i. wrier mill* bad (urn kind tu.i. ii.)u.ei.t (or Ibe U|(Ort ul ni.i y a bctue iii tbe village > u 1LK ^ '" LDiiiber of )ekm ibe mill* bad gioutd iui tie cekdiy kiuff vtLicb created tuch havoc )ekteidn.> , kbd ttie lit Ian of tu Ibe dai^enuB luployujeut bkd grown to that tbe i.ifcn wire regarded f*ry ruucb n. a foundry or a ujill uuld be looked OD ID ii.uiiiu.u. Tbe grimy faced powdir inaKt rn < ikid ou with dtkib on veiy bki d, I ui wnb little thought L( tbtn peril. Tbm Ui c id reiuMly bkd a ludi id ttniile kvtkeLILig ytkitidty when tbrie it ibe DJIII* eie tlo*u into lrg n,.i. ip-ai.1 BIZ u-in ere burled tbn tgn the ir nke puce* ol tinibtr. Tb village ik iaia.1 mil ib*re Wk* hkrdly a biu-tbolo 10 ii vti h. tt B Irn td i.r r*lkti*e wl o we* in < u.e v.ay eobnit. d nub ibe p wdrr nj|lln. Tbe it|oi>* of tie ipli KM i p. l an toi eied aay before tbe villagers tl eked to ibe little valley lu wl. oh lb- workitktuod, mkty (( tin Hi yet alind that the three i Z|'ii M< br a il t be followed by other*, n.u leant g < vuy u,tmebt that tb ujji./.nh eulilBlUILg nriT TUI t/fti>i> uct or p. i ER would ncd ibrir fiice lu lie dtkiroo'ioB btd kinkdy tittu wrtkkea. For. tULBii ly II t-ir likin were Lol toi fi'Olid. I U obly |.v-i:tr in pn oeek if DjaLUlai tuie tkial t>p'OO<* 1-0 ekriiy. ki d Lci.e ol il.t .feru or B^kiki rekcbed tbe n.:a>.r/ that occi P) ktoludtd |OkiliGD* HI ibe liille *ailr>, WLitbyekteieay waa ilie Valley ol Deaib. lyCCT10 ( f TBS HILL*. Cummiukville le iu tbe lowueHp ol Nel- tou. tiaiiou oouuiy, borih ki.d ea/ii ol Waleid.wu kbd ab. ui 16 tuilea (roiu tl IK eiiy. It will be eaniy UDdeiktcid thai tbe zploeiou niUBt have beeu t.e i. en.i"u- when 11 war (. h i.d heard no plainly u lUaii t n. Tbe millK h vt- bt i u K OkUd ibere lor i-ver IU >e.r. i.d tbe 81 pariDteudtut, Mr Co Itu, l.k bteu ei K ..ed iu tbi ui (or i'J )krn. In ft v.ll-y on tb ed((b o( Ibe Twrlve Mile Creik. wt>icb li icJiy en>p i iutu t' e Uke i Urtute, ktud or kU^u Ibe mil n i.t bu Idiunk wbicb ooutitute ibe wolka >l tl.r Hn Utou I'.'wler C"iu|in>. Tin re wire leu buiidiutl lu nil. ( wtin li eevvu now Tbcte buildiOKH were DMd (ur tbe uikuulkoture aud kiork|{e ul tbe I'.iwocr, wtiicb in t>bipi*d >o order i<> u.i ne>r>k foiut ou ibe CkiiadiKU I'.i-ttiu or any ol ibe otter r.i *> Tue buildiunx are kli wtx^deii. itud I, ol> put lonelber lu vmw ol i/urt-i'iie kccideuik. Ttii-y are ol lut e vlue. TLB vlley le tbu-kly wooded, auil tbe tree* uiny .w. wbioli are u-f 1 lu tbe ninuloiur of tp .rtu.x powdrr. Tbe ouui|>KUy ba about IkO >oreii t( Uud alouK ibe oieek, aud 11 e bmidu K- are o>ured aiuouK tbe treeH willi tbe view o( preveuilbK JUKI wbat b>(>i>>ued yeierdy tbe exploeiou o( oue tuiil (rom ttae o ii u jKhiun ui ibe ezploeiuu i f auolbrr. Tbe poin|iii> 'H laud i aoout tiin c j aorieo o( a mile lu tbe kouib ol tbe villge. A HiMiIlli 01 BDIIMB . A* already ktated, tbe ezploeion* o-cur red a lew Qjiuuie* k(ter balf-i>iuii 13, wbeu uuly "ii meu were at wurk, three iu tbe orkOker mill aud ibn e iu ibe | rem b. u-r Mo | er-iiu WH iu Ibe K Z OK mill, wblub wae kle> dv*troyed. '1 here tbree bounH luod about 100 yard* cp>rt. Lilllo woodeb Iranmiaye couutoi all tbe milU, aud tbe powder i rui f unn oue to tbooiber ou thi- railwajr. Tue orn are al'> built of w o J. Puwder U mde Dp obii fly t f M(i aud ebaroual, lui tjd of eallpetre and obaronal a ftinii. riy. Tbe tuda in ((round iu tie giiat tuill, aod, beiuK damp. In Iben drud by fciutu n. If II waa alluoed to dry in pauk il would oryktailize kgiiu, aod to over- oume ibn ibe dryu % ie doue ID tbe wbeel bouke, wbrre beavy wueelk pane over It, tbe (noiioudryiiiK itkiid tbe weight preveoiiDg cryiH /. i'".. Tbe wbeel bouM iiiooii- eidered ibe dauiferoui eput lu apmder mill. Tbe foreman o( ibe wheel bouiie, wbo i* 10 obarne of tbe obarooal depart- mtol, le UkU>l y oalled THK BlJkCI BOm. II wan tbe wbeel bou-e ibat blew op OD tbe previoue oocaHiuus ou whiob ibere were z^loxiuui at tbe mill*. Frum tbin place ibe material KO( 10 the precH, wbeie it i* packed lulo caKuH by tie p, lioaliuu of euoruioux prennure. Tben* otkee art- keut ti tbe crackerii, where th.yaie run tbrounh rollere aud Krouud to tboriqaired IK. Wbeo ibe powder ban guue tbri.U||h the t(lx bou-e ii m reiw'y for pokiu)( iut<j ken* 1 . tbire ban uever btfure b. eu auy luH of life ai t iere millH boooeueedn to be l. 1 1 t it Ibe luau wbo wurku in a p iwder laotory IB i;Ot lu a Very Mate oooi p > IIOM. But it will be a*toDibiuK to muy to kuow ill t inrii will work 1 ir low w|{eH at Huon a daugen u< buciueM*, (or tbe averaije wa^en of inn p. .or fellow* wbo were killed wan bit VI 25 a day. nil TIIKIR LIVKB 1M TUKIk IUMi. I Not ui. ly IB powdtr-iuakiutf alway* dau- grniu*, but the clanit of woik ou wbicb tbe 1111 hi- were runting wan in<ire ilmn u>ully K>. For a In ui a week pHi ll e aiilln bad Dot been DjahuiK Lew |.u*di r, but liii beeu n-K"iid UK i Id rii IT. An order bad been rew-ived to K MI "' don N.I 1, tbe Ur^n.1 ltraiii>il, i r rl> H u it [Miwdrr, hljil luakn it ii.n No 3. two MZt-H .in II. r. 'I In. great dai'K" r iu ibi wi.ik HII-I from ibe (>o<. tbal ibe uiaieri*! IH uol daiu) , nil lu Ibe rukLUlhCiure ol " ifreeu " * r new p iwder U IK dry and very ouiiy. U-u ly ibe men Oould IM.I r-it* tu | irk U|. a rbovri from Ibe prnui d KO I H'K van tl.e iiii-i in t ie, aud 11. i pi.wder i.u-t a kll tbe liuie olKKiui( up ihe iiiiciiiin iy . Tbe roller* Were ^rindii K up b.axtn g ^owjer wheu tbe ex('i'>-i'ni oame. Tbe mi u knew i in ir danger, and ycntrr dy n k>- >kid ilit n vi rail I ih>njb'i itiL(.Lkiiaied with UuperiuteiduCorUtt aud the black bwa. "Po>r II. t-ieriogtot. I " haul oue ul tbe meu yeteidn\, lie told Mr. I'urlciit ye-terday Ibat 80 biriela ul aiifT *PI eniuyb tu iuu ibrougU tu a day. ' What wr d. nn about ll ? ' U " 1' ., r B ll wan tnld tbat othera oould be got 1 1 do tbe work il it did uot BU t biru. They -en' up (' r Jake Oreeuleen to take hi- j .h, but Hill weut to wurk. To-nigui IH n.. iii. r -h. art ) brokeu over hir .loath lie utvtr knew whal b*| | tued him." BOW II HAI'FKNKU. The three mi I-, wmili blew Up did Dot Btaud iu a mraigbt liue, bul formed the poiulr of a t, tberidm nf wliiob were about *(H) leel l"Ug Mom of tbe meu weie al dn.i i r. aud ibua tbe number ot meu lu i he u ul- war. kiualler tuau at auy otber t me duii' |{ the day. Tbe general oi.iniou i* that tue cracker hot He weul flret. Noue of the ineu iu tbia mill ereaied, and the bi Ure wan kbatlertd t) matih*uod. Tue mar of the > v indu g mil H aud tbe orarh ot the flying tiinbera and m .obiuery through ibe w. ode were followed by a dead nileuue. The wii.t cloud* of rrucke that knot up ttiib tie tl i-b of the deadly atuO were l..ii. w. .1 by a dark pall of thick, heavy _ i ke, which buug i v<-r tbe valley for houra. Theu lie debnn tiok Ure. Tbe fi e wae i u 1 . i ui by ibe mill band* and the i.tiiLtx.rr, vtlile ibe wive* and cbiiditu < f the miming meu axided their one* to the geneiul c i lu i.'U aud terrur ot tbe rcen- Tbe in- did i.. t rpnad, fortubattly (or the beifcbbuod aud lor place* ttat are uut iu tbe in uitdiate vicini'v of tbe millr. If tbe iX|n.i. u of :uO keg* at a rtirtkuce ol 16 mile* could be au p'ainly fell and beard iu this city, at wculd bate beeo tbe rtnult it fi ur r.r five D>avziuek bkd Ot.Ui.ul fire, one , f vtbicl', . I ludi' kegn capaoi.y, IH Bad to te M any iuu? Tbe guze *ud prea boure weul up immidiately after ttie en ckerr, beibK ii| I. ded by t lie com urn .n Tbe khock would nut ix,lode powder ezci pi in procen* of u auulc ure, aud ao he ujakkzine* were kale in cans ol tire. The u. tie oieek vt! uu tupplier ibe power for tbe wi-rk* babbled >>BUrday pu>t tbe charred timber* aud clackeued iree* j lat a It did before, bul the ii.illH bad di-| | ear. d tiri;l the unu wbu bad wcrkid itere were dei d or dying. SEARCHING FOB THK BOI.IE. Among the treea and rtuwn tbe creek tbe rcun g ptrty rearubed f it ibe UJIBMUK meu. Tne ibree men ID tbe preMbadaeeu tbe danger aud ran. Two ut them eroar, ed auve, Oul Orurge Mallbewa look tbe direc- ii. m iu which Ibe del-rn waB blown aud w killed by a dying timber. He waa badly burned, bul me burLk were tot tte oaureul ii 'ti. Tbe other* were blowo iulo the ra-ay, liom which AltorlCuln waa ab e to climb uul and walk to tbe waiob h.m-e, though be la badly burned about ibf (ace, haii'iH, auklin aud back, aud baa a brui-e uu tie Inal where be Wai alruck by a 1 1 -0" of ti'i.bcr. D iheriy waa a rjiliaola oi j ot wbeu takeu froiu tue water, lie la burned all iVcr t ie llmba and body, and lembiy cbarred In m Ihe knee- to tje cho-t. Th-mnb.rn br. ke hi* right arm abd atia n J him. hut he I* a uiau < I t ztra- irdiuaiy r.ircur.iri, aud it waa uuly l.i- pleui 1 1 o >u*< i ut oo tb tt kepi him alive. la waa .11 u ooneoiuun, aud waa laken buiue iu t. rrible *>ifibv fioiii hi* burna aud tvouudr. Ur. J iui a, ul Cuiuiuiuavulr, wa* uu haul a tuiuuie* alter ina koo.deut. aud Inn kkill aud care real y aaauatti d ihe piiu ut Ibe kurvwor*. Hi oould uut giv much bupe ul L>>berty'a reo very, buii eald that Culp m Uu p'trainl) recover. 1 Hi uieu iu ihe cracker mill wer blown 1(J yaida away lu oiHereut dir onour. 1'ioble wan luuud lo Ibe creek, lie, her- u K'O i waa bluwu up and over Ibe Ireea a huudrtd leet iu tbe air, aud Alarray wa* burlid away toward* In* wngguu ruad lead ing tbruuKb the gr, uud*. Mallbewa' body wan uut louml uutil alter aearobiug ao buur ur mure. The water bad beeu drawn .11 tbe dam ID ibe ezpeclatiou that tbe body bad teeu ibruwu i. to ibe water. All tte dead uien were black' ued by tbe powder, aud their hair bad been Biorotaed a>way eio |'t lu tbe eaae ol Matthew*. Tbey ere uut badly mangled, bul moul ol iheoliibiig I. ail beeu torn (rum them by tbe violence with wbioh they were burled through the woodn. Tue bod lea ol .tin. we, Murray and Tibbie were takeu tu Uarvey'a ll ,ur mill laid io a -ruuin ni covered with hack-. Blackened aud dn figured, au I with tneir jw* lied up by baud* of white cotton, ibe three bodiea preneuted au awlul r g it, aud there war but ll tile co..wr~a i'>n lu ihe kuol of peo|lo win Htood about iba duor o( tbe mul UP-, hermit >n waa takeu lo hi* mother burne. TUI DUCK M BKVONBTHiTID ithtbe UuperiDlebdeut tbat tbe mill* were ruLUiug loo bard, and that it w*a bt coming danger HUH. Mr. Corletl told him that tbe o nupauy kent gra( bu.g and hurrying hiui up, aod the wurk bad t> be doue. Tbi re waa uo time to oil up or get tue maobiuery in order, aud *i inetuing Lad io give before long." "I b aoie ou H Ivea," *tid another pow- der u a<er. " We knew whwt cbanoeB we were lakmp, kud we Bbould have told Cirleli tbat thin had to be a tiled aud eighty bui re a waa ail we o^uld or wculd ruu." ' TeB," in'etroptfrl the n i' spanker, a-id we would htVH beeu told an Ibe black bo*H lold Bill Iletheiingtou that uihern could be found to do our wurk. Tue pay i* uol b>g, tut It c i m regular every mm til, aud xlea'iy work rolling an there In water to ruu the vtln i-ln, and uoue of u- bave much money lo lay back ou it we gel out i f tbt. null*." " Aud beoaune we haven't tnnt we let tbe ouDjpauy ruu un BU bard that we on t hope io eeoapn aiivr ? I tell yuu tli tt tbi* accident wi uld D'ver hive happeutd if tbe meo and ton n.iliit baHu'l n> ru crowded ti 1 null. ing oould ktaud tie > traiu The maolnuery wax ruu twice an (aat an il ought tu be, aud there were HIZ ol Un iu the oraukern wber tin. work us^d to be dune by two m D. The were rial ted at daylifiit kud run right kloug I he milln were III uf duxt (roiu the old dry p iwder ai d ibe nil bulen were plugged vti h , be parilultr. No ilmi. vtbr alivtid*ln ciiau there i in. nn iliir in LCI duubl i n i i: il.e nn n ibat tlie wan tlie I., l. I .1 IP lit- l-l K 'lot WHH glllllg I D ri ne Sa urdy We Had ooly half an In u. nuw lor i.n.i i r, wbeie we uetd lo l.avu au buur. TIIK an CK T CCHUINKVILUI Th* >h. ck a ( u.nmii.rvme wad not Dearly no revere nur the repnrtro load aa aiight have beeu ezutoted (rum tbe proii of ibe village to the mill*. Tbeabcok travelled more lu t il-. dirt o iuu and ''lie or DO damage Waa doue in the village. Fi. ce of tituber bluwo K a n.ile away, bat did no dauikgc. Poor Tlbbla'e houne lu ibe orchard above ibe mill* wan tbe i.eret dwelln K. Tbe plaMer waa kuueked (n m ibn w>h* aud the ui-be* thrown front the t>blen. Ii:. Maogregor, of Waterd w.-, jr. vi. to the mill- iu thirty flre tuinut**. KlLLID - Uaorne M->lthewi<, W, I lam Munp>y, Hriiry Tibbie, William llclueriL.,- n n 1 ' LU I L> pfaerty. IKJOUED - Albert Cu'p. A.I ul ii:e moi, killed aud w< urded, rzo*pt Ilet urn gtm , bad large faUiillek to nup(Ort, and Hell enngiuu waa tbe rnaiuxtay of > widowtd mother, wbo ie oow elmottt dU- traoted over tbe loa* of her favorite ou. ..mi.. 1 1 F*r 1 . i... n.r. Railrond meu have for a long time brtn aware ot u.any fault* ID the comuiou arrautiemtute o U(iiiig eugiuei to paa. n ( er triui>, tde urual |lao lolloped beiDn tbe uee ol ibo irJiuary link, former! . tue Duly oou|ler kui/wu lur bu h paMteuger and [r. igL-l traiu eiv oe, buttt nreamt ODD li ,ed almo t vv hotly tu tbe latter. At Dub li,veuluin bave beeu at work for tail a oei.tury improvii g pacoeDger coach oouplerr to keep the ' hiolea Iruuj bumning agaiurt .p.. b otber while ruuDi g. and, while tbtir , If ri. have beeb aliei.aU i n. ucon, the oouiler OD tbe tenritr bar reuiaiued praoilcally Untouched. Iu hoiue u *'ai.ct H horu carting- bave beta tf.aobed lu ibe lender drawbar, tiiu* reJuou g the luoke dintaure by meeiiug tbe car tntf-r. but tbia improvement v.a far In m being iff o ivr, aud w* mere y tetttr tbau uotbiug. Uuder oeriaiu it'i u> of traiu rDDiiiug, ttii luu-e ujl.iig would give au uuoomfurlabe ran. u to the whole train, abd at lime* ibe a| plioatiuu of ibe brake would cau-e a j-rkiig ot the car* ID a duagreeable way. Co remedy tLe mauy drabok* ti a loore Ooupliog, Mr. Oeorge H Colby, matter mecbauic ot tbe li./it u 4 Aioauy Railroad, baa itveuted au aiuvhruebl fur loo. motive tei il. r, wbiob iu efleot oon- i mum the Mil er b K ibn u^buul th entire t am. 'I bl device in eaally applied tu auy leuder, IH automatic iu autinu aud preveuta vouideuta m o lUpliug. Win n it i* remembered that tbe ei.giue U ooupled and ULOOUI led mauy more nine* tbau tbe kvparate oare if a train, it muel be ackuowledged that tbeau are nu|oriaut advautane*. There are uo link* or piue to bre*k, aud DO klaok to be takeu up, tuu- ecuriug tbe ainootb >tar li g aod su p, iim uf iraiu-, rtHuiung lu luoreawd oumlurl lo ^uniuger*. Itai>u preveuta the awayiug muttou of tba under aud forward o r , and oonr(|ueut kide wia- and teudeuoy to breakage of truck b> zea. Bt-ioK wi.biu reach from tie pUtfurm of tie forward oar, ir eau be operated with perfaol eaae. Il praetloally o ,u, lex tbe looumutiv* to a c.r ju-t a* twu orn are o >'i|iii il. aud m in - t ie win le of the traiu n unbrokeu uuil. A every iru| TUVCJQ. nt of Ibn ktud luoreem* tbe raleiy of In i opera'lug, *i d t*ud> to weakeu the f.iroe ot ideiitf, ba-idM inrreaaii g ho o m'urt of Mteugem, il beooiue* m inti*r lu wincb p very one i li tjrealed. TUe C.,Hy o >up- g attaohiu-ut o. uaixtH principally ol a hvy canting, whiob ii to ifar ti nder traiuu bnld* tbe u i ler b'.ok, a priug hauler ai-d ihe meau* ot nprraiiug lue drawbar. Toe forward eud of the drawbar it pioued to a. heavy threaded pnug eneiroled bolt, at cured uoucr ibe ieu(lr, beiweeo the frame*, in a atrong Niiug. A rpiral Rpiiuf, aetured to tbe draw-bar iu.m.diaUly behind tue bumper beam, drawa ibe head to tbe poeitiou it ooou| ie* wheu o tunled. The aot ot uuoou|i- Hug In d .lie by a wbei I aud >t*0 whiO'i 'perate* a ob m and ratchet. Tue luveu- ti m M being ipiilied to the pamD{er vugiueeof tba B , t m it Alb*uy aud *everal uf the eameru r-iiir.itl-, aud loo mi.inva builder* ol tbe ouuutry bave ado|t-d II an iheir itaudard fur all pariKbRer eugiuei. Tkf fjrMikler. Your rrKular proftBiiooal grambler i* generally a geutlemeu lucliued to be *toot, ai.d partial |j a RUDUIB after diDuer. lie ff tot* ample fold* of broaden tU ; I* curliiu* u: the matter of worktedoomlorter* lor kef(ni g bin tur.jat warm, aud mall India lubber bouln for keeping hi* fret dry. He in a comfortable mao very prei i . and regular io hi* habile aud ha* a oumfurl- able hnue, with every thing in it ae pnoiee aud regular a* h.uirelf. lie ha* no great mikfuriuuee to bewail, ounfrtqueully he l|rumble* kt tbe Rmalleet mirecie*. Hi* very oomfort turua iuto tbe Berpaot that atiug* biio. Hu i* perpetually nudmg out ut'j'Ota for patbet o ouuplaiut. If be ia nut el. qup-nt up m tbe rlmi in the IT reel he will be oveipiweriug OD the mud. Tbe weatheralwaynBeemi to be engaged ID a o n,- >piray agaiunl him. The eam wiud he bole* 1 1 be the riuglevder. He i p <ruaded tbat II waa ouly oreittd to Walt rln urnalmm on it* WIIIKH aud keep up the average >n, ply of HCiatioa. If, however, tba weatber be ntlll aurl oloae aud hot, h* konwa vary wi ll that fever i* breoii.g he m p u-e ol r, mark hi* word* noiblug nine oao be ezpeoted from tuin ooufouudel choky day If be goe* out without Di* II 4 aud the oluude gather aud the raiu fail* be IB almost rpeeoblt** with iudlgualiori. Il in alwayt. *u, always hi* luck- were he to Dave ii.oum bered hlriiHelf with a great awkard umbrella tbe lain would never have ihuu. til of m. ruing on, nev.T Tu bear bun you would MI ii(io-n tbat t'ie clerk of tbe weather ignal i 8i i wa* a real prnoDage ; tbat be aud the Krumbler baH quarrelled io their yoi.fl an, I that tbe nfflci*. iu q lamioo beiug of it hpileful turn ul mi ,1 nevnr lor- g t;t-u tbe old grudge. Hiovkl t nliaglt. A I ..n. .. l.i. Our. A New Turk de*pt'ch ayn : Mary lint il er i f the late Jenre II yt, the minimi aire, K c nteri over win e will b beeu iu proitrpHH. fur muulbi*, wan arraigned at ihe Y rkvi le I'.i ion C iurl yierday ou i Onarkxuf being druuk abd dmurrlrrly. She 'p.. t d a (li-iiirbiiipi \..-t iiliy at i hi- fi aud Crlitral depot aud a-cauneil a |" 1 e- maii HI rt nergi-aut. Khe witH luoKe.l up, bul relekiiidou bul. When arrttiynerl yiHier d >y >he m^iiitaiutd ibat fil.e bad uol been in'pxoaiid, bul wan ruff-ring from ibe iff 1 1 > ol uiedioinr. Tbe police and other witrifr*Mi tp.-'.li d thtt he WH,< drunk Tbe j mtioo fun .1 her 110. Mi-* H > t i. 40 yeatx old and hk beeu au lumale ol au luitDJ aHyluiu. ll . ll i 11 OWN WAY. K. m -i. u. F t ,,,,,_. tl tun.,, i ...u in A li-t (Thurrda\)'a Mmtreal .r(.'un r.yp-: Aboiherof ibutie r..mai.ti ; up lala tvok | Ian,' here lale Ibi* alieruoou, >ui|>ri-ii.g all but ibeiiuuiediaie (ritbu* 01 b faiuille*, wi. c i kbowa Ibat Ihe Caua- diau lair eez In I p. giug to wealthy familie*. when tuey oume ot age, are fallowing ibe Zau p B of tbeir timer* or cuum,* aoro*a h* buider Kiviug their baud and heart to tioneibey love lu prefereto* to pleaoiug ibeir p.rentn aud (aiuilie*. Although the lelebiation did oot partake uf a* much privacy a* tbe marriage ol t .e youi.g heir- .1. u t ie St. Kue*tkObe at Nuiie Dauie Mndral here lu all It* euvirounjaul* it d ff r* tzoeeaiugly 1 t le (rom that epiaode 11 two young liven. MI.-B jearle V.oior la Buutiu, third dancbier if the mil- naire p>per mauulkOturer, Mr. Altz., voluntarily tecaiue engaKd four yearn ago to D-iolor A. Lip boru Smith, a member ol a mo*l rerptuiable Umily, whicb baa oi<tiuguiabed itielt iu ibe tervioa uf the D->uiiBiou, Ir. m one of the Maritime Province*, and wbo ci in- uuenced practice three or lour yeaiHkluue u ibiaony, alter I,. Idmx the poelliou ol rtkldenl Medioal Sui eiiuliuiiei.t uf ibe Ueneral Uoa|iia'. Il appcara tbe youog oounle aere di-poaed tu Julu baud* al a i.U'-h earlier period, but ihe partDl* of tbe \ouug lady piBinvely nfuriri io eveD llnleu . t ie pro|oaiii iu. If paiieioe be a virtue, he devuted pair are en n. lid to credit, fur they bave wa t d long aud Biliuual} f n tbe natal d..y ol the lair yuuug bride lu oume, wneu rbe oould ix rci-e ber ligtl ngbt 01 dtoding for 1 eraell Wbeu tue mother aw tbat ber daughter wa- rem.lved to lul- r her owu heart'* dikir* be relented, and tbruu^b I" r peruakioo gut lb* ubaii uat* lalber to ti tally but reluo autly give i ci.nreul. Ineulunaz w* rtaontd by a ,rivat wedding tbi* alte'uoou, at wbioh he family pantor. Rev. Jaoie* B*roly, MA , 4a-ited by Rev J Bill. B D , he bridegroom'* piktur, iflioiated, aud uade two yearning; heatti a* oue. The renaming uimrrnd ti- er, MIMM ('ao una Bauliu, Wa* tba ml', brideatuaid prereot, aud Mr. N, lau ).-iihle aoted a* tue burbaud'a IK Bt mau Tbe bride, wbo IB ftlitt ID atatare bul zoeediugiy aitraotive iu appearauor, wan Ivgautly aud tap t lu ly dreavtd lu a grey J lomau ailk, with irimmiuge aud every ,ri aiueul to match, wan giveu away by ber alber. Tbeoopie led imm. dtaiely by traiu for bt Aibaua, being KIVBU an ovatiou al Ibe depol when they alighted. A trip t i rough the chief cit ea ol tbe State* will olluw, am! the y-uug ooi pie will return very kouo to ibe oily, ae ibe d. otor i* iu ez'eu-ive practice. Thie ie tbe iblrd ruge iu ihe family of Mr. and Mr*. Buuliu. Th* eldenl youug lady Waa inarm J to ab [ a in Duke if old laruiiy. Tbeieoond lo a d.>oior | raotirii g in Detroit, wbo wait Dr. imrii'a predoe*-ur iu toe General Iloapi- a> here, aud who *ub*qjei.lly HtneJ iu Michigan. All ibe luarrikgea bat tbia one were uu au elaborate noale, Ibe rlile ol tbe city beiug preaeut. Ail ibe >ouug ladit* were kuperbly educated ID Paris France. The laat oie married wan a uuiveraal lavunte iu auoiely here, and many . f her mi r adiuirera will ebvy her tiubaud hi* gnod luck. AM l DJICIIuHillLK BBlnr.dRO H. A la-t Friday i,iht'n Montreal nt\n Mr Al under Duuliu eui|>batioally dei le* Ibat b* gtve hi* dvUglt-r away ye*ierdi.y l her iu*rri*e, an utitier be nor ilr.. 11 ii.tiu atveu led the wedJlug, wi.iuh they dn>acproVrd ol. Toe ceremony did n.. t take p'aov, a* i* uaually ibe oaae wnb IVtrbyi. ilaur, at ib* laujliy niaueiou. The u i-. DiUcb rympaiby f>r Mr. Buuiiuunder ihe Clrcuiunianoe*. a* be baa bad a good deal of irouble Ut< ly . U ma) be mated, however, that tbe brideprotm ha* alway* kDataiuid a high ui ral obaraoter, aud in without a taiu i p in bin cuicbeuu. It i uuderuuxd the 01 j cliou ol ihe part ut* ol the young wife u purely perauual. A II .... I ! i L. -. Tbe ni'.u*tr>o of the bo'el where 1 am toppiDK IB e. p -oially obaimii g ; il ii built over Ibe water, au that the a aotoally panaen under tbe room*. There I* a loig, glare iuuluarl balcony looking neawarj, fniin which one oever Urea of rurveyiug the blue VJeiiterraneau beyoud aud below There i* alurayB variety ID Ibe movemeut* of the aea. NJW it* awash i* BO geutleaorl riiuihn.g that it i* the moel effective if luliati-a wheo ooe wmbeB to fall aaleep Avain, tbe eea iaiuao upn ar.aud Ibe ei. ray ItanBuplotbe very wiudown. Tba ilia- hiou ibat we are an-ually at aea in q me bard to abake iff al limee. Tba flib bave learned tj waiob for the relu*e tbat IB oomuiitied to tbe nea from the botel gallerio, ud are onone- qieully very tame. Puttly lookiug fallow* foot or r>. mo right uuder Ibe balcony and nlare up impertinently at o*. Tue ten p atiuu la airong to make tbem atuoe for their lemerfiy, aud not a few of them bave beeo haul, d up with rod aud liua to the broad veraudab. Oue day Homebody vot up more euluui>ia*m tbau u-ual aud caat a tor p jdo f rom tbe balouoy iuto a roll. ml 01 iiquimlive mariue beautie*. A b .y ppraog iu after tbe tzn mu aud broUKbt three fal fellow* to tbe Kurfao* Many oihera were muuoed, I u not M Hi Me tly lo keep them frum evaxiiug tie hwimiin r. NeiB re alito t-t in (root ot Die botel and ronny bo-bi-l* nl fl-h meat n|iiuri>().' /(Vyruul LetUr lo New Oiieant Ttmet-Dimucrut. A ount... It. i IIP ii- MrB. Nobody Ab I how d'edo,eountini? I urn no glal to Bte you home kgiiu ; bt.t 1 waa iu hopt a you would bring y.iur huxbtud with you. Lei me aee, ll i< ibree LUUU.LH *ii oe you wi re mar.ied, m It uui? New (!ouuii*. *li ,-H former bean wrote Ihe Puiiadelpbia '''.( ( *ia,ilj > - Y>h, ibrup- t i.-i'i. iimiiih . 11 Tbe oounl 11 well, t hope ?" ' Y -. be i-. I bellkve." "Aud I n p,<oae you ei j ,ytd life in hi kriii.1 oantle ? ' FT a hil, ye* : ViiU >nn n it took all my l. r ni H to i.y i ff h olrl rleb'* ou it " ' Iuded I Pout cuilu I ilovf 1 inh I C iul i help you 1 " y.>u ob." " Mow?'' " Lei m* bare yrnr family wanh A Obiuet* waul- GeUaual muaio. A POMI'f oNfcl* \ i i l> . - i. B Old i ..Hi.i. ti. .iiii-i la iin.i. Their If.. u.. n r lr H fa-rea aae Maew 11 . . A Port Jervi* da.pi'oh B*ya : A wenltby ^fr middlu BKtd widutner Darned D >u.iaioll ' C.W.IP. a farm ou tl>e OurderLl Wayne aud Luerue (I ui.iien, l'--'.ii. Il la otou- [led by afariuer uaiued Ooert, abd Uluefl warded Ibere wilta Bl* family. Ojerl'*) daughter L-ua in a pretty gnlut 18 yeare. Bulb Obeli ai d bla vtlfe are noted 1. r beiug extreoiely clme-U led, aud tur *u almuat iukaue iiirue t > be rioh. A mouth ur BO ago MIUBB i flored lo make a deed ol alarm uear the Oke ou wbioh he lived if be would give him bin daughter iu marriage. Alibi Uib the daughter waa entirely i<uor- aul of ibe faol ibat the widower M nee deaired to marry her, her pareui* eagerly aooepttd hi* offer. They run! uotbiug tj the girl ab. U'. their inteutmna toward her, and Mine* uever alluded to tbe ru' io hie daily oouveraatuui wnb ber. Tbe) begau to prepare fur the wed. In g v.ln -h w*n *et duwu for tb* eveu- n g of On. lit. Week before ua, Mrex r grea ly aatouinbed ber dauguier by u II i ng ber that rbe luteuded lo K<v a large party. Bbe gave ber i.o hint, however, a* to what ibe ui.-oar.iuii ot tbe party wa* to be. Tbe people wbo Were luviled were alao not iufui m-d of ilia true character ot t'-ie galberiug. lue faot ibal tbe Obeit< were to give a ['iriy created tnat aurprire iu tbe i.e g 1 b .ri-ooJ, aa they bad never beeu knowu bclura to nieud tbe kli|tble*t bo*|iilalily to auy uue. A new drer* waa ordered for L -ua-, and it w* brought borne frum Horautnu by her father ou the aderuoou of the d.y of tbe party. W.lh il were no mauy t.iiug* t'iai ruggeated bndal apparel tbat ibe girl laugblkglv *aid to her mother ibal if kbe ore tbeui people would ihiuk ue wan to M a bride Her mother thereupon told ber all, aud ibat tbe u. i^bbora had beeu invited to Wlluer* h-r marriage to Domiuio M.i'i n. A ueigbb^r'* girl wbo bad beea engaged to help ID Ibe buuiu uu iba day >ud evenh g, aaya thai upuu bearing Ihe truth about ibe p.riy t<-ua*tood far *ome lime tttriDg at nr mo. her pale ai.d *(ee>oh- lea*. Tbeu kbe Beized Ibe wedding gar- uieiita, abd, teaiiug them iulo khred*, aoattered them about ilu room. After deuouioing both ber father aud mother for iheir uunatural ounduot abe left the buuae. Hue walked all the way to Horaulou, where abe ba* Irieudn, wbere slie ia *tnl. Tbe true ait uatiju atUb.-ri'a waa ezpltined to ibe gue a* they arrived for he party, aod e>ll ol tbecn led the boa*e A led i .b ludinoatiuu at the pareuta ol the girl avud with feeling* of nyajpalby r ud admiration lor tbe dtoxbier wbo kad ao bravely refuted to barter bereell for iheir galua. M bllv fUe ruutrnltlo. Some rto, ut attempt* with white pine appear* to give it a Value a* au ornamental wuod which it* o num. m u-e* bave i.. I beretofure Kuggerted. Tbe aoftuea* ol IM tenure aud ll ru ae\ tibil t . to n jury may bave bad aome i tl.euce iu preveuliug ill gtDeral u-e for ornameulal i'ur|ure-, but ibe wood o*u be " filled," ao thai uiuob of tbitt otj-it ou ia reiuoved. Ita pure while n. 1 >r -wbite aa omptred vtitb Liber w..od reoouumeuda ll for porporea tot whiun bully ba* been h relcf ire ud ; a>ur) the HIM of tb lirubar frum wuoi olnaf luuuher may be oui i* greatly iu It* lav jr, opiardn of a width of kizuteD aud even twet ty iuohen beiug Dot uucommuu, with DO hhade of dlatiLO'.lou buiweeu nap wood ai.d bean, aud ouly the faiulenlneroe|)ti- b gram. Some apecimruii lately eiaiuiued HbOW a grejallv enhanced beabt/ bf vary aim) la Ireatmeul the Dillug vt i .li arm kbillao varuinb, kleaobed abeilao iu alcobnl, app'ied with a bruih wnil* warm. Several o iat are K'veu, tbe laal >at being rubbed with pumioe and rotten -nine In I-.I. n.-il Witb Water, DOI Oil. A of a tl iwing ooat of oopal varoiah Complete* tbe pr. p .raiioii. Tbunt-ealcd ibe wood IP. i.f a faint oreanoy tiut i h ad appearai OK of aetbi irauapareuoy. Beaull- lul gradation* of tone were obtained by pmeiHi.f lh i a prepared |iir, mouldiog* of Uolly, and ilea of curly or bird'r-eye maple, aud flue oont'aaiii were made witb ibe ploe aud oiled black walnut. Tbe pioe IB too kofl fr flour*, but fur door*, aod chamber furniture it teem* to be admirably adapted. Tbe fluent |n ot- meo* of Ibe wood uoted came frum Miobi- gau, having fewer pitoby ktreakn *Dd being uf more nu oolor than the M .me. product. Ita eare ol working by carving, aod Ibe oobereuoe of it* gram, are 001114 ulil'B-d by inaatera aud aioaiear* in tbe iuteri<ir wood dioiratioua. A beautiful carved manti-l relieved by pilaBien. t oiled black waluut ban been recently Q ii*bed, which tuggentk tie mellow iii ti ul aiataary mar ble alter aabori ezpoaure 1 1 iba aluirw- 1 here, while being tree from chilling rpirkle aod ahero of (hit marble. Ill- < "-l M.I..... III... A laat (Wednialaj) i igbfi C.llingwrol deapatoh ayr : L*-t uight a burglar co'ered tbe rerideuoe of Mr. Tbomaa Bn|, Miple >trt>i t, ai,d p-' Ii (rom tbe pocket o( Mr. David Bekt 171 to bill* aud bi* gold walcb aud obaiu. A ter aeouring all be oanld il tin* r. o'n he entered Mr. Tbuuia* Baal'a room, P-I..IH bi* wt h aod a co plo of broocben, and rotoaged to get away wnb bin booty without bou g beard, and tbia moruing the Mcanre. U .m dieoovend their IHMM. Iifure n uning upitairn the burglar took i ff bIH overoua', and, when leaving ll e In, ure, (orient II. W. Ii tbi* Clue, l hi. f CuDHtable I.- w i< aud bia aH*nttaut* begao a "earoh aud finally oap'ured a man who had been reeu wearing the ooat the evening I.F. ii MI and wbo they ru| p ired to b ibe iblel. Ou beiug rearclied -r tbe jail, there were found iu hi* p. oket* 150 iu nab, the tw > wa'oben aud two broi.otie*. Tbe man had ouly a (ew day* ago a| plied to tbe Mayor for arHintuoa, aud wan allcwed to klmp iu ihn liickun. Ha will be brought befoietbe Cni-f Uavia r-t.- to-morrow. Oalr I hi.. PI...I >..!., n.u l... I l.i. Bmton Olobr : Nrver to be anywhere Whi-ll It in a gtla rl > ; N v-r to be out i u weather tbat i* all tba'. c.iuid be rlen red ; N vi-r I., i. en r a talented and popular you 'W HonratD i *iog ; N-ver to tee a vticatile aud tiling yonog aniono ; fievt r to meet a bi H' i nt y nang j >ornali*t . Nevar to be acoiiHert uf wearu.g ptut* ; Never to ru. teudered a grauu oumplf- meutaiy tteiimuuial bauect. r '