Wedding Bells An interesting event took place at the residence of squire Armstrong, in this village, on Wednesday last, when Miss Lydia Anna, second daughter of Mr. Armstrong, was united in marriage to Mr. Thos. Edward, eldest son of Mr. J. S. Aikenhead, of the wholesale hardware firm Aikenhead & Crowlie, Toronto. The marriage was a very quiet one, only the relations of the contracting parties and a few young friends of the bride being present. Rev. D. C. McDowell performed the ceremony, and the bride was accompanied by Miss Katie Miller, Owen Sound, and Miss Louie Armstrong, the bride's sister. After the ceremony, a sumptuous repast was served and the happy couple left for Toronto, being accompanied as far as the C.P.R. station by a number of friends who wished them a cordial God-speed in the new relationship, which has been so happily inaugurated. Their wedding trip consisted of a visit to Detroit and other leading United States cities. - I .-i -j : JQ At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg^e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. -' - ! ,. *'} i - i '*. * I i. . ./ * . "i Krcvilirti. Mrs. lli.'iiil...thaiii, of Howmanville, is home on a visit. Mis* Miller, of Owen Sound, is visit- ing at Mr. J. W. Armstrong's. Two inches of snow in Flesherton this morning (Thursday). Ladies n-ijuiruif,' Mantles should' sco Richardson's stock. Hand*. Tlit grocery business hitherto curried on in'niliile. under the firm n.'tne cf the " llclfast House," Inn been trans- 'f.-ned tn Mr. Win. Hatilniry. We ar \V. Clayton ha* received a large joertain the good name of the House will tockof Hoots & Shoes for fall and wintci ";'' ll " U " c "der the management of W. wear. Noble Lawrence and T. W. Wilson disagreed alsmt *niu tlnn,' last Friday, whereupon the former up with his hand lluiihury. Over ih. KOMI.. - Brldvc. On Monday last littl.- C'harlie Kichard- son s. n .>f Mr. \V. Richardson, uf this and hit lum. A scuffle eiwued ill which village --turned a double somersault over very littlo blood was drawn, th.- Hoyne bridge while playing on the The attention of the public ii direct- railing. Happily In- lit on hi* hands and dtMr. David Clayton* new advertise- knees and wns n..t injured with the -|T.j"'u ,uent ,.. this iue. He ha. turued out -l't"""'f a slight cratch on the hand His hat fell oil in IM fall and floated several tine new sots of harness since he llnwn tlll . lltll , llll| |, ut watl . ucuri . ( l |, y t | lt . coiiiiiiciu-ud lnuinuM. plucky little lad, who " waded in" the Clayton's Boot t Shoe store, Flesh- water after it almost a* soon as he fell, erton, is the place to get yourself and Arr |hrrr Morltto , ls ,,, Prolon f family shod for the winter. 1'ricua as low a* 1.1 consistent with good work and nuterial. Boots & Shoes, ready made Sunday School Work. Rev. Alfred Andrews, Sunday School aycnt of the Uuelph conference of the Methodist Church, preached an excellent sermon in Flesherton Methodist church last Sabbath morning, to a lan;e congre- gation. The text was taken from Exodus lie. 'J v., "Take this child away, and nurse it for inr, and I will give thee thy wages." Although the sermon lasted overall hour, the interest in the Kev. gentleman's lucid, common srnse remarks. ili>l not rtag from beginning to close. \\ e Imvu been nil" .rine.l, that disciples of Itrioliaiii Young are at the presenttime;iv.,riii-_: to make converts to their or nwdo to urdur. Repairing as usual. falth , thu Township ,.f Proton \\ ,- Mr. J. H. Campaign has leased Mr. can scarcely credit the rumor, but give it Whittakur'* blacksmith shop at Plesher- for what it is worth. If it be t-.-rre.-t. ton Station for a term of five years. Jack j! 1 , 01 .' the ""'"'" so-called class of < hrutaans are driven out of the place, the u a good bUoksunth, and doubt, ,._ it will ^ flir the m>>n & of tho be accorded a goodly sliaro of public community. -Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark, of Ham. For nnd.-rclothing try Uichardaon'i. ilton, attended service at the Methodist _, 8lOck t hr ^. r nd -"> ., wider ratine of gotxU than t-vir btfnra Church here last Sabbath morning. Mr. O ff ere( ] | )e p e Clark looks greatly improved, llu left _ for Six tl;ind un Monday morning, where \\nlilinu: It. IU. he will visit his parents and recruit hU| An intern-ting en nt took place at a health. Mrs. Clark will stop at her. tho residence of squire Armstrong, in fathers until his return. Jthis vill.i-. , on Wednesday last, when Thi- "Little Puzzler," from Plesher- MUM Lydm. Anna, second daughter of ton pu//led them all ill the ring at the Mr. Armstrong, was united in marriage Northern Exhibition. He took first to Mr. Thou. Kdward, eldest son of Mr. money itnd well deserved it. /lanmvr /W. is none <.ther ,, ni . ()Illv tllc rt .| at|()|1)l of ,| le C( , n trac'ting famous little parties and a few young friends of th | bride being present. Kev. D. C. M. I>. .well |M-rfornied tho ceremony, and tin bride was aoeoinpanied by Miss Katie Miller. Owen S..IHI.I, and Miss I/iuic <>n Monday evening Mr. Andrews delivered an instructive and practical lecture in the Kucment of the saint' to a crowded but intelligent and apreciative audience. After a short and appropriate prayurhy Rev Mr McDowell, The horse referred to than Will Campaign's "lightning express." A'kenlioad, of the whnleaale hard- ware linn of Aikenhead A Cmwln-, Tor onto. The marriage was a very quit-t Though numerous causes may operate to tarn thu hair gray, all that is needed to re- store tbo natural color is Hall's Vegetable Sicillun Hair Reuewer. For more twenty years its sales have ben fiiriu<.u- but we have yet to learn or its flrst failure. I . .mn_ I I. -lii ii on. Mr. H. U. Trimble is about leaving Pleshi-rton, and offers a number of Clocks for sal.: at Imttoni prices for the next few weeks. Other articles will be ilisp. .s, ,1 of at very low prices. Come early and se- curt, bargains. < O.T. . II..II. A ty[< 'graphical mistake occurred in Mr. li ... lluskin's letter in our week's issue. The wonls " factory was Annstrong, tho bride's sister. After the ceremony, a Hiini|itiious repast was served than ,_( t | lt . | ln j,|,y couple left for Toronto, lioing accoinpanit-d as far as the C. IV K. station by a number of friends wlm wished them a cordial <id-s|.eed in the new relationship, which has buuli so happily iiiaunuraU-d. Their wedding trip consisted of a visit t Detroit and United States cities. OvorcoatB ! OvrrcoaU I An M' stock at Itichardaon's. m A Knrr Trent In Siorr Tor ! h rrtnn. We undersUinl that the services of Uishop Cariniiii are to be secured fur a sermon and lecture, to he delivered in o|ieneil. May 23rd," should have '"factory wasoponed May 3rd." read tho Methoiliftt church, Fleshorton, Hani on the Krani. Mr. Robert Cooper, who lives Eugenia, sot up a dead-fall early fall, ami since that tinm he has succeeded in capturing four black l>ears, which were to. .Inh . n. .ii.'li to investigate the mysteries of Hie i ude but '* sartin death Imr trnji " Hears .-n- nm to lie more numerous this time in November next. The Bishop is one of thn mo-t eloquent and forcible speakers in Canada, and in sure to be 'greeted by a full house when he virits this place. It in not often that we are near favored with such a rare treat M U in this store for us. Mr. M. KHIIry. of I'ri, , ill, . Mprakm Sui, I notioeil an article in your paper respecting liome^hnos shown at the Town- season than for many yearn past. There ,,,, , lllr . W hst Jon stated was perfectly C orret ; and I also say, thst I went to no Wood I In. > . . \\oo.l is iigain )H-coniiiig a scarce article is somuthing more sportsmanlike in shooting than in trapping them, however, extremes In makiiiK Ibosn shm.s, but am to sen some outsider* had the pluck to op- pose uin. I bad it all to myself at every sbow held iu 1'ricwvillo lor the last tn\ years. I ho|iu that the Director), nf the East Urey in Kh-shorton, and the queer manner in ! "how will take the mat.U.r into their con.,- . derail ui, and, m they prize-list, irunt a which some |>eople replenish their at. k ]irl/( , l)lllt Wl) i i,,, vv ,, rlh .......prtm^ for. ud of fuel ia a subject for invostigation. Mr. not ci'Dtinu an cihibitor to ono entry alone. <!eo. Saul, our worthy painter, was alment '"I 1 . B " Iu " u >' ? '"' """. " 'K the 1 exnitiit'jj- can show ailiflen iii-i' in rvi-ry pair. from homo for u few days recently, and , |p or j,,tnc., I can show threo .liiTi-rent a 'shoes na the principal of expansion. 1 eon- ."''' "'^ tir n, important item in the when he returin-d, di.trovercd that iiuantity of his wnd had diuiiipeared. , ' I Agricultural department, ss no horse I he pcrwm who stole the w 1- and who ,,,,,li,.me will repsir sn unmmnrt foot. was diMcovered in the act will likely make his il>lit before our village magis- In npuakinK to some of the Directors of tin- East (irev sbow, they say thst it Is impovsi. bin to gel a competent jmliso. Call in a trates should he re]>eat the offence. 'veterinary surgeon and I will bear a part of An elastic ,tep. bnovant spirit., and clear lh " ""I""'*'" ' " ' he exhibit<,rs. It is i worth lomethingto mak au improvemriit in complexion, sru among tho nmuy desirnblo (],, | m ,. Yours truly. M. RF.ILr.V. [ Tim above wss reerived too latn for m- sortiun in our lant week's issme. We agree with Mr. K. illy, that something should be of pure, blood. Tho possessor of healthy bloo.1 has his fucultii** -u commitnd. on 1 enjoys a clear 1111 1 ipilck peroeptinn, ' which is impossible when the blood Is heavy and sluggish with impurities. Ayer's .Sursnparilla ii the best blood purfirr nd , d>nn In i-ncoursge horse-shon mannfscture . known .at ouroonnty shuwt. ED. ADV.JOK.) and the siiiu'ini: of a beautiful hymn by Rev. Mr. Andrews, the lecturer was in- troduced to bin hearer* in brief and fitting terms. His remarks were illustra- ted by a neatly executed chart - which should, we think, adoni the w.-Ul- of every Sabbath school room, as it would very in.iteri.illv facilitate the work of teachers and superintendent. In simple but U-rse term*, the lecturer explained th e meaning of thu various lines and figures on the chart. He then asked several questions which were very clever- ly answered by Sabbath school scholars, a large number of whom wero present and occupied front seats. He then went on to explain the duties of teachers and superintendents in a manner which sh'.wed bun to IH- masU-r of his subject. Much as we miuht desire it, want of sjiace forbids us _oin< into details. In answer to pertinent questions put byMcMR. C. Treaded, W. .1 Bellamy, and Thus. Cranger. the lecturer said that A M r. . I ,,,,. ,|,|, I,.. Robert Neilson slashes Dick Har- graves on tho Face with His Jacknife. (In Tuesday last, Mr. Hobt. and Mr. Kichard Harvnives got engaged in a very animated diwusnion ..pi-isite Mr. It. Trimble's <t..n- in tin* village. In reply to a statement mad-- liv Neilson, H.n;raves railed him a liar. The form- er retorted in language more vi.oroua than polite, while thu latter asserted it a his firm Ivlu-f that he could lick Neilson in about ten seconds, and if it weren't for the fact that the said Neilson was an old in:in he (Hnrgnivcs) would do so then and there. Mr. Neilson hail bis jack- knife in his hand at tin- time, and with the exclamation " You would, would you," rapidly drew the keen edge f the " i old steel twice across Haivraves face, in- flicting two deep gashes in the neighbor- hood of the mouth. At this juncture, Mr. Clarence VaiiDuarn- who happen.-.! to be standing by during the whole affray ml-rfere<l wid br-'iiL'ht Hnruravesaway from the scene. The Dr. stiulu-d up the wounds, but shortly afterwards NeiNon came into a room in tin- hotel, in which Margraves was sitting, and struck that individual on the f.u-e The wounds were broken o|>< n l.y the blow, and coin- inenced bleeding afresh. Hargraves at .in. pun! a vimt to J. \V Annitroiik.', K>\ , J. 1' , and no doubt the affair will be thoroughly investigated by our village magistrates at an early d .- _^_ ^ ^ Xrw Hnrdwnrr Siorr. In Richardson'H Hardware Store* fronting on l>urliam street, will be found a well assorted stock of Tools, Table and P.H-ket Cutlery and sliolf Hardware, also a v< ry fine stock of Silver Plato goods nt factory list prices. FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. Largest Stork- in this ricin- ifij. liixfii'ct if. A I UUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. Casters, Hatter Itixkcs, fc. WEDDING RINGS A< ID I'KST /i f/Vav.v . j_f0rri_r. BOM, and other makes >,;< to .<:. -Large Uns In- , .Chains, Seals, Rtogs, Jets, & Jewelry. What N 4'nlarrh ? Catarrh i< s iniieo piirlent .Ii.<-hmvc caus- ed l/y the presence and .h*v.-lo|.iiiriil of the vi-gctsblv inraMte aniu.-h-> m th internal lining ..f tl..- n... This psruite umdv de- he did , b,he,e in the sy.U,, of g.vmg S*i8?*BBR;_! prizes to the more successful pupils, al- hliulit. ! <-..r)i .-! >.f tuln.rcli-.tli though ho believed in giving ruwsnl.i f merit for m./iri/ii/if .-tf.irt. Tim less tictitious literatiint in libraries, he said, thu lietter; and nothing but the very best fictitious works at that. In regard to the Hen-ail leaves, he was sorry they had ever been intrdiiifd ; as it was, notluni; , r ',.,| v f,,r the I but the Itilile should IH- used in school --- fpruiv wh., It -pr- nd i! 1 ::;::! !:::,.:::::, i :,:,:?: My reork is ///// l>p.\t ant I onlu /I'-i'iiiH A'otlti >i .>' n ted- If .- |.;i i rn.or Done by myself an* billy Koarutted. FAIR 1'IUtal*. W. A. BROWN. gn.i i-..i v n i.f syphilli*. mercury. totiH-nii-a. from eiitiou of th. , if. -if mutter uf Hi- -km. sii|>|.reHiu.d )' i.-pinti.i i, I. .idly r. nt .-! |.|i,K apsrtm. nts. ami oth. r |. i-. us that sr.' ^.riniiiatid in thu Mood. Th>-4e IM.I- n _*t|> thr internal Imp. t . i. i , f the n..- in a constant state of irritntiou. ever if the seeds of three tip the nostrils and GORDOIM'S HARNESS SHOP the leaves should only IK- used at limn.- i|u tn the fati.-i- or Imi-k nf the ; caus. as a help to thu teacher in pre|>aring his ing ulcrratinu of the thnial ; up tli.' ciutm.'h- lesson. ian tubes. CSIISIHK ib-afiu-cs. l.nrr.. He expressed himself stronirly against ''he v.,, IMII.HH; h. i-urp the system of allowing pupils to -l,.,lf "' lll<> l' ri t" "trm-ti-re ,,f th., l.n.iirbial their versos. He said it was simply lesson m dishonesty, fi-e.lit nli..uM only bt* given f. .r tin- nuiiilx-r of vorsvx said without "j>r-. nipt in ^ " liy teacher or .,' a I. pupils. M. Iliclmnlson sollfl a West India Su^ar at live pound. pure ecu! dry i (" ------ -tv HIM* . ]| I W "^ ^ 1 ^ W W^ l^^"_l^ ^\ ^_L"^ eiidmit in pulmonary couMiiuptiun I J 1 l^lt/Oll I Ii I \ J \ - si. I .leatb. ' Mho llor-i lii|i| .1 Him. A female Amazon, passing herself as tho editor of Thr AV.7i." ; n. Toronto, (i* there such a |>ublimti..ii in tho Quet-n city ?) struck Markdnlo last M.iny aiti'tupt ^ bvi. IKVII iiis.l.- to i|iM-o\,it a run' f.T tin- <li>ttc~:ii|| .lisvase In the >'* of inlialanls SIM) .-th.-r IIIK'I-III. im il. tir. Uat - iliii. 11 In onii do a |i.iiiu-I|. t if ,'itil the parsiiivi r. . ith. r destroyed x. .1 ft. 111 th.. linn- '! U.MUII. SMIII. tiiiii- Miioe n,.|| I,M. \>n pliyticisn of I forty yesrn' stau.liiiK. nil. r nmrli , \\*'i\ iiiK. Fnoc<H* in diseovering th. sary combination of, i,u hu-li never fsd in al>-. luii-ly n -I prinutn- utly .ra.hrat tr ing this burrlble dinease, wheth. r hi:in.lm " I . . I . , 'fl i Tin wh. niy \ i-sr . r fort\ \. nr. hf suffering from without JTy, c. miiiiinicate with the Lu-i ne 'iisnstf.'r* Messrs. A. H l>n. n \ Son, :".1 KIUR Toronto. Canada, and week, and forthwith instituted a vigorous k , rt (,,|| pariieuluis aH trestue free by canvass for subscribers to the p.p.i ihe 'nrlosinR stsmp Toronto Mail. wss supp^ iscd t.. represent. Her nn|>eii- ous iK'iiring, together u ith tint fact that : u-u a daiii.'eroiiM-li.okiii^ n \.iUi . . assisUMllierveiv materially u, I,.-, ,.,,-r ,,, ,. ..;,.,, ,, % |U ations. vinally she fame in contact with .-,,. (-..i.,,!, d,.. , /'> , ftt t T> f i . ii " umi IN. i Mr. J. R. Trimble, and because he re- fused to Hiilii.-iii... tor the slo- threatened to b.-n.-whi;- him. 'I'h fnfnrrh A Krw Trrafmrnl- Perhaps M>. most extruordinary Miccrss thst bas IM-.-U u*WTpd in nio.lerii iu. .lu-iui- I'n. .n trraliueiil pati.-nts treatvtl duriug the |ni-l Kit month.-, fully luiivlv pi r crul bsvr h, en cur. .1 of Una tubboru i- n. .lie th<- Ii !. -.liU-tll^g ciirrt-d in Mr. Tnintde's store. After > b< " it ui nmeiuli. r. .1 tlmt not live |.ei , , nt. making the threat she went nut. but of pstn-iit* |..>.ir i.. id- i:.,. l\, -, to tbe shortly aftorw^nls retnrneil, whip in ri -'.I*' ptsrtitioii.r nn I., m i.ti .1. while the hand, and pr. . .<1. d with the utmost I 1 "'"' nn.iii 'in- - m.-l ..tin r n.ixrru.Mil cure Iness and dehlHTation to carry nut '"' v ' ' ri '' l rj B el " r lt " St.Hlini; ith thv clsnii now (M_rally I-;K-\,I| l.v the roost wientiho in. n that the il,>-atu in .Iu.. ., the iii. !. -urn .if bvuij; psiuiitrH in tin- tinsue, Mr. IMzoo at e_ee ininpt.d bn< cmi- t.. th, ir 11 till* .I.'' .Hl|'ll-h. I i|. l-llllllll, "I'"'- the Ciitiurl, M pi-n.--n-.tln nil, ,|. :m.| ti,.- i.. r. 1. I'lW .. ._ MONEY TO LOAN ! I'rirnt <tn<l C und*. . It Lo/rrsf JAS. LAMON, LOST SHEEP. coolness ami tit-liberation to carry out her dcmgn. Shu maiiagud to strik.- M-. Trimble one Id.. , in: at this juiicturt- our famous Kle-.h.-rt..ii <li -te.-tiv.-, Mr. A. S. VaiiDusen, |iportunely put in an ap- (.earaiu'e and nrreit.'.! her on tin- Shu submitted to tin- majesty of tin 1 nv With good grn.'o, :lllll |io|lt.-ly asked her . ir.-taker" t<i name the fine -P*>, 10, or ?-<> : it didn't matter, for she .-..ul.l pay it then anil there. Shi- \rnit quiti- willing to pay for the "fun " of whippmi; Iliallenev is l,li.|io i-, C.IMH . tlreif.l I'.V In iu (. ur\ ears ao sru eiir.-i Ktill N.I . 11. i-Ur 'jiv e\el u!lel,i|>ted I" CHI.- I .i':u ill in Iliiit niiiuiier. HH'l no i.ther tn.ilm.ut has n. I'll. .t|.pln -.aioii , f th* i. .imiple. snd cmi !.. I.IIM- nt hoinr, anian who had thu temerity to refuse to '""' li " l"""':t N ......... f the yi-ui M the take her |per. ""' sl l*THIbta fm n ^p. >'ii\ in I |,,i,. Sho paid' tin- Hm- imposwl, and. on ''""' ll "' '""J"" 1 .' "' '"-- '"-UK cured at Sunday moAiin., swept ,( one ,,f the """'^""'"" SulT, nr, ,:,,,,|., ,,...,, Markd'alv ch,,r,-he, with the rmu,d,ty " V"'. ,' r '" t *""' "" K '" t! . ' V J street ^l. I.. r. .lit.,. I nliSi H. boannK of a duehes.s, bowing ver> sweet- ,,, lh ,, r tl ,. atlv , ly to tne gonti^uvAn * ho snowed her into .,,,.[ stnr Nuv 17 !*> a pew, and otherwim- making herself v.-r> . . -t . Farm to Ki-nt. Her card boars Ifen following msi-rip- i ,, .MI ,- r, -r tio I. ; - f. K. "". *'*/ - ' eltelosv Moll Taront "- L'O day of Noiemb.-r Kloslieiton vnship r..-^,.~..i.. V||.l> i. f Artemoaia i, .'u.-ii ut I' ll.dman, Strsv*-*! fr.-Tn I iv Jin f JuU . A Kw<< MJI I 1 ll'ft M't inf. iinati 1-1 l':itl v will I . .i^viit tho lith of .-I -K I tl* .in. 1:1 v ins f 1 1 | lour Hill .1 T //. /.-.S//A7; /-n.v ,v n no\. For Sale! Trie.. iv.ii -<ii.|..>r<i . l.ln.-f in MDayrsr itiBtnlni. nt. nl Hi. |.m,.. .. ..t |,>>ni( ,.M,n,.r i' i- i l.i.. nn i:.i< i. -t m id,. r*t of r. i ., r nout JXT itiitoiiti ..u ii |.i I i i :n, I...1 . -r To KKN'f on I. \si 1 I.UMs 2.-FARMSI-2. TO RENT OR SELL. Until w,.|| t,. r ..| All In the artesoests. For furtlti-i |.rtli-iilsr *p|ilv to ROGKK LEVER.