At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESH ERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Hroitirs. WANTE1X Ffty Cords of White -Ash timb.-r for Butter Tubs. Lcugth, 08SPH McCuRMACK, V\V8\1- ll;i/;ir and Remember the Ladies Aid of the Pros- bytfrian Church Rtzur ..11 the sec. .ml tiny ISinclif'S. JosKPHMicC'oRMACK, t'lesll- O f East Grey Show, Wednesday, Sept, Ttuii 24th. A grand Concert will be given *i -The Ouudalk HeralThaT^utewrf it, | the vening of same day, second year under Mr. Hall's manage- Ladies! if you want Silks, Satins, inont Velvets go to KICHAHDBOM'S. Go. Walkey * ^ J^ In the Hew Ht.r*, garenxspleasantcalloiiMondaymoriung Mr. 31. Riuhardsou moved his large stock of dry goods, Ac., Ac. into his handsome new store last week, where he will now be found by his numerous customers. An extended notice of this handsome stmcturu, together with a short sketch of Mr. Richardson's career here, will be found in another column. Tho solo sang iy Mis* Bella Christoe, in the Method** Church last Sabbath was wiry Ujautifully rendered.; Over five hundred extra copies of T Am-Anre aw issued this week and aetit to ntiu-sobscribers in tarious part* of Qry. Mr. Seneca 8. Ketchura is now pre- siding over the destinies of tho Arthur Enterprise, which hns beeu greatly im- proved uiulor his management. A magnificent display of Vdvtetnt, MaiMrs. Hlnck ami Colortd 8iUa, and NVust of England I'miting* st the Great Importing House of W. J. McFarland, Markdale. We have to thank our member for the CuuuuoBS, Dr. LamUrkin, for a copy of the " Report of the Select Standing Coniwttcu OB Immigration and Coloniza- tion." I>r. Christoe is making some god utupMreineuU on the ADVIM-R office. Th front is being built up with brick on a lh with the handsome three-story brick structure erected by the Doctor this summer. We\v FALL Hat*. Wy can be suiUl i Size, Style, aud Price out of UicHJUiDsoti'a immense stock. Mr. W. J. Sheppordson, the exten- iv Sheep breeder, intunds to bring two loads of Cotowold, Loicvstor, and Shrop- shire Down sheep, to East Orey Fall Exhibition to bo held in Flesherton next Tuesday and Wednesday, the 23rd and Ho will offer them all for If you want lilankcti or Flannels be sure to see RICIIARL-HON'U stock, Liu prices are very low. tlnunrial Parties desirous of borrowing money will do well to consult W. J. Bellamy before borrowing elsewhere. Ho lends only on the Straight Loan principle with interest at 7 jer cent. You can |y a [K>rtion of the principal yearly thus re ducing the iutcrust on the amount paid or you are not obliged to pay any of the principal until the end of the term. Do not forget that the North of Scotland Mortgage Co. has any amount of funds to lend in this way on 1st mortgages. For New Styles Dress Uoods see UK HAJU>*>* s iruiiii-ii*t! stock. sale. Ball's New Elastic Corsets can be liad at RICHARDSON'S. A nowly weddeil pair hailing from Kuphr.viu, and attended by tln> briile* naid and groomsman, paraded tin 1 streets of Flefliurton on Thursday nft*rnix>n l.vsi I i.- l.vlii-s wort) whito veils and lavinhwl 7r* milei on their uiishinu partner* in a manner that provoked tlo uury of imne of our good limkmj; young men. For every description of uuder- clothing IT Ladies aud Gents go to Lost. An Ailze witli the name ".Tao>l> Sloan" -ii the iron was lost between Fleshertuti .mil W'iilciw Tlnmipsuii's two weeks ago. Kinder will ploase leave the same at THE oftieo. >< Lamps. People passing by Mr. It. J. Sproule's store, Fleahertoii, after dark recently have been wondering why it is that it is so much more brilliantly lighted up than heretofore. \Vo dropped in to Mr. Hpmule's store on Monday evening, and found that that enterprising gentleman hud, at considerable cott, put in a number of newly patented lamps, tho light from mi; of which is equal > > that of four or live ordinary lani[>s. Tho wick is circu- lar in form, and, when lighted, is so regulated liy a current of air vumluctvil from the Uittom of the tube which posses Ihrou; lamp through h the ci'titrr i the globe into the mouth of the glars, that it may lie turn.. I up hiirli on. uh to allow tho flamo to oome without breaking the \\.-ll any way. at the top ;laaa or injuring it on to n hundrvil thousand of tJu-se lamps have already been sold. .Mr. Sproulo M suls> agt-nt for this locality. Piles of Now Goods ol every (!CH criptioii upcu at liichardsou's New Store. M. I'.ic iiABiisuN, Fli'shcrton, Head OPI.N I HIM. I A very pleasant evening WHS spnt by those who were present at the Sons ul TeiiiperHiico free entertainment in tin Town Hall, Kl?nherton, on Wt-tlniiiiUy of last week. Thupr. gramme consisted ul vucal aud instrumental music, readiiik'i, recitatioim, and addresses, by members ol the Division. The ohair was taken shortly alt. r eight o'clock -hy Mr. J. \V. Annstong, tJu- Worthy Patriarch, on motiuit by Dr. C'lihstos. The entertainment wss o|>ened by prayer hy Ror. Mr. Mctlre^w, after which the fallowing ^rograniin* was gone through with : Miss Hopkins, Edwd. Uichardsnn, and X R. Fawcctt, Young men contemplating inatri- ' re *l ! Miss Davis urnl Win. Thompsun raony, got your outfit at HICHJUWSON'H. ; recited ; Miss Kelln Chriftioe, Miss Milly Yonilusen, Miss Leitch, Miss Ada < In a l n UtfKOllH. Our agricultural rua<lers will d i-.^ I'm- every ilfKeription of liootd, KiibberK, <)v<>n<!iot'. Fells. His new wurcrooin is full of Hoots at very low i > r !.<-.. Price LlHt Pamphlets. Wa have been favored with several Apeeunon copies of very neatly got up ag- ricultural prize list pamphlets during the past weeit, prinUnl at the ottices of the Shelburtu- AVimomiV, CoBingwood liul- and Meafurd Mirror, respectively. i well to make a uoto of th splendid bargains Mr. J. KU-sherti mi-lit in this issuo of THE AHVAXCK. Sproulo and Miss Annie Rich- ardson, sang ; aud Rev. Mr. McGregor, Dr. Christoe, and Rev. D. C. McDowell H. Hoard, carriaga manufacturer, 1 . ,, __ ' gave short addreuus. The nvuluig, re- nerton, is otionnu m ins advurUM- . , citiag and singing only ^xxjupieu one hour, aiidtheaddn'ssosthirtyJfiveminutes. The n>ting was opened by the singing of the Not* Wf Thin. Mr. . I, W. Bates has now the largest I "opening ode," Miss Jenny McDowell and besjk stuck of Furniture ever shown i presiding at the organ. Shartly before him, i*i Flfshertoii, and is oflering im- ten o'clock the " closing do" was sui by him, ui mi-list: bMxains to the public. This is no pulf. Just call and see his splendid Par- lor and Hud room sets, Ac. , Ac. , at prices ___ ___________ > __ j ___ t __ __ __ that will astonish you. Judge for your- ^monthly " open sml winter months. sung and the benediction profhianced by Rev. Mr. McGregor. The Division pur]>os> holding regular >'i|> and Tuck. Jim Ulue, of Collingwood, was a paa- sengcr on the Pacific on her up trip, Tuesday. Wheu the boat arrived at Mea- ford Mr. Blue took a ran up town to see some friends, and forgot about tho boat until tho whistle warned him she was ready to leave. Jim started on a rrtn for the wharf, but being a very stout man, the extra exertion son told on him, and ,'* during th fall Almost a Firo. Monday evening at about eleven o'- clock as constables Spenco and LeRoy were on their boat, they discovered smoke issuing from Kennedy's Furniture Fac- tory. They nade their way through a window when they found rags abUio in the oil room, wliit-h they immediately ax tinguished. Constables Kpeiice and Lc- Roy deserve credit for their watoJifulness, FOB THK COMI'LEXION.-For IMni| 1. - Blotches, Tan, and all it.-lmiK l.muors of Ihe skin, us Prof. Low's Msio Suphur Sosp. when he passed a Alt'rrt-r re|>orter at the as in a very few minutes the whole bmld- wharf torehouse he WM puffing like a j ing would have been on fire resulting in graiuptu. At this time the boat had cut I a very heavy loss to Messru. Kenaedj FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. loose and was backing out from the warfli, and it looked rather "blue' for Jim, but be put on au extra spurt and managed to get on board JUKI before the boat cleared the corner of the wharf. Judging by (lie time mode in his race on Tuesday, Mr. liluu would be a safe man to bet oa in a fat man's race. Afirror. DB. LOW'S PLEASANT WORM SYRCP As agrt'eablu, >ufo su 1 effectual r>. u>< .ly to reiucvu all kin. Is of wurm4. Bros. O\cenlf<*m-l Ailvrrtiier. For Cashmtres go to RICHARDSON'S. FOR K. UK-II cnnditioDii of tin- Skin, Sham- pouing tho uaad Pimplev, Krnptiou tnit skin diseases, use Prof Lnw'i Snlphnr Soap. Bucklen a Arnica Salve. The Htwt 8lv in tht- worl.l (or Cut, Bruie 8or*. I ker. Sll Kliouni. For Harm, Toiwr. <ai|.|..-.l Hasul*. CUIbUias, Cens, au<l aUIUsi Kriiptioiu, u.l i">itil> cure* Itlen, or no py nij'iin -.1 It in Kuarantvwl to glTo prfec ti ffiion. or rofuuded Vru-o iMewiU i>r !.>.. Kor alo by \V Uu-tlkl J*ull. r i New Harness Shop! Tb ul>rllHr dMin-i to anuuuuce tht he hw itmrttsl In the RwQMS-M*kln( buaiuow iu ii' lUtutl *|.|imitf ll.K'iK-fk Factory, FLESHEKTON, WTltTt kf trill bt /r.yir.</ t*i iilt'ivl <" nr'ithimi in Ai< liitf iciM ]>r<' tnl :it trry rMiunaUe pritrt. .Ill I mint it A Fair Trial to Convince the 1 (A<i( / ran <tn all I suy. Largest Stock >n this vicin- ity. Inspect it- A I UUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. Casters, Butter Dishes, $c WEDDING RINGS ACID TEST. i Gross Hpee*. Iti i- Morris, Boss, and other makes J5c- to &J- Large Loiei In Chains, Seals, Rings, J&ta, Sr Jewelry. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, i ^ i-:s 1 1 1-: it/ro x, WM. CLAYTON - Hus on Land a Largo assortment of Mens, Womens & Cliildms BOOTS AND SHOES, tablc for t'uo Full <iJ Wlntrrwtur. Call and see tliiin.^Ji Quality and Price Second to Hone ! WM. CLAYTON'. - KLKSHHItTOM Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchant: for McCOLL BROTHERS LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by R. TRIMBLE Flesherton. , & ":,:,:?; My work rv ruy bfixf and only Recommendation* scnteil- fine If . |... 1 1 ii.- DoMbruivMlf and fully uuuuttod. FAIK rn W. A. BROWN. Markdale. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. tii iuii, Ktvi-truuuhliiK. n 1 In f> vrery- InK In tlio humniMm will roci-lx* my |>rumi't Mi'l cainfill ktlt'Utloo ( ",'.:',T I ;:,: 1 .':::; i& M. Merle* ;:::iij: "'';;,:: Milburn d Gadd, pBOI'KIKTDUS it thu jivo w.k, aM pii - Can ia^e Making limi promptly su<i wt-11. iriiiy in both Brunch,'* rroinptlv atlcu 1<I to. HOUSE SIIOKlNli A Sl'KCULTV . LOST SHEEP. fftr ivoil frin my |rt-iiil stiont Ibv Ulh ^f' Jl > l-:w. Kll.l I.IU.ll- ltl*rkf>l 'It. I. I'll III.- I, -It -!. Iwlniitl Hi.- h.inl.t. i \ujf on* nivluic lnl.iiiti.Mi tlikt -ill lt-k.1 k. vliu rwurvry ul ll^ Sliuv* will be n-i i. ! LKVE1L Curcx Di ;:tiu'ss, 7/ojw <>f Appetite, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, ^ff^tionsofthe Lirtrand Pimplet, filotchrt, Jioili, Iluatort, Salt Rheuni, ftcroftla. Eryiptl>v, ami all dim-ases arising from Impure Blood, Dtntnycd Stomach, or irrryular action df thi Dovels, Steam A T FI.KSNKSTOX STA For Sale! I'ri.-i- |:i.V(j ; s .l.'wn ; l.Un- In *SOOyt-r (with th |>rlil.R' "1 parnk| if , I. M !.!.-. with jbt<-n.t tli< rt at Mr uor IMUIIUI .HI iiiipwil |>rlucl(iJ.. M Xt> KENT i.ii K.VHYTT.HUH. 2.-P ARMS 1-2. TO RENT OR SELL. : W4-II *r.l Vxti-nimU All In. Hi* For further particolsn apply to BOOKR LBVBR,