Ii - r W ' / l ( a fl i -] ! I tTB I 1 ( t~ to sL / \ - ' i \j fi i i ' s * j /- N. II At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. RrrvtlicH. --New Kailwax tune table publish*! ill Uiu weeks issui. Make a note of it. Miss. Frost, of dwi-n Sound, wu vuiuuu at Dr. Christoe's laat week. Mm. .Uin.-.i (ilass, of Klesherton, ii spending a few weuki visiting friends in Invi-rmay and other place*. -Mr. J. O. Keefer, of the Foreat Frtr I '(!, is home on a riait tu liu parents erho live in Kleah*rton. Mr. K.( I {M. ni. ..i Toronto, hai l..-1-n visiting at hi* uncle's, Mr. A. 8. Vaiiduseii, during the past few weeks. liiK Clear and Cumberland cut Ba- con, from 50 cents worth upwards, at 12 J cents per Ib. , at Sept. <;< ><!.. nt market, Mea/ord Road and Eugenia oorrea- ("ii'li-nc received UHI late for this week's issue. -Mr. Chialett, Head Master of the West Ward Public School, Collimrwood, called on us yesterday. It. J. Sproule, Flesliertou, will pay the highest price in Cash for one tlioiuand lulis good Butter to fill an order for the North-West. Now in the time to sell and get your Cash whilst there is a demand for it. The stay HIT .*i has changed hands. Mr. .lewell again takes charge f the ColtM.rne EtUtrpritt, and Mr. T. Neelands has bought out the Nmi Three sets of single harness were stolen from the stable of the McAllister hotel, Durham, on Tueaday night. One .>f the seta belonged tu Mr. A. T. Downs, Artemesia. - Sue David Clayton's advertisement in thia week's issue. Ho has started in the Harness- Making business in his fath- er's stand, opposite Hooper's factory, Klesherton. Don't forget the big Scott Act meet- ing in the Town Hall, Flueherton, neit Monday uvuning, 26th inat. Mr. K 8. Sjieiice and other well-known Temper- ance orators will address the peoplu un that occasion. The membere of the A. O. U. \S cx . ursion committee in recognition of the services iterformed by Mr. A. Smith, agent C. P. R., presented him with a box of fragrant Havinnaa, for which Mr. Smith desires to return thanks. HM. Im rnr Ki'(mmi$t. There arc a number of unprincipled i iidiviilualscnlletl horse jock iesg'iing round the country making n living by swindling farmen .unl others who are not experien- ced in horse Hush. The LAW hulil take hold of theae and make them uam an hoin-it living. n'i-irftfn Echo. R. J. Sproule'g annual clearing sale is now going on and will continue for the next 20 dap. Specially low pn<-. - for all Summer <;..,., 1-, til) the whole is cleared out. Come one, come all. In Town. Mr. Seneca (i. Ketchum, ex-Editor of the Hanover /'.< was in Kleh<-rt<iii last Saturday introducing the Toronto WtMy \ i/'< to public notice. He gave us a pleasant call. Quite a unmher in this locality subscribed for thu Arm, which is an excellent paper. Molt Act r<Mi>-nlli>n. A convention will lie held in the Town Hall, Kl, li,-r..ii. ..n Mi>nday af turnout! , . vjtk i.., at S 'inch, t.. dteeuas Uit S -ntt Act campaign in all its bearings. Remember thu public meeting on the ev- ening of the same day. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church, Kleshertoii, will hold a bazaar in the Town Hall, Flesherton, un theaecond day of East Grey Fall Show, Wednesday, Sept. 24th. RefroahmenU will also Se serred to the public un thv same ,1-iy In the evening (SUM day) a grand concert will be given in the Tuwn Hall. Further artn luneements will be duly (riven. Den't All the yt*m with quinine in the i-ifort to prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Ayer s Ague Care is a far more potent preventive and remedy, with the advantage of leaving in the body n. pois- ous to produce dimness, deafneM, head- ache, and other disorder*. The proprie- f. r warrant it.. . > . A Manly Journal. Although opposed to the Kcott Act, the Walkerton Herald has been pursuing a manly, straightforward course in the mat- ter which must earn thu respect of all classes in the community in which it ia published. Long may such journals at the Ilrrald flourish. Intelligent people are bound to treat with respect a manly opponent A ftrtl slockof Harvest MitU, Grain Hi.- Kir.! Biff Scott Act Meeting ia the Town Hall, Flesnerton. As will be seen by posters just issued, a grand Scott Act luevtitig ia to be held in the Town Hall, FlHshertun, next Mon- day evening (86th tlut. ) at eight o'clock sharp. Mr. Spuiioc, the olbratod Tom peranct) orator, of Toronto, and others will address the meeting. A challenge is Cradles, Rakes, and Forks selling 1 issued to Mr. E. King Dodds or any other cheap at R. J. Bpronle'i, Fleaherton. > anti-Scott Act man, to discuas the merits or demerits) of the Act. \\Y hope to see a big turn-out on the occasion named. Klllinc U'rthi. Mr Henry Meldrum whoae farm TH,^ earne . t , T de . iring inf(innati ,, n in near Eugema, had five sheep killed and ' ordar thjU tkey ^^ at . j,,^. several worried by dog* ..n Monday night t , , . t gent division, will u..t fail t.. avail of last week. The tuutern i>ortion of Ar- t ^.i__ , .u i j i selves of the splendid opportunity temesia seems to be patered by vicious ^j * dog*. We would ad'iae the farmer* to shoot every strange dog found prowling around their premises whether in the day- time or at night. Something must be thi . ,, qttertioll of the hour" discussed in all its bearings. Mr. .oiiu to Hi.iroM. M. P. McMaster haa tendered his done speedily, to prevent a repetition of this sort nf thing. 4 SMI* sU-.~ resignation of Principal of Flesherton Public School and has accepted the Head Mastership of the Public SchnoU of the town of Thorold. While regretting most and We notice by the list of successful pu- sincerely to lose such a faithful pita, who recently passed the Entrance earnest teacher a* Mr. McMaster, we wish Examination* at Owen Sound, that the ( him unbounded success in hi* new sphere. name of our young friend. Master Arthur W. Farewell eldest son of the editor of thu Thombury Standard stands near the top. Young Farewell who is only about U year, of age-is an eiceedingly bright and intelligent boy. W. take much plewure in congratulating him on hi. bnllunt succeas in ,a.ing a very dif- flcult eIMntn>U " 1 '- WANTED I 60,000 dot. Egg* at R. J. SFHM i.r.'s, Flesherton. .arlrii I'arll.-x. A very suoceaaful garden party was held on the grounds of Mr. A. B. Van- duaen, Klesherton, fin Friday evening last. The grounds were brilliantly lit up by Chinese lanterns, and various gamee were POULTRY FOR Mil SO Brown Lcuhoroi; S \Vbita Lgboro Cockcr- "I- . 29 Black Tir.-Mt.-l K.-l (Unien ' (taiiiUrd i . M ivki n Duck! ; * i,ir of Ul file U>mw , 1 bio ..( liltck ItruuUxl lied (iinitMiPiUI. t from M t*> *') per pair. sluDuy rcf uudwl if not u fu>l u reprowntad. Cub uiut accompany all ordorv Address JOHN I'l.K WKt>, iiiiillw.) fcliiubwUy F. O., Ont. !-. Whn u wrin above, |>te*M et&W where you >aw thU ad' FOB THE COMPLEXION. For Blotches, Tan, and all itching humors of the skin, us* Prof. Low's Magic Suphur Sap. FAR! FOR SALE FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. OT . rov 4. TOWNSHIP OP OBPBET rox Largest Stock in th 1.1 1'ici fl- =* -A TttSVCCt it- A I UUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. I 0-rt.r |J talniUK in. Acre*. :<i Acre* Cleared . aew Krauir Houae, Kram,- llarn. anil younjt Orcharii. Well Watered. Well Feocod. and la a good itate of cultivation. For full particular! apply to ROBERT LUNAU, Maxwell r. O. Will be eold on KASY TKUMS $2.OO REWARD. THK >uin of *.:' reward. In addition to Mai;ift- irauv Fine, will be aid by tbt* uud<*r*utned to any pvnuu glvluv information that will lead to the conviction of the party or partial who, durinif tht. irt*M.nt year, cut dowa a oeJeam tree Inoatvd on thr Na.nk of the Boyue creek in what U cooiuunly known ae Flesher'i drove. W. K. r I.KnlU K rieaherton. Auc.lUM. Casters, Butter Dishes, $e- TODING RINGS ACID TKttT House and Lot For Sale In FleahertoD. Artemenia hrton Heine part Lot 19), I W. T. * H. R \rt< ju.t on thr limit* of the vtllaite of Kle*l Wll (Ituated ; well watered. New frauie Will be eold ou reasonable term*. Apply to W. H. rLKBHKB. JoJytMh.USM-t f. Gross Spec*. Luzaru* Morris. Boss, and other to $* -L*rt Line* in B. J. Sproule i* elling splendid "n 1 "** 1 nu> wlth h ~*y *"t by the large! MM* Hi In avy Factory at t% Oent.M per company present coiiaistiitg princi |lly j TV yard, and all other goods accordingly, of young people from tin- village and _ - " m ^ t 'neighborhood. Splendid initrumental 1 music was furnished by the famous Parks Our Canadian champion scalier, Bd. f, tro . (rf Tyrone settlemet.t, Arv.rne.ia, Haiilan, haa at length met a man who ia Mf y^ Rol ,,, ini) o ft or , )llt) , i ^.d Messrs. more than a match for him a. will be Frank McDoWttllj R y.nxant and N. seu by the following preu dispatch : [Campbell, of Heaherton. This forn-nl SVIIXIT, N 8. W.,-Aug. 10. The. , ne of the moit impo^nt fonture* in the race for the championship of the world tix.k place between Haitian and Beach on MEAT IAEKET! The unilcralcned barloc omaexl op is U>e TrTRflTTRRTON Chains, Seals, Rings, Jets, t Jewelry. Huittl lutrucfit:, & "- .?;: j: My work is my best aixt only Recommendation. Nothing misrepre- sented- Would intimate tu the grnrral public, that b i praiwred to fumleh Him. with Frrak aa4 < or-d MeU at ill rrmoaabte rasea. All I requlrr U a li> ins Tlir public may depe>4 oo barluc goorl Meat at all tlinee. the Paramatta river to-day. Beach won , I11UM!Il , en u. U-o , , ,,, and by .even 50 * len^hs. Tlio match wa. 'or ten , u j , i iv I Oamt in fArir Xaajmn in Rtrain'i block, on Toronto FLK'W'ANTBD. C. \V. BELLAMY "I 1 l.oi and Found. untl , ,j Ur midnight. We understand, that a very tocccssful GORDON'S garden party was held on the grounds of ' JJ^ }^ \ KSS IS 1 1 ( ) I A little hrothur of Mr. (iuorgu Tryun'a, ^' r - ' R- Audurami, tho fnnii.un Scotch Pncorille, strayed away fnnu homo in vnoalist, Arvmsteaia, the evuning befnrv imiiic a yet uiiaccountablv manner, on 'Garden |rtiea ought to bo wry popular Friday last. Svarch WM niaxle for the during the hot weather thu wi.mlur t" in inissing lad at once. On Saturday Mr. ' that there an- not mm* of them. Try.ni succeeded in tracing the little fug- itive to Fleaherton, but here all furthi r rim- of the lost lx>y rn.l.-.l. On Sunday it was axcurtAiiiiil that hi- was in Eugenia although when i4iiftincd the lad rvf tuctl Wr ll.i> . !: . n <o u thr Editor of Thr Adntiu, Kir. -Are y.'ii aware that hi>M-kev]irni have, formed themselves into a sort nf t give, hi* namu. On Monday through I ''ring," and chargtt Tiii[K>ranc adroaites the kind nntr-nm. ntnlitv of friend*, he much more for b<iar<l :ml ludging tlinn wa restored to his relatives. their other customer! I Such evidently Fine Ooe.e by mreclf ami fully (uanaMed. FA1U l-UIO'b W. A. BEOWN. IVIarUdale. James Sullivan,. The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. IU|ieirtB. EarMrou<rbmti. and m !< -' m m tbe biumu will r*ori\> ui) |irompt and carrful tt. ntiun at rcainal.l<- |irlci-n .tcrc & ;:,T;: ;: rieM .arrive '"'::,'; Milburn d Gadd, pH4l' * |M,rt*il Ui >tt<- l'KIKT > , r t I t r-.vf work*, arc |-f \ trim;; in tlu< Look out for bargain* at H. J. SpronleX Fleslu>rton. He in clenrini; out his Summer Stock at greatly re- duced . the iun truly. TMTOTALLKK. <!* of 1',,,-lri To the \tnttKf IKurtmtu ii/t'l Offirrrt f Several g. MH | meaying people have been >1"*Tn Isalyt X,, 14..', A. O. U. W sending us in any amount of pen-try lately. tV* 1 Sirs,-- -With littartfult gratitude I We insert one in thin week's issue. I n , beg to aeknowlwlge receipt . .f yuur che<iue future, however, these nootical effuaions '" r I*- 000 *""' uiit due me aa Uiie will be consigned to the waste basket un- Hci **' r n co " <lllt '* '"X husband* doatli lea* they, are really of local inUmst. . P1 '"* m " 3Cel ' t " f m y linc r thank* for Wv wanfm.. information about w ,,U,' our **"' * >rw * io *' " f ki <ln "~ " (l occurring in this year of grace 18fM, than ' re H* rJ *" rar *" lf *" d " about the " rehashed " event* which oocwred " Three Hundred Yean Ago. " We would prefer a big pumpkin or squash item any day. An old gentleman, well known in this) village, called at our ofBce one day last week and a*k*d s to find a corner for a Can iage Making & Blacksmithiug Pai 1 I V IJT'/'s V - line, promptly an.l .ll - I . ^ I I IMt I l> ^\]ittpairiny /// Imth /.' ^"^^^^*^^^^^^^""^ l-roinptl) att< inl.-l tn At .J WITH i. VKIKK. Honey to Loan. (Vitt l,,l ,;-.t ..,. St,,, v> HdHSK SH(KIN(; A !. i --. paM .! I uililll m.i In adranre No A|>pl> to TIIOKSttl BY. poem. He claimed to be the author of aid poem in part at least. The two ftnt lines r<- Father. dar father, come borne wtth me new The clonk In the teepie Mriken one. *c We are pleased to know that such a "bud- ding geniu* " rssides in our midst, but sorry to say we cannot give him a "corner in THE ADVAXCR. ren in our bereavement. Praying that your noble, tinier may long be the mean* of cheering and helping the widow and thu orphans to bvar their heavy Borrow*, I remain, Ac. Robinik Rohertaon. Aug. 16, 1884. THOROUGH-BRED OTRHAM BULL. J. W. BATES, Furniture Denier and Undertaker, Tho* wishing to buy tint -class Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machine*, (HI. .Shuttle*, Needle*, Ac., will find it to their advan- '*|<*feto apply for the MIII* to (.'. Tread- i Hold, dealer, FlesherUm. For i!if prompt and certain cure nf erysipelas, use Arer's Harsaparilla, which in the specific endorsed liy the roost nent mr.lirn! kUthoritcil. MONEY TO LOAN! emi- CAN I>. <rvn BK I'IKKI.' Mr. J,.ljii Clark, of Mll.lrulne. Ont . d-c)arr it fan, | and tli it H.n-v inl - V. |i .- Oil ii thr reoiiilv iht cnr.l him. It U ,1, a p!lnc fur all HI- -I rii!:' Private and Funds. Jit Xat**. JAS. LAMON, Steam Floor Hill .1 r rLKSHKRTOXSTJ TlO.\. For Sale! Price *3SOO . *0 down . hejaact< in s )>( intaliii.'tit (with tli,- prl^ileict> nf p\ inr Miijer If deeirablrl: with inUr-t at lh rat* of C prr ceat tier annum on unrMud priiclpmi Or TO BKNT ,.n TASV : I l.M - 2.-F ARMS !- TO RENT OR ll.-iti well irr. . \i:. n . - AU Tuu*hlp tot further prt(ciilar appl; '.<) UUC.KU l.KVKi. F n >-*.