Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1884, p. 4

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\ H AND "STILL THEY COME!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings. Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons Lockets Bracelets, Ear-Rings, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Uhguity of a respectable and law- abiding citizen ? (6) In what other way than the total prohibition of the nse of alco- mTT-n i Tkir A vm? holic bcvera 8 es can 8Uch a reforma - 1 HE ADVAJNth. tion be effected? There arc other points which might be toached, but want of space forbids us entering into them, for the present t K st. In the meantime we trust the Standard"* correspondent will make the " points " we Iiave referred to the subjtct of another letter at an early date. If he convinces us, that a prohibitory liquor law would be really an unjust and tyrannical measure, he will have accomplished what to us, at present, appears to be an impossible A.R-Fawcett. - Editor. , _i i j FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. AfG 1, 1884. TEMPERANCE V. Iff TEMPER ANCE." A letter under this heading ap- peared in the week before last's Thorn- bury Standard, above the signature- " Temperance." The writer is a moderate drinker and denounces any prohibitory measure as tyrannical and unjust. He says it is wrong to pro- liibit the use of liquor simply in order o save the drunkard from that which in ruining him body and soul. It is an uujust and tyrannical measure as regards tin man who uses liquor in moderation. It interferes with his rights and liberties as a free-born man. He quotes scripture to show that man is endowed with the privi- lege of choosing between good and evil, and that the nse of wine in moderation is not condemned but up- held. " Choose ye yourselves what task. DR. SPROULE. The Thornbury Standard of a recent issue speaks in the following high terms of our member for the Commons, Dr. Sproule : Our member for the House of Com- mons, Dr. Spronle, visited this section on Friday and Saturday last. He has kept his promise like a man, and shows by his acts the deep interest he takes in the welfare of his constituency. That he has done nobly, and is doing nobly for this riding is patent to both his political friends and opponents ; aud we trust when he oext comes be- fore us without the M. P., the consti- tuency will be grateful enough to send when circumstances actually calls for it. There are only four papers on our exchange list who have ever accused us of unfairness in these matters not ihiit we are in any way concerned as to /A'r opinions good, bad or indifferent. Like ancient cannons, their editorial bullets are more apt to shoot themselves than their opponents. THE ADVAKO " desires to bo the sworn foo " of no one, but trusts, that its cotcm, the Hirald, will cease to be itt own worst enemy by devoting its attention to something more elevating than billingsgate ; to something less degrading than scurrility ; and to something more logical than baseless assertions. ve will have." This and a number of J _, _ j . J him to parliament without the un- other quotations arc introduced to strengthen his arguments. While admitting that Temper- ance " oscs tli* strongest arguments ttfi a pOMibly UMM! in the iutuwsts of anti-prohibitionists, and ^HH\H himself to be a keen, logical reaaonor, there are several points important ones, too he has evi- dently overlooked. ill There is a passage somewhere in Scripture which saith " cursed is In- that givotli his neighbor drink," or words to that effect. Are we to accept this passage in the literal inter- pretation ? If so. what position docs the moderate drinker occupy ; or 19 he in tilt habit of giving his neighbor dunk ? How did he learn to nse it if his neighbor did not give it to him ? 1 2i " No drunkard shall enter the kingdom of heaven," suitli Holy Writ. IB this not a strong reason why moderate drinker* as well as teetotal- lers should do something yea, even to sacrifice a not very beneficial habit in order that poor, fallen, treat liunmnity might be rescued from the pit into wliiuli it has fallen and not debarred from entering Heaven. Surely it would not IK- a great sacri- fice for men who can " take their glass, or leave it alone ? " 1 < How many "temperate, sober prople " are there " who daily use al- robulic beveragei* an they do every- necessary and in his case useless tur- moil of a contest; for he is sure to be re- turned in any case. Wo understand the Government dredge hag beensecur- iil by the l>r. to dredge off the bar oiu beyond the end of the dock. This is proper. To dredge in the harbor, without the river being turned is use- less. Truth should be told. The Dr. called at our office, but we regret to say we were absent. Temperance " itayx there in undoubt- edly a Urge majority of his class of voten. Can he point out a hundred ptoderate drinking ratepayer* in the Township we have named ? (1) Is it likely, that inoilerate drink- ers will be BO criminally indifferent in SOME CHEAP NOTORIETY' WANTED. Our amiable but, at timcn, rather excitable friend, the editor of the Dnndalk Herald, seems determined to gain a little cheap notoriety in con- nection with an editorial which ap- peared in Tut ADVANCK a few weeks ago under the heading, " Show Your Colors." Indeed he seems to be a little jealous because Tux ADVANCE man, instead of himself, was the first to point out to the journals in the immediate neighborhood their duty as " moulders of public opinion." There was really nothing in what we said to arouse the anger of such a "mild and unassuming " gentleman as the editor of the Htrnld for, notwith- standing the fact that he has called us some very niuuhty names, we Hill believe him to be rather a good sort of a fellow. At the same time we must frankly confess he is not just as " mild aud unassuming " at ho in supposed to TEC Agent'* Herald for August, denounces Toronto Truth for going into the newspaper lottery business, and says that it belies its name very much by the course it is pursuing. All lotteries and gift enterprises are ^rauds of the first water in our opinion and should be denounced on every occasion. By the way, it seems to tu a certain brother chip won a prize in connection with this Truth lottery affair, not very long since, and blew his own tmmpet about it, too ? FOM Kisi.iao.v N. C. Potion * Co., druggiitu, write that Dr. Fowlar'i \Viltl Strawberry tiai long beeu the bent remedy for Sonuuer CoroplamU in the market. THE Dundalk Herald of last week contained a large amount of matter concerning the Scott Act. We are glad to notice that our esteemed Houtlii rii cotem ban deemed it prudent to follow our advice in this matter. He does not care to publicly acknow- ledge this fact, liowever. He is rather sensitive, yon know. A ST. ANN'S VICTORY. Mr. Jno. Murrifoo, well known In St. Anu'i, N. S. , had lerioni Ki'li.i-} Complaint that bordered on dropiy. Alter hope liaJ nearly fled, he wiu enrud by ItliHxi Bitten. Nw Harness Shop! The ubcritr dMira* lo announce that be hu lUrted in Ui Hameee-Uakintj buiiueo* iu the iteod appoaite Hoopor'e Factory, FLESHERTON, Where he will be prepared to aUrttd tu nrrythiny in hit line with j*ro/>f)ir ii // (it wry rnui'iuiUt price. All I uxmJ i* A Fair Trial to Convince the Public that I tan d all 1 toy. DA/VID C7LA.YTOTV. thing else teruporately " say in your .be by^uany estimable but misguided own Township of Collingwood T people On the eontrarj, he appears to be of rather a pugilistic turn of mind journalistically speaking. This fact is borne out by a lengthy edi- torial and four separate and distinct local notices which appeared in the last week'* herald M of which re ferred in not eulogistic terms to Tut a matter affecting their evidently I ADVANCE. As it in quite beneath us much prized privileges, ac to. allow i to indulge in personal iiincndoes and Teetotallers to carry the Scott Act abufte, we cannot adopt the advice without a struggle ? Is it reasonable ? ' which gays rome thing about " fighting It) What is to be done with the sweeps with sweeps weapons," We drnnltard * In he to be allowed to have evr treated honorable opponents cnrM hiin.McIf and society without any with the respect and " decency " which legislation which will reaiove the evil was their due, and have never referred Crotn his reai-L and raise him to the ' to any individual or newspaper oul> Our Table. The AmtiuriN AORICCLTVRIBT (or Septem her embrace* over two hundred different editorial*, prize paper*, and plain, practical. common neiiae article*, and topic* pertaining t" the Kami, Oarden, ami Household, written eipreaalv for thia Journal by orer 40 different writer*. " The New Elm Tree Peat ; The New- Swine Poiioner ; The New Early Cherry ; The NL-W NtrciKguii ; The New Deatroypr of the Cabbage Worm ; The New Method of Blancln in- Celery : A Little Known Unm ; together with all other (n-li aubjectn are fully treated and illustrated. Joeeih Harri* giye* word of information in hi* " Wulkl and Tiilli." Mid discusses the Apple Barrel War. Dr. George Thurber writes on horti- cultural topioi. Col. MU-.MM C. Weld nar- rate* at length the rriult* of hiiexperiuient* in letting famoni butter cow*. Andrew S. Fuller iluconrwi upon the Influence and Effect* of I'ollen. I'ruf. ThnnipiH>n, of Ne- braika, tella how to nioit advantageously raiie cattle in the Weit. Klia* A. Long preeuta full in*Unctii>n fur nutking baud- onu- lawn*. Henry A. Haigh glrea valuable lUKgntlonn in makiux farm contrMt*. Pro- feiftor Sladi-. of Uarrard L'niveraily, lello how tci incccnfally treat Animal Ailmenti. Col. P. D. Curtla writn of Waning and Feeding Young Pig*. K. O. Newton, Dak., torn* the Farmer'* Uriadatooe. AKnd Trumbull analyzi-i the HarTmt of the> 8. Timothy Banker deeeant* upi the yaller dorg" in bin luaal facvtioui rein. Dr. Itynm I). HaUUd point* ont the Talue of bnchwheal a* a la>ra en>p. Dariil W. Jndd. dencribe* the Kr-*.ni. The iltaalratlonii and i-UKraruiK*. by lecdiug artif ta, number JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF THE- \ortli American Mannfactnrins Co. (Limited) For the Counties of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, IVameH ol I M I I I ,1 CM I :> IK. North Aji-i ii-.-in Harvester and Twine-Binder, G ft. cut. " "5 ft. cut. Imperial Harvester, improved. Diploma Hat-venter and Reaper. Improved Model Mower, J. P. Manney Mower, I X L Reaper and Mower, Combined, " Single K'-.i|'f-i " Single Mower, Hay Rake, F. F. Grain Drill, North American Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 18 Flow, Corn Cultivator and Scuffler, Large C. Bos for Horse Power, Little BOMB Horse Power, Horse- Power Jack. Al*o John Deere'* celebrated American Plowi; Horse- Power*, Bmaratnr*. Wectoru Kmpifv KnciiiMi and Holler* ; Combined Portablo KugiuMiMid H<-i>rator.ud Hone Towan * Heparatur* Baw Mill Machinery, Ac c Agents Wanted in Every Township ! FOB FIRST-CLASS Cistern Pumps, and Sinks! Earle Strain's Tinware Emporium! KI^ESHKR-TOIV. over 100. Of the full page illaatntioaa. the one representing " A (fathering Htorm " i* iiioht TJTid and Mi- like. Price 91.80 a year. Hinjle nambem IS cent* ; 7&1 Broad- way. THR ADTAWK and American A(rieu1turi*t one year for M.OO. A CDBJI r'"* CaotEiu. -Procure from yoor ilriiggiat one bottle of Dr. Fowler'* Extract of Wild Straw Kerry and tike M direeUd. It eure* all Summer Complaint*. ^t WOMAK'I WKABHIS". Mnch of the weary veakne** neculinr to female* i* caiiaed by irreunlartfei that eonl<l be promntly reme died with thnt Rzcellent Regulating Tom , : vr I ..-V. Blood Bitters. WM. CLAYTON Has on Laud a Large assortment of i "> 1 r 4 J BOOTS AND SHOES. tes' Suitable for the Summer. Call and ec tb.ein.~Vi Quality and Price Second to None ! is WM. CLAYTON, FLESHERTOX Rill dork C*ru DisztMst, Loaof Appi'tite, Indigestion, l>y*j>ri,tiii. Jaundice, A/ectiau of the Livrr and AW*, y, I Pimples, Blotches, BoiU, Humors, Salt Xhevm, Scroful.i, \ Ery$iprlm, and alt diseases arising from Impure lilovd. Deranged Stomach, or irregular action uf th>: Rwel*. ? ^

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