Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Aug 1884, p. 7

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trn.Hr Ike Dw**-. v>nr when twUbjbt ahsiiee war* oreepinf v**r spire ami buiy street An I the availing ilari, a iteopiac "oiu their far-oil blue rouiwt, earned lo whisper wonts u( boot* To the hearts that weary ruaui We were m.inu to the door, Where little while before, JUseas thrown bv dimpled fluger r mm the lips wuere sisaes IniKer Kisses tbrown with cbiidiab laughter Kollown.g all our footsteps after, BUaees thrown through open door, Promised welcome etermoie. We were coming ; and we luten For the fall of merry f-t. Cor the vulcc of uiuilc tweet ; But ttieeyoa with quick tears ilistn u Chllduo liau.lH r. wild with glee Paul Dg all tbe window o'er, Chitduh Biases thrown at me, But i he) re all " iDilde the door " Ob. tba world would all be lonely If one little darling only, Vanished from Uu, oiwu doorway, Of this life to eadlew day ! Holt* too strong fur little nngen, Flew before tbe father'* haul dow my IOVIUK memory liocert O'er that liul. household band I Oon lu treuuraa o er and o er, Treasons jut " Inside the door." Bo a Fstber's band ii keeping All oir Inel and love iu store: no withuut we stand lu weeping. While they're j u.i inside the deor ; " a\ad tba door's the gate of heaven. Where our treuuies all are flown Whoa tbe earthly bonds are men lie will give us back our own. "p Karly. O, women, tender hearted, Wbo aliarrd the negro i throe* Whose gentle tears are started By dime' and burses' woes , Who leel a Bister's pity For women far away- Far elavee la Your own city We ask your help to-day. Toon* s-irls and lads still growing. Youug women and yuoiig men Tbe issas of death are sowing IB many a stifling .len. lo close sbopi dally lulling, From early morn to eve, And you It is wbo're spoiling Their one chanoe of reprieve The beans of masters soften. They ree the havoc wrought Hat ladiea will to often Bhop later than they ought. O, heed your staters' crying. Kind knghiu uialds aud wive* U Isn't - foods " your buying, Bui human creatures' fives. rfbop early - give the weary A little breathing apace, To make Ihe loll lees dreary. The shattered nerves to brace, Tbe white slaves' chains to brlfbtee. Bs yours ths noble task ; Their bard, dull lives lo lightest That's all ths boon we ask. O, women, tender-hearted. Who shared toe negro's throes. Whose gent e tears are started By dugs' and horses' woes . Who (eel a slater . pity Fur wosaea far sway For slaves la your own oily We sliaJ with yon to-day. sTerstes sas sin." Fosiret me not,' I a*k*4 of Uiee, Lone yean ago, beside tbe sea Fair HetulMra M with bias waves swallia While lo thin* eye* Ihe teen came welling > " there that thou didst promise me. ... _., All good and true III be . all toe world to tbee I'd flee." Buee VJBjIs. thy smlllug llpe wsie spelliax " Furget me not ' Ah I eresl fate, thoa dld'st decree Far es ids same old history. ' i staid, 'midst palms and olives dwelling, i secrets lo the birds thoo'rt telling. l ninssoms forth tbe oran.e tree, " Vorget-uie-not." rmnv i of- i n t- u i i < r . J.krr'. I ... l. u m, mi lev ike n,. 'No, gentlemen,' sail Capt. Kkiddy, '/ou don't oa lob me taking part lo any praoiiOAl j ikes. I went out of that bam batinesi for good over lea yean MO." " How WM that '.'" " W.-ll. it WM IB the winter of '72, may be '73, 1 waH living io Davenport, la., and e Ban ome 'round there Riving balloon ascensions. Oje day ll WM advertmjd that tbe Mayor of tbe town was going op with bun. Now, the Mayor was a big, (at roan, wbo alwayt wore a light call of slothee: aud a white ut. Tin. pat <ue in the ootioii ot working a j ike off on the people. I got acquainted with the aeronaut, and he agreed to asklst me in tbe soheme. We then got an old tail of lirf clothes, and Died op a dummy, wbioh we filled up with sand, so that it weighed about 200 Ibs. and would, therefore, drop straight and heavy like a man. The day of the aaoeniion there were fully 30 000 people on the ground and the exoiiemeal wae very great, a there wae a alight wind blowing at the time. After tbe balloon got up about a anile, and may be Ibal ae far south of tho towo. they droj ped the dummy over." Bin sensation then, eh?" " Well, I should eay so. Of course the crowd made a break out of tbe town to crape op the remains, and I rtuhed home to get my fishing tackle, for it etraok me that the most healthy thing I ooold do would be to go fl thing for a day or two. Before I bad left the house, however, I WM arreted for murder." " Par m order T" Biaaiiy. A lot of boys, accompanied BTJ; the Bnenff. rushed in and oollared me. Tbey claimed that tbe dummy bad fallen en a farmer and drives bis ekoll olear into fee heels of his boots. He said that the beJIooDstio had turned State's evidence ad the ohanees were that I'd be banged bf a mob bifore bight." " That wan rouun Well, so I thought. I was just soared to death, and I begged the boys to stand by and protect me. T ponied op ISO for legal sTXpeusee and they bid me io tbe garret of s> neighbor'e bouse. They kept me there t*n blessed day*, and there wasn't a day t>ut they struck ms for a twsnty or two for eontiDuaDsxs. One oighl the whole gang oasne around full of beer on my money, sniad yon and said they had oonoloded. * an additional precaution, to bids me in the hollow of an oak tree aboot three miles emt in the woods. I saw tbroogh the whole busicoM then, and drove 'em oot with a lab. It was a good, square oaee of the Mter bit, I know ; but they never let up ailing me ' Dummy Bkiddv* after that em til they actually ran me out of town, and I bad toemigrats to this jumplng-off place f creation, and the captain (hook bis Head with a disgusted air and walked oat i /Vaiwrueo Pott. A. poet asks : 1 Where will we Bod con- sent?" He should stand by and watch a ooontry editor eating hu weokJv ration pie kMMssi Tke MeveSBUBUs .1 <-l.J-i.ur Clrsusviltr i rd n.,i| u| i.u mmm Ike *>ibr * IB- A correspondent of the St. Jamei' Outfit writes to that paper : " Tbs following para- graph appeared in most of the newspapers ibe other day : ' Mr. Qladstone attendee diviue strvioe this morning, and iu tbe afteruoob, assisted by Mr. W. H. Oladston and He v. Stephen Gladstone, was engaged in felling an oak, wbioh, three feet from the ground, measured eight feel in oiroum fereuoe. Mr. Gladstone threw off his hat collar, tie, ooavt and vest, and bis brace bong by bi* *fts in true wood cotter style A large number of spectators were present and many of them carried aw a; chips as mementoes of tbe occasion. Mr Gladstone afterward assisted Mrs. Olad itone at a mothers' meeting, tbe Premier presenting each of the members with bnbch of flowers wbiob bad been made u| by Mrs. Oladstons.' Now, this is ver; interesting; bat tbe following extracts from various local papers prove that the doibgs of Mr. Oladstoue's colleague* are quite as interesting and rather more dig uined ; and I really do not know why they should not be as generally recorded : ' Ai Walmer yeetsrdar Lord Graoville v onfortunately prevented attending divine service. After breakfast he read hi* Utters and newspapers, and eojoyec the family circle till luncheon. After luocheon be pot on his red coat and cord, and, mounting his favorite banter jumped three hurdles, measuru ^ three feet from tbe ground and placed thirty yards apart. A large number of spectators were prseent, and Lord Oranvtlls wai much applauded. Tbe bardies were after ward broken op, and tied op in neat littl* packets by Lady Graaville, and presented te the spectators as a momento of tne u. Lord Granville then resumed bi* ordinary dross, and assisted Lady Oranville at a grandmotbar*' meeting.' 'At Newmarket, yesterday, Lord Hartiogton after attending divine service, inspected bis racing stud. After luncheon be took off hi* coat and vest, tied a hand- kerchief round bis head, fastened hi* bracts round his waist, palled his Books over bis trousers, aod in true jockey fashion was hoisted into a four pound saddle and galloped one of his 3 year-olds three furlong*. Lord Hartingtou was much applauded by the crowd assembled, who pulled oot every hair of tbe nily's tail as mementoes of the occasion. Lord Hart ington afterward sent ofl official despatches to tbs WarOffloe.' 'The Lord Chancellor led tbe choir at the early service yesterday morning, and after luncheon, having pot on a while surplice, laog from Greenland's icy mountains, etc , with great fervor lo frout of his drawing room windows, lie was enthusiastically entered by a large assemblage, and ths lorpboe was afterward rsfflad for a* a me men to of tbs occasion. 'Sir William I amour! attended divine service at Dsrby yesterday morning aod read both lessons, ibs Oospel and Epistle, lit also wtshsd to read th* communion service and to >reacb, but was dissuaded by tbe mourn int. After Irnobeoo bs pot on bis lanuels and proceeded to the lawn-tennis [round where, having out t consecutive >alls under tbe net, he bowad to the large crowd assembled, and retired amidst great applause.' ' o mg to bi* haviog Isft his prayer book iu London. Mr. Chamberlain did not attend divine service at Birmingham yesterday mornibg. After luncheon be put in a gardener's apron and proceeded to bis lot bonne, where, io true workmanlike style, bs illustrated to a large audience the iractioe of propagating orchids, Hii (lustrations were received with great applauae ; and an attempt was made by some of tbe most impulsive of hi* friends to carry off some of bis mosl valntbls ilante as mementoes of the occasion. This .ttempt, however, was frustrated by Mr. in, wbo adroitly closed tbe door, bumming at the same lime hi* favorite melody, 'Not for Joel' ' Yesterday being a very wet day, Mr. Djbson contented him- self with walking up and down the broad isth in front of nis bouss, protected from be weather by an umbrella, macintosh and alosbee. Tbe honorable gentleman was mmsosely cheered by ap sntboaiastio crowd.' " Young physician No, it is not in good sets for a young physician when writing o a patient to sign himself Yours till Isath." At tbe Tnilleries Garden dog show, 'arts, a canine bathing ojetnme is szbl- ited ; also rubber iboes for pet dogs to wear in damp weather. Set) here," be said to bis olsrk, " I on'i mind Istting you off s day now and aen to attend your grandfather's funeral, tit I think jaa ought to have tbe courtesy 9 ssnd a few of ths fish around to my ooae." England is now sxperisnoing a drouth, be like of which, it ie said, has not occurred or more than fifteen years. Award* to tbe amount of 92,71'J.OOO mads by the Court of Alabama Claims were esterday certified by the Secretary of Mts at Washington, and will now go to ae Treasury for payment. It is bat natural that tbs baseball layer wbo is partial to low balls should o on a bat occasionally. Tbs hsat in Berlin is Intense. Tbe xodus is tbs greatest svsr known. All Ibs nss are compelled to put on numerous peoial trains. " Jost to think," said a vassar graduate, here's an aowunt of a train being thrown rom the track by a mmplaoed switch, low utterly o*relree sunn women are Soul leaving their hair around." And is wsnt on reading and sating oaram>ls. Friooe Rrapotkine, tbe Nihilist, will be berated from prison this month, it is re- orted. He hat refined numerous literary sSeV Naples will shortly undergo a complete nd perfect system of drainage and unioipal improvements, including an ndergroood railroad, bathing establish- Hi and extensive park, etc., removing is ssnitary drawbacks which have hitherto nterfsred with tbe full enjoyment of a own whose antiquities, mueeom, natural benomena and beaoty have made her the neea of tbs Mediterranean Talk about babies ; hot then, we never idols* in small talk. n * c. r. Tke rregjraes ! the M.-rf Olewi l h,.u,h Or. Brett ban jost returned from the Kooky Mountains, where bs has been super intending the work of the medical staff along tbe whole line of construction. Only ons serious explosion has occurred, that being on the 4th of July, when two men wsre killed. The utmost caution is con- stantly exercised in transporting the dyna- mite and in making blame. Tbs material used is tbe safest that can be obtained. The medical str.fl consists of nve doctors, who visit every camp daily. Two fully equipped hospitals have been erected on the work and ibeee are furnished with a doctor steward and nurses, from whom tbe patients receive every pouibU care and attention. No deaibt have yet occurred and tbe general condition of tbs men is much better than was eipeoied. The oamps are kept clean and every precaution is taken to prevent the outbreak of disease. Ths climate is io itself bealibf u! and luvig. orating, of which fact the robust appear- ance of Dr. Brett, after his MI weeks' visit there, is unquestionabis proof. Tbe railway is being pushed forward energetically, and it is expected that the nrsl crossing of ths Columbia will be made by ths middls of Uotober. A great deal of wel weather has been experienced during tie summer, and has to a grsat extent im- peded the progress ot Us work. Those almost daily rainfalls can no doubl be aocjuuted f jr in some decree by the oou- stantexploaiun of blasting material. Track laying was commenced this season at a point about three mile* beyond Leggan, and seven or eight miles havs been laid up to tbe pressnt time. The road bed has been completed for a considerable dis- tance beyond this and tbe remaining forty-five miles to the Columbia River will be covered by rail* during tbe next three months. After creasing the Colum- bia tbe line follows the rivsr bank north- ward for about 40 miles, and this portion will be easy to build, very liltls rock cut- ting bsing necessary. Tne hoe then turns aharply and runs southwesterly down Moberly Creek for 6"/ miles, where it creases tbe Columbia tbe second time. Then it ran* through the Gold Hinge by the L agle Pass, crosses V/tlley Lake and pass** down tbe shores of Thompson Rivsr to Kamloope, where it will connect with tbs western division. Tbe distance from Laggan to Ktmloopt is 270 milss. Ths rook culling has been pretty heavy work, the cuts in some places being 25 feel deep. From the bead of Kicking Horse Ltke to the Columbia Kiver the ork is also heavy. Toe Tunnel Mountain tunnel is progressing rapidly. Ths distance to be tunnelled throuitb ths ids of tbe mountain is about WO feel. Work has been poshed from both sods and n tbs middle, and Ibis dittioull task will soon be completed. The force of men now employed number* upwards of 5,000, and Ibis number will be increased as the work progresses. At present tbe operations ot ihe contractor* are concentrated on a short distance of hoe that more than the present loros can not be utilized to advantage. In a few weeks they will commence to spread out, and work will be afforded to a much arger number Tbe scenery, Ur. Brett says, U msgni- fioenlly (rand, surpassiag in beauty that of the eastern slope. No imagination can conceive, no pen can paint the panorama of sublime grandeur which ipreads oat at every tarn. The towering, enow oled mountain peaks, the ruxxed rooks tottering on tbe verge of bottomless chasms, the glistening mountain streams rushing madly down dsep gorgee, all these, relieved at frequent intervals by glassy akelets and patches of greenest foliage, most be seen to be appreciated. Tbe numerous stream* wbicb traverse tbs mountains in all directions abound with fish wbiob sre easily osugbt. Tbe valleys .nd timbered districts oouuiu an endless ariety of small gam*. beeidtH black bears, mountain deer, sbeep and goats, 'bich BIS jrd exciting sport to tbe hunter and tourist. Tbs invigorating atmosphere, uautiful scenery, abundance of game, etc., 'ill doubtless attract a large number of tourists and holiday seekers to the moon- sine during tbe coming autumn. 'ret Prtu. I X. I HKAI\ Nrw I lhi HbaaKprarr'a Teen Tbs K<v. W. D. Macray has recently lieoovered in tbe Bodleian Library an old otter from William Hall, a Ijoeen'a Col- rge man, wbo took bis B. A. degree in )ctober, 1694, to Edwaid Tawaite*. of (jaeeu's College, a well known Aoglo-Saxon obolar. The interest of tbe letter i* in the light it throws upon tbs verses out upon Bbakspiare's tombstone. Mr. Halli- ell Pbillippe has printed it for private iroulalioo.with s short preface, in wbiob be hows that It was probably written in December, 1094. Tbe portion of the letter that refers to Shakspear* is as follows : DEAB NEDDIE. I very greedily embrace bis oooasioogpf acquainting you with somr- lung wbitb I found at Strait jrd upon von. That place I came unto on Than- ay night, ana ths next day went to visit Oeettsm el i .liuir .1 Mew/en mm* Ike KID. el 'iu 0,1. u rl I on. The treaty recently negotiated with King John of Abyssinia nas been officially pub- lished. la ibis King John binds himself to abolish slavery aud the slave trad* within hi* dominions. The special correspondent of tbe London Ntitt describes admiral Hewetts interview with King John :" Facing the entrance and against ths circular wall of the hot, on a throne covered with violet satiu cloth, and supported on either side by pillow* of the same rich stutT. with tbe cross of Bolo- men worked in gold thereon, sal tbe 'Negu Negusti' and King of /.ion. On bis right stood a servant with a silver handled horse hair fly switch, which bs kepi swaying to and fro to keep the flies from feeding off tbe batter on the royal bead, for in tbe Labi t ot greasing doth His Majesty indulge as well as bis lowly subjects, and ihe fai sparkled on bis crisp hair, neatly plaited in three broad pieces stretched from the forebead ovsr ths royal cranium to In* nape of the neck, where tbe plaits narrow and are held together with a diamond- beaded pin. Drawn up just ovsr tbe tip ot his nose, and totally covering the lower part of hi* faoe and body, was the sheoima or toga similar to ths ons givso by Ailula to ths Admiral, embroidered with various colored silk* in a broad stripe down fa* centre of the cloth which is ths token ot nobility. L'be King, who was indeed sll yes and ears, scanned us eaxih suspieaooaly as we approached tbe throne and bowed. lie shook hands with Sir William Ilewelt and Mason Bey, ibis movement necessitat- ing tbe partial uncovering of the body, showing the massive Order of Solomon gleaming on s gown of black silk. Bat only for a moment was so much royalty sssn, and ae tbs Admiral and ths Egyptian rep- resentatives seated themselves on cane bottomed chairs provided for them a little distance on tbe left of the throne the toga as ap lo bis mouth again, as if oar pres- ence had suddenly mads him feel very ill. 8a far was this illusion carried thai one almost expected him to rush for tbe door or call the steward. Tbs Admiral soon settled down to business, and rose to pre- sent the gueen'i letter, wbiob looked s vsry formidable epistle a* it lay in the pretty blue silk case worked by Lady Straogtord. Now plaoed on a better footing tfte lung even condescended to smiie bis thanks, wbiob lightened up his otherwise <loomy face and made it quite pleasaut. tl U lean and wan , broad just ov*r the brows, which are perfectly arched : deep kted largt black eyes , a ooae slightly Jewish, but small, and a mouth and chin showing a weakness that belie tbs upper part of tbe taos. Bis color is almost negro in iu blackness, and was much intsnsined against ths whiteness of Ibs ehsmma. There was no attempt at state . a Jew domestics lolled sgainsc the wails, and on tbe left aids of the throns stood a priest, whose seeming occupation was to kssp the flies from his own nose with the aid of a piece of a cow's tail. Then appeared to be no one to particular to keep the door or lift the cloth s.i one entered or passed oot. And when w* did the latter after a cheerful goodbye from tbe King we bad to move ii for oursehes. Out of tbs kingly presence unruly mob of soldiers aud servants jostled ns wherever we walked. Homstioiee an indignant chief would lay about bim with a stiff bamboo, and cleared the way for a time, but they were like Mis* , their appetite for was all tne more suarpeoed and they swarmed around in larger numbers. In tbe compound I noticed that s large le.f , bower bad been erect* d to cover at least 500 men. Tun wae where tba warriors, chiefs and courtiers of the King feasted. We were none of us invited during our stay to one of these) entertain- ments, the King knowing full well that Europeans are not accustomed to tbe peou- litr luxuries of an Abyatiuiao baiquui. A small on* 1 bavs seen, and, for rjpyself, was heartily glad that be did sol honor us with thi * mark of hi* favor. Tbepitc* tit rtiitt anv is generally raw meal." A I . Kll.l. I ,c.|. A terrible tragedy was bsppily averted tbe other evening by the preeenoe of mind of tbe wife of one of our most respected mtu ns. Toe family consists of the hus- band. wits and two children. We bnrdy narrate tbe thrilling experienoe ol tins family. Mr. X. hurriedly entered the room where his wifs and family wsre seated and from tbe determined expression upon bis faoe, Mrs. X. saw at one* that something was amiss, lie demanded bis rs/. it, wbicb bad accidentally been removed. Tbe horror experienced by Mrs. X. may be imagined, and in order w divert hii atten- tion n Hired for what purpose be wanted to ose it. Imsgine her relief when ,1m stated bis intention of removing a corn or two wbiob ached terribly, and like a true woman she was equal to tbe occasion, for she bad already purchased a bottle of Put- nam's Painleee Corn Extractor, of which, on every band, sue bad beard nothing but bs ashes ot ths grsat Sbakspears which , ie interred in that church. The verses ' which, io his lifetime, be ordered to be out pi.u bis tomhstene, for hi* monument bavs others, ars these winch follow: Header, fr r Jesus' sake forbear Tu dig tbe duet here , Blessed be be ul .pans thane stones. And enned be ne thai stoves my bone*. Tbe little learning these verses .contain oold be a very strong argument of the want of it in tbe author, did not they oarry something in them which stsfids in need , ^ werfulj , n . p uretli and mo ., Mttmin f comment. There is in this church a *_;, ^..i L i.L- L . j...i lace wbioh they ciU a bone boose, Avoid tbe evils of domeeuo life by using 1'utnam's Corn Extractor. An sxpert baseball plsysr ought to bavs plenty to do in Ibe summer, when good fly catchers are in order. This i* eminently the case with Poison's NBVUINF, the great pain core. It ie an honest rtmedy, for it contain* the moet r- x>eilory for all bones they dig op, wbioh re so many that they would load a great umber ol wagons. Tbe poet being wili- ng to preeerve bis bone* unmoved, lay* a urse upon him that moves them, and avmg to do with clerks and sextons, for be most part a very ignorant sort of eople, he deroends to tbe mnaoset of their apacitiee, and disrobes uimsslt of that art which none <if bis contemporaries wore in reater perfeo'ion. Nor has the design missed ol ite tffro', for, lei t they should not only draw thi* eur<e upon themselves, but alsneiitsil it upon their posterity, they have laid aim fall 1? feel deep deep enough to secure him. Aod so maob for Hlraiford, within a mile of which Sir KibiDKon lives ; but It was so late before I knew, that I bad not time to make him a visit St. Jamei' Omftttt. pain subduing remedies known tomedual science. It is honest for it doe* all it claim* to do. Il is honest, because il is th- best in tbe world. It only oust* 10 or -' cents to try* it, and yoo can boy a botile at any drug store. Nervilioe cures tootbsobe, neuralgia, pain in tbe back and side. All pains are promptly relieved by Poison's Nervilme. Among the onoeteotstione heroes at Toulon may be mentioned Dr. Tourettee, sged '.'I years, wbo is on foot night aod day giving relief to the soonrKe -stricken coolers patients. Any lady who desires further Infor- mation than can be given in ttae limited poblio *paoe of newspaper column* can obtain Mrs. Lydia R. Piukbam'a pamphlet " Ooide to Health" by sending a stamp to Lynn, Mass. M Wanseel M ee i- in. A good story is sold of Dr. X., wbo is tfce pbyti nan in charge ol Ibs femals *arda of one of our beet known charitable msfcitn lions. One evening about 'J o'clock MaMy, a us* Irieb servant girl, knocked at his doer saying > Dootnor, the bead rane wants you to come down lo supper." The iootor swelling in his pride of superiority above ibe nurses, sent the Irish girl so an unnamot place. Bait an hoar Isur tbe uad nurse came to hi. room, killing -erion*. Doctor," eh* said, No. M is very bad, indeed. I thick you ought to aee her at once." "Why did TOO nol let ns* know before ?" was tbe reply. Why , doe- tor," sai 1 tbe nurse, 1 tent yon word by Mary half an hour ago." " Tbe) fool," astU the doctor, she told m* to mm* down to supper." Why," said the nurse, " I sjsxit you word to com* down to sight." An in 'juiry made tbe whole thing olear. Mary thought it more polite to say, " Com* dowu to lopper " than to say " Corns down to ate."-Afn York Sun. A vsry interesting series of offensive) aod defensive military man i uvre* will take place in Rossis at ttae usual coming autatsu oamp sxeroises. Tbe Emperor, as oaual. is expected to be pressnt, as also tbs Grand bake Nicholas and Ibe Grand Dak* Michael. A horticulturist say* tbere are 90* varieties of o I, ernes. SO of apricots, 139 of peaches. 1 .087 of pears and 9^7 of pi a DOS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 * VEGETABLE COMPOtrNl)^ ' ' IS A POSITIVE CIM * ~ e e JOJJJ^U^^JM^UITI^ e - ei Fev all of IBM* PeJsful ( plaint, as4 * Wf akaresfa ao roeneon la) esr bcteM e * e * FEMALE FOPl UATIO*. . ,? IT WILL CVBB rNTimsiT TMI woavTroaa ovFs BALS Cosm-Aiirra. AIL OTABIAII TI si mm. ! PLAMSATlOlf Alb CljTBBATlOlf. FA! I I*o AWT> Ih PUACSnirr*, ADD THlt rxWIIomT CrtKAl. Win NBBS. AMD II 1-ABTIt-VLAIU T ADATTID TO TBS I'HAn.i or Lin. s * e * e \ IT WILL l.l" .11 I All, IIPSL TfHnu PWOSITSS I'TIBIt Ik AN r >1 I UTAUSOr DB^BLorBBITT. TwS TIN: rN i r .' . v . n. . Ill > S TUSUUesUKI VIST >rSBl>ll I ST ITS fit. . * S * e it IT Binorse KAIHTWSM. PiATTtswrT. DBBPraort All < HAMS,, rS>TIMI-LAn. AMUHSUITBBI VVBAX-j BBSS OP TUBMTOBAISj. IT 1 1 BBS lll/'ATrBU, Usie-' A.m. SlBl'M I PlabarSlATInll, UKXtBALOSOmtUTf,' DsrasssioK ANH l^ni..i>rH.?i. m * , e _ e e THAT pBn IN.; .IP BBABI^O Dnwo. rirama PAI, Wsessrr AXI> UAI KACBK, u ALWATI riB* AB BSTLT . i inn ) IT -r . , e t e m s IT WILL AT ALL T1B> AXI> I'XIISS ALL nSCVSV TlNcr A>T IX HARIKINT aiTM THI LAWTS T1IAT eoTiBB TUB rmkiB >i -TIB . , e ( srlte rtur.-s i> t-'LKl.V puansusMmsunsi nr.iiN.. i.r masAas ANHTIIF or r A.IR. AD i i, TiiouaAKMor THAT IT 1MIKI A 1. 1. IT > I tin- T- > LAUISS CAM U1AIII.T Tl-nri *) K'iK THB i I US IT KlI'NirT t nBrUAnm l> riTIHK SBX THII ItBDKl't I- I N.. n , A ... Mr , ** I M'l E. riXkllAJli VF.HETABLC OOHrXM/nrO S) Prior SL Mi h-Jtir. for ax -.r, . . ...t.^Ti^id. laKm atxm. In. PtakkMn'e -OUb lo H^aJih '.111 W BMM ftvtn I tlinr nn Ii iniillj s noaml at tfsa. Ma-e. M-ramtry .huaM b. -rh LTT>U II i III." **-T- -- " "T - - '- ,tf ID* i JT.T r D. V It. V4. 30 DAYS' TRIAL , TALITV S-mplru uiwv (or Hi u*>uirvi Voltaic BfU C<\. Marshall. Mirh. >!>!. ! > t U t II I II I < Tan VOI.TALIO Mi T Co.. of Btsnbsai. Hub Offer to sen I Ui elr aalebrstexl > I.<TBO VOLTAUO HBI.T ami utber BLScrair AFFLUXCM on trial T r tbirtv Jayi, t men you us; or ol J > afllssjd lib newuoidebllltr, loaf nf vllalitv and man n><l, aoi all slndred troublea Also for rbea mstism, neora (la, paralvala and maov oiber alsisees Complete rrai.Tmtion to health rlor anil aianhnod nnaranteel "n 1*k Is Inear-ed as thirty <1a;i trial Is a low..i. Write then- s* onoe for llluftratetl puuphl^t free. WEILEYAN LADES' COLLEGE. HAMILTON, CANADA. Will reopen nn BptmNir ted. l*>4. It Is Ibe nlilaat ami larvae! I jadlee'Collewe ID the Dominion la* over IK) spadssua. Tns Iniil ISM met 11100(0 and ha* orer \Sfl ro^ma Ka^oliv Five :s'-tl men an>l twelve Ivlles. Haste and art apeeialtie*. Address ths Priaetpsl, A. Ht'KN- n i> 1,1. n When I A1 1 nr- t .. R,.| 1*^1 1 1 .me and ttoa b* t ' *l rota. I bafe Ibe dlaai >im Kl-llinir t"e* t't "a VnalTea' ar 'rfmjr InfWIlMe rirdy 01 B. -li eaaei fM .j'ls-r 1 . 1 ::^ 11 .'^* ~T^. EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. 0. 8. RYER8ON, L. R. 0. P. B. . Lecturer nn tbe Rys. Rsr an>l Throat Trinity Medical Oolleft, Toronto. Oenllsttil Anriit lo ibe Toronto (teaeral llni>ita.l. , CUmoal Ai-litanl Koyal Londno Ophthtlmla R <*intal tluorvfleld'i and Central LOSJSBSB Tsn<al and Car Hnspltal. S17 Cbaroh bwset TurpDtn. Artirlr al Rouian Bysa. SA su aaon*m> a ttosiuae tMaoatiua at HornovTlac Kec SI ie HriNO IAN Olrcolan frer OOUJIil

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