Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1884, p. 8

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Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. In the Township of Artenic&ife, m tl ' County of Grey, 4 mile from Fleiiherton Station, tin.' Canadian 1'aeifU Railway. Tlic Mill it situated at Little Falls, in a block of bout 400 acres Timber Laud, with other timber* laud inrrouudiug. The building in sub- btautiully built on stone foundation. The machinery in all good and driven with great power by a '23 inch Leffel wheel, under 30 feet head of water. There are 1 Large Circular Saw for cutting logs ; 2 Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Broom Handles ; 1 Ouage Lathe for turning Broom Handles, Ac.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer and Packer com- plete. The Water-Power is excellent, the stri-aus being very regular. There are several other good Mill Sites on th property. The laud in this valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent Stock Farm when the timber is taken oil This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on FAVORABLE TERMS. The bush is so eon- veuient to the Mill, logs can b trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, FLESRERTON STATION P.O.. ONT. HEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, are made of the bent selaeted timber, aud all the Latest Improved Machinery are employed in making. The Hoxes are let by a Patent Holing Machine, and are pressed into the Hub by a 1'ivss of 23 (out power, and can never get loose u Boxes do wedged in the old way. HE AMD'S Waggons, .11 things considered, la the Cheapest. Strongut, moot Durable, and the Easiest Running Waggons uiade. Hubert Bwt says that be could not draw his Hone Power up a very steep hill without help on a Speight Waggon, and he says he can do it with one of HKAliU'S Waggons. He knows that JOHN U HEABD uiakcH the Easiest Kunuiiig W Come and se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Mle ::: Momtal Works, Sucli as Monmncnts, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblcized Slate, \c., &c. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. This is not the " Red Flag " you have read so imiHi aboal ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square deaiing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'5 PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS I'urify the Blood, correct all Ditordern of the Stomach, Kidn'yH, and I ;,,\N , u. ^^SSttttfftM^ THE OINTMENT Is an mfaUible rumedy for Had I*R. Ilad Ilret. Old Wounds. 8ore and ricors It Is famous for Cr.iut and KheiiinatUm. For disorder,, of the Chert it ha no equal For SO HE THRO. 17, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Olau.lular Swelli, w . and all Hkin Dlwane, it has no and (or contracted aud .tiff jolntx it actii like a charm Eanulactured only at 1'rofemior HOLLOWAT'S Establishment, 78, New Oxford .Street < late 533, Oxford Street ), Loiuton, ' lta fc M - * l Nlreft, Ismirn,. t/, If the W The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 30 cents. \i it in. -i. i t'ounctl. This C'oBUcil net on July 7th, members all present. lln liv \e iii tin' chair. Minutes of last meeting reml and con finned. A. letter from John Olliver was presented and rud. A petition from J. It. Stewart, re 10th Con. presented and read. Accounts an follows : Jas. Stewart repair- ing bridge 17 , R. J. Sproule, postage $4.90 ; H. Cairns, repairing scraper J1.10 ; J. Har- grave, gravel for road 84.*0 ; Moffalt Bros., | for scrapers, 91.20; W. Wright timber for culvert S 3 ; the above were ordered to be paid. Patrick Welsh presented an acconnt for right of way ou 9th On. 3100 which was laid ou the tahjsj. Hu.'h Walton presented an account $110 right ,f isitynu towu line, ArteniHsia aud Eupnrania. The committee appointed to examine gravel roads presented their report recom- mending an expenditure on the gravel roads as follows : lieti u Flesherton and the StationtloO; Station and I'ricevillt 1100 ; near Markdale $75; East from Flosherton ISO; South of Klesberton *25, which ou motion was adopted. Mr. McArthur. That Ann. McKinnon be exempted from statute labor for 1884. Mr. Blakley. That Cbas. Hales be paid (55, contract on Tyrone bridge. Mr. McArthur. That John Turner be re- funded $3 for statute labor of 1883, en lots 28 and }9, 3 8. D. R. said labor having been performed! Mr. Pedlar. That Jas. Fisher, 124.20; J. W. Hoath, $14 ; H. rYnwick, 816 ; John Williams, 117.60 ; Jas. Little, IS ; George Kutledge. 116, be paid for road jobs in Ward No. 4. Mr. McArthur. That Messrs. Blakley and Elliott be paid 14 and 93 respectively for services on gravel road committee, Mr. Pedlar. That Jas. H. Stewart's petition be entertained, and 125 be ex- pended on 10th concession. air. Blakloy. That *10 be granted to re- pair bridge on 200th fide road, E. T. it S. Boad. Mr. Blakley. That tlo be granted to im- prove hill opposite lot 135, W. T. it S. Road. Mr. McArthur. That 920 be granted to improve town line Gleuelg and A. terse sia, ionlh of the Irish Like, provided Glenelg [rant an equal sum. FIRE AT RODNEY. Fruiii the St. 7Viom<i Jiarntd. Rodney, for the second time within the past year, suffered a most destructive loss by fire last night. About half-past seven o'clock, flainea were discovered issuing from the railway station, which in leaci than an hour cousnmsd the entire station house and all its contents, money, books, freight, express goods, Montreal Telegraph property, etc., elc. Mr.|\\ill. Keifer, the agent, (eldest son of Mr Oeo. Keifcr, Flesherton) was away to his tea just before, and on returning, he went about hit usual business in tho office when no detected the smell of .-ioMKTKi v. nminifo. and upon going to the door of tho freight department and opening it he found the whole in a mass of flames, which rushed in upon him, compelling him to kave without oven his hat or coat. In the pocket of the cent were a number of private papers and #10 in money. In a lew minutes the whole population of the village were ou hand, uml n treat num- ber worked like heroes toward saving the surrounding pro|.crty. Six cars, some of thorn ludeii, WITH pushed along the track nit nf danger. A u'rrat portion of the. platform was torn up and carried out of reach of th il. vurin K element. The stock yard was saved, with other railway' pro]rty, also alrout 1,000 cords of wood belonging principally to Messrs. T. W. Kirkpatrick, .T. QajWhsW and J. J. Mis- telo. Water was carried fnmi all parts if tho vill.'igu in pnils, until nearly every well was drained, and all thai could pos- sible he saved was nuido secure. Mr. T. W. Kirkpatrick broke open the freight shed, and got out his trunk, which had arrived on the train shortly before A few benches were pulled out of the wait- ing room and a nU'nber of agricul- tural implements, such as reapers, drills, plows, etc. , belonging to Mr. Crei-n, of Essex Centre, were takuu out of the warehouse, but by the superhuman effort of tho citizen the warehouse was aavod. although on fire a number of times, Altogether it wrw somewhat astonishing the amount of property wived, but there fortunately was no wfnd at the timo, though there h-.d In - m a firm pale all the arhor part of the day. Tho stiition house was a nicn Urge frame structure, one of the best along the lino out side of towns and cities, and the loss thereof casts a gloom over the village. It was remark- able the number .if people who stood around watching the tiro, too proud or too lazy, or doubtless both, to turn in and give a helping hand, notwithstanding soino were interested parties : but pro- bably this is usual upon such occasions. However, those who did work, worked with a will as long as they could possibly do so. Salt Rheum, Salt Rheum, Pimples, or Blotches can be thoroughly removed by ,iro)*r Application of McGrfRorA Parke's Carbolic Gtrate to the part, and u few doses of McGregor's Sperdy Cure for impure blood. Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared by McGregor & Parke Hold at 25 cents at Richardaon'g Dmt Store. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWEE wss the first preparation perfectly adapted to euro diseases of the scalp, and toe tirst suc- rwof u! restorer of faded or gray hair to Its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had luauy Imitators, but none have so folly met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. HALL'S HAIB lo N r WKK has steadily grown In favor, aud spread IK fame and uif uliicw to every quarter of the (lobe. Its uufXkrul- leled success can be attributed to bat *oe cause: Ike nttirt fulfilment of ittprvmitet. The proprietors have often been inrprlsed at the receipt of orders from remote coun- tries, where they had never made an effort for it* introduction. The une for a short time of HALL'S HAIB KESKWKR wonderfully Improves the per- sonal apprtirauw. It cleanses the scalp from all Impurities, cure* all humors, frier, ami dryiiass, and thiu prevents baldueM. It stimulates tho weakened glands, and enables tin-in to posh forward a new aud rigorous growth. The effect* of Ibis article are not transient, like tuone of alouiiollc urvpura- tious.but remain a long time, which "nutlets lu ose a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, orlil.irk, aailosired. It produces n^vrruaiient color that will not wash away. Couiitingof a ilngle preparation. It Is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY R, P. HALL & CO,, Nashua, N.H. SoM by all Dealers In Medicines. FOB ALL THE FORMS or ScTofnlons, Mcrrrirlal, aod Blood Dlaorders, the bent remedy, because the most wan-hliiy and thorough blood-purlfler, is Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Urnggistj ; 1, six bottles, 96. \ Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO~Di7ISI01T. Change of Time. CommeHciiu/ Mutuli\y, May IS, ISRj. Toronto, tirey & Brnce Division. TonoxTO, depart, ........................ 7 3D*. in. ftp.m. rlo. arrive ......................... 10.46 " 10 NOTK. Mixed train lavo Parkdafe 7.10 a.m. CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION. ToaoKTO, depart, 7 10 a.m., 1.05p.m., 4.50p.m. arrive, 9.30 " :i.., T.OO NOTB. Mixed train leaves Parkdalo 1 a.m. .n a<l>litloual traio will be run iu connec- tion with tho Caitadi'in Pacific Steamthip Line, LeavluK Toronto, 11 .'W a.m. W.WHYTK. D. MrNIOOLL, OEN'L HCP'T. GBM'L I'ASS. AOT. TRAINS LRAVK FLESHERTON STATION: OoinR North,, at 11 r> a.m, 2:5p.m., 4 0:1S pm Ooini; South, at f>:4.1am, 9MI a.m , ft 5:47 p.m. Steamship Ki|irc>u>, going North. tS) p.m. " " " THE MARKETS. FLESIIEUTON. Plonr ..................... $5 Full Wheat ............ $0 Wheat .......... Oats ......... ....... .... Peas ...................... Butter .................... Eggs, fresh .............. Potatoes .................. Pork .................... 7 Hay, per ton ............. 6 Him ..................... 4 Wool ...................... Sheepskins ............. Gccse .................... Ducks, per braco ....... Chickens, pi r brace.... Wool .................... 00 to 50 to 60 50 8. r i 60 12 . 15 80 00 SO oo 15 CO oo 00 00 15 5 50 1 00 1 00 60 88 65 15 00 05 7 50 7 0(1 6 50 18 1 00 00 00 00 18 Cures Cholera, Cholera Mnrbus. Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sici:- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietor*, Toronto. PLESHBRTON Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, I'H.U.KK IN Watches, (locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts ! or other Clap-Trap Induce ments offered, but self you Goods as low as they can be figured consistent with HONEST TRADE. Watch Repairing a specialty- All Work Guaranteed MAGYAR DC YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM TREEMA1TS f WORM ' POW OERS. Are rlsasant to Uke. Contain thlr own fargtiv. Is a safu, son, and ttoctmml in ehUdran or Adals> 3DO LISTS or "Turn Fat SAU- MO "Turn 9unu- lasts DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL TIER MAIL htf become iii. K4-.-ii K ni/..i MC .Hum for ram Ad- > rll., ni. nl Aid coinlni motr nf llwra thu ill other CtnxUui ftfln COB bitted. It b4i 350,000 rcftdcrt of tbe nghl ou*. AHVHRT15EMESTS of "Firm for Sle" Uld "FlTOs Wnnit.l.-'-Slork-of "Swl (or SJc " or Wauled ' inxnnl u. Till WM.KI V MAIUXwoKpwworde>Uln<tl<>n. uf ,/ nirr ftr word lai t Mtrm^fu. nt In THE UAtl V MAIL Ht*e **** ami pef >d McklnMnuci. Add.e- THE MAIL Ttmtc. C~~at. Wm. Lucas & Co., Unnlcern. Markdale and Dunda/k. TraniAct * ( n.TiO llankiiig llunltiMit. Urutu iimiinil payable ni riny ofltev of the MI1IU HANTS or IfOLaOK H Hank. DifCllVMlfli HHll Mrili'y to /.,, ut Interest Allowed on Deposits MM. IATAB & CU EUGENIA Grist Mill, H IE: Iii: ill K mn.le Pitensive iiii|iniTciiiriiiH In my Orisl Mill, I nm CDiifl.leni I eau *itr t-on-i sntis(acti<iu. nxf! UOXK .IAT DAY. (roml l-'; ;) iir lwv on hand. Custom Sawing, atld Bills filleil nn the nlmrtcst nntiro. Ltim- bfr and laith ninny, cm Jmtiil. WANTED : Clicrry, Jiutlonin*, \V|iit Ash, Black Ash, , Pine (iiicJ Hunliick I,.'j;< M, AKITT, ' I

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