AND "STILL THEY COMB!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Rings, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. THE ADVANCE. A. R- fawoett, Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1884. . SHOW YOUR COLORS. U there is one person above another in a community who deserves to be treated with gcorn, it is the man who takog (he neutral stand in all public questions, and will not for the life of him give eipression to his honest con viciioni because somebody might be offended forsooth ! He is one of your " hurrah for everybody " men, who will never accomplish much in his own interests or in that of the community in which he resides. He M neither for nor against ; nor yet does he entertain an independent opinion. If neighbor Pepper says the " couu try'i going to the dogs," your neutral character is rather inclined to think " there's something in what he sayn, sir ;" and if neighbor Sail expresses an opinion exactly the reverse of neighbor Pepper's, your neutral man jbierves that " there is something in that, too, air!" Never express- ing an opinion of their own. bat always chiming in with what everybody else says, this class of hu- man beings generally succeed in mak- ing fewanemiel and few strong friends. Then ii nothing to awaken enthus- iasm or incite to auger in anything they do or nay Ju*t now nn important movement is on foot iu Groy, and already these neutral humbugs are cropping out in various parts of the County. They have no opinion to express indeed aomo of them seem to be sitting on the fence, ri'aiiv to sacrifice themselves to the highest bidder. They have not decided as to what course they shall pursue. Sometimes, yon know, they think the Scott Act is a good thing, you know ; and then again, you know, a person cau't moat generally always toll what tin -y really do think about the affair, you know. Although the Scott Act has been before the people of Grey several months, scores of in- telligent men can be pointed out who are ' atill halting between two opin- ions!" Now, to make our remarks more pointed, we have only to refer to the Markdalo <SV</n<(Wand Dundalk Her- <ild two heal journals edited by gen- tleman of pronounced Temuerancc proclivities as an illustration of the indecision which seems to character- i/o th stand taken even by some of our " moulders of public opinion." We do not by any means desire to dictate to the editors of the papers mentioned the course they should pursue. Our sole wish is to have an intelligent ex- pression of their views as to the advisability of nubniittiag the Scott Act in Grey- and the more especially, because the expression of their views a', the present juncture will have the tendency to awaken intelligent discus- sion among the ratepayers. It will ;ilso show a disposition to be manly and straightforward, whether their views arc iu perfect harmpnv with the pronounced Scott Act men ; or not. .Show your colors, gentlemen, THE BOUNDARY AWARD. Again the attention of the people is directed to the famous " Boundary Award " which formed such a promi- nent theme for discussion on the hustings during the recent Provincial Elections. Every politician of note was supposed to ha conversant with every detail in this much vexed question, and prepared at a moments notice to defend the views of his par- ticular party in connection therewith. The late lamented M. P. P. for East Grey, Mr. A. W. Lauder, in a masterly speech in the Town Hall, Flesherton, in the winter of '83, on the great questions of the day, stoutly main- tained that in the end the public would find that Sir John McDonald's opinion of the Award was correct, and Mr. Uowat's wrong. He had every confidence in Sir John's abilities as a constitutional lawyer, as well as in his abilities as a statesman. The con- fidence of one of the most brilliant and incisive debaters in the Ontario House, was not misplaced. Last week the Pi ivy Council decided, that the award of the boundary arbitrators, Sir Edward Thornton, Sir Francis Hincks, and the late Chief Justice Harrison, was not binding on ABSURD. In our editorial last week headed " That Poll Tax," w introduced two suppositions characters, viz., Tom Jones and Dick Smith, iu order to make our remarks on the subject more pointed. Now, it seems that there is a man in this locality named Dick Smith, who has really taken offence at our remarks, alleging that the Dick Smith . referred to in our editorial was no less a person than himself ! The very fact that we did not know there was such a personage in the district through which THE ADVANCE circulates until after the editorial in question appeared in print, proves conclusively that we had no refertnce to the gentleman who has been vowing vengeance on our devoted head. However, if Mr. Smith thinks our remarks fit his case, why we have no objection in the world to his put- ting the cap on. Of course not. THE AND FREE LANCE" FRAUDS The tree Lance, a mouthy paper issued for the express purpose of ex- posing frauds, and published by Spence 4 Co., Toronto, is doing a good work. In the July number before us we no- Ontario and the Dominion. It was t i cc a list of newspapers which have claimed that " the arbitration was not: been publishing fraudulent advertise- " authorized, that Ontario and tho , ne nt, thereby assisting the schemes Ko Him I* Tin FULD. There i DO ri - T| of J >r Power's Kxtract of Wild Straw- !i rr y It ii the acknowledged champion for tjie cart of til Summer Complaint*. " Dominion had not agreed to be held " to it, and that all the interests " touched by it were not consulted or " represented. It was further urged " that the arbitrators had not, as re- " quired, found the actual boundary " line ; but had arrived at a com- " promised boundary, in which respect " they had eiceedod their instructions anil had assumed the functions ol the legislature." This was the decision of the Privy Council as to the first point raised in the Boundary dispute. The second point " What, on the evidence set " forth, is the true boundary between " the two provinces, Ontario and Man- itoba " has been decided since the foregoing was in typo, and rather fav- ors Mr. Mowat's view of the question. As there arc other points to be decided, however, we forbear further comment for the present. ROTTEN EGGED. From a press despatch in Monday's MU, we notice that the Rev. Mr. Smyth, Methodist minister of Walk. > ton and formerly of Flesherton, was rotten-egged on the public street by an irate Sabbath School teacher, who alleged that the Rev. gentleman had given currency to a rumor reflecting on her character. She was promptly brought before the Mayor and a IK-IK Ii of magistrates, and had to pay $10 and costs for her unseemly con. duct. We have never had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Smyth, but he is very highly spoken of by the people in this locality who are well acquainted with him. From what we know, he is altogether above tho tittle-tattle gossip by the excitable The probability attributed to him female referred to is that one of those detestable scandal- mongers so common in villages ami towns has just been a little "too previous" with his or her tongue. HOPKFCL WOHDH. Mr. McArthur, of Hop*, ville, Out , -u\.i nli ct>n|d not keen bonne Without Hazard's Pectoral lUlmitu to onre |>rer ailing tliront and lung tronMf. of swindlers. In this list we noticed, to our surprise and sorrow, the name of the Dundalk Herald a paper, we always thought, which would be above disseminating what might very prop- erly be called, "pernictoiiH literature." We trust the Ihmld man will expunge the objectionable advertisements with all \ p. 'lit in, so that the name of his paper may be removed from the black list of our sprightly contemporary, the Free Lance. NOTICE! TOWXMHIPM OF Artemesia & Euphrasia In the <'ounty of rey. NOTICK In hereby glvon, that the Munlclrw Count-flu of the Townihipi of Artoiniwia ami Sta|diraaUh rmpenttvuly, will, after four wtwkafrnin thu flint publication In the new|>a pur railed tli<> Ff.KamcimiN AnvANm (the dato of flrt publication i* the loth day of July. A. I). IHHI.I pnMMd topa l>y-l>n for th . anil M'lliiu; ,ir otlmrwino Ahqmtai of tho iinrirr- iiKsntinnwl Deviation. in<l Original Koad allowan mid i' 1 Townihl ncc. IICIIIK within the iai>l Towhahipiand it of the boundary linu Initweeu the *ald r* II and Hlneular that mud iloviation *ur- vevfd In T U. (lilliland. Kq .(the plan of which IH dati-il September 87th, l:i. and belnu onu chain In width, the centre line of which lido- M-rii>ecl followa: CoiiiineiiciiiK at a point on the iiatrly liound- ary of alleviation of road now travelled throuKb Lot Niiinlirr Tw<'nty-Hevcn in the Fourteenth Conremlon of the Townihlii of Artommla, at di*tancB of five chain* and thirty-four liukmnoru or le frtm tin- centre of tlin ttimnilary lino be- twi-vn the ai<l Townnhlp*. Thence north Twen- ty-Throe degrMI ftftoan mlnuUm, oait. nevon chain* iiiiiru or leu* Thence north Forty-Six decree.. at, onuchnin and ulitht v llrikn. 'lli.n. ,. onto fnrtv live deitreao thirty minute* cant, one chain anil twimty-cluht )lnk more or lea to the northerly l..>nndarv of the. >,,|.| lioundary line l 'tween tho naid Townlilp of Artcim-vla aud Eupbnaia. 2nd. -All and i inal aid d. -All and inuular that iwrtion of the orig- allowsiiri- 1 if the lioundnry line (M-twiien tho aid lownliii, of Artemoiiia ami Kiiphranla. the cantrellne nf which may IHI more particularly .--. . cli.i-i-ili,.,l ,. . f,,||ow, and otio chain In width Commencing at a point in the centre of laid iMiniirlivrv im,. hetween the miid Townihlpn, op- lH)ito the (.outh-WBHterly annle of Ixit Niiinl,..r Due in the Fourth (^unowMliiii of the Towimhiii of Ruphraala. Thencu ewtorly alouK the nrlKin- 1 migBtno courne of nald iKiundary line four chain. n, I twelve aud on-li>lf llnki. All lemons interonted are hereby required to tako nntici) and uoveru tbeinielvea accordloRly. W.J r.RU,AMY. Twp. ricrk. Ai ti'iiie-ia. <"g(l) IUWKUT DI'SI.OP, Twp Clerk, Ruphraila. Dated July loth, IMK. JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF THE- \orlh American Manufacturing Co. (Limited) For the Counties of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, 1 I Hi I i N .1 in.-- of lMI*LE>IJ3NTfii. North American Harvester and Twine-Binder, (J ft. cut. ' " " 5 ft. cut. Imperial Harvester, improved. Diploma Harvester and Reaper. Improved Model Mower. J. P. M.i 1 1 in- \ Mower, I X L Reaper and Mower, Combined, " Single Reaper, " Single Mower, Hay Rake, F. F. Grain Drill, North American Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 13 Plow, Corn Cultivator and Scuffler, Large C. Bo;; for Horse Power, Little Boss Horse Power, Horse-Power Jack. Alto John Deere celebrated American Plowi ; Horse-Power*, Separator*. \Ve>tern Einpife- Engine* and Holler*. Coiuhiuud 1'ortablu KiiKim-r, aud Hviiaratom.aml lion* Power* & SenaraUir* Haw Will Machinery. Ac.. Ac. Agents Wanted in Every Township ! FOR FIRST-CLASS Cistern Pumps, and Sinks! Earle Strain's Tinware Emporium! WM. CLAYTON - Has on hand a Largo assortment of - Mem, Womens & BOOTS AND SHOES. Kf Suitable for tlie Summer. Call and sec Quality and Price Second to ITone ! WM. CLAYTON, - FLESH ERTON J. W. Furniture. Dealer and Undertaker, PLKHHKBTON, - . ONT. MONEY TO LOAN! Private and Company's Funds, dt Lowest Rates. JAS. LAMON, ?, LVKUALK. Burdock Currs Dizziness, Irtss of Appetite, Indigestion, ttiUoumets, Dyspepsia, Jaumiice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Matches, Roils, Humors, Salt Rkrvm, Scrofula. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Imj>ur<'. lilood, Deranged Stomach, or irnyular action of the Jlouelt. i . v : .L . -, . - ' <: