Flesherion Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEAT." VOL. IV., NO. 156. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, One of the loading floral atirl Fairl'v N.-wiipapbrs ill Northern Ontario. I'jI.li'-huJ FBOM THE OPFICK, rfii, (hit. TKKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : f 1.00 per auunui iu advance ; f 1.50 if not paid it the end of oue year. No paper discontinued niil all arrearage* are paid up. aud DU aubscri|>- Jioua taken fur leas than uuo yaar, oxc-opt whim t-peclal arrangements for aborter period* are mail* with the pubhabar. ADVERTISING BATES. Ac. Casual a<lvt>rtiM>auenU.HceuU per lat ioaartion aud 1 oanU par Hue each aulxvauKUt Insertion. Transient adwrtineineutii to no paM for when ordered. Advertiaeuiunu witnout spec!*! dir- ttons mil IK' iuurtd till forbid and chart;.-! accordingly. l.iboral imlucnnnntx to regular advertisers. Notice* among reading uiatu#r, 10 cent* per hue each iuaertiun. Mo advertuenleut discontinued until all ar r.-.trajfes are i>aid up. Copy for advrrtlneraents choul.1 reach tfcin iffico not latrriliau noon <m Tuesday to uuiuru insertion iu aurruut Usuti. A. K. FAWC^ITT, Editor ttd PiMuher. Book d Job Printing ! ID every style of thu sVrt, At re>uuiiMu pm-ew aud on abort notice Order* by mail will recttivu prompt atteutiou. Turuit, strictly cMh A FEW HINTS SEMI- ANN UAL MEETING FOR THE OS OF Dos. 7b Move Ike boto- 3 to 4 PUif; t to t l-illt. Experience tnil decide (a* proper due m eaek am. OF THE MM I II VEEY TEACH- AMSO<IATIO>. (Rtpvrtalby M. P. Afr.V.isfar, l^lesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PBOPMETOH Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Mcato constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly tilled. A. O. U. "W. UI.KSHrTKTON Lodjio No. 148. meat In their C 1-odRr Kcx>ni, * ruin * 1.1 .ck. Tnr'ii.to rtreut. mi the lat and .tnl Uooday in uarh iui>uUi, at ; :J p.m. abarp. Viitiu hrothren welcome. M. P. MOUaTEtt. M.W. W. O Plcntix, Beo r For < <>ni>ti|intl,in, or Costlnne**, no remedy I* so effective as AYBB'S PILLS. They Insure regular dally action, and re- store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AVEK'S PILLS are Invaluable, and s sure cnre. Heart-ban, !.<> of Appetite, Foal f Stomach, Flatulency, Dltslne**, II.*.!- . eh*, N umburss, Nausea, are all relieved . aud cured by AYKB'S PILLS. In Liver Complaint . Bllloo* Disorders, and Jaaadla, AYBJt'S PILLS ahonld be given In doses uusj* enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of tae bowels, are expelled by these TILLS. Kraptlon*. 8kls Disease*, aad I'll.--. UK result of Indigestion or Constipation, ar* cored by the use of A v MI'* HILLS. Fur Cold*, take Aria's PILLS to open the pere*. remove inflammatory secretion*, anil allay the fever. For Msrrhojs aii.1 Dysentery, caased by iuJJeu colds, iudigesttble fuud, etc., ATia'S PILLS are the true remedy. I Kii.-uiiiatl.iii, Goat, Neurslsrla, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, or eoldi, and disappear on removing the Close by the use of ATZB's PILLS. Tumor*, Drop*y, Kidney Complaint*, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cared by Area's PILLS. Bspprrsslon, ami Painful Bfrnstrusv. tlon, have a lafe and ready remedy In AVER'S PILLS. Full directions, in various languages, as- NBpauy each package. FHEPAKCD IT Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mais. SoU by all Druggist*. Thursday, Va2Vth. The Convention met at Itti^a,**., the I'n-nKli nt, Mr. Chan, llain-? , In the chair. The meeting vrai njK-ned by reading a iKirtion of scripture *iid with prayer by Inspector Fuixus*-". The Preiidit read a very interesting aiMro.sH, which was liiUmcd to witli mark- ed attention. It waa very practical and full of iiutlructi,.n. Iu hia opinion, more of tin- Teachers of South Oruy h nUl al- low their nonius to appear on the pro- gramme, and that more viaitora ahoulo he present, eipt-ciaJly Truitvea. He thought that Tcachera' Iiiatitutee should U' orxan- izod in South Grey, and adviavd the dis- cuasion of thu *ut>ject at thia niuetinK. Critica sin mid al*> be appointed f r each subject. The following committee waa appointed to criticise tlio different papers : -MsMra. M .'M.vitiT. l>ix'n, and McArthur. M w.l liy M I'. McMaatur second*-: by H. Itt-ll, that :iciiiniiiittsn ouniuting : Measni. McDonald, Diion, ajul Oxenhain, be appointed U > rvport on I'rosulrnt a ad- drcas tn morrow. --Carried. The following committee was flflpointed to nominate tin- otticrrs for the vnauing year : Meian. McDonald, Lhxou, and McArthur. Snirl rvport to te read to- morrow forenoon. I'ln-ular frun thr Toronto 1'ut-iir School Principal's Auociation re 8upnuinunti<>n Fund wan read and a i-miixiittov couaiat- ini! of Mexsrs. M-D. nuld, Pixmi, and Ox- , nh:im. appoiatd to bring in a report un I.JO Writing. Knowledge of standing of pupils. DUFFEEIN LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. Flesherton- ajfKKTS .very Tnes'lav KM.nlnij at H o'clock. iu )jo<l^.- ILMIIII. htrain's block, Toronto ittrevt. Degree LxJUjfe, lut Tuesday in each mouth. Vi- itint; hretliren cordially mvited. lOi Hl.M KBI'UN.N (i. A. B. ViSDCSS'W. K.8. I Fleehertou MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THK ii.-xt Fair will take place on MONDAY. 1 JUNK Otb, 18M. J.I'. MARSHALL, L.U.S DKNTIST. QBADUATK of Toionto Bcliool of Dent will be at Mm Mali- III" M an, I i.l U.^.i." day of uaoh iimnfli. autl at ri#^li.-i ><i >r. t'i, '-L aii'l :<r,l Ti.'iiwlay In each i.iuuili >o. IU piaclicu of bia nrofeHHioii. FROST & FROS . Cards. Look Here. Do you want a new Hotixi or llaru ? If so I >umk you will ftnd it to your advantage to call , ,i.l heo uif. As 1 do a larn<! huaUMH I can build mi small iirortu. All contract* promptly attn- j ,1ml to and work fuaraateed. Thanking the pan- lie for past patronage. an,l by fair prices and i;o,>l work, I nope to merit a continuance of the BAltUIHTKKS. SOI.II 1TDKS ( OSVKYVNr I'S. *! Uflif.- l'i ul.'tt streft. l>WEM SutMi. auil very Thurailay it K1.KSHK1UVN. J. \V. KUOST, I.I. II ALPHED K1IOST. Cruwii Count j Attorney. I i . >i !. STRAIN & LARGE, Builders and Contractors, FLESHERTON. \re prepared to utt-ii 1 t.i I'.rick * Stone Work in all ita branches. Ordurs loft at the AHVINCK oince will r*e*l** prompt attention. Goodirork t Fair Price*. J. M. OTebsiei*, EUGENIA, LICF.NHKD AnctUinewr r,,i tin- ( , int\ of (!r,'V Money to lend as umial. at raaaoBabl* ratea. Fire and Life Insurance Cotnniiinicatiani ad- 4resed 1.1 Kiujenla I'.O. promptly attended K, John W. Armstrong, KLKHIIKUTIIN. Co. OIIKV. T\1VIION COURT n.KUK. ( OMMISSIONEB U lii II. H.. Con?e>anc>r, Ac AKIII! forpurchan* 4iid sale oif lauds. AppraimT f ir c. Ij. C. Coin- anil F 1'. . 4 S. Society. Monti) to Loan on the moot reasonable term*. lasum or MAB1UAOK l.ll KNSKS. MAXWRLL, .... (iNT. Oood acconimoilation . bent l>ran,1 Li.mor-i .\ Clx^r*. (io.wl Stal.litik' and attentive Hoatler. The only Hotel in the place. Jos. ALLIHON, Pr.npBirros. Flesherton Station Hotel .\l'j\ //.i,,/, ill ,t- >'",i. l'i-"/>ri't -i*. THK aliove Until having l)n thoroughly re- lUtwl thrmmhnut. now HlT.M .1- , \c. 11, nt ae oommodatlon toth* travelling puMic T i u 11 supplieil with choice l.ii|iii.rn aasOlslan In fact, ample a<:coinnioUativii is afforded li.-re to IK. tli mail anil U-ast. 190-ly ]_>r. I I i\.ii. dan, Surgeon, and ACCOUCUER, I'RICEVTLLE, - ONTARIO All ciiUf in 1 !- Alexander Brown, ISSUER of Marriage Llct'incx, (irnrral A^'iit Ac Licensed Auctioneer for County of Orey. i in- K II.I.E P.O., Ont. W. S. GRIFFIN, M. 0. jtf. c. P. x., f.vr \\ ill be hi Kli'sl'.crt<ui evcvv Tuosday and Fiiilav from Id to 4 ii 1.1. OFFICE, in Wm. Stiaini. block. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.Kr.K AIITKMEBU. ESTATE* INSURANCE AGENT COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. MONEY loaned on J.IXH! n'cnrity on the mot favorable terms anil at moderate rates of Interest. Mortaea bonKht. Office dearly op- own Hall. FLBIBEBTON. At >!\ /Vr C. nt. Money to Loan. n fttr,ii<ihl a r ^ITITII Interest palil \carly, not in a,lvace. No i vv coinmisMi, HI charged. AI-I-I. to A. GKILR. TUOKXUIRY. Take The Ad-, vance. The meeting thru adjourned to ncluck p.m. AFTERNOON HSHHIN. Mr. Gorslme read a paper on "Miiiit--r of Education rs. Chief SupunnU'ti'lnit Hu thought the Do|>artDittnt .u too full , nf politics, aud the appointment uf Min- ister was for |M>nti.-a>, purposes. II,- attacked, in ratht-r a sp-civ manner, Hon. A. K. 1 1. inly. Tho fuadar Ques- tion and the Mannion omitr 'Vursy. Mr. Tait, f the (.'(JUnjiatu fnitituU'. CnlliiigwiMNl, did not a^rve with Mr. Gor- slim' in all his assertions, llo iUf,-inl. .! the .irfi.ui* of til, .MinisU i in most of tht-ftu particulars, and stated th:it :hc pr,>- . i n,. in.-ittcr who w;u ;it tin lie.wl of tin.' I), |.;i|-tMii'iit. Mr. M. P. McMmtur of K!. !i,-rt,.ii :tnd Mr. \Vmtvrnouriir ol I>iirlum, wen appointed critica mi Mr. ( i["T. the criticisms to bo made t'i.- f w.nj: day. Mr. Tait of CoUingwwd, HMI! i ex- cellent i .'ipiT "ii (raiiiiiiji'i,-.ii ''itti.ul n.--t. lit- explained very cl.Mrly the dif- ferent parts of Mpoech, and dwelt for n oooaideruU* tints un the Infinitive M.....I He stated that Mason's f, in. of iinalysi* 'was thu ln-nt of any srhrinv '!i:tt was unrd. The p;i|H!r w.t* iliscu.smd 1'V M,'n 1><- I.eV-ttt. r 'f < >w> n SoOu.l V M;isU.T, Dixon, Oxenliitin, aini Miss Smith. Mr. H. IeI.,'Matter of >,- Sound Hi^'b ScliiMil, took up tho suliji'ct of I;, i.lin-.. " Me thought that Canadian* weru tin; w^rat ttrtirulnton in the wurbl. luit that there was a great inipniveim-iit in tho reading of pupil* Doming n|,f-.i , nt i. in.-, .-\;iniiii!vlioii8. Mi- li:,ii,i!,'il his subject to tho siitif.lrti"D " f nil prvsmiit. A dincusMoii wait eiit'-rrd into l.y limpfc tor hVrK'ixon, .ami Messrs. Tuit, MoMua- tcr, nnd Oorsline. Adjourned till Friihvy nion.ing at nine .o'clock. n.linv'n slj|sl,,v. After opening in umul nmiiner, Inni tor Fi'rx'H.soii i-tiivd :i carffully pn'paii'.l ;,;i| ,.! "ii "Causes U^nitiiik; to Shurt.si^ht- nliii'jw ill School." Hestatod a numb, r nf causes Uudisatf Ui tan, vix. , 1. 1 1 m, I, "| u. i to vi'iifihiti ,11 2. Defective typ* and ilncolored paper uscrl in text books. He thought the now readers wercan iinpnivsjnciit "ii this. * 3. Too inaiiv hme leaaotis i liil.hi'ii too Imii; from rest. 4. Defective bUu:kl*4r<U. 5. Dofectivu seating, (i. Wet nnd c< ild feet. 7. Comfortable boot* and slnies shou'il be ii-., ,1. I>iNcnssinn wan entered into by Me.Mra. Tait, DeLeMatter, (lurlline, llanm^e, and Hundle. Mr. Tait read n pi\per on " Advantage* and Disadvant-atros of Written linns." (weekly.) Faculty of expression*.- Accuracy of expression. Rapidity of expression. Cramming. Temptation to copy, hence dishon- esty. I'nfair Qucetinn*. Jal.,uy. Hard work for Tesehers. The Quuxtion Drawer was opened.. Mr. Tait answered a number of very difficult problems in Mathematics which was high- ly appreciated by all present. AFTERMOOX ME.SRIOX. Repurt f < 'oiiiniitto- for nominating otficers fur the uiisuing year wan read iut follows :- W. Ferguson, Esq., I. P. 8, President Chas. Rjima^e, Esin., Vice-I'resideni. M. P. McMasttr, Sec. -Treas. Messrs. R. J. Hall, D. Crier, R. Bell, R. J. Oxenham, and Wru. L. Dixon, Managing Committee. ire. Wm. Oorsline and F. Auditors. Chas. lUmatfe, Del. P. A. Report adopted. Mr. Tait gave an address with practical illustrations on Mensuration, which was well received. Mr. D'I> Matter rvad a very intt'rvsiuiu [K-j oil the Tiachers t< auri' -if offloa. A cordial vot, nf thanks was tondured t'i Momrs. Tait and Dt>lA-Mattr for their eat assistance at the couTviiti>.ii. Tho nie.'tinj; adjourned to meet inOct- obur. [\V'e har* boenoompelled to omit sev- ral r-;-,rts of oonunitteus for want ol space. - ED. Nori-l Bucklon's Arnio* Salve. The Rest Salvo in the world f.,r Out- urnls** Sores, I'lcejs, Halt Hli,,um. Fever Hoie*. Tetter, i hai>|v,^i Handii . Chilblains. r<,rn>. an. I it 1 1 Skin ins. and poaltiwly eon* Pll.-s. or DO pay required U la Kuarantewl to give |wrf. ct satis faction, or mon.y rufun.Ud. Price 4A rsi per bo>. Por salt! liy W llichar.lni.il, Kl.-.|i,.rton. Constant review, Nc-ntness. Spelling. -<.MlnTiiEAni.--There<vtit.-.tr*' i planetarr morenienta and electrical i oomenaliav, ,|. .,! [,ed the fact that tbe . .rth is paa-iug thr,, ugh a dan' 4 eruna per- i"d when *tsu, phone lu^uuass will ser- i*l y affect human hsnlth. Fertifj the akuwd systf m with that cnuid tonic r.-ult..r, Hardock ni... J Ifitters, and avoid malarial blood |,o!vn. FROM THKSCAI.PBL. A Tor. m to lidy, Mrs. Rerkepshaw, contracted a di- Haw of the knee joint aud was a.i to ili. ,nt it to a surcfioal operation l,\ thu l(t-st physii'i im attending ; all i.ih.'r tic.it ineiit iMfing f:ii!i-d, w lien Mii({}iird Yellow Oil was tried and speedly effected a cnr'. It IN the nnfailiiiK remedy for u'i'i'li'iits and eincr^'i ticioi, and is fur ex- ternal and internal use. Thr SMI|| in in Halton. .' 1'rftt. ' Tiie second yi^r O f tli,- S,tt Act rign is uMiir-u, a.id iliiu'i,; i !" past year it ban Ii,-. n el... iy .1.1 : ssiisfnc ..i.'y denioiuirated 1 KII as to very n tally ,Ucn.i-v the cuiisuoiptiuu of in ug beveiages. aud Ibij fact is contin- ually g'swing m,ii patent ti everv tumd. Ibat llic act ha* iu no wav injured ti.u'uesn iui u. icliaut.- sru(.i!i*>.^t Wuiinut I-T.N ].|i.iu . . ainl.esiyln u-a. fv. Bimfii, ., l,as not lef . the ,i . ,-\ I ,-iiau,,,. wbuki v -in-- . wi,uld cons, del It an iji-j!l ii -I to My tba I M^iied they woul,; . ,r.,if Joh,rs'iip w.ier,, |t c,.nld !K> ohtaJued. The t'*atiii(j ivsleui, ih,i curse of the liqu..r trafl ic, i nuirtly wi| ej not. It ban cost tin country uoihiug to enforce the Act, the fine* '.i in.., niore than .sutBdont ki meet theeipeu- c ineiirrwl iu ita'nforcrmcnt. Tliefollmv ing rciults have already born achieved : I Tiie art can hi> enforced ; 1. Dusi:i8 i.. u ,, uij,ir.-.l,3 IreatiiiK svstero is killed; 4 There are no shebeens ; .",. Costs the country enforce the Act ; (i. Drinkin? and drnnkeui)oas very mut.iially doercaaed; 7. The poop'e of our county vary geuerally sat- isfied with the Ar|. \Ve nr* now entering oar tuii'd year uudcr 'he Scott Act, but w# have not the ali^hUtt appielieuinoa that it will bf the last year. Hurim; the first six mouthaiift.r tbe Act onuid into forco con Kiderable *M a : d about the repeal. Lately, however, nothing has boea heard on that subject, and wo fed . 'molt satisfied than no further action will take pise* in that dlrec tion. Unt in case the matter is taken up. then) Is certainly no prospect whatever of a repeal of tor Aet. Wuo.ro prohibition ha* oooe be fairly and , radically tried, the peo- plc would almiiat . ution think of licensing unirdur or unv otbrr criino, as the li.jiior tmffu-, who, whil.i asserting that prohibitory IHIVS do uot prohibit, yet In their own inter at* ojip i, prubiliUry law*. Potatoes for Sale. Three hundred bnihels Early Rose. for iJO Cents pur biuhel. Apply to K. TRIMBLE, FValutrton UE* AM ABLE RMTokunox.-- Mn A. <' Hiien, 378 Exchange itrv.l. Jtullai-., wag supposed to be dymg with ooiuainji tion abandoned by her physu-i.ui. s/,, suffered terribly and WM reduced in rl.'*!t to ninety pounds. In tliu condition ahc retorted U> Burdock BlooU Hitter* and now erijnji perfect health and weigh* mil- huuUxxi and forty-six. She will gladly answer enquiring sufferer* on r ceipt of U. 8. pontage stamp. fKEIMAVsWOHM I-UWOCIW are aafe iu >,?" Th*vd**troy and miaow Worms in chil.ii tin or adults. A CiLUkUTiD CAXB. The reuiarka>>l. case of W. A. Edgar*, of rrankville, wh , curlered from illimnM of the liver aud kid neys 10 badly that all hop* of wa aban .I 'iied. H remained ten and thirtee-.i days without action u( the bewell. Kour l-.tUes of Bnduck Hlood Bitten restor.-,! iu ptarfrvt hfalth, which ho h .u n KDOWH for twenty yean beforv NATIONAL PILLS ar* ansarpamed a sat. mild, yet ttK>ruugn. purgative, acting I|M,I, ' biliary organs iTomptly and unVituelly. PBOP. LOW 8 - > LOW* WORM nitvr will rraove a I nf Woroii from children or adult*. The 1 fioronich-r.r. d Durham Bull "DUFFERUT," will stand for the s*rri** of eow th,< . KM at L*t 1AM Beat, T.* a Bead Vrt. i ar Kleal.exvw. The pedixree of DuUerln rana thru>/h , Mr.tlah Aii.rtcan. Aiuerlean, anU Ki.nh-l. II. liofita, aud Is ii*t i lass in. I Hiflvrin araa sot by aVaSaHss \ 1 II K 1 . oaun S rail. >>r Duke ol . . , I;TH. A. H p i.g. ,UH, Ftauenap, Aid. ] ( Tr. A R. H i v,| ,laui ValentiiM. by H.inwt Tom ( I.I, OeO K. H Hi. Fur talaooe ol iHwIltrrrr MM> Rri rvtarv'i rotrlM. n.liws. J (., r icra/le eow; ajwrial IT . iinuu with partiMtiriuflag thorough t>> > <1 > 1 uyahle JUDU in imft. Mull I ' MORTGAGE SAli OF- Valuable Farm ! Procertv. in the TOWNSHIP OF PROTON. ISTHKOHNTYOKiil.m INI' It In of sale exntainiMl in a certain niortfatiti * will he produced at the tium .if sale. rb*JwUlbao*faredft>raaJeby I t Mkluaoti i. H,. '.el In the villm.'" ' I . On Monday, ih- -ir.ili d.i\ r.lul. \. n. IHMI. \lltli*t certain parcel of land lti:ati>l -Jiul Tiiwiinlmi of Proton. coinptMuxl ,,f that |>r ,if Ix< No. li. In tue llth t\.n,..n. k -A,, ., the Rasterly part thereof, gonlaiuttuj . m. ire or le*. Aim 1H NIL U. l:i th, l.tli c, >i, - -- , iug all aulxlivifion lxitalai-1 oat therwn il i|>n any rtiRi>trtMl plan thern.f . , thereout one-fifth of an acre |>- . ainluiitil aervainore orleasaad the .r '] Bn,< ioathervon. Thin iliolralilc Farm Property \t situated at the VUlafB of HopevUle, within '-' . \illaxvof Dumlalk.and vithln 11 tl<>urlhi>w tovnof Durhain. aii.i in nald to be me of the finest farm* in l*rotnn. Tile northern iKirtidii ,if lot I.I form* part of the Village of Hopevlllr ^* ' iKwn nrn-yed Into Vlllacn lxit H..il a|,| to I H| clay loaui. Lot 1*. in the lltb Concession has M.I...' \ ahletlinheronit. There Is aalil to be on theiiroporty a tlrnt . frame htHiae one and one half itonee limb. wa. ume f.,nn4ition anil cellar anJ in fc . I -t*t- ii'pali also K vi.-iiiK -.r, 1 ,ir.l of flft\ acre*. Thin ]>n>pert) will l< MI|I| nubjrt ' to a mtr\ tm T, rni %lt,l oin.liti >n -na,lr :>i. r! on ilay ' sal*. For further particulars a|>|>!) to K. M. CHADWIt k Vendors fv HBATTT. CHADWICK, III.ACMTOCK A ti A I T M WelllnRV* Street Bast, ToronM l>*ed 3r,l June, A. D. 1MM. Thr ThoroiiKh-brrd Durham ituli "PRINCE ARTHUR," will *tand for tlio nervici- iif eow the iwaaoii ,>t 18HI. at Lot HU. T * a K.,a.l, Vrtrui, -ia 1 i.KMrX- -TXrenta per cow. to tie radl Un ! 1%1 ; (rroom* fee 10 oents. to Iw pail at tin. aervlce. Pedi((fe to be >,. t ,n at Uie prupi . residence. WM CARRPAKKVR. Proi STRAYED HEIFERS. Ftrarert frn%n the preniiws of the un.le I't'.T A 8. Ho**, Artemeala, t llcifur* one red In eoior and tbe other An) pnraon giving Information 1-a.lina t,. i reoowy of tbe shore will be suituMy i, s WM.CABlU'AUhr.K '