Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1884, p. 8

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HEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, ara ujado of the hurt *eloctd Winter, and nil the L*te*t Improved Mwrh luury are employed m ..ikiii*. The Bosea are Mt by a Patent Uoxiiiti Machine, n,l am |>reud into th Hub by PTWS . : Ji tou uoww. aud can never t!t loote a* Hole* do wedged in the old way. HEAHD'S Waggon*), ...1 tbiuu- coutidaruJ. U the Cheaiioit. Struutjent. moat Durable, aud the Kaaieat Kunuing W*gou* . . ,tiu Kobort Bout say* that he could not draw hi* Hor*e fewer up a very uteep hill without uul'i on a !Mvlht Waggon, aud be nay. he can do It with one of HKAKU'B Waggon*. He known tht JOHN )! HEAKL) maku* tliu Ka*ie*t Kuumilg %\ au,m. Come aud se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OIMTMENT Ayer'i 8rpi-ina ii highly concen- trated cxtruot of Sursn|.;inlia, itud other blood-purifyiug roots, combined with .Io- dide of I'utuNtiviiii Hiul Iron. Ita coutrol over criiful,. us aisi-ance is uueiiaalkJ ty any other medicine. On one occasion Row laud Hill was preaching fur a public charity, wlion a note was handed up to him, inquiring if it would df right for a bankrupt t<> con- tribute. He- noticed the matter in the cuune of hit sermon, and pronounced de- cidedly that lucb a person could not do so in Chrittiau honesty. " But, my friends," lie added, " 1 would advise you who are not insolvont not to i>u* the plate, this evening, n< the people would bv aure to nay, ' There Kes ' ne bank- rupt ! ' " PLESHSRTON THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct ail Disorder* of the Liver, Stomach, Kitln'ys, and 13o\vel. Tlii'v Invlcorateand rwton o b*Jth Debilitated Constitutions, and are inraluable in )) Com- * ' i .Uiut.i lucidenisJ to KeiuaJe* u( .11 *,'.-.. Fur Clilldruu aud the aijed they are priculeu. THE OINTMENT 1 - ju infallible reinsdy for Had L, Bad XreaiU, Old Wounds, Horo* and Uloen. It i* Umoui for (out aud Uheuiuatiiui. For ditordurk of tliu I'liuit it ha> uo equal. For SOltE THROA1, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS tilaudular Swelling* and all Skin Dlaeaiwt It has no rival; aud lor contracted aud >tifl joiut* it act* like a ohanu. Banufactured only at FrofeMor Hoixow IY'K KtUblitument, ?H, New o \ ti.r.i Hire* t { lair 333, Oxford Ntrret ), London. . . J arc sold at It. lid . to M., **- M., 1U.. W*.. and XI*. each II, n or Pot, aud may bu bad of til Mi di cine Veiidora throughout thi World. / V rchautn nlmuU look tc 0\e Ltiltrl im the Ft and lintel. If tlu midrett ii not , r M, ()ff<nrd Xtrttt, l.mutini, tfuy ttrr This is not (lie "Red Flag" you h.tvc read so iniirli about ; this is a vtttod, honest price, ^ood quality. & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Ilios. Duncan. Tailor, Flesherton. WILLIAM HOUG7 FLESHERTON STATION. Ite*pectfully uniiouucis that he ha* rtci ived a Large Supply of \ew GoGds, a, table for the Reason, allot which have been purchswd to the best advantage, and will Lo sold cheap for Cah or Country 1'roiliuM. The new arrival* arc ExtuiKire aud vurie,! in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c. A!w a full supply o Hardware. irocerl's, PruvlsloiiR. Crockery. Ac. In- .tpectiou i.f the- Slock invit*,! ^fy Branch Store at EUGENIA kept fully supplied with Goods- I ..tT.T KDU S.VI.K or TO LET. my HAW MILL at Little Falls ; driTes nml-r :it; ft li(l ,( wUr ; all in (food order, with about 4OO aereiof Timber Land ou whirli the Mill w ; iat ,1. There are also everal other Good Mill Sites on the property. LiLi-ml Terms i citln-i purchase or lease to a curupetent man. WM. 1IOUU, Flesherton Stutii.n. 1st NOT., 1HK8. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OP . Sacli as Monuments, Tomb Tables, IIoadstoncB Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on Hhort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblcixcd Slate, Ac., &c. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 50 cents. DANOKB!NTUK AIM. The recent atnutge |il;uu-i.iry muveiMflitn and electrical jiln- uouit-na liave developed the iacl tliat tlio earth is jiatsuig through a dangerous per- iod when atnogpheiio influence will ser- iously uff jet human health. Fortify the weaken. .1 lystem with that gmud tooic regulator, Burdock HlooU Bitten, and avoid luulariul bloo>l puisuni. A Remarkable Escape , Mrs. Mary A. Uailey, of Tutikliannock, Pa., was aiHn't.,1 for aix years with Asthma and I'.rcn, inns, during which lime the bout physicians could give nore- licf. Her life was despairad of, until in last October she procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immediate rli.T was felt, and by continuing it* use for a short time she was complc-tely cured .Mining in Mesh 50 11. in a few iiionthx h'r.'i? Trial Bottles of this certain cure of ill Throat and Lutut Diseea*es at W. Kichard*x>n's Drug More. Lar^u Bottles n.oo. SAVBD FKOM THK SCALPEL. A Toronto lady, Mrs. lierkunHlmw, contracted a di- eiwe of the kneo joint and was advised to mbniit it to a Hiiri;iciil operation hy the best physiciina utteiiditiK ; ull nih. r treatment having failed, when Hajfyartl's Oil wag tried iinU specdly effected >t cure. It ii tlio uufuilinK rumedy for tcciJeiita and eiiier^rucius, and is for ex- ternal and internal use. A CELBBIUTBI> CASC. The remarkable case of \V. A. E-lgarn, of Fraukville, who ufTorod from diaease of the liver and kid- ney* HO badly that nil liorxj of was ahan- '.iMii'.l. He ruiiiuiiiid tun and thirt.-i-u I:IVH without action f the bvwela. Four littles i if Hunlock 111. ml Bitter* restored linn |K>rfect ln'iilt'i, which he hid uot known for twenty years before. To OfHE A COLD. Take some nirilicine, bathe the fcet in warm water, adding a spoonful of Mus- tard ; remain indoors; equalise the cir- culation with .viiriu bath and friction ; Iniik warm ginger tea, and taku Hag- yard's Pectoral li.ilfam, the most jxrfrc t ami tin' safest cough cure that can bu procured. - KM - A FAIT.- Tlirru are oil* white, and oils black, I '.ii iihiu liottli'Rnhoi-4 and tall, but Magyard'a Villnw Oil, for pain, Is the very best oil of all. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, Jeaf- nesB, RprainR, brnism, ci.ntractvd cords, tore thrniit, tiiiKt bitr*. hum* and sore- nel of the flush . It i for external and inteniul use. James brayley, Hamilton, sayc : '' I read tin' tuslminmalH fr McGregor's Speedy Cure :nt f,.ur.d that I had not to go to New York, Philadelphia, Louis- iana or Texas to timl living witneRse* of its value, we have pli'iity of peraons ri<;ht liei r to iirovc its nu.-nts I got a bottle and it helped uiu right away. I was as Wl with Bilious Fuvur and Indigestion as I think any run could In-. I have taken three bottle* and am nearly well and can eat any kind <>f <".l without it hurting me 1 1 may Kay that I am better than I ever expected to be. Free trial bottlea at Uiclianlioa's. " Why ' What's the matter C Lady (With face enveloped in mil of hot cloths) "Oh! I'm crar.y with that Neuralgia that continually troubles me." " Well, how t. ! Why don't you go to Richardson's Drug Store and get a bottle of Fluid Lightning ? It cured me in less than one minute. I always keep a bottle in tho house. It only costs '."> cents '' Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The Itant Halve In tho world for Cuta, IlnilM* Sores, Uloen. Halt Kheiiin, Fttvor More*. Totter, Chapped Hand*. Cliilblniaii. Corns, and all skin Eruption*. *>"! pi >-it i . I v cure* I'M, -I. or no )>ay required. It Ii Kimrnntoed to give perfect natli faction, or money refunded. Price fiAcentspor box. For ule by W IllchanlBon, Flenherton. a week at Imrue. *>S outfit free. I'av mi- Holutidy Kiir... No rink. Capltnl not r. luliort. liendor, if you want bunlnes* at which ]H'ranns of either *ex, younH nr old. can niako Rret pay all tho tlmo Ihev work, with absolvts ivrtalnty, write for iiartlcti- larn to II. HiUJCTT 4 Co., Portland, Mali o 866 AGENTS-i anted for Tho Live* of all th> Prenldent* of the U.8. Tho lnri:i.Ht. liamlMiiii ot bout book I'vor m,).| for le than twice our price. Tiii'iinti'St clllnRhook In *morlc. Im- menit* prnflti to ru-'i'iui. All inti Iliuont ponple want It. Any one can lwoo<n a *itecniif ul m;ont T*nu* fro*. HAU.BT-I BOOK Co., Portlaud, Main. Vegetable Sicilian HAIE EENEWER wa Uu- first preparation perfectly adapted lo cure disease* of the scalp, aud the Ural *uc- rawful restorer of iaded or gray hair to It* i,*iunil color, growth, and youthful l ;iui> . It luu bad ruuuy tuiitatora, but none Uuve o fully met all tlie requirement* needful for tlie proper treatment of the hair and culp. HALL'* HAIK UK.NKWEU ha* *teadil) grown In LILT, and (preud IU fame and tueluluis* to I'vi'ry quarter of tlie globe. It* unparal- leled iucce** can b attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfilment of ilfrrvmic*. The proprietor* liave often been iur|irl*ed at the receipt of ordrra from remote euuu- trie*, whcrr they had never made an etforl for ll* Introduction. Ihu use for a ihort time of HALL'* II MK HIMUHI womlerfuily Improve* the per- sonal appearance. It clean*e* tlie wlp from all Inipuritie*, cure* all humors, fever, and drvnt'S*, and tliua prevent* baldueu. It tiinulatc* the weakened gland*, and rnuble* i;., in l.i pniili forward a new ami ilgnr>u* growth. Tlie ellecu of Uu- article are not transient, like tlio*e of aleohulic prepara- tloni,but remain a long time, which makes It* o*e a matter of vcououiy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE WHISKERS Will change llie IK anl to a natural brown, or black, a* denired. It produce* n permanent color that will not wah away. ('entitling of a liigle preparation, It I* applied without tronble. niEr.vBED nr R. P. HALL & CO, Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Dealer* in Medicines. FOB ALL THE FORMS or SITU fu Imn. Merrvrlnl, and I'.liiiiil, the N'tt remedy, becu*e the ni'Mt h,.nr<'liinK and thorough ml-puriher, Is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Hold by all UruggiM* i *1, six bottle*, $0. "Wm. Lucas & Co., Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALKK IN Watches (locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. I No Bogus Discounts ! or other Clap-Trap Induce men ts offered, but sell you Goo'lfi nx loir ax they can !>< ]i i>u i-cil consistent with H jVEST T ADE- Wateli Repairing a specialty- JiU Work- Guaranteed- PATENTS sf CNS A CO., of the SriKKTinr AmcmrA*, cnn- ssasl >ui K"llcil4,rB for I'Mionu. CaTeaU. Tru-le' Marx. C,,ii>ruhlii. fur tin Untied Mate*. Kn^liinil, rraiitH}. irermanjr, etc. Hand Btiok 6oat Patent* M<it free. Thirty -iwen yeur*' experlencs. Patentiobtalned thrnui.liMr.NN A CO. arn noticed to thit HclENTirir AMI.UI.'AN. the laricest. l9t,arMS iiv .M wi.t.-u , inulMl.O M'lt-nlinc paper. S3-2Ua)ir. Wei-klr. HplenilM enjrfavlntn ann lnteretllik; ID* ' forniatlnn. S|nHHii-n .-..pji of the HrleallSc Arorr- tran wnt IT,-,- A,,- M I'.N'N 4 CO.. N IZMiri- H Uflkce. 'M Br,*dwar, New York. Markdale and Dundalk. Traunact a General Hankiim Hiinlnra*. Drifti ix^ueil pavaMv at any office of the MEKCHASTb or MOUiON'K Haak Notti Diiaiunted and Monty lo Loan nt Jtentiinnblf Interest Allowed on Deposits M! ii:n,,|, u .: LUCAS ft CO. EUGENIA Grist Mill, "..'.I ::: liih 11. ini; made extrnHive improTernents In my Uri*t Mill, I inn , ,"li,l, nt I cau gire good satisfaction. 67/07 WAV/ DOXE ANY DAY. <;...! Flour slwsrs on baud. Custom Sawing, aud Bills till. 1 mi tlii' ilinrtoHt notice. Lum- ber and I.ntli ftlwny on hand. WANTED : Cherry, Butternut, White Ah, Black Adh, Basswood, I'ine and Hemlock Logn wanted. M. AKITT, KUOKNIA May 1st, 1882. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARICTDIVISIOIT. Change of Time. ( 'ommritcing Morulay, Mtry HI, l#X.\. Toronto. Crey & Iti u< DivlHlon. TORONTO, depart, ....................... 7.90am. S p m. do. arrive, ...... 1,1 i , 10 " NOTE. Mixed train leavon Park'dalo 7.40 a in. i-HKIHT VALLEY DIVmoX. ToBimro, ilepart, 7.10 a m., 1.0ft p.m., 4.itOpra arrivo, 0.,'JO " .4fl " 7.00 " NOTK. Mixed train loavo* Parkdale 1 a.m. ra An additional train will bo run In oounoo- tiou with tln> I<okvlng Toronto. II :i n m. W. WHYTK. D. Ml-SICOLL, t.i.s i. SIT' r. Ui.v i. PAHH. A, IT. TltAINS l.KAVi: FLESHERTON gTATION : Oolng North,. 11:4A, BrW p.m., A MS p m Ooint Honth, at ft. 4.1 . IMtS a.m . * 5:47 p.m. rUeaniaulp Exprew, gi.iuK North. t-R \i m. >< South, 1118 p m. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIQfSTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, t \ OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, I THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN. DRY NESS HEADACHE, * OF THE SKIN, And every apeclas of dl*ea* arising; .', _in OMACH, disordered LIVER KIDMEY8. ST BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN A CO., TOHONTCX MAGYAR D S lYELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS, Are pleasant to take. Contain their nwr tininUvo. ! a iaf, inn, and rttfciaml r wwrsu in Chlldroa at A J*k>* DO Fumtac the LISTS IF "FARMS Fu Suit" MO "F*mw Wurrtv DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL Tun MAI i h become Thi K roKnlinl H.illin.i fur farm A4- iiTll.. im nl And conMlnnorv of Ihcmthftn alloiher Cn.v1Un pt[>m con, Lined. It hu 3so,uxj rcftdcnofthe right out Al'VIVTISFMrNTS of "funm for Rle" n,l "r- > -v tt*tt fr word f t *"r jmmitie*!, >>r In Till DAILY MAIL U /* rfUrf *a(/(f*4l pt A.Mrc.- THE MAIL

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