Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEJV." i I 4 VOL. IV., NO. 155. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JUNE 5, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 6 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, Oue of th* U-ii'liou Local Mid Family N*w*p*pen in Nortbarn Ontario. Publlahed FROM TDK OrncK, TKltllH OK KClWfKITTlU.N : 41.00 iieratiimin in advauca; 41.30 if not palii t tti mil of ou ywir. NII paiwr dltoontlnntxl mill All rreariuii"' nn- pai<1 up; mnd no nuljcrt|>- t i..n- tnlu-ii for leH than one year, eioapt when . yHMftl arrangement* for ahorter yarluua are mail* with Ihv puhllabcr. Tht AJ* A MARVELOUS STORY n 9 wumington Ghost, TOLD u TWO utrrns. FROM THE SON: ADVKKTIhISfi RATES. *r. i'a<ual advertlementa.flcent*per Utinaertioii ami 't rent* \"-r hu.- cob nli.iuent insertion Trantli-ut a*lrcrti*euicBt to be |taid for when irdartkl. Advortiauuielil* without lMi-iaJ dlrnc- tloui will be nuerUxl till forlttJ anil c-liar k -l Accordingly Liiberel InilncenioaU to nifular advortUer*. Notice* among reading matter, 10 iniU |Kir liue each iuaertioti No advertisement dlncontlnawl until all ar- rcar*f tf* are paid up Copy lor adrertiMiuHiit* sbmiM reach tlii* ofto* not later than noon on Tuucday to eniure lUMrtlun la current Unie. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor ami I'Muhrr. Book & Job Printing ! In erery rtylo of tbe Bit, at reaaonahlr price* aud on abort notice St.. Nw York.Uet.ai, ladi '^tH'.tene* My fatlter n-iidui at (ilorer, Vt. Hi kat beeu a great Butfrrvr front >.:r ( ula, and the U>cluad Utter will Ull >u bat a luarTeluoi adoct Ayer's Sarsaparilla hai hurt In hi* caa*. 1 tliliik bit klood mt hare eoauvlned the Lonior for u lamct Mo yean ; but U did uot iljow, exorpl in th form of a aeruf ulouii mrv on tbo wrut, until about re roan ago. Krum a fvw vu-'U which ap- peaml at that linn, It gm.1 oally ipnad ao ai tu rorer hi* entire body. 1 aeeur* yoa be wu terribly aMlctl. ami au object of pity, when b< began tuliig yuur imnllclite. Now. there are few mi of uu ag<- vbo enjoy ai food bea!lli ai bo hm. I ruulti eiully nainn tfty pcnou* wln> would Uettfr to Ui facts In U* -u- Yeura truly. W. M. retire prom Order* by mall will attention Tenu*. Flesherton *l< at Market, SEPT. ( it n >l i. . PaorauTOK FROM THE FATHER : a duty f T me to etata in r"" tlw bouaflt I hare deriTd fruiu tbo u*e of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Si i month* o I waa complr tly eorervd with a terrthl* beraor ami acrof okxi* aom. Tbe humor cau^e.1 aa toooMaat and Intolerable Itching, and th nkm erarhed a* to eauae (be bl<xid to Duw in many pbui vhaoeriT i inored. My lull, rii u> were gnat, and uy 111* a burden. I commenced the me of ll.o 8 tun- tun.i.A In April but, and hae n*ed It regiUrly iline that time. Ify eouiHtion bagan t Impnift. at onee. Tbe anrea bate an healed, aud 1 foci perf^etly wall In erry r. |-ot being BOW able to do t goud day** vork.althougbilyeanof ajw. Maay Inqalre what ha* wruuxht ucb a cure la my eaea, and I Mil them, a> 1 bare here tried to tell yo, Area'* bAiUAi-Aiuua. iliour, Vt.. uct. 21, Ifart Yuan gratefully, lilBjkM I'HILLIP." Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Moats constantly on hand for ( Cash. Orders pioinpily filled. yV. O. U. W". C'LKSHF.HTON U>d|ie No. 14 '< In tln-ir I Lo4 Hooin, Mtraln'n block, Toronto (tract. u tlu lit aud :ii'l Mnndav In earli month, at 7:30 p in Iharp. Vliltlng brethren wclronia. M P. UctUm* M.W. W . rlc-MU.. B*e-r DUPPBRIS LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. Fleshcrton- KKTH uvry Tuesday Kvniag at o'clock. i'ning i Hoorn.Htralnii block, Toronto etreet. aaf I>ttnv l,iUJerr*t Tnoeday In aarb montb. Vis- iting bmtUren oonlially ln?iu-d. Jot. BLJICIUCBJI. S <i. A. 8. VA.IDCBKN. H H. MONTHLY CATTLE K iiH\t Kair will laku plaee on i I'M: .ah. lit** FAIR, MONDAY. ' Laook Here. Do you want in w HOIIBU or Hum " If > I think you will find H t,i viinr sdvaiitaidi to fall aud e m. A* I do a larc Inmiiiena I can liuild M iniall profit-, All i-.nitia. i - promptly n't, , <lil to and work guarantcxid ThsnkinR ihe pub- lic for pant natronatfii. an,l Itv fair prlcws and ood work. I hope to merit a i-ontinuauoe uf the >am*. STRAIN & LARGE, Builders and Contractors, FLESHERTON. Are prepared to attend to Urn k A stone Work in all (ia liraiicho*. l>rdr left at th* Ai>TAri! Ofni-e will receive prompt attentloa. Oood work at Fair Price*. J. HI. Webster, EUOENIA, By Deacon S nu fees- Tlio mystery lurroniiduig the inviaible ia, at all tune* a fruitful held in which thu human mind can r- vet. m its inulti- from I ^'i we eudeaV- wilh tho filmy mid "*- uaewlaiutie*, to construct the ap|ait-*t tanglMf erid- ences <tf the ghostly ', resence. In all time- from the reu-* P*** dow " * ">e proaent hour th belief 111 ghosts has ob- tained more or <" credence aa the edu- cation or im-Taiuv uf the populace hat pix-vaiU-d. It it for u, however, to leave the " v t shadowy procesmmi " uf ancient H\\<it>t, without any attempt to discus* tfceir peculiar plieii< ineua, while we aim- ply relate the proceeding* of one of their in. i.li-rn descendants. Wiliiuington Church waa built on u i picturowpue eminence. Surrounded by a ( low, imiM-i-o\ered wall, the graveyard waa thickly studded by large yew true*, whose ancient limit *L;" l ' iU ' " ut '"" >iv ^ r tho graves bc-ncatli. The sombre shade waa a bviittinu *pot for tlie weary nna of earth to rest, while through the matsivo j braiii'hi-*, the winda would inh a perpi ' ttiil rti|Uiein u'er tbe tloepmg dust In n.-.it ! i . There wat a path loading through tin- grave) ird t,< the distant luath, while from the s..uth aiiie a su|>brb ru-w of tlie undulating corn DC Ida retelling away far . int the distance waa obtained. On the iinrtli tide it WM bounded by the public highway; nn the opposite side of which waa a gentleman 'a residence, who, with ttu- 1 1 nli.ir i-ii lu.'iveiicaa of t!ie English, hal a 1 rick wall M.IIIU 10 : i, mi; thu road *iilu of his mansion, dalikvd by a thii-k shrubUry : an that in early night the roadway wat soon dark. On either Bid, of tbit churchyard uathw.iy the *tUily niiiiiuiiienU of the rich were placed, ad- orned with a well-tabulated account of their many virtue*. Behind these .i. 1'iws'ii thi- nail, II. i laat, well to-do trade* inoti and fanner* . while in the rear, near the wall, lay the p<i"t, the pau|>er, and the MewalcjM trump. There wat aiiotber niw on th watt liue. vlere all the. grave* HI re mnall. Sonic- of li i u were planted with bright ili<H.i. < ,i bUiurs fay 'tin. faded wreath* f hi<JMt> bwit* wilcrud Trf 'the briny U-an of br, 4 en-hearted irief Then* wat one wee taqjiml l-.txlrrnl with tome hi,, ken bit* of china, at tin head a bunch of In-th buttercup* in an old |H>t, beside which luy a child's doll perhapi the only earthly potseasion of tin- mice living diut beneath. - Flee, llttl* tender Bursting. Flee to thy traaiy ncrt : Towre Ihe flnt flow, i- >l all blow, Thi, nml pun- flake* ' MOW, Shall fall upon thy 1'iiwt. ' Joe Urover waa the only suicide buried away in Uu- far i- tin-r near the He li .ol liv.d a hard working life, whilu the ill* win li ffeili is heir to, ap- peared to crowd uiM>n l.itu in rapid -nc ci-ssum. Children, wife, propt-m, be.ilih swept with thi ir cyclone of sorrow until the old man was left without an eaitl 1) friend. < 'rushed boneuth his grief in a moment of deaixinduncy ho lumped him *<<lf :n thr kitchen of the i 'd liou*. and was Imric'il hy the i arish without a soli- tary moiiniei to follow bin remains. Tlio rumor *, on obtained, that las "gboat" bad ln-i-n ieen by several partiei passing frnin his orchard through AVard'n S , Si 'in,- "i the young in partiei of time nr four to inveMigatti ; who, neaiiliir the darkened roadway, affirmed they hau dii- _ __ , . tinctly seen him near the^gato ; then tiik- StltlOH liOtCl. ing to thoir heuU, wouln <m put a ret- AUs. lliMuitt. ii- .Si/a, rr"i'ru>t<m. ' pei-tful distance It-tween themselves and IHK alter* Hutl harlmt been iboroughly i* 'ho object of their fir. Tbe aettoti, busy in nninhing a irraro one cvoninu, waa ti-mt'.-il. on looking up, to behold communion table ; when with a ahriek of terror, her portly figure luocumbed to coiivuliuiiii, and waa hastily carried by the male BurvunU back to thu Hall. Mace, the cab driver, patting one night taw the figure near the walk, which so ttartlud hit hone, that it waa with the difficulty he waa reatrained from LTeatiot In the little litr-rooui of thu " Tree " tavern it beeume the nightly [of oonreati>n, where each new deralop- tnent wM duly diarumed and enlarged. The pewter pot. were often re-filled M tho interett increoatid, while from the deep potationi, the uttcraucea of the tpuajiert would grow aouiewhat thick and iiidiBtinct, Un-ir bodiua taiumuig a iwar- ittg, unateady mouun, until Joiica ur Lax- kiii- wuuld iiiakua muve in tb direction of home, there to dreajn of the efnx-to of their hver on ihotlv anbjecto in general. It wan at one of theae bar-rwrn SiimniLL\ cam and all 8erf>fuluua Complalnta. Kr>>lp- elaa, Koetua, illugworui. Hloichre, Sun>*. Boll*, Tumor.. an<l Krnptlnua of thr Skin. It . l.-.tn tlir l.l.-.l uf alt Imp*. riti**, aid* dlgntlun, illmuJ.it. Ui .tin, V lli Dowel*, and tliu* fuetoree rllaaly au< ilr.imUu-m u,* wLol* lyeteiu. mi i-\Krn nv Dr. J.C.AyerA Co., Lowell, Man. Sold by all Drngt;!*!*; f 1. ala bottle* for $V. fUutiotri}. J.P. MARSHALL. L.ll.S DE S TIRT. HUH' ATE nf Toronto Hohoel of Denu-uy. will IN- at Mnrk<lal.> Hie lat aril :ml \Vediim- ' ,l\ of i-ai-li month, ami at KletduirViti on the lit ai I '<rd Thunulay 111 inch montb for tliu i>i ai i ,, of 111* pr,,f. **!,, u FROST & FUOST. Mii.ii li'ilis. t UN\KV \Xi-i:: IK Soi -xii. an at I- I.KMll I I ' N J. \V KKOST. I.L.II. AI.FKED FIIOST. I'ntwn I'uniily \ttoruur. BAHHIST *i- (. ery 1 iiotcl.s. Allivoa M.VXWEM,, ONT. , (toodaocomni 1 Clxan. Good I The only Hotel la tba place. JOB. AlXIBol, illation: lt l.r.n.l. I.i.,,,.,,.* "!' t.. the cliurrhjard. st>i>liiiM *u I ntuiitivi lloii,r rnliaut* had jou, .1 i 1'iiiraicToa. TL ._ fltuvt tliroiuihttut. now arTunh eviulli-ut cu- oommodatlon I. ibo kraralllBg imkllc Th lr In well iii]'plif. I wit 1 1 olinirii l.iqiltirM nu<l Cu ir . Intact, ample acooiriiniMUtioii to both man an,) In'itit it aflurtltMl livra LNSMl) \; -tii.nmr f. .rthoCt.iintynf (lry. Money tu bind a* iiaual at reaaonable i !.. fir- and Lite Intnran.- Lmiun uu.ivti - a-1- i. .-M.I.I to KiiKunla P O promptly attvmled to. John W. Armstrong, FunHrRTON, Co. QRBT. COIIHT CI.RKK. ittedifal 11 i Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCU&H. I'UlCEVILuLE, - ONTARIO. . tfrAU <-. H in! V. moKt n . H. A 8 Boelrfy Moiirs to Ixnn on the Ull-KII or MAHltl.VliK Alexander Drown, THSl'KR nf Marrlaui< l.lennxn. (Joneral A((n I 1 ,*. I,loena*4 Auctioneer for County of Orry W. 8. GRIFFIN, M. 0. 31. f. P. S., OAT. Will be ki Pli'slurt.'ii nvfry Tiuid*y and Frldy fioio 111 to 4 ] Orn< r.- hi Win Htrnln'n I 1'ati-r.m.i.a P.O.. Out. Money to Loan. I'rr ('nl, 1 nliTf.it nn Slr'ifiht //oiiii COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. MONKT l.oani-il on Rood necuritr on tbe mott frnr*lde term* and at ajtjetMi ratwinf At ' a tijiite in wlnri- adran, ing to\vard him Mutily acramliling from tho grave ho cleared tho walk at a Imund, nor ttoppod, until bii .I'h'ufi^ in- fell in a swoon on hi* owncottage floor. The achouj-tioys would t.iki the middle of UK' ni.id in full day- light, and wen run at full poe.d by the drvaded spot. Dick Salmon, tbo c, {> r n noted in- ebriate solemnly afflriin-d that the ^hot tatught him ono night, nearly terrifying the life out of him ; forcing him to make promise of amendment on pain of IHMIIK carried off l>odily in case *f failure. Tho riitne neighborhood wan ",hnt stricken Tho old woniiti would resurrect their their worst stories of spn it, ghoKts, and gublins, while the listening youngsterii would gazo in a* ful dreatl till tln-ir hair ati.ixl <m end. Solitary feimiles would ^ wait t smne diitanoe until another |te- doatrian would overtake them in oim-i to t<aas in company. Tho servants at thu Mall oppiwiite, caught tho mania who, in- W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CI.RKK aTBwrsia. TTTITII Int. r,-n paid \carly. not in advance. No no t o bo daunted, wont in a body to i >;.<? TA TK A INSURA NCR AGENT " " 1 "'"" ll> " char)(l<0 *%*L .- v veati^ate for thcmsclvet ; nothinir, h.v (lit 1 I. K. 1 ll**l t 1 It I III. Take The Ad- ;>c*ifc) Town H Mortiiag' 1 * al). Ku:*W.ur >M. OjBce nearly op- , appeared until the cook in company with tho butlor, looking through the vance. church window, taw in a alant of moon- light, a figuro in whiU kncrling at the inga that tho tint t-i. wu taken which ultimately led to the discovery ,rf thoraal Terry, thu landlord, had challenged Jones, the carpenter, that he dare not gv at uiidinglit and tit fur half an hvur nn iln.ver't ttrave. Jonva had been blow ing rery contidL-rablu on the cowardii-e of people, and tins turn of affair* came quit* unexpected, causing htintofix-1 *omewhmt IUTAOU* in tho lower hinlM. 11 -Merer, aa the crowd good-naturedly took up the joke, Jon-* saw hia reputation wa* at itake, to amidst ipuat roars of laugh tur ihe accepted the challenge. There wa* iii 'W an animated rush for the counter, aa .tho intvnse cxcit.nn.-ut had produced a tuilden tlurat whu-li the landlord *a by no menus unwilling to slack ; an tliat Uie pewtera were passud around freely, each I iH-rson ipeakiiig m high praite of tlie ral- III' J.I -. ,-,.i :.! . - In n ill I III in** i A committt-o ,.f six wan apttointod t<i .iccompany J.mii t.. the c -n - r of the 41. u. -yard, while the landlor.1 st ..! treat in a p.irtini; iinnk to the r.,mi .inv. As the | ally n.uti-,1 ,, u t ft , u tho hi.it ir;ir. u. thetpirits "FJi't -.-ik.nid. He made ,i vigorous endeavor Oi - urful, which wu renderi-rlilirn'i-ult li> tlietileiii-e "i ni bo, amviii-4 at tin ir I . lie iloHIl ithway iH.twi-1 n thu i ,* uf wlui.- UouiMtont** < * far rud ..f tf,- < iriv\i. w:i\ ! M-jttel One* tl* *t<it,ped short!* tho wind gave s I, through thi- ' ! 1 yewt. He heard riothiiiv, however, but thi' U-ating; ' own heart, and" with trembling stepa*aik ed up to the gntreainl sat down. In the darkncM ami nolitudo the f" inoments ho had remained watching teen rd an a-,'e. He lunkcd Meailily through the -,'b-m at a large monument m front of him, when the wind moved the dry mil him, causing him to ttart in t.-ii-or. Suiiiloiily he l>ei u.ic fr, ,/..:. Mi awe, aa hu taw .imnethintt white m-->,;. ; :mi. Through llio i.- in-i and nearer ;, iiiiU'n-d aiid his limlw .-<hiH,k narrtMsaly. There was no ki there, ttraight befor him, came "linn; tirure. Ilia few iiii'tn- i lie w.iuM U- cla-iped in its humble I'lol'ta, i- U'itli n '---nidsjHlayell. Jonen spranc up. Tripi ing hu (pot on a (tone, ho f, U*, -nil ! HI , n : he glare Vi ''him. The rxinimtu-i- on w.itch, heaj'iliK tin- cry, ran forward tu dinoover |>oor Jones. Sure enoiiL,'h. ii'.:ht by Ins prostrate furm i. .. il Mm HA fill tiu'tirc tin- i'anon't u/ul- < ui-tly oh*wingba* cud ! I'li'sln-rliiii School Hoi . . <!, K /.-,.; of" 7V .-lif im-r. SIK, I have no ap, -I <} to m:ie r- Kardmg my statciiicnts alnnit Fleiherton Hchool House. It is a wretched tructure if.'in top to bottom, and 'i'-"i >o>f afford uffioient .11 \-iiiiiuiiidat ion at variotit sea- ton* of the \ rnr.%r the pupil*. The at- at tiiiut JH clean and ttifiing, .mil thu ruMiilts will be anything but [iloaaant if tiling arc allowed to remain as 'Jicy arc fir any great length nf t.-i i It is not tin- -,],.. d furniture I objeol to very few schooU are as well supplied in that particular 't IR the building it- self. It is not lurgo enough, it poorly ventilated in fact it ia very little better than an ordinary kirn, the improvements to the contrary notwithstanding. Tlio Trustees are nn more to Mum for this stal-- of thinp, however, tlisn sny thcr of tlio r:itupayer. It simply teemt to bo the fashion of tho villagers (,'i-ner ally to let everything take care of its. It until compelled to make a IIMVO through force of circunist i i>o fore, Ml 0..1N- (From uvr tur A short time ago the Quarterly ('nun of the Methodiat Churvh f thisciuu wa* hold in the church here. Coiuid<M able buaiuoBs wan deue, and all jju.v | pluiMntlv. But, brat of all we ;ln ik Wat the t;iti i.ientt of the r*U'.aii. '' tor. He '-1*1 ' la* rmaiiiiB* -4 the CM i-'iit o a clean .hMt that in, no ctri . I'avinnnta have all bon met. and the En penia chmrrh property paid fer in f'-il! The book* show an advance in ralu< throughout the circuit of f400 [XT v f'T the pact three jean, the circuit Hem fully f 1.906 better in iniprorement* m.ui and paid for, alao uther church nuiMiii. under contract. Minitter * amlary paid They talk abnut Plaint'* ruri.-n- aheep, and that other roan'* wom,. pig ; we hare uo tuch animal* here . < V. T. Car? bae n gander that made a u- and gathered into it a number of pie. . brukun pitchers, and while thu gooae wa hatching egg. in the bam, he peritd i fitting on the broken crockery. Ta- guoaeling. are out, but the eander anrH*ar to bavczpeetiBg a cUtch of young mm erery day. Now, Phuitt. what ueit i Our eiit*rpriaing townsman. Mr \>!: i Sui.ili, rawed a new fri i U. . .:. farm lat week. F11K.KM\VS \\ni.M ri>\M)i;UH are nafp lo all aaM> Tb*v <lutrof aud remove Worm* in children ura.lult*. W ht Land* -d llr tina-4 . Looae, porona toils, undorUi-l by or gravel, are drained by n.ilur. Land tUas it underlaid by clar, rock other imperriou* material nI dran What i* to be gained by noderdr >ina_-< The sarface of tb water in lli-- d. The roots of tho certain graare* may penetrate M fnr a* the tu fact of the water, bnt nerrr into r it necesijtry tn draw the w*l-r "H i adi pth an will glTt thr ro o- _-r crops plenty of roun to reach d > , fer that nouriahuMBt lb* u 'i>nxn*'i' ihvir ui^wikk f tM water i 'nlv foot from the *urfaei!, th* r. >< ol .. plaats Kare only thai amount of nil fi hii-li to gather Douriabmeol. with disaitTantage of having thrir feet wet 1 \ cipillary attraction. Only aip.it : I grow weil with their feet in tlie wat. The lowering of th* water below the MI. facy prt>\eiiti a lar^o amount f . tu u and ii.i eili-,-t in coling t'r* w.itr l-'ini; removed, air and w.irmt are axlmitteil to the soil. l>r.ii'u,l I in- 'tu for tint reason rx-w'y for |-1 inline ",P week earlier in the *prin^. . i,-r"-tli of tho crop* is quickened t -i tlio suTiiiner >iv the ii.ereUBft ti i tare o{ tbe toil, which ami unit to . roi-s. and th injnri- early fr-'its an* preronted :n t manner. Oipa at*, therefore. ;!.:! incre^vted period in which to m ik t . "f at leaat two we*\- ,' Itackache, atithe* in the tide, mils' aud mtrenesH of th* bowel*, and rrn ton* of a disordered ttatu of t!i" 1 and A.-nimil itivu or^aat, whi. 'i , uti promptly andthonm^Lly o,iiitli-l o, lite of Ayr s I'nthsrtic 1'dlt. A- ' ner pills, and aa aidi to ditienion, . hare no equal. They i-im - i..t. i These .-xre Solul Pact*. The beet blool |ninli.-r i.il \ -t< -n ulator aver placed within suffering hum initv. truly it K!, - ir i Ur. Inactivity ol the l.ivcr. i nous, jaundice, (.'oiictipKtn.ni, \\i-a, K neys, or any disease of the urinary -,- .: . or whoever reqoirit an aj.p, tu.i. i or stimulant, will njwayt I'm I ;.; . Kitten the bett and only cortaiu . known. They act surely n- I i,u erery Kittle irnaranti^il to KIV >-i :ion ,r nioary n fund I SoU tif!) c-uts \ l">ttle liy W. Hi, 'mr '. RKWBKAHLB RMTORATION. M- ' o'Hrien, ."iT^ Kxchange Street, lluiui. wa,* aiifip,,.,-.! to be Jring with cons-m tinn abambtned by her ph><i>-ian. S! tufferod terribly and was reduced m '! to ninety p, units. In thi* r ,n,ht ; i-n n-oriid to Huriloek I 1 . 1 ,! H and now enjoy* perfect health a.ol ,> one him, In, I and forty-til. She \\ . i ^1 idly amwiT eniuuri'ig sulferers on ci-ipt of I'. S. postage stamp. If yon h.,uld ! s,, unfortunate .11 t liiirn. Scald or wound yoiirx.li in .u .- way tin- proper thm; to ki-.-p elan ,i- I h,-ii! it it> Md irogor Jk Park*'* t'nn>b, Orate. Insist nn havnu*. un,l W .m. to iet, M :-i;t-i;i>r A I'srki ' i '*rbolicl ' '' _5 cent*. KichunU' n , Lriic;- the. '