Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1884, p. 8

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1W^~" ;/ - tun fC'tUWMMd/rum Itt jtagt.) * llkeneaa, way undo tbe work of God 1 . hearta, in ipite of all ho can do to prut nt them. Discipline" under one cover, l.ut for con- Thui, Dr. Flakiii hit tract on Pri mand veilience sake have been separated fnuu K'urtion ip. .">. "ay", Mau'n obediunoe or dlno- it. On |jje 26 of tins volume, a I'al- vinist ii representi-il as saying: "God mii;lit justly liavu puBMHl by all men " i.e. _ r ininht jiMtly have K ft tlio whole race to aovoraiioi' |M.<rih, without proviiKni; Sulvatiwii for J^*^*^ and puniidinitiii',, nuii-t ri-st in it* NapOQNDM eharai-ter ii|'..n the nelf-detormhiine. prim-iple of the will I I'M -Kl. nt Kitardi! deflnw this M If . teniiinin^ jiuwer or prinriple, to le "a reilam ity the will ha> over itsoll and iu- "u ._ _reliv it determine.* iu own volition^ *' . _ not to he dependant ill IU dutoriniuatlon on | I any, to this the wntor, John <\ rsl',v him- any cauac witliout n-. If. nur duterin iiutl by ") *'lf, r*phe; "Are you sure he might? ^^f^^'^Ki^ffSfZ^ \\ here is it wntU-n < I cannot hnd it ill u ve , ,( uuinflueiicwl by any inclination.") and tho word of (Jod, therefore 1 reject it a* " tlii view ol the will hee.orrii.-t. there ia an uttar ; Imiiosalhllitv of an unconditional oluetlon : for imranoiis assertion, utterly uu- th e*v aet\.f CiI.Iiiipartiiu:thiK.df,leierinln. liy holy Scriptures," u "* ist " You know in This is not the "lied Flag" yon hare read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing 1 la carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. Excelsior Carriae works a bold the Calvinut but says, your own Ii now manufacturing farm, Platform. LuJloir Spring, ami Johnton Ayrinq WAGGONS. Wh\tt, Dexter Queen, Phaeton and other kind* of BUGGIES and Farmrrt' 2 teateil Carriage*. Cone andtre dctignt and pricft. Jii/>ainng&, Re-painting done in _firtt-el(iit ttyle. HOKSE SIIOKJXi, a SPECIALTY Satit/netifin Warranted. tleiherton, May 4th. 1882. I L.KSHERTO SASH AXD DOOimrrOIIV PLAM\G HILL CAERIAOS WOE2S, WILSOS & McEECHHIE, - - Proprietors. conscience, that (iod ini^ht justly have ]i.i.i>i'il by you,' ''1 deny it" says Wesley, 'that (io<l might justly, for my unfaitn- fiilm-gs to his grace, have given me long ago, I grant : but this concession supposes me to have had (iroce." This is i.laiii and luiinUtikkeahle language. "I deny that (!<>d might justly have hoped by mi- and all mt'ii. 1 reject it as ahold, precarious asserti. .11, utterly mimipatftM liy ht'ly Script tiri-s. " The opposite in- furmation necrawu ily follows. There is no niiilille 01.. un. i between them, God could not justly have left me and all men to ]>erish in our fallen state. He wag bound in justice to provide Salvation ; and of course, tu make it known and give grace to accept it, inasmuch as the pro- visions without tluwo would avail nothing ! It would have bei-n unjust to have left us without them ! Hut where then is the I.K ti-r. in doing what He could not justly have omitted to ilo ? Is it an act of grace for the Most Hi"h to do justice ? Certain- ly not ; there is no grace in such a trans- action. The Gospel provision is only w hat He was bound to make ; and tu call tlmt a iliH|ifii*ati"ii of grace which justice required at His hand, is but to stultify ourselves and deceive mankind. This is our first proof that Arminianism oulivt-rts grace. It is sufficient and unanswerable were there no other. We have never s.-i-ii a more bold or dangerous error couched in so few words by any writer who pretended to lie evangelical. " It is another Gospel, which indeed is hot an- other " it overthrows all ; and yet this error here so boldly set forth, runs thro' A rn i in LIU IMII . The next pnx ( is from the same volume of tracts, p. 154 : " We . Inn prtiiciple to n mi. reutlcn It lui|>o.ibllM thu nature uf tlunt,. . for tin- Alnnulitx hi elect a moral atjunt uncouditiuiially (uii would Imjily Irrevliitlble ui .-.- and that wotikt " Our factory is now complete with all tlip latest, best, and moat improved iinjry necessary for turning out everything iu our various lines of busi- ness, and it will be 1 if> thorough running order in a few dayn. ('"iitructs for building"* in town or country taken at the most reasonable \Vork will be guaranteed first-class in every jwrticiilar, this depart- ment lioini,' under the iniiin .hair supervision of H. M. Mi-Koolmic. Siisli and doors niudo to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will icccivu prompt and careful attention. Planing a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation for firtit-class work is too well known to need any further comment here. A large and excellent stock of carriagex, fVc. for sale. Call :it our show rooms and m*|>ect them. Orders foranything in this lim- will receive prompt iitteniion und the fact that it is directly un- der the (supervision of T. \V. Wilson, is a suflicient guarantee that the work and material used will be first-class. A.S USUAL* public patronage and guaranteeing good work in every depart - ineu of our businesa. WILSON ix: MACK ECU N I K MONEY TO LOAN. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y (Limited). believe that in the moment Adam fell, he had no freedom of will left." If this he true, Adam was no longer a free agent;i without freedom of will is of course au attsurdity which no one will maintain. Into the same state also was his pontrntv brought. We have. l>y natnre. no more freedom of will than he had after the fall. Then, cither we are unaei'oMiitahle ii-in; - or. in orderthat we uiiKht U- held re|'onMll, i. oil waM bound t restore o-ir freedoin thri.nih tile di-i.en-ation of Chrut.i He eertatnly could not have held us accountable without freedom of will. He luuat, then, on Ar- ininiau prim-ipler. either treat ua aa irrational iH'inj;*. or rotore -ur liW-rty. i.e he mu>t pro- vide a Kavlnnr throuch whom thin freedom ,f will couien. or hecx.iild not hol.l any inanri-t|Miii- ible for bin conduct Tbe A i unman bold* tbat hi* ban done the latter, i.e. restored hi* liln*rt> Hut where we auk acaln i the trace the untiiiT iUxl favor of (iod in thin traii-*aetl..n in doiec what He waa bound to do before we could he h .-Id re-i.ii-ili]e ? If <iod wa* bound to tfivvuaaHa.- 1 riour. anil through htm our lilierty of will, there - no room for Krae*< In hi f ulflllinc thmt ot'Tlija- ti"ii Again: Aninnlan* hol.l. ' that the condi- tion of man afttn t*ie fall of Adam in KUCU, tbat he cannot turn and prepare hituaelf, by hit* own natural p-tri-inrtli and work*, to faith and rallinc upon (iod. without the Krao* of <lod by Chriat i i. i. ntniK us, that we niav have a good 'will and working with tm when we nave thai good will." if Dixclpline, article X I To tin- statement there would lie no Ncrioua objection If it ntood alone. It I* ecrtainU aa -tronv a* any ( alvinint iiild.le.ii i Hut .il.neMc what follown. The) fluid that thin Inability would excime men from the ciiilt of alii. If they hail not a (lonpel provis- ion by wkieh to eacaiw from their naif condition Thua" Mr Wataon .Vol. II. p. 3411 iay>: "If all men evert-where would condemn it an moat con- trary to junticc andritfht tliat aijovenMim nhonld con. lentil to death one or more of liin auhjecta for jot obeying lawn which it ia almolnUily iui|x>s-i '>le for them r itn\ i ireuin*taiice* whit-h y can iioanibly avaU tneniMelven of to ob.-v It implied a charge as awfullv aud obviotialy iiiju-t a^'aimit (tod to niippi>se him tuHet |n . \ in the same manner." Now, put these declar- ations toKether and what do they teach? The drat afAruiff " he cannot turn and prepare hlin- ilf to faith and calling ii|n>n (iod . . .we have j power to do good works." It would lie iitu.rly ini|HH.sible for u. then, to perloini i liem -under any cireuiiifitanceii that wee. mid pim-ibly avail ounwlvea of," witliout the KOS|H| Hut tlie - olid says: " It would IM> inont contrary t" ju t and riijlit," to ]iuninh men for deeds conimltted under Mich circumstances Then It folhiw. that without tbe provir-ion mid helii of tile (tospel we would have unuecoiinlalile IN-III^S it would , dcntroy man aceouDtabllity," I.H. man ban a. fiower of deciding bin own will, " inao|iuu.lunt uf j any cau-e without hiiu-elf, orhala notaoooDOt- up t able. He is, therefore, of course, able to I indDiwudent of Oodorof grace. Tboyrryact of iio.1 nnpartiiiK tln> M'lf.i.'teiiiiiiiiiit: unuuii>l.i ' ern it unpaHiUi ill the natiin. nf tiiinuii for the Alnn^htx himself to elect man iincnnilitioii- ally " He can do no only upon the condition that man doea not ohouav to ruMint all poaaible inllu- t-tll-en. Now. If all thin bo trim If man has any mich power If lt existence and exrrciiw srewwential to hU accountability, where i> tbe room forgrac* in kin salvation ' IU ban a jut claim accuidiug to Mr \Vesley. to the provision ail'l offer of t-nl- vation, and to tVie Htrenpth nosar>- to receive it. There ii no Kraa*. therefore in Uwtowing tlieM) upon him. Oud could not justly do lew, and having these, he ban. in Li* "*<] Meter mining principle, powor to rrft all the graci- that Clod .mi t" -toxv up. 'ii him afterwaribi ! Nay. more, "biaaulf-diteruiiiuiiK principle," which in mi I to be enaential to free agency, forluJti tbat thure liiiiild he any infliieiici- whatever exerted upon him in bin ducim.'ii. If there in, bow is It the act ofhih "self-ili U'lui tiiiu- iinniiple?" Tlie very Iibraae, " a i*ell-tlctiriiiiiiiu priucLple." ile-'i'i.- I iy grace, I.e , by Boiuethini; Ini1i>|>cndentof Itaelf, i> an abnurdity aa UTI> and |lpal>li* an it would be to apeak of a ftelf-uioviuji ui&c^liiue propeiU*) by sometliiiiK else In the IIUT of tin- lunilit y principle thern i^ neither rfioin nor tn .'H-LIHI f. .r grace. In the tinner's sylf-<teterniinatioii to mrl>- init to (lod. He can do it hriuvelf . ottierwine hii "olf-ili'turiiiinin^ ).rinci|'le ' .uiiiu.t ileteriiuue itdulf after all. And he must do It himself. othar- wine hl "wlf-ileterniinine principle " i not elf ilrtormined. anil bin aeconntability ia c 'lie It amoiuiti to tills, then, tbal In call resi-l ail m- llneiict'it-- he call keep Clod out of bin heart, or be can, without any influence, maeiianiuiotmlynpt u the door, and pcrnilt the Aliniirhty to enter. Tlius, again, d<xw Aiuuuuu>l"ni miln-art grace by making wan able i ither to th-pe'i .v with it alto- gether, or supi-rior t.. ltd most |ii>tnt inrt-i I miuhl nay a (treat deal more on tbe-e iln m. iloctrineK. bin fnar I have already token up too iiint-n niiace. \Vu feul no cauie to IH' anuauuxi iu iiliboldini: the dix-irim-i of the PreubvU-rians. but haw no donire to qnarrrl with our Methodjit fri. ii-ln e have many valued f rieuila iu tbat in- fluential liraiicli of On' church of Chii-t.anl trust that friendship will continue to grow rath- er than diminlah. Tl.aliknik' yon. Mr Editor, for your kind indul- gence, I remain Your friend, U. " Delta " mi-lit-' un reply. Special atlHtion is directed to the very Advantageous and 'riu.i uu which we lend money to I-'.-ir 'ici> and otlierx re<|iiirinu; funds { l)tf Lund, hnil.l HIIIISI-S, ( 'iiiirclifs. ami School Houses, to St >ck, wi % to tl*e North -West. Tlie system we lend on you will find liy reading tbe following EXAMPLE: 4&OO b*rr-w(><l, rp-pa^nbfe iu 5 annual instalments, simple interest, at 7 percent nlv.tiie py**Hl will In- >M follows: I it year, interest at 7 per cent, on *.V N i ? :i:. on lawtalmeut 100 < 2.l year, iatereat 1400 $ .'- (Ml Mit UK) 00 !)nl year, int.-rr -<t n t-'<00 > *J1 00 lintalmrnt 100 00 00 00 AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other roni|>laiul* are 10 Inatdioua in tlieir alt ack a those Htfrr ling lb thfnal and Inn^p; noneao trifled with by the majority of .-ml. r era. The ordinary coiuju or cold, r<-Mi!tni|{ l*rlii from a trifling ur auconrcuinii , v Impure, Up often out ih- begimiing uf a fatul IrklieU. AVtU' C'UKKIIY Vl.t lultAL !... wrll iiruven lt efficacy in a forty jeara' tls'it with throat and ling Uiaeaw , and hakl Ur takeu iu all ctutci williuut dcluy. A Terrible < ,-i:i;h C'uml. "In t*.'.7 1 liNikaaevrrexilil. winch nlfrrlnl Iny iilliy. 1 hail a lei i il'li 1 rough, :ii d j-.i?"- .1 miilit allrr nitelil *itlioiil lt*-)> 'I I,, un l-i * ^ ,i\. IIIB li|i. 1 In,. I AYUrtl ClIUIllV I i. i.'it'.l., uhii-li relieved my limn*. nuUi.-.-d lri|i. mill nllocded me tin- u-i iieerwuirv lor i..e II.'I.MT) "I itiv ftii-uyili. li\ t-.. Ml. lined Utl ft till- I'll li. II (I. H | I II :i nrnl eurc UH elleelvd. 1 alu U" fe: )-:u old. liale :in.l lie.ul>, Hti.l inn i-n.i-r.ctl )ouf illKam fklloKAI. Miveil II.'-. II..IIAI i I.'AIIIKUOIIII.K." KocUuKluuii, V i., July 13, Iv-'J. Crimp. -A Mother 1 * Trll.ntP. " \Vlnle irr the rounf r> l.inwif.' inv liltlv U.T.thn-*- \mnolil, w>lakn fllvfili i-n.up; it h-riiie<l a> if In- wniiM ilir Ir'mi Hrn:uti- Utioii. Ihirof the family mf got.-.t tin- !: .( AI.I!' |ii:nil\ l'n roHM, i> iH.tlli- of wlin-li a alu:i> ki |K in thr Uoux. I lot wan trii-il In Final) ftii'l frciincut rt<-' to our ileli^lit ih li-* Uuiu lu*lf an W ui il.-- l.uu- amtiB% vap kn>*uiliiftatfUjr, 'I it. .- I.M ii.ti.l Hun tin- < MI KIH PKITOBAI. Imil KlYdl 111% tl.irllll^'tt 111,'. i'all )OU \\OUlUl lit i>ur itrHtiiu-'.e'.' Sinei.ri-'> ^'m*. Mlii. 1\IM.\ lil I'-vl \ . ' 15(1 IVwt 1;U St, Nt- York, M> I*. l-'J. "1 have nwil A\m' On HIM rn-rr. \i. in tnr fatnilr for pevt-rnl '*.TI-. nnd '" tn>t liMiliilt- tu |.n.inuiiiri- it Ilir i o*t , rti-v-Vo:il P for cousin and cLIntx- lm- r\'f UH-.I. ' A- -I- Musi." l.aki-, Minn.. March IS, 1^-. I mitli-n-cl forcipht yor- fr'-m Pr"lirh!", nil.) afti-r Irving HINIIV r^-tin-.lii^ \. iiti i > MI - n-f. I wai- i-linU b) tile IIPH- .l .\M r'i> I'll! 11- K\ rriTiillkt. .lol I'll \\.11.IH N." . I--.. PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned baa tbe following Faro ',::: ::; VETTOBEKULU. "I iTiinioi m-v iionjjli 111 promt of (III Kin I I . lull M., l-<iU-Ml^k> I i!.. 11..I-. lull for it it- 1 rliouUl '.cui^ >ii.r<- li.-m- n-I from IIIHL' inxililn I liuu.uox." I'alwtlue, li-Kun, A|irll 1'.'. !-):. Ko esi.- <'f nn ntr*ctl"ii of the thmal "r lune nirt' uliicli mniurt be great!} iv. i \. .V l'\ Hi- nc nf Arm's mrui: I'KI anil n will o.'irnir* mrr when the ili.eawj if nut ulrcuil\ lieyoint the control of medicine. i-i:i:i-Ai:b:r> BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowelf,Mass. M-I.l by all UrugKioU. 1 SpriuColt, Syouog K.ww.l Lum 1 Single Hutft^v, 1 Srt siti^'l. Harui-KH, 1 I Mill ' Howry hiipronxl.) I I'low, 1 <lans I'lon. 1 ~>. t l>..iilili-Hn.rnHu. I CntttuK Hox. 1 May Rack, and other artivlu* too numvroua to uivu All of which will bo wild Oheiip lor < : i - li . or time will i niv>n - tx>t 11V.. 1st Ktt|fl) \V. T. & S. Koa-l. ArtcuiMte. About Two mile* Kant of Klehherton- U. <- IM \4 4\ Lawrence Canals. Noli., to < oiilrai loi -. SEALED TKNIlKH-i. n< rtreued to the undiir- nik'ned and en<lorne<l "Tender for Ht. Law rence Carialn." will lie reeeiven at tbiaofllce unt il the arrival of tbe cantem anil wustern niailaon TI'KSDAV, tin- liith day of Keliriiiir> mist, for the i-'iiiitriictiini nf a L>i-k and regulating weir and the dcc|M*nfnff and enlarueiuaiilof the upiei entrance of i he Cornwall .'anal. Alo for the ciiiMrneiiiin uf look, tot[i)tllor with the elilnr^i'iiieiit and deepi'tifnc of the upper enlrHiiei- of tbe linpi.le l*1at f'Anal, or middle diyi-ion of die \\ illimii-lMiri:'.ui,.|~ and the ilel>|H<ninu. *'c "f till) elmuiu-l t Ulu U|I]N-I en till 11 re of tin- (i:ilo|i Canal A mn|iof the hnul or npiw rnitramw of the Cornwall Cannl und the npiier entrnnce of tbe llapule IMat Canal, together with idana an. I Kf. tan . ill. HI I. , ..f the resjKictiyc ' l have IMM-II inot rnntrarv to jiihtn-e and rid it f. r ] ;. , ,-.. l|,.j,|ent enrliWr's filMce. I)lekw>n's the AlmlKhty t<> have p'mihe<l UK impro Landing ; and forth* work* at HM Imail of the per conduct in order to hold mi ai , ..unmMc ( , ],,,, c*iil. at tin Lock Kw.pwr'H hmiiH- noar . kin.r' . K ,,,| i, : ,,,.), , iu,e plans. .< -., can be , hi , o( n ri . ,, R1|ll Bft ,. r TUI-.IHV. the jntly. lie Illiivt |in XL le and offer -alxnti. .11 and ] thl .,,! riT* atrangth to accept It. Tin-- i th.- p. -in..n s ,.,, n , . of Ariiiinian. (atwrmllT. VMierc. then .. H^k .,,,|, day ..f Jannnrx in.t. wlire I'linied r'unns I H t 'ail,,IKthe k .l-ee,.f the k ",pel - V.-eordillK to ( Tell der CM liu i.btallunl. tliea* Btatelnellt-* It xxullld liuxe liei-n unjust d t" bav held men rt-s|ionMl>le without it < on Inn-tin* in i) li. i . h\ infiiriniMf that ti r:! pi- I: a M 1 1. . ii- iinh on II"- < iiHNVVM.l. andKAPtDE ri.VT -*.-.-lMnH of tin- workn. aful tli.w ar r.- i|iic-t. I tu bear in mind i Irii tpinlmt will not be i-oii-i t -ri-il iiulumi niaj'.u strictly ill IIUH i- xvitli tlii- printi-il form-. i.n.l IHI iwr.Miipnrii.hl f.\ a li-tt.-r Mutiny tlmt tin* jwr-^tn rtr |M>rHon (tod t" bav held men rt-s|ionMl>le without it It ia, therefore, nitnplx 1 an annh^einent of justiee anil uecetwity. without wlueb tbe l^.r.1 could hiix-e i xereiBe.l no n.. .ra! k'.'xi i iimeiit i.x-er iiielj. Another proof that ArininlaniMii Mul.xrit* t'. i. . In taken from tbe principal objection whit-hit* _________ ______ ........... _ . _ ....... .... ......... dTOMtex nrKe a'iiii-t the a... trine of l.le, t,.,n ,,,.,., .. hnvt , ,.,,.,,,]!, exuniini'.! tin- lin-ahty an.l Accordmetothat.liictriii.., allnieiian- by nature t | 1( , n ure ..f HIM m.u.'iial fmuul in tin. trial In a lout condition, an.l tnieht juMlx huxe lienn .,,, , lX , left to perish for ever lim IIHX, no claim . |,,' the , < of firm* then- M. iv be Mtncbcd the wtu**nrtp the diyino favor : and even when autnal KIKI atu . . the unture of ilia oncii|Mtinr piir.lon lunl eternal life are ullered nucli is then , , ,..,, n<M , ,, ,,.(, ,,,|^ f ,|, ..... ,. ,) depravitx that lion, xx.mldaiupt it nilhnuttbu i f, irtll ,, r . ABASH ir. for tbti uim of <, nm mint BCC iupan\ the dnidt-r for the Corn OMtnlnlog (raw of Rod \iew-lm; all In thi miserable condition. He " elected some to ever la-stimt life, whom He would make willing in the day .fill* ixiwer. while th>' remain. ler He suffeni to ptirajc their own wieke.! course, an.l will pun- iah thflli at lant f r their linn. The iniiveraal outcry of ArininlaiiiKui awiiiust thin doetiinnls that it nmkei (io I unjiiBt . and that for two rea nolis 1st. That it re|irenutits Him an wall Canal Wor'tn. The tender for tho llapide Plat woik- mu U> lici-'iuipanied bv A HVNK IU.I-..SII Kinn- fi'l the h-.llll f M.Otll) The tenders for tit d 'IH'lllne. ,te . nt til" head of tin (ialopn r.i'nii m * In. aino ai-ciimpiuii'tl I*. * IIANK HKI-OMT irrniM for Ihii sum uf 8 MW" The respitrtu < dep-Mi riyeiit-; fehe'|iien will not IM> aei-el'l.-d inn r IM> endoTK^I over It tin which he iM-ntoWH upon ! H , lllp t | 1( , ' uEnlatrr of Hallway* luid Canal*, ami other. alidUndi tlmt tllow fnilll whom tlluKe W |H lie forfeit, I if tl,o p:ntv tiMi-li-rmu .lii-lim ie witbeld, are iinahle to d.-' - tU .-"ii , Wld th 4th /ear. intnrent nn ISOU. . Inxtalmriit . 14 (M) 100 00 (121 00 year, intrreat on I10A I 7 00 Instalment 10000 1114 00 1107 00 Totil payment of WO6 00 " I'lic is not olih^.-.I to repay any part <>F princi|inl by inntnlniotits, lint run nr r.mqc to do *') if h wishes. l- - "Loans I'dinpl. trd in tin.' lliortrDt posiil'lv time, ami rlmr- f.-i re.ln'-pH |n the lowent pomihlp ftgnrr. fc"Tlie borrower can always have IUH payment* i..-1'omr due at whatTer time f tile vcsr uit him boat. We charge- NO FINES. W. J. Bellamy, - - Flesherton. HIV unabl n cannot I- 1 j If this Hr(ruin*iit IM woll fmm>ic'l, it <t\i'i tin I>WH llu- WlioU- tlnrtl Hit- <>f ^rni-n. It ivnti* i <iti tin- iv^niiii'li'ift that nu'ii Imvi- t*niu> cltniit on (t(wl fur ( i'>M]M-1 (,'1 jir.- ( hi< univ clHitu wliat mi oilier hf, *h*l nil innv rlftlin ft rtmn ninoiint. or tlit-v arc iiiijiiHtl\ tr.-*t.'.l ty tht-ir <'n<n' . ii HP hold tin-in Hf< c.initulili' for llirir cotx.uct. If ! they hftvo no claim, wlii-n- !* >r ran he thr itijtis- : tico '.' The v't\ tt<tin mguttt hn|livK a claim din remarried It > \ In !< n*-f>s>ni il v the idea uf < ffrar*' It ri^tfi IIJMMI merit or ohlitintlon If, t theruforv, Utxl eniiMot (rive what .K> ohooju-n Ii. ' tonal withuut wniim Voothvnt: or if lit- cuniiut proparlv wltholtl fiuiu M (tun wlint He hfsloH MM nth era, (t mnrt h.> St'cannc th^y havi- Hdim- rt&ini [ t" Hi* favour. Hut if they have a < Uini. when* in thu k'rm-ii uf tliat iii(liuinc U> which tbny ant . .Mint led .' It - hi>nt'>wtm*i)t IM nut *,'"*'< hut ju tire \Vhon. thi-n-for* 1 , Armlnlanfi RSKcrt fint [ election makn*i Oml unjimt, thny do therein <lfny ! Mid ftubveit thr it.M triiiit of (trace. Bui anain, and lastly : We have *tM>n that At mtnlnn* afllrin that Oo,t roull not ju.-tly Im-.t- pii^a I liy all nii'ii. I. avlntf ttn-m to pe' i-i fn their -in-, H wa<* hound tn iiutlvu t pmvi* e al vat Ion. nnd yivo the r-tn-n-tii t n MI; into < 'uitrru-t fnr tlv Wo^fka ai fhi aml (in the t^-i m -f M.- , in ih** "ff' r t-ihtnift" The .|r(.i' -it i i-<-ei|!tsthti icrit !fi will he returned to f Ih- rr-iMt 'ti\'- IIM th-H wliim- fwiulem are not Thio rtejiai tnient -toes not.hnwnT to accept tho low*t or nm t*n<lt- r. I'.y i- I)pt of Railwiv* and OnaJn (MiHUK, liNt Januii' \ , 1^ . , hind It"H Socr.Ttan," WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DUtincao, DYSPEPSIA, \ DROPSY. INDIGESTION, FLUTTERIMC JAUNDICE, t |T OFTHEHEAKT. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUH, | THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, A OF THE SKIN, And every species of dliraie ading from dlaordered LIVER. KIDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, EUGENIA Grist Mill, ::. ! ; :r- lath 11. Hsving m:i. le eit.'iisivp improM in. nis in rn v i n isi Mill, I am r. nifi.ii n i I ran -IM- guo>1 tutlnfactii'ii. rilfippixf; DOXK A\Y DAY. Oornl Klnnr alwsvs on band. Cnslom Sawing HI. I Kills Rlleil on the sln.i test notioe. Luiu ber ami Ijiih nlwiivnou Imiid. WANTED : Cherrr, Utitlorntit, White Ah, Blaek Ash, Basswoud, 1'ine and HrmliK'k r,.'^s wanted. M. AKITT, EUGENIA GOLD reive it But mark what follows: Afterf.odhi-ii * J 1 "'" donu all thi- , they hold that iK*wlthUn< a<) ' (he inllin in u bo can > \ it on tin- *innrs' nninl, , be ban th pt>wur to roKUt it; that vn thoa j whobavobjua. nucwml by g aco In tho divine for tli - .-.ill ' you P'I aampla the wa> of ionic:!!- thnn you cv.n t i .... Caj>ital not re'i'iirev can .nk nil th.-'lme work i - un \--t ... Mil old \ every e\ the bu'lne i. u i inak Io to *'.MU. Sen. I 10 !-,% " nil ;'. \ nlitabfp h x N l put ,011 n y in a fii* da>-* ' Ml . I'', ! tart yon. Vm r i" ii .< tluKOMy, TB tlmi ian-" i i -itn to *' w . s i. iiini-aiallnllvd ifnr vbi> aru iiut well satisU? i M-n will ot u I,!,. ..f \ni'n,.( ua. Full par T'ort':no will whole time t< I > su . 1 cm! r bTlNiuK * Co., IVrt- i'lifle. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An plaaaaot ltek*. Contain their <rw ParfatlTa. Ii aate, IQI, acd rftrctm+1 r tt wtmt ta ChiUna w

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