Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1884, p. 7

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I'OKTRY. Ouli .,Ur Like a bell ofbloMom riming, Clear au.lcuUUuli lunll ud iweut, FluttiiK u> thu |M>rcli' nlioduw, Wall thu fai ,tor fall of font. Couia tlin auBWer kufliy bi krr.l, HIM 11114 under waiuuer wau, Wlnie ilia lialiy-iiuueu iiuirmu her, " uu T g jiug tu tbu gilu." he moonlight, warm *n.l tcente I, !. iv. tu i>-*uty brea'Ue* aelgb, Alway* i.i <lrprl ralucUut. IjottUj to ftpiMk iiiu word* Roud-bj . Tli. in tie MUI low eubo u.wor. Wattiug |.,vu nl ol<l*r date, Ami i lie Him ion wli>i.|T< auftly, "Only going to til* date." Ob, tbcte gate* al' ng our pathway, Wb.t luey i ar ouUMe an I In I Wual the vague outluok beyotid them, Over wave* we bave not been. How limy ttau.l before, brblod nil Tutl-gatee aouie, wltti ITICW to pay , Spring-gate* untiie, tliai abut furever ; i:lumi k au eoiue, ibat melt away So we pass them going upward On our jouruey oue by uiie. To the .lituut (Liulng wicket Wbero each travollnr goee alone Wbere tbe friendi wbo jusrney with ui Hiratifcely (alter, elup aud watt . Father mother, child or lover ; "Only going to the gate." Thr l-o.r OM i t ii in Tbe poor okl tramp, He ped'ilei In the damp, The froet and tbe wiuiftr'* BUOW, He'* a harnjlee* "Id obap, Hut be l*u't worUi a r*p. For he Lau't got the nerve, yon know. In tbe park* he'll camp. Tbl* p or old tramp, Uugging lii-. rair aud i.i. woe. Wny i tUI* thus Will) the poor old CUM T Why, be bam t got tbe nerve, you know Tbe dreg* ol the heft. And tbe cruet he b< K-, Cac t made lite Heaven below, Now If be ctiu.ul b i, Or operate in *tock* Bui be alu t gut the uerve, yoa know. Tbe poor old tr*mp Wnuld ilke to be a acamp, And rob bulb high an i mw ; Hut tan hau't gut tbe wit, And be haau't got tb grit. And ho oaui'i got toe uerve. you know. Be think* be'd be a aoamp, Tble poor old tramp, If he only ba*l a ihow ; Hut be haeo't got tbe wit. An. I be bau't got ibe grit, And be baan't got Uie nerve, you know. When oat goe* the lamp, Ol uie need-up tramp. And down b* drope below. Tbe ver.llot ooinei From chum*. la toe alnma. " Why be badu'l got tbe nerve, yoa know." ~ ___ I* M Wenb WhU> f U It worth while to Jostles, brotber, Beariug bi lua I ou Ibe n ugu t.J of life? Is it worth while tbat we jeer at eaob otber, In blaokneaa of heart, tbal we war to tb* knUe 7 OoJ pity u* all lo our pitiful plight. - s Ood pity u* all a* w* jostle each other; OoJ par.lou u* ail tor tb* triuu.|.b w* feel Wbeu a fellow gu** down neatb bis load on th heather, Pkwaed to tbe heart ; word* ar* keener than sssei And mightier far for woe loan for weal Were It not well In this brief life Journey. On over the lilbtnu*. down into th* tide, Ve Klve him a nh lutea i of a aerpeot, Bre folding tb" baud* 10 b* and abide Korever aud ajre. In duet al bis aide'/ Look at Ibe roes* aalnl Ing sasb other. I, ok at tbe ber.U all In peace ou tb* plaini ; Man and uian only, make* war on hi* brother. And lauiib* in hi* heart at hie peril and pain. tfhaine.1 by Ibe bat* that go down ou th plain I _. an! .*. ___ . It worth whll* that w* battle to humble - Vornu poor fellow down In tbe du*t/ *dpl'yu*all! Time too eoon win tumble All of u* together, like leavee In a gntt, uoililu<l. indeed, down Into the du*t. ej TPJ 1 1 Illlc wo little tent D m ill that both may nettle '. In OOM oarelng h .u 1. WH Under fee' upon tbe untried border Of life'* my*teriou* laud. , Dimpled and soft, au 1 pink at peach tree bloe- sunu la Apri ' fragrant day* : IInw au tney wa k amuug tbe briery tangle*, K.lgiug the wjr!J'r .ugh way*? Tbeee* roes fe*l along tb* donbtfal fatur ktut bear woman'* loeu ; la* I i nee w.imaa ba* th* neavlet! burden Aud walk* tb* herd**l road. , vs for awhile will make tbe path' before Ihstj II il-lntr. *mnoth and fair- Ill eull aw .y ths bramble, letting "ul> The ruee* bloesoni there ; ot wlien the watchful moths*'* ey*s u abrouded A w . from the light nf men. An'l the dear feel are left without her guldln Whu iball direct the* theu 'j . . _ . WIK tboy go mumbling blindly Into darkness Of aur-i.w tearful abadss, 1 Or nod 'heuplandi-lope* of psae* and beaaty] Wbuse *uuligbto*v*r fades r How hall It b* with her, th* tender itrangtr. Pair ( aud gemle-eved, Before IM-I. uu taiueJ feet th* world 1 * ni. 1 hliibway Btretohe* au strange and wide ? Ah I wbo may read the future ? For our dar'.t WH crave all M *lng> iweet, And pray that He wno fee I* the crying raveu* Will guide the baby'* feet. , 0> lo Bilk 111 It)*) H.kl. . ; Th Ki v. R. O*b*)t Nawtoo te pccjttiug away l Ib* Peutaemub. Haworl i HI > i tvoit i ii bard to mktj cat that ntow** did not wri th bookii, oat cannot toll who did; porbaj "different band*, In different ag**, an ap in tb work of thr*e K , imoli of different \<\tt, view* au t> In. whi.x n*u>M hare (ton* into ate* oblivion." Pretty maob everything of th linWinoal kind tn the book* he makm ou to be a myth. n allegory, or a fraxmen from the Itat annaU o( lome neiRhborin Syrian people. The tirat chapter of Oeue U "a Mmple but nblime poem of tbe dawn." Tbe lives of tbo patriarch* were made ap from traditional and legeudary aeooauu written loog after tbe age in which th. y lived, aud, at tbat, were proba bly DO! the liven of individual*, bat of ;be tribvi or OI-.IIH. And ea on, reproducing many ol tbe view* of Uolenio and hie triba, towing down the preeeot faith of the great body of the moat leaned and godly Ghrix- tian Mbulare, and giving little bat vgar gueuee,, legeodn, and uueuppnrled diota of hi* own iuntead. How a Ghrittian mini*- tor o*n feel tbat b* can beet eervw tbi worldly, MDeaal, aobellavirg age hv ao aDdermiulDg what booeM faith in the Bible there in left, eari/aeae* ordinary oom^re- ruiiilurnl l/B k l|.h >plulou I |>UB i. u Impel I'll! 1>,I,|, i I ! .rt l Vein* lo Kvrrv It.Hdtr. Toe day for pretender* baa panned. Meu re judged by what they can do, uot by bat they *ay they oau do. Tbe r*adiu K ublio of to J i) i* too dinciiiuiuaiiug to be >ug deceived by the epuriou*. K an arucl ave merit it will beouuie popular ; it it la uwortby it will eiuk into oblivion. For eari tb* people of Kuglaud iuid Ainerici ave put to ibe teverent teet* a oouipouud egardlug which in. ml auibttiouH claimx ve been mad*. Uuder nuoti ordealx *u> it aa been subjected tu, nearly every kuowu reparation would have failed, but tbia one id uot. In England and tbe Uuited Uitei to-day it in tbe moat widely koowu ud popular of all public preparation*. la arifiuation of which not* tun following : Iu September la*l, oue of tbe Eugliib rohter* of India returned to Londou, Sag., utterly broken down aud debarred xooi farther aervioe by raaaon of what tbe xatniuing pbyaioianaproDouuoed inourable idaey diaorder* aud dropty. U* wa* 0001- araiirely a )OUOK man, and felt depreetcd ver tbe *iiualion. XucideutaJly leartiiog, owever, of tbe power of Waruer'a Hale lure, which baa attracted BO much alien ion of late), hebegau II* ui-e. Withiu Ibree mootbi he was thoroughly restored to ealtb, paaaed medical vxamioatioo a* a ajuud man and IB to day dutobarijtug uttee M well aa ever in tbe tryiug cliiuate t India! J. O Henry, Eaq., a near neighbor of tbe ate Thomae Crl>l* ObeUea, B.W., Lou on, Eug., became very much emaciated rom lung continued kiduey and liver dia rden, tue treatmtiut he bad Bought from be vait medical authorities workiog only emporary reaultr. Ue tben bt g u the f Warner'* Bat* Cure, and iu May 15th at)t declared "I am now feeling pbyBioaily a uew creature. A frieudot tiiiuo to wbotu recommended the Sal* Cure for kidney iver and various dineane*. alao tpeak* of It - tb* hi((beel term*." R. C. bjwerby, Helenibnrg. N.B , wa* >bliged to relluqui*h Li* profa*aioual dutivB iroauie of a severe kiJney and liver coin- ilaiut. Alter using a dos*o bottles of War ler'a Bate Cure he says: "lam today better than I bave been for twenty yean and 1 cheerfully reoommeud tb* Bale Cur all *ho are suffering from tbese du- al r William Jooen, 16 Wellington street, )amborue, Eug., says tbat he wan thorough- y treated iu Bl. Bartholomew's hospital, Lioudon, ug., tor uiinarv disorders and weakuee*. He osed Warner's Bat* Our* and b* says : " I am like a new man." It oared bim of indigestion, trouble* of the towels, ezovssiv* urination and nervous prostration. He add* : " I wss taking variou* medicioe* for over two years from Ibe beet doctors, and all in vain, bat after taking Warner's Bate Core for ouly foor weeks, I waa brought from death to life." Mrs. E. Oams, 115 Broad street, London, W. Bug., suffered for yean from female weakueae, skin eruption* and im- pure blood, but, at tor using Waraer's Bate Jure, she eays : My health IB better now than It ban been for yearn." H F. West, K-n , 16 Barton Crescent, W. , London, frum bis.own ex|rienoe strongly recommends Warner's Safe Core to all peraoaa suffering from kidney and liver oamplainta, as the best remedy known." Mr. Henry Mailed. 1 Pennsbur/ Private Road, Wadewortb Koad. London, Bag., was oared by Warner's ri f* Core of enlarged liver which produced nambneas in left leg, with a dead heavy feeling and diuiuvss ou tbe right side at his bead. " I bave recommended it," he says, " to several of my friend*, most of whom have derived tfreat b*i>St from it." Mr. W. Clarksoo, IKrtington. Villa*, Bpital, Obesterneld, Eug., ueed Warner'* Hate Cure for liver ooiu^laril, dy^peptia, flatulence, vomiting (f btie and meutal depression. Jauuary 15 b, IttflS, be writes : After u-iug the *i|(btb bottle 1 feel better than for many years. It is an invaluable medicine." Mr. J. HiMook, station master, Taff Vle Railway, Navigation station, was cored of absoeSB of tbe kidney, calculus or atone, dis- charge of pus, etc , by thirteen bottles of Warner's Sat* Cure. " I had long and faithfully tried Home of tbe ablest medical men iu Bontb Wala* in vain, oue of them remarking that medical science has failed to ftnd a remedy for confirmed kidney disease. Tbe Safe Cure dissolved and brought away ab >ut two oonoee of stout. 1 oau never praise the Bate Our* too highly." Mr. Robert Patten. New DeUval, Eug., WM much overcome by severe inflammation of the bladder. " I bad to urinate about every five or ten mioates with great pain arid suffering. My water was full of matter and blood. Both kiduey* and liver were affected, and in addition I bad a bad cough and heart trouble (all presumably tbe see ondary effects of tbe kidney ai.J bladder disorder). He says th*t after curing bis bUdier, kiduey aud liver trouble by Wai LIT B Safe Core, bin " ooogh and palpi tation are quite goue." William Bimpson, K-i , Daoghty Mill Kiraoaldy, N. B., nattered for years from Urigbt'e disease of tbe kidneys sod oouee qurol dropny. Mm body wan dreadfully awollen. Hu appetite was flekle, be wa* 'nil of rheumatic palus, bi* urine barned in panning and wss fall of tnuojus and brick tin*! sjdiment ; his poise was weak, hi* heart was irregular in iti action, his breath Ing was very mnob impaired, in nbort he had all the painful itymp'me of tb drradful disorder. He sr,ent 17 #erk>> lo tbe it iyal Iunrmry, ol K niiburgb, uuder tbe skill of the best physicians who, IIKVIU exhsuated all ageucie* at tbeir command diftonarxed bim " aa incurable." Ue says I passed water every hour, day auc uigbt, having great paiu while doing so specific for kidney, liver, urinary, female aud Bright'* diseaatt: II in rr. m ui U. Morse, 8 iUrk Villa* aot, K c!iui'>:.d. Ceipuuo K. L Norton, Oliagall Villa, L H .*!, BUokliratb, Kei.t. Hou. 8. U. Packard, 14 Alexandra Drive, L,ivcrpool, lion. A. D. Hbaw, United Statee Contol, Mauobeiiter. Tbe K..V. C. G. b.juirrel. Btrcttoo-ooder- fowHt, liugby. Buob tMiimoDiali from taoh unqumitioD- able itouroe* prove tbe value of thwrvoitdy, *Uicb ii (old iu every droi; htore, be)oud tbe abadow of a doubt. They prove that I in tbe KreateHt of all modaru uedioiuea 'or tben* terrible kiduey and What it hae done for oue it will uuqaev- tiouably do for other*, and an eucb it com iiieud* ituU most warmly to public oonfl- denoe. A correspondent ol tbe Boston Herald gives an interesting itetofa of the career of. . D. Winslow, th* Boston former, since bis reeideuee in Baenos Ayre*. On bis arrival thsre be assomed tb* name of. W. D. Low. Ever nine* fortune seems to bave smiled upon bin every endeavor, aud, although his former rsoord is well kuowo, be is treated as a reputable person, and is regarded as oue ot the most soooessful men of tbe plaoe. Almoet immediately on his arrival in Buenos Ayree, b* suooeeded in borrow ing money Kurtioieiit to establUh bis news paper, tbs Daily llera'd This has beau i Buooess from tbs start, and is now pub lisbrd in French and Spanish, as well ss in Enulitb. Tbia i* a Sunday paper as well as m daily, and Ur. Winslow'g religious homilies in bis Buuday edition are said to be an )>od reading as the latitude of Buenos Ayree a'.fjrds. lie ban b-oouie the owner of a baudsome block of building*, drive* tbe best pair o( horses in Buenos Ayres, which, by tbe way is a eity of 500,000 people, aud live* in a bandacme <]uiuleou tneout*kiru He has a '.'. phone f nio bi* bu^inees office to his retideuoe, sod does uio*t of bl* edit Jug there. Boon after his arrival in BUBDOS Ayres be succeeded in marrying a young woman and went to England on hi* wed- diuic trip, but rtmuaed there bat a short tiu.i'.f'ir fear of application from th* Uuited ithtee for bis titradi.iou. Biuoe be has Men in Buenos Ayres be has been to Europe twice on important missions for tb* Government of tbat country, aud b* ha* lie rntrre at tbs President's bouse, whers e even takes the of tbe Presi- ent's ministerial advisors, wbo are obliged o wait until hu bustnes* i* dune before bey go to do tbstrs. Hs is so powsrf ul bat h* would have no difficulty in brsakiog own an) per eon wbo aboulti nndsrtake to xpoee i r oppose him, aud no on* cares, to o it. He is a member of tbe principal tub of tbe plaoe, and is personally intimate with ths American mtoisler. Ilia eredilm iuenos Ayres it said to be exceedingly good, and prominent merchants are always ready to leudbim all the mocey that be want*. n <it- n vvii.i. ..i i li. flswl Art In a -.! Trail di I euMli-ari-mrii Ui u 'tan. Nearly two yesir* axo a farm baud mur- dered m shepherd iu one of tbe distaut preeiLcU of (i.-riuauy. The murderer, in order to eocipo tbe wrath uf justice, fled lo America. Last September be wiunut atid was given work by Baptist Douier, a 'srmer living near Uawley, 1'a , bat the realization tbat be win a murderer and the 'ar tf beiug captured aud sent back to the teens of bin crime so preyed upon bin mibd that bis aoMoui were tue comment of Ueuster's family. All t fforts to ascertain Irtm him tbs cause ol his singular actions were unsuccessful, tbs only rrjly to tbeir inquiries being : " I bave bad a great Borrow." Tbe otber day Mr. Densier *eut Lbe young man to s neighboring nouns ou anerraud. The biied man knocked ou tbe loor of tbe bouse, and it waa opened by a lady. Tbe man stepped inside, tbe lady threw op her hand*, and, etsggeriDg Back 1 11 AI mm n. " Hal leu . Ma**., Ke>. 1. 140. Gentlemen I tuOnrad with etlavt* of * ok beadaUio. Neuralgia, female troubles, for yoars la the UJ t irr.iuU and eJtotucUUiig uauorr. No ..,. noluo ..r doci..r eould give) uiu relief or cure um until 1 ue<i Hope9ilt*ra "Tii" flnt boill* Nearly turnl me," Tliri nidiuad* we aa well and ttrong at When a child. Ami I have been ao to thtiday." My bu-i.4i,.l au iuvu 1 for twtntr wear wilb a 'tnuu* - Ki.ltiy liver ami urinary onmplalnt, " l'i..u< bj Boeeim ' beet pb)iean* " Ineurable! " Bvn battle* of your bitter* eared him and aim* of the " Live* of eight penon* " Iu my neighborhood that bavs been saved your hitter*. ADiluuny more are o*lnii them with gre* benAt. " Tnev almoat Do uiiracle* ? " Mr*. S. D. BtaeM. i> V U. t.. 4. -4 intoaphair, exclaimed in German : My Ood I tbe mau wbo killed tbs shepherd." Tbs man turned pale, but quickly gaining hit oompoeure, initantly transacted bis biuioees and departed. The next morning his body was f uu ud hanging to a beam in bis room. Tbs neighbor's wife called soon afterward and told tbe story. Bbe was in Germany at tbe time of the murder of tbe bepherd, and had setntheyouug murderer very often, but never knew bis name. Hooo s>fter*be left Germany for tbe States. Bhe never forgot the face of the murderer, and luatanlly reoognizad it on tbe morning of their meeting. KIDNEY-WORT A ! I II - IK. I may be taken at liver aud bilious disorders with Dr. B. V. Pisroe's " Pleasant 1'arga live 1'cllt-t-. 1 Mild yst certain io opera- tion ; and there is nous of the reaction OOD sequent upon taking severe and draetio oainartics. By druggists. Mtny vpaak the trutb when they sav hit they despise riobss ai. I prsferment, nit they mean the riches aud preferment KMieseed by other men. LOT* i* never loci. If not reeiprocatod II will flow back and lotton and porUy tbe heart. - lrr,*y. [t was nearly wbire at milk, with albu itood for an hoar a qaarter of at n e i. and when it tbe deposit was inch thick in tbe bottom of the vessel Wr.en iu tbi* denperate eondilion he bexa to use Wnraer's Bate Cure the onl< known speoina fur Brtght's disease of th kidovys " I lmv aKed twelve bottles," i *ay, and hi* health is so restored that b add* : " I bless the day when I read tha Bright'*, disease was curable for eo lull oosl." Tbe following persons of quality In Lon don and otber parts of England are a fsw of the thousands who bave asei and biv oomineuded Waruer> Hate Cure, the grea A. flos-looking, well-dressed young man, wearing > prelacies, and bearing himself with ministerial diguity, presented himself o a Congregational Church at Hogar Grove, ' . wuh a not* ot introduction from a olergymau. II* gave hi* name a* Marc mory. II* preached to large and eothu iiaatio oougregatious. aud tbe people were movit g uuder bis lead toward tbe erection of a Dew church, wbioh was m ids a ueoes sity undrr bis sloqusut preaching. A few weeks ago bs duappeared. leaving debts. tin is now identified as au experienced confidence man. A* pastor cf tb* Method si CLurob al Cliftou, 111., he departed clandestinely, leaving a wife and two children bibind. Iu oerlain r>los be ba* called bimoelf tbe Kev. Dr. Vanolove, and lad delivered eloqueut leotursa ou temper an oe. r.'. "r .run-iliih Hun.. I... (From tb* Fall Mall Uaastts-J Mr. Gladstone enter* his 75tb esvr to-day, Doo.27th. Oar correspondent it Cosstsr telrgrsphe : " Coi.gratulatory telrgrama, good wisoee by post aud preeen tatiou* from all ptrtej have poured iu upon tbe Premier at Hwardsu ('title thu morniug. Tb* right honorable geutleman no ba* nol looked so strong or bean in itter health for many years past, attended early service at tbe parmh oburob, and afterward occupied himself in deilng with tbe extraordinary mass of oorrrsuoudenoe which In . birthday invariably produces)." A t'eW Dew* llrr.rll with Iron J. D. Smith, of Frankliu. Delswar* county, bad a cow die recently from a pcou'tar trouble. An examination of tbe itomsob reVHald tbe presence of a handf u of uaili, and tbs lining was black and looked as though oolortd with iron rnrt Just wber* tbe cow found tbe nail* or what mused hr to swallow them rsmaius a mystery. Port Jtrvi* Qtutttt. Mny Washington ladies writ* them selves down an "Mrs. Heorelary." "Mrs. Oeneral." " Mr*. Commodore," etc , in thei sexual pr< graiutut>4, aud tbe society re porters are criticised for following tb fashion. WOTIAM -sit ii ic ni-t i- the tills ot an iotorestirjg treatiss (96 iagee) sent, post pill, for three stamps. Addrv** \Vosj.i>' DIHPSXBIIIT MIDICAL kSSOCtaTIOM, Buffalo, N.Y. Meo do not R J oat to meet misfortune ss ws do. They leave it; and we we, iivite t. JsTsv. Snttchicnt. Young msn or middle aged ones, inffsr- .og from nervous dsbility and kiudrsd wsakuMHies, sboald vend three etsunps for I'art VII. of World's Du-p-us.ry Dims rteriee ot books. Address W> ui . < Dis- . MgBioai. As* ruTiu, Boff alo, N .Y. The bog, or at Isast tbe pig, sboald bs protected, beoans* he is, as Elia aays, ' a weakling, a flower." H.Y. .Ven. THE BTOlf AOU AND ITS DE- rangementc are th* eaoae of the** old luvei-tfttf oomplamij thai so eominooiy under- imue ib* oouvtltuuoo and impair tbe feueral braJtti When Ibe luod I* uut illgeaUd an. I aaaliuilated, tbe blood beocBie* luuHircrtaued and loeapable of ouOilabiu an.l niie>lrlug Hie tl*eue. aud dlea*4 uf tbe vital or*rau, ipiual ffectiooa, uerruui deraugeuienu. eruption*. uloera. irregulai Itiee, au.l jtliaa*ilug diKhari-e maulfeei UIUIMJ VM, aooonliuK lo tb eonaiuu- liiia an i hatilu of tb ladivlduaJ. lr Wheeler e Compound Kllilr of I'bospliate* ami Calieafa. 1 taint lit; ai'U /a ifnii* uf the ga*crie Juto-. an.l ninnWt.f i-ure lil.i."l ! uuvloualy a |iliyai !.> (leal remedi f.>r il>i"|ia. and ha* prutxi to be th* be. I |ir>|>ajatiou kuowu for II* ear*. We often do more good bv our sympathy bau by our labar*. Canon .* In cbooeing sill**, look to their power as wen aa In Ibrur will ui aid y..u ' Iu cbuualuK a remily fur buwel. liver and ki Iney di*eaat>. try Kidn**y-Wurt. anil you will never regret II. If yoa are *ubjin:t t.. ague you uiuat be eure to keep your li>r. r> .welt ami kuluey* iu gnoil frM ouuiilion. Wu*u*o,|ou wi.l be eafe frum all attacka. Epitaph for a pjlioeman last uleep. Us sleeps bis larDr*'***, eloak*. enata, *tnekln(e and all raruieuu oiu be O"lnre.| eu<*ce*afuily with the Diain >u 1 l)yee. Faini.nialne oulon. Ouly IDo. Women deteet s jealous man whom tbry do uot love, but it aogsrs them when a man they do live is not jealous. Ninon dt I.ixclot. Tboee who deaden asnaatlon an 1 ttnplfv the patieut to relieve u&Wiojc tuake a grave u in- take. Tbey pr.iceed up.>u the falae Idea that it legitimate to pnwurs r-lief fr .111 p>iu i jr ileilri'Vlng |iliy l ftirri.f to Cwi I leal enualtlllty. t xtrrmtly. isoeUU kill l Co *i*l tBuT*riM It i* n.jt prv*uuied that ,>.|i H. I'nikii.iii i Vegetable Ujupound will laia* the dea.1, but It uftea doe* leetur* tbuee wbo are given up a* hnpelee* oases. It is one of tb* luouusistenoiee of lift that w* throw bouquele at th* coprano, and boot- jacks at th* turn oat. ill i ii Qalok. oomplet* ear*, all Ilia I. lor ami Urinary Uu noytog KI Iney 1. OruggtMs H01HH O* Knock* a Congh or Cold endwise. Fnrobildren or ...lult*. Troclie*. l.. Liquid 46\i. Aldruuliu Arrangrrr.eots are already biting mad fur ths English Volunteer lieview a EnMer, wbiob. ills ezpreled.will lake place t Brighton, although Dover, Portsmouth aad t srs. it ie understood, anxious t> eteloometbs Vulnnteen. HiTKsviuji.Ohlu. Feb. 11, l-iJ I *m very glad lo y I htv* tried H ip Hitter* ami never kuok anythiu 4 that did tue a* uiuc] g.Hl. I only took i*.> b ittlea, aud I wuuM no .akefluDfor the i{ii< N! they ill.i me. 1 recomnien tuointoinv pativnu, ami gel th* b**l reeulu from their uae. 0. D. MB. KB. M. D. That boy msy be a Lord Mayor before he ha'sdono. Philanthropist " BleMme, my boy I Why are you sitting tbere, looking so inimitable?" Boy "I ain't mis'rible." Philanthropist " I'm have only one but, leeeT" Boy "Yes, I 'ev." Pbilanlbro- i i-t " Why don't you wear it, thanT" Hoy -" 'Co* I've loaned it out for a fai Jen o another oove M hadn't got none." Philanthropist - Eh 7 Obi Wbat for, pray?" H .y " To kick ths nick.r with. Tbat's him ovsr there, aplayin' 'opsootoh." -J*,. " Whv don't sim* women gsl bald headed?" Yes, why? Maybe it one wo man were married to another they would both be bUdheaded before many years. "StOltJHOI OH*." Ask for W*IU' " Roub oa Corns." lAe. Quick, oomplote, periaaoeul eure. Cum*, wane, ban ion*. _ Balwsr was correct. Tbsre is no suob word as fail it is mollifitd down into amignmenl. TMTiSLI ELIXIR Hu U>1 the lest for Fin v- I'IIRFC Yt\<, arul hu proved Itself ihc best romi'dy Unnwn for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, | Cold*, Vyhooping Cough Diseases Luna; jruui 11. S'L1I tVKRYU-,11 Ki. FT. . o 25> Ud tl. 00 per Ec-.t :. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. Ho other ilHini le ao prevalent tn tal* aomn- raaudy lux * UMy-Wort a* a try i* Coaut-paujn. toe c.> Waled KUUMy- WbatTirUi*aau*e,li0w ae. thu nawdr will Mngthen* tho weakened parte and e^tskly en* all iladjof r.'.o* evru wnt a pkjnielBSM SSBSM) .r.t tir* I re*. Ltvro ciia**r of I > troubl*M USE KIDNEY-WOrTr LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. or all I r-arr 1 * ** A B~:da*fr Weamsa7~laet*e1 ky s Weaisa. rr*sar*4 y s W*e*aa . k. W~> SiS.J Sim il| H_1W Ban W SOekwr- te*l r- nr. Ike SlliBlas; lelrlt*, laft*e aad Ike aaeuvlleltre tae f ItTe't prlner and arty mmimmr time. ( IfPhrtlclaiM U*e It aad Prstcrib* It ** * U nmrrm filetsi**. refciry. estrn all c .r Mlnalaat. aad retime r ,i r . i nv or k^r Mi I Kx-kacb*. to aln/i turenmiHiy emnd >' It- m far tae wre ef KMaef < .r . ufc^r ea IkU C*e*i*ei l> eaaorym^. J TIM* r. i>l>kH*ii'a Btxn n i:inr. 1 t.rm.l.'mfe t^x r*rtl*t ' I- " ' ' ' * U ..! , N Compotmt **4 Mee PvrSVr an r .t i .| W*arm Aveeiw, Lfna, MM. L Hiikotilei for (ft, gee* bjr e>au la Ik* (on* of i '.<. . r ..f I .-n<ra, oil m*lpt of priM, |l I.T I.i .r*tb*r. Mn-Plakaamfroly an>wnallltnvf i-.try. Encl. e* tot. etamp. MtA I or fimfU a. * fMD'-v -h-^M be wltbuM L LiVKK riL'- *4earpkli'.r { .--..I.I b all llrua-stx*- >4 ^M be wltbuM LTWA I. n Ttor evre i>etlae*V. rth, brw. S) eua> ec sea, KIDNEY-WORT 18 A SURE CURE for all diseasee of the Kidney* and LIVER It ha* apeeltte eeStoa on Uue mot Important ^ orcan. enakUag U to threw OST torpldtty ad , Inaction. *Miilalg tke baMthJ- (ecreuoe. ef , the Ml*, and bjr iiijUng the bowele la rn* \ mdntM. .e.ung is. r*gul , MnlArln IfTooa'wemsVlagrTa.i IWIalCillCle maUrta. hv* tke eSUCa, are Mllooe, dji*|npH. or*onM>pe**4. Kle>"- ' Wert will url7 ralWTe and quloklf ear ID Ibe Spring to nl*ene tno T>em. e- OM ahould take a there*** ooura* of IU u OLD T DHUOOiaT*. KIDNEY-WOR WELLS. RICHARDSON, A "O'S IMPROVED BUTTER COLQR A NEW DISCOVERY. fV*for ervvrel T^ar* we hare fBnUmh4 IW Dairrm^n of Am*r1. a wua an ei<llnt artl H. Ul ."..I rforbutteri *o im^ltorioe* thai It mK ith *TI| euor^a* Tr7Wtier rrmlvvaa- tka lUfkMl an4 eu!/ pru at bih UlmUi>nal Dalrrralra IX nut hr saJIrtll aM-lMifl<, rhralraj r ar\'h we harr lnipn.T.^1 la vTal aolata, aad now offer thi> nrw r,>lr a* (* We< * I** *rW. It Will Not Color the Buttermilk:. H Will Not Turn wnncld. It Is trie tronsjeet, s)ns;htet snd Oheapeet Ooljf Kefle, |S"And. whIU* prrr1 IB nil, BiBix^oeifri^iad I -B^WARl '' " ' 'ml-auona, and at all i ,r . .1 .-.J - i ' ""1 an IUbB> le kPcoax [ inui'i.r.tllie'lm"ro~1" !< kn..-. wttfrr- An.l bow trt cv4 I", w thoel ri k ii^'i in.. r..n.r<>-. t Mir f r Hi* as. r .111 *M ilnnie* ef IBM* W th* vont km* i .UBd!nji.l>.cord. l"J*J.l. tSJlK'lBVlMj*"* la, tka.<.l -Ijlflj J.*.?, g^7S?g*; . ~n.rwl . , liij ngkiii ,\ k I I i *LS Ta i .-IIT . Pk. T. A tlXoJUM. Ill rW<ISV,!t.T~*i'K an *eer>e a Roelaeei Idaeattue it Btwiiwrtaa Fetv i.u al kV HI'CNO^R HV81NBW OUUJsXrvl rro Mleh

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