Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 7

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TIE FAIMEITS IMLENOOK. Topic, of ConrtK Lonf During the allow , U for only ft * avoiding a ould draSt HOW TO TREAT I11K HKNS. (A PraeU**l Ajiloultmrur. HuO.<l MlpBtBeBW* will iDiLuia* at B direoUy upaB tb* plant*. Canadian b** keeper* IBM annamsr aeourod a great harveet of fine honey from tb* dreaded Canada tbiatl*. thus illustral iog th* adage that v*ry thing ba* it* n*e. Profaaaor Sarg*nt, of Harvard Ooll*ge, speaks of tb* Booioh pine aa tbe most valuable tree farmers *an plant for soreena aod wind-break* about ibalr Held* and Somsiime* tb* habit i* formed by care lissnis* of ths kitohen maid or housekeeper in throwing the egg-shell* into tbe pail aad giving thsm with tb* other w*et* to th* ben*. Thl* should uever b* done, if yuu waul the beui to r**|*Bi their own egg*. Uudereianding tbe cause of this unthrifty habit, il i* nol very difficult to provide a remedy. Prom r*o*nt tipcrienc*, w* find that ibe habit is very mueb broksn by an abundant supply ol crashed shells. Il bad grown BO bad tn a flock of twenty lighl Brahma*, owing to urgleet of tbi* ration, that tbey devoured every g<, without the cloaesl watching at the oaoale of every lay- ing beu . Oiviog tb* shell* every morning, the craving netsnrl and w* found tbe eggs remaining in tbe neala undisturbed. A* an asaielanl to thai remedy, we manufactured an Hgglray, from a oouimon neat box. Xnia i* BO simpls that any one accustomed to Ibe na* of tool* oan make il IB an hour or two. A alight inclination of Ibe board upon wbioh tb* ueet *gg is fastened will oaoa* tb* n*w- laid Bgg to roll away Ir. ui uod*r the hen, beyond ber reach, a* suon a* il i* dropped. Tb* rear board ba tbe Bam* iuoliualiju toward th* oentr*, and project* over tbe other board far enough to protect tbe egg wL*n il haa rolled away. Tb* apaoa betweeu tbe board* i juei wide enoogn to giv* free passage to tbe eggs. The rgg-box may b* liued with a handful of aawdue*, or chaff, to protect the shells from cracking It tbs backboard be furnished wilb hluge*. oan be uted a* a lid, to allo w of tbe removal of tbe egg*. It is a oumplsie egg-trap, aad with lbeo>*l*r*h*lls, inouroaee, adapted lo tb* nuisance of egg eating Many tbiuk that wben a ben baa contract**! the habit of egg-eating tbe thorleet way is the be*t, and unload of eatiug the is put in a cobdi lion to be eaten. But a good layer i* too valuable lo be given up without an effort to reform her bad habit, often aouuired through tb* negligence of tbe owner. The egg-trap works admirably, and aeouree ibe nd d*eir*d by placing it out of tb* power of th* beu to do miaouief. M arm xstcrleaeeiie. Tbe Ohio Experiment Station bae issusd a circular giving som* intereeliDg wheat tact*. U appear* tbat Fiuley wbeat wae tbe first to ripen ; il also gave the heaviest yield of gr*ia and Ib* greateet weight per measarta bushel. Tbe *traw was not largs, giving l*ee weight per acre than tbs Egyptian. The Egyptian gave tbe second largest yield of gram ai.J produced tb* heaviest straw. Traadwell, Turk White Obaft and Bias ranked third in yield ol grain. Sandomirka o*m* fourth, and Cleweon, Velvet Cbaff aud Champion Amber took fifth rank. Eiperimente in thick and tbin seeding brought abuul con- tradictory results aa to ths yisld. K there wa* any difference in the aarlioet* of ripening it was in favor of th* tbiok c**d- | " ' ing. Bat little difference we* apparent! ** weighed, when it wa* mad* evident tbin weeding produced tbe large*! It wa* obaarvid that tb* propor' JO ' wheat wiabsr killed wa* uniforml' 1 "** lu ibe oas* of thin and mor* in th 0<M * thick seeding. Io buying tree, from tbe nareery ioepeot oloeely tbe roole. No malMr if the item be crooked and ttie top aprawley. If thtrooU be right tbe other end wilt come right. Of the two or three tboueaod varietiee of apple*, four or five are enough for any one orchard ((or market), and tboae ehonld be the onat which bare proved theaiaelve* the baet in one'* own neigh- borhood. Young ooll* ihoul'l have exoellent oare, for their future ueef aloeei depend* largely upen the growth they make tbe firel win- tee Lio*d oil oak* in email doaee u one o( the bat remediae tot ooativeneet in tbe young farm animal*. It large) tree* are to be removed, Deom- Ixr u a good time to begin tbe operation bf aioavatiKg a large hole wbre tbe tre u to etttud. and dlggiug a deep treuob a ound tbe tree at aome little distance (mm the trunk. Tbeu when tbe ground ie ttoroufcbly froun, lha tree, with Ibe eoiil I mi I* of aarlh adhering to it* root*, may b. removed and eel in lie new home with purfeoi eafety. \ u A c. . r. ir fc . . I. . Tf .1. . Th* aenee of abaolate pilch, by wbiob a preon ia able to um any uole of the uueiokl eoUe which may be Bounded, u ae if great rarity. B me Interesting ez- primeutu were recently made with a young My ol thia city whppo *ne* tbiegid to a rinarkable) degree. Tbe lady eat io a Gntaui p*rt of the room with ber back to tie piano, while a pei(urmer took bia aatiun at tbe inelrumeol. Io tbe ftret loe, in order to produce a oonf ueiou o( tue and diprive tba lady of any pitob vbiob tb* might be carrying ia ber mind B abn.ii of rejkoniug, tbe experimenter dew hu thumb rapidly up and dowe tbe yboard two or three) time*, with tbe dimpen raiaed from the itriuK*. When t* Doite bad iubided he airuck a aiB|ile ute at random, wbeu the lady promptly dolared tbat it wa* " E flat," wbiob v* oorreot. After ibe bad bwu torougUy teld on *iu K le note* te piaoiit ent tbrough a eerie*) of com- pc led modulatiooe, aud when be realcd d luquired, " In wbai key i* tbi chord T" tb reoponae came quickly, " 0." Although likiug the teohuioal kuowledge of bar* moy and nnable to call every obord by ome, *b* could mention Ibe component toee; a> unoe, in auewer Io tbe queaiiuo, Vhat chord la tout" the repaid, 1 do > know tbe name of il, but tb* not** at C sharp, E. O and B flat." wbiob wee Al B public entertainment on one oeaaion, ooovereation tnruiug on this *ub lti, tb* Isdy *aid thaltbe) pitot iheorohn. Ir was then playing *a* in the key of D. Ii urJer to teat tb* oorrecluek* of tb* ettcment a gentleman want to tbe oooduo- u at tbe oonclneion Of tb* pieoe and re- tuied with tbe reply tbat tbey bad played its D flat. Tbe lady instslirg on bsr a4traoy, a second inquiry revealed the tbat the piano, to which thii oreneslra wae a eemUtone below concert Her ability in tbi* direction i* en- Within another year much in(ormation about tbe Congo and tbe oommeroial euterpnaee developing there will be aooei ible. Tbe wbol* eonree of the rivejt, from it* month to Stanley Pool, ba* been carefully aurveved and mapped. Stanley'* lurtbeet ilaiion now ie a4 toe meuih of tbe Ikelemba Hi ver. about 1 000 milee up tbe river. He ha* eetabliabed friendly rela- tione with all the uativea. Commerce io Central Africa i* deaiiaed to Had along the Congo tb line of i'i moil rapid development. 1'rof Nurdenakjild haa believed, niuoe be made tb* northeaat paoeage, that in Anguat every er veea*>la(rom Europe could paaa through tbe K ra Sea and reach the Teoi ei River. If tbie were *o, il would be a (act of oommercial importance . but ib* experience of Lieut. Hovgaaid in tbe Dijmpbna and of the international polar party in tbe Varoa confirm the older belief that il ie noleafe to count at any timenpoo the navigibilily of tbe Kara watere. Lieut. Hovgaard bae iiiven up bit trip along tb* Siberian eoaat and bai returned to Vardo on hie way bm*. Jamee btuart, a oivil engineer in tbe em ploy of the L>ndon Mumiooery Society, ie building a road between Lake* Nyaeaa and Taugaiiika. He haa completed eeventy milee of the road , and, ae he expeote to ftniah il eooa, tbe eooiety be* aeot to nim a leamboat. built in aeetioue for tranipor Utiou ove la d, which be will launch on Lake Tangauika. Tbe SoolUab Mieaionary Hooiety bae two eteaoiera now on Lake Nyaeaa. Oooda can nnw be taken all ibe way from London to tbe north end of Nyaaea by 'learner, except at the rapid* ih* River Shire, around which iney have io ba earned bv land. M. I>e Braua bai reached I)* Braxz ville. Tbu m a email oulleotloo of native bnle at tbe weel end of Stanley Pool. Il i on tbe north bank of tbe Congo, and Stan ley'* Leop ildville u almoet directly op- poeile, on the aoutb bauk. De Braua'* right to tbe place and to the adjoining ter ritory w now diaputed by Ibe native*. Stanley bae titablubtd ao many atation* and bae aoooeeded eo well in bin eflorte to win the goodwill of tbe uativee tbat it I* doubled wbelber L>* Braua will be able to compete with him on even term* in tb* work of opening up tbe country. Tbe oolonUt* who will leave Knglenc before Gbri-imae to aettle in Nw Ouinia will be pr . *t lally the pioneer* in a land tbat i* ne>rl/ a* large a* E< gland, Frane* and lolaua l<glb*r. Next M Auetralia it i* tb* large*! ieland in the world. lie eoil i* very fertile, it abonndu in flo< natural harbor*, aud moel of Ibe oouutr; ie bealtliful. If any of the naitivee are oaa uibil*. but th*v have been friendly toward tb* wbitee a* far a* tb*ir (can have per mitted them to he. D'Albertw, tbe Italian explorer, trnnled bim*el( aloi.e atuoog tbim for nearly ay> ar, and (rombiervport* and th* record) of Baooari. another Italian traveller, i* derived the greater part of the information we have of thi* littlr- known land. New Ontnea ia north of Australia, from which it uceparated by ft (trail only eighty mil** wide, aod Quaenalaad u * ill agitating tbe queetion of annexing tbe lalaod. iirr Th* Ltueit warn* tbo publl* to be oar*- ul in tbe UM of tb* mackinloeb, or rubber eoai. 1 1 *ayt : Tbe ineaneibl* perapirattou which find* a way of eape tbroogb ordinary ololhlng i* kept iu by tbe water- proof, and tbe elolhe* are? eatnrftttd with noidure, A very few mtnate* will *um* to render in* underclothing " demp " under maokiitaeh. When, therefore tbe wearer of a maokiotoab take* off that article of clothing beeeuee il ba* oeaeed to raiu, he U ia tba poeiiion of a pereoa who ban damp oiutbaa on, and if be ute in tbe taddle, or walke bom*, or ridee io an open trap, be> u more likely to aak* cold than if b* had nol need tb* mackintosh at all. If therefore, we aay, a tuaocMntoeh ia once pu< on, it abonld on no tooounl be removed until tbe clothe* can b* changed or dried by a lire without reduction of bodily temperature. Tbe nee of a maekiotoah i- to protect a man from a eavere etorm of rain. HU elolba* muel b* dauip if b* wear* one o( Ibeao protector*. The eole gain from uaiug It la Io reudet th* nioulur* warm ineiead *( odd, and to prevent loee of heal by evaporation. If tb> mackintosh be removed, evap jralion oommenoe* 1m mediately, with aOi tbeeonaeqaeal riak* of Ibat prooeaa. KOI i. AUfor Walli eoaijlele, tiermauoui buuiuua. < o < - Cora. "Ho our*. C'jrai, Mr Ja^-ee H. PrOOtor. of Var4*B. k* I* bU DOBBeeaion Ib* akin and oar****) ** white bear which wft* killed a few day* *> by two **tU*r* aamed Baiilh and Biwenm in township 14, rang* M w.i A uueuker of black and brown boar* have b*en * ta Ibat vioioity of late, bui Mr. Praetor i* a* a los* to account tor ine presence of a i near. He y< "I have alwaye, i etood tnal black and brown beats i 'be same ooior througLoul tbe eolire MB*. Oa tbe other baud, if il be a polar BBB* uow ar* we) to aoooont for iu prune* SB (base part* f Tb* pular bear ie. aooo*eJB( to aooounia, purely maritime in it* babies. aod differs from Ib*) two otber speeie* af bears meoUooed in that it is atrietly a *&> aud nab eating animal. It would be uitesv eeliiig were some of your naturalist readees) to aooouut (or the whileoeas of tbe aaiea*! ic qieeuoo, and if ii t* really a polar besar lo noggeel eome theory regarding its bi*M -*j (ar *atray from the baunte of lie kiasV air 1' roe tor send* u* a small bunch of ate* animal's fur, which i* perfectly whit* 'inniffii t'rti Frru I we* takea auk a rear * Witn I " (julak warte, -The Rtpnblic of year* old. Switzerland U 676 HU.TEBV Caen. M T . Pee. 8 IMA Osirrs. I have been err low. aad have tried vorythint Iu uj a-ivauiafa. 1 bar>l your Hop iuara rvcuiuuj u i*xi bv au inAay I oou lu Ird tug.w tbeui a trial. I Ii i, au 1 now am ar >uad, and oontlautly improviug. au<l am aaarly as u ever. _ W. U. Wn LKa. There are com* woman thai require much dreeeing, aa eome meale muat b* hinhly aeaeoued to make them palatable. i n it ii KM - dyspeptic, or constipated, ahonld aHdreee, witb two stamp* for pamphlet, WOBLU'S DlxriNaART MtMCiL ASSOCUTIOX, buflajo, N.Y. In our day which i* tb* right Church ? I kuow which it ii. I shan't tell you except in tbU way thai it is tbe Church that make* folk* Uv* most nearly right." esjtaft ONE OF THBMUSTFREgUENT reralle ol tlapravej DnUlti >n. caut*,! by iilia>*iiou aod lujjiarfeKtaaeUBtia ICQ .f foot), u be uuiii, 17 eruption* wliicb dlafl^ura iba face f eu uiwy people I u hi od beiug poor aod rfleieul m malarial fur rvpelrtuft au.l buikilng UM tixuea. *oe not properly i. urt.u n, . I an-i Jtaaitraxiii* bum r< manifeal them- aalvee. tba itauarel beavlib al Ui aam* time -fount, K loll* re I Ka*lleel at. t |.r naU'-'t ura raaulta froui raauirlug Iba (li^aalive ap|>ar [tn HI. i vita Ulng the etrctilailau, wbi.-a im ffaolad bf Dr. Wneetar'e Coup -and Emir of lioaubaiee au>l Cejiaaya. a purely fibyai ilo.toal IIHM maker and puriBar Ibal iiu^aru great Mharainf I. D* aujoolur lo tba oouiplalkxi by prutuullOf n a union - My doctor proaoaeeed BM eared, bel I * etek a*alo. with terrible paiaa la BIT baa* east at M*. aad 1 K. ! *o bad I Ooekl not move I lahrmnk rroui tft Ib*. *r> IU I I bad been cioetorfcej Bar my liver, but U did mm DO good. I dli aot *!>* lo live ujota ihan Uiree uoutba 1 bee)aa IM wee Hop butera. Uirax. Uy uiy appetite rturoe4, *sw palua left me. ujy entire iy44ii eeauieu raueweel ae 1( by luacle, and alter uaiug a>aral buiUaa 1 am not ouly u aouud ae a au<rrreia bat wessBj more ibaa I did bofoie. to Hup Hitler* I ewe my IKe. K yiT*raieiie Uublln. June tab. URL Row TO OBT 8icB Bipoee yoaneU dar **el otgbt . eat u>u uiuuo UL -u t ejteroise , wurk ase banl wlUio H io. i ; dooi"r all the tun* . take efl the Tile noalruiae ail<rua>l. and UMO. >oe wll waul lo kuow kow to pel t*-U, woicb U aaawesetf ID tbree wonla Take Hop Hitler* I I*. I IH. I. 39 - ' A) ,8 Jame* Kearman, jun., wrilf r York to th* Saektm, in relereoo* *r* k : Having growu it (or two v* * * P"- pared lo vouch (or it* p rJ"w*ea*. II Laving yielded ibis year V****J to the aor,o(601b*.perbw,b^ 1 "quires laud prepared a*o*l the ear- 1- or ulh " - lev and I b-lieve woH h " Te Wrd more than thteonly toS** rion ii lodged h*Hy. A, te (eediog qualitie*. I have te-l !. au' tbiuk """'ug eao ur r. M . i oio *q*' " " superior tosouud nd MOO* mor * profitable than the o,,e 1** ' > >> n"y r* wl j h v -* Dot be * n ble to g*l ( > tiling fi" their plaoe. I have a quan- ty wbi^ I wl " dinptwe o( to partie* who Je-ire <> *umpete for the prixe thai I learn F. \V- foarsuan, of Hamilton, will offsr oexi yeaf (or tbe beet bog fattened on it." K P the SMeck Wares. One d tbe beat aheap devices for keeping stock warm in winter i* to put up a tram*, oover it with poles from tbe wood* and build a straw staok over il, leaving an opening on tbe side opposite the direction of tbe prevaiiiog winds. With plenty of straw a thed of Uiu character is as warm a* a beeameiil barn and nsuoh cheaper, aod oau be made by any farmer. It does not even r quire a hammer and nails, though with these and a few boarde tbe work oan be mad* mor* attractive in appearance. Tt*a)taa*BM ! llr*)*. When It i* considered bow rich egg* are in nutriment it must be okvious thai they oannot be produoed in larg* number* uolaee large quantitiee of rich food are eooeumtd by the be**. Feed tbe pullatt well now if >ou expect them to shell out this winter. On* of ibe beat thing* many farmer* oould do would be to build a long open abed adja- esnt to their poultry house, where th* fowU n mid eeratob and sun lb*m**lvt* on cold Moray d.aya. Ii o**d not b* espeo- sive, but should b* substantially bailt. Bueh a abed i* almoBl iudiepensahl* to Iboee who raie* *arly chicken*. sTieU mm* Umrifm. Th covering (or *pina*b bedi aad straw- beirie* is beet pot on after tbe ground ia lightly froBon, about tb* last of November. A blanket of good manure during th* winter wilt etart rhubarb off trvsly in tb* prio*;. In "hipping BpBlM In winter line tb* bsrrels well wiib newspaper* and they ill "laud a greater degree of cold Without injury. Bury hard abbag* b'ftds down. Stand tbe sod heads on their feel in tbe treuobe*, |ftod ibey will likely harden up before spring. rci. = H Tb* weigh I of tb* female cranium is thai of tbe aocmpliahmsut Nantiek BulUtut. T*> *! Tajrtwr . "be first thing to do ie to draw the) tur- k*r. Tbe pleaaau lest way todraw ft tcrk. y is al a rsffU. It must than be denuded o( iteoutwaidooveriugaod stuffed with niosly levwued bread oruiub*. Tbe amoant o( Ktuffiug nesdsd depend* etitirely ou tbe sit* of tbe family. If tbelui key {every small and the family very large B* ias*<iogly liberal with tbe bread crumb*, or there msf not be enough to go around. Next gsl corns strong twin* aad tie ap tb* lesje and wings of tb* au i m al in Very mu*b th* earn* wa) a* oomuiilt*** d investigation tie up epiritnal mediums. Pet it in tb* pan with a 1 ul* water, not enough to float tb*) tur- ley, but only enough to niosly batb* it, Bve a hot oven. This ie absolutely - witlal even K yon bat* to borrow aDOibir auckel of ooal from the ueootner next doer. Put tb* turkej in Mid every now and than have it well basted. Do not send th* hu-'bai.d lo do Ibis. That eiparimeol wa* tried one* aod tbe turkey earn* to tbs table looking quit*) like a boardlng-bour* quilt. Where tb* domb (allow got the ueedle and thread I* not known. The tim* a turkey (bould remain in an oven d*f>*>iid* upon it* aae ; 188S (owls ar* BOOB cooked , tboe* of 1783 take loo*r. OlV* freeh air. whenever til* ontaide joet*. M. DeLewrpi boaett that bis family i* Scotch ; that in H not lend iberw are Leaawpi aud Les**ls, but iu Francs uon* o( hi* own name briidae hinaaelt and Lie numerous Family . aod Ibat the cathedral of K li. Dnrgh was constructed by an architect named Leaaepe, who was on* of his a,u Sitors. Sorrow aoben and mk** tb* mind genial. And io Borrow w* love and trout our friend* mor* l*Bd*rly, ftod the dead b. o >me dearer to OB. And jnst as ibe star* shine out iu tbe night, so there ere blesmd that look at us ia our grief, lbouh their f eature* were fading from our recol- lection. Tbe ran* of mankind would p*rih did they eea** to help each otber. From tbe time that tb* mother binds tb* child's till th* moment trit *OO>* kind BeV (i-tant wip** tb* deatii-daui|> (rom tb* brow of tb* dying, we eanool exist without menial help. AU, tb*r*fore, that need aid bve a right to a*k il of their feuow- mortal*. A Toronto telegram says : A eaas of interest to sqtiatM oiralas we* oonolnded in Ibe County UooM tbi* morning. Djriog the aesooii the Toronto Rowiug Olub bor- rowed a (oor-oared ebell (rom Aleok Biliott. and while il was being returned io charge ol Klliott aod the oaptain of tbe club it wa* run into bv a etaamer and iwampfd. Elliott sued tb* club (or 1300 Tbe club i claimed U wa* nol responsible, a* th* shell was in oharg* of Elliuil, aod the owner* of the steamer were r**o->n*ible. The jury DIM morning awarded BOiolt 9190 and abuul one-aeventh 1*** than male. There ar* over 900 vol*ano*s in tb* Indian Arcbi(*lago, according to the latest estimate*. Japan prodooee IwO.OOO tons of dried sardines annually, aooording to tb* laleet official return*. Tbs earth i* 746 tiaiss smallsr than Saturn, and It* rueau distance from as i* over 91,000.000 uiilee. In tb* foreel b*w* near th* delta of the fiatiwippl are found eypreee trunk a twenty-five fe*4 in diameter aud ou* eon taiuing 6.700 ring*. Berlin oontaui* mor* than 1.100,000 inhabitants, of whom sroely more tnau on* eixlh are native* of Ibe oily. Tbe municipal debt i* 100 mark* (ti5) per capita, about one sixth thai of Paris. Tb* Mi>*i>ip|ii carries annually to th* B 811 1 400.000 000 poand* of mud. Al the babi table laud of tbs glob* is b*iO| continually ground and waabed away. Tbe depoait of forammiferal ebtll* alone not inoladibg otber reuaius i* sufBoient, al Huxley haa calculated, to create a bed ol limeaton* io tbe bottom of the Atlantic au( Pacific Oaeeus 800 feel thick, BUppoaini the** ooesns to have existed for only 100,000 year*. Mi** Jennie Flood, th* daughter of tb* California twenty-millionaire, deoie* the often repeated story thai ah* IB sngagsd to marry an Eogltab peer. Hubert Herkomer is going to try to built a whole bouse witb hi* own bauda, aim by bis fatbsr, witbonl even ib* b*lp of bricklayer. Tbe interior of tb* hou* where be now livee ie remarkable) for tbe hand-carving of it* decorations, all ax* anted by hi* father aud nimaelf. Oongilo Miyamoto, a (abject of tb JapeueM Empire, who cam* flrat to this continent at Ibe lime of the Ceuteunia Eihibitloo. was married on Weduesday Mice E. Dtlla Bboots, of Saratoga. 8be eaid to be one of ths nice*! and pretties girls at ths Spa. A Winnipeg deepatch says : Tb* rail wa; situation ooDtionee unobaug*d and train ar* ruonu g mor* regularly. Several en gine* bav* been tampered with by puttie soap in the boilera. Aom* of Ib* new meu brought in have joined tbe (inker*. A engineer was taken from bie train at Bran don to day, bat WBB rescued by Ibe police after a liitle rough uaage. The switch** in tb* yard her* were tempered witb tbii morniig. There i* little doubt that tb slriks will fall. Th* company claim ilia the) will bave tbe regular train *ervio* after Wednesday. Th* shop* will be re opened on Ibat day. Tbe old aagmeere oouiion* Arm, bat new men are offering ii atu iJauor. V"Re who I* ready to bnynpbl* *a*mle* will Deter waal a aupply of Ui-m " It citeaper 'O buy alroe Irleud In Kluney Wurv *bo will drive away bu e miserable euemle*. I torpi.l liver, eonalipevloa, illabetva. pile*, dieeaaexl aiilneyi an I Ulaala. TbU liquid U BU prafWad iu liquid a* wall a* In dry furm. Tb* Indian " lumsoer " Aa aborigint Hsr'Msjesly'i ibip Oaaada, with Prine* ieorge of Wale* OB board, will remain intil the end of this mouth at Bermuda, and will reach BarbaXloee in about a fort- night. *J < KDockiaOonghor Cold eoilwsv*. Fur thil. tree raUuiU. Troabaa.Ua Liquid, tje. Al drug laea _ Mere basbfulness without merit I* awk- ward ; aa 1 merit without modeety , inso- nt. Bui modest merit ba* a doubts laim lo acceptance, and generally meet* with at many patron* as beholder*. If you (eel dull, droway, debilitated, have raquent headache, mouth es/tlee bad, poor i|>(>eiiie, tongue coaled, yon are suffering rom torpid liver, or " bilioaseeee " Noib- ng will cure you so (peedily and perma oeutly M Dr. Pieroe -Qjlden Medical Dieoovery." By all druitgi***. Henry Btocktr, of Houlhwark, Maes., 'II dead while in a fit of pas-ion, caused by ,be refuial of hu 11 -year old eon to obey him. _ Who hs not aeen th* (air. fresh young girl transformed iu a frw monlba into the pale. b*g<ard, dinpirtied woman ? Tbe iparklingeyee are dimmed, and the ring ng laugh beard no more. Too of lea tbe oeu-re are dioordere of Ibe system which Or. Pierot'e "Favorite Preaonptiou" would remedy in a abort tim*. H-nuember. that the Kav inle rrsaorlption" will unfa I [ugly our* all " (emal* weakneteea' aud to. tore health aod beauty. By all drug giate. Send tbree slampe (or L)r Pi*rc*'* treatise on Diea*ee o( Women (94 pa<ea). AdJree* W si.i. i MlBical. AssOUTlo, Buffalo, N.Y. T'iere are many women who bav* nevrr intrigued, and many uieu who have never gained ; but thoee who bave done either but onoe are very extraordinary auimals, and more worthy of a glana case when they die than half of th* eiouoe in th* Biiiish museum. Collow, Tan year* afo tb* name of Lydla K Ptnkhim waa acaravly known outaide of bar native Htrte. day II la a h tueebold word all ovvr the con- t- ut aod tuauy who read abe >avul*r and igina* joumala bave beeout* familiar wltn t w e fai-e thai atiiuM o . Ibeel with a modeel euu- fi.U'io*. lu wbloh we read th trntn Ibal ' N.nhiac ill oan dwell la *aoh a temple." Tb* man wilb oak** in his boot* mis- took tb* door mat for a viper. Aod b* was oorreot, only wiper isn't spelled that **' ^ tVThe wonder* of modara ehemiatrv are api*reul In toe beautlfel Dlamoad Uye*. All klud< aad oolun uf Ins can be nia . from thaui Lord Spencer has been (lay ing with Lord Drogbeda in Kildare, and sixty extra police w*at to take ear* of him. m MI -p IH a ' Qalet, *->mplele our*, all annoying Kliloey, BlaUJ.r and Urinary Uiaaaaea SI. l)ru|UM Per* Hyaoinibe is said by an eminent writer tu >pak tb* purest French of any man living. Oongreeamao Woodward, tb* new mem ber for Wisconsin, one* **rv*d a* a page) LB the IMPROV BUTTER COLOR A NBW DISCOVERY. amraj fr*n bare fnrnuhed the fmtm o taiallia wuh aa lirilUal artt- eolar ter batten r> nvHU-rloai that H ant a/ PTUMW iMh : Dairy fuM, I 7-eXil l-r eaHast ar d < *Uii <*,mlml aaorrkwa hara laiprurMl la rv^ml pntota. a udar UMaww eutor aa la* eaal aa l*> w*r It Will Mot Color the trttefmi'lt. WM Mot Tum^armxa. K H the BtrongeOy *n*;htset anal Ortea*** Cotcr **ael*, n oil. to ao yAt.d. %u pri>~l ' that it 1* I erst W AM ' .l mi aa4 < a* Hahu w ff |fr -i W k - hrandaowt (M u vttaoal ri ^peaaa. "* WTUA. rK4i>-ei tie., ai m k vt. . . -- . ^. . ^. . ^ . . - . . * MI. .BEFORE -AND -AFTER FlKtrk pp incn tr* sert * 30 Oiyr 1 Irtsi, TO MEM ONLY, YOOIO OR ^011 i ^\^'i'^ : viTriirt*f-K-a"T,r NIT Foacs as rn. ae. waaaa I at a rawoiL *an-ae r 5 <nna fai-aaa. *p~-l r. )r.- ..nulllaALn Tl.rmaJ<tili J..4.75U.r.rllluautadl'aeiph>r VI.IAK HIT II.. MAMMall. kllw. KIDNEY-WORT FOR THE PERMANENT CURE Of CONSTIPATION. Mo ethee try ae OaeMaauoa, e eqaalled the eulasraud kury Wort m a ^ > la ao pra Talent In Uile , aad no I , Oil sTQ r la.aia edj wUl ererooaae It. Till* djatraaainc oaea- eone all klndiof rren wbea ao4 aiT- 11 ^"*- kave ba*ire BOled, t*. tffrlf you bare elUiar of tooaa r>Bici.| USB "" eta I KID I CURE FITS! *fc.lT-r4tJoi,..t<n**n U..-M t **> **.% 17 to rara lha w^ 1 II > naan* t"r a ana. *v a inaiiaa aa Cr taiaaae* a-a. paa St.: At m yoar own - W Bll TT ^n. Term, ELIXIR Mai tlood the test for Firrr-THttB Y t vt*. and ha* proved itself the beet remedy known for the cure of Consumption, Cough*. Colds, Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseases" old. SOLD I'.VLKvn IIKKB. Fnoe 8V tan : : J J*T Battk. you 1 LIXIF $W tO $M STf reV

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