Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 6

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TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Newt* Irom All Over the World. the Britub Colombia want* a bare of aery award. The Jests Ketcbnm prizes are being di- fcwAlted 10 Toroulo schools. Bv ViLoent de Paul Society ii relieving te Irisb immigrants in Toronto. Tbs lad Powell, oouvioud at robbiog Her ' mai In ai Duucauville aouie time & keuteneed to tivo yearn in the Pro- i Reformatory M the County Court, Ottawa, yesterday. Hapoleon Lrauie, a Grand Truck brakes- Ban, bad two of bin flugeis orukhed wi.iloi esupuug oarn oo Sunday morning at Belle- siUe. Botn o( the U jured digits bad to be amputated. 9o Saturday bnrglan entered Tbomp Mk' etore at Harrowamith aod rausaokea is, taking couaiderable money aod good*. Ailr ooiup etILg their plunder tbe tnieveii esdeavored to obtain a borne In ID rii wart'n etabie, but tbe> do* frightened tbem off. The plnuderei* bunt iuto T. B. Ciook'a driving bouse, exlrectii g a bnigy, robe aod harueas. Last night (Sunday ) iney returned ead oaptored a vluble horse. Tbey also Met* a bnxgy from Mr. L. Bpoooer. ear Rodney a sirlouk collision between two freight trains on tbe Canada Southern Railway occurred on Saturday, that pul vensfcd seventeen eari and badly injured two of tbe trainmen. AD eyewitness of She wreck aaye tbe freight out were gruaod iuto splinters aod piled up promis- eejuoly, vbile tbe engines were doubmd. twikted, wrenched and battered be>oua recognition. Tbe low to -the) company is heavy, wbile tbe value of the freight damaged waa aleo considerable. Tbe responsibility (or the aooident 11 Dot yet euor Bagaeta bas been elected Prenideot ei the Bpauiab Chamber of Deputies. Tbe Britub Government announces that is will retuoie control in Baeutolaudin com- ftoacoe with the prayer of a large majority at the oatiuee. The Bntieh Government ban notified fyp*. that Qreat Britain le unable to inter- Isre in tbe Bondas, bat will try to induce the Pucte to despatch an expedition tbuber by way of Saakin. Tbe) recall of M Andrieux, ih French Aesbaaasdor to Madrid, will probably be de sanded by the Spanish Government in oeeietqueuce ot his Having insulted railway CBSBUU* at Iron. Buias, tbe hangman, was good bnmoredly acted by to* orowd when be l*tl New fate yeiiterday morning. He drove away a Government postal van to escape eeBcrvauoc. The Crown Prince of Germany reached Borne yeiterday afternoon, and we re esived with much eutbnsiani by tbe people ae he wat driven to the Quinnal. Arraut eatiuu bave been completed tor bit v int. to sePoy*. A Bl. Petersburg detpatoh syi Lnut. Barber telegraph* from IrknUk to-day . " Arrived I roui Jakntek in mueteen daye. Military boborewere paid to tbe bodiee of De Lou* and bit companions on our depar lore) from Jakultk. Tbe bodiee war* re- ceived here by tbe city authorities and tbe Qeuitrapbioal Society of Eaat Siberia. Tbe bediee are now lying on a catafalque a tbe i nolle equare. We will leave on Friday." Another letter bae been lent from tbe Metropolitan Uudergroond Railway em cysts to Mr. iMiwell in reply to Li state- BMUI tbal there wae uo evidence to show eeenplioity of any American in tbe reoeut dergrcnud explosion.' The) authorities ef to* railway lay tbey were advued tbreaiib the Hume Office Irom infoimatiou Iron Hew Yoik that tbe ezploeion had been planned there, and tbey adduce other evidence that the outrage* ware oouoooud 1 Ameiioa. Farther native accounts of tbe battle between El Mahdi and Hicks Pauba etate that II. en. Paaba'e bands ware cut off and be wae afterward* cut to piece*. 1.000 of Hioa, Paeha'i men were taken pneouer*. Two European* and twelve Egyptians, who were trying loreaob Khartoum viaDarfonr, hew not yet arrived. Tbey bave probably leet their way. It i* believed tbat tbe Bavopeact are Edmund O'Douovan and Vrauk Visetclly. An Ediu burgh despatch eay* tbe namee ef the men brought Irom Glat-gow for trial ea tbe charge of ^artioipation in dynamite eeMmgde are Mi-Darmott, Devany, CIUg ban, MoCann, McCulloob, Donallv, Keli>, MoCabe, Dunn and Caeey. It le alleged tbe prieoueri are member* of a secret eooiety, the ol jeot of which 1* to overthrow tbe eHhoiuy of ibe Queen in Ireland and oou- etrain prlianjeniury legikl*tion in regard to Ireland, and tbat acting with Feather- tone and Dalton tbey oonHpired to blow up pabnc builaiug* at Glavgow. The prinouem leoded not guilty. A juryman who stated tbat bin mind wai tiaved on tbe ease was withdrawn and another eubeti- eaied. Tbe trial ot seven Invincible*, charged with oonueotion with a murder coanpirM)y u eonnty Mayo wae begun in Curk >en- terday. The Attorney -General staled tbat he would prove the Land Lgue had been bed a fund for the murder of certain penon*. Andrew Culoman, the principal witnea* for the proeeoutiou, testified to tbe e&iatenoe of a brunch of tbe Fenian BfOtherbood in county Mayo. He said be had been giving information to Ibe police wh IB aseisting the aoouited. He once accompanied Home of tbe prisoners to mur der certain geutltmen, but tbe gentlemen eeeaped btoUM he had previously warned tbem. The local branch** of the Irish National Lergue at Cbiocgu have formeda munio.p*! oouuoil. Secretary Frelirghnyien yesterday morn - (l io;d a correspondent that be did not nee there wa* any tbiug farther ooold be done er said about tbe U Donoell ea*e. Tbe Bri- tish Guverbment bud met vquarely tbe nqorkt of tbe United Btatee Guverumeut aad answered ilk question*. There wae no f>iiere therefore 01 oourtesv on the part of fen* British Government. The New Xork police are lookiog for John Wilton, tbe ion of a Brooklyn saloon r, woo recently resided In Connect! L A yoang girl whom Wilton betrayed, under promise of marna*e, told tbe police tbat be bad threatened, if she made a f oas, to treat her as be bad treated Jeunie Crsmer. tthe kay* be often told her bow he aMisted the Malley boy* to murder Jennie Cramer, and received Sl.OoO from tbem for doing it ; that be drove tbe wavgou n which Jennie wa* driven doro to the beach and that *be was anootmoiou* ; that tbe Malley boyk hod drugged ber. If what be ii.B i* true, Jtnnie wa* choked, and he a- kikted in ohoklug ber. A largely a'tended meeting wa* held under tbe aukpioeeot tbe Manhattan Circle ot the Feoiau Brotherhood at New York la*t t VBUII K to take action in regard to tbe execution uf O 1) mnell. After a number of inflammatory Bpeeoben, resolutions were adopted calling on Irishmen all over tbe world to avenge tbe death of O'Dounell and pledging the member* of tbe brotherhood k) renewed energy in striking down " Esg- land, tbe enemy of Ireland, who Reti at naught tbe laws of bnmamty and civiliza tion." O Donovan Kossa and Professor Mezzeroff were among tbe speaker*. BIU V1BB IN BAT IM.KI .. IOO.OOO Warllial frop. n, l>..iru>..l HrvrenvVlve Vovple Horn. i. -. p- prl lor ..l.lMii. .. A last (Honda)) nigbt'l Winuipfg devpaton say* : The most disastroui ouu- fla,ratiou that bas yet vikited Rat Portage occurred there last night. Abuat balf-|ait 11 o'clock a fire broke out in the general ktore of Baker A Co. Tbe fUmes were fought beroioklly, but tbe wind from tbe outb very quickly blew tbem iuto tbe adjoining building, and although every cieruou was made by tbe people tbey saw tbat tbe ude of tbe street up as far * tieoood ktreet must go. Tbe following are tbe buildings buroed, cominenoiug on tbe south end of the weet side of Min street : 'oadwick (ft MoLellan, hardware , registry ffioe occupied by Jams* Weidman, imme- diately overhead ; James Green, frmt itore ; Biker A Co., general store ; Nichol- son, tail >r ; McKmuou Bros., general store ; Myer* \ Llllie, Woodbine HoUl, Kobold Brother*, butchers ; MoDougall, shoes , Thompson A Palmer, butchers ; Ma- sonic Hall building , McCarthy's new building on the corner of Second street . and J. K. Brydon's law office in tbe Masonic Hall building, upstair*. The total loe* ill foot up to 1100,000 or more. The good*, furniture, and fixings io tb* different sbope which were got out bave been terribly damaged. The flame* sub- tided about 8 o'clock this morning. This Is tbe fourth extensive ooufltgration tbat lias occurred io thii town within as many months. The g*p made by the fire last night extendi nearly two hundred yards, beiug the portion of tbe town most thickly and eonjpaeily built upon and occupied by tbe piiooipal buiiness establishments. Probably 75 people will be rendered borne a. It is rarely ludeed that a community of 600 or 700 ie visited with such a otlamity, and ibis is surely CDS in which an appeal for assistance to our sisWr towns and villages in both Ontario and Manitoba can with juttio* be made. Tbe sufferer* hem bave nothing to fall back npou, no re- kouroee whatever further than the buninesa ibey were each depending upon. With tbe fire tbey bave lost every tbiug. The origin of tbe fire is attributed to tbe sxploeiou of a lamp in tbe baker's shop. A BTBIB.B KIM I IHf.H I v UtiprrmrjIlliBtp-lof Vive Frlmr io Kkcaew. A Pittabnrg deepatob says : Five priaon- ers mad* a desperate attempt to escape on Saturday alteruoon wbile being taken to penitentiary. Tbe party, who were hand- cuffed and in charge of Deputise Brookan, German and Berlin, were passing down Sixth street, which is alwsys crowded ,wbsn a prisoner namsd Psttenon kicked German in tbe stomach, and with another started up Liberty street. A third prieouer threw red pepper iu Berlin's eyes. German snd Brockau started after Patterson and bin companion and cornered them, when Patterson drew a revolver, but waa over- powered. Meanwhile Berlin, although blinded by tbe peeper, pluokily held on to two priatnere, one of whom kept tbe orowd back by flourishing a rior. Tbe fifth prisoner then came to tbe assistance of Berlin, and with several others tbe party were secured. The red pepper, revolver and razor seem to bave been slipped to the men during their trial secreted in a package of tobacco. flrmrti qpi N Writing to the Baltimore .Sun from Sydney, N. H. W , a traveller says : " I have never seen anything in America tbat compared with Weutworth Falls in tbe combination of bulb beauty and grandeur. At flrnt tbe water leaps a distance of 700 feet, ai tbougn falling over tbe back to tbe seat of a great armchair out out of tbe face of the mountain by some giant of nature, Falling in s^ray, it gather* itself for another run and leap, tbe second time falling over 800 feet into the great gorge below. Tbe fll 11 so far and tbe folikge so at the foot that the eye faile to see ibe second g ttberiog place of tbe olnnds of kpray g itteritg in tbe sunlight 1,MK) feet bilow. Tbe valley below the falls spreads ontiuto a great amphitheatre fifty miles airosc, and hemmed in on every aid* but oae witb tbe perpendicular wall* of the mountain. No human foot has ever been known to tread this valley, as it oannot be reached from below, by reason of a second precipice over wbiob the name stream falls, and to go down from above would be a perilous undertaking." I H.. -I Hu-ln, .. than*... ONTARIO Hamilton T. J. Carroll AOo , workmK jewellers, assigned in trust. High- gate Gjunell A Hutberlaod, goneral store, amiigned ID truHt. Toronto James Jonn- HMII, bat and osp maker, aetigued in trust. Woodville P. McSweyn, merchant tailor, asxtvot-d in truot. MINITCBA. Winnipeg Gill A Atkinson, ettntrito on, assigned in trust. QOBBEO Drummondville East J. F. Dion, general etore, assigned in truit. Three Rivers A. E. Demlete, dry goods, assigned in trust. Brtubtrett'i. I.ATKBT FROin I HE LAND. There w a heavy fall of enow In Caatle- hUyney on Nov. 90ib. Msurioe Brooks, M. P., bat been ap- pointed Lord -Lieutenant of tbe County ot Dublin. AI ibe Drogbeda municipal election on Nov. *i.h tbe Parnellites were defeated along the whole line. Gapl. Wm. Randall who for many years filled tbe iffioe of harbormaster at Limerick, died on Nov. Mud. It baa, been decided in Cork to run a street railway to Balliuascarty to meet tbe West Crook branch, which i* to be extended to Clodakilty. Bight K' v. Wm Fitagerald, Protestant Bfebop ot Killaloe, died on Nov. 24 h at tbe Palace, Clarekfoid, after a brief illneai, in hi* li'.iji.y tar. Recently, at a wake at Cork, the floor gave way, and mourners and oorpee were mingltd in a badly damaged mass at the bottom ot a well below tbe cellar. The Lord- Lieutenant has commuted the sentence of doatb i atieed on Private Wilson, of tbe Weet Kent Rtgimeut.for tbe murder of Corporal Hope, to penal servitude for life. General Brows, Colonel of tbe lat Bat- talion Ruyal It i>b RiflVk, died on Nov 27th. He (erved through the Pun jab campaign, and was present at Chilliauwallab and Govjerat. Major ("arr, Royal Horxr Artillery, wbile bunting with tbe Ward Uuioo hounds on tbe 24ih ult., near Dublin, was tbrowu from bis borae. Hie kkull was fraoturud, and be died eoon afterwards. Oo Nov. 17ih tbe Poor Law Guardians of Kilrukb endomed a baiouial guarantee of 4 per cent, on 30,000 for tbe completion of tbe Kmui-h snd Kilkee Railway, aid the reclamation of Poulnasberry Bay. A lltl If \ Ml 4/.K. sw 1B H.rnr.l I. l>. . I h > r , . ., K.. cape oi Vaall7. A last (Sunday) night's Halifax. N a, deepatob aays : About half past 4 this morning fire was discovered in tbe Queen building, corner of Prince and Hollis streets, by tbe janitor, who lodged in tbe upper portion ot the building. Tbe nmoke waa so denae tbat McBardv, tbe janitor, ouu Id not get down stairs, and at once had Io seek escape for himself and family, his wife snd two children, two niecse of bis wife, snd himself. A window of bis apart- ments overlooked the roof of Farqubar A Forreit'a building adjoining, about twelve ftel below. Taking, a featbsr bed, be jumped on tbe roof, his wife then dropping tbe children to him, she and ons of her nieoe* following. The other niece, named Martha Boutilier, oonld not gel to the window to escape, and went to tbe roof, about twelve feet higher, and juuipod to the bard roof of tbe other bouse, where she received injariee wbiob will pro bbly prove fatal. They were all con- veyed to comfortable quartere without very eerious injuries with tbe above exception. Another lodger in tbe building at tbe north - weet corner of tbe|upper flat was smothered in bis bed, it is supposed. Hie name wae Edward K. O Connor, and be bad been clerk for Stephen Tobin in tbe Queen In- surance office for eighteen years. He was about 56 years old, aud a respectable man. His remains were found in tbe dtbrit thie afternoon minus bis bead. He bad been very deaf. Tbe loss will not be less than IWOOOO, only one or two of the tenants) saving a ama.ll portion ot their effects. NBAB A WBOI, 1ITV nil A "f k..n, r 4.., . !>>. a WUft All II. n, I. A Chicago despatch save: A large ehooner waa in view of the city for two hours to day, drifting belplevsly. Several tugs wire sent in rearch end failed to find ber, and it is believed -he hu gone down wi- h all on board. Tba veksel is supposed to be tbe rchooner North Cape, lumber laden, from Mukkegon, with a crew of eight General Manager Van Hurne eoooeeded in securing three railway engineers in Maaes- cbnsetle to mppUnl tbe strikers on tbe P. R., but two of tbem deserted at Mon- treal, and tbe third went through Toronto * rmU for Manitoba alone. I (I.I. I on How to divide five ig^s between three people is a problem which might fairly puzzle a philosopher, bat tbe practical genius of Prince biemartk has solved tbat, a it has maoy other difficulties wbiob have proved too much for profound thinkers. Tbe only wonder is that, as be made tbe great dinoovery ae many as thirteen year* igi, it should only now bave been given to the world in the pugti of tbe DeuUelu Rtnu. It appear* tbat it was on tbe evening < f Uravelotte, after a day whan tbe Prince, like everybody elue, had bad notbii g to eat aud was hungry huiiKrler.we may presume than anybody. He had. however, tbe good fortune to secure five <gg< for 30 franoe.aud the generosity to snare ihem with two of bin ooHipaiii.iim. But, foreeeeing tb mathematical difficulty which would arise if be were to attempt an equal division, be took the precaution to eat 'two of tbe five himwlf first, aid tben dashsd off to bis comrades, and with a great show ol mag- nanimity, made a fair dietribution of tbe remaining three, keeping to himself all the knowledge of the two that he bad so con Vaniestly got rid of. An E*quimaux in gold health can sat hie own weight io *al or whalr b ubber atoue meal, aud be does not afterwards stand up and make a fool of himself by offering or responding to a toast. Strung op beyond concert pitch- The c it tbat i bung to a olothes line. A mutual admiration society A hand- some preacher aud a ooogrvgaliou of women. M. de Leeeepi has discovered that be is of 800 oh descent. The accounts bis pertinacity. It takes more than a score of geneiauous cf light wines aud horse fl^eh to undo tbe work of whiskey and bkg^u. Chicago Neioi. Two men were admitted to a dry goods store in Ht Kpringe at midninht on tbe pretence tb*t ibey wanted material for a shroud. Tbe oleik wae instantly forced to produce tbe key to tbe safe.and the rubbers soon Isft with tSOOO. The plumber looks on complacently wbile tbe coin dealer mark* op hi* price* beoaUM it i going to be a bard w inter, and the iceman iLOreasee bis price became tbe winter will be mild. Tbe plumber's prioee are as fixed as the law* of the Medee and Persians, UI* Aa lleheBM Wke> B-asewecel el His ee <r ({van e>f Bewr. Before Mr. Justice Den man, at ths Liverpool Assiaes, Bstsy Wardlc was charged witb marrying George Chianal at Euoltstou bigamoualy, ber turner boabaud being alive. Tb* oass was a pecnliar one. Il was stated t y taw first woman that as ber aril husband bad sold her for a qoart of beer sbe thought sbe was at liberty to marry again. His Lordship That is not what ibe stated before tbe Magistrate. She said tben tbat he was idle aud would not work. Wuen afao left him she tuck tbe child with her, and be said it she would let him have tbe child he would not trouble her any further. He added that be would sell ber for a quart of beer. Prisoner Please Your Worship, he did so. (Laughter.) His Lirdsbip I* there anybody hers who kuuws tbat ? Yes, my lord ; Alice Homby and Maigaret brown. His Lordship Call Margaret Brown. Margaret Bruwn thereupon stepped into tbe box and was cross-examined by bis lordship. Bbe said kbe was prevent at tbe second marriage. Bbe knew tbe first bos- baiid,Wardle, was alive ; *be was told tbat be bad sold ber tor a quart of best. His Lordsliip You bell*. ved u would be uJiLg ? Yes, sir. His iioro>hip And you thought it right she kbould marry again? Sbe wished me to give her away, and 1 did so. (Laughter) His Lordsb'p You helped her to com- mit bigamy. Take care you do not do it g*io ur you will get yourself into trouble. Alice Roeeby was next oUled, and said she saw Wardle drink one glass of ths quart. 11 ik Lordship Who was tbe bargain made with? Viith George Cbumal. His Lordship I am not sare that you are not goilty of bigamy, or of being an aooskaory before the faot. You most not do this sort of thing sgain. People, have uo right to sell their wives for a quart oi beer or anything els*. (Langbter ) George Cbieual, the second uuaband, apparently just out ol bis teeiis, was tht next witness called. His Lordship How did you com* t* marry ibis woman ? Witness (in tbi Lancashire vernacular) Hog did a what ' (Laughter.) Question repeated A bowl Her. (Laughter) His Lordship Yon are not fool enonfi* to suppose you can bay another man i wife? Oi. (Laughter.) His Lordkbip How much did y ou giv for ber 7 Sixpence. (Great laughter) Hie Lordship You are ae guilty aa sb is. Yon are au accessory before the fact M her committing bigamy. You bave com mitted bigamy yourself. Every body ba oommittea bigamy iu tbie case. (Lauguter. Go down. Tbe witness left the box with alacrity but waa immsdiately recalled by His Lord sbip, who akked him bow long he bai lived with tbe prisoner. Witness Going on tor three years. His Lordship Do you want to take bs: back again ? Witness Awl keep ber if you loike (Ltugbter.) iii Lordkhip Yon need not keep her i yon do not waul. Sbe is Wardls's wile. Mr. Swift, addrekking His, said all he wished to say on behalf of tbu i unfortunate woman was tbie, that tbe seemed to have met with a bad hUkbaud,, in the first plaos, and an ignorant man n tbs ssooud. Us could only venture to hopt tbat His Lordkbip would not think it t case in which she ought to be punished a) least, not severely. His Lordship directed tbat Wardsj should be called, and this was done without eliciting any anawtr. His Lordkbip (addressing the prisonsi) Itis absolutely necessary tbat I should pass some punishment upon yon in order tbal people luay understand mat men bave no more right to eell tbtir wives than tiny have to ssll other people's wives, or to sell other people's horses or cows, or anything of tbs kind. Yon oannot make that a legal transaction. So many of yon sssm to Be ignorant ol that, that it is necessary I sbouli give you some punishment in order tbat you may understand it. It is not necessary thai it should be long, but yoa must be imprikoned and ktpt to hard labor for one week. WaTB HPw>BTBflea At Chicago, on Saturday, Woodside made 16 miles in ons hour and 86 minutes, the) best on record. H. Gtlmore. Toronto, accept* the sparring challenge ol Jack Stewart, of London, the heavy-weight champion. J. Raby, tbe English ped.. recently walked 91 miles in a honm, 55 minntee, 16 J seeonde. From the ninth to tbe fifteen!* mile tbe time was tbe beet on record. Mr. James Wyllie, the Herd Laddie, bas gous to Orillia, where be paye a short vtt-it, afterwards going to Cleveland and New York. Herr Zukertort, tbe obees player, says hs will go to China and plsy a game with ths Emperor, who ie an old friend ol hie, and a good player, bat very irritable noder defeat. John Cook, of Paris, and Cbas. Mont- gomery, of Brantford, will shoot a pigeon match, " trap and handle," for VU6 a side, at Bnrford in Christmas Day. James Quirk, tbe ped., of Brantford, ppeare likely to bave bie bands full. H* recently issued a sweeping challenge at vaiione distances, and two of tbe OtuadiaB diviiioni, namely Tisdale and Warwick, bave accepted. Mr. Btookwell Bettes, of Springfield, Mass., has meaenred Bampden Park trotting track, eighteen inches Irom the pole, ai.J eeitifles tbat it in two feet short of a mile. This vitiatee all ol tbe records made at the Springfield bicycle tournament. A special dmpatoh from Bsn Francisco to tbe New York Tribune says : Atblslies are " booming" now. H*nlan, Bauer (ths wrestler) and other men of niu-oie are in town. Baner is trying to gel up a match witb Maldoon, wbile Haulau U training for a rowing race with Bteveneon, the Pacific Const Cham) ion.* Vignaox aud Sebaefer bave mad* ar- rangements fnr another game ot billiards to be played in the Grand Hotel, Paris, commencing January lOtb, and to eoniiuoe five nights. It is to be 8 000 points op. 600 points being played each night oo a table with an eight inch balk line). When Weeton started tbe other day from Westmioeter bridge to walk fifty miles a day for 100 daye, to illaetrate tbe physical advantages ol temperance, a orowd ol dis- tinguished doctors and eminent clergymen and benevolent baronets sod fair ladies gathered to see him cff, and h* started to tbe itrsan* of a temperance hymn. Those in favor of letting boriee go with- ont shoes will be pleaaed to learn that Aoteeo, a California 4-year-old by Elec- tioneer, wearing only tips weighing four ounce*, trotted a mile in 9 98. tbe laal half in 1 10), and the track waa not oonaidsred very good either There can be no severer test for bones'* feet than pecd at the trotting gait, acd 9 93 is still regarded ae pretty good ipeed. I .r I MIX. 11 Papa," sbe said as tbe old man rack into an easy chair after a hard day's work at his (ffioe, I noticed in the evening paper that sealskin sseqose are advancing in price." "So h -v are, my dear ; so tbey are." " Aod y oo know you promised to boy me one ibis winter." " I know I did," he replied. " ard I will keep my word. But wuh ths increased price and tbs scarcity of money I expeei it will cramp me somewhat." " I was thinking," hit daughter tben ialo% as she clasped a pair of soft white arms about his neck, "if it would not be belter te> wait until nsxt winter. My old cloak will do very well, and perhaps eesJkkin saeqoes will be obeaper tben ? ' Thi old man groaned in anguish ol spirit and Okirmurad to himself, " My worst 'ear* are. r *a|ied." hi the Corning the young woman wa* i hZif^lff * * it "* 09 asylum, where I is believe) that with proper care she mev uUimatel >M oo W her itlpkia CeJi, \ Beir le !> Iteh Crvns. It is said -the decadence of Victoria's pbytiosJ powers bears no proportion to tbe r( Hi deoav of her mental powers, wbile me Prince of Wales is not stroug, thoogb be is getting corpulent. Since his ttvere illness three years ago, be bas had to b* vsry careful of bimself. Many predict tbat be wiU never reach the tbrone, simply because b mother will outlive him. Bat that the Prince intends to cheat thcke prophets if he can, i* shown iu ths trouble he takes to bundle himself np as be emerges from tbe theatre into tbe night air, and in tbal abulemioasnesB of diet wbiob lesds him to eoi. Hue bimself at tbe rioheet banquets to tbs plainest food. " Flat, stale and unprofitable " A bnmted balloon, old beer and lying. A general reduction of wages went into effect at tbs Trenton (N. J.) iron work* yeiterdfty. Two thousand coal miners bave been thrown out by tbe <>upen>ion of a large number of mine* on the Monongabela River on account of tbe depresrion iu trad*. Tbe Hebrew Standard says : " Have tbs courage to discharge a debt while yon bave the money in your pocket," which mem* to be a ease ol eating one'* cake aud keeping it 11 Where arc yon taking cos to?" as a criminal, addreuing tbe detective who had just arrestsd him. " I'm taking you to tbe tffloe," was tbe reply. "I wUb to obnerve in this oaee.tben," said the culprit ' tbat it is the bffioe seeks the man, and not the man tbs iffiee." An Ottawa dsspatoh says: There is a general dnllnsss in trade, aud mechanics aud laborers are fearing a reduction of wanes. Mining companies on tbe Kingston A Pembroke Railway are about, it is said, to enforce a reduction. Tbe Ameriosn company in tbat Motion bae reduced their employees' wages f com II 60 to 81 per day. Owing to a etriks ef weavers at New Badford, Miss., yesterday afternoon for bibber wages the Arqueenet cotton mill bas shut down for an indefinite) period. The new Church o^. Oratory, at South Kensington. London. . oion prolnlHe , , ^ one ot the most "P^did of tbe kind in England, laiit spP'osohet-,, Jetion Th> confessions! bas arrived tf\, Belgium U is finely sculptured in oak, fl of tbe pelican over the centre , d , wo lj_T u'zed figures of angels on eitrL n] ^ f ^ l>earing the keys and onother ^ . IHJK , nt tbe penitent's sins, wbile on tht J^j of the door are carved the implemented , h passion. ^ "- ^^ Homo*. Mich , Bee*. flS, ISTI. IBS, I bsve been taking Hop Hitlers for Inflaiiimat on of fcldneyi ana baedeae for me what four doctor! failed te do. Tbe afloat of Hop Bitten seemed Ilk* maflu to me. W. 1* (UwrajL A Vienna deepateh says four persons, including an anarchist workman, have been arrented in connection with tbe murder ot the Commusary ol Police at Flondsdorff, who waa shot on Saturday night. Tbs police recently seised a number ol hand- bill* published by Herr Most warnii g ths people to abetain trom general aotiob, and recommending tingle sols ol violence, espe- eiallv saeiost tbe polios, with a view to creating terror urn. One of the recently-appointed Q C.'s draws a carry comb over bie red beg every night io order to give it a frayed appear- ance. Bat, not finding this satisfactory, be bas hired a bulldog to chew it. Toronto World. Ths American League has readopttd tbs " fly game " io its entirety, allowing no catch from a bound ball, foul or otherwise. Il slso allows tbe pitcher* toll liberty to deliver tbe ball aa they like, thereby Ii g ti- lling the overthrow. Tbe American Asso- ciation, on the other band, prohibits tbe overthrow, aod has amended tbe rales so at to scours strict snforeement ol ths penalty lor its violation, which gives the batsman a base for every overthrow ball sent in to him after tbe pitcher has one* been warned. Il bas also mads a new rale, tbe objeot of wbiob ie to pat a itop to a pitcher's itriking to* balHinan with the ball, by giving tbe latter *, base every time be is bit by a swiftly thrown hall. Tbe American code also admita of the foalbonnd catch. A oormpondent at Rone telrgrspbs the following: "It ie now definitely >eti led tbat.tbe National Council of tbe American bishops aud clergy will meet at Baltimore in November after ibe Presidential elec- tion. Arebbikhop Gibbons will prolably pretide, though it is aot known for ocr-

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