Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 4

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Death of Mr. Robert Kerr. - At 5 o'clock on Thursday evening, Dec. 13th inst., in the prime of life, died Robert Kerr, a respected resident of the Township of Euphrasia. He had been troubled for some time previous with a peculiar disease of the tongue, which rendered breathing very difficult, as well as painful. An operation was performed on him by Dr. Hunt, which afforded some relief from the pain, and rendered the breathing less difficult. But the end was near, although deceased himself was the only one who seemed to be fully aware of the fact. Towards the end his suffering was terrible, and he frequently cried out for something to relieve the terrible sense of suffocation he experienced. All that medical skill could do, was done; and he was faithfully attended by many kind friends to the last. He was not afraid to die; his trust was in Him who calmed the troubled waters of Galilee, and who said,: - "Com unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." And so, at the early age of 35 years, Robert Kerr passed away to that country "where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." He leaves a wife and family who have the sympathy of all in the dark hour of their terrible affliction. Deceased was buried in the Thornbury and Clarksburg cemetery. The funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Hill, Methodist minister, Thornbury. up ii * ai ft -pi A T\Tf A VT/"1~Vn Mr. 1 AU V A i\ Urj. A. II- Fawcftt. Editor. creased i>rosj>erity. Cvlliiupeoud Enitr- pritt. The Kluhurtuu AUVAKCK luui aMiiutsl the cn;ht )';!; form. This arnuii'einciit will i;ive more r**i4iiii; matter, ami allow > of M nun h uis|>l.i\ a* formerly, t<> adver- tiaer*. The AnvisrB him now been in ""tern-eat*. uttw,,.and-a half years. lU count' duriug that tinio has Wen in harmony with its name. Thornl-ury FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. DEC. 27. 1883. Ml Ml II'VI.. Mr. Samuel Pedlcr will be a candi- date for the office of Councillor for J-'.iikiuiiia \Vard No. 4. He has long and faithfully represented this ward HI our council board, and is a gentle- man eminently qualified iu every way for tliu position. The ratepayers will do well to give the candidature of such an able public servant due considera- tion. We understand that Mr. Henry Hurd of Queen's Valley, Kuuhraaia, will be a candidate for the Councillor- of that Township. Mr. Hurd is good man fur the position. I'uder tiiese circumstances Mr. William Stewart will not be a candidate. The Fleshertim An VANCE has been altered in form, and is now the same size as the I'tat. We congratulate friend Faweett on the improvement in his spicy paper, --llatuntr /W. 4 HK.HLT AGUE-ABLE One very valu- able feature of Dr. Low's Pleasant Pleasant Worm Syrup is, iliat it i highly agreeable to take, and all varieties of Worm-, tape worms included, can be nafely expelled by it, without tu harsh and bickeniug WHY HE DIUVT TAKE A PAPER. Tlit- Editor of the FLESHERTON AD- v AWB was busily engaged setting type j " rT'T'T l! p ' ' i and we did not think it What Tbry Ar* Saying. I am in the peoples hands once more. Arch. EUn>tt. I do not intend to I* a candidate this yeir. Mr. Bolmid. Artemesia ux|>ecU every man to do las duty. I>r. Chrutvt. But what about the Valley Road 7 i H'm. H'KJ-I. Reail my letter in last week's Standard. Tkf Krne. Ho* was it the AUVAN.-E man did not publish the names of subscribers in ar- rears in hia last issue, as he threatened JTu t'nijilr. Because all aaid sutacribers eicept ten or twelve paid up l>efore that time, worth while to u small mini- in his printing office one day not long . ,, uh ,, w nMBM ,, f , Ut . h since, when a good looking, intelligent te r ._T H B AUVAN.-B. looking man entered hit sanctum, and V()U tur| , (>ut . fim rate rapped on the table, to call the Ldi- - t-n-H attention to the tact that he was wanted immediately. The Editor, thinking the gentleman wanted to Mibxcnbe for the AUVAXCK for 1884, lost no time in unbolting the door leading into the " holy of holies," and confronting his impatient visitor. And then it turned out that the visitor wan the bearer of a message from one of the Editor's subscribers, and had no other business. The Editoi had an eye to business, however* He said to himself lo ! here is a chance to get a new subscriber. And he said : ' You do not take the ADVANCE, Mr. Z " No, sir." " You take some local paper, I sup- l ,->> -.' " No. sir. " Perhaps, sir, yon take the Globe, or "Mail, or World, or Hamilton Ti:n. H, or Telegram, or some other i-ity paper ? " No, Sir ; but I get tho reading of the most of them." Indeed ! well, perhaps you would like to take THE ADVANCE, m-cinj; you (io not take any other paiM>r ? " Oh no. Sir ; I don't want any ](* r and k'Kidoa, I get the reading .if \oni- PUJMT as well as the others!" Why, how is that huw on earth ilo you niMiiu^e to " get the reading " of all those IHI'XT*, when you do not subscribe for tv '. one of thrin '? " <>h. that's easy ciumijli / Jt/> tkr />:*' nf'/irt out 'it Hir viilnye .' " Ihditor faints, l Burklrn * Inn. u Halve. THK HKST SAI.VB in the world for Cuts, Kruno*. Sores, t'lcew. Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, T< uu . Chf >!* .1 buJidn. t inlbliuns. Coma, ami all Skin Kru,itin. ,HH! |H>si- tively rmvs IMe, or n<> pay required. It U guaranteed to give perfect satist'artion. or moiifv refunded. box. For Kill- l>v ents per The ADVANCE and Toronto Daily World till Jan. 1, 1H&, fur ...... fS.OO (R!ulai pnce of The World .) The AKVAM r. # American Fanner for 1 year for .................. fl.25 Ipanaw price if Fanner, $1.00.) The Vi.\ vs. x and Rural Canadian for one year for ................ $1.60 (regular price of Canadian f 1.00.) Tlic Anv \M-K and Montreal Daily Post (Catholic paper) 1 year for $3.dO (reular price of The Post gll.OO) The AHVAM K and True Witness, (Catholic weekly) 1 year for fl.80 regular price of Tru< Witn<-s* $1. The ADVANCE and Grip, Canada's only Cartoon Paper. I year fur. .$2.50 (regular price of (Jnp ?i.OO.) TUB ADVANCE and Chicago Weekly News 1 year for ................ $1.60 Any or all of the above, papers can be seen at this othco. WIDE AWAKE PRI'GOIBTS.- Messrs. Ui<-liunU' in's are always alive to their husinMi, aud spar* in> pains to aeciin- In- beot i'f every article in their line. They have secured be agency for the celebrated Dr. Kifg'i New Discovery for Conmnnpiion. The only rertain cure known for Conouinptioti, Cou^hn, Coldi, 11.' ir-n. -. .Vslhma, Hay Fever. Hr IT .hii:-, or any affection of the Throat and Lu>'gc Sold on a poitivr gu^ran- to. Tnal Dottles frt-c. Regular site $1.00 f* >vy *v (,, r tll , Ijll Lll ^ ^* w ~"** mn|il n 10 The Ai'VASCE is a good local paper. I have renewed my subscriiition f,, r 1MS4, and also biought in the Editor a dollar for a new subscriber. - /CinmW htuiijrrmti. We i-oiild not do without the ADVANCE. Pftrr II.J, '<!. Dream the railway down thn.iigh KmiU-rli'V. by all means, Mr. Editor. Juk* IIurtl>uii. The AI>VANTB U the boss local Will KfrffT. 8nd m the AUVA.VK another year KtM. /*iri., Atchison city, Kansas. I". & And me, too. T.B. MrGirr, St. Vin- cent. Mmneaota, I'. S. Count me in, too. Arrli. /!>//, Coinba, U. 8. Mut have the ADVANCE. Jot. A. BloMy. We all want it, because it gives us all the home news, correct market reports, '/'/,' \ 7 // and is besides a KIM >d family |per. Thr J Oentrally. n|il no<>.ltlit will po you IB Capital n.<t rf.|iiirMl. we will start rou. You can work ail th** lima or iu ajiare time only. The wurk in iiuirm>ally a<ta|>tl t<> both >. ynonu , and otil Vim caD ra-il v tarn frum .V* centa to $5 \ ererr ere>nlng That all who want w. irk may let tho, we make thi imiiarall.'lled offer: tn all who ant Dot well aatinftea we *iu r.*nd SI to pay far tba trouble of I.IIHK u* Full par- tu-ulaiM, direction*. Htr ent f re*, fortune* will lie; bv tboae who irlr* 1 their whole time to the work, (irvat iitcrwea absolutely aura. Don't delay. Start now Atldmi Hi uiauN A Co.. Port- land. Maine. Drath of Mr. Rohrrl k. rr. At 5 o'clock on Thursday evening, '; Dec. 13th mst., in the prune of life, dieil I Robert K. rr. i Towimliip of Kiiphnuoa. resident He bad the Wliat Mir FaiMTH Say. The Fleshert .ii AHVANIK has chanxed t the tight-page form. r*.r/./.iiry fitnn- \Vo like th appearance of the Flesher- t -I! ADVANCE ever an much iimru sin. . it linn discarded it* obi heading iui.1 changed r* make-up. Ml. /'>' I /,--aU. T'i:it newav sheet, the KU-shurUm An- 1 IN. K. luu< changed to a fuur |>ai<e (taper. It IS w 'ItllV ol auptMirt Slltticlellt to l- . I.).- I'M- '_'.-iual K.litor t double it. (reiwnt i/*. We nienii what we say, and aro not nsluiiK tor a rutunt ctunplnnent. MI 1'iTrtt i 'onft'irratr. '1'lif Kleshertoii AnvA<(fl has adopted the ei^iit-|iavu fonu, audit now a forty . .IIIIIIM (Minor. Its ne* heading makes it one of the prettiest locsl papers in the * '"iinty mill its local make-up is livtter than liefore. Mmfvnl Mirnrr. The rli-nliel'toli AliVA.MK has Well i 'i in^'nl in t'ufui. and now comes to us in nn eiv;lit l>({e |>4Mr, wll printed, and cditi'il liy it-< Kfiiialpjubhsher, Mr. r :/: \. I/'.. I KienttHrtoii AtVAX han u < f. 'Vin. and it is now an et^ht-pa^e, the s line BI/MRO the Wnntltini, ifivinj it quite n- improved apiwarance. Mnrbialt Win- troubled for Sf>me time jirevioin with a l>eculutr dinease of the tongue, which ii-inliTi-d breathing very difficult, as well painful An operation was |>erfi>rnifd mi luui by Dr. Hunt, which utfordrd wuiie rrhi-f frmn the pain, and rendered the l>ri .iiluni! less difficult. Hut the end was near, although deceased luniaelf Wai the only one who seuined t.. be fully wivre i ( the fact. Towards the end his nutfi-nn-.' WM terrible, and he frequently crii-d .nit for MiinethliMt ti relieve the teniWf ene f sutfm-ation he rxiH-ri- enced. All that medical skill could dn, was done ; and he wax faithfully attemlfd by many kind friends tn the last. He was nut afraid to die ; 1m trust wat in Hun h" mimed tlie trmibled water* of <>*lillee, and who said : -"Come unto Me ill ye that labor and are heavy huleii slid 1 will give you rest." Ami no, at the early age of 3o yeiirm, Itobert Ki rr (aweil avay to thut coiintr}- " where the wicked cease from tnniblinu and the wean :re at rest." He leaves a wife mid fiiinify who have the sympathy of all in tin- dark hour of their terrible affliction. Dectrivoil was iMirii.-d in the Thornbury Mid ClnrksburR ceineterj-. The funeral sermon w:u preached by the Rev. Mr. Hill, Multilist minuter, Tlmnibuiy. Orn. Aairews . overseer of the Lowell j Carpet Corporation, wa for n>r tventy , years, before hi* removal to L*wll, af- fueled with salt rlu-nin in it- w.rt furtn. Its ulreratioiK actually covered more than half the surface of h's body and limb*. H w entirely cured by Ayer'n SarsajMirilla. S<-e certificate in Ayer's Almannr for 1883. EXECUTORS' NOTICE ! TO TUB CREDITORS OF JAS. THOMPSON. NrKir* i herrhv ffiTen Uiitt th.- rr#^lttor of Jam*** Thoni|*>n. lau> of the 'I'nwu-hip <>f ArW- !ii'"i. in the ('omit > >f (trey, Fftrinrr. who diail on m tH.n th. 4th day of April. A I> ItKt, t the at tb* >>*iil Towuihlp f Aftomwia w. on or bc- lora tin nfJAff next, to atisnl U> either of the un<1erii;i>e<l K ton at Klevherbin. th-ir Christian anrlHam addreaaoa and ileiijrtptiona. the full particnlan ..f their .-lauu-. a etetment of their ao-nunU ii'l tlir ttittmf ( tliclr a*curltia i if anyl beld by them. After the ald Fourth dnr of Januar>' , nut the M.HI F.iamtanwlllillemi>iit<. thaeet f of tbe aaid Jalnea ThoroiNnm. am. .nml the par- i ( ti-- entitled thi'reto. liavinif r.rar.1 cinU to Mich .-latrna a* the aald F.xeeuton ahall thru have no- tie* >f 1'hla nottioe it (lr*a in punwaare f Chap 1, Bee. 34. B. H. O. Ifeted at Fleiherton thin llth (lay nf December 1HM. IHAAC sl\. i UK \\ 11.1.1AM HI1.U -NEW- Fail and Winter FOR 1883-4. R. J, Sproule, FLESHERTON, Whilst tendering siucere thank* for the large patronage received in the past, begs to announce the arrival of an IMMENSE STOCK of Fall and Winter Goods. Having filtered the inai Let aud placed orh rs when prices vert at their lowest point, 1 am now prepared to give the very best value possibly U> be got, to my patrons. My large stock of Toadies M ant lew and Corset 8 i something immense, and for Quality, Style, and Cheapness, far surpasses any thing ever shown in tins part of the country. In order to be prepared for my large and steadily increasing business, I hav >^aced large orders, thereby getting goods at the lowest possible prices ; and "Sieving that it is mutually beneficial to work as much as posxible on a Cash basis, thereby saving the purchaser the large additional profits that must IK- put on to IW.T looses. 1 will sell goods at the closest possible priced to cash and prompt paying customers. IN GROCERIES my stock is large and complete and of the choice** quality and will be sold at Frozen Grain Prices, which please note, 14 1-ba. good Preserving Refined Sugar for 7-00- 6' Lhrs. goofl Frfs/i Young Hyson Tru for $1.00- Another lot of that /a mons Japan 'lea, J Lbx, for UOc, Another lot I^ong Clear Boneless Bacon- 12^c- per lb- Everything else correspondingly Cheap. Bo; t s and Shoes for * the Million I DOWN, DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM TRICES. JUST RECEIVED: A CAR OF PRIME SALT ! both in Bbls., aud bent Daisy Liverpool Salt, for Butter, in bags. The Highest Market Price paid at all times (or all kind* of Farm Product also ISutter aud Eggs. K^" A call is respectfully solicited. 72. / SPROULE. - - - FLESHERTON. St Came Intn the prmiae< of the nibntrlrifr. IxM 3. Con. 4, KuiilirsMa. aoine Unw in ix-toher. a ii'arluu! Hrift-r Owner can hare the muiwf liy i.rorinf nniportr anil paring exiietiM" Apply at Tn>: AnvAviKdlUee. or to Amlre WiraWnii. I i. .ii. r-.on T. O. Ii TBA-MIRTINO ArEfoe-nA. On Thurm- last the PresbytBnans held their tea- meeting in the Orange Hall here. After a sumptuous irpa-t. Mr. H. Meldrum _ _. WM called to the chair. The programme rnenaabsntM AI.VAXCR appeared >n , long and well nwUined. The Rev. , '!,' in-.- formlMt week. I. n like many i MeMrm. (irandv of Eugenia, Wilson of 1 ,,-al ,,;,,.., s .',., have adopted this style, | Markdale, Chisholm of Mclntyre, and \ I.VAN.-E mfurrns its tvaars that the | McLcml of Priceville. delivered addres-es, leiiiHins the same in size, notwith- Mr ttl , a Mit*. Anderson, Mr., Mis., si mdin* -MWNnM A,-,,,,,*,,^ an( , M>J|t<>r Smithi Mr Bf)a MiM Walke S.-,;. _MAMX.. -(.on.nlemblo taffy ,i e ii,jhted the and-ienr. with singiiij; and 1 n b,.eii induced m rewntiy between Imtti0i ,, nd MC^,,. J()nn Ctnvn ulll , w . t ,.- HafWVOTfM and H.-sherton An- I,,kster, each Rave arecitation. The Hall was well filled, good order and harmony IMPROVED. -The F!esln;rt..n ADV4*<-| prevailed, and all were highly aatisfied hiw ailopted tliu eight-]>a^>, five-roluiiin ! with the evenings entortaimnent. After f< mil, winch give* it a much neater ap- ! vote* of thanks to the chairman, singen, iMMi.ttn-d. while it hits certainly increased J smakMa, and Mr. Smith for o kindly in .iiialav, Ix.iny now a first <-la* weekly. ' giving the use of the Organ, the pro- It M coiiifnrting to note that country reeding! terminated with "God Have lu-w <;>.i;M>r do occasionally aiicceed. a:id The (Jueen.' 1 The proceeds wen hand- wo wuh our friond of ih ADVAHCI in-'somo. Strve.l from the premiaai of tho an lx>t .1. i'l.n i i I-|T. , ".)ine tiiiMi la*t inimruvr, a white Hi'ifer <-oining 'J vear old Anr pinion ajr ua inl'irinatiim thai will lead to ft n*on-. will l paid fur ihvir trouble Dec iJth. 1HB3 J. W. HOUUSOX. nted for Thp l.irwi ol all the rret.lent. of tbe areent liandaoto at bwt book e*er ol<l for lew than KVIO* our price The ftet M-lliug b-x* in Ai.n-.ica. Im- in. 'ii-i' profit* tn afnta. All Intalligrnt txK.ple want it. Any one eon become a nro.--';l (u,'t'iit I run free lUi.i.r rr BOOK Co., Portlaml. Maine AGENTS, A PRIZE,: Hend nix rent, fnr poit- aite. and receive free, a tontly bi.x of good* which will h. lp you to mure mmji.) right away than anything N in thin ..rM All <.f either MI, *ucc<<*ii from firnt hnnr Hie hmad rnait to fortune op. n- '-.'furf the wurken, aliecihiti'lv ur. At ooo* addrxa, TBCE A Co., AuguMta, Haiiia. WM. sRAI N'S SPEIGHT WAGGONS AURlCtLTlRAL - L11PLEME\T$ SEWI1MG MACHIIMES Ac. Repairs kept constantly on baud. Sewing machine oils m stock Also Stoves, &c., for sale. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON. Mrs. R. G. Trimble Wtilic* \f> thank her muuermi* < us-omcn for !' patronue. and hopm in future to r-t*ui their cuRtom in DRESSMAKING! ALMO- STRAW * FELT HATS! Dyed. Cleauoil or Done Over in any nhape. |-.Latt Stylo. Basaar I*attarn> fur Ml*. Wm. Clayton BOOT & SHOEMAKER ! Thankful for past favors, has always a stock of BOOTS & SHOES on baud to supply his cus- tomers with. CUSTOM WORK MADE TO ORDER. f^r Repairing Promptly Executed-^? Durham St., - Flesherton. THE "MARKET s a weak at home .'i outfit free. Pay ao- olutfly aiire Soriak. Capital not re- p.. iiuirf.l IU'a<trr. K vim want rmilneia I FLKSHERTON. at which iwranna of* either *ex, young or old, can make great pay all the time they work, with ahnnlute certainty, write f >r narticu- lan to H HAI.I.KIT & Co . Pqrtlajid. Maine. Fall Wheat ?0 00 to 1 - .2L* J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLESHERT05J, .... Spring Wheat 060 Harley 40 Oats .5 Peas 55 I Butter 15 ! ERRS, fresh 20 Potatoes 85 Pork BOO Hay, per ton -. 7 50 Hides C 00 Wool 18 Shw-pskins 40 Goose 05 Duckg, per brace 40 Chickens, per brace.... 25 00 to 5 50 Croat-Bred Mediterranean Dleht. the 1 , . harriK-tt and mat prolific of WhealniClevfl- II |lanV "Rural New Vorlcer" Paa, the I II oriffmator of wbiefc **vs he wonlrt not tell 1 Th"Rurmr' . himorkfnc ficoo a bushel; TrWHi IJ *>" Union Corn, j. year* Mlection from n 07 kint\- ; A New ftya> o/ great promise; 11 1 Market Garden Pea, Blawk Champion 05 Oatt, n v-lrclion from mam- foreign varieties; . Q The "Rural" Garden TreMure, tnouKh 18 lot a mnall raraV'i of the choicest . \nnualt, f) 22 "ienniaU ami Perennial*: Tomatoes- a mixed packet of all ihenew kinds. O -1" 5 8 7 Tin- "Ronl Xr Vnrtrt" l itic mw poimUf Weeklf Asn- nltiir.l Journ.ll |!Mihcit in thr I'mlr I Sntr It U hMHHOQkcly jhMirxteJ. I i.l ..r K -'"-l rcAju^ ButtrtMlii iho '- two dohn a jrear. on oo' oo rortt.fjwe. z ' The Rural N'w Vorlcer n, the end of 18X4, 75| IV Weekly Mail to the eml of ttCl, . and TKe Rural Seed! 60| "" ~" 30' ALL FOR $2.75 T>e . York, uk .

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