Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 3

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CURRENT TOPICS. TUB qoawtton cf boraing coal in a wet or fry Mate I* (till being discussed in tb* BBVgllih journal-, a larg* amount of both theory and practical information btirg **t lenb. On* writer tay* that, although it is asacrally conceded to be trn* tbat wet itaminout ooal will not produce a* larg* a ejaautity of steam in a boiler s* dry ooal, tkere are few figure* to substantiate this The retulta of a series of testa, made reeently with much care, ar* regarded as kavii g considerable weight in the determi- Bstion of the point* involved. It appealed tbat a mass ot washed slack boldii g ftbteen per cent, ot water aod bine sad nine tenths per cent, ot a*h evaporated five and . seven-tenth* pound* f water per pound of fuel, while the same ooal, with only three per tent of water, mad* from eight to eight tad flv*-t*nth* pound* of steam, making dae allowance for moisture by reducing to standard of like quautitiea of ooal free from moisture, a direct loss of fourteen per nt. ie shown in using wet coal. AoooBDixe to the Vritith Medical Journal, * iwrgeoui now have the high authority of IV. Ferrier to encourage them to untried tflbrte for tbe care of cerebral disease by eperation." Dr. Ferrier said, b -fore tbe Buyal Cbirnrgieal Society, that physicians would not be justified in advising surgical iteration* upon tbe breio nutil tbe princi- ple* aud practice of reional disease bad keen ae clearly established a* pcssibl*, hot thought il doubtful tbat auy reason DOW resain nhy a sorgeon should not *pen tbe ranial cavity. He had seen complete recovery repeatedly follow tome of the CM i formidable operations npon tbe brain ef animals of delicate and almost human ertaniBalion. Secondary inflammation can ke absolutely prevented, aud there is no risk of life from even extensive destruction I the oerebral hemispheres. TBOSB who ar* alarming themselves and tkeir neighbor* by dreadful picture* ot fte Mahdi in full march on Cairo and Alexandria will do well to note that M. Lessens, who know* something about gP. entirely scout* the idea that t*- tie delta is in any danger. " If tb* Mabdi attempted to cross th* dei*rt," said M d* Iwasepa. " bit army would lot* all cob* SMB. If unopposed be might get to tbe ettinnesof Upper Egypt, but with an army the* would b* tbe source of it* own de traction. Artillery would then finish it." T* this th* Pall Mall Budget add* tb* ekvion* consideration that th* Mahdi cold bav* tb* very greatest difficulty in iadeeing any of bis tribes to follow him eo tar north. It is one tblr g to punish the Healers of your cows and another to under take th* conquest of tbe world. AOOOBDIKO to tb* OOMI. Jled. Hal. Venile, Prof. Silvwtrini ha* made a aeries of experiment* to aroertain if th* miasm ot .atlaria really ensti, as is generally tnr peted, in th* dew and tb* soil. H* col beted soil and dew from notoriously Mwholeeome plaoa* and injected mfnaion* ef them under bie skin, bavicg first ascer- tained aUat they held various forms of poriferous and other bcotilli. No evil results were experienced. He tried similar experiment* on bis wife, and he snd bie friend* mad* fifty -two experiment* witb dew aod infuiion* of toil collected from say places. All of them r roved in noon eet. TbeProfsMor denies, therefor*, thai a prim i cie infection i* tb* oatue of mala ri* .fevers. crown ha* contributed a thorough soldier In th* Kuglish army. Join BBIOBT make* note* aod beading* ol ii* tueeobee, and witb great care writes [own aud commit* to memory all tb* im- Kirtaut passage*. Gladstone merely jot* town fact* and fignr**, aod for expression rusts entirely to tbe moment. The late . ird Derby, the ' Rupert of I '-bate.' wrote down every word and committed bis peeches to memory. In one o! bu letters ie say* tbat all bis principal speeches oo*t lira two steeple** nights oue in tbiukiug what be would tay, and tbe other iu ameotiog tbat he might bav* said it better ["biers was equally precis*. O Coousll and Jarnbdlta spoke always on tbe inspiration of tbe moment. AccoiniNo to Rabbi Sonneeobein, of St. lionis, the Ametioan Jew can keep Christ- ma* without in tb* least violating hi* r* igion* convictions. Tbe rabbi lays that the 25 ih cf December wa* celebrated by be pagan world a* the time when tbe ougett night givee way to tbe lengthening of tbe day, aud thai thi early Coristiau ".'/buroh, which bad oriitioally celebrated UB natal day of its founder iu tbe spring, accepted at tbe end ot ihe fifth century the >aau festival, trauaferriug us celebration >f Christ's birth to December. Moreover the Maooabeau priests institu'.ed a festival on ths !to'.h of Kirier, the corresponding I r wish tuontb, to take the place of ibi* >tgau feast wheu they hid by defeating he Byriau King driven out Greek idolatry. TeoroH marriages between Jew* and Christians are not tolerated in Russia, marriagee of Christiau men to convert" d Jeweinee and of Cbrittitn women to eon- verted Jews are, by a droll piere of legisla- tion, especially encouraged. Marriage for ibe fourth time is. iu a general wsy, illegal. But a thrice married man or woman en- terprising enough to stand a fourth time the biBard of tbe altar may do to on ao cepling a* a matrimonial partner a con- vert from the Jewiah faith. Ma. WALTBB YAUOHAJI it the defendant hi a tnit for abandonment brought by Mitt Asna Higbie, of Flatbntb, LIBR M* who alleges that sb* wa* married to Walter tet long ago at a cociable, and tbat be r* fetes to regard her a* hi* wife. To this Walter replies tbat hi* love m*klng we* "taffy," the ceremony a mock one, and that his marriage wai "all for fun." It Mem* to bav* been a portiv* joke, but tbe BMB who looks npon matrimony a* funny eight to be taught a lesson and tbould b* *o*apell*d to marry the young lady for *ee| H," anyhow. On* remarkable feature i the trial i* tb* contest i >u of wboleeal* BMSIIJX and bugging by the girls of the n gregation to which the parties belonged e entertainment waa regarded a* com pitted until all tb* pretty girl* In the buroh bad been kissed and bugged by one er More of the " boj*." MB. WILLIAM Bums, author of " How to wet Strong " aud other hygienic manual* ef importance, expresses his conviction tbat, ao far a* th* taking of bodily exercise f***. Mr. Oladaton* I* tbe ideal man, tb* Premier's practice being in winter to walk an hour daily out doors, and in summer to hop down tree* an bonr daily. Mr. Blaiki* has long main timed tbat in hot weather a properly oared for person should feel a* vigorous as In old weather, and ebould ea M Much snd drink as much, the fluid, o soars*, being non-alcoholic. Race borees Be tay*. do tbeir best when th* merourv * hi th* nU.ia LOBJ> ROMMOBB, whoa* commission a* a Jwtio* of th* Peace ha* lately been Mp*nd*d on account of tb* part he plsyec hi au Orange d*mon*tration in Irelanc aid over whom inch a hubbub ha* be*n raised, succeed. d a brother killed by i stespleebate socident. He ii so. and mar ritd to tbe daughter and ooheiret* of a Mr Ray lor, formerly a banker at Llverpoo aid immensely rich. He i* an English Weil a* Irish Peer. tr U on* of th* distinguishing merit* ol Ik* tons of Q leeu Victoria (observe* tb* London Standard) that they bav* been trained to understand that thin Is a worka tty world, in which every good oitiaen Bud i bi* epecial tbare ot duty allotted to him, or speedily discover* for himself torn* ntefulanu honorable task. Upon th* heir tn the ihrnne naturally devolvel much ol tioee social duties which people or familiar with them call pleasure*, ana cynic* prefer to describe a* f rivnli tiet. Tb* keen pro- fessional interest txbibited by (he Duke of Idiiiburiib in th* navy i* known to every ; and In the Duke of Conoanght th* t kal lor ike i . Cynical Spanish proverb : ' A woman's ar* cost little, but bring her much ! " Tbe course of true love often runs smooth until it is wrecked by the wife's misplaced twitch. Six ladies have graduated with honor in ugland at th* London Coli*g* of Cbtmis try, aud mean to begin life ae druggist*. Women never will b* paid a* much for lecturitg as men. simply because they have done lo much of it for nothing. Now, children," tbe continued, " what i* tb* meal you eat iu tbe mornicg called? " Oatmeal," promptly replied a member ol tbe olaas. MIM rUte Kane, who threw th* water into a Milwaukee judga'sfaoe, bat gme to Chicago, where there it lew water around lo tempt her to similar inditeretions. Of course," said Mrs. Kubrio, " our reo tor conduct* th* service in Eoglub ; but they il i* just a* grand aud inspiring as Latin ; you can't understand a word bs says, yon know." OIVB ! A LIFT. iv* Dim a lift Kneel not In nraysr or muraltii with nit .leepalr! Thw man is dowo.auU bis great n**U I* ready help, nut prayer and creed. Tls tiros when tne wcundt are wtabed snd healed Thai tnt- inwin! motive be rvvealed ; hut DOW, wbste'*r th* spit it be, tier* wotds are but a muosery. On* grain of aid jatt DOW li more To nun insu loujesof talolly lore ; If you must pray, piay in your heart, but f iv* him a lilt 1 pray f iv* htm a itarl Tb* world li full of K >"! advice Of prayer*, of prat*, of preaching nice ; hut the generous soul* wboahi maukiiul Are toarce a* (Old, and bar4 to Qua. Give like a Chrietlan-tpmk ID deedt; A noble .ifv's the iieel ol creeilt, Aud be thall wear a noble crown Who Hives men a lift a hen they are down. He rang th* door bell of a banker. Thi servant tell* him " Monsieur d >es no receive to-day." " That make* nothing to me. My racket is to know It he will f anything." It Is cowardice tbat prompt* us when we ***k to oast upon olberi the burden* w ought to bear ourselves; and it i* a false pbiloer.pby that trie* to eav* tb* wroni doer from the punishment due to his evi deedi. A reverend doctor, introducing to an andienoe a famous uiissionary from Indii concluded bie remarks with tbis imprest!* 1 sentence : " He comet to yon from tha laud where every proepeot pleaatl, and onli nan u \-ilf." A week age Viator Jnsepba* and otb* boye threw BKKI at Dr. Hughe*, at Annapo lit, III. Hughe* met Joaepbu* on tbe itree on Friday aod ibot him dead without worl of warning. ' Do you believe in woman 'i righto ? sb* demand* d, jabbing him in tb* rib* will her umbrella. Yes," he replied, as b moved to a safe distance, " I believe I woman'* funeral rites. At an excursion to Arran of the BritiaL Association, th* members were ferried f rooi tbe steamer to tbe shore, at Bnriiok. i boat loads. A popular clergyman, notec for hi* obeeily, bad got into on* of th boat*, and a reverend brother seemed r*luc taot to follow, leet tb* boat should b* over Ioad*d. Com* away," said b* in th* boat, " there ii still room for yon and ni danger, provided yon have none of you sermon* in your ekei," Tbe woikmen of tbe Klgtr Thomson Steel Company at Pittsbnrg, Pa., have accepted a reduction of 13 par cent. In thai wsgei in preference to remtioiog idle Steady work is promised 3.000 men throughout tbe winter. Ii i* believed tb* same result will be brought about in all th* Iteel rail mills in America, It <s intended by tb* frliods ot diseetab lishment in England and Scotland to maki vigorous efforts during tbe present winte to push tlieu prinoiplee both in and out of Parliament. In Wale* tb* cry for disestab- lishment has become loud and fierce. A monster meetii g in favor of disestablish msnt ha* ju*t been held at Csrnaivoc. Three separate measuree- one for England, | one for Scotland and on* for Walee ar* to j b* introduced during the coming netsion of Parliament. WEALTH AND BBAUTY. Brilliant AsMmblaf* at the Man. .on of the) Railway King. HKBbBB WOHN AT VAMDBUHLLT'H tt&LL The amount of capital represented at the great ball K .ve i by W. H. Vaoderbilt, tbe lew York railway king, in bi* Filth venue c anrion, on Tuesday night, waa 1600.000(0X1 at letil. The residence was Beautifully decorated; 10000 ro*e* snd large variety ot other njwera ere u-ed. Toe dresses of the sdiee were magnificent. Mtny olHb* fair ue*M, betidea wearing great olubtert of lower* on tbeir waist*, carried several arge bouQuet*. I'tiese were moetly of solid colors. Moll of the debutantes oar- led bouquet* of whit* roe** surrounded by be delicate tendrils of tbe maiden-bair ern. Indeed , these feme were much used o all tb* bouquet*. Pink roe** wtr* among tb* mo*-t used, and the by brid roses, iih th* ir brilliant oclorii g aud crumpled eav**, were aieo favorlMi. Ou* young ady carried a bouquet ot violetn aud clus- srs of the same tweet flower looped tbe 1 ' of her tulle dress, which waa UDUIU- ally pretty and youthful in effect. Among be brilliant rottumta wers tbe following : Mes. W. U. ViodcrbiH M ojatume, made >y Worth tor the oeaaaioo, ws* a tuaml us oombinatiou of tauu aud brocade ma Ie witb train and square neck and trimmed ith point laoa. iier ornament* were dia- mond* aud eonaisted of ueoklaoe, with leudaot, earriiigt, brae* I- 1- aod piue, while a tiara of tbesaiue gims> were worn iu the coiffure, holding in place a clutter of oelriob tip*. Mm. Heward Webo wa* attirtd in a dr**s with court train of red satin, brocaded in gold aod front of gold- colored satin veiled in point applique laoe. The acreage wa* out low and her crua ncnts were diamondi. Sbe carried a bjuqusl il yellow rote*, lilit* aod red oaroationt. drs Wm Sloan* wore while. Th* train was of satin, brocaded in silver, and the front 'a* of plain as>Un covered with rufflt* of lainty lac*. Tb* bodice wa* decollete, and sbe wore diamond jewels. Mr*. W. K Vauderbilt't beoomiLg toilet wa* of or tain - oulored brocade and satin, trimmed with duchess* lace, and her ornaments were diamond*. Mr*. I. N. Pnelp* appeared iu an elaborate toilet with tram brocaded iu a design of velvet featben on a silver lirouud. Tbe front was covered with an embroidery of gray beadi and marabout leathers. Tbe Dot ice, as oat law and her rnameuts were diamonds Miee Fanny Jwan wots white siik ra tram*, wilb trout draped with sliver embroidered tolls. The corsage wa* out square aud bad sleeves of the iulle, and sbe wore saluaterol white ostrich lips aod carried a bouquet of pink rust* Hit* Leavitt wore white tulle over silk ra rrouu, looped with clutter* of dunes and grtstts Tbe bodies wa* low and sleevelet*. Mi-t Emma Leavitt. tb* younn lady lu honor of whose entree into society tb* larg* reception waa given yesterday wa* attired In white lull* over sulk, trim med with marabout feathers aod whit* lilac*. Tb* skirt wa* made with long train and the corsage waa decollete. Sbe carried a bouquet ot white lilac*. Mr*. Marshall 0. Roberta wore a moat elaborate toilet Tbe long court train of white eatin wa* lined witb plush, and tbe drapery of band ne poiot-appliqut laoe fell in front over an embroidery ol chenille aud pearl*. Tbi bodice was low and tlee veless aod her orua menu wsre maguiuosot diamonds. Mrs William Wato.ore wore white istin a traint with froct ooverec wi'h oryital embroidery and trim med with fea'here. The ooria*;e wan out V ib*pe, both back and front, snc trimmed with crystal and pearl frings. Bb* wor* diamond j*w>Uand carried a bouquet of Pride ot Devonshire roeee Mis* Hooeevell wore white silver suubroderic tulle over silk e* traint, with ooriagt cut low and sleeve* of Ito*. H-r ornament* ere pearl*. Mr*. Bishop ws* dree**d iu a rich black toilet. Tbe train of eatio waa very long, and the whole wai trimmed pro fussly with jst p**e*m*nt*ri*. Tb* coratg* wa* cut tquare, sod bad il**v*a of Isoe Her jewels were diamonds. Miea Hand's dreaa of white gause, embroidered in gol( aod pink chenille over pink aatin, wa* trimmed wilb gold bullion fringe and mad* with low neck. MIM Varnum wor* wbite latin, over which (ell a drapery of tulle caught tip with marabout featbert ant white lilacs. Hue carried s bouquet ol white lilac*. 8b* wor* pearl jewel*. 11 It dosu look 'zaotly right fur one man to have a big brick house an' anoder man a rough bo'd sbaoity. but 'long 'bout tax tune d* uiao in d* *hanty kin ait on de fence an chuckle over de luck dat be tint rich. " It doau' look 'xaotly rigbt to see on* man go puthln* an' iwelliu' an orowdiu every body else off d* tide walk to let d* [mb lio know dat b* am a king bee, but suel im n have to carry dt anxiety of beiu' in debt to de tailor an' of dodgiu' de grace an' of inbsoribin' 195 lo build a Jbnrel without a hope of beiu' able to pay 10 cent* on de dollar. " In tack, my friend*, dar am heaps an hi* [i* o' things dat doan' look 'ssctly rlgb to ua at fust glance, but when y* come to fljger it up an' divide an' subtract wi'vi all got a hiap to be thankful fur an' to en court g nt to git up airly iu d* mawnln' A mau kin brace bit leux an' lay back lik* a mule, an' kiok away at d* hull world, an bat* everybody an' be bated in return, or hi kin pick upaanio orumbeo'eooeolasbuo inter a vest in d* back eand ol d* tak* a b*ap o' oomfort, koowia' dat *om* btdy is nut* off dan himself. Let u* ao cumulate to blue**." Detroit Fret Priu. V %l l>4. */ rot K *. rtuiirU.klr ip. nr.,, .r < .a.rrll. l . the Jatcc i In a ooty little cottage overlooking th* juinuipian river on Pin* street, New l.ven, lives Mrs. J^hn L. Bvarta, a lady who, il u asert< d, ha* virtually eaten uothiog for four year*. During ihia urn* *be ha* tnbeitted wholly so her friends say a tbe juice* of fruit taken iu tuoh scant) uautitiesa* to b* almost inappreciable. i'n* jnio* of a tiugl* orauge ha* served tbe mrpuse of food tor days. Eminent pb>ai IM.US have eludird tbe oaaetni have all alike been puuled aud routed in tbeir ffort* to master it. Tbat tbe story of her wonderful fast nt u ua nobody knowing Mr*. varla questions. Her own reputation and tbe character ol the friends who sur- d bsr diepjee of any tn>ge*tioos of rick or humbug which tbe cynical might seek to mterpoae. Aud y*l the appearance of tbe lady doee not lend much plausioility to the idea tbat ue has suffered tnrou K b auy loas ol sppt- i te. Wbeu met by a n pjrier of tbe i/orn- ny Newt at her door, yeatarday, It Waa lib difficulty that be could believe thai ie stood in tbe presence of one who bad tad no tubatauliaJ food for fifty months Sbe wa* the picture ol beaitn. Slightly )*l middle tg*, ah* teemed tudeed a fiae specimen of tne rugged, olo-fa*bioned New England woman used to cut door cxercier, aud younger in reality Ibaji tb* average woman a half score years her junior. Her }e sparkled and tbe flush ou her cheek set med the tint ol peiftot health Her manner wa* bright and pleasant. Though avene toditouetiug her remarkable exper eiioet, and feeling a dread of newcp*p*r mention, sbe finally consented to tell some thin* ot tb* strange story. Pour years atjo," said Mr*. Kvarta, " I viiited friends at Portland, Me. Wbile there I suffered from a nevere OOUKO of wh i, j 1 waa unable to rid myself. I con- sulted physicians in Portland aud took many kinds of medioins, but all to no effect. Oue spring day tbe oou,n> left me as suddenly a* it bad com* upon m* a few monlhe before. Boon subsequently I began o suffer from saver* pains in tbe slt/maoh. Masters were applied aud other rcmedie* ought in vain. I bcosm* unable to eat anything. Tbe bare ia*W ol food sub- toted me to oaaat a. In tbie condition I returned to New Haven. Tbe bel medical aid was procured for me, aud under tb* advice of my physician* I u*ed to drive dally to a slaughter hou-e and driuk warm blood. For a time this seemed to help me, though I wa* still continually affrcted witb nausea and waa unable to eat anything sub-ianiial whatever." Up to tbe lime you were attacked in Maine bad you been in good heslih ?" asked the vi.itor. "Ob, yt. I bad not known really what tioku*** meant ; and my appetite had always been excellent ; in fsol, I never missed a meal or failed to do my lull duty at tbe table morning, night. After my return tbe sickness begun to develop which has bad me in itaolutobee ever si no* Tbe doctors, one after another, have tried lo fathom the mystery, bat all bav* been defeated, it seems. Bom* bav* treated m* lor cancer of tbs stomach, and others bavt supposed tbe trouble to bs f lom an intaroal uloer. For fifteen mouth* I suffered In dmcribabl* tortures, aud was kept almo* constantly under tb* influence of onl ro form. Kth*r bad no effect whatever upon me, and the only nourishment I took in a! thi* lime wa* a litile brandy and ice. Uud denly I grew bettor aud etrouger, but n appetite showed no tigui of returning ' It seems strange that you could have continued alive?" Yes, almost a miracle. For months the church belle did not ring, the vibrations affecting me so that I wa* attain aod igin taken witb cramps that doubled my body into meat |aiulul shapes. A celebrated physician of Pniladslpbia beard if my aud came to s*e me, aud attended me for some lime, but Li< lab >rt were uusvailiug There seemed 10 remedy aud no skill equal to tbs demands of tbe case, and I have oon tinued nniil tbe present with no return ol appetite and subject to nervous prostra uoo." "And all thi* time yon have eaten DO meat and no pastry of any kind?' tb* reporter asked. " Sou* whatever, not a tingle mortal,' was tb* r**pon**. " My phy*iciaos anc friends will all tell yon this. Twice in thtt time I have be*n hungry. It wa* terrible and 1 can not begin to tall you what I wa* obliged to iuff*r. I did not dar* eat anything, and at the same lime my oravu gi were such that when I asw a litila dog runuii g in tbe street I felt as it I could sal every partial* of flesh upon it. I K > out to rid* nearly every day, aod oousider myaelf a wai woman with the exception thai I partake ol no substantial food, aud never sit at stable exoept for sociability." " What keeps you alive ?" " My only subsistence is fruit ; not fruit eaten as other people eat fruit. I wallow none of the substantial poitiou* It i* only the juice that I dare tak* al that I want to tak*. Tbi* only for tb* paet lour ) ears ha* been my entire nourishment except that occasionally I allow * little loal sugar to melt in my mouth. Tbe odor of cooking m th* house has not the least eheot upon me." Mrs. Evarts smiled a* sb* bade her caller good-by, and lovingly fondled tberiobyello orange the held in her hand. Nev Haven (Conn )Nevi. Lord Enkdale, grandson ot tbe Duke of Buoclencb, who owns n*%rly sll Dumfrie*- thlre, u tbe Conservative candidate for tbat county. It was bie father whom Mr. Gladstone defeated m Midlothian. Jennie Adler, a Day tor Jew**a, return ing from a viait to New York, met a New Orleani merchant nsmed Meyer on tbe tnin. They were mutually smitten. H* popped aud ebe said y-s ," aad within bslf an hour after arriving in the Dayton depot they were man and wife. Pirn*) Ivtina iron workers at Lancaster, Pa, havs tbnt down until after tbe holi- day*. The suspension will probably be permanent, t* tbe mn refuse to acospt a reduction ot wage*. Hi . ID*.. If w* consnm* all and save nothing we most surely com* lo th* *tid of our resour- ces This principle doe* not pply only 10 our worldly mead*. W* have to hunhkLd our workiug |ow*r* aud tbe brain power whence they ipnng, as w* bav* to butbaud tvery thing el** w* pos- sess ; and to *at up in a short tini* what ou.ii, to last for all nnr l.fe i* bad manage- ment and the end ill Assuredly {rov* i evil. We may dolbtrauielh n. wuulritud tbip. We can eat up a fri*Ld*tnp a* w* can eat up everything )*, and leave oar- selvet no otniut* to go ou with, out of all that laig* oak* tbat one* wat tnra. If w* throw ux> in uoh on our IrieiiOr, make too many demands on tbeir sjmpatliy, their patience, their good nature, their allow- ance, their generally, w* thall snd by eating up in a short iluie the Bake ot love that should have lasted u* to the end. Many a friend hae been squandered in this man ner by excess of demand, and many a love has followed suit. By tbe fully of jsalouty which, obes a siimulMit, become* at last a [oitou , by the folly of oixplay which, once a delicious kind ot el rbantmeut, become* *t last ao oppressive uigbtaa * . by th* fully of tbat uneasy used of perpetual assurance which, once gladly ree|>ono*d to ss tb* sign of delightful vitality, beeumee at last a tyranny too onerous to ne borne ; by all the** abvurditiet and extravagances i* tb* loud ol love devoured and de*tro)ed, aud tbe cake which should have lasted to* a lifetime eaten and done with before half the journey had been (tone through. W* eat our oak* too a'revdily, too inccn- tiderately. Wben il IB fau* w* tit down ai d cry, aud wonder I o * it ha* ootue about tbat we have uolbiLg left to go on with. If we had husbanded our Ktouroee they would have tatted ; it wat our txetae which left us poor so soon, a* many broken - i-arted (eopli- nud out wbeu too late. If e are wise, we will make sous calculation o our lift, and say what we eh all speed now and what we stall keep for tbe future i i. .. .1 .- 1 -i , - - 1. . Tb* fifty- ninth anaual report of the tfiationary Society of tbt Methodist vburob of Canada has just been published. Aiuoug the largest contributor* to mitsios unds art : Me**it. J M Trtble, Toronto, 1300 , John Macdouald, Toronto, MoO , Dr. W. T. Aikios, Toronto. 1900; th* Hud eon's Bay Cumrany, i486 i Dennis Moore, Hamilton, 1600; H'n. JaoweKemer, Mon- treal, 1700; W E rial. ford. Hamilton. 1600 ; Mr*. Elix Hoott. Montreal. 1600 ; 0o. H. Starr, Halifax. 1760 ; Jairtas Hart, Halifax, I SOU ; Jau.e* K.ierbro. k, Exeter. MOO. ni..i.n M on. ta I ,-.. Home years MO Formosa cxitn>) th* attention of tb* Pr**b>t*rian ( horcb in Oauada, aud the R*v. O. L. Maoaay wa* induced to settle there. Mr. Mackay bae me* been j >med by scm* sble collesgoe*. Under tte.r judicious mauanement Ibe uuasion bs* urtatly prospered. For tome lime tbe work wa* upt ill ; but latterly tbe missionaries begin to tee tbe fruit* of tbeir labors. Some time tg > Mr. Maokay wrote, saying tbat all of a sudden a change be cam* visible. Tne bunday meeting* and tbe week-day tcboolt began to be largely attended. In a recent communication he claims tbat to one section in the north of ibe island teme two thousand person* bsve dung away tbeir idole ; and ne specially mentions one village of WO inhabitant*. every soul olamorirg for instruction in Christianity and evsry boast cleared ol idol*." Cases such ss this keep alive the faith in Christian mission*. Oikrr I rce NMea. Itev. Joshua Mosball, reetor nf Grace Epiaoopal Church on Ctly I*land, N T., fell dead in hi* pulpit a* b* was about to op**) the service* ou Sunday evening. R*v. Dr. King laid in hi* stimoo at Nsw York thsl Christian communism wa* th* remedy lor tbe increasing accumulation of wealth in the 1 band* of a few men and llie corresponding increase of pauperism. mailer. A Professor of tbs Texas University wa* explaining lo tb* clat bu view* on mind aud matter. " Now," *aid be, " there it DO doubt thai mind exuted a long time before matter, and ytt. nun d can hardly b* said to bav* eiist- enee, iu tbe tense of the word. I refer to thit chair, or to my body a* a thing of exi'tenee positive, because I feel it ; I know it is there and oaa b* teen. But, in reference to my mind ** " That it non-*xitt*nt," broke in a tta- deut . anticipating tb* profttsor. Si/hay*. t <!.. I.. I,, I ... M UI. Tbe French fore* in Touquin I* to be raised to 1G.OOO men by reiul> rotnientt as quickly ss poeeible. Six thousand men have landed and encamped within seven mile* of Bontay without moleeiatiou or driug a (hot. The assault on the town was to have been commenced on tbe lath i .st., so that tome decided, news msy b* I mkd for shortly, as tbe Msrqnis Taeui( in an interview at Part* emphatically declared that Chin* would immediately break off official relation* with Franc* should the take postession of either Son lay or Baooinh A *}lw,*w*> *. Melbourne last September a ram, At which has been described in Ibe Eoglinb papers as " a true bred merino," told for 8,160 guinea*. Tb* animal wa* really a Lincoln, as be descends from along woolled ram wbiob waa purchased nut of the famous Bisoathorpe flock in 1874 for 200 guinea*, and wbiob sold in Australia a few month* later for 1.100 gaio*a*. The clergymen of Indianapolis have formally recommended tbat funeral ser vices hball be performed on secular da) a in private dwellings, and not in tbe houses of wonibip ; thai tb* friends tbail take leave of tbe diad in private ; tbat tb* remains shall not b* exhibited to the public, and tbat, witb a view to reducing the burden of expense, tbe services thall be on one day aod th* burial privately performed en the eat. A certain old oorderer, on being oomph men tod by a divine on tbe ilreunth of hie memory, replied, " No, tir, I have no com- mand of my memory. It only retaine what bit* my fancy ; and probably, sir, if yon were to preach to m* for two hours, I would not b* abls, when you finished, to remember a word you btd been eaying." A littl* girl'* mother told her if tb* wtnt ont of the gate ibe woulr* have to whip her, and in an bonr tbe young ooe was picked up In the gutter, in tbe tuidttof mud -pie makin . " I thought I told you if yoa went ont thai gate I'd whip )ou," said tbe mother, angrily. "But I didn't do out de date, msnima." replied the el. iM. in a whimper. Ye*, yon did. and you've been out there in the street for in hour, sod look like a pig." " But, mamma, I didn't do out de dale." " Tee, yen did, too, and I'm gjiog to whip yon " " 1 dilnt do cut d* date ; I tluoi over 'e fence, an' GO tan 'I whip m* 'it time, mamma." ' Tbe family tbat ha* three children and only three bedroimt in the bout* never causes tbt deal b of sny ot iheir relative*) by putting ibirn in tb* Arctic tpsr* bedroim" when ib* Ittitr msks a vi*U duniK lie Winter ted enter frits* to death or ex Direct a cold which [IOVM latal In a f*w month*. \

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