Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 2

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POBTBT. A Walta a)ae.>tUe>. ST lU-Ui W"1SJ|S* Tue band was i>layiac a walu qaadrUls. I toll a* liifbt u a win 1 biows feaihei. A. ws fl.Ahol away at the oallo's will Turnunii (b* lutiioata uiaiy danoe Mfetbar; Late a *)iiuio army oar llasa were m**tlmj. Hlowly atlvansiufaail tbvu rstreatlug, All .loeko 1 in i rtirbt array t aztd back aod forth to tba music's rhyme, W> uiov.i u^eiu. r. and all tbs uuie 1 knew you wer* going away. Tb* fold of your strong arm ssot a thrill Kroui beart to Uraiu as wo Rsully glided Like loaves ou tue wave* ol thtt walu quadrlll* , FarUid, mei, and agala divided. T"U drifting oue way aa J 1 another, Tbeu suddenly uirianx and faoiog esioh other ; Tbeu off iu tbs biltha obasss, Tha airily back to our plao< > sway inf. Wbilo *v. r> beat of the muito swojl sajluf Tbat you were foing away. said to my baart. " ix>t us take oar nil Of ..i irtu aud plsasure. and love aud Isagbter, For it all ni u.t eu I with tui wslti quadrille, Ant Ilia will be never tbe sam* life arur. Ol tbai tbe caller imxhi go un oaUln Ol tht Ibe uiusic might go on talliuc L'k* a shower ol silver eyrsy Wbile ws whirled oo to tbe v nit forever, Wbrre uo bert brsak and DO tut sever. And no oae foe* away. A olainor. a, and tbe band was still, 'T wa tbe ud of tb* dreaui and the end of tb* measure; The la.t low uotes of that waUi uadrllls beeuiod ;ik> - dirge o'er th* <i**th of ulaasure You saU (nod uubt, aud .Uo usll wa* over - Too warm fur a f riead and too cold fur a lover Tbsre was ootuiug morr to say , But the hunts I .okeudiui. aud ibeilanoeri weary, And the tuiisio was iad aud tb* hall was<lreary . After yoa w*nt away. 1 1 . ui. <M| B Mswaa. Here U a silver dime, mjr *on ; L uks Use lead, it is blackeoed so , Not a bit Hue tbe soloing oo* I .!n>iii.l iu my puckrt a week ago. Uiuny f Ye. Doo'ljuu tbiok it strange Itsboild lose its sbeeu lu sr sbort a ttm* ? Would you like to kuow bow csuie bis cbauge For the worse to a braiul usw silver diia* '.' Tbe cause Ii liupln and easily told. But lay it to iian. U sou ol mine t Ha* If It ooes out a moral bold Pur a brigbt brave buy with * wish to sblne. I draw from ui pooketa jumper osot He* there is tue secret . toe i rer dime, Un )i|>e<l iu tiu pock t uy aoci Ie .1, tia* rubbed a^alust eopper all ibi* tim*. Aod tbe cent Is n*v*r a whit more wbttei N>.r Improved at all b ita oumuany. While b silver dims oum*s out l*s bright, Ami its value is (jue*ti >ne<l. as yoa see. How Uie uiora for *>> 1* very ulsar. Y. u see u. my SOD '.' Well, lay It to heart ; And - < I dr \< tue llver here. And tee copper tnere , let them b* apart. TH* BOt'S SOLlLIXJl'I. Ob, yes, the moral I clear aa diy, bu. 1 tnouglit 1 wa* Kuiug wist that dims, Hegivei iu- tbe nu>rl th 1 1 dsd way Aod puukels tbe luoDev every time. HISBiWS A 4.1.1. uirl lew a* That. Is there a lady In tb* land Tbu bua*t< ber rok aa I a' ibtlf Wiiu oorulul eye *e pase her by, Aud littls care fur a' tbal ; For Net .r> cbaruis sha I bear tbe palm A git I's a girl lur a' tuat. Wbat though btr neck witb gems sb* deck Wlib fully'a K*ar aud a' tin, Aad gaily rid* in pjmp aod pride. V* * oau dwiwus* altba' that. An bluest beart aou uo sucb part A gin's gin fur *' Uas. Tbe oobly born may pToullv soon A luw.y lass aud a that. AjL>r*tt> lace has far uiore grare Tnai, hau.lit) luuksaud a' Itisl A booby maid uae . oo such aid A glri *lrl for a' thai. And et M trust tbat oora* It must. And *ure it will fur a* Ui . t , taltb aud love, ail arts above, -ifcii supreme nl a' that, aver} yjveb o,.uiees Uie tratb A girl's girt for *' Ibai. o. nan vov. TOSJ. Tbsjr nist. when they wer* girl and boy, Uulug I" school oue day Aod ' * 1 1 /t >oa Uk* my peg-top, dear 7" Ws* all tb a be ouald say. Hliebit ber tltt<e pluafoie, Close t ' L is , l Ie she cams be whispered, - N. , DO, thank yon. Tom.' But tw/kllall thssaui*. Tbsy met one dsy, tb* sslfsam* way, Woes tea itwift years bad rtowo , Be .1 1. " I'vs uutoiog but my heart, Hut Ibat U youis aloue " " AU I w n t you lake uiy beart 7" b* said, Aud al > d bsr by br name ; 8bs blusUe<l and said. " No. think yon, Tom," But took II all ihe sams. And twenty. tLlrty, forty yean, Hve brought uiem care aud Joy; 8bs li .be lutle pe^ to,i still H nave ber wbeu a boy. * I've had uo wealth, saeet wife." says be. " I've i.ver bruuKOt youlaiue ." Bbe whispers, " No. uu, thank yuu, Tom, You have luv*d me all tbe aame." IX)VK's OomHO. Bbs bad look* 1 for bis O'imiiiK. a* warriors com* With t . o.a-h of arms aud the bugle's oall; But be osme lusiead witb a stoaithy trwaU. Wuiob she did uot bear st all. Bbe ba I thought bow bis armor would ulaie thesiiu. As be roue like a prince to elalm bis bride ; lu (be sweet oiui ligbt ui tbe falliox uigut bheluuud him al ber side. Bbs b* 1 dreamed h >w the (ace of bli strange bold eye Would .ke ber beart U a sinl Isn glow ; Hbs fouml Io ni faoe tbs lamliiargreoe Of a frieod bs asad to koow. be hsddieamed how hit coming would tlr bar suul, A* the ocean Is stirred by tb* wild storm's ml- . H* broil, hi der tb* balm ofa heavenly oalm, Aud a peace wLi >b crowned ner life. HOT A WOMAH'l BSASOM. " Why do y n sit ID sll*no* tbere, Aud with your fingers olutou ruar bsli , A* II fur IwV* you'r* sigUiait? I* II beoaas* you taluk I'm oo.d, Or i Is. , i<eruai>s, I've beeu too bold Ia all jour liopes defying ?" Bf- " Alas! I wnul I tbat It war* *o. Jp or iheu. to > very oar* r woe I'd v *)'d wltb him i sair*ndar ; But, aranst, 1 mnl oow ooufee* Tb* osuse uf my luost deep distress U my uuhltebed suspeodar." Onl* CnpM notried pstb* Invades, Ami laakbs al all ooiupetltors; For UD the hor*s of time, quit* Dear, Prrguaut with hopes, luums up leap )*ar A bow o> proiuise to si) tuauls, A spaoir* g. Im to bachelor*. " Mamma " *xelaimed a beanlifal girl wbo had HufF>red affectation to obsoura th* In tin ititelleot *ba po*s*aa*d, " wbat i* tbat IOBC grean thing lying on tb* rtmh ba fora you?" "A oacumber, my beloved Oeiirglaaii," replied tha mamma, with a blaud .ni IH of approbation at ber darlion'a oomtneudable curiosity. " A oaoombarf Or aoniUH gooduva*. my dear msmina, how vary aatraorditary I I alwsjii uuagiued that they grew iu aliaas." A horticultural haul- l>raJgiag 4 bi( bouquet aaraat tha ilag*. OK The People Loved Her Much. CSAPTKK XXXIV. SSJOOTHIsO TIB wit. By tha time tbal Darngk g*t* back to tb* Tbornts' house at Prince* Gate, wbioh i* ber temporary home, *h* i* stratnsd to tb* atmoat ten*tou of bar uerven, physical strength aod moral eudurauoe. .".' the same time bar mud u clear enough to KU full force aud weight to thi* iodupntabla but often forgotten, fact namely, that other people merely aaa the uutaid* of tbiug*. Two hour* after tbi* Darragb i* at tbe MaokivenV, by nf oiuioieut. " I bava oome to speak to yon about two frieode wbo are very dear to me; your sou Captain Maokiver, and Dolly Anne-ley.' Darrsgb *ayi, looking from ou* to tha other of Ronald'* parent*, aud tryiug to com* to a oonolnsioii aa to which of tb* two will reapond to her heartfelt paeota moat heartily. Gxl aaw fit tbat they shouldn't b* 3oupltd tog*th*r, ao it'* aa well wa leave tbeir uam** apart," Mr. Maokiver aay a soUmoly and warily ; but Darragb will have ucitner soletuuity nor warinea* on tbi* occasion. Bat that U what I have come to aay Djlly shall not do aoy longer," Darra^n say*, (peaking in those quickened touee tbat denote tbe wanting ol patience. " A blessed obano* a never -to- be. sufficiently bleesed ohanw ba* put it in my power to give back to Djlly all that aha ban lost tbrougb bar brother'* misfortune*. Wbeo I tall you tbal Dolly baa ten thousand pound* of her owu again you'll not stand between her and your ion, will you? You'll take ber to your heart* aa your daughter gladly again, won't yon ? ' You are doing more than even a listir klit to do. Is it tbat your love for Djlly is i strong tbat you'll reduce yourself to poverty, aud do away with th* intention of IB* on* wbo ntrov to mak* your lot io lit* a n () , oo* 1 ' Mary Mackiver asks, search ingly ; aad Darragb answer* with deci- sion " I shall be happier io bringing those two together again tbau money oan aver make mr." Iu accordance with bi* expressed ioten tion to Dtrragh, Mr. Maokiver aae* ber lawyer aud satisfies himself tbat tbe ten thousand pounds is conveyed to Dolly aod bar heir* forever, io a way that oanuot be tampered with, and. in tbe fullness of hi* satisfaction al this being tbe oa*a, tb* old man write* off to his ion at once. "D^lly Auussley'i fortune i* restored to and firmly settled npon bar," ba write*. " I trust tbal you will not long delay the fulfilment of tb* honorable engagement you are under to her - iu tbe event of all obstacle* being (as they now are) removed. Asm re bar of our raadmee* to welcome ber ioto tbe family at once, and prove yourself worthy nf tbe honor she will confer npon yon by doing M." CHAPTER XXXV. " Mini LOT! MI." Rouald Maokiver gete hi* father'* letter, jual a* at the bead of hi* company ha U about to tnarob to the *oene of an antid- pated riot two or three milaa from the tarn- pjrary quartan they are ooaupying. Baaing that the latter U from bi* father, and not being aoouatomed to receive new* of imminent importance from home, be uuojoesroedly pocket* tbe latter with tb remark to hiium If that it* " oontenle will keep," and prooeeda to open aeveral that have no intareal whatever. In aooordaiou with the avarlaitlag law of aontrarmaaa tbe riot that ban beeu aotloi- pated doei not oome off, and Captain Maok- iver manna* back with hi* man without e arising to break the monotony of tbe outii-K It i* (till early in the afternoon when he get* back into tb* baatily oon*trnotd bar- racks in which lie and bis men are aneUtinn life and liberty in lr laad, and tbe " natural tbiog to do " for him under theee circum- stance* i* to walk over to Darragb aod to talk to I) .lly Anneeley. He meet* br in tbe ground* about a eauple of haodred yardx from tbe booa*. " I have b<;en to *ea Ferroll'* wife," *h* *ayi> to him. trying to ipeak calmly ; " he i found guilty of manslaughter, aud tbe y lorn M pardon i* to be aaked for, baoaane tuere was no intent to kill Lord K.lleen. K <but u iatereating bimeelt on behalf of tbe poor unhappy man" " K ibert being the one tbe poor anhappy man meant to murder?" Ah I Ronald bat think how they're milled ; think of their hot heart*' and urn pern," 1) lly aay*, dapreoatingly, and Cap- tain Maokiver imilea rather sadly aa be recognises Darraxh'i itiflueno* in the word* Tbey ail down on Mat on a terraoe to front of tbt bou*e, and Dolly begin* to dive ioto a banket wbioh Kunleen bae oaly a few mmutea before delivered up into her afe keeping. " Buoh luxuries I" the girl *%y*, laaghing " you molt ktay and din*. Her*'* a giaut lobeter be' good for three dishes, a doieu !<, a lot of little fl*l fieb ; oom* in aud ae* m oook, will you T" " Ye*" Ronald u quite ready " only wail a minute while I read a letter from home," be aayi, taking hi* father's letter unopened out of hi* pookct. " T*ll run all about tb*m ; what are tb*y doing, and what doe* he say?" Dolly aeke, aettliog herself baek oo the **at In prepare tiiiu for tbe peaceful enjoyment of newe " from born*," aa aba iliil fondly oall* tb* Maokiver*' boue*. In parfeet iKuoraooa of what i* to oome. Captain Maokiver begin* raiding alood " Mi Diia RONALD, Djlly Annealey'* fortau* I* restored to aod Brmly aettled npon her" bie impalae i* to pauae, but an -ncr ery of curiosity and joy from Dolly urge* him to go on to bin own o mluston ; I triut that you will i.ov long delay th* engagement fulfilment of th* honorable you are under to her." Htammering out thaa* word*, scarlet from embarrnaiiment and aonoyaoo*, h* some* to a hail now that it i* too let*. He look* at her imploringly, tro*tiog that *b* will break tba *p*ll of morti&oation wbioh I* holding him in thrall. Aod *b* doee not dissrpoiot blm I 8h* la alwayi to b* relied upon Borpniwri and (Urt'ed. parplazed and pained, a* th* ! by Mr. M*okivar' allution to her >.g.iiivui to Bonald, ab*li*till f aboTa all thing* anxious to raatora Bonald to a slat* ol solf possession aad restraint. Accordingly tha rues u obumadly , a* if al b*r thought* war* ou her bouhold Au and say iig quit tlf " Whan you kava found oat wbare thia wonderful fortune ha* come from, aad eon vmoed yuurself tbat dear Mr. Maokiver a not laboring under BOOM fond delu-mu you'll oome ia and tall nta more about it on' t yon, Rnnatrl ? I mu*t go in, Car tbi lobsuv hai to b* curried, and made iuto patties- and MoyonaaiM, and these tubll* work* of oookory art take UID*. Oom* io presently , wou't you ?" Bb* ia walking away, looking oat with apparent uooonoern al tha view wbioh ia ;rud and wide from this terrace walk tod Captain Maokivtr mutter* a few word* U at may ba about aaytbiug 8b* doe* not b*sr them ; for all bar outward oalm, bar b**d u in a whirl I H* raad* tha remainder of hi* father 1 * latier. and the trutb ii revealed to him It 1* Darragh who hai dona this I Darragb wbo baa given him the opportunity of redeeming bi* houor and marrying Dolly Anuohley ! B* (it* t here in a pitiable itata of d isoom flture for an hour or more-. It Mam* to hav* bean easy enough for bis father to writ* tb* word* of prndent counsel ; but il Konald Mackiver know* himself, he will oev*r be able to act upon them. Uo* oan he go to Dolly witb a tale ol love and constancy, and aak for bar baud uow that it bold* tan thonaand pound*, when h* lapted from ber, aod relinquished tbat kand w ben poverty aaaailsd ber ? Be- aide*, *be knows how hi* heart ha* veered to Darragh ; and Dolly will never accept an allegtauo* that barttnoe awerved. Bo he i* tailing himialf, arguing bimaell round to oooider tbe case in ipita of every thing, when H jbert Annetley come* to look for him. Dally told me to com* aod fetch you in to dinaar. Bbe ha* don* something rather brilliant in tb* way of cooking, I gather from Ler triumphant manner," Mr. Aune* ley say*, aa ba loiter* up. " Hai Dolly said anything to you about my father's letter?" Captsio Maokiver ask* hurriedly. "No nothing wrong. I hope, Maokiver 1 No nut ill ?" " Mo , read it," and Konald bands the letter to U >ll> '. brutbsr. Ilii*'m<jeta**ojbarra*ingforMr Anna* lay to read it before the oo* to whom tbe sag* advioe I* addressed, a* it wa* for tbat one to raad it before Dolly. Mr. Aunveley's face fluehea and hi* eye* kiudl* a* ba read* tb* first few words, but he goes on without making a remark uutil tha eod. Tbeu b* say* simply " I'm glad for my siiter'* sake." " Ye*," Captain Mackiver says, awk ardly. "Bat wbo can have dona it? Tbat remain* to b* fouud out. aod until It is found I ejbaU not 1*1 Dolly touch tba money," Mr. Aunealav aay*, decidedly W* certainly haven't a relation in tbe world wbo would do it for my lister, ai.d I aoarosly thought w* bad such a frisnd." " Cau'l you guess T" Ronald aayi, turn ing his faoe away aa be speaks. " No yon don't mean to say tbat yowr people have done It. Mackiver ?" Kooald *bak** bia head. " There'* only ooa person ia tb* world of whom 1 oau think wbo hai tha will aod power ; aud that ooa is Darragh !' " TLou *be moil hav* pauperised h*raelf to do it. Yea, to be. lure I It'* tb* very nm poor K.lleen U'l her. Maokirer, my *i*tar cannot take tbis money ; if* too (real, too complete a saoniioe for one girl o aoc*pl from ano.Mr ; aud there'* more tb* money sacrifice involved in it, aa rour father point* oat," ba *aye, aiguifl- utly It'* don* with the noblaat ioteutum, of hat I'm ear*," Konald aay*, dejectedly. Aod it'a nohly executed, too, bat we mut g*l Mie* Tbynn* to revena bar deruion again*! h*r*alf. I will writ* to her, and you maet add your word* f wuidom and lova, old man I ' rtobart Lnoewley nay*, iabiug away at tome bi*tlfb*sda which are aadaaioutly abow- UK tbemnelvea in tbe terraoe border. " She ha* refuMd me dufliitaly aooogb hall never dare my fat* in that quarter iin," R>oald oonfoaM*, aud omothiug ike a gloum aatllee on Mr. AnnaaUy'i brow a* ba lielao*. Can it b* that Captain Mack- Tar ia goinK to *a tbe audaoity to pro naa bimtelf onoe >gain a* a *uiiabl* alli- ance to Djlly T I tbiuk you're riobt about Mi** Tbynn*," Mr. Annetlay lay*, with ao air of aat purpoee in hi p*cb whioh i* like a nettle-*tiug to hi* auditor : " it'* n*v*r well to attempt to renew or ren*oitate a lova- affair. Something invariably orop* up to emlod you thtt there ha* been a waul of something that bai mad* it wine to have dona with oue another. I ohoald eay to a on, if I bad on*, over try to ba on with Q old love if once you've bean off with her " Yon'r* not anooajagioK, Annaaley." " My dear fellow, I didn't imagine that you wanted to be ' euo niraged ' to go out and aak for anothir definit* refunal from I wa* not thinking of Mill Tbyno* when I laid you wer* not *ooouraging 8h* ba* killed th* wild daepcrata faallug that I bad for her ; it wa* mor than lov*, it wax madoaa*, and *b* baa taught me to oom bat it. I wa< thinking of Dolly ; I cball ubj'aot inyflf to falea *apioion* yoa're not tbe ou>y one who will trunk hardly of rue, Aonealey but I aball leave it to Dolly to decide what oar future relation* are to b*." I will not int*rfra with bar deciilon," Mr. Anuwley Mtyi, >bortly ; bat ia (pit* of tbi* involuntary promt** of non in'*rf*r- enoe Captain Mtoklvar feel* that Dolly'* brother ie oppoatd to the idea ofa renewal of old tie* between nia *i*t*r and Captaiu Mackiver. Djlly i* (landing in th* dioiog-rcom lin they go in, obeying her graceful iii-iinot to mak* a aort of fetta of th* day which ba* brought *noh good tiding* to h*r by d*onratiog th* prettily arranged dinner- table with flower* and foliage. Kathleen'* offering of lobitar and fith and egg* I* not one of neoeeaitv to thiir need*, but rather a tribute of gratitude for tbe uo*w*rviog sympathy whioh the Aon**- ley* bare displayed toward btr during th* term of bar lover'* i naaroaratioo. He i* a tree man now, havlag oom* oat of hi* trial ' without a "tain oo hi* obaraolar," and th* faelmg for him U M *lrot>g in the ntigbborboud that tb* latrar ban relented toward tb* EngU*h n*urp*r* at Darragb to tb* x tout of *arving them with the neoai- r iei of I if * a|*io. For they " etood by the poor boy aoa befriended hi* weetbeart wuilo be waa andar m oloud." And *o tbi warm, romaoo* loving, naturally grateful national heart ba* goue oat to the Annav lay* at laal to the extant of aailliug thum what*v*r they want to buy at zorbitant prioe*. Il i* lat* anaagb in the *u turn u to jattify artiflaml light at a*vna o'clock ia the van- ing, and Dolly ha* a half doxen caudle* abl*a* on tb* larg* round table, io tal traight oandlectick* that gleam out with genuine artutio t ffeot from amide! tb* flow era and f *rn*. Bb* h aa dreiaed banelf , too, with a more oartful aad itadied regard for ffot than *h* ha* bean displaying lately Altogether Robart AnnMley *ae>* that the igu* af th* tim** portend that h* i* not to keep hi* *i*tar to bim*alf much loog*r. Ha* Ronald told you bia father'* uew?" she *k, with a bright warm bluMb, aa tba* a*at themaelrN at the table when Robert ba* (aid tb* grace which, to do him jutlioa, I* not one whit more fer van land ravaront tban it wa* io too** Boy. ojttel day*, wheu il wa* freqaejotly only potato** and a bariiug that they had to be grateful for. H* bee, and il baa *arprtsad and touched me greatly," bar brother eayi, gravely. " Mi** Thynn* baa mad* a* her debtore forever by her intention, which we mu*t not permit bar to carry oat." " laitDarragbT ' Dolly eria*, iu aa eostaoy of amasameot " I* it D arragb ? aud I never io thiiik of bar. Of oourei u ii Uarragh I Wbo sloe would h* HO good aod gn*roo and un*elfish T But I oan't lake it ; she muat be mada to have it back, aud you must be tha oue to make bar I" ahe add*, turuii g *udduly to Captain Maokiver. " I Lave no right to interfere, nor had I any reason for uggecting Mi** Toynn* a* th* probabl* donor ; your brother kuow* a* maob of tbe matter aa I do from my falhar'i letter, wbioh h* ba* raad, aud whioh oontaiun all tha information I have on tbe aubjaol, but like yoa, Djlly, I feel that oo ou but Darragb would ba ao good, aud generous aud uuretflsh." ' It'* an attempt to cuuimil aooial suicide which w* must uol stat.d tamely by and witneea," Mr. Aouesley say* ouuclu.ively. " But uutil wa know uior* for a oertaioiy we oau do uothiug. 1; has not *i>tared ioto your miud to ta>ke tb* mooey, Dolly ? ' " Certaioly it did, until >oo cuggested that Darragb was ruiulug berself to give It to me." Dolly replies frankly. " I hoped when I beard it at firet that it might be from on* of my dsar mother'* nuuisrou* oousio* ; you kuow *be bad rich relatives, Kob-rt." " Not on* of whom would present yen with ten thouaaud (ouuds," b* auswsir; ' I cu'l uoourag* you to hop* that yon will be able to keep u, dear ; uiak* up your miud to xurreodar u without fliuohiug." " I've given up more tban that without Qioohiig " Dolly *ay*, iu a low voioa, and Uaptaiu Mackiver. who eatobee tba words aad their uieaaiag, vow* that whether Dolly u to be rich or poor be will aak bar agtiu to b* hi* wife. Other people her brother for inatano*. auioug them may despise and distrust bim for hi* vacillation. Bat Djlly, wbo ba* o*v*r wavered baratlf, will hava mercy uu a wavarer, aud that other ooe shall have tbe j jy of knowing that her work i* of avail. Troublesome letter* hav* com* to Mr. Auueslsy by tha lat* poet, wbioh faol may aooouot for hi* looking with Mventy oo Captaio Maociver's bop*e. Loodoo credi- tors have become impauent, and Marian ia toll of trepidation aod discontent. I fcal mat tbar* i* nothing left for me to do but to go over and faae thaa* cormo- rant* wbo bava been feeding on pjor Marian," be saya to hi* tietar, wb*o be baa Quiihed hi* l*ttar* ; tb*u I mu*t gut her away by that tim* sb*'ll ba ready auougb to oome here, I peat." Ho goaa out of tbe room aayiog thia, and 3>plaio Maakiwc il reaolved to try Iba fleet of a few word* m waaon. " Coma out in the gard*u, Dolly. I want to aay eoucthiug to you." Without a word *be g*ta her hat and hawl Bjud go** out witb mm. Tb*y turn away from th* tarrae* wla and K et iuto wilder outakirl* of tbe grouudi, and her* i* tell* bis tal*. " Lot the uiouey go without a thought, lut let u* fulfil wbat WM th* intvuiiju of h* oue who baa giveu you the muuey, ) .lly : her object it to sea u< uiau aud wife, her ba^piuei* will ba iu *eeiog u wttled and happy ; aud attar all. d*ar, w* nhall bo happier together tban w* oau ever eitLer of u* b* apart. I il ,u't wftau qaota poetry," tb* young Soolotimau atys, with a grim smile ; but I r*m*oiber .me line- bit bit me mark exactly If thou cauit ov* again, a ;i u love ne ; tak m* for wbat I am ; uo barn I but a man I Mill loving Wa.'" " Yes, aa far as I'm coneeroad tbe lot you offer me i the dearest iu life, according to my id*a," faithful Dolly says, oaitiOK all dignified raetriotlon* aud everything but truth to the Wlode. " Bat there are others your father and mother won't like a poor wife for > u. Rouald. Poverty i*u't exactly tb* unpardonable uu, but it'* tb* insnr- mouutable nbxlruoilou in their eyes." " I tbink you muet promina to try and sur mount them with me, ' U maid says, and tiien be pule hi* arm* round Dolly, aod a* he kisae* b*r truly and tenderly he feel* that ti.H fever In bt* h*art am* abated for- ever, and that hera it rest on tbe brave. i'K breaat that ha* never koown apuUa- lion fur any other than bimaeU. They talk atoot Darragli a good deal thi* night, aad coma to tba conclusion she mutt ba (ought at once, aud mad* acquainted with Ibair plan tot a contented, reasonable, happy future. And then they jo io, and Dolly tella her brother so cjuiaily bow they have tattled thing* that Mr. A u lie-ley ii not raady with a rebuff either in word* or manner. Yua'il hav* pinobing tlm*i till I oan pay )oo back tb* money you lant me, I tear, dear," ba aajra, kindly . but mean while you muit mak* Mis* Thvnn* take back br gift opeuly. Neither Maokiver nor you could be happy al hair expana*)." Mr. Annaalay ha* beeu three or four day* In town before ha oan giva a moment'* i in. u K ht to the conduct of bia aiitar's oaae He has faced tbe ignomiuiuu* dif&ualti** ioto Wbiob bi* Wif*'* Weak extravagance ba* placed blm like a man. Thai i* to ay, he baa not reproached bar for wbat U paat, bat he ha* given bar to undaiiiaud tbat for tha future ah* mn*t ba contented to bear bar share of tb* harden of retrench maul, and mak* ap ber mind to bava finally dons with playing witb the tring* of faih society. Ia ratora for hat par promise M comply wMk uudsrlakeu to giva up hi* of living al and imptwfiac hat agreed to aaB that p:o tureafa* whit* alapbaat If b* can find a pqr for it, and hai olobtarily offerad to ID *OWD and raooBawno* a practice am a much humbler *ok) than th* one ha toft, Accordingly, be liver nse for an aga> or intalligaot bailifl to live io th boaa* at Darragb and superintend th* property, Mil wisely states that tb* claim* of tboea wko will ba " Irnient U tHt tenantry" will ba wM ouly one* considered. (To be oontloned.) Tba Brittoh Parliament will agaia ha opsnad by Commis*ion, probably, at law/ uxt aaaioo, a* Quean Victoria baa laaV matad tbal bar arrangement* will act permit of her coming to London to orwa Me* House in (isrsou. Mr*. Murray, the wife of Rev. W. H. *L Moiiay, ha jtut nturnad tram Kuro*>* with a dipbma from thi Viiooa MadMai Collage, both aa phynioiao aud aorgaaa, being, bar friend* say. tha only woman ia th* c juutry with tbuotrtifleawi. POK THB (tDNEYS, LIYER AID URINARY OMAR i Ii n Ht/.I MI.4MM* PVetlVIBB. There Is only oo* wa v by which aoy illisnss eaa beoa'ed, and that I* by rsui'iving th* aasse whatever It may be. Tbe (real medical authev- l\t of th* day declare thai nearly every dlasaae is caused by derange*! kidusvs or liver. To restore las* berefon Is the only way by wbioh baaMh whore V*ur*ier*e oau b* secured. Her* Is i eirr has achieved its great reputttlo d It aoss irreotly upon tb* kidnsys aod liver aud by s4aa- thsm lu a bsaltby oondltlon drives disease and pain rr mi tbs system. For all Kidney, Uvar an, I Urinary troubles, for the distressing die- orlers of woman for Malaria and pbreJaal trouble* gsuerally this great remedy ba* aa equal. ears of Impostor*, Imitations *ejd oooaoetlo s said to be ) ut ss good. For Dlabete* ask for Warswr-s Malr gtsi > I ~wv. For sale by all dealer*. H. H.H tmi:u A < o.. Toronto, Ool Boaheetsr N. T Ixin^oo *> eiMOVKD BUT ONTITLBS) (Trsai Ike Beatos atsnaj Ti. .1 - us w>d Ittiaiii of Mn. I.j^u. E Pisw> asv f ir=. Mass., wa abovs an other aaawa bataa* maj to !r;!*fslly oslkdts"DsarftiaB4orWeasuV* t f bar oocreipoBdento lev* to sail bar. taa i i dsvotsdtsasr work, walofe Is ta essssava or W*.*r*a>, asd Is sbasij t,. kes Mi la<*r islsii^s.u>*arp*srsswsiiaseuesit*sasa* wai r (1 i-l T ps3js la spoa her, sack bearing tts BfSslal et teff trug, or Joy at rsleaes (reel It Bar f ejew.U Corapouod U s issfHntm for goe* **4 aes svfl pBTDOSsa. I hart persoDaBy iBvsatlgalsd A a*4 asissflsasd of the truth of thia Oa aeeanot at :ts pro'en merits, II Is rrflsa 1 sai >rsssi1bed by tts be* phyaslsas la tbs scukr*. tys i * It wur : i Uk a eharw* an4 SSTM m*a II win ecrs satlrelr tbs wont term c< c of tbs utcros, L*jc;rrhosa, Inex&'sc ssstrastlon, an Ct.Hn Troubl.1, T,< nasmlos, nooOl^c*, all Dtsplacuu^ts aad Lu ceay qnral splaal i r n. sad Is f . I r j^- aiafks* Se ths Cbanrs of Uie." a esiwisstes evsiy portion cf Un sjatss, sal glsa* new ttfs sad Tiger. It rsaiortfl f'.'Btrtss. asstrors an eravlx*- for Klmafezts, sal SMS of ths stonaek. It cons ?.ruir. Nrvins Praetrstlcc. o*ner' PsHJty, riuneslnn and Ii^igsttloB. Tust f tpUcc of I down, cming i *'.-., si*t and caekaoas. Is slwan . eu*4 y Its use. II w1Ua*aUtUam,aa vadvaUellwaizj<ane*i,sot Inbarticay wttbtaslsw tkat governs :if fsmato iretem.'iilr*l. prrlUsr.rslJ f. -.*., snd Is sold *r naav wbo bare been rsetored te p bssltbbjtb* aesof tbs Vs*e*aUs Cnapoocd. ess k* oMalaod by aiMresCag Mja. P, wlU stamp for I at her hosas In Lynn, Mssa For K14MT Complaint of eKMr ss* this e swriisss it as abundant tsetlmnnlsli show. Mrs. Ptakbam's Liver PIHa," ssys one i las vorM f -r Ike curs of and Tortsui., - *v MM*. ~ s^^ ruiasi eikwisiflsn1n It* seirlsl line sail nbtsaar tc snail t js Ooaapooad ? tio povolarlt/. Afl most resport be juu Anj- 1 u . 'i. r - ^ ' r : oas -f, Mtlon I UM] o gxwd to orben. o ai-i-A". a KIDNEY-WORT 18 A SURE CURE tor all dises.s of the aldnsjs and I LIVER H baa specific action on this most Unyuitaatl otrn. snabllng It to torow off torpidity aa4 I Inaotlon, stimulating tb* baUhy sisllSuil of I the Bii". and, by ksflptng the bow. is la Bjss-l condition, eflsotlng Its rag alar discharge. I malice, have the i-hllis, I an bfllous, dyspeptts, or oonstlpsted. KUasy I Wort will WBMy lellST* and quickly (ran. In Uis Spring to cleanse ths Systran, svsry on should take a thorough ootuse of It. U- QLPBY DHUQCIBTt. Price l. KIDNEY-WORT tetro Mlab f i, s< to *scr-e a Hasiue-a KdonaHoa ov 8nna*rU* P**> oisnshlp si tbi- 8PNC!lsV UM ttUSUHMI CULUK.B Circulars frss

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