Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1883, p. 5

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A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all i !.' . Do you see the boy and pig ? Yes, but why does t ho boy and pig 1 run so fast ? The pig runs not the boy, Yes, but why do they go so fast ? Oh, the boy is in a hurry to have his picture taken at BULMEK'S Photograph Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and all kinds of Picture Framing* promptly attended to. J AS- BULMBE, - - - THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER. and Other News dflU UiflCI /V W9> written under date ,,f *Kh ult., mel "* Manuka ,,uiteafew, after having ing , u u , d in Washington Twritorv have Grey County Council meets Sound this week. ., , LWfcjr the ADVA*,-. for 1884, Mr. T. al)l . doU cd .t ami como Calif,,- at Owui K. JloUur atn :- '1 might jiutt say that i^,,., ,. Kil |t ,,f thi ' Kenuw your aubiicriptioiii to tho Ai>- TA.NCK for 18K4 now. b the hut in Itttfl. Our in it iasuo will Dun t,'i-t the Shooting at Allison .s Hotel, Maxwell, uu Christmas L)ay. LuU of the far s country ua U.-mg o.ld weather s.-t in her*.- night In-fore ,h ad' of California. Yet I must nay, that | 17th. The. tberiiiomctur registered although the thermometer seldom falls 20 degree* below euro, but of course that , , ow ~e"r tl an i "l 5 "abilve "zJro"," TfeeTa sort have ,,f ,.,,],[ iin ,| chilly this damp weather, yet '; withal, Hike this country. ProducU. Grain of any kind comes to perfection. Sprini; wheat I have Remember tUe grand enUirtain incut on Cliriatni.n evening lu thu Town Hall, r'loshorton, and bring yuur siatura and your cousin* and your aunt, to it. RiMoviLi. Mr. Junes Pluwes and family removed lioiu Eugenia to Alark- dalu last week. We wish him aucc-Ms lu his new sphere. Puan. Laxt wok the Shelbunie ' JEc'invmitt issuetl a large /uur-paye, lllus- | tratad Christmas supplement. jt wa* ! Well got up, aud largely patronized with i advertisements. nly for a few houn. We had U-autiful w.-atlu-r In IT all S.;uv-ly any snow yet. The fn-iuht tratfic the R. K. (C. P. K.) ,, creasing very rapidly ; a largo number "f tet-n e , 1U al u, our Fall Wheat. Pea* are men have Wn tttNIHqptL FfeHMsfM ,, (WIl , March, tmt April is the gen.-nd tfO0 going atl ia very good Thous- V-ed time. Root crop* como U. amazing andsof people (joing cast some for OM I perfection. 1 'o tat. I have never seen winter uthMM* to ntun . liuum-as Uly i,^. , ht . ul ln Canada. Jhaveieen in the mercantile line u conaidcred very Cabbage 30 lb. m weight, and I am told good at present. IM|S j , U jn common. rVmiiig U very httlt- iittrndod to. The great rush is for LOIM;K. Hie following is a Kru j. in ,, | lll( j list of otflcers eltx-u-J uf ArtunicsiaL. O. era swarm with tiih Sal n of different mall M \r. ii Time will U a ! at Eugenia, mi i^vw ; Year*' JJay, fur a large quantity uf tmvie and Turkey*. Now, ye markmueu, get yuur guim ready. Sen lulls. Ntw YKARH. The teachers and schol- ar, of the >'leaburU>n MothiKliat Sabbath School are making great preparatiuns for their New Year entertaiimimit, It will be one of tin- best viitertauuuonU ever hold by tin in. DEM u. Mr. Deruaha, of the Eugenia Hotel, most emphatically denies that Jack Horn* got any liquor at his hotel mi thu Sunday n which it i* said Hop) us went to his father's and raised thu row referred U> in our last issue. L--44 lir.i. Willimin Sliarji, Mnator. " W. J. Uendemon, D. M. M<>iv. K. S. l>.vj, K. 8. William C HIT, Trwo. Jo.,. A Kl:kley, Cliaplain. Halom, D. uf C. Jaim-a Ituxt, r*ii <5eor,'f Blaklnj, Lo.-turer. Coin. Man. Cattle raising ia more |.n>- titalilc. and there is lean labor. The nv- XV>mts \Vaiichob, Hubert Sitinpell. " " David A. Stmson, Inside Tylor. (iEoltnB MOORE, Sec'y. EL-n<r or Orm-KMt. - At the last regular inert 1113 of Kl,-*li<-rtn Lodge No. 142, A. . r. W.. m their hall, were duly elected officers for 1884 : S. Daniudv, I*. M. W'. M 1"., r. M W. M Itichardaon, Overseer. <J. Pickell, Recorder. i ^ i it \i lornon, ir. n. O. Stewart, Receiver. Sept. Good, Guide. Alf. Melloy. I. W. Win. Wright. O. W. Aft<-r the buainess of the business of the Lodge W. J. ( N V f .haw . lln.l. I,* I* BE A DEAD He AT f- We have good reaaon to buliv that Mr. W. H. Stem- huff, painter, uf Diuulalk, is a dead beat. He has been owing us $1.61) for soiiiu masquerade bills we printed for him nearly two years ago, and although we , 7*%Y~ have written to l,i,n rep.-aU.-dly, Khave'^,.^.^ Rt ft , the nrtirine Muster Workman. Mr. s. Dninude. Mr Daniude has Idled this jiotition very worthily during the |*t will "hi iH-ld in the sch.M.l - vt ' tr There were a iiuinl>cr of stranger*, Fleslu-rtim, on Wednesday, tho llt t)le H""-. who ppeed very much interested in Ih* proceedings. After honoring the usual loyal and patriotic for .aid section", receiving report of Audi- V* 1 "*' * c " tht ' t '" l "l"U>y >>' "Auld 4ora, aud discussion of any other husin.-** l *"i S >"^' *"'' 'l'l"''d-_ that may lie brought Ix-fon- tin meeting. Thr Red ring. The lied Flag is always a sign of danger Snu-iAi Nun. K Tin- annual meet- ing of the raUpayur* of S. S. No. fi. in , .'tithinst, at the hour <rf t.-n oVW-k m., for the purp. ,rf ,-ln-timt n FROM CHATHAM.- In aletU-rtousundiT date of the J'.'tli imt., Mr Will Kn-f..-r says, " I was aii- *'"' *'" * ;irn " lir reader* to nlum it, even * iironi' (<! on 'fit heralds a bankrupt Mock. Often bee. l*t to Agencf here ' This com-cts tm ' IIllwlt> luru *" llrnw tnc c **^ ""' among other things : ('biff Clerk and Was a little mistakt f ours to the effect that th<1 I"fket. of "Urgain" loMiig people, he was ap|.oi*tcd to an ini|.iiant |H- M K. n/n i,t.,,-k w^ InaiL-lit at 7OJ cents ition as (>perat..r. However, its more " n the owlar nntl when all t-X|*nses, impurtant even than we gave credit for, t-^'nther with old utm-k is taken int.i and we wish our old friend cutinu, d ""'eration, there is n.t margin fur selling cheap. The purcliasvrs only re- main for a fw weeks, while money is NARROW EWATB. On Sunday evcnini; suppoad to be plentiful and then leave last, re|K>rt aay, a^young man was court- *>th |>lentv of cash in their ixickt-U and ing his <_ irl in <>no of the aittiug ruoma in no hook debt*. Deal with thiwo who are Munshaw's Mutrl Thw i> not to Iw alwaya with y<>u, and if you iiay "s;i>t wondered at, for the young men will cmh," you will get just as good bargains. court the young Uulie* whether or no. This bankrupt stock business ii a hum- It seems natural. Hut noim-body locked bug, and if you dun't reahze it befure the door f the sitting mom in <|Uestioii, you purchase you will after. Reinemher *nd the vung peojila were prisoner* ! the danger signal to your pockets- the Kothing oauntod, the young man lifted red flag- and deal with eatablmlied up the window aash, and crawled mitxidu : tradt-itnen inatead f tlione who are here kinds. You can wade into HHV stream and pull them out with a crook. 1 1 spike tied to a ]M>le, but take care tlu-y don't knock you off your feet. Sturgeon have been caught in Uie Frazei weiglnnj 15 cwt. There i* very little talk of gold at prea- ent. 1 forgot to mention the Chm.-*e : they are in awarnis all over the country. Victoria is full of thorn, Westminster ha* a goodly share, and Yale, 100 miles fur- ther iij', is alive with them. They work rhea]K.-r thitn white men, yet <mr <--lut. win will do cu DMK-A in>rk at thrrt of th-m. The timber is simply of an enormous size. Firhki,'.- enough to make 10.0CO feet <if lunilier, clwtr of the limbs, are Tlie i'. P. R. will be in operation soinu time in the Spring, from Yule the head f navigation un the Fnuer, to Port Moody, a neck of the sea running inland. This c!mioii will be over HMI n l.-t; they are w irking at it day and night, Sundays t ncepted. I have boiled this down as small a* po*- sible, and have not tuiu- to wnUj more at present There i* reat careleanuuM in thu mails between Canada and bunt, as I Itave lost some letter* which I aent huiae.-- J.M. W. Nov. 20th, 1883. Public K>proba?r*. 7o ike AWiVor of ttir Kvil mimli-il i-r<"tn t'iv>- vent to their <|-lren in anch manner as brings upon its per|K.-tiutr the oontompt it deservedly inorits. It is one of the penalties of our fallen humanity, that the jiut must suf- fer the penalty of other men 's sins. Hocoutly a villainous illustration of this ws brought to tho door ! one of our ipust res|K<utable lii>tuls. A studious re- gard for tho welfare of others led the writer to mtupuM that innovations upon rvs|vctaoility would be nn inipomiihility. However, our rstiinate of a [>ortion of the "humanity" that exists in our locality, iiiidic-eiY.-d us in the moral estimate we made of the moral or immoral sur- rounding*. A few evenings av'o an individual made a dastardly aud violent phyxical auault ii|Min members of the hous.-hold of the i House" in tins town. The well-known rwj>eotal>ility of those w! o were attacked it apparent that the aviault wan the deliberate result of a low, vilUnotM, plot ; and the ci>ntemt>t- able t'xil ni"l for the puqxmo is to-day heartily noity for the degraded position i-vil advice led him into; ><, the tind of one who seeks public favuur, but en- deavours to carry out base-ness, and at the tamo timo bear the semblance of then he reached forth his arms into the to-day and away to-m<>rrow. Being al- whito-waah cordiality, room, and when last seen he was tri- way* in the business a lot of inferior umphariti'y lugging his fair companion gixxla are often imported and mixed with through the o|>en window. Flmherton Mlallon ttrm*. i a staple itock, which are bought under villany ; but when it is kn the impression that they were part of sanio House has been tho what wan known to bu a good ucloutiun i Don't be too eager to get bargains from Brisk "competition on tho grain market, thoae whose trade it ia to make money A new floor wa* put in tho station out of these aaJes. DurAamCVirtmicfc. house waiting room last week. A much needed improvement. Mr. Alex. Hannah has a aplendid lot of horses on tho stage route between here LHtT I ro , Mr. J. ). Wrbslrr. and Durham. Mr. Editor, I have purposely delayed Mrs. Di.upe, who keepa a small atore Writin 8 to )" u '" urder to be in here, hat compromised matters with her from ctu J experience of this country to creditors at saventy-fiv. cent* on the "7 what ""Y vlew re ln re rd * '' ' venty dollar. The flour and griat mills are still idle. Mr. Moorehouse, the late lesaee sojourning in Uncle Sam's domains. will therefore have to place it under cer- lying tain heads, Arst, the Weather; next the ee is people as I have found them, and thi*n the ProducU. Tho months of Juno, July, August and PILIHO WOOD. Our Townahin Council September there was scarcely any rain, are having by-lwsprinted regulating the but this, I am informed was an eic piling of wood. This by-law came into f nve in the year 1875, but has been al- most totally disregarded. The outrage- ous manner in which some ofour farmers pile thoir wood, necessitate* a stringent by-law, ns well as an efficient inspector to nee that it* provisions are complied with. When a man purchases a yard of cloth from a merchant, he wants the full 36 inches or there will lie a row ; and when a man purchaae* a cord of wood, he usually expect* the proper measure but generally "got* left. People no not ob- ject so much to the price aa to the manner La which the wood they buy i* piled. al year, as it i* apt to be showery along the east ranKe, and remember it i to thia r.m _-i- to which I refer. From September to the present time haa been very wet. It has rained about half time. Thunderand lightning i* very rarely hoard here. I have heard thunder ; it seemed very dis- tant. The first snow fell on the 23rd of this month, November; is now about 7 inches deep, but it U expected it will all go. After two or throe days rain thu sun will come out bright and warm and you H. >, in forget that it had rained. The People. They are from all parta .. of th world ; from Australia, California, R>d>ar<lo i Drug Stofe. Were this an individual ease, the trouble might not bo taken to oxpoae the >wn that the originator "f intent which merj.jed u|>n mnrdur, no fir Bead, Consider, and then call on W. A. Brown WATCHMAKER and Jew. filer, MAEKDALE! . A food line of goods now in stock', -- American and A/<v.v.v Watches; Set h fift, Waterbury $ Hamilton Clocks; Ch/WU. Necklets. Rinf*. Violin Strings and Violin*. I hitvexccurrdthf, entire control of W- F. Dolls in- terest, and My Motto is, Fair Dealing, Honest Rep- resentation. Courteous Treatment- FIXE REPAIRING personally attended to and warranted. W. A. BROWN. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts f or oilier Clap-Trnp Induce mcnts offered, bu t *W/ you, Goods as low as f/tei/ can be figured consistent u-it/t, HONEST TRADK. Watch Repairing a specialty- All Work Guaranteed- l^lesherton Meat Market. FLESHERTON. HEPT. UOOO, PaurauTOl Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! B. VANZANT, as pul.lic opinion went to show, then I think Hi r-rfonce for rM|>eotability should be avoided. Evil intent may IK- inferred frnin the f net of a lusty young man of "2 years of age assaulting two aged men, one. 00 and the other 75 years. The increase of population in our com- munity has not been productive of this I Bond which we might n-aaoimMy ex|>ect. j Tlnwo who are expected by tin- rules of law and society are expected to he peace- protectors ; but when we find thine indi- viduals inciting to deeds of violence and bluodshod thro* the influt-ncti of a few glasses of wiikey, we say tho dwellings of such should not receive much /.' r.-n in-c. Yours RATEPAYER. Mark dale, Dec. 14th, IhKl. ALL EIXl* OF Mis ::,: , Snrh as Monuments, Tomb Tablet), Headstone* Counter aud Table Tops in American and Italian klarble and Granite, aud made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleucd Slate, &c., \c. Flesherton, Aug. 90, 1883. Vrry Remarkable Krrovrrv. Mr. Oeo. V. Willinp, of Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wife has boon almost holpleaa for five years, to helpless that she could not turn ever in bod alone. She used two bottle* of Electric HittflrR, and is so much improved, that nhe is able now to do hr own work. 1 ' Klprtrin Hitters will do all that is claimed for them. Hun dredi of testimonials atfe-rt their great power*. Only BO cents a bottle WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION. Itonpeelfully announces that he has receives! a Large Supply of \ew Goods, suitable for the season, all of wbich lu; b**n purchased to the bwit advantage, and will be sold obtwp for Casb <-r Country l'r.> iinv. The uew arritals are Kiteiitive and varitdui Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. AUo a fnll snpply of Hardware, Ururcrtf s Provision*, Crockery, *<?. In- speetinti of thp Stock invited. My Branch Store at EUGENIA kept fully supplied with Goods- I offer FOR SAI.K or TO LET. my HAW MILL at Littlo Falls ; drive, under 36 ft. head nf wstcr ; all in Kotl rdr. with about 400 aoresof Timbvr Land on which the Mill i* situated. There art- also several olar Ci.xxl Mill Sites u tbe pmpsrty.,-ral Trm on either purchase or Irase to a oompeteut mao. VTU. ilCXJO. FlMhtrton Htati-n. lit Nov., 1

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